How to behave in public places. Basic rules of conduct in public places

* This work is not a scientific work, it is not a final qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material for self-preparation of educational work.

In public transport
In the shop
At the theater, at a concert, in a museum and at an exhibition
Rules of conduct in the cinema


The culture of a person's behavior is an external expression of his spiritual wealth, the ability to communicate with people. The rules governing human behavior in society have been created over many centuries. They arose in connection with the need to streamline the communication of people, to make it more organized, pleasant and beautiful.
Often, a person's upbringing is judged only by his manners. But not only the external attributes of good breeding distinguish a cultured person.



On the street, generally accepted rules of conduct must be followed. Every time you leave the house, take a look at yourself - whether you need to clean your coat, suit, shoes. No matter how we hurry, we do not fly, pushing the crowd, but we do not just trudge, forcing passers-by to bypass us.
A well-mannered person behaves on the street in such a way as to attract the attention of passers-by less: he does not speak loudly and does not laugh, avoids misunderstandings, does not enter into an accidental skirmish. Disgusting habit of spitting, throwing cigarette butts, seed husks and other rubbish on the sidewalk.
A young man helps his companion to carry a heavy package, a shopping bag with groceries. If you need to go through a bridge, a narrow gate, along the side of the road, a woman, as well as people older than us, let us go ahead. If it turns out to be in some way unsafe to go first (among puddles, in the dark, etc.), a man takes on this role, looking for and paving the way.
Avoid eating anything outside. And, of course, you cannot, while walking along the sidewalk, douse passers-by with tobacco smoke.
Walking arm in arm in our time is considered somewhat old-fashioned: it makes it difficult to move on crowded streets. In a slippery place, a young man may offer his hand to an elderly person or companion.
Among young people, the custom is widespread to walk embracing. The young man puts his hand on the girl's shoulder, and she hugs his waist. It looks immodest.
Accidents are not uncommon in the city. We try not to increase the crowd of onlookers. We will help the old man to carry the bag, we will transfer the blind man across the street. One must be extremely delicate in order to closely examine a person with any physical disability.
Wherever possible, pedestrians should avoid upstream traffic. Make way for oncoming passers-by and go around him on the right side. If you notice that someone is in a hurry, step aside. Even in a very crowded place, they don't push, but ask permission to go through. If the road is narrow
and bad, then, if necessary, the man goes off the sidewalk to the pavement. In narrow, cramped aisles, as well as stairs and doors, you should wait until those who are rightfully supposed to go first have passed.
An open umbrella is carried over the head so that the water does not run down on passers-by. When meeting other pedestrians, the umbrella is raised or tilted to the side.
An oncoming passer-by on a narrow sidewalk is allowed to step back (younger or male). On the street do not walk in a line.
Having met a friend and talking to him, do not stand in the middle of the sidewalk, step aside so as not to disturb other passers-by. When meeting someone older than you, do not stop them, but ask permission to accompany them. It is impolite to stop unfamiliar people or a friend if he is not walking alone. This can only be done as a last resort, of course, apologizing and making sure he is not in a hurry. If you are not walking alone and meet a friend with whom you want to exchange a few phrases, do not forget to apologize to your companion. He, in turn, having greeted everyone, is waiting for you or walking at a distance. However, it is not for a man to leave a woman alone. If you want to talk to your friend, introduce him to your companion.

In public transport.

If a group of people has accumulated in anticipation of transport, then those who come should take their turn, and not stop in an indefinite position somewhere, so that then, when boarding, rush to the doors of the carriage, pushing back those who stood first.
When entering public transport, skip ahead of disabled people, children, elderly people and women. Help them if needed. If one door is used to enter and exit, then people are first given the opportunity to exit. The man gets out of the carriage first and helps his companion, elderly people or children. In the carriage, do not stop at the door, but go forward, making room for other passengers. You cannot lie back on the seat and occupy it completely if it is designed for two. The bags can only be placed on the seat if they are not standing and there is free space. If there are no vacancies, then they give way to the elderly, sick, pregnant women, people with small children. This must be done by both men and women, and especially young people. Yielding a place, you can say a few words, but you can do it silently. If you are given a seat, then do not take it for granted, you need to thank for your attention. Both the man and the woman are grateful if the place was given to his companion. You can refuse the offered place. Then thank you for the service and briefly explain why you did not take advantage of the courtesy. We advise young people: make way for everyone who is older than you and your peers.
Young people who stare out the window and try not to notice the elderly person standing next to them present an unsightly picture. But, instilling etiquette in adolescents and children, adults themselves must follow the rules of good manners. Parents should make sure that children do not get their feet dirty on the seats and clothing of other passengers. By the way, it is not necessary to seat a child who is able to play all day without getting tired. By yielding to his whim, we thereby affirm the child's opinion about his exclusivity. Permissiveness is a sign of an egoist.
People do not eat or smoke in public transport. They do not enter the carriage with ice cream in their hands. It does not shake off snow or raindrops from clothes. Travel cards and rubbish are not thrown on the floor. When sneezing and coughing, they use a handkerchief. In the carriage they don't put their appearance in order, they don't clean their nails, they don't pick their teeth.
We try to stand firmly, not putting too much weight on other passengers when pushing or turning. Holding onto the handrails, we make sure that our elbows do not touch our neighbor, the hand does not loom in front of his face. If we see that our progress towards the exit will restrict someone, we ask permission to go through, we ask if the person leaves at such and such a stop. If we get an answer what comes out, we stop and calmly wait.
Transport is not a place for public debate. If we still have to enter into a conversation, and it is of a cocky character, we remember that only a sense of humor can help in this case.
If we accidentally push someone, we apologize. If they pushed us, in response to an apology we will say: "It's nothing!" - or just a friendly smile.
It has become common to read on the road. But in transport, the newspaper is not completely unfolded, but read folded. It is not very beautiful to look into a neighbor's book, to look at passengers point-blank. You should not conduct a conversation about family or business matters, eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
In a taxi, the driver is not reprimanded or asked to increase speed. If you are in a hurry, you can tell the driver about this, he will take care of the rest. But you can ask him to reduce the speed. When a man gets into a car, he opens the door and lets a woman or an older man pass forward. The women usually sit in the back and the man next to the driver.

In the shop.

We go shopping every day. Observance of mutual courtesy here is a guarantee of order and good relations between sellers and buyers.
Who should give way at the store door? Incoming. He gives the opportunity to leave the room, and then only enters himself, of course holding the doors, so as not to hurt the people following him. Please contact the seller politely, do not interrupt his conversation with the previous buyer.
Professional ethics requires the seller, in turn, to be extremely correct with buyers. Sometimes sellers, talking to each other, do not pay attention to the buyer and do not even answer their questions. This is the height of tactlessness and a direct violation of official duties. In such cases, politely but firmly demand attention to yourself. When the buyer approaches, the seller is obliged to interrupt extraneous activities or, apologizing, ask to wait a little, say, if he is packing the goods. In turn, the buyer observes a number of immutable rules.
If you came to the store to see if the right products were on sale, and you had the right money with you, you should not try on things that you are not going to buy. It is better to ask the seller about everything that interests you, and not to force him to do meaningless work, and do not waste time yourself.
If you wanted to buy something, but could not find anything suitable, do not hesitate to tell the seller about it and thank him for his attention.
It is ugly to strive to purchase something without a queue. Such attempts will inevitably meet with the just indignation of others. However, there are circumstances when you can ask to release food out of line (hurry to the train, a child or a sick person was left unattended at home). In this case, contact those in front, explaining the reason for your request. It's easier than asking people in line to buy something for you at the same time. And this is not fair in relation to those who stand behind. In addition, we embarrass those who were asked such a request: either they must refuse us, or take an ugly act towards other people and hear unflattering remarks from them in their address.

At the theater, at a concert, in a museum and at an exhibition.

You can often see in the theater, at a concert of girls and boys in casual clothes. This is because they came here from work. Going to the theater, to a concert, you must strive to dress beautifully in order to create a festive mood for yourself and the people around you.
Having let his companion pass at the door, the man goes into the hall first to find his place. If 2 pairs of acquaintances came to the theater or to a concert, women sit in the middle, and men at the edges. Passing to your seats, try not to disturb the already seated spectators, and turn to face them. The man walks first along the narrow aisle between the rows and helps his companion to sit down, lowering the seat of the chair. Try not to make noise, do not occupy both armrests of the chairs, do not rest your hands or feet on the chairs in front. It is best not to be late for the performance, concert, but if this happens, go to the balcony or sit in the nearest free seat. You will find your place during the break. Programs and binoculars are kept on your lap. It is indecent to look at others through binoculars during the intermission. It is not allowed to speak (even in a whisper) during a session, a movie or a theatrical performance, all the more so it is not allowed to loudly comment on what is happening on the stage. If you don't like a performance or a movie, sit silently and leave the hall at the right moment (between scenes, artists' exits). In the cinema, men and women take off their high hats so as not to interfere with the viewers sitting behind them from seeing the screen. Try not to crawl, cough, or sneeze. If you are sick, for example, with the flu, it is strictly forbidden to visit public places.
The artists are thanked with applause, but musical works (symphonies, quartets, etc.) are not interrupted with applause. They usually applaud at the end of the part (before the intermission). At the end of the performance, the concert, do not run to the cloakroom or to the exit: this will not save a lot of time, but only create a commotion and spoil the impression of the show, the music.
Observe certain rules of conduct in museums and exhibitions. When moving around the hall Try not to interfere with others to concentrate their attention and enjoy the works of art. To do this, do not get too close to other visitors, do not block pictures with your back, do not speak loudly. And of course, you cannot touch the exhibits with your hands. In order not to disperse the impression, it is useful to inspect only those exhibits that are of interest to you. It makes no sense to quickly run through all the halls without highlighting individual paintings by some artist.
If you are exploring the halls accompanied by a guide, then listen to his explanations in silence, without moving too close to him, so as not to disturb others. If you have any questions, ask them after the story is over, or during a pause. It is indecent to talk to neighbors during an excursion.
Of course, it can be difficult to contain emotions when looking at bright works of art or models of fashion. Another picture touches to the depths of the soul, but some object of the exhibition simply outrages. But still, try to be restrained, do not judge the work by first impression. Often a different impression arises upon repeated examination. In any case, refrain from disparaging remarks about the paintings and the author. An intelligent person is modest and self-possessed. And a true connoisseur of art never shows his enthusiasm too noisy and does not flaunt his erudition in front of people.

Rules of conduct in the cinema.

You can come to the cinema during the day without preparing in advance - hence the great freedom of action. If you have not removed your outerwear in the wardrobe, carefully, without hurting your neighbor, put the coat on your lap.
If you have a furry hat, you need to take it off.
At the festival premieres, various film festivals, the rules of conduct are in effect, as in a theatrical theater, including applause during the viewing and after it.
At a regular film show, the same rules should be observed as in the theater: do not make noise, come before the show, take only your seats, pass, if necessary, face the sitting people, do not chew, do not litter, do not leave until the end of the show. You can leave the hall only if the film did not meet your expectations at all, while trying not to disturb others.


A business lunch with colleagues or business partners is a popular business event and is usually held in a restaurant or cafe during lunchtime. A lot depends on a business lunch: your image as a business person, the image of a company that will be judged by your behavior, the success of important negotiations, entry into the top business circles, etc. This is why courses such as "Business Lunch Etiquette" are beginning to gain popularity, covering all aspects of a business lunch, from how to eat spaghetti without dropping it on your shirt to how to open mussels properly.
When accepting an invitation to dinner, you need to think about your goals and see if a more relaxed atmosphere of the feast will help to solve them. It may be easier to resolve these issues at the office or over the phone. Each meeting associated with a feast can take from one to three hours, and you need to be extremely respectful of your own and others' time.
The dress code adopted for business lunches is everyday work. If a business lunch is held in a cafe, then the requirements for clothing are minimal - even jeans are allowed. The restaurant has higher demands on clothing, usually a suit or dress for a woman. Going to a restaurant, a business woman should not change her business image. A business lunch is not a place for coquetry and an excessive demonstration of one's femininity; deep necklines, causing cuts and bright jewelry are inappropriate here - they are intended for the evening. However, it must be remembered that only the table will separate you from the interlocutor, so make-up and manicure must be impeccable, and lipstick of such quality so as not to be eaten with a snack.
Venue. When choosing a meeting place, it is necessary to show good manners and tact. When you are interested in a conversation, you can emphasize your respect for the person by setting a meeting place closer to their place of work. The level of the restaurant should correspond to the position of the people you invite.
Organization. It is necessary to strictly observe the previously agreed agreements on the place, time and composition of the meeting participants (who, where and when will meet). Only when absolutely necessary can you make changes to the pre-approved plan. So, if you intend to meet someone face to face at breakfast, and the invitee calls you and announces that he intends to appear with his secretary and someone else, you must decide whether meeting in such a composition is in your interests and is it really worth it.
Seating at the table. If a preliminary order is made, good form prescribes to wait until all the invitees have gathered and only then sit down at the table. If you have to lay out the papers and you are meeting with only one person, it is preferable to sit at a table for four rather than two. In this case, there will be good reasons to invite the person to sit on your right, and not opposite.
Despite the fact that you need to behave naturally at the table, it is still worth adhering to some rules. For example, sit up straight with your lower back against the back of a chair and your feet completely touching the floor.
Do not cross your legs while eating, and lower your arms, if you are not using a knife and fork, on your knees. Although a more relaxed posture seems to be when the right hand is on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand is on the table. Sometimes - between serving dishes - you can put your elbows on the table, but not while eating. Food should be taken from the common utensils with the cutlery placed next to it, most often a fork and a spoon. Be very careful not to drop food when holding the spoon or fork in your right hand.
When using a knife and fork, keep your fingers away from the blade or teeth. If you temporarily do not need the device, place it on the edge of the plate, but not on the tablecloth. And when you are using only a fork, rest the knife on the right edge of the plate, where it will least interfere.
The feast is not over yet, but there has been a pause in the meal ... In this case, the cutlery is placed on the plate crosswise: the knife is pointed to the left, the fork is convex with the convex part up, so that the handle of the knife is positioned like a clock hand pointing to the number 5, and the handle of the fork - on the number 7, the crossing point should fall on the teeth of the fork and the top of the knife. It is not forbidden to put the cutlery with the handle on the table, and with the working side on the plate. At the end of the meal, they are placed on a plate parallel to each other, so that the handles point at 5 o'clock, the blade of the knife looks to the left, and the convex part of the fork faces up. If this is an official reception, then such an arrangement of appliances will serve as a signal to the waiter that you have finished eating.
Dessert spoon and fork are also placed parallel to each other. When the dessert is served in a high-legged vase or in a deep vase on a base plate, the appliance is placed on this plate. If the vase is small and wide, you can leave the spoon in it or put it on a plate.
It is also worth adhering to special demeanors. In practice, two manners of eating at the table are accepted: European, when the knife is always held in the right hand, and the fork is in the left, and American, in which the fork is shifted from the left hand to the right after one or several pieces of meat or poultry have been cut off. ... In America, a knife is used only for cutting food, then it is left on the edge of the plate, and the free left hand is lowered to the knee.
When sitting down at a table in normal conditions, you unfold the napkin, fold it in half so that the bottom edge protrudes forward, and place it on your lap. At a formal dinner, you should wait until the hostess of the reception sets an example by doing so first. If napkins are served to the table, then they are completely unfolded on their knees. Under no circumstances should men tuck a napkin behind the collar, between the buttons of a shirt, or behind the belt of trousers. When using a tissue, do not wipe your mouth with it, but slightly dab your lips. After the meal, roll it up casually and place it to the left of the cutlery. At a dinner party, the hostess of the reception, in order to signal to everyone present that the meal is over, puts her napkin on the table first. Guests can only do this after it. Napkin rings are used exclusively for family meals.
A toothpick should not be used at the table. If a piece of food is stuck in your teeth, wait for a pause, apologize, get up from the table and go to the bathroom, where you can fix the problem with a toothpick or rinse your mouth. In America, this rule is strictly valid, in Europe, however, it is considered quite appropriate to remove a piece of stuck food with a toothpick right at the table, covered with a napkin.
"They don't argue about tastes" - this expression comes to mind every time it turns out that one of the guests, for whatever reason, cannot or does not want to taste this or that dish. Apart from those who do not eat certain foods out of conviction, many people do not consume certain foods for medical reasons, and it is not always convenient to ask them about it. And since you are acting as an inviting party, keep this circumstance in mind. It is a good idea to have a variety of products in stock to get out of the situation if a tricky situation arises.
When refusing a meal offered by a waiter, say “No, thanks” in a low voice, or just shake your head. If you want to refuse wine or any other drink, just touch the edge of the glass with your index finger.
Payment. The invoice must be paid either by the one who first suggested the meeting, or by the one in a higher position. If a situation could be misinterpreted as an attempt to win someone else's favor, it should be suggested that everyone pays for themselves. This is especially true for representatives of the media and civil servants of all levels: the breakfast of a journalist or an official at someone else's expense may be considered an attempt to influence the press or a manifestation of corruption of state authorities. However, the most general approach will still be this - the inviter takes all the costs on himself.
Gratitude. After a business lunch, it is customary to at least thank the invitee. More appropriate, however, would be a thank you note, although this element is often overlooked in business dealings.

Business meals have become very popular in the business community. It is simply impossible to imagine business life without them. They are an integral part of the life of every business person.


Intelligence is not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to understand another. It manifests itself in a thousand and thousand little things: in the ability to respectfully argue, behave modestly at the table, in the ability to discreetly help another, to protect nature, not to litter around you - not litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas.
At the heart of all good manners is the care that the person does not interfere with the person, so that everyone feels good together. We must be able not to interfere with each other. It is not so much manners that you need to cultivate in yourself, but what is expressed in manners, a careful attitude towards the world, towards society, towards nature, towards your past.
You don't have to memorize hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need to respect others.


1. Braim I.N. Ethics of business communication. - Minsk, 1996,
2. Yagodinsky V. How to behave. Education of schoolchildren, N2, 1990

Class hour

Topic: Rules of Conduct in Public Places

Goals: Introduce children to good manners and behavior in

in public places.

To cultivate respect for the people around;

Develop a sense of tact in children.

Course of the lesson

Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you.

Today we are going to talk about politeness and rules of conduct in public places.

Who knows how politeness works? That's right, it manifests itself primarily in the words, as well as the tone in which they are said.

Guys, do you think they are born or become polite? Of course they do. You should use polite words as often as possible, which make you happier, warmer, brighter. There is great power in these words. A kind word can cheer up a person in difficult times, can help dispel a bad mood. And today let's check what “magic words” you know. (Kind)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word ... (thank you)

The old tree stump will turn green

When he hears ... (good afternoon)

The boy is polite and developed

Says when we meet ... (hello)

When we are scolded for pranks

We say sorry ... (please)

Both in France and in Denmark

Saying goodbye ... (goodbye)

But not only your words should be kind, you also need your actions to be reasonable, clear, so that you never have to blush and be ashamed of them.

The topic of the class hour is "Rules of conduct in public places."

    Public places are crowded places.What do we call a public place? (Public me one hundred - a place where people gather voluntarily or necessarily to
    relax, solve some business, study or work).

    What public places do you know? (Cafe, street, transport, school, theater, cinema).

There are many people of different ages in public places.
Each of them needs to be able to communicate with each other. We all visit
cinema, shop. We are satisfied with the purchase or performance,
we are in a good mood. After all, a friendly spoken word leaves a trace in the soul for the whole day. Being in society, you have
it is necessary to follow the rules of communication, the rules of politeness. Which we just talked about. - What rules do you know? (traffic rules, rules of conduct on the water, rules of conduct in the forest, etc.)

Well done! And now we will learn new rules. To do this, let's play riddles.

1. This riddle is about a very important public place in the life of every person:

In this institution

Everybody was staying.

Losers, geniuses

The marks were received.

Artists studied here,

Singers, gunners.

I go here too

And you my friends. (School)

Guys, you are already six months in school. Tell us how you should behave at school.

Game "Do you know the rules".

Get up from your desks.

If you agree with this rule - raise your hands up, and if you don't agree - sit down.

1. If you want to answer a teacher's question, raise your hand.

2. Standing up greet the adult entering the classroom.

3. If you want to answer the teacher's question, shout from your seat.

4. The person entering the class can shout: "Hello!"

5. During recess, you need to rest, so you can run along the corridor at breakneck speed.

6. If you really need to ask something, you can interrupt the conversation of adults.

7. You can run and play noisily only on a sports or playground.

8. We need to help each other always and everywhere. "One for all and all for one".

9. No need to sneak.

10. At school, everyone is responsible for themselves, so there is no need to help each other.

Well done boys! We were never wrong!

And now the riddle about the next public place.


You look outside - the house is like a house,

But there are no ordinary tenants in it, there are interesting books in it

Stand in rows close

On long shelves

Along the wall

Gathered tales of antiquity,

And Chernomor,

And King Guidon,

And good grandfather Mazai ... What is the name of this house?

Try and guess!(library) Scene in the library.

There is a wonderful country in the world

Her name is Library.

Adults and children come here

Because books live here.

But the country has a great library

There are special rules:

You definitely need to know them,

These rules, I will tell you, are six.

As you enter the country of the Library, (read by Sofa)

Don't forget to say hello to everyone.

And behave yourself with dignity and calm

Polite and quiet, my friend, be!

Clear, clear, concise, fast

And when you get what you need

Say thank you politely.

Return the book you received

Necessarily within the period specified in it,

To make this book problem free

If these are the rules guys

Will you strictly follow

Then the country is the Library,

It will always be glad to receive you!

How should you behave in the library? What is a reading room? (Slide) 3. Next public place:

Here I go to drink tea
And to buy sweet cakes.
I'll taste the salad and pilaf here.
Everything is here that you want. This is ... (Dining room)

Rules of conduct in the dining room.

Why wash your hands before eating?

Can I have some chomp in the dining room?

Why can't you talk while eating?

in the dining room

1. It is necessary to enter the dining room in an orderly manner, without shouting or pushing.

2. Wash your hands before eating.

3. While eating, do not talk and do not push your dirty plate towards your neighbor.

4. After eating, clean up the dishes.

5. When leaving, thank those who fed you.

4 theater

The theater is opening!

Everything is ready for the beginning!

Tickets are offered

For a polite word!


in the theater, at a concert, in the cinema.

1. Get yourself in order.

2. Calculate the time: in the movies - take off your hat, in the theater - undress in your wardrobe and get a number.

3. Don't litter, don't run in the foyer.

4. Take your place. Walk down the aisle facing the seated, apologize.

5.Hurry to leave the hall before the end of the performance: you will have time to get dressed

6. talk during the show


What a wonderful blue house!

There are a lot of kids in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And powered by gasoline (bus)

Let's play a game of right and wrong.

in transport

1. to enter the transport only after a complete stop of the transport;

2. hold on to the handrails in the passenger compartment;

3. buy tickets from the driver only at the bus stop;

4. give way to the elderly, disabled and young children.

5. Exit through the front door and enter through the back.

6. Push other passengers with your elbows as you rush to the exit.

1.Distract the driver with conversations while driving and knock on the cockpit glass;

2. open the doors of the vehicle while it is in motion;

3. stick your head and arms out of the windows.

4. Do not attract undue attention, damage public property


Lesson summary

Our lesson is coming to an end. As parting words, I would like to read a poem.

If you are brought up, if you are even polite,

They will never say bad things about you.

You will give up a place in transport to an old woman.

Helping mom, you can buy bread for dinner.

You won't chat with a friend in class

And you won't forget to say "thank you".

You will put things in order in the room, of course.

And you will cordially congratulate your friends on the holiday.

You cannot interrupt in a conversation between adults.

And in misfortune you will always help your friend.

You can't refuse to defend a weak one,

Of course, you can't say bad words about the other.

A polite child is just a treasure!

Everyone will be glad to meet you!

What did we talk about today? (About the rules of conduct in public places)


Guys, be always polite and well-mannered!

Thank you for the attention!



    Walking down the street, do you like to look into the windows and stare at passers-by?

    Having eaten candy on the street, you carefully fold the candy wrapper into a small lump and, so that it does not roll under your feet, throw it onto the lawn?

    On the street, a passer-by stops you to ask how to get somewhere, are you in a hurry and therefore silently, shrugging your shoulders, walk by?

    Do I need to say hello to a person if I saw him in the morning? And how should this be done?

    Should you be polite to a rude person?

    Who ends the conversation first?

    Should the girl thank the boy if he gave her a seat on the bus?

    How to address a stranger to an adult?

    How to get acquainted correctly?

    Do you think you should leave food on your plate at a party to show that you are not greedy or hungry?

    Can a napkin at the table be used as a handkerchief?

    You will receive a gift, put it aside and say, “Thank you. Then I will look, ”or will you do something differently? How?

    To make the ride more fun, do you get on the ice cream bus?

(The winner is the one who received more chips for correct answers. Then the jury sums up the results and announces the winner).

The main thing to remember when in public places is that you are not alone here, and therefore you need to behave in such a way as not to disturb other people.

On the street and in public transport

When leaving the house, do not forget to look at yourself in the mirror to make sure that everything is in order with your clothes.

When you meet your friends on the street, greet them first. At the same time, when greeting elders or a girl, do not hold out your hand first: wait until they do it. When shaking hands, be sure to take off your glove.

Walking down the street with the girl, the guy should be on her left. If there are three - a guy and two girls - the guy goes in the center, and if there are 2 guys and a girl, then a girl goes in the center. It is impossible to walk in a chain of 4 or more people, so as not to interfere with the movement of other people. In this case, you need to split into groups of 2 or 3 people.

At the same time, one should not behave noisily, laugh loudly, wave his arms, fool around, send “witty” remarks to the girls passing by. You cannot throw husks from seeds, wrappers from sweets, ice cream right under your feet (by the way, in many countries the offender will have to pay a significant fine for this).

Entering public transport, you cannot be the first to break into the door, pushing everyone apart with your elbows: first you need to let the elders and women with small children pass, then go in yourself. If a guy and a girl come in, then first the guy lets the girl go ahead, and then comes in himself. And the guy comes out first and helps the girl out by giving her a hand.

In general, you need to treat people with attention and respect, especially those who are weaker or who are in a difficult situation. So, you need to help a person who has fallen on the ice to get up, it is imperative to hold the door when exiting the metro so that it does not kill the person following you, etc.

At the theater, at a concert

You need to come to the theater in advance, 15-20 minutes before the start of the action. During this time, you can safely undress, buy a program and go to your place. In the wardrobe, it is customary to serve your outerwear, throwing it over the barrier (by the way, the day before, do not forget to check if the hanger in your jacket is torn off, otherwise you will be ashamed of your slovenliness in front of others). It is better to hide the number in your pocket or bag. If you turn it around in your hands, you will definitely drop it or lose it.

The custom, according to which a man walks down the street to the left of a woman, has this explanation. The fact is that two or three hundred years ago, men did not leave the house without a weapon: each had a saber, a rapier or a dagger hanging on his left side (on his left in order to quickly and more conveniently grab the weapon from the scabbard with his right hand).

And officials, even before the end of the 19th century, were obliged to wear a sword with their uniforms, which also hung on their left side.

In order for the weapon dangling when walking to not hit the companion's legs, the gentleman tried to walk to the left of the lady. Gradually, this became a custom, which has survived to this day.

In public places

In public places

In our country, the concept of a public place is used in the Code of Administrative Offenses. This name is mentioned in article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which describes petty hooliganism, which is formed on the basis of a disrespectful attitude towards society and the use of obscene language in public places. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 20.20 states that the concept of "public place" should be understood as any objects of finding individuals. In the comments to this article, it is indicated that such objects can include squares, parks, streets, stadiums, that is, those places where people can hypothetically be at any time of the day.

What does a public place legally mean?

  1. A place where people gather;
  2. Any place where people can be at any time of the day (including entertainment establishments).

Thus, we can immediately say that this concept is considered very multifaceted. After all, initially, any place can be recognized as a public place, since all territories (excluding private ones) can be used by all citizens of the country.

The legislation gives a very clear definition of public places, at the same time, this concept is procedurally not ideal. For this reason, it can be interpreted in different ways. Common areas vary. And in principle, the constitutional law for each person is assigned the opportunity to visit all places on the territory of the country. At the same time, there is such a thing as property. And if we are talking about private property, then it cannot be considered a public place, since access to such territories is clearly limited.

Why do we need the concept of "public place"?

In principle, in public places there is a certain concentration of people, for this very reason, there is a kind of need to supervise and control the relationship of citizens in such conditions. Note that the term "public place" itself is found in many federal laws. Even in the criminal code, there are clauses about the commission of crimes in public places. Nevertheless, the basic concept is introduced into the use of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, where there are several articles closely related to the concept of "public place".

In our country, there is a kind of ban on drinking alcoholic beverages in public places. At the same time, the legislation defining this concept is considered very ambiguous in the sphere of the interpretation itself. Thus, it is sometimes extremely difficult to determine from a legal point of view which place is considered public. It is for this reason that the administrations of some regions are trying to issue additions in the form of decrees, which indicate the places where the drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. After all, the interpretation of the law determines that any place where strangers appear or may appear is recognized as public. The only exception is the premises of movable and immovable property, which is used for personal purposes and is privately owned.

P.S. If you need to dispute the fine - click on the link. A professional approach, reasonable prices and high quality service - all this awaits you on the proposed website.

Rules of conduct in public places

In public places, it is prohibited:

1. Smoking

Citizens are allowed to smoke in designated areas and are prohibited from:

o on the territory and in the premises of educational institutions, youth organizations, institutions providing services in the field of culture and sports;

o on the territory of medical, spa and rehabilitation organizations and inside their premises;

o on long-distance trains;

o on deep-sea vessels;

o on aircraft;

o in public transport;

o at a distance of less than 15 meters from the entrances to metro stations, bus stations, railway stations, airports, sea and river ports, as well as inside their premises;

o in the premises of residential buildings, hotels and buildings to accommodate temporarily residing citizens;

o in the buildings of social services, government agencies;

o at the workplace;

o in elevators;

o in common areas located inside apartment buildings;

o on the beaches;

o in playgrounds;

o on passenger platforms for boarding and disembarking from trains;

o at gas stations.

The punishment for smoking in the wrong place is provided in the form of a fine, the amount of which is up to 1,500 rubles.

The punishment for smoking on the territory of the playground is punishable by a fine of up to 3,000 rubles.

Areas allocated for smoking should be equipped with the equipment necessary to comply with sanitary standards.

Petty hooliganism

This term means a violation of public order in the form of:

o expressions of disrespect for society,

o obscene language,

o offensive harassment,

o destruction or damage to someone else's property.

Persons brought to administrative responsibility will be punished with a fine of up to 1,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

If the violator, along with the above actions, disobey the request of a representative of the authorities, then he faces a fine of up to 2,500 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

The penalty for drinking alcohol in the wrong place is a fine of up to 1,000 rubles.

4. The use of drugs and psychotropic drugs without a doctor's prescription, as well as the use of intoxicating substances

Violators face punishment in the form of a fine of up to 5,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

If this offense was committed by a foreigner or a stateless person, then in addition to a fine or arrest, the offender will be punished by administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation.

Public Sex Rules

Intoxicated appearance

For this offense, a fine of up to 1,500 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days is imposed.

6. Organization of a mass stay of citizens in a public place, which became the cause of a violation of public order

A fine of up to 25,000 rubles, compulsory labor for up to 100 hours or arrest for up to 15 days is punishable by organizing a mass event, which caused:

o violation of public order, sanitary standards;

o violation of the order of work and safety of life support facilities, as well as the functioning of communication facilities;

o damage to green spaces, social infrastructure or vehicles.

If the organization of the event entailed causing harm to health or property, then, provided that the actions of the violators are not criminalized, the sanction is increased to a fine of 150 to 300 thousand rubles, compulsory work lasting up to 200 hours, or arrest for up to 20 days.

In cases where the described acts are committed repeatedly, the offender pays a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or is subject to compulsory labor for up to 200 hours or arrest for up to 30 days.

So, we learned about the rules governing the rules of conduct in public places. For violation of these norms, citizens face punishment in the form of a fine, compulsory work or arrest

What is a public place by law


In the textbook "Youth an Honest Mirror, or Indications for Everyday Circumstance" the following rules of behavior on the street were indicated: to keep straight, and to look at people cheerfully and pleasantly with a fine-looking constancy, so that they would not say: he looks slyly at people. "

The rules of modern etiquette prescribe: all people on the street should be polite, tactful and dignified.

When leaving the house, even for a minute, you should be dressed in clean and decent clothes.

You should move along the street, keeping to the right side. Take moderate steps, keep your back straight, step gently from heel to toe, and do not stomp or drag your feet. Do not swing your arms violently, but do not hold them still. Active and violent gesticulation is not allowed, especially if you have any objects in your hands (umbrella, briefcase, bag, etc.)

The main commandment of behavior on the street is respect for the oncoming.

You should not rush along the footpath from side to side and frantically cross the carriageway. Be especially careful to crash into oncoming heavy traffic of pedestrians. In addition, you need to be very careful in the transitions, on the side of the road and crossroads - here you should not dream about anything or "go deeply" into your thoughts. In addition, by "disconnecting" from the control over your behavior, you run the risk of colliding with other people, because the street is not the most unsafe place.

If you unwittingly caused inconvenience to someone (pushed, stepped on the foot, etc.), then you must immediately politely and clearly apologize. If this happened to you and the person who caused the inconvenience apologized, then it is acceptable to answer: "Please", "Do not worry."

Having met on the street an acquaintance of his, who is older in age or social status, or is simply in a hurry and wanting to speak, a tactful person should settle in with him, and not stop him. However, before that, you should ask if he objects to such "escort".

When meeting a friend who is accompanied by a stranger, you must greet both. If in such a situation you have met a woman you know or a person of high rank, do not enter into a conversation with them. You should do the same when you meet a close friend who is busy talking with a lady you don't know. If your friend is in the company of a man, he decides for himself whether to speak to you or not. A simple greeting is enough. But if your friend answers the greeting, and he continues to communicate with his companion, do not interfere.

Perhaps, when you meet, you do not want to enter into a conversation. Then you can limit yourself to one greeting, if, of course, the person you meet understands your intentions. It is tactless to turn away, pretending that you have not noticed the person you do not want to see.

On the street, a man should walk to the left of a woman, a subordinate - to the left of a boss, a young one - also to the left of an elderly person. In general, the seat on the right is considered privileged. If there are three people walking along the street, then the most "honorable" is the place in the middle, the second - on the right, the last - on the left. The lady walking with the two men takes a seat in the middle. A child should always be between two adults, and an adult with two children between them. Remember that the child should always be where it is safest.

A man walking with a woman can only in extreme measure speak with the person he meets. The exception is when it is a common acquaintance of yours. However, you cannot leave a woman alone: ​​she must be introduced to your companion. But a woman walking down the street with a man is not obliged to introduce him to a friend she meets.

It is unacceptable to talk with an acquaintance you met on the street in the center of the sidewalk. It is also impossible to occupy the entire sidewalk in width if you are walking in a group of several people. It is better not to go in a line, especially under the arm - each must go separately or, in extreme cases, in pairs.

Indicators of lack of culture and bad manners, ignorance of the rules of etiquette - the habit of looking at people from head to toe (especially disabled people), criticizing them aloud.

What is a public place by law: definition

their appearance, shout out different kinds of remarks to unfamiliar women.

In the event that the lace is untied, a button comes off, or something similar happens, then you should not correct the situation in front of passers-by - it is better to step aside.

A tactful and well-mannered person shows respect for strangers on the street who need help. You should address such passers-by in this way: “Let me help you?”, “Can I help?” These appeals should be made impersonal, that is, not to name unfamiliar men and women who need help "father", "grandfather", "grandmother", "girl", "woman". If in response you hear a refusal, do not offer help a second time.

Here are some “no's” in street etiquette:

· You can not spit;

· You can not take food on the go (ice cream, pies, sandwiches, etc.);

· You can not litter with pieces of paper, food leftovers, butts - there are urns for this;

· Women should not use cosmetics, comb their hair, straighten stockings;

· Both men and women should not smoke on the go.

In the door.

If several people went to the entrance to the room at the same time, you should linger a little in front of the door, letting in first the elders in age and social status, women and children. So the younger lets the older one pass, the owner of the house is the guest, but the guest is the hostess. In the case when, the elder offers to go forward to the younger - do not argue. If the statuses or age of people are equal, then the one who is closer to him crosses the threshold first.

However, in an unlit room, as well as in restaurants, bars, casinos, a man enters in front of a woman.

If the door was closed, it must also be closed behind you. It is impolite to close the door in front of the person following you. If he is a short distance from the door, then hold it open until he fits.

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What is a "public place"?

Behavior in public places.

2. Business etiquette.

3. Presentations of the organization, products, services.

4. The art of compliment.

5. Rules for presenting a gift.

6. Features of business communication with foreign partners.

A business person has to contact other people in in public places: on the street, in transport, in state and non-state administrative institutions, theater, etc. Although this communication is often short-lived and impersonal, it is also governed by the rules of etiquette.

Outside. On the sidewalk, you must observe the right side, do not interfere with passers-by. If it happens in tight quarters or inadvertently pushing a passer-by, you should apologize. Questions like "How to get through ...?" asked politely. Thank you for your answers. If asked, answer clearly and clearly. If in doubt, you better apologize, refuse to answer. When walking, you should not hunch over, swing your arms around or keep them in your pockets. Only in very cold weather they can be shoved into the pockets of a coat or jacket. You should not walk with a cigarette in your mouth, eat on the go. If you want to smoke or eat, you need to step aside for this. Cigarette butts and other rubbish must not be thrown onto the walkway.

The maximum number of people walking in a row is three, on a crowded sidewalk - two. Paired with a man, a woman takes a seat on the right side. In the company of two men, a woman walks in the middle. The bag must be carried so as not to hurt passers-by. The umbrella is held upright.

If you want to talk to a friend you meet, you need to step aside so as not to interfere with passers-by.

A well-mannered person helps those who need it: helps to cross the street, to go down steep or slippery stairs to an elderly person, a disabled person, or his companion.

In state and non-state administrative institutions. Entering the institution, they greet the watchman in the lobby, present the necessary documents.

Before visiting the institution, they clearly understand the purpose of the visit, the subject of the conversation, and prepare the necessary documents. If necessary, make an appointment in advance and arrive at the appointed time.

Men, entering the service premises, take off their headdress. If there is a secretary in the receptionist of the official, then they inform him of the appointment.

Entering a room where there are many employees, they quietly greet those who paid attention and approach the right person. Communication between a visitor and an official must be correct and businesslike. Even if the issue is not resolved in favor of the visitor, the door should not be slammed loudly.

On the stairs, the man gives way to the woman at the railing, while he himself takes such a position in relation to her to help if she suddenly stumbles.

When meeting and talking with someone in the corridor, they take such a place so as not to interfere with those walking. They talk in a muffled tone. When leaving, they say goodbye not only to the business person who received you, but also to the person on duty at the entrance.

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Etiquette for girls. Rules of conduct for girls.

Despite school, clubs and household chores, every girl has free time!

Surely you are aware that any public place has its own rules of conduct. They must be known and followed! This will not only show that you are an educated person, but also make your life much easier. You don't want to get into an unpleasant situation just because you broke some rule?

So how to behave in different institutions to make a good impression on those around you?

How to behave in the library

The library is a place that many people visit! And the rules of conduct are pretty strict here.

Every library has a wardrobe. Leave your outerwear and all unnecessary things there. Take with you only what is useful to you: a notebook, a pen, a library card. Don't leave valuables in your wardrobe! Take your mobile phone and money with you.

Keep quiet in the reading room! After all, people do not come to the library to communicate. You may even be asked to leave the room if you discuss a book loudly.

When you get the materials you need, find a free space and tune in to work.

Remember: keep the books in the state in which they came into your hands! Do not fold the corners of the pages (better use a bookmark), do not drop books or place other objects on them. Never rip out the pages or chapters you need! Use a copier if you don't want to lug the tomes home. You're not a wild caveman to treat books like that!

How to behave in nature

Do you like being outdoors? Even if the city is nicer to you, at least sometimes get out of the stone jungle into the forest! This will help you not only maintain good health, but also improve your mood.

When you are resting outside the city, remember the rules of behavior in nature. They must be followed!

The most important, even, let's not be afraid of this word, global problem is garbage.

You come to the forest, so beautiful, as if on the canvas of an artist, and ... mountains of garbage, that's what you see there!

For some reason, people are sure that leaving bottles, candy wrappers and other unnecessary things in the forest is in the order of things.

Never leave plastic, tin and plastic packaging, plastic bags and glass bottles in the forest!

You do not want to be like swine-like personalities who do not consider it shameful to pollute nature? Would you be pleased if your house was littered and littered? And the forest is home to many animals and plants! Therefore, treat it with care and respect!

Show by your example that protecting nature is not at all difficult if you follow simple norms of behavior.

Take a trash bag with you to the forest, collect bottles and cans and throw them in the trash cans when you arrive in town. If you want to light a fire, take only dry branches! Do not chop down living trees, do not leave any marks on them like "Vasya was here." Vasya would be unpleasant if someone wrote a similar inscription on his forehead. It is just as unpleasant for trees - they are also alive!

Do not pluck or trample plants! Do not rush to pick "that cute little flower for a bunch." The flower will wither, and you will throw it out along with the bouquet. And the plant cannot be brought back to life! In addition, many flowers can be included in the Red Book and be under state protection!

Don't make a fire near the thicket. Be sure to put out the fire before leaving! To start a fire is a trifle, but it is not always possible to extinguish it ...

How to behave on a train

Are you going on a train trip? Your dream has come true, and you are going to the sea ... Or somewhere else, the main thing is that you are going. And even on the train!

Travel will be easy and joyful for you if you follow simple rules. And on the contrary, if you do not know these rules, unpleasant surprises can ruin the most interesting trip!

Don't be late for the train station! After all, the train will not wait for you - you will have to return tickets, and your whole journey will end without even starting.

On top of that, in a hurry, you can forget the things you need. And this is also not very good.

According to the rules of etiquette, a man enters the carriage first. He holds out his hand to the woman. And the youngest of the men helps to carry things into the carriage.

After entering the carriage, go to the seat indicated on your ticket. Place your luggage. If your travel companions are already there, greet them and name yourself. If you have a bottom shelf, you can store your items in the luggage compartment underneath. If you have a ticket for the top bunk, put your luggage in the overhead bin, or stow it in the niche above the door if you are traveling in a compartment.

Do not take a lot of food on the road, especially during the hot season. If you intend to take food with you, choose something with a subtle smell, otherwise the neighbors may not like it.

The one who sits on the bottom shelf regulates the food intake. Therefore, if you have a lower shelf, ask the passenger on the upper shelf when he is going to have a snack, so as not to interfere with each other.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol on the way!

How to behave at a disco

Disco is a place where people gather to dance. However, there are rules of conduct that must be followed there!

Make sure you have comfortable clothes. After all, you will be actively dancing, so give preference to clothes that do not restrict movement.

The dances take place in a semi-dark room, so it will be great if your blouse or the inscription on it shines in the dark!

Don't stand aside during a disco. Dance, but don't push and step on your neighbors' feet. Hardly anyone will like it, respect others!

From time to time, leave the hall to ventilate and wash. This way you will feel better and you can dance all night long!

And remember: it is better not to drink alcoholic drinks! After all, you came to dance, not drink.

Rules of conduct at a party

Let's talk about some of the rules that you need to follow if you are visiting.

You don't have to invite someone to your home. If you have a date with a boyfriend, then you will most likely go to a cafe, theater, concert or disco. By the way, according to the rules of good form, even a woman can invite a man to the theater or to a concert! Only after the acquaintance is strong enough.

The one who invites acts as the host (or hostess). The one who is invited is a guest or a guest.

Before accepting an invitation to visit or becoming a hostess yourself, think about what you will wear.

Much depends on where you are going or where you invite another person. Clothes must be appropriate for the occasion!

So, if you are going for a walk in nature, you should not wear an elegant dress and stiletto heels. And if you go to a theater or a restaurant, then a festive dress will come in handy!

Rules of conduct in the theater

Make-up and hair are also required for the occasion. If possible, they should match your style and your personality.

Pick up the appropriate accessories (shawl, handbag, jewelry) for the elegant dress. Don't wear sports shoes! Even if you're wearing a skirt or pants, keep your sneakers for a more appropriate occasion.

If you have received an invitation to visit, do not be late! Once you enter the house, say hello to all the guests. Leaving the room, do not push everyone to, say, be the first to see the fireworks, if it is a New Year's party. According to the rules of etiquette, when a lady enters the room, men stand up, greeting her in this way.

It is considered bad form if, when talking to a person, you suddenly turn your back on him. It doesn't matter if you are considering who Anka is chatting with and what a handsome man Natasha has picked up, do not show disrespect to your interlocutor! After all, this person can perceive your behavior as a personal insult!

But what if you are asked to sing or play something in the midst of the fun? In the case when you are doing vocals or playing the guitar, do not open yourself up and do not defiantly turn your head away! Why not in the end please your guests with your skillful playing of a musical instrument? It's another matter if the water in the pipes freezes from your singing and cockroaches in the bathroom die together. Then, of course, you shouldn't torture the guests.

Do not constantly look at the clock - the owners may think that you are bored and tired of the fun. Even if this is true, show some respect for the organizers of the party.

But do not stay long on a visit! This is considered extremely indecent: everyone has already dispersed, and you all "please" the owners with a detailed retelling of your favorite movie. Think that everyone is tired and wants to relax after a busy day, and only the rules of etiquette make the unfortunate organizers of the holiday listen to you!

When leaving, be sure to thank the hosts for an interesting evening!

What if you are invited to the theater? According to the rules of etiquette, it is believed that if you go with a guy, the tickets should be with him. And here it does not matter who invited whom: he you or vice versa.

The guy is the first to enter the auditorium, the first to walk along the row to your seats, and only then gives you the right to choose a seat.

When walking to your seat, always turn your face towards the audience in your row! After all, you are causing concern, so if you walk with your back to them, it is considered bad form. Better if you take your seats in the hall on time, do not be late!

Usually the girl sits to the right of the guy. However, it happens that a particularly tall person sits right in front of you, because of whom nothing is visible at all. Then you can switch places. If the seats are located on the side, it is more convenient that which is further from the stage or stage. This is the place you need to sit.

What if you both didn't like the show or concert? You do not need to express your dissatisfaction out loud and especially notify the viewers who are nearby. They might like the production, why impose their opinion?

Don't talk to your boyfriend about the acting or the skill of the performers. And in no case should you leave before the end of the performance! Think: the actors worked so hard to show the audience their acting, and you treat them like that! Respect both the audience and yourself.

Do not rush to the wardrobe immediately after the end of the performance or concert in order to get dressed as soon as possible. After all, you don't go to the theater or to a concert every day! You yourself will be pleased to extend the festive atmosphere of the evening!