How to apply maternity capital to pay off a mortgage. Required by banks certificates and documents for registration of a mortgage loan. A complete list of documents for the repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital

Last modified: January 2019

For families in which the second child was born, a real opportunity to register the ownership of housing is a mortgage with the involvement of funds from the capital. Documents for the repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital are collected, depending on the stage of approval and the place of consideration of the application. Since in the process of registration it is necessary to interact with the FIU and the creditor, the list of securities for the bank and the supervisory authority will be different.

If for the bank the basis for the use of maternity capital is the application written by the borrower to reduce the amount of debt by the amount of the budget payment, then the FIU will need an exhaustive list confirming the legality of the transaction and taking into account the interests of the whole family when purchasing mortgage housing.

Features of the use of uterine capital

In 2018, the program to support Russian families with two children continues, and the amount of the payment remains the same - just over 453 thousand rubles. The implementation rules and the conditions for the allocation of funds from the budget are strictly regulated on the basis of the provisions of the Government Decree No. 862, adopted in 2007.

The essence of the program is the possibility of improving living conditions for a family in the form of buying a home or obtaining a mortgage loan, part of which is returned from the budget to the account of the seller or lender. The party receiving the state tranche is determined depending on whether the borrowed capital is used in the purchase, or the property is bought for personal savings.

Since not every family can afford the purchase of expensive housing, many resort to a mortgage, and after the birth of a second or subsequent child, expenses in the amount of mother capital are credited and debited from the credit account in the bank.

The result of using a mortgage can be:

  • complete debt closure;
  • partial early write-off with a reissued payment schedule for the entire subsequent period.

Despite the possibility, with partial early repayment, to reduce the loan term, while maintaining the size of the monthly payment, it is more profitable for banks to reduce the payment, while maintaining the duration of the repayment period and, accordingly, minimizing the overpayment.

There are the following options for using additional funding from the budget, with the direction of the capital to:

  • payment of the first installment;
  • partial repayment with a decrease in the balance of credit debt;
  • full closure of the credit line, if the remaining loan amount does not exceed the amount of the payment.

Taking care of the interests of all families, the state establishes a prerequisite - endowing all household members with shares in the purchased property. Since the mortgage involves the purchase of housing by the borrower, in order to fulfill the condition for the maternity capital, it requires the preliminary drawing up of a notarial obligation - within 6 months after the full payment to the bank and the removal of the security encumbrance, allocate each one for a share in an apartment or house.

When the FIU agrees on the conditions for the forthcoming use of funds, the aforementioned parental obligation is included in the mandatory documents for mortgage housing.

Implementation methods

The legislation does not contain strict restrictions on the conditions for the use of maternity capital for mortgages. When considering a parent's application for repayment of a mortgage, employees of the Pension Fund will proceed from the main criteria when it is possible to repay the mortgage:

  1. Mortgage housing should serve as a measure to improve the living conditions of the whole family.
  2. The loan taken for the purchase of real estate within the Russian Federation is being repaid.
  3. Funds are directed to a credit account in a bank, with a subsequent decrease in the loan amount, or to an account opened specifically for accounting for the borrower's first installment.

In addition to the main debt, the family certificate implies the ability to pay off the accrued interest.

It is important to take into account that not all financial structures of Russia take into account the funds under the state program. You should ask whether the bank accepts funds under the family capital program for offset, i.e. whether the financial structure is a participant in the state program. As a rule, banks with a high share of the state in it support and implement in practice a variety of state projects aimed at solving social problems of the population. Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, etc. are rightfully stable and unchanging partners.

Since the validity period of the family certificate is not established, the right to implement it is exercised at the request of the borrower, at any stage of registration or payment of the mortgage. The only restriction is in the right to use funds for a new mortgage (for a down payment) after the child, whose birth allowed him to receive a certificate, reaches 3 years of age.

Family Certificate Documents

To be eligible for the program, you must obtain a special document called a family certificate. Parents can confirm their authority by submitting a minimum package of papers for the disposal of maternity capital.

The process of issuing a certificate includes collecting and submitting to the territorial department of the PFR (or a subdivision of the MFC):

  • passports of all family members who have reached the age of 14;
  • birth certificates;
  • SNILS;
  • applications on a special form, which can be downloaded to fill out from the official Internet resource, or taken from the department itself.

Successful completion of the verification of documents entails the issuance of a personal certificate, received a month after filing an application to the Pension Fund. The legislation, having frozen the amount of capital for 2018, provides for the possibility of further indexation, however, if the amount changes, there is no need to change the information in the certificate.

The main approval process requires the submission of an extensive list of securities confirming the mortgage transaction and its compliance with the established requirements of the law. The list of documents includes mandatory and additional papers.

The obligatory part of any appeal to the Pension Fund about the maternity capital for a mortgage, what documents are submitted to the state agency - first of all, they find out:

  • family certificate;
  • SNILS of the applied parent;
  • passport;
  • certificate of ownership.

After the transaction and the registration of the mortgage loan, the bank takes a document confirming the current information about the debt. Also, the bank is notified of the planned early repayment. As a rule, when depositing funds outside the established schedule, it is required to write applications with a request to write off part of the debt at the expense of the tranche received from the state, or to completely liquidate the loan.

Documents from the bank will confirm the amount that the borrower must return to the bank at the time of contacting the FIU. Funds are transferred within 10 days from the date of a positive decision on the application.

Before making a payment for repayment, the government agency checks and organizes the transfer activities. In the process of considering the application, the FIU will check the documents for accuracy, determining the applicability of the right to use the capital.

RPF package

At the final stage, the PFR determines the sufficiency of securities - personal, for property, for a mortgage transaction, additional certificates.

A complete list is presented:

  • the applicant's passport;
  • a completed application form with a request for targeted transfer of funds from the budget within the framework of the state program according to the details of the mortgage account (the form can be taken at the branch);
  • original family certificate;
  • bank papers confirming the payment of the mortgage (signed agreement, certificate of the balance amount, annex with a schedule of monthly payments.
  • certificate from the bank for transferring funds (account number, bank, other important details for the tranche from the budget);
  • documents for an apartment, house, executed with encumbrance of ownership (registration certificate and agreement with the seller).
  • a written undertaking drawn up through a notary stating that each family member, after paying off the loan and releasing the housing from the pledge, receives his share in the real estate.

After the documents are handed over, the PFR employees are given a month to check the documents, the compliance of the situation with the legalized options for the use of capital. In the hands of the applicant, there is only a receipt for the transfer of the package of papers, with the fixation of the name and date of the event. Before the expiration of the due date, the fund employees notify about the decision to permit the use of the mother capital to repay the mortgage. In case of refusal in the request for the direction of funds to pay for housing, the state authority reports on the reasons and the need for adjustment.

When the approval of the FIU is received, it is time to visit the bank branch, where the method of using public funds allocated under the state program is determined. Different banks have their own requirements and peculiarities of accounting for public money. The simplest thing is to accept funds for writing off a mortgage loan from Sberbank - just look at the revised schedule online through the Internet bank payment system.

If you do not plan to completely eliminate the debt and close the mortgage, there are two ways to take into account budgetary amounts when writing off the debt:

  1. Reducing the loan term, while maintaining the payment amount. This option is unprofitable for banks, as it leads to a decrease in the remaining interest income. In order to keep a part of it, the bank insists on repayment with revision according to a different scheme.
  2. The most preferred option for the lender is to reduce the monthly burden by reducing the payment. Maintaining the duration of the lending allows the financial institution to maximize the benefits of its own services by maintaining guaranteed interest accrued for the remaining unchanged term.

Reason for refusal

Sometimes the holder of the certificate will be disappointed - an employee of the fund informs about the impossibility of transferring for certain reasons.

As a rule, most of the refusals are related to non-compliance with the conditions for participation in the state program, complaints about the recipient's candidacy or the submitted papers:

  • the application drawn up for the FIU is not in order, contains gross design errors;
  • not all of the obligatory securities have been submitted to the fund for consideration, or they are incorrectly executed or unreliable;
  • identified cases of committing a crime against a minor by the applicant;
  • parents were deprived of their rights in relation to a minor, which became the reason for obtaining a family certificate;
  • in respect of the applicant-guardian, a decision was made to restrict his rights by representatives of the guardianship authorities.

Watch the video answer: why maternity capital can be refused to pay off the mortgage:

Acting in stages, parents can easily collect the necessary papers to receive subsidies from the state. An important component of success is compliance with all the requirements established for the procedure by the state and the collection of the required package of papers. It should not be forgotten that years later, after the last installment is made, it will be necessary to endow everyone with a share in the redeemed property, and any attempt to cheat on the part of citizens is punishable by law. So, for MFO borrowers, repayment of their obligations with the help of maternity capital is impossible, since a loan must be issued only at a bank or credit institution that has the right to work with maternity capital, and only as a target loan.

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Is it possible with maternal capital to pay off a mortgage taken before the birth of a child? Young parents often turn to this issue not only to legal consultations, but also to banks, PF, and other institutions. It is relevant for a reason. Indeed, with the birth of a second and subsequent child, family spending increases significantly and it becomes more difficult to pay a loan for housing. This is especially important for those who have already almost paid off the loan, and the amount of MK would cover the balance of the debt just in time.

In addition, the program to support families with two or more children has been extended until 2020, but even after this period it does not expire, and the funds can be used to educate children, improve living conditions and other areas provided for by law.

How to get an MK in 2019: conditions, documents

Due to some changes that occur during the course of the program, you may receive:

  • a citizen of the Russian Federation who gave birth or adopted a second and subsequent children later than 01.01.2007;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation, who is the only adoptive parent of the second and subsequent children, if the court decision was made later than 01.01.2007;
  • the parent in respect of whom the Certificate was obtained, regardless of what citizenship he has, if the mother stopped raising children (died, deprived of parental rights);
  • a child under 18 years old or a student under 23 years old, if the parents have stopped supporting him or in other cases described by law c.

List of papers for obtaining a Certificate:

  • filled in according to the sample;
  • identity document;
  • papers certifying the birth of children or their adoption;
  • papers confirming the citizenship of children.

How can you pay MK mortgage

Based on numerous changes in the child support program, MC funds can be used until the child turns 3 years old in such areas as:

  • pay the initial fee;
  • pay part of the debt or interest;
  • in order to repay the loan of a military member of the NIS.

Based on the statement of M. Men, perhaps in the near future the parent capital will be able to pay the bank's monthly loan payments. The only thing you need to know is a few nuances of this question:

  1. Monthly loan payments can only be used by working parents, one of whom is on parental leave;
  2. Also, the question of which child is entitled to such a benefit (second or third) has not been resolved.

The procedure for payment of a loan for housing MK

If you, having become the owner of the MK, decided to spend it on repaying the loan, then first you need to go to a financial institution, where you need to write and provide several papers:

  • a document identifying the identity of the applicant;
  • certificate.

If everything is in order with the documents, the bank specialist will issue a decision, where all the information on the loan will be indicated.

After that, you must visit the Pension Fund with all the necessary documents. They will accept all the papers according to the inventory, provide a receipt. The decision on the application is made for about a month. After that, the citizen who submitted the package of papers will be informed about the decision. If it is positive, then the received certificate from the Pension Fund must be immediately taken to the bank, where the amount can be transferred at your discretion to:

  • closing the debt, if there are enough funds;
  • reduction in the amount of monthly payments;
  • reduction of the loan repayment period.

If the amount does not cover the entire debt, then it is important to sign a document where new terms for depositing money will be indicated. If you have fully repaid the loan, then you have the right to demand from the bank a document confirming the absence of debt to the bank.

Legal framework for repayment of a loan MK

Thanks to the changes in 2017 in the family support program on the basis of and, it became possible to use maternity capital to pay off the living. credit. With this it became possible:

  1. When applying for a loan, pay the initial installment by means of the Certificate.
  2. Pay off the existing bank debt, which arose before the birth of the second and subsequent children. You can pay MK both the principal amount and the percentage, but penalties and penalties cannot be repaid with family capital.
  3. Invest in the construction of personal housing, both with the involvement of third-party firms, and on your own. If you choose this option, then the state will first issue 50% of the amount, the rest can be received no earlier than 6 months, subject to confirmation of construction costs.

Features of home loan repayment

When you decide that you want to pay off the mortgage with maternal capital immediately after the birth of the child, then you need to take into account several nuances:

  1. The application for receiving money can be canceled, but this is not possible if the funds have already been transferred to the bank. If there is a likelihood of the sale of mortgage housing, then it is better not to use the MK funds, since the permission of the board of trustees may be required.
  2. The child can use capital funds himself if he is over 23 years old, but if the parents have already lost the right to use the Certificate.
  3. If you have repaid in full the amount on the MK loan, then you can return part of the money with the return of insurance payments.

What do banks think about this method of debt repayment?

Recently, many have been using

In caring for their citizens and increasing the ability of families with children to pay for purchased housing, the state has legally determined the likelihood of such payment using maternity capital.

Repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital- this is a real and legal opportunity for citizens to use the funds allocated by the state for the purchase of finished housing, as well as for its construction, or use them when applying for a home loan - a mortgage.

In this regard, it is important to note that banks on their own did not seek to give citizens the opportunity to use these funds. To remedy the situation, a law was passed obliging credit institutions working with mortgages to take into account "family money" - let's call them that - to pay off debt when paying citizens for mortgage loans, and the procedure for repaying mortgages by the parent capital was determined.

Three options for spending capital

The following three options for the possible use of capital have been developed.

1) Payment of the first installment

As you know, the first installment is considered by banks as an indicator of the borrower's solvency, its reliability. When the family capital had just appeared, banks did not seek to accept it as a down payment for the above reasons. Now they have reconsidered their point of view, but the conditions under which this capital goes like a down payment are subject to a high interest rate and are not beneficial to borrowers.

2) Payment against the body of the loan

The loan amount is always divided into two parts, the interest on the loan and the principal (the body of the loan). If you reduce the amount of the principal debt, then the interest on the loan will be charged for a smaller amount, respectively, the loan itself will become much more profitable. Therefore, repaying the mortgage with the parent capital using this option is the most promising for the borrower, here he really saves.

3) Payment of the interest of the loan

In fact, the scheme is not interesting for the borrower, since he does not save anything. The bank receives its interest through the family capital, and the body of the loan receives from the borrower, for whom the only convenience is that the monthly payment consists of payment on the body of the loan, without interest, that is, the payment will be lower.

Documents required for the repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital

When contacting a bank in order to use family capital to reduce mortgage debt or fully repay a loan, you need to prepare a small package of documents.

1. The main identity document is a Russian passport or a citizen of another country, which, according to the legislation, can be used in this case.
2. A certificate confirming your actual receipt of maternity capital.
3. A typical application for early repayment of a home loan (the form is provided by the bank). It must be filled in if you decide to repay the loan in full.

After checking the documents provided by the bank, it issues a certificate, which should contain information about the remaining amount of the debt itself and bank interest. If you pay the final amount, repaying the loan in full, then directly from the bank you will be able to receive an agreement on the purchase (sale and purchase) of a dwelling and a certificate of ownership for it. After that, you should familiarize yourself with the documents to the Pension Fund (PFR) located in your area (where you live).

Why contact the Pension Fund

You should contact the FIU, because without the consent of this organization, capital cannot be transferred anywhere, the fund is responsible for the legality of your use of these funds. Therefore, the fund must read the documents and approve the withdrawal of funds from your account, aimed at repaying the mortgage with the parent capital.

Documents required by the FIU

To identify yourself and your relationship with the bank represented by the Pension Fund, you again need to prepare a small set of the following documents.

1) The main document confirming your identity, in the event that it is you who have the right to dispose of the family capital. By law, such a person can be not only the mother, but also the father, as well as the guardian.

2) A certificate confirming that you have received family capital. If it is lost, it is possible to restore it (issue a duplicate), this is done when contacting the Pension Fund directly.

3) Documents proving that you have a mortgage loan.

a) Firstly, it is a loan agreement with a bank.
b) Secondly, a bank certificate on the amount of the debt.

4) Documents confirming your right to own the purchased living space. These include two documents:

a) The first is a purchase and sale agreement,
b) The second is a certificate of ownership.

5) Application of the established form (issued to the FIU), which indicates your decision to transfer funds to the bank in order to repay the mortgage with the parent capital.

6) Confirmation by you, as a borrower, of the obligation to transfer the apartment to common ownership immediately after repayment of the loan, that is, to divide the property into all members of your family. The document must be certified by a notary.

7) If you are acting on your own behalf and have the above rights, then this list of documents is exhausted. Otherwise, any additional documents from the following list may be required.

a) If you act through a principal, then a notarized power of attorney is required.
b) If the actions are carried out from the adoptive parent or guardian, it is necessary to have a court decision indicating the transfer to the applicant of the right to repay the mortgage with the maternity capital (if there was a deprivation of one of the parents of the rights to the child), a death certificate (if the person who has the initial right to disposal of capital, died).
c) Documents certifying the right of guardianship and adoption.

Your next steps

After collecting and submitting the entire set of papers to the PF, the procedure for repaying the mortgage by the parent capital in terms of "paper" preparation can be considered completed, if you managed to go through this stage quickly, then be patient, because now the speed of the case does not depend on you.

When accepting documents, a list of them is drawn up and entered in the receipt, which is handed over to you. In the Pension Fund, the application should be considered for no more than a month, counting from the date of issue of the receipt. After consideration of the issue, a decision is sent to the applicant in writing, whatever its nature - with approval or refusal.

If you are already in the mood that the repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital is a settled matter, but nevertheless there was a refusal, do not despair and think about the reasons and if you do not agree with them, appeal them. At this stage, the complaint can be considered by two instances, the first - a higher authority in the Pension Fund itself, the second - the court. If a complaint is filed with the Pension Fund, it must be considered within a month (30 days by law), after which the decision will again be sent to the applicant's address, that is, to you. No matter how events unfold, remember that you always have the opportunity to go to court.

Repayment of a mortgage by maternity capital is quickly obtained only on paper, so be careful about everything you do about this and in connection with it. Write down everything that needs to be done and note what has already been done. Fill out the paperwork correctly, they are all equally important for obtaining family capital.

If you are refused

A positive decision may be refused for the following reasons:

If the applicant has not provided all the documents
Inaccurate information in documents
The statement is written incorrectly or with errors
Deprivation of an Eligible Applicant of Parental Rights in the Decision-Making Process
Committing of a crime against a child by the eligible applicant
When the guardianship authorities impose restrictions on the actions of the guardian, after the removal of which, the right is restored.

If the application is approved

After receiving a notification from the Pension Fund that your request for repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital has been approved, you should immediately notify your bank about this. For the acceptance of such notifications, banks set a special period, usually it is 30 days, so you should not be late with the notification in order to avoid unwanted disagreements, taking into account the bank of your family money.

It will take two months from the moment your application is approved until the money is credited to the bank account. After their receipt, the bank will offer you to reconsider further cooperation. He may suggest:

1. Reduce the monthly installment before the expiration of the entire remaining loan term.
2. Reduce the total loan term. Remember that in this case you will only finish paying earlier, but the amount of each monthly payment will remain the same.

In each of the options, the payment schedule will have to change.

If the amount received will be enough to repay the mortgage with the parent capital, the bank must close the loan, and you need to ask him for a certificate that the borrower has no debts to the bank and confirms that the bank has no financial claims against you.

You should know!

The certificate for obtaining family capital (maternity) is not limited by the validity period - it is unlimited. Therefore, you can repay the mortgage with the parent capital at any time. Moreover, if the circumstances have developed in such a way that the person who received the certificate for any legal reason cannot use it (deprivation of the rights to the child, death), another person can dispose of the funds:

Father (if before that the mother had rights and vice versa),
- adoptive parent,
- guardian,
- and even the child himself after reaching the age of 23.

The family capital can only be used as the first installment three years after the birth of the child and only if nothing has been spent from the capital account before the expiration of this period. In other cases, you can start using the funds at any time from the moment you receive such a right.

Your family capital can be spent only in the three options indicated at the beginning of the article, neither fines, nor interest on a loan have anything to do with it.

Such is the procedure for repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital... In conclusion, we recall that with the timely payment of all debt mortgage payments, you will be entitled to a tax deduction equal to 13% of the total amount, that is, you can get these funds back.

Quite often, among Russian citizens there is the question of how to pay off the mortgage with the parent capital, after all, the state provided an excellent opportunity to direct him to the purchase of residential real estate in the property. Today, more and more Russian families want to take advantage of this privilege.

In this article, we will consider issues related to the intricacies of the procedure for depositing maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan.

What is maternity capital and how can it be disposed of

First, let's understand the concept of maternity capital. The essence of this concept is expressed in two components:

  • As a way of state support for families with two or more children
  • Maternity capital as a way to improve the demographic situation in Russia

Given that the state program sets itself the task of strengthening and improving the quality of life of families, the possible ways of using the amount of money allocated by the state are limited.

The use of maternity capital is possible in the following ways:

  1. own housing
  2. Transfer the amount to the Pension Fund in order to increase the mother's pension in the future
  3. Pay for educational services for any child in the family
  4. Pay for services or purchase means for rehabilitation and adaptation in the everyday life of disabled children

As you can imagine, the first method is most in demand. Thus, you can legally use maternity capital funds to acquire your own home in two ways:

  • By direct purchase of real estate
  • By applying for a mortgage loan

If you opted for the second option, then the monetary amount of maternity capital can be used to pay for an already issued home loan (mortgage), or used as the amount of the down payment when concluding a transaction. You should know that you do not need to wait for the child to reach the age of 3, since you have the right to use the maternity capital funds without any problems immediately after it is received.

We draw your attention to the fact that at the legislative level it has been established that family capital can only be used for non-cash payments - it is impossible to get cash in your hands. The state made such a decision to control the targeted use of the allocated amount of money. Therefore, if you have planned to use maternity capital when purchasing or building your own real estate, you need to contact the Pension Fund of Russia and write a corresponding statement.

Despite the strict rules established by law, there are exceptions to this. For example, if a family decided to build a house for housing according to their own design, then half of the maternity capital can be received into a current account opened with a bank even before construction begins. To receive the second part of the family capital, you should apply to the Pension Fund (this is possible not earlier than the next six months from the moment the first part of the maternity capital is transferred) with a package of documents and an application. Documents must confirm the cost of the work performed. For example, these can be acts of work performed (erection of walls of a building, pouring a foundation, roofing, etc.) contracts with contractors.

How to issue a certificate for the right to receive a mother capital

If you decided to use the maternity capital funds to repay the mortgage loan or at your discretion, you will need to have a certificate on hand. In order to become the owner of the coveted paper, you need to visit the Pension Fund of Russia, and this can be done at any time after the corresponding right has come. That is, you have a child or you adopted him. What do you need to carry with you?

You will need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen. There must be a mark on the registration of a citizen.
  2. Child's birth certificate. If you are a citizen of a foreign country, then instead of a baby's birth certificate, you can submit another document. For example, it can be a certificate that confirms that the child is a Russian citizen.

Other documents - their list depends on the specifics of a particular situation:

  • The decision to adopt a baby
  • If your interests are realized through a representative, then you will need to have a power of attorney
  • If the mother has died, a death certificate must be brought
  • The court's decision that the mother was declared deceased
  • Court decision to deprive the mother of parental rights

In addition, you will need to write an application for a certificate of maternity capital. After that, be patient and wait - within a month your application will be considered, and the Pension Fund will decide on the provision of a certificate or refusal to issue family capital.

What to do in case of loss or damage of the certificate

Anything can happen in life, and the certificate has been lost, destroyed or damaged. How to be in this case? You should visit the Pension Fund again, which will give you a duplicate. If the data of the owner of the certificate (name, passport data) have been changed, the applicant will also need to contact the Pension Fund.

It is important to know that the certificate has no expiration date. It can be used throughout life by a mother or adoptive parent. If an accident happens and the owner of the certificate dies, then the second spouse, a child until he reaches the age of 23, or an adoptive parent has the right to use the capital.

How to pay a mortgage loan with a parent capital

If you already have the long-awaited certificate in your hands, you, as already mentioned above, you get the legal right to use maternity capital to pay off your mortgage or making a down payment. So that during the procedure you do not have to face unforeseen situations, we suggest using the step-by-step instructions below:

1. The initial stage is contacting the financial institution that issued you a mortgage or home loan in order to obtain a certificate of the amount of interest on the loan and the balance of the principal amount. In addition, you may be issued with a contract of purchase and sale of an apartment or a certificate of ownership (title documents), which you bought on bail. In most cases, financial institutions do not make life difficult for borrowers when obtaining such documents, but one cannot be 100% sure that difficulties will not arise.

2. Visiting the Pension Fund in order to write an application for the transfer of family (maternity) capital in payment of a mortgage loan. An employee of the Pension Fund will give you the form and you will not need to pay for it. You need to have the necessary package of documents with you:

  • Certificate for obtaining maternity capital;
  • Passport of a Russian citizen. If you are a citizen of a foreign state and you are granted the right to receive maternity capital, then you need to bring a passport of a foreign citizen and documents confirming the place of residence;
  • Documents that confirm the right to a residential property - a certificate of ownership of real estate that was purchased using borrowed funds from a financial institution. In addition, you will need a personal account number and an extract from the house book;
  • A statement by the citizen who applied that after the full repayment of the value of the real estate acquired for housing, he undertakes to register it with all family members (children, spouse) into common shared ownership. This paper must be certified by a notary;
  • If there is also a co-borrower under a loan (mortgage agreement) (for example, he may be a second spouse), then you will need the following papers:

a) copies of his documents confirming citizenship
b) identity documents (passport)
c) paper defining the place of residence
d) document confirming relationship - marriage certificate

  • Documents proving that the borrower has debt obligations - this is a mortgage agreement. You will need paper, where the amount of the debt is indicated - for this you need to take a certificate from the bank.

When the borrower collects all the necessary package of documents and hands it over to the registrar, it is necessary to receive a receipt from him confirming the fact that the papers have been received. The receipt must indicate the date of their submission. The appeal is allocated 1 month for consideration, so during this period you should receive a positive or negative (in case of refusal) response. For more than this period, officials are not entitled to consider the application.

3. When the officials of the Pension Fund make a decision, you will receive an appropriate notification - it will contain an answer whether they will be transferred. If you received a positive decision, then the matter remains small - go to the bank. It is necessary to focus on such an important point: from the Pension Fund, the funds on the loan will be transferred to the bank account only after 2 months.

4. In a situation where the monetary amount of maternity capital fully repays the payment that remains, you need to visit your credit institution to get a certificate of payment of the debt and the absence of any claims against you. In case of partial closure of the debt, you are given the right to:

  • To reduce the term of a home loan, provided that the original amount of contributions is preserved;
  • Or to recalculate the monthly payment.

To understand how you will settle accounts with a financial institution in the future, you need to visit the lender and write a corresponding statement. Either way, you should get a new payment schedule.

If the bank refuses to repay the mortgage with the mother capital

In the event that the bank gives you a negative answer in accepting maternity capital funds for a mortgage loan, you can safely defend your legal rights. Today, at the legislative level, the state obliges absolutely all banking structures, without exception, to accept maternity capital as payment for a mortgage loan. This applies to all banks that operate in Russia. The only difference is in what part of the debt the borrower can repay. This question will be determined by the bank.

A number of banks enable their consumers to use maternity capital funds as a down payment. Some consumers decide to reduce the amount of the principal debt at the expense of maternity capital. This is the most profitable option, since interest on the loan will already be charged on the remaining, that is, the reduced amount of debt, which will significantly reduce the overpayment. There is another option,
There is one important point - you do not have the right to use family capital funds to pay off penalties, fines or other financial sanctions on a mortgage loan.

Government subsidies and assistance to large families

Many families, in addition to the maternity capital allocated at the federal level, can qualify for other subsidies. For example, most Russian regions at the local level approve their payments for large families with more than two children. The sum of money is allocated, as a rule, after the birth of the third child. At the same time, the family has a wider range of opportunities where they can spend these funds. For example, a mother has the right to receive payments of a fixed amount in her hands every month, that is, in cash. Also, the family has the right to buy a vehicle for ownership.

It should be noted that sometimes the programs for improving the demographic situation at the regional level surpass the federal ones in their generosity. You can become the proud owner of an amount from 100,000 rubles to 500,000! A number of Russian regions have developed special programs that guarantee the full repayment of the loan if 3 children are born in the family.

Therefore, before visiting the Pension Fund, take an interest and collect information about the programs to increase the birth rate that exist in your area. This must be done in order to "kill two birds with one stone" in one fell swoop, that is, do 2 things at once and arrange all the cash payments and benefits due to you. In this state of affairs, you will significantly reduce the time it takes to resolve your housing issue. The Pension Fund website contains a huge amount of information on this issue. In addition, you should visit the websites of the regional authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The regulatory act on state support for families (this is not a literal name) with children establishes the right to acquire (that is, receive) maternal (or, as it is even less often called family) capital for those families in which later the mark in 01.01. a second child appeared (that is, for example, was born or was also possibly adopted). The kid can be the third and the next, but on condition that the second child we mentioned is entitled to receive state funds. support has not been previously issued.

Maternity capital is provided, which is important to remember, not for a specific child, but for his parents, the family as a whole. Accordingly, it is possible to spend budgetary funds taking into account the interests of all family members.

A family is only eligible to receive financial support from the family program once. As a gratuitous aid from the state to the family, it is exempt from the well-known income tax (or simply personal income tax) of individuals.

What is very correct, maternity capital is indexed by the state annually, and the change in size does not entail any replacement of the certificate.

An application from the rightholders to spend the funds received can be submitted, which is very convenient, at any time, but subject to the expiration of three years from the date of birth (or adoption, for example) due to which, in fact, the family had the right to receive financial resources.

However, it is possible for a family to use maternal capital funds much earlier and not wait 3 years. This, however, is only possible if the funds are spent to improve living conditions.

  1. for the purchase of housing, and, possibly, its construction;
  2. to pay off the so-called principal debt on previously issued loans or to pay interest on them (including mortgage loans),
  3. to pay the down payment (which for the most part is always required) for mortgage lending.

Mortgage credit lending

Currently, a significant number of citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to use such a service of financial institutions (banks) as mortgage, that is, collateral, lending. A mortgage loan is a targeted long-term loan for the purchase of real estate, which itself becomes collateral for a loan issued by a bank.

The mortgage lending agreement provides, first of all, the following basic provisions: the amount of the loan, the amount of the initial payment, the maturity of the loan, the amount of the monthly payment made to repay this loan, the interest rate of the bank.

Repayment of the mortgage by the parent capital

Repayment of the mortgage with the help of maternity capital is the best option for investing money for the whole family. The conditions that must be observed in this case are quite acceptable:

  • Acquired using mat. home ownership capital should improve the existing living conditions of the family.
  • The housing to be acquired must be located on the territory, which is quite logical) of the Russian Federation.
  • Wednesday mat. k-tal can be used to repay a mortgage loan:
  1. repayment of the principal debt on previously issued mortgage loans;
  2. payment of the down payment of a mortgage loan;
  3. payment of interest to the bank on the mortgage loan.

It should be noted that not all financial and credit institutions (banks) accept maternity capital funds to repay the mortgage. The largest and most popular banks in the country (Sberbank of Russia, VTB24, Gazprombank) have created all the conditions for repaying mortgage debt by means of mat. (family) cap-tal.

The borrower can get a mortgage loan without paying their own funds (to fully cover the average state program, the initial payment) or contribute part of their own funds (in addition to the family capital), depending on the cost and quality of the housing being purchased or under construction. In the second case, the bank increases the amount of the mortgage loan to the borrower by the amount of the capital mat.

The borrower can send funds to mat. capital to pay the debt owed to a credit institution on a mortgage loan already taken out earlier. In this case, with partial early repayment of the loan, there are only two options for recalculating (redefining) the schedule of subsequent monthly payments:

  1. keeping the loan repayment term, but decreasing the monthly repayment amount;
  2. with the preservation of the size (value) of the monthly payment, but with a decrease in the loan repayment period.

The procedure (procedure) for repayment of the mortgage with the help of maternity capital

So, actually:

  • Stage 1. It is necessary to inform the lender (bank) of the intention to repay the mortgage loan with state benefits. In turn, the bank issues a certificate on the balance of the main debt on a mortgage loan and on the interest on it, as well as documents establishing the rights to the acquired real estate object that is pledged.
  • Stage 2. Submission of an application in the prescribed form to the Pension Fund (the application form is issued at the time of application). A complete list of documents that must be submitted in order to use the funds of the family state program is published on the website of the Pension Fund of each region.

The main package of documents:

  • passport;
  • original certificate for mat. capital;
  • credit (mortgage) agreement;
  • insurance certificate of OPS (that is, compulsory pension insurance);
  • bank statement on the amount of debt on the loan;
  • certificate of registration of ownership of (most importantly!) dwelling, acquired (bought) using borrowed funds;
  • a written, and also notarized, obligation of the person, in whose direct ownership the dwelling was acquired, to register it in the aggregate - common property (which is important) of all family members (that is, both parents and children).

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If one of the parties to the loan agreement is the spouse, then it is also necessary to present the spouse's passport, and in addition, a copy of the marriage certificate.

  • Stage 3. Employees of the Pension Fund check and then accept the documents, while the holder of the certificate (participant of the state program) is issued a so-called receipt-notification of the accepted application and documents. The term for consideration of an application in the Pension Fund is one month from the date of its submission. In case of a positive decision, the Pension Fund will transfer the due amount of funds to the credit account of the required applicant within two months.
  • Stage 4. The borrower of funds submits an application to the bank (credit organization) for partial or, even better, full early repayment of the mortgage loan taken by the state program. In case of partial repayment, the bank provides the client with a new payment schedule to repay the remaining loan amount.

Is it possible? Blitz Answers

  • Is it possible to use financial means mat. capital to pay off, in fact, a mortgage, taken before the birth of the second child? Yes, you can. It is allowed to use public funds to repay a loan, obligations for which arose earlier - that is, before obtaining the right to mat. drip-tal. At the same time, housing purchased using the capital must be documented in the common (it is important to note) property of parents and their children.
  • Is it possible to direct the financial resources of maternity capital to pay off debt on several loans? The number of loans in favor of which it is possible to determine the funds from the certificate is not limited by law. However, the main condition must be observed - the purpose of all loans must be (necessarily!) The improvement (quality improvement) of the living conditions (we emphasize this again) of the family.
  • Is it possible to send money from maternity capital to pay off fines for overdue mortgage debt? No. Matkapital funds cannot be used to pay off penalties, fines, fees and commissions on mortgage debt with expired payments.
  • Is it possible to obtain a mortgage loan using the monetary resources of maternity capital for the child's father? Mortgage loan with the use of mat. kap-la can be, which is quite logical, issued both to the mother, and equally to the father of the child, if the spouses are married.
  • Can I get the maternity capital benefit in cash? No. These funds are not transferred (and this is correct in my opinion) in the form of cash.