How to make lips plump at home? Tattoo as a visual increase

Chubby and sensual lips look attractive, sexy, are an excellent face decoration. But not all the nature of them bestowed. Many girls solve this problem surgically or injections. These procedures allow you to immediately see the result, but have a lot of flaws. Among them leads high cost and risks to get not what I wanted initially. Make plump lips can be done independently, it is not necessary to take radical measures.


Massage for lip.

One of the easiest ways to make lips is bulk. In case of mass production, blood flow is enhanced. If the procedure is regularly regularly, the volume will increase slightly. This massage is recommended before applying lipstick, cosmetic balm or gloss. Before the procedure you need to clean the surface, if necessary, use a special means for removing makeup, wash your hands thoroughly.

Main types of massage:

  1. Ordinary fingers. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Pure fingers are covered with lips over the entire surface. Then there are light plugs. Complete massage stroking.
  2. With a toothbrush. It is necessary to use the most soft bristle so as not to injure delicate skin. Mock the brush in olive or peach oil, massage lips, flush with a napkin.
  3. Ice cubes. You can use billets from ordinary water or frozen herbs, juices. The cube needs to be led along the surface until it feels completely. Such a massage is convenient to carry out over the sink.
  4. Contrast massage. Pour hot and cold water in different bowls, add the soda pinch, stir. For massage, you can use a toothbrush, sponge or sponge. Alternately wet the object in cold and hot water, massage from 15-30 seconds.

Lip cosmetics

Cosmetics manufacturers know how to make chubby lips. Special funds are produced that are aimed at enhancing blood circulation. As a result, the vessels are expanding, the volume increases.

What can I buy in stores and pharmacies:

  • lipstick and gloss;
  • gels;
  • caring balms;
  • special creams;
  • scrubs and peelings.

Cosmetics contain irritants or warming substances. In small quantities, they are not dangerous, help make lips with bulk, plump, provided that they do not use them too often, as the skin of the lips can suffer. Peeling, small cracks will appear on the surface, it is ugly, and sometimes hurt. It is important to use similar products according to the instructions.

Vanutuz for lip.

The unusual name of the uncomplicated device. It is a cap, which sues, pulls out and increases the volume. Also, it is called a lip simulator. It is simple in use and really helps. If you adapt, pick up the suction time, you can achieve stunning, but temporary results. On average, the volume holds about a day, which is also not bad.

By cons of this device can be attributed possible errors. If you attach a cap crooked or incorrectly, then the uneven result will be. Moreover, there may be not only lips, but also the plots of one of them. With prolonged retracts, bruises, cracks and other problems are possible, to get rid of which in one day will not work.

Households for chubby lips

Masks and homemade scrubs are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics. They are easy to do at home, change lips, increase volume and seductivity. But it is worth noting that the effect is short-term. Well, if the increase is noticeable 7-10 hours, sometimes less. As a scrub, use fine sea salt or sugared honey. A small amount is applied to the moistened surface, several minutes is massaged. Masks are a bit more complicated, as they contain several ingredients and require compliance with proportions.

Important! If an allergy is allergic to some product, then it is impossible to use the mask. It is forbidden to apply a burning and irritant to damaged, cracked lips. The consequences may be deplorable.

Mask for chubby lips

Chile Pepper - 10 g
Glycerin - 15 g
Olive oil - 10 g
Lanolin - 10 g
Honey - 20 g

Honey heat up to a liquid state, combine with ground pepper and other ingredients on the list. To lose the mixture until homogeneous, apply on the lips, leave for 15 minutes. Remove cotton disk. After the mask, lubricate your lips with olive or coke oven oil. The mixture is well stored in the refrigerator month.

Mustard Mask for Puffle Lip

Mustard powder - 10 g
Vaseline - 10 g
Oil (any) - 5 ml
Honey - 15 g
Lemon juice - 5 ml

Honey join with lemon juice and honey, dissolve, add mustard and vaseline to them. Throw the ingredients of the mask, apply on the lips. Keep 15-20 minutes.

Mentholic mask for chubby lips

Mint fresh - 20 g
Coffee soluble - 5 g
Cosmetic oil - 15 g

Mint washed, dry leaflets, folded into a blender and grind to the taper, combine with soluble coffee and butter, stir up to homogeneity, insist for 15 minutes. Grease lips, withstand 20 minutes, remove.

Makeup secrets for chubby lips

Visually to increase, give the seductive volume and make the lips with plumps using cosmetics. You only need to master some tricks of makeup. But in no case cannot be outlined lips more than they are, or use contrasting bright colors.

Tricks Increased lips:

  1. Outline with a pencil lips, retreating from the circuit of 2 mm. This will increase the painted surface, but it will not look like vulgar.
  2. Sharp the strip between the contour and lips.
  3. Brown pencil make a few vertical stripes on the bottom lip, slightly growing.
  4. Apply a lipstick of a light shade. Dark color visually makes lips less and thinner. You can use matte lipsticks.
  5. The central part of the lower lip is covered with a glitter, a sufficiently small strip, 3 mm width. She will give the volume.

The outline is always the outline, even before applying an ordinary transparent shine, but the pencil needs to choose a neutral and almost imperceptible, that is, nude. It will help you adjust the form, increase the volume, will not allow the brilliance to spread.

Video: how to increase lips

Special exercises

You can increase the volume of lips using special gymnastics. It is quite simple, consists of several exercises that need to be repeated in the morning and in the evening. A pleasant side effect will be the face rejuvenation and smoothing of small wrinkles, including the Mimic.

What exercises help:

  1. Fish. To achieve a visible result, you need to do about 5-7 minutes. Lips stretch forward, alternately compress and squeeze.
  2. Waves. Lips squeeze with effort, move into one and in the second side, but the mouth is not disclosed. Repeat 15 times.
  3. Candle. Score full light air, slowly blow through the mouth with a tube.
  4. Smile. As much as possible to stretch the closed mouth with a smile, delay for 30 seconds, return to its original position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  5. Whistling. Collapse lips with a tube. While whistled with a maximum voltage of 15 seconds. Suppose a break for 15 seconds. Repeat 10 times.


The skin on the lips is very gentle. She is prone to peeling, irritation, it is easy to damage. Allergic reaction may appear on home and purchased tools. When using aggressive methods, you need to act extremely gently. Light tingling, burning, which enhances blood circulation, but in no case is pain.

If the sensations are unpleasant, you do not need to endure, you should immediately stop the procedure. Seductive and sensual lips are only those that are healthy. Boyts, cracks, tumors will never decorate the face. Remove the means from lips to any oil. When an allergic reaction appears, an anti-allergic drug should be bought, the cream with panthenol should be laid locally.

Every modern girl wants to look stylish, fashionable and naturally. Much recently one of the attributes of beauty became chubby lips. Puffy lips can be achieved with plastic surgery, but it is not always worth using such radical measures. After all, there are ways to achieve such an effect and at home without surgery. Here are some simple ways to help you become even more beautiful.

"Cheerful gymnastics"

Lips, like any part of our body, must be maintained in a tone. To do this, it is enough several times a day to make gymnastics, it is plus that you do not spend time on her, because it can be performed simultaneously with other affairs.

  • 1 UPR. The most famous and efficient exercise is "y". To fulfill it, it is enough just to pull the lips into the tube with the pronouncement of the sound "y" to the limit. Log in to fix and repeat several times. Plus this exercise is that it is at the same time in addition to the lips trains the muscles of the neck.
  • 2 UPR. This exercise is as easily in its performance, as the first and gives no less effect. It is necessary to stretch vowel sounds. This can be done like silently and with singing, reading. This is especially an exercise, suitable for young mothers, because it can be done, reading a fairy tale, or when we sing a lullaby.


The main secret in the natural increase in lips is the tide of blood to the lips, due to this they become chubs and saturated with color. Therefore, it is useful in achieving the goal of beautiful, chubby lips is the "contrasting shower". To do this, you need to take a shallow dish, pour cold water into it and folding the lips with a tube stretch forward, omit into the container. Next, in the execution of this procedure there are two methods:

  1. take the second container with warm water, alternately lowering the face to make lips in the cold then in warm water.
  2. this method is less efficient, but faster, lowering the lips into a water container with an interval of 10 seconds, since the room temperature averages 25ยบ C, the contrast from cold water will be achieved.

"Ice Cube"

In the morning we try as soon as possible to put ourselves in order, saving every minute. Even with a small amount of time, you can make lips more expressive and volumetric. To do this, it is enough to wipe them with a piece of ice. When cooking ice, you can add green tea or chamomile infusion, it will calm the skin and contributes to the preservation of the youth of the lips. For a stronger effect, you can add a drop of mint oil.

"The best way"

One of the most effective and convenient methods for creating chubby lips is a massage. It gives lips not only volume, but also pronounced, rich color. For massage it is better to use a toothbrush of medium hardness, in order to not damage the delicate skin of the lips. Before the start of the massage, the brush must be moistened with warm water. Wet brushes perform circular, smooth movements. Such a massage is better to spend before going out of the house, after it is enough to apply shine and your lips look more and naturally.

"Clear cosmetics"

The volume of lips can also be given and visually with cosmetics. For lipstick lipsticks, a way to use a contour pencil is suitable. When applying a tonal cream, apply a small amount of its lips - we grow up, then the contour pencil, it is desirable that it would be one or a close color with a lipstick, outline the contour, then apply lipstick and grow in a pencil toward lips.

For those who do not like to use a lip pencil, this method can be modified, take a cotton wand and tap lipstick with one tip, the tip of the lip contour is like a pencil, then apply lipstick, as in the previous method. The advantage of this method is the complete coincidence of the contour color with lipstick color.

One of the most effective cosmetics makes lips more plump is shine. For the greatest effect, it is better to use glitters with the addition of menthol.
The effect of the volume also gives hygienic lipstick, if you choose its more fat consistency.

"At work and on the road"

If you are at work, in the train or a different place outside the house, you will help small tricks for which there are no branded materials. Enough for a few minutes, slightly pinch the lips. Also for an effective way is slightly "to fink" lips with small intervals. These methods will provide a tide of blood to her lips.

It is important to remember that your lips will not look seductively, if you do not give them proper care. It is enough occasionally to make lip masks. When you eat yogurt, sour cream, honey apply their small amount on the lips and leave for a couple of minutes to remove the mask enough to lick the lips. It is important that all these methods are harmless and natural.

Performing at least a few of these tricks, your lips will become more voluminous and will acquire a natural and rich color.

Full, gentle and sexy lips are caught male looks with their sensuality. They make a smile charming and talk about the youth, good nature and optimism of their owner. Thin lips, although they give the feminine elegance and refinement, but they like little. Often they produce the impression of arrogance and evil in the same way. Therefore, most women want to achieve a sensual smile and give volume. How to make lips more without injections and cardinal solutions? What methods and means exist to impart the effect of "pillion" lips? We will tell about this below. We will give practical advice to cute ladies about how to make lips more with the help of makeup.

Axiom of shades and colors

When choosing clothes, stylists advise to pay attention to the dark tones, if we want to look slimmer and hide disadvantages, and bright, if, on the contrary, we wish to emphasize and allocate the volume. The same rule acts when applying makeup. Dark lipstick or shadow visually reduce the region or lips. And light shades increase, give the volume and emphasize expressiveness.

Therefore, when applying makeup, it should be remembered that the lipstick of beige, coral, peach, light-pink tones visually giving lips volume. But the palette of red, burgundy, carrot and raspberry colors is desirable to avoid.

Selection of proper lip makeup text

When applying makeup, not only the colors used and the shades of lipstick have, but also their texture. Like this? With a successful choice of lipstick, you can also make lips more and sensual. It is advisable to stop the choice on pearl, cream and satin versions. The light, reflecting on the surface of the lips, makes them more voluminous, while the matte texture of visually reduces them. A remarkable addition will be a special shine applied to the middle of the lower lip and mysteriously flickering at the light.

The value of the right lip shape

Professional make-up artists advise when using makeup as a "weapon" in the form of a seductive smile to learn to choose the right form of drawing lips. It was this moment that with a skillful applied makeup is able to give a stunning result. Mostly, the makeup artists use five basic options.

  • "Bud". This form is ideal for the owners of thin and elongated lips. It is very simple to create it - it is enough to draw the contour by 2 or 3 millimeters on the natural one. The bright representative used this technique is the inimitable diet background TIZ.
  • "Petal". This form is the most advantageous among other options. It helps to achieve the most noticeable result. To achieve the option "Petal" you need to make the lower lip of the oval form. Smoothly draw the amplitude of the contour pencil. And the upper sponge should be slightly smaller. And do not forget the corners of the mouth - they should be slightly lifted.
  • "Pie". This option is characterized by identical forms of both the upper and lower lips. Line smooth and convex. To present such a form, it is enough to look at the seductive lips Bridget Bardo.
  • "Letter M". The contour of the upper lip should be maximally pointed and highlighted in the "Cupid Luka". It resembles the letter "M".
  • "Fish". To achieve such a form, the lower lip is drawn smoothly, as in the "Pie" version, and the upper highlights of clear and smooth lines. Everything is simple. Such seductive sponges were remembered by all inimitable beauty and coquette Marilyn Monroe.

With self-adjustment, it should be remembered that the applied circuit should not go beyond the natural more than 2 mm. Otherwise, instead of a charming and sensual smile, you can get an unnatural and vulgar mask.

Special means to increase lips

If for any reason there is no desire or the ability to create a multilayer make-up, then you can make lips more with a special varnish. This innovation appeared on sale not so long ago and has already managed to gain wide popularity among fashionable simplicity of use. The special and luxurious properties of this cosmetic agent are a rich color and a 3D effect. The lacquer includes minerals and special oils, smoothing wrinkles on lips, making the surface perfectly smooth and providing an additional volume.

Another innovative means of giving the changes in some volume is the plasher - a special lip gloss. It consists of such well-known and warming substances such as Caensky pepper, menthol, hyaluronic acid and collagen. The wonderful properties of the places are based on the heating of the skin of the lips in incoming special additives and blood flow. It makes the mouthpill. But the effect of this cosmetics lasts a maximum of 4 hours. After time expires, the shine must be applied to the lips as needed. Yes, and it is not suiced.

Use of primary cosmetics

How to make lips visually more with lipstick and gloss, we considered higher. It is possible to achieve the desired volume not only with the help of lipstick, but also using other products that will always be on hand at every charming. If nature did not give you such luxurious mouths, like Angelina Jolie, it is possible to use conventional cosmetics, the skillful use of which can give a stunning result.

Next will be given practical advice. How to make lips more with the help of integrated use of a tonal cream, powder, pearl shadows and a highlyera, contour pencils, lipstick and gloss? For applying makeup you will need small soft tassels and a mirror.

How to make lips more at home?

Makeup Algorithm on Lips:

1. We apply on face a tonal cream or foundation. They also inside and the lip area.

2. When drinking a person, it is necessary to apply a very thin layer of powder on the mouth.

3. Lip contour to circle a highlight. It is necessary to grow very carefully. We disguise the natural contour.

4. The border of the lips are delineated by light eyelid, experimenting and selecting the most winning shape that is suitable for you. Do not draw too wide mouth. Rough and inept modeling will give the opposite effect.

5. I compare the entire surface of the lips with a pencil of the selected light shade.

6. Then with a pencil of a darker shade, we draw out the contour, starting with the corners of the mouth and ending in the center.

7. Cray to the mouth of the chosen lipstick and take some silent tassel over the entire surface.

8. In the middle of the lower lip, we apply a little shine. After some time, the mouth should be silent so that the shine is evenly distributed.

This method of applying makeup is based on optical effects and the game of light and shadow.

Trick with brown pencil

You can achieve the effect of sensual mouth and make lips more pencil light brown shade. To do this, you need to hold a line just above the natural circuit. And be sure to shine into the center of the lower lip. Such a small secret will also be able to give the volume of sponges.

How to make lips more with the help of folk remedies?

In addition to traditional makeup methods, you can resort to folk remedies for giving lips. They used our grandmothers yet.

1. A small amount of cloves mixed with daily lipstick or glitter. A sufficiently small droplet of oil so that the mouths have become a bit plump.

2. A wonderful result gives a mixture of cinnamon and vaseline oil on the lips. Everything is very simple. To pour a bit of cinnamon in the oil, mix thoroughly and apply a mixture on the lips for 15 minutes. Then neatly remove the napkin.

Typical errors

At first glance it seems to be very simple: they put the contour, lipstick, shine - and voila. But then the main thing is to show accuracy and do not rearrange. Otherwise, you can achieve a completely reverse effect.

It is desirable to distribute the tonal base on the lips, it is possible to achieve a very thin and uniform layer.

For women aged, avoid the use of a contour pencil for the lips, as it will focus minor wrinkles near the mouth. It is better to use a light highlighter, which lace sections near the contour. Lipstick should be applied to the surface of the circuit circuit.

The contour pencil should be darker lipstick on 1 or 2 tones, but not more.

No need to dedicate that glamorous litters will immediately. Only everyday practice and patience can help in this case.

It is best to use branded and persistent cosmetics that will hold longer.

This article described easily accessible tricks and given many tips for cute women about how to make lips more. We very much hope that following these rules will help achieve the right effect and embody dreams to reality.

All women, whom nature did not endow this feature from birth are dreaming about seductive chubby sponges. To the joy of excellent ladies, in the XXI century this desire can be performed without any difficulty. Modern cosmetologists know how to increase lips at home, and willingly share their experience with women. If this topic is relevant for you, let's understand it in more detail.

Ways to increase lips at home

Plastic surgery will help increase the volume of many parts of the person, but not every woman willingly fall "under the knife" for the sake of a couple of grams of Botox. For this reason, cosmetologists have developed a number of techniques to achieve the desired result without surgery. Modern methods of increasing lip in living conditions are effective and safe, so they are practiced tens of thousands of women. Simple beauty recipes help to achieve impressive results! Let's discuss these methods in more detail to have a general idea.


The device, with which modern women make their lips in bulk, works on the principle of suction cup. The vacuum device pumps the air, increasing the volume of soft tissues by 40-50%. The procedure takes no more than a minute, and the effect it provides is fixed for several hours. Lip magnizer is absolutely harmless to the skin, mucous membrane and blood vessels, therefore, there are no contraindications or side effects of speech.

Such gadgets produce many companies. The most popular from them was the Vacuum simulator Fullips. So you learned how this thing is called to increase the lips in household conditions, which the whole world is reported. The wonderful device is relatively inexpensive. Tootold for such pleasure can every woman. The device is offered in three variations for various types of lips.


Modern cosmetology offers women a wide range of means to increase the volume of lips at home. Cosmetic ointment, balsams and lipsticks contain special irritating particles, called plaspers. The role of these components can perform extracts of cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, mint. In some cases, essential oils and vitamin E are added to the composition of such funds. The effect of increasing the volume is created due to the influx of blood arising as a reaction to an irritant substance.

Folk remedies

Folk cosmetology will tell you how to make beautiful lips at home. There are many ways to achieve the desired result, and right now we will consider in detail the most efficient ones:

  1. Ice massage. Massive the lips of the ice cube, and then for a few moments, attach to them soaked with hot water napkin. Repeat this procedure several times. Soon the effect of increasing the volume will appear.
  2. Hot pepper. This recipe is another proof that beauty requires victims. In order to increase the volume of lips with pepper at home, you need to take one small pod, grind it along with seeds, insisted in a glass of hot water. When the liquid is cooled to the temperature of the temperature, shiver the napkin in it and attach tightly to the lips. The volume will appear instantly, but in the next 20 minutes after that you will have to tolerate merciless burning.
  3. Cap. The old method used by Soviet women at home. With the help of the cap you can increase the lifetime by 30-40%. The meaning of this method is as follows: you apply the cap to your mouth and pull the air to create a vacuum. After a minute, the procedure ends. The effect of increasing the volume lasts 2-3 hours. If the cap does not turn out to be at hand, you can use a glass, lid or a can. The main thing is that the size is suitable.
  4. Glycerin mask. Mix vaseline with honey, white sugar and fresh lemon juice in an equal ratio. The total volume should turn out about 50 grams. Enter a third of the dessert spoon of glycerol. Stir until the uniform mass is obtained, hold for a couple of minutes in the water bath. Apply to the surface of the lips, check for a quarter of an hour. The procedure will make muscle tissues and skin soft.

Using exercise

Increase lips in volume will help special charging. Write down a few simple exercises that you can practice everywhere:

  1. Whistling. Watch out the motives of your favorite songs every time a free minute is issued. It will warm up muscles to improve the effectiveness of subsequent exercises.
  2. Show language. Cute baby fooling will help increase the volume of lips at home. Give a tongue for the whole length, count to ten. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Dandelion. Inhale full breasts, inflate the cheeks, firmly squeeze your lips. Imagine that right in front of you is a big dandelion, and with all the power of the seeds from it. Do it 5 times.
  4. Gold fish. Fold the lips to the tube is so tight as possible, and then smile wide. Repeat this procedure more often.
  5. Circles. Command lips is so tight as possible. Imagine that you squeeze the invisible tassel. Draw in the air 5 circles by movement counterclockwise, and then perform similar actions, only in the opposite direction.
  6. Shark. Surify the lips strongly to feel easy pain. Candle 2 minutes, and then release. Soon notice that the lips volume increased significantly.


In addition to all other procedures and exercises, daily massage the lips with an ordinary toothbrush with delicate bristles. Developing fabric in this way, you will increase blood flow and thereby create an additional volume. In addition, the brush is dried dead cells. Due to this, the metabolism will improve. Repeating such a massage daily several times, you will quickly achieve your own.


If you need a long-term effect of volume, experience an increase in the lip of hyaluronic acid at home. The current component of this fund is sodium hyaluronate. It absorbs into the subcutaneous layer and accumulates the water molecules around him. Due to this, wrinkles are created and smoothed. Creams and balsams with hyaluronic acid are applied with a thin layer and rubbed into the skin of the lips with circular motions. In the process of performing these actions, a slight burning occurs and a feeling of swelling will appear, but it is not scary. Halurone tools are absolutely harmless.

How to visually increase the lips with cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics will help get the desired result. The main thing is to correctly pick up the lip gloss increases volume. Glossy texture will change the visual perception of the skin surface. In addition, the shine will ensure the temporary effect of smoothing wrinkles. From the side it will look quite natural and attractive.

The consequences of increasing lip.

Women who choose folk methods and / or decorative cosmetics, rarely face unwanted effects. As for creams, provoking blood flow to the capillars of the lips, they can provoke an allergic reaction, so they need to be used carefully. Hyaluronic acid in moderate quantities does not cause damage to the tissues of the skin and muscles, but irritation often appears during abuse.

Video: how to increase lips without operations

The roller below will clearly demonstrate to you the practical application of the techniques that we discussed. Experienced cosmetologists will explain in detail how to pump lips at home without intervention of surgeons. In addition, experts will tell about precautionary measures. Use these recommendations to get the desired effect without prejudice.

Photo before and after

The most simple and incredibly effective way to assess the effectiveness of certain means / exercises / drugs is a comparison of the pictures before and after the procedures. So many women come and you would have to follow their example. This will help choose from all possible methods for increasing the volume of lips at home the most efficient.

About 40% of women are unhappy that they are given by nature. For example, the shape or size of the lips. Fortunately for many, there is a way to fix it. Is there a way to make lips more at home without cosmetic procedures? Of course, there is such an option, because not every girl resorts to the help of plastic surgeons to correct one or another "flaw".

Possible options

There are many ways. And modern cosmetology does not stand still, constantly improving. Therefore, make huge lips (well, or not very huge) in the following technologies:

  • botox;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lipophiling;
  • biogel;
  • tattoo;
  • proper application of cosmetics;
  • plastic surgery.

About each of these methods should be learn more. So, how to make lips more.


Perhaps it is the weakest and non-characteristic way. Botox in the lips are introduced, but it does not give them too much volume. The skin is more elastic and softer - yes. But the volume of this does not become. It is noteworthy that Botoks is more often used to smooth out and remove small wrinkles around the lip area. Cosmetologists do not recommend this method at all for something else. Therefore, botox on the lips and are not introduced to increase the volume. But they can be eliminated asymmetry. For example, if one part of the lip is more different. In this case, the procedure justifies itself. However, there are more efficient methods.

Hyaluronic acid - proven method

Despite the terrible word "acid", there is nothing terrible or dangerous in the introduction procedure. First, the method has long been used in cosmetology, so cosmetologists quite successfully mastered the process, bringing it to automatism. Secondly, you can make lips on a long time. The process itself lies in the fact that with the introduction of the means in the skin of the wrinkle on it, it is smoothed to the maximum possible volume. Accordingly, the lips become more and touch, and visually. By the way, hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is produced by the body independently. However, this volume is not enough for the lips to be large and plump.

Lipophiling - the latest technique

Already in the title laid the main technology - pumping out the own adipose tissue. Before making lips more with lipophiling, cosmetologists take this tissue with a special syringe from the client. Most often from the femoral or berry zone. Enter into the lips under anesthesia. The effect is kept very long. The cosmetologist should be chosen especially carefully, since with improper procedure, the correction is very problematic. The procedure is new, the result is a long-term, not providing fixes.

Biogeli as a way to increase

Actually, all biogels are created based on the hyaluronic acid described above. However, two large categories of funds are distinguished: some hold the result for a year, others - up to five years. On average, it takes about 10,000 rubles for the procedure, but the final amount depends on the selected cosmetologist and material. So, for example, a biopolymer gel, which keeps the form of up to five years, will cost somewhat more expensive than the biodegradable gel, which keeps the form of only 10-12 months. By the way, huge lips are recommended to do with the help of conventional clean hyaluronic acid, so that it is easier to carry out a correction. In addition, biogels are expensive than a similar procedure with a clean material.

Tattoo as a visual increase

Unfortunately, this method helps only visually make volume more. To the touch, the lips will remain the same as they were before. What is the procedure? With the help of a special needle and paint under the skin, the coloring pigment is injected, as when the tattoo is heating. You can do in three technologies: the contour, the contour with a tamper, permanent lipstick. Each of them has its own characteristics. So, for example, under the contour means the tattoo exclusively the lip contour, as when applied in the contour pencil. Only he is not erased for a long time - up to three years. Under the contour with a decisive is understood as a tattoo not only along the contour, but also with a small filling of the lips by pigment, up to 5 mm. It looks like makeup, but again long-term. Under permanent lipstick is meant filling of the lip skin by a pigment. The effect is really similar to lipstick. Color is selected individually. It is noteworthy that, regardless of technology, the tattoo remains "drawn" effect. Lips from this no longer become. Is that visually.

Plastic surgery

It is resorted to this method when you want to achieve a really noticeable result. Usually cosmetologists and surgeons use one of two technologies: or implant implantation, or the use of the "turning" the red inner tissue technique. As a result, the lips are becoming more both visually and touch. It is noteworthy that implants are implanted most often for life. However, sometimes they require correction if silicone slides or shifts. It rarely happens if a professional surgeon was chosen. Therefore, it is worth carefully referring to the choice of a doctor before the procedure.


Before making your lips more described above, it is worth trying to properly apply makeup. For example, using a cosmetic pencil, lipstick and powder. Make it can be pretty quickly. First, the lips are swimming, then make contour a pencil. They are also tested, and then overlap lipstick. As a result, swelling, bright and juicy sponges are obtained. But this is the goal! If you finish make-up makeup, then in the end there will be amazingly beautiful sensual lips. This option is cheap, safe and temporary. That is, you can always remove the makeup, returning the lips of their original appearance. Before contacting the procedure for an increase in cosmetologists and surgeons, you should try the cosmetic method yourself at home. If the result satisfies, then you can consolidate it from the masters.