How to crochet baby mittens. Crochet mittens: we supplement the baby's wardrobe with interesting accessories. Ladybug mittens for beginners

There is only one problem in this method of knitting - you can crochet an imitation of an elastic band, but you cannot knit it elastic, and for children's mittens elastic elastic is extremely important so that they hold well on the hand.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to combine two methods of knitting: crochet and knitting needles. Therefore, we will knit an elastic band on two knitting needles, and continue crocheting.

Below I will show you how to knit mittens for a baby 1 year old or slightly older.

For knitting such a model of mittens we need:

  • 20-30 g of yarn in two colors
  • knitting needles
  • hook

Yarn selection
Any warm yarn is suitable for mittens, except for prickly wool. You can use soft merino wool or a wool / acrylic blend. As a last resort, spiky woolen yarn can be put on the main part of the mitten, and for an elastic band, take something softer, since the most sensitive skin is on the wrist.

It is better to choose fluffy threads, thin or of medium thickness, but smooth. Crocheting is denser than knitting, and mittens knitted from thick yarn will restrict the movement of the fingers and slide off the palm.

To start knitting, measure the girth of the wrist, knit the sample with an elastic band to determine the knitting density and calculate the number of loops. When calculating the width of the elastic, we take 0.5 cm less than the measured wrist circumference.

How to knit mittens for a child 1 - 2 years old crochet and knitting needles:

We collect the required number of loops and knit with an elastic band 10 cm.

We close the last row of the elastic and sew it along the side seam. When we close the elastic, we try to loosen the knitting slightly in order to expand its edge.

We turn the stitched cylinder with the seam inward and continue crocheting in a circle with single crochet columns from each loop (we knit from the last row of the elastic, not from the first). We take a thread of a different color.

Thus, we knit 5-7 circles (depending on the desired size of the mittens).

In the 6th circle we make a hole for the finger, knitting 7-8 air loops instead of the columns.

We continue knitting in a circle to the edge of the little finger.

After that, we begin to narrow the mitten, making in each circle one decrease on both sides. To determine the points of decrease, fold the mitten so that the hole for the finger is at the bottom of the mitten and starts near its edge.

Having knitted several rows with cuts, we turn the knitting out and from the seamy side we close the edges with half-columns.

From the hole for the finger, we knit the thumb of the mittens in a circle. At the end, you can make several decreases, or you can simply close the edge without decreasing the loops.

Moving on to finishing.
We tie the free edge of the elastic with a number of single crochet posts with a thread of the main color.

Now we make the teeth the same color as the rubber band. To form a clove, we knit from one loop: * single crochet, 3 double crochets, single crochet *. Skip one loop and knit the next clove.
We will wrap the elastic on the mitten, so you can immediately fasten the lapel with several stitches.

Crochet three petals. To do this, we collect 7 air loops and knit according to the scheme (you can limit yourself to one or two protrusions on the leaf).

(leaf scheme)

We sew the leaves to the mitten.
When knitting a second mitten, do not forget that the thumb should turn out to be mirror-like.

It's already autumn, which means it's time to check the readiness of warm hats, scarves, socks and mittens. To crochet mittens, it is enough to know how a single crochet is knitted. Such mittens will not stretch, deform, the knitting will be tight. We will analyze a very simple way to crochet mittens and, most importantly, as you knit, you can control their size by hand.

Knitting technique

You do not need to draw up a pattern in advance, you can make fittings along the way, or even better have a previously knitted product that fits your hand well.

Working process.

Step 1. Knitting the elastic:

we collect a chain of loops along the height of the elastic (a),
in each loop we knit a single crochet (b),
in the next row we pass the hook into the back wall of the loop, pull the thread (c),
we knit it with a loop on the hook with a single crochet (d).
then we knit all the rows in the same way. The length of the resulting blade should be equal to the girth of the wrist of the hand.

Step 2. Making the gum:

fold the elastic band in half along the length, knit with a single crochet the extreme loops (a),
we pull the thread from the back wall of the loop of the near half of the canvas (b) and from the front wall of the back half (c),
from the loops on the hook we knit a single crochet (g),
we knit the whole row like this,
we turn the resulting pipe to the wrong side so that the connecting seam is not visible.

Step 3. Knitting a circular fabric mittens:

along the edge of the elastic, we collect loops according to the number, depending on the width of the brush. This is one and a half times, if the brush is not wide as, for example, mittens in the photo,
we begin to knit the fabric by the back wall of the loops, until we knit it to the position of the thumb,
we collect air loops to obtain a hole for the thumb of the mitten. For example, 7 are taken, but it all depends on the shape of the brush,
skip 6 loops, insert the hook into the seventh loop and make a single crochet,

We continue to knit fabric mittens in a circle. We make single crochet over the knitted stitches.

Step 4. Closing the loops of the mitten:

we begin to decrease the loops approximately when the canvas will cover the little finger (the peculiarities of the shape of the hand should also be taken into account),
pull the thread out of the working loop, do not knit, pull the thread out of one more loop (a),
we knit all the loops on the hook with a single crochet (b),
we knit 3 single crochet in each of the following loops (c),
we knit the whole row according to this pattern,
in the next row we do this procedure after 2 loops, in the third row after one,
in the next rows, we do the decrease in each loop until there is one (c),
We bring the end of the thread to the wrong side and fix it through the protruding loops.

Step 5. Knitting a mitten finger:

we fasten the thread with a knot,

Along the edge of the hole, we collect loops for twice the number of air loops (in the example it is 14),

We knit in the same way as mittens knitted fabric,
to close the loops, we make a decrease with each loop, i.e. we pull the thread onto the hook, then another thread, and we knit all 3 loops together.

The mitten is ready.

You can also knit with multi-colored threads, decorate with rhinestones, beads, knitted flower, etc. taste.

Winter is already slowly waking up, reminding us of its imminent visit with ever colder nights and an increasingly frequent desire to drink a cup of hot tea. It is difficult to think of a better pleasure after a walk on the street than to take a cup of hot tea with both hands and feel the whole body fill with warmth through your hands. So homely and cozy ...

Probably, each of us can remember many such moments - to get warm from a cup of tea or, chilled, to take the hand of a loved one. It is through our hands that we receive so many sensations that are transformed into pleasant emotions ...

That is why today I present to you a master class from which you will learn. Beautiful, warm mittens will gently warm your hands and the arms of your family and friends this winter.

After all, it is so pleasant to wear a thing knitted with your own hands, and it is even more pleasant to receive mittens knitted for you personally. Give your loved ones such joy by tying for them crochet mittens.

So, stock up on inspiration and get started!

For work I used Pekhorka "Australian Merino" yarn (100% wool, 100 g / 400 m) in two colors and a hook number 3.5.

We start knitting mittens according to this pattern:

Air lifting loop (c.p.)

Connecting column (connecting st.)

Column with crochet (st.s / n)

Embossed front column with a crochet (rel. Faces. S / n)

Embossed purl column with crochet (rel.n. st. S / n)

With a gray thread we make a ring from a loop (more details)

1 row: knit 3 vp,

we close the circular row of connections. Art. thread of white, inserting the hook into the 3rd ch.

2nd row: knit 2 vp,

in the same loop (inserting the hook under the VP) we knit (convex) st. s / n,

* in the next loop we knit 1 tbsp. s / n, introducing a hook into st. s / n prev. a number of

and rel. persons. (convex) Art. s / n, introducing a hook under the same art. s / n prev. row *.

We repeat from * to the end of the row, in this row we have 24 columns (we count 2 VP per column).

We close the row of connections. Art. a gray thread, inserting the hook into the 2nd ch.

3rd row: knit 2 vp,

* next knit a loop 1 tbsp. s / n in st. s / n prev. row,

and then rel. persons. (convex) Art. s / n, introducing a hook under the same art. s / n prev. row *.

We repeat from * to the end of the row, in this row we have 48 columns (we count 2 VP per column).

4th row: knit 2 vp,

in the next. we knit a loop. out. (concave) Art. s / n *.

We repeat from * to the end of the row, ending the row of rel. persons. Art. s / n.

We close the row of connections. Art. thread of gray.

We knit all subsequent rows without increments, similar to the 4th row, alternating relief columns according to the pattern, we knit 2 vp,

in the next. we knit a loop. persons. Art. c / n, next we knit a loop. out. Art. s / n,

and so on until the end of the row.

We close the row of connections. Art. thread of white.

We knit the number of rows we need, up to the thumb.

The thumb hole will be knitted according to this pattern (for the right mitten):

in the next. knit a loop st. b / n,

skip 11 tbsp. and in the 12th Rel. out. Art. s / n prev. row we knit st. b / n,

This is how we knit the thumb hole of the right mitten.

For the left mitten, knit the hole symmetrically, i.e. we knit 2 vp, then we knit 33 embossed st.,

then we knit st. b / n in rel. out. Art. s / n prev. row,

11 Art. skip to the 12th Rel. out. Art. s / n prev. row we knit st. b / n,

in st. b / n prev. row we knit rel. out. Art. s / n,

in st. b / n prev. row we knit rel. out. Art. c / n, and then in the next. loop rel. persons. Art. s / n, we close the row of connections. Art.

So we knit the mittens to the length we need.

Here are my 2 mittens, VP seam. I have it located in the middle of the palm, it is almost invisible.

Trying on!

Let's start knitting a finger. We attach a new gray thread, on the inner side of the thumb. Next, we knit 2 vp,

We leave the long end of the thread for sewing the finger.

We thread the end of the thread into a needle with a thick eye and start grabbing all the cp. sew your finger.

It turns out like this:

We hide the end of the thread on the seamy side, as well as carefully hide all the tails of the threads, and now our mitten is ready!

Similarly, knit the thumb of the second mitten!

Thanks to this pattern and woolen threads, you get incredibly warm mittens, so that your hands will not freeze even in the most severe frost.

VIDEO master class on crocheting mittens.

Enjoy your knitting and see you soon!

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The best hand protection in the cold winter season is mittens. A properly knitted product will not only give its warmth, but also become an excellent addition to the wardrobe. How to crochet mittens? What are the features of knitting mittens intended for an adult, child, newborn? Answers to these and a number of other questions in the master classes suggested below.

The best hand protection in the cold winter season is mittens

A crochet hook in skilled hands is able to create a truly original work and distinguish you from other people, owners of nondescript mittens. The crochet pattern is not very difficult, however, it requires care and patience.

You will need:

  • Hook;
  • Yarn in 2 colors (for example, blue and white).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make 1 loop of blue yarn, knit 11 columns around it (hereinafter Art.).
  2. Close the circle of Art. made of white yarn.
  3. With white yarn, make 2 air loops (hereinafter referred to as VP), after - a relief front st. with a crochet.
  4. In the next loop, tie 1 regular st. with a crochet, after - 1 embossed art. with a crochet. Knit 24 st., Keeping in mind the double lifting loop.
  5. From the last lifting station do not remove the hook, close it with blue yarn.
  6. The third row begins, in it knit 2 vp. It fits in exactly the same way as the second one. Here you will have 48 st., Taking into account the 2 initial vp.
  7. Close the third row with white yarn.
  8. 4th is an elastic band. Alternate it with a relief facial art. and Art. with a cape.
  9. Finish this row with blue yarn.
  10. Knit the remaining rows up to the thumb as the 4th. Do not add or subtract columns.
  11. If you have reached the level of the thumb, knit 2 ch, 1 facial embossed st. with a crochet. In the next loop, knit st. without a crochet.
  12. Link 13 vp.
  13. Skip Art.13, start knitting embossed single crochet with Art.14. Until the row ends, alternate the embossed st.
  14. Close the row with connecting st. You have knitted the thumb hole.
  15. Return to the 4-row pattern, in accordance with it, complete the knitting of the mittens.
  16. Tie the final row using the "crustacean step" technique.

Having knitted the right mitten, proceed to the left pair.

How to crochet mittens: a lesson for beginners (video)

We knit a thumb on a mitten

So, in front of you are two mittens, and in both, instead of a thumb, there are only one holes. So it's time to tie your thumbs.

Thumbs are easy to tie

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Knit single crochet stitches around the thumb hole.
  2. Towards the end of the toe, cut 3 stitches each in the final rows.
  3. Pull the yarn tightly into the remaining loops.

How to crochet baby mittens: step-by-step instructions for beginners

The baby's arms will be protected by crocheted mittens from strong winds and hard frosts. Before starting work, be sure to take measurements of the circumference and length of the child's wrist (for example, with ordinary tape). It is better to take acrylic yarn as a material, since mittens will have to be washed often, and acrylic products are resistant to washing and do not change shape. Below is a knitting pattern for mittens, starting with an elastic band, for a child 5-6 years old.

You will need:

  • Acrylic yarn in 2 colors (for example, purple and white);
  • Hook;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.

Handles of the baby from strong winds and strong frosts will protect crocheted mittens

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make 10 air loops (hereinafter c.p.) with purple yarn, 2 lifting c.p. Work the resulting 12 crochet stitches.
  2. Expand knitting.
  3. Knit 10 stitches (hereinafter referred to as st.) With a crochet, capturing the front half-loops.
  4. Knit 2 vp.
  5. Expand knitting.
  6. Knit 10 tbsp., Grabbing the back half loops.
  7. Knit an elastic cuff according to this pattern, not forgetting to alternate the grips in rows for the front and back half-loops.
  8. Knit the number of rows required for the elastic.
  9. Fold the cuffs with the wrong side out, connect the edges of the future mitten.
  10. Tie the edges of the elastic using the "crustacean step" method, cut the threads, fasten, hide the ends.
  11. Take white yarn, tie the edge of the elastic with single crochets in 4 rows.
  12. In the fifth row, leave a hole for your thumb. To do this, in place of the thumb, make 1 vp. on the rise, unfold the product, continue knitting in the opposite direction to the place of the finger.
  13. Knit 4 VP, fasten on the opposite side of the hole for the finger, fix the thread, cut it.
  14. Continue knitting purple acrylic mittens from the middle of your palm.
  15. Work 6 rows.
  16. Work 6 rows of white yarn.
  17. We turn to purple acrylic, it is with this color that the product will end.
  18. Work 1 row.
  19. In the next rows, the mitten will gradually shrink. Subtract 1 tbsp. at the beginning and end of each row at the place of the fold of the product.
  20. Fasten the thread, cut, unfold the rest of the yarn to the wrong side.
  21. Tie your thumb (described above).

Crochet scratches for newborns: instructions

Mittens are needed even for babies - they knit, as a rule, easily and quickly - without thumbs, so that the baby is not tempted to gnaw or suck on it.

A newborn baby can scratch his face even if his nails are cut short. This is due to the fact that the baby still does not know how to control his hands and constantly pulls them to his face. Therefore, young parents often find a simple way out - they put on special scratch gloves on their hands. Is it possible to knit scratches for a child up to a year yourself? Sure. The master class below will help with this.

You will need:

  • Yarn in 2 colors (eg pink and white).
  • Hook.

Scratches are very easy to knit

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make 5 air loops (hereinafter referred to as VP) with white yarn.
  2. Connect the ends in a ring with a column (further art.).
  3. Knit art. without a crochet in a spiral. In the rows, make additions, which will ensure the flat shape of the upper part of the product.
  4. Start shortening the loops when the ends of the connected circle, folded in half and attached to the baby's palm, begin to go beyond the level of the little finger and index finger. Decrease stitches at the beginning and end of each row.
  5. Work 1 row with decrease.
  6. Knit 1 tbsp. without crochet in a spiral to the level of the thumb.
  7. Begin to knit rows with decreasing. It is better to alternate as follows: a row with a decrease, a row without a decrease.
  8. At the bottom of the product, knit an elastic band, this is necessary for a stable fixation on the handle. Attach pink yarn to the base of the scratches. Knit 1 tbsp. with a crochet. Crochet the crochet hook. Slip the hook under the eyelet. Grab and knit 2 loops. Make 2 tbsp. with a crochet. Slip the hook under the eyelet from the inside of the garment. Grab, pull the thread, knit a loop. Alternate purl 1. and 3 volumetric facial art. Work a couple of rows.

Crochet mittens

Scratch mittens can be decorated with a wide variety of knitted figurines, their choice depends only on your imagination and skill. For example, for a boy, a knitted machine will be an excellent solution on mittens.

Improvised fish can also be a decoration: you just need to tie the details on them and attach them in scratches.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cast on 14 air loops (hereinafter referred to as VP), make 1 lifting loop.
  2. Work in a row without crochet.
  3. Expand the product, knit 4 rows.
  4. Unfold the machine again, knit 4 rows.
  5. Cast on 5 columns (further st.) Without crochet, 6 vp, 2 st. with a crochet, fix on the 8th loop of the row.
  6. Dial 4 vp, 1 tbsp. with a crochet, fix in the last loop.
  7. Tie the car around st. without a crochet.
  8. Sew the clipper to the scratches.

Attach the buttons to the typewriter as wheels.

For girls, you can choose strawberries, flowers, cherries - you can easily find mk on the Internet.

Knitting needles for newborns: instructions

Original scratches can be knitted in stages not only with a crochet, but also with knitting needles... And this is not at all difficult, since mittens for a small child have two big advantages - a small size and the absence of a hole for a thumb on the product.

You will need:

  • Knitting needles;
  • Yarn (for example, light green).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cast on 40 stitches, distribute them over 4 knitting needles.
  2. Tie an elastic cuff about 5-7 centimeters.
  3. Form a hole for the lace for better fixation of the mittens on the baby's handles. The hole will turn out if you do this: after knitting 2 front ones, make a yarn over.
  4. Knit the rest of the garment with knit stitches.
  5. At the end of the mitten, subtract the loops. This is done like this: 2 loops are connected and knitted together.

Leave the 8 end loops, pull off the knitting needles, thread the thread through them, tighten. Hide the end of the thread on the seamy side of the mittens.

Until winter has finally settled in our area, have time to knit warm mittens, but not ordinary ones, but with the help of a crochet hook. You will see - you will definitely not freeze in them!

The cold has already come, which means that the time has come to specifically warm up. You can knit mittens not only with knitting needles. No less beautiful mittens are crocheted.

Crocheted mittens are a wonderful gift for a holiday to a dear person or just a reason to cheer up.

How to crochet mittens for beginners step by step?

Perhaps it may seem to someone that knitting mittens with a crochet hook for a beginner is not the best thing to do. The schemes are complex, there is a lot of work, many techniques are honed for months. But we claim that with the help of our description, any beginner will be able to knit beautiful winter mittens.

Step 1. With a gray thread (or any other thread of your choice), make a loop, knit 11 double crochets on this ring.

11 double crochets are closed in a ring

Step 2... Close the circle with a connecting post made of white (or other) thread. In this case, the hook is inserted into the third air loop.

Step 3. For row number two, you need to tie two air loops, then make a raised front column with a crochet.

The beginning of knitting a relief column

Step 4. In the loop that follows, tie two double crochets: regular and embossed. In a circle, knit only 24 posts, along with double lifting loops.

Step 5. Insert the hook into the second lifting air loop, closing the row with a gray connecting thread.

Step 6. For the third row, knit two lifting air loops, continue knitting as the second row was knitted. In this row, you should have 48 stitches, counting the first 2 air loops of the lift.

Step 7. Close this row using white thread.

Step 8. For row 4, you need to tie an elastic band. This should be done by alternating embossed front columns and double crochets.

Step 9... Close the 4th row with a connecting post made of gray thread.

Step 10... All subsequent rows are knit like 4th row. Without adding or subtracting columns. Tie to the hole for the thumb, then the scheme will change.

Step 11. According to the diagram below, a hole for the thumb is knitted, to make which you need to tie two air loops, then one embossed front column with a crochet. In the loop that follows, knit a single crochet. After that, you need to knit an odd number of air loops. For example 11.

Step 12. Skip 11 columns, start in 12 embossed purl with a crochet from the previous row, knit a single crochet. Continue knitting according to the pattern, alternating the embossed column until the end of the row.

Step 13. Close the row with a connecting post.

Important! This was the hole for the right thumb. For the left hand, the hole is knitted in the same way.

Step 14. Until the end of the mittens, a 4-row pattern is used.

Step 15... To knit the last row, the "crustacean step" technique is used.

Step 16. Another mitten is knitted according to the exact same pattern.

Most of the work is done! All you have to do is tie your thumb. We will talk about this further.

How to crochet a finger on a mitten?

The finger on the mitten is knitted last. First, they knit the main part, consisting of an elastic band and an area for a hand, then, using a special scheme, knit a finger.

To crochet a finger on a mitten, follow these steps:

This description contains some abbreviations that may not be very clear to a beginner. Therefore, now we will do the decryption.

How to decipher abbreviations in the description:


Now you know how to crochet mittens. Based on this method, you can knit many more similar mittens.

Just sew eye-shaped buttons to the mitten and get a funny and original accessory!

Crochet mittens for girls: a diagram with a description

Mittens for girls are a very special wardrobe item. They must not only be very warm to withstand severe frosts and games in the snow, but also beautiful. Whatever one may say, girls love to dress up in everything unusual, shiny, fluffy, especially at an early age.

Fluffy mittens are discussed in this part of the article. Such mittens are considered very warm, they are also pleasant to the skin, and hands do not itch after them.

Mittens "Ripe Cherry" consist of several parts. A detailed scheme for the manufacture of these mittens is given below.

According to this scheme, you can knit, for example, such mittens. They are very similar to the "Ripe Cherry" mittens, but made easier.

Mittens similar to Ripe Cherry mittens

If you don't like fluffy mittens, you can knit mittens from regular yarn using the following pattern. For very severe frosts, these mittens are not suitable, but if they are insulated from the inside with fleece, they will come down to -30 degrees.

upper part of mittens

the bottom of the mitten

according to this scheme, you will get such mittens

Get started now if you like the above diagrams. And so that your desire to create does not disappear, we present for you a selection of the best mittens for girls. By the way, you can make any model from the ones below according to the previous schemes.

black and white mittens with flowers

Another knitting pattern for very original children's mittens is Kitty!

Crochet mittens for a boy: a diagram with a description

Mittens for a boy should be warm and durable. Design takes a back seat. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of the yarn first. It will be unpleasant if your child brings back torn mittens after the first ride down the hill.

You can knit such mittens according to the scheme below. Each step is detailed, so you won't get a chance to make a mistake.

These mittens are knitted with threads of three colors, but you can use just one color or create a gradient using two, three or four related colors.

And here is an example of a mittens made according to this scheme, only with a color stretch.

How to crochet baby mittens for a newborn?

Mittens for newborns are knitted without a finger, so that the baby is warmer and he cannot harm himself. By the way, in another way, such mittens are also called scratches.

By adjusting the thickness of the thread, you can knit mittens for any weather: from 0 to -30 degrees.

With these mittens, your child's hands will always be warm.

How to crochet mittens for a newborn:

  1. Cast on 7 loops and knit 25 rows without crochet.
  2. Connect the two edges of the elastic with half-columns to form the cuffs.
  3. Now tie the elastic, making three single crochets every two rows.
  4. Tie fifteen rows with single crochets.
  5. On the 16th row, start decreasing the mitten by connecting 2 loops together through 3 posts. That is, you knit two loops together, then knit 3 columns in the usual way and then again two loops together.
  6. On the 17th row, subtract every two columns, not three.
  7. On the 18th row, subtract through each column.
  8. On the 19th row, tie every two loops together, without skipping the columns between them.
  9. Gather the rest of the loops in a circle and pull together from the back.

How to crochet men's mittens?

Who said that men's mittens can't be pretty? So far we have given only examples of knitting mittens with flowers and fringes, but there are other, more "masculine" options. They will be discussed in this article.

So, to knit beautiful men's mittens you will need:

  • hook
  • yarn
  • threads
  • scissors

The set is the most common, but the execution will be different.

Sometimes it is not entirely appropriate for a man to knit mittens with snowflakes or something similar. Therefore, for harsh men, we give a knitting pattern for "harsh" monochromatic mittens without patterns, fringes and other decorations.

  1. Cast on a chain consisting of 11 air loops of two lifting loops. Knit a row with double crochets.
  2. Turn knit over and cast on two lifting air loops. Continue knitting until the length of the fabric is not equal to the length of the wrist.
  3. Fold the knitting in half and secure the ends with connecting loops.
  4. Cast on one air lift loop and knit a row with single crochet.
  5. Knit like this up to 10 rows. In the tenth row, leave room for the thumb.
  6. Make 5-6 air loops under the thumb.
  7. Tie eleven rows with single crochet stitches. You can make more posts if necessary.
  8. On each side, begin to cut 2 columns so that the knitting decreases.
  9. Tie the space for the finger to the required length with single crochet.
  10. Finish your finger by decreasing one column at a time.
  11. Knit the second mitten in a mirror image so that the finger stays in place.
ready-made mittens look like this