How to make a king and queen crown. Beautiful handmade crown for a princess

All dads and moms have princes and princesses. And since the attribute of noble persons is the crown, then it must be acquired. After all, sooner or later your royal persons will have to put this symbol of greatness on their heads - at least as an element of a costume for a matinee. That's when parents will come in handy tips on how to make a crown out of cardboard.

No matter how wonderful the fancy dress of a prince or princess, king or queen, it will not look right without a crown. In addition, cardboard hats can also be used as:

  • game element;
  • gifts for birthday guests.

Making a crown out of cardboard with your own hands is very simple, even a child can handle it. In addition, it will take quite a bit of time, but the joy of a successful creative process is guaranteed.

For cardboard hats, as follows from the definition, you need cardboard and glue. The quality of these materials determines how durable and beautiful your craft will be. As for the glue, it can be ordinary PVA. It is only important that its consistency is not watery, otherwise unaesthetic wet spots will remain on the cardboard. You can also use Moment glue, especially for models that involve decorating with beads or rhinestones.

It is also very important to choose the right cardboard. It should be:

  • dense, but not thick;
  • smooth, not corrugated.

That is, the base material should hold its shape, but it should be easy to bend. All these requirements are met by cardboard for children's creativity, which can be purchased at stationery stores.

6 models of cardboard crowns

In order to make the royal headdress neat and realistic, do not be lazy and first draw a paper pattern, and only then trace it on cardboard and cut it out.

vintage decoration

Cardboard pasted over with newspapers or vintage paper will make the crown ultra-modern and at the same time stylized antique.


  • cardboard;
  • pages from newspapers and notes;
  • stationery scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue "Moment";
  • brush for applying glue;
  • rhinestones, sequins;
  • centimeter.


Resourceful parents came up with the idea of ​​making elastic crowns so that the royal headdress would last for more than one year.


  • cardboard;
  • newspaper;
  • thermal gun;
  • elastic;
  • awl;
  • stationery and manicure scissors;
  • thread, needle;
  • paints, felt-tip pens;
  • rhinestones, beads, glass beads.


golden headdress

An elegant and sophisticated do-it-yourself king's crown can be made in just half an hour. This will require colored cardboard.


  • golden cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • stationery scissors.


Princess Model

If you are thinking about how to make a cardboard crown for a princess, or rather, which model to choose, then turn your attention to a mixed type headdress. It perfectly coexists with paper, and beads, and sewing, and appliqué.


  • cardboard;
  • colored paper with a density of 80;
  • compass;
  • simple pencil;
  • stationery scissors;
  • PVA glue, "Moment";
  • rhinestones, sequins.


  1. Cut out a 15 x 30 cm rectangle from cardboard.
  2. Using a compass, draw small circles, cut them out - these are decorations for the crown.
  3. Glue round blanks onto a rectangle.
  4. We glue the base with colored paper.
  5. We make a decorative seam along the upper edge.
  6. We glue the crown with rhinestones, colored paper applications and sequins.
  7. We glue the sides of the headgear. The craft is ready.

humble grace

If there is no time to make a crown at all, then you can get by with a small model, like the Princess in the cartoon about the Bremen town musicians.


  • empty cardboard toilet paper roll;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment";
  • foil.


  1. We cut the cloves on the roll.
  2. Carefully glue the workpiece on both sides with foil.

The crown in the Russian style is made in the form of a kokoshnik.


  • colored cardboard;
  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • hoop;
  • elastic;
  • glue gun;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors.


  1. On paper, draw half of the kokoshnik-crown.
  2. We apply the pattern to the cardboard, folded in half, cut it out.
  3. We make a couple of small cuts on top of the kokoshnik to make it easier to roll it into a circle.
  4. We glue the workpiece on the hoop.
  5. Glue a piece of elastic to the edges of the hoop.
  6. We decorate the headdress.

Mothers of little girls are well aware of how important beautiful costumes and festive outfits are for educating children's taste. In addition, it is always nice to pamper your child with interesting crafts.

This article is about how to make a DIY lace crown. It will come in handy for those who are going to make an accessory for a New Year's costume or just a cute little thing for fun. It should be noted that such crowns cannot be called exclusively a children's product. Being made on a larger scale, they are quite suitable for entertaining girlfriends at bachelorette parties and other similar events.

What is a do-it-yourself lace crown?

In fact, this is a piece of lace ribbon, processed with a special solution and decorated with various decors. Therefore, such crowns are very fond of economical craftswomen who do not want to overpay money for a one-time item.

A do-it-yourself lace crown can be of various shapes and sizes, that is, almost any lace can be used. Of course, narrow openwork ribbons are suitable only for the smallest ones, because on the head of an adult they will practically not be visible.

What material is better to choose?

Based on the fact that any crown must have a certain rigidity, for such work it is preferable to choose a wide dense lace with a maximum number of teeth.

A do-it-yourself lace crown can be made from any color material, because the finished product is extremely easy to dye. On hardened lace, paint is applied with a brush or sprayed from a spray can.

Crowns painted with a metallic sheen (gold, silver, bronze) look original. In this case, you get a really "precious" little thing.

DIY lace crown: master class

For work, you should prepare the following materials:

  1. Lace border or fabric.
  2. Thick cardboard.
  3. Sharp scissors.
  4. PVA glue, gelatin, sugar or starch.

These are the basic tools needed to make a product. In addition, a do-it-yourself lace crown can be decorated with some beads, beads, sequins or stripes.

Work sequence:

  1. Measure the head of the person for whom the crown is being made. The product should be 10-15 cm smaller. Or the crown will be very small, miniature (about 15-17 cm in diameter).
  2. Dissolve starch, gelatin, sugar in a small container or mix water with PVA glue in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Cut off the necessary piece of lace and dip into the solution.
  4. Prepare a cardboard blank: cut a wide strip from a sheet of cardboard (at least 10 cm wide, the length is equal to the circumference of the head plus a centimeter), stick a wide adhesive tape on one side, fold the cardboard overlap (one centimeter) and glue it with adhesive tape or glue.
  5. Soak the lace well, wring out and lay around the cardboard blank. At the same time, it should be laid on the side where the adhesive tape is applied so that the lace does not dry to the paper.
  6. The edges of the fabric can be glued or sewn.

In this position, the crown should be thoroughly dried. This will take at least one day. Some craftswomen use the emergency drying method - in the microwave, but there is a risk of burning the product. The power should be medium, and the heating time should be no more than 30 seconds. The product is dried in several approaches.

When the crown dries, it can be removed from the workpiece and covered with several layers of undiluted PVA glue. Let each layer dry well.

There is an interesting way of attaching the crown to the hoop. Although such a lace crown is not made, it is more like a diadem. The algorithm of actions is almost the same, but for greater strength it is worth forming a wire frame on the hoop.

It is fixed with silicone glue or sewn to the fabric surface of the hoop.

That's the whole story about how to make a lace crown with your own hands.

What to decorate?

There are no special rules for decorating such an item. Shiny beads and beads, as well as elements of unnecessary jewelry (brooches, earrings) are perfect. If the craftswoman has loose sequins at her disposal, they can be sprinkled on the crown when it is still wet.

True, in an effort to get an elegant and bright accessory, you should not overdo it and sew everything in a row. A lurid crown will not decorate anyone; rather, it will be out of place.

The crown is an element of power in monarchical states. However, the kids do not care what sacramental ideas are hidden behind this symbol, because for them the crown is magic, a fairy tale, an opportunity to feel like someone special. We will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself cardboard crown to please your own child and his friends, who, having such props, can arrange a real kingdom in your living room.

Master class number 1

Let's try to make the simplest crown with their own hands from dense. In order not to suffer with drawing teeth, we have prepared a template.

Follow the instructions to make a hat for little princes and princesses:

  1. Print template on A4 sheet. Cut out.
  2. Prepare thick cardboard: give preference to sheets that, when bent, will not create kinks.
  3. Attach the template to the cardboard, circle. Cut out from cardboard blank crowns.
  4. Prepare beautiful paper for decorating the royal headdress: it can be sheets from a music book or one-color wrapping paper.
  5. Align sheets with a template, glue them. If there is not enough decorative paper for the entire length of the crown, glue the sheets with an overlap.
  6. trim excess paper so that the decorative paper and thick cardboard have the same shape. Repeat the same with the second template.
  7. Lubricate the crown with glue, sprinkle golden sequins. Leave to dry. Then brush off the remaining glitter with a dry sponge or brush.
  8. Decorate the bottom of the headdress with a ribbon or lace. Add rhinestones, beads or beads.

A chic cardboard crown is ready! A great option for a festive evening that will be attended by your child's guests. Make a crown for the hero of the occasion, give the rest of the children simpler crowns or other attributes that allow children to feel like they are in a fairy-tale kingdom.

Master class number 2

Making a neat little crown out of cardboard is easy. To do this, it is not necessary to cut templates: you can use toilet paper roll or roll a sheet of thick cardboard into a cylinder. The height of the crown depends on the cylinder.

Follow the easy instructions:

  1. Roll the cardboard into a cylinder or prepare a core.
  2. Cut out sharp teeth.
  3. Cover the crown with spray paint.

It will turn out amazing universal crown, which, when properly designed, will turn both a girl and a boy into a reigning person.

Master class number 3

Crown made of thin cardboard can be done in no time if you follow the photo instructions provided below. This type of crown should not be decorated with various shiny elements - its individuality is expressed in simplicity. The hat is suitable for babies 1-3 years old at home holiday e or birthday.

Master class number 4

For about spiky crown You need very thin cardboard. Watch the video carefully to repeat the manufacture of such a wonderful headdress. Use gold paint on top of cardboard to give the crown a festive look: it is perfect for a kindergarten matinee.

Master class number 5

The crown will require a lot of time: it is better if you take up the creation of crafts yourself. Below is a detailed photo instruction of what needs to be done.

Prepare thick cardboard. Cut out 2 * 2 cm squares from it. You can calculate how many squares you need by measuring the circumference of the child's head. Multiply this value by two and add 6 squares for a margin.

Bend the square in half, smooth along the side of the fold - you get a triangle. Make triangles from all squares.

Grease the edge of one triangle glue. Nest it in an adjacent shape, as shown in the picture. Repeat the manipulation until you reach the desired length.

Take the remaining triangle. Lubricate both ends with glue and place inside the chain. How exactly this should be done can be seen in the figure.

After the work with the glue is completed, carefully press on the fold line to fix the triangles in one position. Try on the crown for a child, then fix it with glue or a stapler in the right place.

Your child will become the best king or queen at the holiday party.

It is important to give the child a piece of fairy tale constantly. It will not be difficult for you to make a crown, and for the baby, the time spent in it will seem the most magical. Try to make crafts of this kind with your child: his participation may be minimal, but a small person will be grateful for the opportunity to participate in an unusual creative process for a long time to come.

    You can easily and cost-effectively make a carnival crown for the king from food foil and a plastic five-liter bottle.

    You can also make a crown of thick paper, cut into teeth and glued in this form:

    The number of teeth depends on the girth of the king's head. When there is sufficient length, close the resulting gear tape into a ring.

    You can make a crown for the king at home with your own hands to complement the look for a carnival, party, children's holiday.

    The crown can be made from cardboard or foil, from fabric.

    Let's make a cardboard crown in a simple way and decorate it. First, we cut the workpiece with our own hands. This is a piece of cardboard with notches. Glue the two pieces together at the back. Then we decorate the finished crown with buttons, buttons, rhinestones, beads and other decorations as desired.

    You can make a crown from any fabric (felt, cotton). The general appearance of the crown may be as in these figures. The first shows that the circumference can be adjusted using the ties at the back. On the second, the crown is solid of one fixed size.

    You can sew a crown with your own hands quite quickly. Let's make a royal crown with our own hands. Such a crown can be worn by both a boy and a girl.

    First you need to measure the circumference of the head and take a piece of fabric a little longer.

    Let's draw a cardboard crown randomly with notches at the top and a straight line at the bottom, as you like. You can use a template.

    According to the template, we cut out two pieces of fabric for the outer and inner parts of the crown.

    The two parts must be sewn together with a straight seam so that the right side is inward, and the wrong side is outward.

    And now we turn the seam inwards. We iron. The cardboard template can be set aside.

    Sew the ribbon along the bottom of the crown.

    Then we sew two opposite sections of the crown at the back, checking the fit of the crown on the head. The final stage is decor.

    The patterns for the crown are different. You can use these templates.

On the eve of the New Year 2019, New Year's parties are held in every kindergarten and school, where girls turn into Snow Maidens, princesses, snowflakes and even snow queens. Of course, parents can buy New Year's costumes for their daughters in the store, but many people are much more interested in making carnival costumes or at least some of them with their own hands. If the outfit itself is quite difficult to make - for this you need to at least be able to sew, how to make a crown for a little princess for the New Year 2019 - any parent will guess.

There are a great many different options for making sparkling crowns, which are not difficult to make yourself. Let's look at some of them.

Christmas crowns for little Snowflake

Little girls are very fond of snowflake costumes, and a real Snowflake should have a beautiful sparkling crown. There are several options for such crowns - from very simple ones, which require very little time to make, to quite complex ones that require some kind of skills and time spent on crafts.

To feel the festive mood everywhere, you need not be too lazy and decorate the entire surrounding space with New Year's attributes. Best suited for this

Shop-bought snowflake crown

This is the fastest way to create a crown, when blanks - snowflakes, beads, rhinestones, ribbons - are purchased in decor departments and glued to a white hoop. This headdress will look very elegant in the form of a diadem.

The original crown of New Year's stickers for windows

A very beautiful crown for a girl who plays the role of a Snowflake at a matinee can be made using New Year's stickers for windows.

To create such a craft you need:

  1. We apply the crown to the edge of the paper and draw a contour.

  2. We apply the snowflake selected in size and begin to trace it along the contour, to the place where it will be located.

  3. The next snowflake is smaller - we circle it and also on the other side. There will be 3 snowflakes in total.
  4. Cut out the silhouette along the contour of the snowflakes.

  5. We apply it to the crown and begin to connect it with adhesive tape from the bottom and from the sides, and a little where it turns out from above, so that the crown is all "scotched"

  6. Let's start making snowflakes. They are glue-based and adhere well to adhesive tape.

  7. The crown needs to be slightly ennobled by cutting out paper between the snowflakes and on the sides.
  8. Along the lower edge of the crown, the gaps between the snowflakes can be filled with sequins or small rhinestones.

Creative people can make a real one. It's not difficult at all, but incredibly interesting. Moreover, a mask created by oneself will be exclusive and unique.

paper crown

A paper crown can be made in minutes. Naturally, it will be simple, but you can spend a little more time decorating it, and you will see that such a crown will delight many guests of the festive matinee.

There are many templates on the Internet that you just need to print on a color printer and put on a rigid base - stick on cardboard. You can leave the template in this form, or you can additionally decorate it - purchase snowflakes, sparkles, rhinestones, braid with rectangular or pointed, rectangular parts of silver color in a needlework store.

Use a hot gun to apply a pattern to the cut out template, reminiscent of drawing frost on windows. Leave room for snowflakes, because they are the main accent of the crown. Glue them on with a hot gun or super glue. Lay the braid along the edge, edging each bend.