How to reduce big breasts: Exercises and other ways. Effective breast decrease exercises

Everyone knows that most men really like the magnificent breasts from a woman, they come from her complete admiration. But few know that some women who have such forms think about how to reduce the chest.

Of course, the owners of busts of significant sizes look very attractive, feminine. But the fact that many of them suffer from such a luxurious nature of the nature of many of them.

Why reduce the chest?

Big breasts can actually deliver a lot of problems. Some it becomes difficult to choose clothes, the posture will deteriorate, pain appear in the back. Sometimes breathing even makes it difficult. And these are just some of the main inconveniences that can deliver a woman to have a big breast.

There is also psychological discomfort. Most ladies becomes a shame when they understand that men, talking to them, look at all eyes. Plus, the envy of passersby makes itself felt, after you can hear the few noble things. Men do not even suggest how difficult it is sometimes for girls with such forms.

Then we will discuss some possible ways to reduce the chest. Immediately I must say that such methods that will allow much to reduce the size does not exist, with the exception of surgical interventions. But they can help a little change it.

Comprehensive approach to solving problems

In different sources, including on the Internet, you can find a lot of useful articles on breast range. Of course, these questions are worried about a much larger number of girls. But what to do those who have a completely reverse desire? Chest is much easier to try to increase in size. But to achieve the opposite goal, and even at home, it will be necessary to try hard.

There is one 100% method to which the diet is. Being on a scant nutrition, it will lose all the body, then the chest will become less. True, this way it can be achieved that the breast will be sagging will lose elasticity. It is unlikely that you later will like this result.

Therefore, it is necessary to approach this problem with the mind and take into account some special procedures and a set of exercises. So you will achieve the fact that the breast will begin to lose weight, with her muscles strengthen. It is necessary to approach this task.

Be sure to properly eat, perform special exercises daily, and also make a breast massage. The result from such actions will not wait long for a long time, and soon you will begin to observe some changes in your body. But remember that if the forms are very large, only surgery will help in this case. But it is not worth refusing to occupy, because they cannot cause any harm.

Special procedures

Some proven tips will help a little to remove the volume of the chest.

Diet to help

It has long been known that fat cells are first exposed to splitting. Pickled kilograms bring approximately 20 grams each. And if you lose weight, the weight will leave in the same proportion.

It can be concluded that a diet to reduce the chest is the easiest way to cope with this problem.

Upon compliance with the dietary power, the breast massage is a prerequisite. Otherwise, with a lost weight, she will acquire fluffiness and stretching. Massage to carry out with the use of various creams that have a tightening effect. In addition, massage contributes to improved blood circulation and normalizes metabolism

Aromatherapy as auxiliary

Each of these oils can be used daily, they will not cause any harm, and the benefits of them can be colossal. Just need to take a few drops and gentle movements in a circle in a circle in a problem area.

Visual decrease with clothes

If you properly approach the choice of clothing, then the breast will seem less.

  1. In this case, it is worth abandoning deep neckline, no matter how beautiful they are. They strongly emphasize the chest, its size, attracting outsiders.
  2. Some women like dresses and blouses wide styles. But in such clothes it is not at all visible shapes, the woman begins to be like a strict square. Clothes must have a semi-tight silhouette.
  3. Pay attention to the blouses a little elongated model. If you put a short on a big breast, then the blouse will constantly grow, delivering you trouble.
  4. This problem may be the choice of jacket or jacket. To avoid the fact that wrinkles will be harvested on the waist, the jacket must have a deep cutout.
  5. The biggest mistake for women is clothes with shoulder. They think that so they get to balance the figure, and at the very affairs of the woman acquires a strong male silhouette.
  6. About the bulk sleeves should also be forgotten. Waolas in this case will give the amount of breast and the whole figure in general. For women with lush breasts, a jacket type of sleeves will fit.

To the choice of the bra, it is also necessary to approach reasonably:

Some decorations also fall under the ban. For example, broths will only further attract attention. But it is not worth upset. After all, a beautiful necklace, necklaces are not rebeling. And, if you raise your hair, put on luxurious earrings, then all the attention will be on your neck, but not on your chest.

Special exercises

It is important that lovely women always watched their posture. An uneven spin leads to the fact that the chest hangs, much is visually increasing. To fix posture, you must perform pressing from the floor.

There are still some exercises to reduce breasts that will help achieve a good result:

Surgical intervention

If it does not seem to do without a surgery, it remains only this option. A breast decrease operation has a complex name - reduction mammoplasty, (mammoronection). It is carried out in the opposite when they want to get a couple of additional sizes to the existing. By the way, the decrease is somewhat more than an increase.

Such a cardinal method can reduce, increase the size, tighten, improve the contour.

But this operation has a number of contraindications. Therefore, not everyone can afford its holding. A woman goes to a complete examination, during which tests, biochemical tests are surrendered, a mammography is carried out.

The operation lies in the fact that the doctor should remove part of the mammary glands. The only thing that is a testimony for a cosmetic surgery is solely desire for the woman itself. As a rule, if she turned with such a request, there is definitely desire.


Everyone has its own ideal of beauty. So and with the size of the chest: everyone has their own preferences. Someone like a magnificent shape, others like the little. And everyone is constantly arguing, which is actually true beauty. But give an unequivocal answer, which breast is ideal, it is impossible. Probably, after all, the one like the woman herself and does not give her trouble.

Not every girl suits her breast size. Sometimes it is too small, and sometimes, as in our case, big. Cardinal changes will achieve only thanks to surgery. But how to reduce the size of the thoracic glands without surgery, and is it possible?

Why is that?

To begin with, it takes objectively to look at the situation and think that it is the cause of your problem. Basically, they are quite a bit.

Features of the figure. Yes, it happens that by inheritance is passed and it does not matter whether the girl, full, chest - is big.

Trees, so to speak. Here everything is clear, you yourself know the reason for your problem if you have overweight.

Hormones. You may not suffer overweight or be slim, but have an overly big chest. You need to consult. Most often, the excess amount of female hormone is manifested. This reason can be confused from the first or vice versa. For confidence in any case, visit the doctor.

1. Loseem

Reduce chest glands at home you can very easily - lose weight. Not for all this is an easy way, but sometimes there is no other way out. Burn yourself with yourself, achieve results, get victories over yourself.

This is valid: with each kilogram, breasts decreases by 20 grams. It is not advisable to use a diet in this business, because so you will remove too much for a while. But if you choose a thorny path and reduce the amount of harmful fatty products in your diet - you will win.

The fact is that diet protects you from all delicious, but only on a specific time cut, for example for a week. And after this week after the end of the diet you will definitely want to eat humanly. And you know what? You will score even more extra kg. So the disadvantage. Much more can be achieved by reducing its usual number of food throughout the day. More water, we are generally quite confusing the desire to drink with the desire to eat.

2. Sport

How to reduce the size of breast gastrics that love to do sports? There are certain exercises, after periodic execution, their muscle mass will grow, and fat - decrease. To succeed with this method, do four times a week, no less. Remember that you can not engage in a paved program. As soon as you begin to get used to the exercise, you will be easy to perform it, - replace the new one.

So you can use as the beginning of the classes. Then you need dumbbells, small, enough 1 kg, but if you are not new to sports, and 1-kilogram dumbbells - for you children's bow, then take 3 kg. Lower the belly and spread your arms to the sides. Exhale and translate your hands to another position - in front of you. Now inhale - hands back. With dumbbells, pronounce 3-4 to 20 repeats.

The next exercise is performed on the bench (you can sofa). You must lie so that with the support only the shoulder belt. Raise your hands over the breast so that the brushes are opposite each other. Exhale and slowly endure your hands behind the head. How far, you will understand, because then the breast muscles will strain. It must be done 3 times on 12 repetitions.

Do you know how to reduce breast glands, doing exercises with a special elastic band for sports? And these exercises can be done and do, until you get tired, you can, several times a day, when you find time. In addition to elastic bands, any support will be required for it through which you transfer the gum. Now move away, thus pulling the gum, lift your hands on the chest level. Do you exhale - turn back, inhale - back.

Go up on your back, bend your legs in the knees, raise them, bring them to the chest, lower. So you need to make it 20 times.

We finish again running. You can use to close previous exercises and stretching or fast walking. But in no case forget about such exercises. After all, thanks to them, the body calms down after loads, and which was formed, goes away.

All these exercises are desirable to support nutrition. By combining the first and second way to reduce the chest, you will get a great result. Be sure to help the first way second, because the mass decreases, and the skin? What with her? That's why you need to do.

How to reduce breast glands on baboon recipes?

Books on folk medicine are poor for recipes for this kind, but here is one of the few who still came up with ancestors.

To do this, you need to collect another green poppy heads. These will be compresses, and for one it will take about 50 heads. They fill them with water (2 glasses), put on fire, and then, when the poppies boil, drag the fire and hold for another 15 minutes. Such cold decoction should be strain, and at night to attach a napkin moistened with this miracle potion. Make compresses every evening. You can put the napkin to not blur, and wear a T-shirt. In the morning, go to the shower.

True, for greater probability of improving the condition of the chest, do special exercises. Everyone has his own gaze on this account, but from some risks, the breasts will simply not be able to decrease. But if the compresses are taken in the evening, after a good workout of the muscles and the shoulder belt, they will clearly encourage you and give confidence.

Do not forget about leaving!

The breast reduction process consists not only of its reduction directly, but also to care, namely suspenders and support for tone. You can use both shopping creams and homemade masks and self-preparation creams. In cream, manufacturers add special ingredients that contribute to lifting, you try the masks from yolk and honey, cucumber. You can also help yourself right in with a breast massage perfectly on the skin.

Now you know not only how to reduce breast glands, but also about skin care during this reduction. And this is not very small. So, a lot of women would achieve a good result if they supported the chest in a tone, and not just rapidly. Lovely, not even engaging in physical education. You, if you lose weight and tighten your chest with exercises, definitely do not stay with sagging skin. And adding such pleasant procedures to the whole complex - 100% will be satisfied.

How to reduce breast glands at least visually?

While you will work on the reduction of the chest, and this is a fairly long process, you can make the breast size seemed less than it really is. You will definitely achieve this with the help of minimizers - underwear, which is designed specifically for ladies with a large size of the bust, it helps more or less tighten too much.

You can use and clothing. For example, a V-shaped neckline will look good on a big breast, it will optically reduce it. But a high neck, which in common myth visually makes the size of the breast less, just the opposite emphasizes all the attention on it.

Choose non-teaching clothes, but not baggy blouses that will generally make you infigured and inexpressive. And smaller emphasis on Goodie: bright colors in this area, Ryushi and Volani, any other elements - you need to get rid of them. Although variations with light scarves and beads are possible.

Beautiful breasts - the dream of every girl. Many believe that the greater the size of the bust, the better, but such an opinion is wrong. Firstly, not all men like it, and secondly, such a breast gives a lot of physical inconvenience. Often, the large-size bust holders are looking for available ways to reduce it. For this, it is not necessary to go under the knife at all.

Read in this article

Is it possible to reduce breasts without surgery

Contrary to popular belief, the big size of the bust is not so great, as it may seem at first glance. The reasons for a reduction in breast can be sufficient. She loses faster and squeezes. The owners of the lush bust are difficult to pick up clothes and make an image elegant.

In addition, the big breast causes serious diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, pain in the cervical and lumbar departments. Also, women fall into the risk group of the development of breast diseases.

Of course, the simplest is an operation, but it is not suitable for everyone. First, the intervention is dangerous to health, especially if there is an allergy to medication or anesthesia. In addition, after the operation, scars remain, at least small and reliably hidden, but they are. And finally, the woman is deprived of the opportunity to feed the baby with breasts, because a significant part of the gland is excised.

And it is also worth paying attention to the rather big price of the operation. Considering all these moments, women are looking for other methods to reduce the chest.

But any method will not give an instant result, so some time will have to resort to "optical deception." Visually reduce the size of the breast is as follows:

  • The bra should be closed in the field of armpits and have extensive straps.
  • Miscellaneous kind of tops should be slightly elongated, short attract attention to big breasts, ugly spoil and go away.
  • Any decor, volume in the top of the body, such as beades, lush sleeves, frills and jabs should be avoided.
  • Jackets and jackets should be selected with a deep neckline and narrow lapels, free cut.
  • When selecting dresses, tops and blues it is worth paying attention to monophonic models with clear plots, free or semi-tight cut.

Opinion expert

Tatyana Somoilova

Expert in cosmetology

All of the above tips will help make breasts less almost the whole size. To reduce the size of the bust, many decide to wear dark, balahonic things, but this is a big mistake. So only the figure becomes a formless, extra kilograms appear, even if there are no.

An ideal option will be semi-grated things that focus on the waist. It is also necessary to observe the balance at the bottom of the body.

Diet to resize

Most often, the big breast is observed in girls with a lush physique, so during weight loss it can significantly decrease. It has been scientifically proven that with a decrease in every kilogram, the body weight bust decreases for 20 g. This is natural, because the chest consists mainly of adipose tissue.

But then again it is important sober and adequate to look at things. If the weight of the girl is within the normal range, and the bust has 3 or 4 size, then strict diets are unlikely to help the cause. This is her physiological feature. Weight can be discarded, but you should not expect a strong reduction in the breast.

Real results should be expected at a considerable weight. Then the chest can decrease by a couple of sizes, but the underwater stone pops up again. Weight loss can lead to drive and leather drainage. Therefore, it is necessary to wear special underwear and regularly perform cosmetic procedures, massages to preserve elasticity, preventing the formation of stretch marks.

Folk recipes

In addition to the diet, various folk methods will help reduce the size of the breast, which will further improve the quality of the skin in the neckline zone. However, you will have to spend time cooking recipes. The most efficient methods are:

  • Mix for compress from poppy heads and its petals. Raw materials must be boiled 10 - 15 minutes, to score and cool. The fluid brave is walked to gauze or bandages and make compress. The procedure can be done every day.
  • Mixtures of essential oils. In non-metallic dishes mix grape bones and jojoba, roses. The mixture is carried out a light massage, which helps reduce the size and increase skin elasticity.
  • Separately apply rose oil. It is also rubbed into the decolte area and leave until complete absorption. In addition, rose oil eliminates stretch marks and pigment stains.

All recipes need to be used every day, in parallel to keep the power supply and select well-sitting clothes. So after a couple of months it will be possible to notice the first result. At the same time, it is not worth the fourth size of the chest to first.

Exercises for breast reducing

Another effective method for reducing the bust is special exercises. During classes, the fat mass gradually replaces the muscular, which is much less in volume.

Exercises help preserve skin elasticity and in general in this area, make the form more attractive, contribute to improving posture, relieve pain in the cervical and chest departments. The following techniques will help reduce chest volume:

  • Classic floor pushups. Hands should be as widely as possible, the chest muscles worked.
  • Dilution and reduction of the upper limbs in the lying position. It is better to do it on the bench, so work deeper fibers. Hands can not be bending in the elbows. A total of 10 - 15 repetitions for 2 - 3 approaches.
  • Raising and lowering hands from the head in the lying position. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only omit is not necessary to the side, and up. Hands in the initial position perpendicular to the floor. Touch the floor in the negative phase is impossible, it is important to feel the tension of the muscles. You must do 10 - 12 times in 2 - 3 approaches.
  • Stepping hands to each other. For this exercise you will need sports elastic rubber band. Hands need to be reduced to an effort, to relaxation to get out to the sides. Then the same exercise is done, only with lifting and lowering. Perform 10 - 12 times in 2 - 3 approaches.
  • Push ups from the wall. It is necessary to make them with an effort, as if to repel from the surface.
  • Squeezing palms at the chest level. They must be perpendicular to the floor. It is necessary to put pressure as if they try to push out a friend.

Look at the video about the exercises to reduce the chest:

In addition, it is best before training to carry out workout and cardion loads that will additionally contribute to burning fat layers. They should last about half an hour to disperse the blood circulation on the muscles. Also useful swimming, running and fast walking.

After training, it is necessary to make a harness and stretching, which will reduce the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which means that the next day they will not hurt.

If the owner of a big breast wants to reduce it on objective reasons, it is necessary to approach this question comprehensively. But it is worth remembering that there are no ideal parameters, every woman and her figure are individual.

Therefore, it is necessary to adequately appreciate the feasibility of desire to reduce the chest. Diets, sports and massages will help improve the form of bust, make the zone neckline more attractive, will extend the youth and elasticity of the body.

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Many women with nature big bust dream of his correction. There are many reasons for making such a solution. First of all, these are constantly present painful sensations in the neck and spine, excessive sweating, provoking the appearance under the lactic iron of various types of rashes, as well as not completely tactful views of others. There are several breast reduction methods.

Plastic surgeons are recommended to conduct an operational intervention, which is not suitable for not all women due to high cost and possible side effects. But there are several techniques that allow you to achieve the desired result at home. It is about them that will be discussed further.

All women who have decided to reduce the chest, first of all, should be consulted with the doctor. An experienced doctor, having weiging everything "for" and "against", it will pick up for each specific patient that it is a suitable method for the correction of the breast, which will give high results and will not provoke the appearance of any side effects. Most often, according to the indications, reduction mammoplasty is recommended, breast decrease operations. But not all can take advantage of this method, since this operation is quite expensive. She is also not suitable for women who are planning the birth of a child.

Usually, mammology advise to patients with large volumes of bust who wish to adjust them with mammoplasty, learn all the pros and cons of such an operation, and then make a decision. According to doctors, this method of breast reducing is admissible only in extreme cases, as it is able to provoke the emergence of the following complications:

  • bleeding arising from the assumptions of inaccuracies in ligation (dressing) damaged during the operation of blood vessels;
  • the deformation of dairy glasses and the appearance on the skin of the breast of non-psychic scars provoking multiple complexes in women;
  • wound surface fit;
  • the impossibility of subsequent breastfeeding.

But this operation has positive parties. In medical practice, there were cases when those descended from the inability to have children's children after holding a plastic that reduces the large amount of the chest, acquired the opportunity to conceive a child. This is possible due to the change in the hormonal background, although it should not be forgotten that without consulting a specialist to decide on operational intervention in the dairy glands is categorically not recommended.

Effective ways of self-correction of the chest

Setting the goal to reduce at home the chest, women are not bend no tips on this. They do not even think that some recommendations taken from the Internet or heard from a familiar may not only be inserted, but also to some extent dangerous. This concerns massage. This procedure is completely ineffective in the correction of large bust sizes, since the burning of fatty pieces with its help is possible only when massage movements are performed for a long time and with the force app.

But the lactic iron is a very gentle body, and such an idle attitude towards it will very quickly provoke mastopathy, which will make a woman who has chosen to reduce the size of the breast the wrong tactics, a permanent patient of the mammologist. Therefore, specialists in solving this issue are recommended first of all to consult a doctor. Only together with the doctor you can choose a suitable method of a suitable method that allows you to reduce the chest without resorting to the operation. To achieve a visible result, when solving this issue at home, the following ways are helped:

  • special gymnastic exercises, allowing to reduce in the breast the volume of fat stupor and at the same time strengthened muscle tissue, which will not allow its sagging;
  • application of proven agents of folk agents;
  • power correction.

These techniques are not in vain are popular with women who dream of a decrease in the volume of bust. All of them have long proved their effectiveness, and, although they do not give such cardinal results, as a plastic surgery, with them it is quite easy to reduce greater breasts by 2, and in some cases 3 sizes. It is about them that I want to talk more.

Correction of a large bust with diet

Most often in order to reduce the large size of the breast, specialists recommend correcting the daily diet. Achieving the desired result in this way is carried out by reducing the fat layer, which is the main component of the female breast. In order to pull the problem zone to the desired sizes, you should give preference to food containing the minimum amount of calories. In this case, the body to replenish the missing energy will take them directly from their own fat.

As scientifically proven, with every leaving a kilogram of weight, a breast decreases by 20 grams. In order for the breast to reach a volume close to recognized world standards, it is necessary to make a daily menu so that at least 2/3 of the diet is assigned to the proportion of coarse fiber contained in the following products:

It is also necessary to eat seafood and fish. There are general scientific evidence that the polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine and phospholipids contained in them have a beneficial effect on the reduction of bust in women. But we should not forget that this option to achieve the desired volumes can only be used complete. Hinders with large breast size it is categorically not suitable.

Gymnastic exercises in the fight for the result

Some exercises will be effective for the "suspender" of the problem zone. Reduce the chest on a pair of size can be performed with a regular execution of the following complex:

Each exercise from this complex uses at least 20 approaches. Only subject to the observance of this condition, a woman will have a real opportunity to achieve certain results in the breast reducing procedure conducted at home. Also with the help of a specialist engaged in the selection of complexes of LFC for a particular patient, you can choose several special exercises to perform them in the workplace on a lunch break.

Will the recipes of traditional medicine help?

Many women impose the greatest hopes for the advice of ancestors. The beneficial effect of phytosborns in this case is indisputable and, although recipes that help reduce the chest, in the piggy bank of folk wisdom are not so much, which have long proved their high efficiency. Well in such a situation helps the compress made by our grandmothers from green poppy heads:

  • 50 pieces that have not achieved a complete maturity of seed boxes of poppy poured with two glasses of water;
  • the future is a miracle tool fits on a large fire, it is brought to a boil and withstand for 15 minutes at a minimum temperature;
  • the healing potion cooked in this way is cool, flickering and applied overnight in the form of a compression to an overly bullet chest.

The procedure should be done within two weeks, accompanying it for greater efficiency with special gymnastic exercises. It also has proven themselves and such funds contributing to the reduction of breast at home, as a mixture of rose oils, jojoba and grape seeds, which rubs into a problem area. Plus it is not only the ability to adjust the size of the breast, but also to improve the condition of the skin of the breast, which will warn the appearance of stretch marks. But oils use only together with diet and physical exercises.

Visual breast correction

I want to say that many women prefer a visual decrease in dairy gloys. To obtain a "visual result", it is necessary to learn primarily to select the right bra. It should be simple enough, smooth and covert, and not tightening the chest. Any close intimate detail of the female toilet, squeezing the dairy glands, will certainly make a woman with a permanent patient of a mammologist. Also for visual reduction in the breast, apply the following:

  1. Remove the wardrock of tight dresses having an overwhelmed waist or deep neckline, and blouses with a square neckline.
  2. Pay attention to the top of the toilet. It should always be a dark shade, which visually reduces large dimensions.
  3. Any major drawings in the bust area are not allowed. They will make the already bulking chest even more.

Experts always advise women puzzled by the issue of breast reducing, first of all, carefully pick up clothes. It is she who helps to hide and allocate everything that is necessary in each case. Optical deception is the best way out when choosing a wardrobe.

Nuances that should be considered

All of the above recommendations for self-decreasing breast, conducted at home have repeatedly proved their effectiveness. But there are several conditions, without the execution of which they will turn out to be unsolved:

  1. The most effective exercises for the correction of the size of a large bust may choose only a specialist for a particular patient, based on advisory testimony. That is why, when problems with the volumes of dairy gloomy, you need to visit mammologists and consult with the coach on therapeutic physical education.
  2. In the event that the magnification of the bust occurred after the woman recovered, immediately help the nutritionist. It will recommend the correct diet, thanks to which there will be no sudden weight loss, capable of making chest bark.

In order to make the right decision on the issue of correcting the sizes of the bust, it is necessary to listen to the opinion of specialists and, on the basis of it, to make for themselves the conclusion about which method of its decrease is suitable in each particular case.

In operations to reduce the chest, women in which dairy glands are hypertrophynes, which causes certain inconvenience in everyday life. If you want to reduce the chest exclusively from aesthetic considerations, then you can use more gentle methods than the Surgeon scalpel.

Diet to reduce chest

Women's chest consists of genetically laid mammary glands and fatty fiber. The fat content may vary throughout life. Everything is simple: if the weight is growing, fat deposits accumulate throughout the body, including in the chest area.

There is no special diet to reduce the chest, since locally fat can not leave one or another body. The process occurs gradually, with general weight loss. For example, if you drop one kilogram, then 20 grams will leave with the chest.

It is important not to overdo it and in no case will not drop weight sharply. It certainly will help you to reduce the volume faster, but your skin will wrap up and the chest will become sluggish and ugly. It is important to comply with the basic rules of quality loss: rationally eat and play sports. It is also important to do a regular massage regularly, use masks to save tone and skin health.

Breast decrease cream

The famous British brand Ultimo launched its latest new product on sale - breast reducing cream. Manufacturers guarantee the effect of effect in two months of use. The tool is designed to reduce the volume of the mammary glands on a couple of sizes. The cream helps split fatty tissue, pull up the skin and fight with the occurrence of stretch marks. The main components are the extract of the Golden Chamomile and Wild Indigo.

Folk remedies for breast reducing

Conspiracies to reduce the breast is certainly hardly help, we offer more real methods. Here are the most effective, in our opinion.

Essential oils to reduce breasts.A mixture of essential oils will help slightly reduce the chest and adjust its contours. Connect jojoba oil and grape seeds in the same quantities and add 3-4 drops of rose oil. Wrap the product in the chest soft, circular movements. Conduce the procedure twice a day for a month.

Compresses for breast decrease.Compresses you can also prepare yourself. Mix 0.5 liters of purified water and 50 g poppy heads (crushed). Put on the stove and bring to a boil on low heat. Leave it to the 15 minutes under the closed lid. Perfect decoction through a sieve. Focus a piece of gauze folded several times in a liquid and apply to the chest daily.

Exercises for breast reducing

The best way to reduce bust and tighten the necessary muscles is a force training with burdens or own weight. The exercises presented below will help you not just adjust the shape of the mammary glands, but also to tighten the body and improve the figure.

The complex must be performed in a fairly fast, intense pace of 3-4 approaches. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times. You can relax between approaches not more than 60 seconds, and between repetitions - a maximum of 20 seconds.

Push ups from a bench or floor. For beginners it is easier to start using a bench or any other support, for example, a sofa. Push ups will also help make your posture more graceful.

Hand breeding with dumbbells in standing position.Take the dumbbells (1.2 kg), put your legs on the width of the shoulders and proceed to breeding hands to the sides. You must feel the load in the chest area.

Exercise "Mill" with dumbbells. In each hand, take on a small dumbbell and alternately raise your hands up and down. When you raise one hand, the other should be descended down and vice versa.

Exercise "Boxing". Take the dumbbells and take turns to put forward with sharp movements back and forth. Palms should be directed down.

Rods are lying.Lie on the bench and wide grogging take the bar. Lift and lower it to the chest, but not touching it. Control the elbows, they must be divorced to the sides. This exercise can also be performed with dumbbells.

Regular performance of such exercises will undoubtedly help you reduce and tighten your breasts.

Spectatic breast size

There are special bras (minimizers) that help visually reduce the volume of the bust by 1-2 size. In such bras, supporting inserts and wide straps, helping to adjust the correct form and not comprehend the gland. They also contribute to a decrease in pressure on the spine.