How to moisturize dry and oily skin at home. Moisturizing the scalp. Beauty begins with a sufficient amount of fluid in the body.

Facial skin needs regular hydration, regardless of age. Today, traditional medicine and cosmetology offer several effective ways and means to quickly moisturize the skin at home. Carry out procedures aimed at moisturizing the skin, you can start at the age of 25.

Moisturizing treatments help slow skin aging... Epidermal cells are 85% water, the lack of which leads to rapid aging. To maintain the water balance at the cellular level, it is necessary to use special moisturizers, which:

  • saturate the dermis with oxygen;
  • wash out toxic substances and other dirt;
  • keep the dermis fresh and healthy;
  • provide access to essential minerals and vitamins.

Detailed information on whether it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face daily and with what means it is recommended to carry out this procedure is presented below.

Which is good for restoring moisture to the skin of the face

To restore the biobalance of moisture at the cellular level, special moisturizers are used. These include:

  • creams;
  • masks;
  • oils;
  • lotions.

Moisturizers are rich in nourishing ingredients and natural moisturizers. Herbal ingredients such as cucumber, aloe vera, raspberry and black currant extracts compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin.

Moisturizing masks work on the same principle as creams... A properly selected or self-prepared face mask provides complete hydration of the skin. Experts recommend including substances or plant extracts in the composition of masks, which at the same time deeply nourish and moisturize the skin of the face.

Essential oils are quickly absorbed into the upper layers of the epidermis, deeply and intensely moisturize the dermis at the cellular level. For maximum effect, it is recommended to select an oil that is suitable for your skin type.

Lotions are used as a cleanser and moisturizer... These products include moisturizing components. This can be fresh cucumber juice or citrus juice.

Facial skin can be moisturized with thermal water. It refreshes and removes signs of fatigue.

Folk remedies for moisturizing face skin + recipe

The moisturizing procedure is allowed to be carried out not only in beauty salons and in beauty institutions. At home, with the help of the products at hand, you can deeply fortify, moisturize the cells and skin of the face.

Handy folk remedies approved for use as moisturizers:

  • baby cream;
  • sour cream;
  • herbs;
  • a tomato;
  • Apple.

How to properly prepare caring products and effectively moisturize the dermis at the cellular level is described below.

Baby cream

Baby creams include natural ingredients that do not harm the delicate skin of a newborn. It can be used as a vitamin enrichment for the skin. The moisturizer has a number of useful properties:

  • protection of the skin;
  • food;
  • smoothing;
  • removal of irritation.

Baby cream can be used regularly... Experts recommend applying baby cream to the previously cleansed dermis in the morning and evening.

The product is applied in dotted movements from top to bottom, and then rubbed in until completely absorbed.

Sour cream

Moisturizing masks are based on this food product. Sour cream contains a large amount of micro and macro elements that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Moisturizing masks are considered versatile. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • fresh carrots;
  • egg yolk;
  • sour cream.

Mix a small amount of fresh thick sour cream (1 tbsp. L) with egg yolk. Mix the ingredients. Purified chop carrots in a blender and then squeeze out the juice. Add a small amount of juice to the sour cream-egg mass and mix again. Apply to previously cleansed face skin with a thin layer. Leave on for 15 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin soaked in warm water.

Please note: Carrots can give the skin a slight tan.


Herbal infusions deeply moisturize and cleanse the skin. Broths are approved for use as makeup removers. According to reviews, flower infusion is the most popular. Required Ingredients:

  • chamomile;
  • jasmine;
  • Linden;
  • rose petals;
  • pure water.

All components, previously ground and taken in equal proportions (15 g each), are recommended to be filled with hot water. Cover the container with the infusion with a terry towel and leave for 40 minutes in a warm room. Filter the ready-made infusion.

With the resulting product, you must wipe your face 3 times a day.


Honey is one of those products that can intensively soften and moisturize the skin. Useful microelements in the composition of honey in combination with fruit acids form the basis for a moisturizer. To prepare a honey mask, you must take:

  • May honey;
  • fresh lemon juice;
  • low fat natural yogurt.

Honey (2 tbsp. L) must be preheated for a couple of up to 40 degrees. Add 1 tsp to the melted mass. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. Mix all components until smooth.

Apply the product evenly on damp face skin and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off excess with warm water.

Important tip: use cheesecloth. Wet gauze previously applied to the face will prevent the cosmetic product from spreading ..

A tomato

Tomato, in addition to its moisturizing effect, nourishes dry skin with missing vitamins. Vitamin moisturizing mask consists of components such as:

  • cucumber;
  • a tomato.

Fresh vegetables of small size must first be rinsed under running water and chopped until puree. Excess moisture must be squeezed out. Apply gruel to washed face and leave for 20 minutes. Remove excess with a damp cloth.


Experts recommend making apple masks at least 2 times a week. Apples contain a large amount of fruit acids and vitamins, and also work well with essential oils. What kind of oil you need to choose in order to moisturize your face depends on your skin type. Ingredients for an apple mask:

  • essential oil (any);
  • apple (sour variety).

Grate a small apple on a coarse grater. Pour 5 drops of any essential oil into the resulting gruel and mix. Apply to clean face dermis and leave for 10 minutes... Rinse off excess with mineral water.

Rating of the best moisturizing masks (purchased + homemade with a recipe)

Moisturizing face masks are able to restore the skin after the adverse effects of external environmental factors. The dermis loses moisture when exposed to cold, wind and direct sunlight.

Regular caring and moisturizing procedures using commercial and home cosmetics allow you to quickly normalize the moisture balance at the cellular level, saturate flaky skin with essential vitamins and minerals.

Mask for very dry skin

Cosmetic moisturizing face mask « Natural moisturizing factor»Helps to restore the protective barrier of the skin and water balance, smooth out fine wrinkles and accelerate blood circulation in the dermis.

The product includes:

  • carrageenan;
  • arginine;
  • extracts of medicinal plants.

The product is available in powder form. A small amount of powder is required for application mix with warm water and apply the mixture with a brush to the prepared face skin. It is recommended to remove excess with wet wipes.

At home, a mask for very dry skin is prepared from chamomile.... Pharmacy chamomile flowers must be steamed with boiling water and squeezed thoroughly. The squeezed flowers must be mixed with olive oil (10 drops) and spread evenly on the face. Later 15 minutes remove chamomile from the skin and wipe the face with the decoction obtained earlier.

Mask for normal skin

For ease of use, the mask "Balance-Effect" goes on sale in a sachet... The moisturizing mask for normal skin contains algae extracts, pomegranate juice, clay, a vitamin and mineral complex.

No additional manipulations are required to apply the product. Sasha needs to be warmed up in the palms, remove the mask from the bag and put it on his face.

The homemade moisturizing nourishing mask includes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fresh carrot juice;
  • olive oil;
  • milk.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed. The resulting mass must be evenly distributed over the face and left for 15 minutes. Rinse off excess with mineral water.

Mask for combination skin

Gel mask "Calendula" is intended for mixed skin types... It has a calming, moisturizing and cleansing effect. The composition of the tool contains:

  • pink clay;
  • lemongrass (oil);
  • calendula;
  • wheat germ (oil);
  • sebacic acid.

The product must be evenly distributed on cleansed skin and wait 15 minutes. During this time, the skin should tighten slightly. After the allotted time, rinse the gel with warm water.

The homemade mask for combination skin is based on kefir... A small amount of orange oil can be added to the product to enhance the effect. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and apply evenly on the face. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off.

Mask for oily skin

Masks for oily skin often contain citrus extract. Indian powder mask for oily skin allows you to remove oily shine and moisturize the skin. The main components present in a cosmetic product:

  • orange peel;
  • Chinese clay;
  • calamine.

It is not recommended to mix the powder with ordinary water. Thermal or rose water is considered the most suitable liquid for diluting the powder. 1 tsp mix with 2 tbsp. l. liquid and apply to face with a brush. Rinse off excess with warm water.

To prepare a moisturizing mask for oily skin you will need:

  • turmeric (1 g);
  • peach oil (1 tbsp. l);
  • pea flour (2 tsp).

To obtain pea flour, you need to grind the peas in a coffee grinder.

Mix all ingredients until smooth and distribute evenly over the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, cleanse your face with wet wipes.

Mask for problem skin

The Derma Soul mask contains extracts of medicinal plants:

  • arnica;
  • chamomile;
  • brown algae;
  • licorice root;
  • camellias.

The mask is sold in sachets. The method of application is described above.

Homemade mask for problem skin includes:

  • egg yolk;
  • dry wine (1 tbsp. l).

Mix the ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Sensitive facial mask

Cosmetic film mask "La Vita" is suitable for sensitive skin... The product moisturizes, nourishes and cleanses the dermis. The composition is almost completely natural:

  • extract of calendula;
  • black currant leaves;
  • chamomile extract;
  • essential oils.

After applying the product to the face, after a while, a film forms on the skin surface, which, after 20 minutes, must be carefully removed from the skin.

Boiled potato mask: Boil 2 small tubers and crush. Mix the puree with milk (3 tbsp. L) and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, remove the excess with a paper towel.

Mask for young skin

The composition of masks for young skin from "SkyLine" is based on essential oils and fruit extracts... Moisturizing mask for young skin contains:

  • orange oil;
  • lime oil;
  • ylang-ylang oil;
  • black currant.

The method of application is described above.

To prepare an egg face mask at home, you need to mix an egg and honey in equal parts and apply to your face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The best oils (essential), gels and ointments to quickly moisturize your face at home

The oils obtained from fruits soothe, tone, rejuvenate, cleanse and moisturize the skin of the face. Popular remedies:

  1. Sandalwood oil... Moisturizes, softens and rejuvenates facial skin.
  2. Shea Butter... Suitable as a cleansing, wound healing agent.
  3. Moisturizing GelMultiSeawed... Moisturizing Korean face gel with sea minerals.
  4. Aloe Vera Facial Gel... The product has pronounced emollient and moisturizing properties.
  5. Ointment Polar... Moisturizing protector against cold, heat and wind.
  6. Antipsorax ointment... A healing agent used as a moisturizer. Contains tar and honey.

The nicest moisturizers

Modern cosmetic creams help to preserve the youth and elasticity of the skin. Lack of moisture accelerates aging and dry skin loses its healthy glow. Therefore, beauticians are advised to regularly use moisturizers.

Cream for problem skin

One of the most popular moisturizers for problem skin is the product
AveneClean... The cream intensively moisturizes and nourishes the dermis. The composition of the product contains a large number of microelements useful for the skin:

  • pumpkin extract;
  • thermal water;
  • zinc gluconate;
  • nutritional complex;
  • lipids.

The product may cause an oily sheen. The composition contains paraben.

The best cosmetic product that deeply moisturizes the skin of the face, produced by Biocon
... Cream "Gentle Skin", intended for dry dermis, also has protective properties. The product included:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol;
  • licorice root extract;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • volatile silicone.

The cosmetic product is approved for use as a make-up product.

Normal skin also needs regular hydration.
... The best moisturizer for normal skin types is a prolonged cosmetic product from the Green Mama concern. Cream "Plantain and Mother and Stepmothers" has an almost completely natural composition:

  • plantain seeds;
  • extract of coltsfoot;
  • plantain extract;
  • flavonoids;
  • complex of vitamins;
  • carotenoids.

Transport molecules accelerate the absorption of the product into the skin cells.

Combination skin type needs special care
... For such a dermis, choose products that help cleanse, moisturize and tone. Moisturizing Cream from Clinics contains:

  • oils of rose, tea tree, lavender;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • grape seeds;
  • vitamin complex.

The product helps to regenerate the skin, moisturize dry dermis and eliminate oily sheen.

Oily Skin Treatments Help Reduce Sebum Production
... These products include Nivea's Matte Perfection Cream. The product contains:

  • lemongrass;
  • rice extract;
  • complex of minerals;
  • purified water.

The product has a mild matting effect.

Sensitive facial skin is distinguished by its thinness and pallor
... You may feel tight after washing your face. Belita Vitex cream will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations. The product includes:

  • macadamia extract;
  • wheat germ;
  • beeswax;
  • hyaluronic acid.

The cosmetic product has a prolonged effect, characterized by a long-term effect on the skin.

Creams that protect the skin from external factors are well suited for young dermis
... The best product is considered to be “Perfect Skin” from Pure Line. The composition of the product includes natural ingredients:

  • green tea extract;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • zinc.

The tool is approved for use as a porous cream.

  • Before applying moisturizer, the skin must be cleaned first.
  • Apply the moisturizer pointwise.
  • The cream should not contain alcohol.
  • Home moisturizers can cause allergic reactions.
  • Self-prepared and commercial beauty products should be used according to skin type.

When buying a moisturizer, mask or lotion, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. The product must not contain toxic substances.

At home, procedures for moisturizing the dermis of the face can be carried out using both purchased and self-made products. Homemade masks, skin creams are prepared quickly from available tools. The choice of moisturizers is based on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Moisturizing is one of the most important treatments for face and body skin, which prolongs their beauty and youthfulness. The skin will be smooth, matte and radiate freshness if the water balance is normal. To maintain water balance, it is not at all necessary to use expensive cosmetics. No less effective, but more useful, will be homemade skin moisturizers.

For biochemical reactions that constantly occur in the cells of the body, water is required. It is the skin that primarily suffers from its loss. If moisture is not regularly replenished, dehydration sets in, as a result of which the skin gradually loses its elasticity and firmness. Insufficient water intake slows down metabolic processes in the body, and this leads to its premature aging. It is the poem that we can conclude that moisturizing acts as a preventive measure against aging. Moisturizing the skin should be read from about twenty years old, after puberty. Over the years, the natural moisturizing factor of the skin begins to decline. There are many reasons that can provoke dehydration. These include the negative influence of external factors, such as: cold, wind, sun, air conditioners, polluted air, etc. Internal factors include a small amount of water consumed, alcohol, stress, smoking, medication, pregnancy, and improper care. These factors thin the stratum corneum, provoking increased evaporation of moisture from the skin surface.

Distinguish between dry skin and dehydration of the skin. Dry skin indicates a lack of lipids, while dehydrated skin indicates moisture. In addition, it should be noted that dry skin type is inherent in genetics. Any skin can become dehydrated, but more often than not, it is dry skin that suffers from dehydration. This is due to the fact that due to a lack of lipids, dry skin cannot cope with its protective functions, as a result of which it loses valuable moisture.

Dehydration makes the skin of the face less elastic, the complexion becomes dull, there is a feeling of tightness, discomfort, peeling occurs and a network of fine wrinkles appears. Therefore, the moisturizing procedure is a must in the care of any type of skin. Moreover, this must be done regardless of the season. Only in the summer period, cosmetic products on a light basis (gels, fluids) are best suited for this, and in winter - more nutritious and dense products. Moisturizing face masks will be helpful at any time of the year. Moreover, it can be both natural masks, prepared independently from vegetables, fruits and other useful products, and ready-made ones purchased in stores.

Modern cosmetics for skin hydration contain natural herbal moisturizing ingredients, including extracts of aloe vera, chestnut, iris and cucumber, sesame, linseed and sea buckthorn oils. In addition to moisturizing the skin, such products saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements. The main thing when choosing moisturizers from one or another cosmetic manufacturer is to take into account the state of your skin at the moment and its type in order to avoid improper moisturizing and thereby not aggravate the situation.

How to keep moisture in?
External protection and replacement therapy helps to retain moisture on the surface of our skin. External protection means the formation of a certain film on the skin, which will protect the skin from moisture evaporation. Cosmetics, which include glycerin, mineral oils, fats and waxes, silicon, silicone elements, as well as organic compounds, in particular dimethicone, and some others, help to create such a film. Dimethicone products are believed to be suitable for all skin types. Due to the presence of this substance, water is reliably retained in the stratum corneum. But it should be said that such products can be removed only with the help of special fat-containing cosmetic formulations. Mostly dimethicone is included in daytime moisturizers and masks.

Replacement therapy involves retaining moisture by restoring the skin's natural hydration levels. This is achieved through the use of cosmetics containing substances related to our skin. Among them:

  • hyaluronic acid, which has the property of binding and retaining water molecules in the deep layers of the skin, it forms a moist environment that promotes the regeneration of skin cells and wound healing;
  • chitosan - a component extracted from the chitinous shell of crustaceans, has an effect similar to hyaluronic acid, only slightly less powerful;
  • milk and silk proteins form a kind of gel from moisture, which helps to retain moisture for a long period of time;
  • moisturizing amino acids, hydrolyzed mucopolysaccharides;
  • sorbitol is a mild moisturizer, the mechanism of action of which is similar to the action of amino acids - it creates a light and comfortable film on the skin that can retain moisture in the stratum corneum for a long time;
  • glycerin perfectly absorbs moisture from the environment and air;
  • provitamin B5, vitamin E, jojoba, avocado and wheat seed oil, castor oil, almond oil, honey, raspberry extract, aloe leaf extract.
In addition to using cosmetics, homemade moisturizing masks to moisturize the skin, it is effective to carry out aromatherapy, which will make your skin glow and fill with vitality. To do this, you need to purchase essential oils suitable for moisturizing the skin of the face and neck, as well as basic fatty oils. For aromatherapy, mix the base with essential oil.

Thermal water can be an excellent moisturizer for the skin. Spraying it on your face throughout the day will refresh the skin and fill it with moisture. It should be noted that this method will not ruin your makeup.

It's no secret that olive oil is an excellent skin moisturizer. It includes vitamins A, E, D, B. That is why many cosmetic lines include it in their products. And many homemade beauty recipes include this component. As a moisturizer, apply the oil preheated to a warm state on the skin of the face and neck, and after half an hour, remove the excess with a paper napkin. This method is ideal for dry skin with constant flaking. If the skin is combined and has flaky areas, then it is only necessary to lubricate them with oil several times during the day.

It is very effective to use olive oil in the care of the skin around the eyes. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes delicate skin and smoothes wrinkles. Drive in oil with the pads of your fingers for two to three minutes, and after half an hour remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Homemade masks to moisturize the skin.
As mentioned earlier, moisturizing masks should be done regularly, especially during the winter. For normal facial skin, two to three procedures per week will be sufficient. If the skin is dry, then their number can be increased to four. Regular use of masks will improve microcirculation, restore water balance in the skin, as well as slow down the appearance of new wrinkles and smooth out existing ones. In addition, the effect of the used products after a moisturizing mask will be increased several times.

Moisturizing is required not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body. Here are some recipes for some moisturizing masks that will help keep your skin youthful and beautiful. Remember that any mask must be applied to a previously cleansed face with a special cleanser suitable for your skin type. It is desirable to wash off the mask with mineral water, or at least boiled water. Melt water is also suitable for this purpose. But not tap water! It causes irreparable harm to our skin!

Moisturizing masks for normal to dry skin.
Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal pre-chopped in a blender or coffee grinder with half chopped cucumber and a tablespoon of medium-fat sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask is also suitable for moisturizing the décolleté and hands.

Pour two tablespoons of chamomile (can be replaced with mint leaves or coltsfoot) with milk, which has practically begun to boil. Close the dishes with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave to cool. Once the mixture has cooled to room temperature, it must be filtered. With the resulting infusion, wipe the skin of the face. After half an hour, it is necessary to wash off the infusion from the face with warm water.

Take one part of chopped plantain leaves and pour three parts of boiling water. Put the mixture on fire, and from the moment of boiling, boil for two to three minutes. Then the infusion should be removed from the heat and allowed to cool. While the infusion is cooling, you should prepare a gauze napkin with slots for the eyes, mouth and nose. After moistening well and slightly squeezing the gauze in the infusion, apply it on the face and leave for twenty minutes. After the specified time, remove the mask, and wash your face with warm water. This mask is very effective for aging skin. It is recommended to do it two to three times a week.

Mix in equal proportions such components as: cranberry juice, milk and cottage cheese. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the resulting mask to the face and neck for fifteen minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

Mix the yolk of a chicken egg with a tablespoon of currant juice (white currant). Apply the mask to the skin of the face and leave to dry completely. Then rinse with warm water, and wipe the skin with frozen broth of sage in the form of an ice cube.

Take a tablespoon of brewer's yeast and dilute with milk in such a way that a mass is obtained that resembles non-liquid sour cream in density. Apply the mass in an even layer on the face and leave for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

We take any fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, yogurt, etc.) and apply it to the skin of the face previously lubricated with any vegetable oil or nourishing cream for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. To increase the effectiveness of such a mask, cover your face with a warm, damp towel over the applied fermented milk product.

Take ½ tablespoon of starch and mix with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed currant juice (red or black currant). Apply in an even layer on the face and leave for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal with a teaspoon of liquid honey and freshly squeezed carrot juice until a thick sour cream consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mask to the skin of the face and neck and leave for fifteen minutes.

Thoroughly grind a tablespoon of chopped celery with the same amount of cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mass to the face, and after twenty minutes rinse with warm water.

Add three tablespoons of milk, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) to a tablespoon of oat flakes. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply evenly on the face and neck for twenty minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, rinse off the mask first with warm and then cool water.

Melt a bar of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa), add heavy cream to it until a thick consistency is formed. The mask is applied warm to the skin of the face and neck. After ten minutes it should be washed off with warm water.

Moisten a gauze napkin with slots for the nose, mouth and eyes in sea buckthorn juice (2 tablespoons) and squeeze out a little so that the juice does not drain from the gauze. Apply the mask to the face and leave for twenty minutes. After that, remove the mask, and wipe the skin first with a wet and then with a dry swab. This mask is great for dry skin. It is recommended to do it twice a week for two months.

Add a tablespoon of cucumber, lemon and carrot juice to a tablespoon of potato starch. Apply the mass on the face and leave for fifteen minutes. This mask is also suitable for combination skin types.

Moisturizing masks for all skin types.
Pour milk over the crumb of white bread. As soon as it swells, it should be kneaded and applied to the face for fifteen minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Mix the egg yolk with a tablespoon of any berry, fruit or vegetable juice. This mask should be kept for fifteen minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Grate a medium-sized apple on a fine grater, add to the mass either a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal, or a tablespoon of olive or any other vegetable oil. Apply the mask on the face for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix 50 ml of yogurt with lemon juice (one lemon) and 10 ml of avocado oil. Add 4-5 drops of essential oil to the resulting mass, suitable for your skin type. Apply the mask evenly on the face, neck and décolleté for ten minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

Mix a tablespoon of chopped apricot pulp with a tablespoon of cottage cheese or sour cream and apply the resulting mixture to your face. After twenty minutes, wash off with warm water.

Prepare gruel from ripe banana, add two tablespoons of cream to it. Apply the resulting mass to the face, and after ten minutes rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing masks for oily skin.
Mash a medium-sized tomato, fresh and without skin, and mix with a teaspoon of potato starch. Apply the mass to the face for ten minutes.

Beat two egg whites with 40 g of honey and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Add two tablespoons of oatmeal to the resulting mass. Apply the mixture on face in an even layer and leave for twenty minutes. After that, rinse off the mask first with warm and then cool water.

Thoroughly grind the egg yolk with a teaspoon of carrot juice and a tablespoon of cream until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to the face. Leave the mask for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Cook oatmeal in milk. Take two tablespoons of warm porridge, add a teaspoon of honey to them and mix well. Apply mass on face and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse.

Mix in equal proportions and grind the leaves of young nettle, plantain and horsetail. Take a tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture and combine it with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the gruel to your face and rinse off after twenty minutes with cold water.

Combine natural yogurt (3 tbsp. L.) With honey (1.5 tsp.) And the juice of half a lemon. Then add the beaten egg white to the mass. Apply mass on face and leave for fifteen minutes. After that, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Grind two tablespoons of high fat cottage cheese with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your face, and after twenty minutes wash off with warm water.

Moisturizing masks for combination skin.
Mix either kefir, or yogurt, or yogurt with 0.5% hyaluronic acid. Apply the mask in a thin even layer on the skin of the face previously lubricated with cream or any vegetable oil. Soak the mask for fifteen minutes and then rinse.

Mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey and 0.5% hyaluronic acid. Add a little cream to the resulting mass. Apply the mask evenly on the face and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse the mask off with warm water.

Milk-based moisturizing toners can be prepared for the skin of the face, décolleté and hands. For its preparation, you can take any berries (strawberries, strawberries, raspberries), the pulp of an orange, banana or apple, previously peeled and seeds. Pour two tablespoons of the fruit and berry mixture with a tablespoon of hot milk and add a teaspoon of glycerin. Once the mixture has cooled, strain. Apply this toner to moisturize your skin several times throughout the day.

Remember also the simple ways to moisturize your skin:
It is important to know that your skin condition depends on your diet and nutrition. If your diet is dominated by plant foods, then the water content in the body will increase, provided the kidneys are healthy. An acidic diet (fermented foods) reduces the amount of water in the skin.

The drinking regime should be observed. Each person needs an average of two to two and a half liters of clean water per day. In this case, it is best to drink mineral water without gas, or spring water. No sugary and carbonated drinks, they all negatively affect the condition of the skin. You can add lemon juice to the water, drink the green hour chilled and without sugar, rosehip decoction, berry fruit drinks without sugar.

Make it a rule to wipe your face daily in the morning along massage lines with an ice cube made from an infusion of herbs and plants, or from mineral water. After such manipulation, the face does not need to be wiped, let it dry itself.

Use thermal water or chilled boiled water throughout the day by spraying it onto your face.

You should not sunbathe in the sun, it dries the skin.

Distribute the daily amount of water so that 2/3 of it falls on the first half of the day, and at night - no more than half a glass of liquid.

And yet, you should not try to restore the normal balance of water in the body in a week. If before that your body was on "dry ration". This must be done gradually.

Women pay maximum attention to the face, starting to sound the alarm at the slightest change in the condition of the skin. The body is often left without proper attention, and pimples, peeling, itching that appear on it are attributed to seasonal causes and bad soap. Meanwhile, the condition of the skin is an indicator of health. What can a dry skin of the body signal about: the causes and treatment of which pathologies are necessary in this case? Learn to speak the same language with your body, to respond correctly to its signals.

What are the causes of itchy and dry skin of the body

Many reasons can provoke dry skin of the body, ranging from household ones to a deficiency of vitamins or serious pathologies in the body. The reasons can be boiled down to the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient drinking;
  • abuse of laxatives and diuretics;
  • age-related changes;
  • exposure to household chemicals;
  • malnutrition;
  • improper body care;
  • hormonal changes;
  • unfavorable climate;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • frequent bathing in chlorinated water, etc.

External factors causing dry skin are easy to eliminate, but internal diseases require additional diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Very dry skin can signal pathologies such as:

  • the initial stage of dermatitis of all types;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • eczema;
  • ichthyosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • allergy.

What to treat if very dry skin

Moisturizing the body skin for certain diseases is part of a therapeutic treatment that eliminates not the causes, but the consequences of the pathology. If the skin is peeling, and there are no external reasons for this, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, neuropathologist or other narrow specialists. If you suspect that dryness has appeared for other reasons, then eliminate them, and then proceed to restore the healthy state of the skin. To do this, you should:

  • revise the diet;
  • start taking vitamins for the skin of the body;
  • use moisturizers.

Vitamins for the body

Dry skin care requires not only external influence, but also an internal catalyst of regeneration processes, a stimulator of mineral and lipid metabolism. Vitamins A, E, D, PP, F, H, B2, B5, K, B12 do an excellent job with this task. When choosing synthetic vitamin supplements at the pharmacy, carefully study their composition, making sure that the right groups of substances are included in the preparations. With preference for natural sources of vitamins, include in your diet:

  1. Liver, carrots, cottage cheese, onions (vitamin A).
  2. Cereals, potatoes, nuts, herbs (B vitamins).
  3. Citruses, red peppers, cauliflower, currants (vitamin C).
  4. Vegetable oils, milk (vitamin E).
  5. Fish, butter, seaweed (D vitamins).
  6. Kidneys, legumes, spinach, mushrooms (vitamin H).
  7. Broccoli, prunes, eggs, bananas (vitamin K).
  8. Tomatoes, dates, wheat germ (vitamin PP).

Body cream

An effective nourishing cream for dry skin includes plant and essential oils: olive, lavender, jojoba, coconut, shea, grape seed, avocado. Additional ingredients needed to eliminate dryness:

  • glycerol;
  • passion fruit extract;
  • petrolatum;
  • macadamia extract;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • elastin.

Human skin should contain 25 to 30 percent water. The inner layer receives the most moisture, while the outer layer, the epidermis, often remains dry. If there is not enough water, then the skin can become weak and defenseless to the negative effects of the environment. The epidermis can be negatively affected by factors such as:

  • hot summer sun;
  • conditioners;
  • cold weather;
  • taking medications, especially antibiotics.


You need to moisturize the skin. This is done so that the face does not age quickly, remains young and beautiful longer. For this, it is important to know how to moisturize the skin of the face. Now we will understand this issue.

Often people think that only dry skin should be moisturized, but this is not the case. For all types, this procedure is required. Of course, this event requires products that moisturize the skin of the face. They are different. These include:

  • creams;
  • various cosmetic lotions and tonics.

First, it is worth remembering about pharmacy creams, lotions, tonics. When choosing cosmetics in a store, you should pay attention to the quality of the packaging, the composition of the product and the shelf life. But not everyone wants to spend significant amounts of money on expensive cosmetics; a large number of women are wondering how to moisturize their skin at home. Let's tell you now.

Homemade cream. Cooking and reviews of women

To make your own cream, you will need:

  • 6 tablespoons of jojoba extract;
  • oil essence with vitamin E (20 ml);
  • 40 grams of grated beeswax;
  • fresh juice of a leaf of one aloe;
  • four drops of rose oil;
  • sandalwood essential oil (five drops).

Stir the jojoba extract and vitamin E. Then you need to steam everything until it is completely dissolved. Cool to 20 degrees Celsius. Then wait until the mass for the cream becomes thick and loses its transparency, then pour in the juice of aloe, rose oil and sandalwood. The cream is great for combination skin. This tool is used only once a day. Better to use it in the evening.

This cream is very effective. Girls who have tried using it for about a month notice amazing results.

Vegetable masks

Also, for those who are thinking how to moisturize the skin of the face at home, masks are recommended. A good product is made from carrots. The vegetable should be grated. After you need to pour in one yolk and mix well. Then hold it on your face for 30 minutes. Repeat every two days for two weeks. This is a mask for normal skin.

For combination skin, a tomato product is suitable. One tomato is required for cooking. It should be passed through a sieve. As a result, you should get tomato puree. To thicken the mass, add 2 tablespoons of starch and at the end add olive oil. The mask should lie evenly on the face for twenty minutes. It is necessary to apply the product every three days.

Such masks are often used by girls. They like that they can be prepared quite simply and quickly. There is an effect, as women note, from such masks. Indeed, their composition contains useful gifts of nature - vegetables.

Herbal mask

How to moisturize your face? You can use a herbal mask. It has long been known that herbs are good at nourishing the skin with moisture. For a cosmetic product, you will need freshly harvested St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile and hop cones. Take a teaspoon of each component. Mix the herbs and cover with hot water. Then put on the stove to boil. Cool the broth and add 2 fresh yolks, a spoonful of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then you need to put the mixture on cheesecloth and keep it on your face for half an hour. Such a remedy, as girls say, effectively refreshes the face. Many advise his girlfriends.

Cucumber mask

Those with dry skin also need moisturizing masks for dry skin. For example, cucumber. This is a wonderful tool. The girls say that it is very effective. After all, a cucumber is half water. It's just a treasure for the skin. It is necessary to grate the cucumber (for this, use a fine grater), squeeze the juice with gauze.

Add heavy milk cream (two tablespoons) and twenty drops of rose extract to it. Apply the product to your face. Then rinse off after twenty minutes with clean water.

Curd remedy

You can moisturize dry skin at home by preparing a curd, sour cream or honey mask. Also, for these purposes, a remedy from potatoes and oatmeal is used.

To make a cottage cheese mask, you need to take fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons), add carrot juice (the same amount), 1 tablespoon of milk and the same amount of olive oil. Grind the finished mass on a plate, and do not mix. Apply to face for 25 minutes and rinse. Then wipe the skin with lotion or a piece of melted ice.

Lotions with honey

Another natural remedy (how to moisturize the skin of the face - we will consider further) are honey lotions. Mix equal amounts (for example, one teaspoon each) honey and sunflower oil. Then you need to drive in fresh yolk. Grind everything and heat up on the stove. Divide evenly and apply to face in turn every ten minutes, then rinse off with warm clean water.

Sour cream and potato mask

Mix 1 glass of sour cream with egg yolk. Then you need to add ground lemon zest, 10 drops of olive mala and mix. Apply to face, do not rinse for about twenty minutes. After the mask, treat your face with a nourishing cream. Such a remedy, as the girls say, is quite aromatic and effective.

For potato means, boil the potatoes together with the peel. Pour in mashed potatoes, add milk (two tablespoons) and yolk. Heat everything over low heat and, while not cold, apply to the skin of the face, and put a gauze bandage on top.


How to moisturize your face? Of course, a miraculous oatmeal cosmetic will help with this. This mask can be used not only for moisturizing, but also as nourishing compresses for dry skin. Boil two large spoons of rolled oats and pour milk. Leave to infuse for fifteen minutes, then apply to the skin for half an hour. For good results, repeat two days a week. The effectiveness of the product is noticed by girls immediately after the first procedure. The mask is very good. It moisturizes even the driest skin.

Anti-acne remedy

You will need green clay, grape seed oil, olive oil in equal proportions. Everything is worth mixing. Then you need to steam the composition. Then apply on cheesecloth and in the form of a compress, hold for 40 minutes. Then rinse off with water.

Fermented milk products

You can also make a cream from sour cream (two tablespoons), parsley (a couple of twigs) and cucumber juice from one vegetable. Mix all. Then add flour (1 tbsp. L.) And heat up with steam. Then pour into a jar of old cream and wipe your face in the morning.

Mix kefir, lemon and orange zest (proportions of your choice). Apply with a cotton swab on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with hot water, treat the face with ice or something cold. You can repeat it every morning. This is a great tool that many girls like.

Wheat Grain Remedy

The next mask for women after 30, when the skin gradually becomes less youthful and elastic. For the product you will need egg white, 1 tablespoon each of wheat grains, flour and honey. Beat the milk until froth. Then you need to add honey, grains and flour.

Apply to cheesecloth in 2 layers and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off only with spring water. Repeat once a week.

Banana mask

If you are interested in homemade moisturizing face masks, then check out the banana remedy.

For women aged 40, first of all, natural masks are shown, for example, with products such as ripe bananas, gelatin, honey, dairy products, oils, almonds.

To make a banana mask for moisturizing and anti-aging of the face, you will need to grind the pulp of a ripe or overripe fruit. Then you need to drive in the yolk (preferably a farm egg) and pour in 2 large tablespoons of sour cream. Then apply a thin layer with cotton swabs to the face. Then after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm room water.

This product perfectly nourishes and moisturizes women's skin. This is exactly what those girls who have tried such a remedy think.


When using masks, accuracy and literacy are important. It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation. The main thing is to take care of your face skin at any age. In order not to accelerate the dehydration of the epidermis, you should know a few rules:

  1. You should not wash your face often with soap that dries your skin, and you should gently take a hot bath.
  2. Sharp temperature contrasts are harmful.
  3. It is undesirable for the leather to rub against rough material. It is important not to use artificial cosmetics.

Often taking care of their face, most of the fair sex do not pay due attention and care to their bodies. But here it is worth considering, because the skin of the body is exposed in the same way as the face to the negative influences of the environment.

How to moisturize your body skin at home

With the help of natural masks, moisturizing and nourishing lotions and creams, you can perfectly moisturize your body and face. And with the help of natural remedies, the skin will become smooth, tender, elastic and taut. Ready-made masks can be purchased at any cosmetic store, store or pharmacy.

If you don't really trust ready-made cosmetics, then you have a great variety of recipes for making nourishing masks and lotions at your disposal.

Well, if you are not satisfied with light peeling, you can safely apply a scrub that will stimulate the regeneration processes in the skin. It will thoroughly remove old particles of dead skin, and after using it, new ones will appear. As a result of the scrubbing procedure, the body will become smooth and beautiful.

  • The fact is that a body scrub contains large abrasive particles, while in a face scrub they are much smaller. Therefore, dry skin is scrubbed once every seven days, and oily skin should be deeply cleansed no more than two to three times.

To reduce the symptoms of dryness, there are some guidelines to follow.

For a short period of time, skip foods that contain trans fats and saturated animal fats.

  • In a more understandable language, then you should limit yourself in eating fatty meat and poultry. Various cheeseburgers, hamburgers and chips. Instead of these foods, it is better to include in your diet fatty fish that are fortified with fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for the body to restore the balance of the immune system;
  • to fatty fish, you need to add the use of vegetable oils. The leaders in their useful properties are flaxseed and corn, rapeseed and olive oils;
  • a source of antioxidant vitamins are vegetable salads. For example, white cabbage with carrots and vegetable oil. There are a lot of these vitamins in fruits, citrus fruits, apples, berries - sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, etc .;
  • undoubtedly, it is more beneficial to extract all nutrients from food. But sometimes you need to supplement your diet with food supplements that contain antioxidant vitamins and fatty acids.

To avoid trouble with moisturizers, you need to carefully know which components can cause an allergic reaction. The recommendations of cosmetologists say that you need to monitor the composition of your moisturizers.

Try to avoid contact with creams or lotions containing components such as:

Be careful when buying any moisturizer for dry, sensitive, and irritation-prone skin.

Choose cosmetics with few ingredients. If you come across a cream, which includes more than forty names of components, most likely you can undergo unpleasant sensations.

Ways to moisturize your body with home remedies

You can take care of yourself with nourishing, moisturizing and toning masks and lotions that you can prepare yourself.

  • The coffee mask is prepared from an equal amount of olive oil and natural ground coffee, with the addition of two tablespoons of natural cream or sour cream. Everything is mixed and applied. Lasts up to ten minutes, then it is washed off and no further moisturizing is required;
  • salt, coffee grounds, sugar, ground cinnamon are mixed with olive oil and applied in a circular massage. You need to keep this mixture for no more than twenty minutes. Ground coffee in masks is needed not only to cleanse the body, but also to give it elasticity;
  • this mask is applied exclusively to dry skin, without steaming. For this, honey is mixed with grape juice and mummy tablets. Stir until all components are dissolved. The sweet mixture should be applied to dry skin of the body and washed off after half an hour. This mask will not only give velvety and hydration, but also perfectly tighten the weakened skin;
  • using a mixture of honey and yolks, you can perfectly nourish and soften dryness. The mask lasts no more than a quarter of an hour;
  • give softness and elasticity, can whole milk mixed with mineral water. Such a cocktail can be used at least every day, because it is easy to prepare and does not require large financial costs.

All of the above masks do not require special proportions, since the components included in them are only of natural origin. Therefore, you can make an individual recipe that suits you best.