How to become a desirable girl for your boyfriend. How to Be Desirable for Your Husband

An intimate secret, it is not necessary to share with him all the most intimate, for this there are sincere ones. You must have your own territory of the soul, where the husband is not allowed. In moments of intimacy, communicate with hands, smiles, and glances.

Do not become loving for your husband, do not extend your maternal instincts to your beloved, do not take care of him, even if you are very worried about him. Remain for him always weak, fragile, which you just need to love and protect, pamper and caress. Always emphasize and notice the daily deeds that he performs in your honor.

Do not lose your sex appeal and always take care of yourself and your appearance. If you have the choice of spring cleaning your apartment or spending time at the spa, always choose a salon. Having relaxed and rested there, in a day you will clean the apartment twice as fast, better and in a good mood. Eliminate old lady robes and knee-high sweatpants from your home wardrobe.

Do not pout over trifles and do not allow yourself to succumb to a bad mood, a gloomy, eternally dissatisfied wife is unlikely to arouse a passionate desire in her spouse, because cheerful, easy-going, full of vitality are attractive. And never punish your husband with a lack of sex, this is one of the most common mistakes. Don't be shy in bed. Behind the doors of the matrimonial bedroom, you are the two of you in the whole world. Show your trust to your husband, do not hold back your desires and erotic fantasies.

Have your personal life, your interests and hobbies, your social circle and your friends. Nothing excites a man like the realization that he is attractive and desirable to others, that she is of interest and everyone wants to communicate with her.

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  • How to always be desirable for a man

A woman is made for love. Classics wrote about it and philosophers of all times argued about it. She awakens in a man such emotions that can only be compared with natural disasters. However, it is not so easy to always maintain the fire of passions and feelings, especially if these feelings are diluted with everyday life, problems and the solution of pressing issues. But to remain desirable for her man is quite within the power of any woman.


Often the main reason for the cooling of feelings is monotony, which sooner or later makes itself felt even in sincerely loving couples. Try to always remain in some kind of understatement for your partner or husband. Get into the habit of sometimes changing something in your appearance, style, behavior, character, image.

Be sure to have your own hobbies, activities and hobbies that you will spend some of your attention and energy on. Charging with positive from your favorite business, you will become more optimistic, satisfied and happy. An enthusiastic woman is interesting to herself, which means that she is interesting to everyone else.

Do not completely dissolve in a man, do not devote your own life to him. Do not live for a man, but live next to him. Then he will have the desire to keep and interest, in his heart he will be afraid of losing you. From such thoughts, adrenaline will constantly circulate in the blood, and the desire to possess you will be consistently high.

The husband has cooled down, and your relationship is more like the cohabitation of two good friends? Don't sit and wait for something to change. Otherwise, you can slowly collect things and prepare for a divorce. We need to act, I'm sure Author of the book "Intimacy. Women's view" Ekaterina Mirimanova. How to return passion to a relationship, she told

1. Look

In any relationship, details matter. Honestly answer the question: how do you look at your own husband? If a loving and tender look is a thing of the past, try to “ignite” yourself from the inside. Remember how you treated a man at the very beginning of your romance. Reread the letters or sms that you once wrote to each other. Look at joint photos. Go alone or as a couple to a place with which you have special memories. Try to resurrect emotions, this will help you look at your husband differently, even if you have been living together for many years.

2. Flirt

Never forget to flirt. Yes, a man in sweatpants or other no less “exotic” outfits does not inspire, but rather suggests: “And I will flirt with this? Why do I need this? But do not rush to give up such a game.

There are many ways to flirt, such as leaving a playful note in your jacket pocket or texting your spouse. Of course, if you have never done this, then the phrase "I'm on fire, take me" can lead a man into a stupor. In this case, act from afar, for example, just start signing messages at the end - “kiss”. And then connect the fantasy.

3. Experiments

Often, when the degree of passion in a life together falls sharply, a man may offer to go on some kind of experiment. Do not rush to refuse! A typical situation: the spouse offers to watch erotica or pornography together. The wife rolls her eyes and with the words "I'm not like that!" cuts off all initiative in the bud. Of course, if the proposals of a beloved man are categorically unacceptable for you, then you don’t need to break yourself. But if it’s not categorical and you trust your partner, then why not try something new. Your spouse wants to eat sushi from you. Let him try. What will get away from you? He doesn’t burn you with an iron, he doesn’t beat you. If this does not damage the psyche and health, then go for some experiment. Then the man will not want to go to the left, because he knows that he can fulfill all his fantasies with his own wife.

4. Interests

You always need to keep your interests. If after marriage your life went according to the script - school, work, home, then when you meet your husband in the evening, you will have nothing to talk about. Chat with your friends, go to the theater, to the cinema. Even if your spouse does not share your hobbies, go to an event without him or even alone. Expand your horizons, meet new people, get positive emotions.

5. Voice

Sometimes, to improve relations, it is enough to start talking with your spouse in a calm, friendly tone. Unfortunately, some women, without noticing it, communicate with their husbands rather rudely. The usual phrase "I'm busy!" you can say in the style of "leave me alone", or you can - gently and playfully. Men feel this difference.

In addition, do not have the habit of being rude to your loved one, sawing him! How can you want a woman who screams like crazy all day long: “What an idiot you are. What a fool I got! ”? Treat your partner with respect. If there is no respect, then there is no relationship.

6. Appearance

When was the last time you bought yourself beautiful lacy lingerie? Of course, there is a small percentage of women who, even after 40 years of marriage, continue to do so. But such units. When was the last time you went somewhere with your husband, put on makeup, put on heels? Yes, what is there! When was the last time you ever wore heels? Married women often replace shoes with sneakers or at best ballet flats, and then say that they cannot walk in other shoes. And in this case, the main thing is not to lose skill. I have shoes with huge heels at home, which I wear exclusively around the apartment, so that, firstly, I don’t forget how it’s done. And secondly, please your husband. Stockings, manicures, pedicures - all these small details will create the image of a well-groomed woman, and you do not need to spend a lot of money on them. Keep up the good work and be the woman your husband married.

7. Riddle

It is difficult to remain a mystery woman when you have been married for 10 years: your husband was at your birth and saw you in a variety of states. But this is not a reason to let familiarity into your relationship, you must keep a certain bar. Any woman has questions, secrets, information that the other half should not be allowed into. A man is a conqueror, the main thing is that he has something to conquer, or rather, whom. He must feel that he is afraid of losing you.

8. Emotions

With each year we live together, there is less sex in any family. It is a fact. To move the situation forward, think about how you can surprise your man. If you lack imagination, watch erotic films, read related books. Go to a sex shop, alone or with your husband. By the way, often the desire goes away simply because of illness, so be careful about your own health. You should always have time for yourself. A gynecologist 2 times a year, even for prevention, is a prerequisite for harmonious relationships.

Explore various simulators for developing intimate muscles - this will not only add variety to your intimate life, but will also be good for your health. There is a lot of information about such training on the Internet. Instructions are attached to high-quality simulators, so no problems should arise. Of course, it is not necessary to dedicate your spouse to such subtleties, especially if you have been living together for 20 years. But believe me, he will appreciate the effect of training anyway.

Every woman could notice that over time, even the most ardent and passionate emotions of a man begin to subside. The one who at first could declare to the whole world that he loves, soon stops doing this. The one who did noble deeds, eventually ceases to do them. Scientists say that the subsidence of feelings is quite natural with time. However, how can a woman remain loved and desired by her man?

The specialists of the psychological help site site agree with the opinion of the famous poet S. Yesenin, who said that if feelings pass, then they cannot be returned. Scientists, too, can agree with him on the basis of the conclusions that they have received in the course of research. It turns out that the feelings that people experience at the beginning of a relationship are nothing more than a game of hormones. Nature made sure that people reproduced. She gave them hormones that start to be produced in such quantities when they see suitable partners that they thus affect the functioning of the brain when it is eclipsed, stops thinking critically and begins to see the world, especially the new "soulmate" in "rose-colored glasses". ".

All the time, hormones cannot be released in large quantities. It is enough for nature if people have sexual intercourse several times within a few months. After a year - a maximum of 3 hormones completely stop their game, and only two people remain with all their qualities, dreams, desires, true aspirations and behaviors. This is where people begin to feel that their feelings have passed. Some even think that .

However, we are only talking about hormones that naturally stop their game, leaving people alone with their soul mates. What a man and a woman will do in such a situation already depends on them.

How to become desirable?

A woman who begins to notice that her partner's emotions have subsided significantly begins to worry. And there are reasons for that. Modern men almost do not think about how to solve the lack of sex, new feelings and impressions. They go to the left, almost never breaking off their love relationships with "official" partners. It turns out that if a woman ceases to be desirable, then she is primarily worried about the fact that her man will begin to cheat on her.

Such a practice among the stronger sex really exists. This is where women want to find the answer to the question of how to remain desirable so that their gentlemen, even husbands, do not go to the left.

Of course, it is impossible to return the feelings that a man had at the beginning of the relationship. Let a woman not even hope for it. The reason for this is the hormones, which will no longer rage as brightly as they were at the beginning, and the fame of the woman herself, who is no longer as mysterious as she was at the beginning, and the conquest of her heart, which at first might not belong to a man.

We can say that the man has already received his own, so after some time he calmed down to the woman. This does not mean that he does not appreciate or respect her. It simply means that his hormones have calmed down and he is now living a normal life.

Is it possible somehow for a woman to remain desirable for her man? It is possible, but for this you will have to work constantly:

  1. A woman needs to be beautiful again. If over time she stopped caring for herself, got fat, stopped wearing beautiful outfits and doing makeup, as she did at the beginning, then she should remember this again. Many women sin in that they cease to be beautiful for their men, believing that they should love them in any form. But this is an erroneous opinion. Men should not love women the way they have become over time, and not the way they loved them when they met.
  2. A woman needs to update her wardrobe. Most likely, for the entire time of the relationship, she did not do this much. She had already transferred all her outfits. She hasn't changed her underwear for a long time. It's time to fix it. A man loves novelty. He will be pleased if a woman dresses herself in a new dress, puts on new underwear.
  3. The woman forgot about the mystery. Undoubtedly, over time, people get to know each other. It is difficult to keep a mystery when you constantly live shoulder to shoulder with a man, are forced to solve joint problems, reveal your desires and secrets. And yet the woman may not be completely unraveled. Get little secrets that a man will guess about, but the answers to which he will never receive.
  4. A woman forgets that she is a woman and her man is a man. She shouldn't treat him like a child. She should not follow his wardrobe, say what to eat, when to go to bed, etc. He should definitely decide such small issues himself. Moreover, a man should have duties that he will fulfill, since a woman is weak, ignorant, and simply does other things.
  5. A woman should resume interesting sex with a man. Since you are afraid of betrayal, then a man should get intimate with you. If he has been dreaming about something for a long time, and you did not agree, then you can try it. If he is not against experiments, then offer them to him.
  6. A woman must be confident in herself. In particular, we are talking about attractiveness. Many women let themselves go when they are in a romantic relationship, which naturally leads them to think that they are ugly. Men feel this and begin to walk with those who are confident in their sexuality. In order not to lead to this, a woman must either put herself in order, or (if she feels comfortable in her body) take care of her external attractiveness. Make yourself the way you want to be, and always be sure that you are beautiful, which you confirm with appropriate actions.

How to become loved?

Over the years, not only passion, but also love passes. Feelings completely subside, leaving room for cold reason. If a man looks at a woman and understands that she is a good person with whom he lives comfortably, then he will continue the relationship with her.

The presence of betrayal in such a pair will depend solely on how the man was brought up. Many say that infidelity is the result of relationship problems. We will say that even in stable and calm marriages, men can walk. The reason here is not in the presence of problems, but in the upbringing of the men themselves. So that a man does not have thoughts of going left, a woman needs to warm up his love for her. How to do it?

  • You need to give freedom and joy. Men are freedom-loving people. In fact, women also value and love freedom, only they achieve it in other ways. So, if a woman can give a man freedom of action and decisions, while being sure that he is doing everything right, then he will be pleased with such an attitude towards himself. A woman must also remain cheerful. The question is, why are women cheerful with men only at the beginning of a relationship? If a woman can be cheerful all the time, even after many years, then a man will be able to keep feelings for her.
  • Separate two roles - to be a lover and a friend. You can't be a lover and a friend at the same time. A woman will have to change these roles and combine them with others. In relation to a man, you need to remain passionate. In bed, you need to allow yourself to be crazy. At the same time, in everyday life you need to allow yourself to have reason and prudence. The man will need help, advice and support. If a woman can give all this, then he will definitely appreciate her.
  • Stay beautiful both externally and internally. Many women think that if they achieve certain body measurements, dye their hair white, learn to take certain positions and dress smartly, like all the men at their feet. However, they forget that external beauty is only good for attracting men. Then they want to know the inner world of women. And if it turns out to be empty, then such a relationship will not last long. In order not only to cause, but also to keep love for herself, a woman needs to be an interesting person. Undoubtedly, she must remain outwardly beautiful. But if it will be interesting to talk with her about something, then she will also be loved.
  • Develop. Over the years, people change (not drastically, but still change). If a man moves up the career ladder, strives for something, then this provokes his natural growth. To remain loved by him, a woman needs to grow with her man. Do not forget to engage in self-development when your knowledge will be enriched in the same way as your lover's wallet. A man should see that you are not standing still, you continue to amaze him with your mind and quick wits.
  • Maintain your independence. Undoubtedly, relationships suggest that partners begin to live a life together, somewhere abandoning their plans and getting involved in each other's lives. However, do not take things to extremes. Man and woman should not merge. They unite, but do not become one. To remain interesting to your partner, you need to continue to be as independent of him as before you met. Undoubtedly, you are together and live taking into account the interests of each other, while each has his own concerns, affairs, interests, friends, preferences, even opinions, despite the fact that we would like them to always coincide.
  • Satisfy yourself. If a woman is completely satisfied with herself, then a man somehow on a subconscious level also becomes pleased with her. Notice how a woman treats herself, the same way a man perceives her. If a woman criticizes herself, then a man is connected to this process. If a woman is happy with herself, then a man loves her. Surprisingly, a man treats a woman the way she treats herself.

A woman should have her own interests, hobbies, work and worries. A woman can communicate with people with whom her man does not communicate or does not want to spend time. However, all this will contribute to the fact that she will retain her individuality, be enriched with new impressions and be interesting for her man.

As a result, to be desired and loved for your beloved?

Every woman, sooner or later, is faced with the need to do something so that a man desires and loves her. Over time, "hormonal" feelings subside, and the man begins to look at the woman with a sober look. If he does not see anything good in her, then he can part with her altogether. However, if he has any feelings for her, then they can be a little inflamed so that the woman becomes even more desirable and loved.

All of this will take effort. Nothing can be achieved in one day. You will have to constantly perform certain manipulations in order to evoke feelings for yourself. If a woman is ready to live an unusual life for herself, then let her try and get positive results.

You dream of remaining attractive and seductive for your beloved years later, as in the first days of your acquaintance ... This is possible if you follow the advice of men who know everything about the secrets of seduction.

Vladimir Shirokov, photographer

I deal with hundreds of female models every day at work. They are beautiful, no doubt ... But they are ... the same, their appearance corresponds to the parameters that are imposed by the fashion world. Model girls are the most uninteresting - after all, they have big problems with the inner world.

Passion for beauty will burn out in a few months. To remain desirable, a woman needs to develop, as, indeed, a man. If both are engaged in their own internal development, their relationship also develops, becomes deeper, more interesting. They are not bored together.

This is an incomparable joy of discovery - every day a partner opens up for you from a new side, it cannot but hook you. When it turns out that you and your loved one have a lot in common, let's say you watch a movie and you are equally touched by the same episodes... There is such unity in this. At such moments, this girl is the most desirable.

I like petite girls. I myself am not a two-meter tall man, but I want her to be able to hug, kiss, and not reach somewhere in height. In general, I have a feeling that such short women need protection, in my protection.

Oleg Roy, writer

In addition to the external, there is an inner beauty, before which both silicone and Botox injections are powerless, some women sometimes forget about this. And in an attempt to improve their appearance, from the age of 20 they begin to actively change their faces and bodies with the help of plastic surgery. I do not argue, you need to care about how you look. I understand those women who decide on cosmetic surgery when it comes to age-related changes. But you need to take care of the beauty of the inner no less. The first step to this is reading good books, no matter how trite it sounds. On the other hand, some young women will not hesitate to name a few fashion writers. But ask them what these books are about, they won't be able to answer because they haven't read them. The content is lost - there is a beautiful wrapper, and there is emptiness in it.

There are women with whom it is pleasant not only to talk, but also to be silent, listening to the wind. And with some, it turns out that there is nothing to be silent about, because the silicone component suggests that you have a clown in front of you. And there is no soul inside.

Today there is a list of attributes of a successful man: a Bentley, two burly security guards, a watch of a certain brand… and a young woman. At the same time, the man treats her like a screen. And he lives in these clichés, and then sits with friends and says: “How boring, there’s nothing to talk about or keep silent with her.”

Now very rare are young women who have a certain inner core, a clear position on today. I deeply like a young girl who firmly believes: “Design is mine, I want to make the world a better and more beautiful place.” And not because her friend has money, she just knows, feels that this is her true calling. Often just girls say that they don’t know yet what to do - design, music - or become an actress.

One friend told me: “I have 10 classes of education, but look how beautifully I speak, do you know why? I bought the three-volume Golden Thoughts, read everything, and memorized many sayings. Undoubtedly, this girl did some work on herself, but did she become an interesting conversationalist as a result? I would not say. There is a difference between a gold bracelet and a gold plated one. This "spraying" is always felt - after all, sooner or later the gilding will be erased, the mask will fall off.

A girl should not look into the mouth of her beloved man. It should be your own opinion, your own position in life. A woman who feels equal with her man. “We were created in the image and likeness. He and I are gods, I should be equal with him. This is not a clue woman, but a mystery woman. It is interesting to spend time with her, she is unique. When you look at your watch and say to your business partners: “What meetings, guys, I need to go home.” Or you look at the text, you think, you need to finish it as soon as possible - and go to bed ...

This is work on oneself, the work of the soul, heart, brain in order not to win, but to give the opportunity to be conquered. This is an important aspect in defeating a man. And over the fact that he constantly aspired to you. We're back to our favorite books. I can reread O. Henry's The Green Door over and over again. So it is in the relationship between a man and a woman. I have a friend, he and his wife have been together for 25 years, they already have grown-up children. They cannot live without each other and for 20 minutes they begin to call each other. Once, apparently, it was a monotonous work on oneself, which grew into constancy and a desire to be needed by each other.

Alexander Vasiliev, fashion historian

Strength is in weakness A woman needs to love herself in order to remain desirable.. When love shines on a woman, it is reflected in the sparkle in her eyes and in the way she carries herself. Watch your manners, speech, how and what you talk about. Men love it when women show their weakness.

Men also notice the content, your intellect. A lot of different women come to us at Fashion Sentence. Their loss of men is due to the fact that there was nothing to talk about with them. Such women usually dissolve in their husband, do not have their own interests. But the husband sooner or later leaves such a wife, because he did not want to be married to a servant, a maid.

But long legs are not enough. If there is no sex appeal, they will not save. There are women who do not have the most beautiful legs and breasts, but all men go only for them.

Read books, memories of women with successful personal lives, with adventures, absorb, learn. Study music, painting, styles of furniture, costume. If a woman wants to keep a man, she should become for him not a sexual object, but an interesting, meaningful conversationalist.

What do we appreciate in each other? The priorities of men and women basically coincide. So, according to sociological surveys, women value decency and intelligence in men (72% and 67%), followed by caring, fidelity and thriftiness. At the same time, sex appeal in men, according to women, is not the most valuable quality (7%). She is in last place. For men, economic (68%), decent (56%) and faithful (50%) women are attractive. Among other qualities, especially valued by men in women, are caring, intelligence and easy character. But for the stronger sex, the sex appeal of the fairer sex, temperament and independence play a significant role.

What woman does not want to be the one and only for her man? It often happens that she “falls in love” with her partner too much, literally does not let him go even a step, which leads to a completely opposite effect and the loss of a dear person. How to become loved and desired we will consider in this article.

How to be loved and desired by a man?

First of all, develop purely feminine qualities in yourself - defenselessness, weakness, vulnerability, etc. In the age of new technologies, it is customary to put an equal sign between a man and a woman, endowing them with the same qualities. But if a woman does not want to compete with her partner, and ultimately lose him and interest as a losing rival, she needs to let him know in advance that she is a real woman - sensual and in need of protection, not rivalry. Priests are talking about the same today, complaining that women in many ways began to play the first violin in the family, taking the role of a man in it - a breadwinner and protector.

Those who are interested in how to be desired and loved should do everything to keep their partner's interest. How to do it? Find some hobby, . You can sign up for dances or foreign language courses. It doesn't matter, the main thing is to have something to discuss at dinner in the evening besides your favorite series and your last dream. You can’t completely immerse yourself in the affairs and life of your man, take on the role of a caring mom. Here it is important to find a middle ground between complete disregard and complete immersion in the life of your companion.

How to be desirable for a loved one?

First of all, respect yourself, because just one single time, when a woman admits disrespect to herself, can put an end to the relationship. You can not run after a man, call him and reproaches to seek his attention. A man quickly loses interest in such a woman, and everyone who wants to know how to become the most desirable for a beloved man should remember this. You always need to keep some understatement and mystery in a relationship, excite the imagination of your man, be elusive and at the same time alluring.

To encourage sexual interest, but not to be available. Men love women who are cheerful, easy-going, positive and enjoying life. They bypass the grumpy and grouchy, so it is better to leave the harvested saw until better times if you don’t want to lose your loved one. It is very important to be able to listen to your partner and praise him, but not overpraise him.