How to restore healthy looking hair? How to restore healthy looking hair at home

The hot sun, wind, frequent exposure to a hair dryer and curling iron can turn even a thick shock of shiny hair into a dull mouse ponytail. But what woman can afford to leave this unattended? One day there comes a moment when you feel that right now your hair needs special care and respect.

How to make your hair look healthy? Caring for them begins with internal nutrition and depends on how your diet is provided with substances that are responsible not only for hair growth, but also for a healthy shine. To get luxurious hair, you should adjust your diet, and only then strengthen it from the outside.

If the hair is oily, it is necessary to limit the use of white bread, animal fats, sugar, smoked meats, spices. You will benefit from lactic acid products, eggs, cereals, vegetable oil.

Owners of dry hair should diversify their diet with cereals, liver, butter; fresh vegetables and fruits, especially orange ones - these are persimmons, pumpkins, carrots, oranges.

But nutrition alone is not enough, with a therapeutic and restorative purpose it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes, as well as additional vitamins A and B in a course of 1 month, at least 1 time per year. Deficiency of these vitamins is a common cause of unhealthy hair.

Dry hair is brittle, so it needs careful care. Only boiled water is suitable for them. A few minutes before washing, it is useful to rub burdock oil into the skin with massaging movements. It strengthens hair follicles and prevents severe drying of the skin upon contact with shampoo.

Oily hair is more elastic due to the increased production of sebum. However, this often causes itching and gives an untidy sheen. The main care for such hair begins with the stabilization of the internal state of the body.

External hair care is no less significant, and the choice of shampoo should be consistent with the type of hair. A positive effect is provided by balms for rinsing hair, not only ready-made, but also natural.

How to give your hair a healthy look with the help of folk recipes?

There are many folk recipes on how to give your hair a healthy look.

- Onion balm. Onion peel is boiled in a ratio of 1:10 in water and after cooling it is rubbed at the hair roots. This balm prevents skin flaking.

Balm from birch leaves. Within two hours, 25g of birch leaves are infused, brewed with a glass of boiling water. The infusion is rubbed at the roots and along the entire length of the hair after washing.

- For dry hair, rinses from the infusion of herbal preparations are very useful: nettle, horsetail and calendula.

Hair masks have a strengthening effect on the hair follicles and help nourish the hair from the roots. They are made in the form of a wrap, a few minutes before washing the hair.

- Yolk mask is useful for all types of hair. 1 yolk is mixed with vodka and water, 1 tsp each, and rubbed 15 minutes before washing.

- A protein mask prepared similarly to a yolk mask is great for oily scalp.

- A carrot mask mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 2: 1 is rubbed along the partings into the skin at the roots of the hair. Suitable for all hair types.

- A mask of black bread crumb soaked in water is suitable for all types of hair. Perfectly saturates the skin with B vitamins.

To maintain the health and natural shine of hair, care for them must be regular and comprehensive. This requires strengthening the hair, the use of protective agents before the thermal effects of a hair dryer, ironing or curling iron, as well as protection from external factors.

The beauty of hair: their elasticity, softness, shine - not so much depends on the woman's health, but on proper care for them. To achieve beautiful and healthy hair, you can use the simplest tricks.

Trim your ends more often

If you regularly use a hair dryer or curling iron, the chances that you have split ends are very high. The ends, especially the long ones, do not receive enough of the head's natural fat lubrication, so they are drier than the rest of the hair and more brittle. In the case of split ends, the best way out is prevention. Another way to solve the problem is to cut off a couple of centimeters. Restoring split ends is almost impossible.

To prevent split ends:

* Get your hair right

Experts advise never combing wet hair. This makes sense - wet hair is too taut when combing and is easily damaged. But this advice is not suitable for all types of hair and not for all types. Sometimes you really need to brush wet hair. If this is your case, try brushing your hair right after washing while you have conditioner or hair balm on it, and use a comb (not a metal one!) with sparse teeth. Start at the ends of your hair and then work your way up. Then gently rinse the conditioner without tangling your hair. When the hair dries, it will still be soft and shiny.

Dry hair, on the contrary, needs to be combed in one motion from the hair roots to the ends. With this combing, the natural lubricant produced by the hair follicles, which protects and moisturizes the hair, is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair and reaches the ends - where it is most needed.

* Buy good quality combs and hair brushes , without sharp plastic or metal teeth. Sharp teeth are one of the main reasons for the appearance.

How to get shiny hair

Over time, your once shiny hair has surely lost some of its luster. This happens because with age, the skin begins to produce less moisture-retaining ceramides, and the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. As a result, the hair becomes dull and dry. and hair coloring only exacerbate this process. On the modern cosmetic market, there are many products designed specifically for adding shine to hair. But you want your hair to look healthy and shiny, not shiny with grease? So, for this it is not enough just to apply the product, you need to take care of the hair. How to return the hair to its former gloss?

* Use conditioners or hair balms every time you wash your hair. If the conditioner makes your hair too “heavy”, depriving it of volume, then apply it not along the entire length of the hair, but only on the middle part and ends. Once every two weeks, it is useful to take care of your hair more carefully - to make a nourishing mask.

* Hair loves the cold. Therefore, at the end of each shampoo, rinse your hair with cold water, and when drying with a hairdryer, use the cold air setting.

* Did you know that the best way to make your hair shiny is with the right hairbrush? A healthy shine of hair can be achieved by combing it with a natural bristle brush. Unlike plastic substitutes, natural bristles are made up of layers of tiny scales that remove dust and dirt from hair and add shine.

* Choose the right color. Mousey, ashy, vaguely blond hair, as well as hair that does not reflect sunlight well and almost never looks healthy or shiny. Add just a little brightness or warmth to your hair with coloring, highlighting or tinting products, and they will immediately shine in a new way.

* Well, as a final touch, you can apply a special tool - a spray or serum - to give your hair shine. The main thing here is not to overdo it! Apply just a little to keep hair looking shiny but not greasy.

How to add volume to hair

Owners of thin or too heavy hair often have to be upset by the lack of volume in the hairstyle. In humid weather, this problem is exacerbated - the hair simply hangs in a lifeless mass or sticks to the scalp in thin strands. This problem, however, is easy to fix. Products like mousses and volumizing sprays are very light, both in consistency and in use. You can add volume to your hair with the help of ordinary varnish: spray it on the hair roots and, slightly lifting the hair, let it dry. Then brush lightly.

If you take note of our advice and follow these simple procedures, you will soon hear such a welcome (and well-deserved!) compliment: "You have luxurious hair!"

Beautiful hair has long been considered a real standard of female beauty, after many years nothing has changed, so many girls dream of having luxurious hair. Beautiful does not mean only long, because the strands should be smooth and silky. How to give hair shine and silkiness is one of the topical issues among girls and women.

In fact, every girl should know how to add shine to her hair without resorting to the services of expensive beauty salons.

Experts give such simple tips on how to give hair shine at home:

Use a comb with natural bristles, this will enhance the natural shine of the hairs.

Cut off split ends once a month, so the strands will look well-groomed and attractive.

At night, it is good to make a mask of vegetable oil - linseed, olive or sunflower. Beeswax and maple sap also have a good moisturizing effect.

If you dye your hair, use special shampoos and care products after applying the dye.

Rinse the strands with strong black tea, a decoction of onion peel - for dark strands, lemon juice or vinegar - for light ones.

If possible, dry the strands naturally, without using a hair dryer, so they will be more elastic.

If you like curls, you can twist your hair, preferring not a curling iron, but curlers, because they do not have a harmful thermal effect.

Ultraviolet rays have a powerful adverse effect on the strands, so in the summer try to hide them from the sun - wear hats and use special sunscreens.

If you want to make your hair more silky, you should know some features. Naturally wavy strands will never be as shiny as straight ones, no matter how hard you try to make them look so attractive. This will help keratin hair straightening, after which they become perfectly smooth, even, shiny and healthy. This procedure is carried out in beauty salons.

How to quickly add shine to natural hair: coconut oil mask

As a rule, natural undyed hair loses its natural shine as a result of the aggressive action of external factors - sunlight, hot air, hair dryer. Bringing back the shine is very easy, just take care of some of the available home remedies and methods on how to add shine to natural hair.

If you want to make your appearance even more attractive, girls resort to folk methods and means. If you want to know how to add shine to your hair with folk remedies, the following homemade masks based on natural ingredients will help you.

The use of coconut oil in cosmetology is one of the most effective methods on how to quickly add shine to hair. Apply this tool not to the roots, but to the strands along the entire length, special attention should be paid to the tips.

For the procedure, you need to take a small piece of oil - about 1-2 tbsp. l. depending on the length of the strands. Then place it in a small container and melt in a water bath, but you do not need to bring the product to a boil, otherwise all its useful properties will be lost.

Apply melted coconut oil to the strands, put on a plastic cap, cover your head with a towel on top. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo after 2 hours. A small amount of coconut oil can be added to a ready-made cosmetic hair mask.

It is recommended to carry out such a caring and wellness procedure once a week. If your hair has its own natural shine and you want to enhance it, you can make a mask once every two weeks or a month.

How to make hair smooth and shiny: honey-oil mask

How to make hair smooth and shiny using oil and honey?

For such home care, you will need the following components:

  • 5 st. l. burdock or olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • two tablespoons of lemon juice and liquid honey.

To prepare a honey-oil mask, follow these simple steps:

  1. Rub the egg yolk with honey in a ceramic or glass bowl. Add oil and lemon juice there, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Apply the prepared mask to the strands along the entire length, without affecting the roots. For greater convenience of the procedure, it is better to divide the hair into small strands.
  3. Put on a plastic cap from above and wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, rinse the strands well with warm water. You can use this mask once a week.

How to add shine to uncolored hair: gelatin mask

There are other effective remedies and ways to add shine to uncolored hair using traditional medicine. Many girls and women recommend applying a homemade gelatin mask to the strands. It nourishes the hairs well, gives them a noticeable smoothness and attractive shine.

To prepare such a remedy, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 6 tbsp warm water or chamomile decoction;
  • 3 art. l. any hair balm.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water or chamomile decoction, add balm to it. Apply the resulting mass to slightly damp clean strands along the entire length, departing from the roots of 1.5 cm. Put a plastic cap on your head and wrap yourself with a towel on top. The gelatin mask should be kept on the head for an hour, rinsed with water without using shampoo.

How to add shine to bleached hair: banana mask

For those who are interested in how to add shine to bleached hair, a banana mask recipe will come to the rescue. To prepare this mask, take half the pulp of a ripe banana, egg yolk, 2 tsp each. liquid honey and olive oil, a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mash the banana with a fork into the pulp, add the rest of the ingredients to it. The mask is applied along the entire length of the strands, after 40 minutes, washed off with warm water.

How to give hair a glossy shine and volume at home

Using home remedies to add shine and volume to strands, you should be aware that such masks can differ significantly in composition for fair-haired and dark-haired girls. If you are a blonde and do not know how to add shine and volume to your hair, use a mask based on castor oil and honey. To carry out such care, you will need 2 tablespoons of honey heated in a water bath and a spoonful of castor oil. A feature of masks for hair volume is that their composition must be applied to the roots. After mixing these two components, apply a home remedy on light strands, affecting the roots, rinse after 40 minutes.

No less relevant is the question of brunettes and brown-haired women, how to give their hair a glossy shine and volume without leaving home. Take 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, pour ¼ cup of milk, put on fire and heat until cocoa is completely dissolved. Add an egg yolk and two tablespoons of cognac to this mass. Mix all the components thoroughly and apply to the strands, rinse well with water after an hour.

How to add shine to dyed hair with lamination

Despite the fact that the use of dye gives the strands an attractive shine, nevertheless, exposure to chemicals soon also requires special care, as over time the hair looks dull and lifeless. To improve their condition and appearance, girls are looking for ways to add shine to dyed hair.

Most often, in such cases, salon procedures and the use of professional tools come to the rescue. Hairdressers-stylists to solve this problem resort to the use of lamination.

lamination- an effective and affordable procedure aimed at restoring the damaged structure of each hair. How to give your hair a healthy shine with lamination? A product with a special composition is applied to the strands along the entire length, which creates a breathable microfilm on the surface of the hairs, protecting them from the action of adverse factors. After lamination, the hair always increases in volume by about 10-15%, looks healthy and well-groomed.

How to add shine to hair without dyeing with cream, gel and wax

Cream for hair shine. The use of special cosmetics is another way to add shine to hair without dyeing. Typically, these products include reflective particles and UV filters. Such creams for shine have proven themselves well - modeling cream-shine with a therapeutic effect "Crema Fluida Lucidante" and Pearl Smooth Luminous Wella SP.

Liquid gloss gel. This cosmetic product is made on the basis of herbal ingredients that give the hair shine, smoothness and natural shine.

Wax for styling. This is another popular remedy with which you can give your hair a dazzling shine and radiance. The best are such products as Taft “Shining Shine” styling wax and OSiS – Schwarzkopf universal wax, Wella Desing styling wax.

Regular home and salon hair care is the key to their healthy appearance, radiance, shine, smoothness and silkiness.

Hair is an integral part of female beauty. How to help sick hair, we will tell you in our article.

Hair has always been the main female weapon. But keeping them healthy and shiny is sometimes not possible. Many women notice over time that their precious curls are no longer the same as before, they become sparse and dull, with split ends. The sun and wind, frequent styling and blow-drying kill our hair. So let's talk about how to bring the strands back to life, give them a healthy and well-groomed look.

What your hair needs

Remember that the health of your hair and body as a whole depends largely on your diet. Before strengthening your hair from the outside, think about whether you are consuming enough vitamins and nutrients.

  • If you are the owner of oily hair, limit the consumption of animal fats, white bread, smoked meats, sugar, spices. Eat more dairy products, vegetable oil, eggs.
  • If the hair is dry, liver, cereals, butter should be added to the diet. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • At least once a year for a month, take a multivitamin, vitamins A and B.
  • It is useful to rub burdock oil into the scalp before washing - it strengthens the hair follicles.

Proper hair care

  1. Try to take care of your curls, do not use varnishes, mousses and foams containing alcohol unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Try to limit the use of the hair dryer. A jet of hot air breaks the natural structure of the hair and deprives them of shine.
  3. Choose the right shampoo, make sure that the ph level in it is low enough.
  4. After washing, use a balm or conditioner. An excellent substitute for balm is olive oil - just distribute a couple of drops through damp hair. Olive oil will be a panacea for dry hair - it will smooth the scales and saturate the hair with vitamins.
  5. Do not wash your hair with hot water, but if you rinse your hair with cold water after washing, this will significantly heal them and strengthen the structure.
  6. Wash your brushes with warm soapy water once a week.
  7. Make masks. For them, use vegetable oils, such as burdock, linseed or wheat. Apply this mask to your hair, wrap your head with cellophane film and hold for 30 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

Folk hair care methods

  1. Boil the onion peel in water, in a ratio of 1:10. The cooled mixture is rubbed into the hair roots. This balm is suitable for flaky skin.
  2. Brew 25 g of birch leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. After washing, rub the infusion into the roots and distribute over all hair.
  3. Dry hair will benefit from herbal infusion of horsetail, nettle and calendula.

Regular and comprehensive hair care will restore their health and natural brilliance. Give your curls a little time and in gratitude you will get a chic thick hair.

In the summer, we especially often ask the same question - how to restore hair health. This is because at high temperatures, the hair loses more moisture than usual, so it looks dull and lifeless. As you can see, keeping your hair in perfect shape without proper care is unlikely to succeed. However, we know 3 fantastic ways to help restore healthy shine and natural thickness to your hair.

We share the secrets of restoring hair health at home.

1. Prevent split ends

When moisture and nutrients do not reach the ends of your hair, they begin to split, break and look rather unattractive. To prevent this, use a little hair balm. Add natural oils to your skin care routine. For example, Eastern women often use coconut, almond, linseed or olive oils to add shine to their hair.

The procedure is simple: before washing your hair, gather your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head and warm up some natural oil in the microwave (5-10 seconds is enough for 1 tablespoon of oil). When the oil is warm, rub it between your palms and apply to the ends of the hair, distributing along the entire length of the tail. After an hour or two, you can wash your hair. Do this procedure twice a week and your hair will never split.

2. Return shine to hair

After shampooing your hair, particles of the product often linger on the scalp. Over time, this leads to dull hair, depletion of the hair follicle and dandruff. In addition to cosmetic masks and salon procedures that can be done to restore hair, there are also natural remedies for the shine of curls. The best of them are rinsing hair with vinegar or chamomile decoction. For colored hair, it is better to use pure chamomile tea, as vinegar can remove artificial pigment.

Depending on the natural color of the hair, you can use a combination of vinegar with herbal infusions to enhance the natural shade. Light hair, of course, suitable decoction of chamomile, and dark - rosemary. The same formulations are suitable for hair dyed with natural dyes.

Before rinsing your hair with vinegar, wash your hair with your usual shampoo. Then use a balm. Prepare a solution of vinegar: for 1 liter of warm water (broth) you need 1 tbsp. natural apple cider vinegar. It is worth rinsing your hair in this way after each shampooing. Within a month, you will notice that your hair has become more manageable, shiny and healthy.

3. Say goodbye to hair loss

For the treatment of hair loss, it is best to use homemade or cosmetic masks in combination with natural decoctions of St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo (5-7 drops per 200 ml of shampoo). The hair will be greasy more slowly, therefore, the hair follicle will not be so badly injured.

You can also use this homemade anti-hair loss mask once a week.


  • aloe gel - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp

How to do: mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply the mask to the hair roots, distributing the remnants along the entire length of the curls. Keep the mask on the hair for 1-2 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Don't forget to rinse your hair with vinegar.