How to recover from a cold during pregnancy. Treating a cold during pregnancy is not an easy task. Fever and headache

While carrying a baby, immunity naturally decreases. This is normal. But it makes the body of the expectant mother more prone to colds. During this period, it is very undesirable to take any medications.

But the disease should not be allowed to take its course, otherwise its complications will harm even more than taking medications. Therefore, it is not only possible to be treated, but also necessary. The main thing is to do it correctly and safely.

How to treat a cold in pregnant women?

In no case should you self-medicate! It is better to entrust your health and well-being of the baby to a qualified specialist. The fact is that even the best medicines that were taken before can now do harm.

What can and can not be done for pregnant women with a cold?

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, treatment should be started immediately. Otherwise, the disease will worsen, and you will have to use more powerful drugs.

Any drug can be taken only after studying the instructions. Particular attention is paid to the section on contraindications.

Many mothers-to-be start treatment with loading doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). If the doctor has prescribed vitamins, they continue to be taken. Increasing the dose on your own can lead to allergies.

In vitamin therapy, not only the deficiency of nutrients is dangerous, but also their excess. Excessive heating is prohibited. That is, you should not soar your legs, take a hot bath, wrap yourself in blankets. Heat is especially contraindicated when the body temperature rises.

What can pregnant women do with a cold?

Therapy can be started when weakness, nasal congestion, headache, sore throat appear - the first symptoms of a cold. The therapeutic measures taken in advance will prevent the development of the disease and, possibly, an increase in temperature. It is best to adhere to bed rest, even with a mild course. In addition, the body recovers faster during sleep.

General activities include regular airing of the room in which the woman is most of all.

During illness, do not eat heavy food. All the forces of the body should be directed towards fighting infection. However, the diet should be quite varied and necessarily rich in healthy products. You can eat more plant foods and dairy products, dietary meat.

What medications can pregnant women have for sore throat?

During gestation, you can use Ingalipt and "Hexoral"- aerosol products. Their composition is absolutely safe for the unborn baby. They have antiseptic properties, so they quickly relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.

You can use some folk remedies. For example, rinsing with a solution of salt and baking soda will help. This procedure will relieve inflammation and soreness. Also used for this purpose is a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage and eucalyptus. The rinse water should be warm. The procedure is carried out about 5 times a day.

What medications can pregnant women take for coughing?

During gestation, coughing is dangerous. Dry attacks can lead to spontaneous abortion. Both wet and dry coughs interfere with the normal flow of oxygen to the fetus. So it is not only possible to fight it, but also necessary. During the gestation period, it is allowed to drink "Mukaltin", "Bioparox"... The latter is an antibacterial drug, so it can only be taken with a doctor's prescription. Although "Bioparox" refers to antibiotics, the drug is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream.

That is why it does not affect the baby in the womb.

The use of drugs is correlated with the gestational age. For example, if you have a dry cough during a cold in the first trimester, you can drink "Bronchikum", "Stodal", "Sinekod"... In the second and third trimester, you can treat colds with cough syrup Stoptussin, Coldrex Knight, Falimintom, Libeksin.

A wet cough can be treated throughout pregnancy with the following drugs:

  1. Licorice root syrup;
  2. Bromhexine;
  3. "Mukaltin";
  4. Bronchiprest;
  5. "Gerbion";
  6. "Tussin";
  7. "Gedelix";
  8. Chest fee;
  9. "Doctor Mom";
  10. Linkas;
  11. "Prospan".

You can fight the symptoms of a cold with the help of folk remedies, for example, inhalation of boiled potatoes, oil / eucalyptus leaves. Fir essential oil can be added to water for steam inhalation.

What drugs can be used for a cold for pregnant women?

Rhinitis must be treated.

Difficulty breathing is accompanied by a lack of oxygen in the body - this harms both the expectant mother and the baby.

Rhinitis can be treated with pharmacy and folk remedies. The only thing worth giving up is vasoconstrictor drops and sprays: "Naphtizin", "Nazol", "Oxymetazoline", "Tizin" etc. In the pharmacy, you can buy drugs for treatment such as "Aquamaris", "Pinosol", "Nazivin"... These drugs and others like them gently relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa, have an antimicrobial effect and moisturize.

You can use folk recipes. For example, rinsing the nose with saline and soda solutions is completely safe.


  1. For ½ glass of water, add 2 drops of iodine and salt on the tip of a knife. With the resulting solution, bury the nose 4 times a day, injecting 2 drops into each nostril;
  2. For 1 liter of water 1 tsp. soda. The solution is used to rinse the nose every hour;
  3. Dilute aloe juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Instill into the nose up to 5 times a day.

What medicines can be used for fever for pregnant women?

Very often, a cold provokes an increase in thermometer readings. However, you don't need to take antipyretics right away. The need for such arises only when the thermometer readings exceed 38.

Pregnant women can only take drugs based on paracetamol ( "Panadol"). The latter, by the way, can be drunk with a headache.

Aspirin and drugs based on it are strictly prohibited ( Efferalgan, Coldrex).

You can use time-tested folk remedies:

  1. Drying off with a damp towel. It is not recommended to wipe off with vinegar and alcohol;
  2. Abundant drink: warm raspberry, linden tea, dried fruit decoction;
  3. Beet and carrot juice diluted with water in equal proportions;
  4. Consume cranberries rubbed with honey and hot water. For 2 large spoons of berries, you can add 1 tsp. honey and water.


Do not forget about the prevention of colds. It is recommended that you take care of this before pregnancy. You need to be attentive to your health and not neglect the recommendations of doctors.

Any illness during pregnancy can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences. After all, many drugs during this period are strictly prohibited, and you have to choose between the most effective and the safest means for the child. The same goes for a disease such as a cold.

It is not difficult for an ordinary person to get rid of a cold - he drank pills, dripped drops and after a few days he was completely healthy. A how to cure a cold during pregnancy? There are nuances here that any expectant mother should know about.

The common cold is called a number of infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract. These include ARVI, ARI, sinusitis, otitis media, rhinitis, tonsillitis and others.

For all these diseases common symptoms are characteristic: runny nose, cough, fever, and in some cases - sore throat.

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to catch any of these diseases by simply chilling the body. These are viral diseases that are infected upon contact with a sick person... Hypothermia, which leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, is only one of the factors that increase the risk of infection.

The body of a woman is designed so that during pregnancy on its own lowers the functionality of the immune system... The fetus is to some extent a foreign body, and so that it is not rejected by the body, the defense systems reduce their activity.

This state is called immunosuppression and it is necessary to prevent conflict between the body of the mother and the developing baby.

At the same time, this condition leads to the vulnerability of the female body to all kinds of viral diseases. That's why the main cause of colds when carrying a child, weakened immunity can be considered.

Any contact and even being in the same room with a sick person significantly increases the likelihood of contracting a cold.

Other factors contributing to the onset of the disease are: stress, prolonged exposure to the street in cold weather, allergies, gastritis, smoking, eating a lot of sweets or fatty foods.

Is a cold dangerous during pregnancy? Few women imagine how dangerous a common cold can be during pregnancy, so they prefer to be treated on their own, at home. Meanwhile, in the first months of bearing a child, a cold can represent a serious threat to the condition of the fetus.

What is dangerous and what are the consequences of a cold in early pregnancy? The first trimester is characterized by the active formation of the tissues and organs of the baby. Any problem and cold in the mother's body in the early stages of pregnancy will certainly affect the development of the child.

How does a cold affect the fetus during pregnancy? The most dangerous complications of a cold are:

  • - lack of oxygen supplied to it;
  • severe pathologies of development of systems and organs;
  • intrauterine infection;

A cold is dangerous not only for a baby. A pregnant woman is at risk too serious complications, including: inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, chronic infections, massive blood loss during childbirth, the release of amniotic fluid ahead of time, as well as various complications of the postpartum period.

Regardless of at what stage of pregnancy a catarrhal disease occurred, you need be sure to visit a doctor... Only a specialist will determine the severity of the ongoing disease and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman's body.

Any cold disease during pregnancy manifests itself in a woman with the same symptoms as in a normal state, but due to low immunity, the disease is often more severe.

The first signs of a cold- malaise, increased fatigue, headaches. Gradually, the condition will worsen, in a day you may experience a severe runny nose, dry cough, soreness when swallowing, loss of appetite, a slight increase in temperature (no more than 38 ° C). The active phase of the disease lasts about 3-4 days, after which, if the treatment is carried out correctly, the condition begins to improve.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

How to treat a cold during pregnancy? What can you do for a cold during pregnancy? During the period of bearing a child you need to treat a cold very carefully... Many drugs are contraindicated at this time, since they can have a negative effect on the developing fetus. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe a course of treatment, after a thorough examination and diagnosis of the disease.

Cold medicines during pregnancy

What pills and drugs can be used for colds during pregnancy? For the treatment of colds during pregnancy the following drugs are allowed:

  • High temperature- Paracetamol, Panadol (can be used at any time), Grippferon, Viferon (from the second trimester).
  • With a runny nose solutions for washing the nasal sinuses Aquamaris or Dolphin will help. If the nasal discharge is very thick and other remedies do not help, you can use Sinupred, but only in tablet form.
  • When coughing The most effective means are Lazolvan, Coldrex broncho, Tantum verde, ACC, Stopangin, Eludril, Hexasprey.
  • Sore throat can be treated with sprays and rinsing solutions such as Miramistin, Hexoral, Pinasol, Chlorhexidine, Ingalipt. Faringosept and Lizobact tablets, which must be absorbed in the mouth, will be safe. These tablets also have a positive effect on such serious diseases as tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, etc.


What can homeopathy do for colds during pregnancy? Homeopathic preparations allowed at any stage of pregnancy and are considered completely safe for the treatment of colds. The most widespread are Influenza-hel, Anaferon, Oscillococcinum and Antigrippin.

Oscillococcinum can be taken as a pill per week as a preventive measure against all sorts of colds.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy with folk remedies

Many folk remedies for colds during pregnancy help to cope with it no worse than medication. But before you apply them, still must be approved by a doctor.

For sore throat rinses with chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, St. John's wort, as well as a solution of soda and salt with the addition of a few drops of iodine will help. These funds reduce inflammation and also destroy pathogenic bacteria.

High temperature you can use folk antipyretics:

  • a decoction of dried raspberry leaves;
  • a decoction of linden flowers;
  • rubbing the body with vinegar solution;
  • cabbage leaf compresses applied to the chest;
  • apple broth - 100 g of dried apples is poured with a liter of boiling water;
  • carrot or beet juice.

Potato inhalation will help with coughing. It is necessary to select 6-7 medium potatoes, without peeling, put in a liter container, pour water and cook until tender. You can also add a few eucalyptus leaves and a drop of fir oil there.

Relieves cough and improves expectoration such means as:

  • a decoction of plantain leaves, coltsfoot and black currant;
  • onion broth: a small onion in the husk is placed in a container with water (water should close the onion), 4-5 tablespoons of sugar are added there, all this is cooked for about half an hour, then cooled and filtered. You need to take the broth in a teaspoon half an hour before a meal.

With a runny nose will help to cope with washing the sinuses with the following solutions:

  • Mint, rose hips and a string are taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 2, mixed, then two tablespoons (tablespoons) of this mixture are poured into a thermos and poured into a glass of boiling water. The broth should be infused for about 3 hours, then it should be filtered and rinsed with the nose in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Pour 100 ml of warm water into a glass, add a couple of drops of iodine and a small pinch of salt. This solution should be instilled into each nostril, 3 drops.
  • Mash a few aloe leaves until juice is obtained, mix this juice in equal proportions with water and instill it into your nose a couple of drops three times a day.

Daily routine for colds

For the entire period of the course of the disease, a pregnant woman needs stick to bed rest... You need to cancel your plans, not leave the house and do as little chores as possible.

In addition, for colds, you should keep yourself warm... You should wear warm socks on your legs, a jacket or a woolen sweater on your body, spend most of the day wrapped in a blanket.


During a cold, very it is important to drink plenty of fluids... Water will improve the elimination of toxic substances from the body, will help in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Lingonberry or cranberry fruit drinks, still mineral water, as well as tea with honey, chamomile, raspberry or lemon will be very useful.

At the time of illness need to refuse from heavy, spicy, fatty and fried foods. Preference should be given to easily digestible foods - cereals, broths, stewed vegetables.

The diet must be present garlic and onions, which are natural antibiotics and help fight viral infections.

What treatment methods are prohibited during pregnancy

The following drugs are strictly prohibited:

  • Levomycetin, Streptomycin, Tetracycline, Immunomodulators and alcohol tinctures. These drugs increase blood pressure and cause heart palpitations.
  • Aspirin. It thins the blood and increases bleeding. Taking aspirin in the 1st trimester can cause the development of severe malformations in the fetus.
  • Indomethacin. A sharp increase in pressure in the pulmonary arteries, which can lead to fetal death.
  • Bactrim, Biseptol and other co-trimoxazole derivatives. May contribute to the development of the cleft palate in a child.
  • Sleeping pills and hormonal drugs. They cause pathologies in the development of organs and limbs of the baby.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Tizin, Oxymetazoline, Naphthyzin or Nazol) are contraindicated. They negatively affect the cardiovascular system of the fetus.

Pregnant woman with a cold strictly prohibited hot baths, saunas, mustard plasters. Many herbs are also contraindicated during pregnancy. Before using any medicinal collection, you should examine its packaging - it always indicates the permissibility of using the drug during pregnancy.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

To prevent a cold, a pregnant woman should strengthen your immunity... To this end, you need to walk more often in the fresh air, move more and adhere to a balanced diet. Before visiting crowded places, it is recommended to treat the nose with oxolinic ointment.

During epidemics you should limit visiting public places, or wear gauze bandages; take, carry out timely vaccination, as well as often ventilate the living space.

  • It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate a cold during pregnancy. At the first signs of the disease, you will need to urgently consult a doctor, especially if the disease is accompanied by such signs as: high fever (more than 38 ° C), vomiting, inflammation of the tonsils, plaque in the throat, severe headaches, shortness of breath.
  • Raspberries in the treatment of colds are allowed to be used no earlier than 3 trimesters of pregnancy. It is also better not to use honey in the first half of bearing a child, since it contributes to the development of allergies in the baby.
  • Vitamin complexes are allowed to be taken only with the approval of a doctor. An excess of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis, which is no less dangerous than a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Video about the common cold during pregnancy

We suggest watching a video about a cold during pregnancy. This video describes features of the treatment of colds during pregnancy, about approved drugs and their correct use.

Any illness during the period of childbearing is complicated by many factors, the most important of which is the prohibition on the use of common methods of treatment. What remedies have helped you to cope with a cold? What is the best treatment for colds during pregnancy? Tell us about them in the comments..

During pregnancy, significant physiological and hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, and immune protective functions are sharply reduced. This is the main reason for vulnerability to various viral colds (ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.).

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

The treatment of a pregnant woman is complicated by the strict prohibition of taking most medications, so it is quite difficult for a future mother to cope with colds that occur in the spring-autumn period of a sharp surge in the spread of viruses.

  • Viral colds, especially in early pregnancy, must be treated in order to prevent complications that are dangerous for the mother and fetus.
  • Pay the main attention to the recommendations of the attending physician and taking only natural natural remedies that will not harm the development of the fetus.
  • Observe bed rest. Any illness of the expectant mother can negatively affect the development of the fetus, therefore it is necessary to ensure complete rest of the pregnant woman.

Knocking down the temperature for a cold during pregnancy

The most common symptom in colds is an increase in body temperature. Pregnant women are contraindicated in taking aspirin, analgin, soluble antipyretic drugs (Fervex, Coldrex, Teraflu, etc.).

If the temperature does not rise above 38º, you shouldn't bring it down at all. The body itself triggers defense mechanisms and tries to cope with the influence of the virus.

  • Drink warm tea with raspberries, honey, or lime blossom and apply a cold compress to your forehead.
  • With chills, wrapping, hot baths and steaming legs are not recommended.

If the thermometer reads more than 38º, there is redness and heat of the skin, you can do the following:

  • Take Paracetamol (analogues Efferalgan, Panadol), which is acceptable at any gestational age, as the main antipyretic agent. Monitor the dose of the medicine - no more than 3 tablets per day for 1-3 days.
  • Apply a vinegar rub. Take a 5% vinegar solution, dilute it in half with water and lightly rub the body on the arms, chest, and legs. Also wet a linen napkin or small towel and place it on your forehead.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

Local vasoconstrictor drugs such as Oxymetazoline, Naphthyzin, Nazol are contraindicated in pregnant women. This is due to the possible influence of these funds on the baby's cardiac activity. With a severe cold, the following methods are used:

  • Rinse the nasal passages with salt water (1 tsp salt in a glass of warm boiled water) or sea salt-based pharmaceutical preparations (Aquamaris, Dolphin).
  • For heavy bedding, prepare a more concentrated saline solution (2 tsp). This will help remove accumulated water from the nasal cavity and open up the breathing passages.

How to relieve a cold cough during pregnancy

Cough is one of the most severe symptoms of colds. The expectant mother needs to consult a doctor, since a cough can be of a different nature and is caused by many reasons. To relieve coughing fits:

  • observe bed rest;
  • try not to be in cold air;
  • do not go barefoot;
  • do not eat cold food and drinks;
  • drink as much warm liquid as possible;
  • rub your chest and back with warming balms;
  • brew tea with the addition of the medicinal herb Parmelia;
  • before bed, drink warm milk with the addition of 1 tsp. butter.

By appointment and under the supervision of a therapist, you can take the following drugs:

  • Coldrex broncho;
  • Lazolvan (in the second half of pregnancy), best of all in the form of inhalation using a nebulizer;
  • ACC (for any period) in the dosage indicated by the attending physician.

How to treat sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throat can be caused by a variety of colds. Prohibited medicines include sore throat sprays, alcohol-containing drugs and tinctures, and antibiotics. Among the drugs that are allowed and safe for the expectant mother and child are:

  • Chlorhexidine, Miramistin are rinsing solutions, the active substances of which do not penetrate the blood and the placenta, therefore they do not harm the fetus.
  • Lugol is a solution based on iodine and glycerin. Effective for sore throat of varying severity.
  • Natural remedies for sore throat can be rinsed with tea tree or eucalyptus oil (2 drops of essential oil in a glass of warm boiled water). Such procedures have a pronounced antibacterial effect. Tea or warm milk with honey, chamomile broth will also be useful.

Most pregnant women do their best to avoid colds by taking preventive measures. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to protect your body from the penetration of a viral infection. Treatment of the disease should be carried out immediately after the first symptoms of a cold are detected. In this case, you need to visit a therapist who will prescribe safe medicines for colds during pregnancy. If a cold has overpowered a woman at the beginning of pregnancy, special care must be taken, since during this period the child's body is just beginning to form and an incorrectly chosen remedy can lead to irreversible consequences.

Which drugs should you choose?

According to experts, the safest, but no less effective cold remedies for pregnant women are those that were made on the basis of natural ingredients. You can choose a drug only as directed by the attending physician, abandoning self-medication. To treat each of the symptoms of a cold - a runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever, special medications should be used.

When treating a cold during pregnancy, you should not float your legs, as this can threaten to terminate the pregnancy.

Antipyretic drugs

In the treatment of colds in pregnant women, analgin, aspirin, as well as such complex drugs as Coldrex, Ferfex, Antigrippin are contraindicated in order to lower the temperature. In addition to dyes and harmful food additives, such medicines contain aspirin, caffeine and pheniramine maleate, which, when ingested by the mother, can cause serious complications.

With a cold, a woman can confidently take paracetamol in the form of drugs such as Panadol or Efferalgan, this active ingredient has an antipyretic and analgesic effect on the body. Paracetamol has the ability to cross the placenta into the child's body, but it does not have a harmful effect on him.

Cold medicines

Very often, women do not know what exactly to treat a pregnant woman with a cold, when she is worried about a severe runny nose or nasal congestion, which cause a bad condition. A woman who is worried about a runny nose complains of difficulty in nasal breathing, restless sleep, general weakness, headaches. In addition to the fact that a runny nose causes the expectant mother to feel unwell, it poses a great danger to the child, since with poor nasal breathing or breathing through the mouth, an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied through the placenta. The duration of such a process can cause such a serious consequence as oxygen starvation, which over time can lead to intrauterine fetal hypoxia. That is why it is important to take timely measures to free the nose from accumulated mucus, as well as to eliminate the very symptom of a cold.

A woman expecting the birth of a child should understand that it is strictly forbidden to endure a runny nose, it is better to choose an effective drug, the use of which is allowed during pregnancy. However, it is forbidden to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. Prohibited drugs include:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Tizine;
  • Nazol;
  • Oxymetazanol.

Each time, before you drip your nose, you need to rinse it with saline or decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus to eliminate excess mucus that could not be blown out. In addition, such actions allow you to remove pathogenic microorganisms that are the cause of the formation of the inflammatory process. You can safely use drops for nasal congestion, made on the basis of sea water or extracts of medicinal plants. Among the allowed drops and sprays in the nose, experts include the following cold preparations for pregnant women:

  • Aqualor;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Merimer;
  • Saline.

All of them are not drugs, but only allow you to moisturize the mucous membrane and free the nasopharynx from mucus and microbes. A drug such as Pinosol, which contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory essential oils, is considered effective. However, it can be used as a medicine for a cold during pregnancy only after being prescribed by a specialist or approved by him. Usually, when using such oil drops, there is no deterioration in the condition of the mucous membrane, on the contrary, it begins to quickly recover. It is recommended to treat rhinitis with safe homeopathic medicines Euphorbium compositum or EDAS-131.

Do not underestimate some of the traditional medicines that have powerful healing effects. For these purposes, a pregnant woman can independently prepare drops using aloe and Kalanchoe juice together or separately. The juice should be used only fresh, diluted with water 1: 1.

Cough medicines

Choosing a remedy for a cold during pregnancy, when the disease is accompanied by a cough, is not so difficult, because there are many effective drugs that are safe even for a child. First of all, the treatment should start with the use of steam inhalation, for which you can use the essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus.

Although both oils are considered beneficial during pregnancy, it is best to avoid inhaling tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils while breastfeeding.

For the procedure, it is necessary to pour 150 ml of warm water into the medicine reservoir and add 2-3 drops of oil there. Breathe through your mouth for no more than 7 minutes, otherwise the procedure will not benefit the expectant mother, but harm.

For coughs, you can take the following syrups and cold pills during pregnancy:

Antibiotics are ineffective in treating colds because they target germs while viruses continue to proliferate. Moreover, these are very dangerous drugs for the child's body. The only time when you cannot do without an antibiotic is the development of tonsillitis or pneumonia, but the drug itself and the course of treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist.

What to use for sore throat?

During pregnancy, only a small number of drugs for sore throat are allowed for use. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-based medicines - sprays and tinctures. Such sprays, tablets and solutions for gargling a sore throat in a pregnant woman are absolutely safe:

Lozenges, which are so often used in the treatment of colds, when the throat is affected, are practically not prescribed for pregnant women, since they are either ineffective or contraindicated during pregnancy. The only exception applies to two preparations based on the natural component of lysozyme. Lizobact and Laripront throat lozenges belong to this group. These cold preparations for pregnant women will help cure not only pharyngitis, but also neglected sore throat. A cold for a pregnant woman and her child, with proper treatment, does not pose a serious danger, the main thing is to choose the right medicine and adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Due to weakened immunity during pregnancy, women are often exposed to colds, acute respiratory infections and other viral diseases. But most drugs at this time are strictly prohibited, so it is very useful for expectant mothers to know which drugs are safe for the baby to resist diseases.


  1. At a high temperature, women in the position are contraindicated such drugs as>,> and other complex drugs, for example,>,>,>. They contain flavors and preservatives that can cause allergies in your child. In addition, these drugs often contain aspirin, caffeine, and pheniramine maleate. In general, at temperatures below 38 degrees, you should not take antipyretic drugs, because heat is a protective reaction of the body against various viruses and infections.
  2. If the body temperature is higher than 38, then you can take>,>,>, they have antipyretic and analgesic effects. Their reception is allowed at any stage of pregnancy in small courses up to 3 days. Subject to adherence to the permissible dose of the medication, no harmful effects on the child have been identified. At one time, you can take a maximum of two tablets, there should not be more than three such receptions per day.
  3. A runny nose is an unpleasant companion of colds, but pregnant women should not relieve their condition with the help of vasoconstrictor nasal drops. These include>,>,>,> and others. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy they become addictive much faster, which often leads to an overdose. At high doses, these drops negatively affect the baby's heart, which can cause heart problems in the baby in the future. The best effect in the treatment of a cold is given by rinsing the nose with salt water, in the proportion of half a teaspoon of salt to 200 ml of warm water. The procedures must be carried out at least 4 times a day. If the nose is heavily clogged and rinsing is not possible, use of sprays with a strong salt solution such as> or> will give a good result.
  4. If you have a cough, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, because it can be caused by a variety of reasons. First of all, for prevention and at the first signs of a cough, you need to follow the regime: try not to breathe cold air, do not eat cold foods and drinks, do not walk barefoot, do not strain the vocal cords and drink more warm liquid. In most cases, this is enough to alleviate your condition; in the absence of temperature, you can use mustard plasters or pepper plaster at night. Steam inhalation with tea tree or eucalyptus oil is also effective.
  5. If you cannot do without medicines, then you can apply the syrup>,> and> (>). The first of them does not contain dyes and harmful impurities, it is allowed for treatment during pregnancy and lactation, but its long-term use is still not recommended. > Can be used after 12 weeks of gestation. > promotes sputum dilution, its use is permissible at any time, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible during the intake.
  6. Both viral infections and bacteria can cause a sore throat. It can be pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, in any case, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Many drugs are prohibited for women in position. This includes all sprays that contain alcohol - for example,> or>. Also, you can not use a tincture of calendula or propolis for gargling.
  7. > - this safe drug, which is not absorbed into the blood, is good at dealing with pharyngitis and sore throat. It is used as a rinse solution without dilution. > is a clear solution for rinsing, is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not penetrate the placenta. It is used for pharyngitis and sore throat. Also does not need breeding. With severe angina, you can lubricate the tonsils with a solution>, it contains iodine, potassium iodide and glycerin, which are not prohibited from using during pregnancy.
  8. Sore throat lozenges are prohibited for pregnant women. The exception is only two drugs based on the enzyme lysozyme, such as> and>, which can cure even severe angina. They can be used in 2 pieces a maximum of 4 times a day.

Medicines for pregnant women for colds: a list of drugs, reviews, recommendations

Medicines for pregnant women for colds are allocated in a separate subgroup. After all, only these medicines are tested and reliably safe. It is worth noting that some of them are only allowed for certain periods. This article will tell you about what medicines can be used for pregnant women for colds. You will learn about the features of the use of certain tools. It is also worth mentioning the feedback from expectant mothers in correcting this condition.

Colds in pregnant women

While waiting for a child, every woman tries to protect herself from all kinds of diseases. After all, some pathologies can negatively affect the development of the future crumbs. However, it is not always possible to avoid a cold.

When fertilization occurs, the immune defense of the woman's body is suppressed. This is necessary for the correct and normal course of pregnancy. Otherwise, the fertilized egg can be perceived as a foreign body. It is because of a decrease in immunity that infection with some colds occurs. Is it worth interfering with this process?

Colds in pregnant women must necessarily be cured. What drugs can be taken with this - you will find out later. Many expectant mothers also resort to using traditional medicine recipes. In most cases, this disease is accompanied by fever, chills, runny nose, cough, and sore throat. Consider what drugs can be used for pregnant women with a cold.

We increase immunity and fight viruses

Cold medications for pregnant women may have antiviral effects. But at the same time, they increase their own immunity. Drugs that provoke the production of interferon are very popular. It is worth noting that this substance is independently produced by the body of a sick person. That is why it is not capable of harming the expectant mother and her future child.

Medicines of this type include "Interferon leukocyte", "Anaferon", "Ergoferon" and so on. Separately, it is worth highlighting the medicine "Viferon". For pregnant women with a cold, it is administered rectally. This method of use avoids the penetration of the active substance into the blood. It should be noted that not all antiviral and immunomodulatory compounds that produce interferon are approved for use at different stages of pregnancy. Medicines such as "Likopid" and "Isoprinosine" can be used only in the third and second trimesters.

Antibacterial drugs

In some situations, prenatal cold medications may be needed to eliminate bacterial contamination. Before using them, doctors recommend that a bacteriological culture be performed. This analysis allows you to locate microbes and identify their sensitivity to certain drugs.

Among the antibiotics that are allowed during the waiting period for a child, one can note "Amoxiclav", "Flemoxin", "Augmentin", "Ekobol" and so on. The active ingredient of all of these drugs is amoxicillin. It is approved for use in the second and third stages of pregnancy. In the first third of the term, the medicine is contraindicated, as it can harm the developing body. In especially difficult situations, doctors may recommend other antibacterial compounds.

Eliminate sore throat

If a pregnant woman has a cold, then the main concomitant symptom is pain and sore throat. The medicines allowed during this period will help to eliminate this problem. These include the drug Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Tantum Verde. These medicines are available as a spray. You just need to spray the medicine into the larynx. The described agents have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The drug "Tantum Verde" is also recognized as an anesthetic. It reduces the severity of pain and eliminates itching.

Another approved medication is Lizobakt. This medication should be absorbed slowly in the mouth. It acts locally and has a bacteriostatic, analgesic and softening effect.

Fighting a runny nose

What other medicines are there for pregnant women for colds? If the pathology is accompanied by abundant mucus from the nose, then drops should be used. They are subdivided by their action into vasoconstrictor, antiviral, antibacterial. It is recommended to rinse the nasal passages before applying the drug. This can be done with the help of such compositions as "Aquamaris", "Dolphin", "Aqualor" and so on. Normal saline can be used if necessary. A few minutes after the manipulation, it is allowed to use drugs.

To fight viral diseases, use the medication "Gripferon", "Derinat" or "Nazoferon". If we are talking about bacterial damage, then it is permissible to use the drugs "Polydex" or "Isofra". With nasal congestion, doctors sometimes allow the use of drops "Nazivin" or "Vibrocil". However, the dosage of the vasoconstrictor formulations should be for children. In some cases, with a lingering rhinitis, doctors prescribe warming up.

What to do if the temperature rises?

What to drink for a pregnant woman with a cold if she has a fever? Many doctors advise against knocking down the temperature to the mark on the thermometer of 38.5 degrees. It is in this state that the body can most effectively cope with the infection on its own. However, this statement does not apply to pregnant women. Expectant mothers should be very careful about their temperature. When the scale on the thermometer has crept up to 37.5, you need to think about antipyretic drugs.

The safest remedy that can relieve a fever is paracetamol. With this active substance, the preparations "Tsefekon", "Panadol" and many others are produced. You should definitely pay attention to additional components. The fewer you find them, the safer the medicine will be. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the use of the drug "Ibuprofen" is allowed. The described drugs not only lower body temperature, but also help to eliminate pain. As a result, the expectant mother feels much better. Doctors do not recommend abuse of the described medicines.

Coughing during pregnancy is a dangerous enemy

What other medicines can pregnant women take for colds? If the expectant mother is faced with a cough, then this can have a very bad effect on her condition. During the contractions of the bronchi, an involuntary tone of the uterus occurs. This can lead to a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. That is why you need to start fighting this symptom as soon as possible. To begin with, it is worth determining the nature of the cough. It can be wet or dry, productive or paroxysmal.

The best cough remedy is inhalation. You can carry out the procedure with some medicinal formulations or ordinary mineral water. What else can you do? What medications can pregnant women have for a cold accompanied by a severe cough? Effective means include the drug "Ambrobene", "Lazolvan", "ACC" and others. Sometimes doctors prescribe Coldrex Broncho.

Folk recipes

What to drink for a pregnant woman with a cold? Many mothers-to-be adhere to traditional medicine. They are sure that natural formulations cannot harm an unborn child. However, special care must be taken in such treatment. Here are some effective folk remedies for colds:

  • Warm milk. This remedy perfectly eliminates cough. The effect will be enhanced if you add a piece of butter to the white liquid. After using the composition, the tonsils and larynx are instantly softened.
  • Raspberry tea. This recipe belongs to the category of antipyretic. It is used both warm and hot. It is worth noting that the danger of this remedy is that raspberries increase the uterine tone. Large doses can lead to the threat of premature birth.
  • Lemon and parsley. In the treatment of colds, you cannot do without vitamin C. This substance helps to increase the immune defense. Also, vitamin C can lower the temperature slightly. Lemon and parsley are high in this substance.
  • Onion and garlic. These funds are recognized as natural antibiotics. They can very effectively fight the common cold. To prepare the drops, squeeze out the juice of the onion and garlic, and add a teaspoon of olive oil.

Reviews for the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers suffer from colds. Reviews of pregnant women report that if treatment is started in a timely manner, then the pathology can be dealt with with a minimum amount of drugs. Sometimes ordinary folk recipes are enough. When the condition is already running, the disease can cause complications.

Many mothers-to-be report that the treatment of colds should be accompanied by adherence to bed rest. You should also consume plenty of water and any warm liquid. Patients say that self-medication in such a situation is not worth it. This can lead to an aggravation of the condition or the development of side effects. In some situations, there is an irreversible negative effect on the fetus.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what to take for pregnant women with a cold. Remember that even the safest remedies for treatment must be agreed with your doctor. While waiting for the baby, you bear great responsibility not only for your well-being, but also for the state of the future crumbs. Be healthy and don't get sick!

The development of a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy

A woman whose body cannot prevent the penetration of a viral infection into it during pregnancy is experiencing how such a process will affect the development and condition of her child. It is known that any disease manifests itself in completely different ways at different stages of pregnancy. A cold in the second trimester of pregnancy can no longer cause such serious harm as in the first 12 weeks of bearing a child, however, some disorders may occur.

What is the danger of the disease during this period?

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks, during this period the baby is reliably protected by the placenta, which prevents viral infections from entering his body. Through the placenta, it receives nutrients and oxygen from the mother, but the virus can disrupt this vital relationship.

Many women often ask specialists whether a cold can really affect pregnancy if it enters the body of the expectant mother after 13 weeks from the moment of conception. The danger of colds lies in the fact that placental exchange can easily be disrupted, as a result of which oxygen is supplied in insufficient quantities to the baby. In the case when oxygen starvation occurs, and soon fetal hypoxia, slow physical and mental development, underdevelopment or improper formation of many organs and systems can be observed. Based on this, obstetricians-gynecologists recommend that all women from the moment of conception constantly monitor their health and take all necessary measures to prevent the development of colds.

Due to fetoplacental insufficiency caused by impaired placental metabolism, a child may be born earlier than expected, often with insufficient weight. Such babies usually have a pale skin color, they are very lethargic and weak. Moreover, in the second trimester, the active development of the nervous system occurs, so there is a great risk that it can also be affected. Therefore, there is no doubt that a cold affects pregnancy, having a harmful effect on the body of the mother and child.

Other dangerous complications

If a woman gets a cold at the 13th week of pregnancy, there is a high probability that the baby's endocrine system will suffer, and a miscarriage is also possible. In the case when such a process develops 16-17 weeks after conception, the bone marrow will most likely suffer, causing irreversible consequences.

A woman expecting the birth of her daughter should take special care at 19-20 weeks, because it is during this period that the egg cell is formed. And if a viral infection enters the body of a pregnant woman, it may be fraught with infertility of a female baby in the future.

Considering all the danger that may arise if a woman falls ill with a cold, it should be concluded that it is impossible to let the disease take its course, you should immediately contact a specialist. Of course, it is much better if a woman prepares her body in advance for the upcoming serious load, strengthening her immunity, so that colds cannot harm her and her child for all 9 months.

Temperature in the second trimester

Very rarely, colds that affect the body of the expectant mother are manifested by minor malaise, much more often they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is generally accepted that the temperature does not have an adverse effect on the condition and development of the baby, since at this moment it is already protected by the placenta. However, the treatment of colds is significantly complicated, since there is a need for the use of antipyretic drugs, among which only paracetamol is permitted. A pregnant woman can take paracetamol and other drugs based on this substance Panadol, Efferalgan. True, paracetamol for a woman and a baby will be safe only with the use of a small amount of this medication. It is strictly forbidden to take medications such as:

  • Aspirin;
  • Nurofen;
  • Analgin.

You cannot bring down the temperature for a cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy if it is below 38 degrees, since such actions can only worsen the health of the pregnant woman, weakening the body's defenses. If it is necessary to lower the body temperature, it is better to use folk methods - drink a decoction of lime blossom, tea with raspberries, make cold compresses. If the fever is not accompanied by other symptoms of a cold - a runny nose, cough, malaise, it is worth visiting a specialist's office. Indeed, in this case, quite serious diseases can develop, the temperature usually occurs with such diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • herpes.

Pregnant women should not worry if they have a subfebrile temperature for a long time - 37 - 37, 5, because this is a normal process, however, in the absence of any disturbances during pregnancy. However, such a subfebrile condition should not be observed in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes the presence of a temperature can be caused by an ectopic position of the fetus, therefore, an ultrasound scan is required.

How is the treatment carried out?

Self-medication during pregnancy is fraught with complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist

Treatment of a cold in the second trimester in a pregnant woman should be carried out only by a doctor, and given the fact that during this period the use of drugs is completely undesirable, they must be replaced with folk remedies. First of all, doctors insist that the following actions become the main methods of treatment for the expectant mother:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • drinking a lot of warm drinks;
  • gargling with soda and decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • rinsing the nasopharynx with saline;
  • implementation of inhalations.

It is forbidden for the expectant mother to endure colds on her feet, since such a careless attitude to her health can cause many complications that are dangerous for the formation and development of the child. It is necessary to carefully apply not only medications, but also folk remedies, because often some medicinal herbs can have a stronger effect on the body than medicines. It is necessary to carefully select the dosage and follow the prescribed course of treatment, because a cold illness and its complications are dangerous for a child.

With pain and sore throat, you can rinse it with antiseptic agents using:

  • alcohol or oil solution of chlorophyllipt;
  • Lugol's solution;
  • iodine-saline solution.

Resorption of the lemon will help if the sore throat is minor. Inhalation with drugs such as chamomile, pine buds, plantain, coltsfoot, tricolor violet, succession will help to remove the inflammatory process. It is necessary to treat cough in pregnant women taking into account its type - dry or wet, since therapy should have significant differences. With a dry cough, it is necessary to use funds aimed at moisturizing the mucous membrane, and with a wet cough, it is necessary to increase its viscosity and bring it to the surface of the respiratory tract. With a wet cough, inhalations are useful with the use of such means:

  1. Dissolve honey in warm water 1: 5, but the water temperature should not exceed 50 degrees, since honey will lose all its healing properties. The vapors should be inhaled through the mouth for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour a spoonful of sage herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, the solution is ready for use.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus herb, a spoonful of pine buds, a spoonful of chopped garlic, put everything in a saucepan and pour boiling water, breathe in pairs for 10 minutes.

With a dry cough, you can prepare such a decoction for ingestion: take raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, mint, chamomile, marshmallow and pine buds in a tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 10 minutes, strain and drink half a glass of 2 once a day. However, the most common way to treat dry cough in children and pregnant women is to drink warm milk with the addition of butter, honey and soda. It is better to drink such a medicine immediately before bedtime, and in the morning you can already notice an improvement in well-being. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman can protect herself from a cold by using oxolinic ointment to lubricate the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

It is important to know what to do if a pregnant woman falls ill with a cold, because only with timely and correct treatment can the development of many dangerous complications be prevented. In this case, treatment should be carried out only as directed by a doctor and under his supervision until the expectant mother is fully recovered.

Sometimes it is difficult to avoid colds during pregnancy. Of course, this applies to the entire period of bearing a child, but it is especially important when the pregnancy fell in the autumn-winter season. And the question of most pregnant women is quite natural, how, if not completely avoid the ailment, then try to overcome it and at the same time not harm the baby. This topic is of interest to all pregnant women without exception.

In this regard, the most important thing is to seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist will correctly diagnose, prescribe medications in the permitted dose. Indeed, taking medications during pregnancy is allowed, but not all and in a certain dosage.

What can not be done by a pregnant woman with a cold?

  1. You felt weakness and malaise and urgently decided to deal with it in all the ways familiar to you. Here it is worth stopping and thinking, will you harm your baby with such a treatment? Every pregnant woman should learn to herself that self-medication will not lead to anything good. Let's say even more, one tablet of a drug prohibited during pregnancy will actually lead to irreversible consequences for your child. Should you risk it like this?
  2. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before taking any medication. Focus your increased attention on all contraindications prescribed in the annotation. Most women believe that vitamins are very useful, especially vitamin C, and with a large dose, the disease will supposedly recede. This statement is fundamentally wrong. Vitamins should not be abused. All dosages of drugs and vitamins must be agreed with the doctor without fail. Uncontrolled intake of vitamins can lead to an allergic reaction.
  3. Note that a pregnant woman should not only freeze through, but also overheat. Feet soaring in hot water is strictly prohibited, just like taking a hot bath. It is not recommended to wrap yourself in warm blankets, especially at elevated body temperatures.

How to deal with a cold?

The very first thing a pregnant woman should do is call a therapist at home... It is better to postpone a visit to the clinic until better times, even if you do not have a temperature or it is not high.

After all, your body is weakened and, more than ever, prone to various infections. So that the disease does not develop and the temperature does not rise, treatment should be started immediately. A viral disease, like a cold, is best carried not on your feet, but while in bed. During rest and proper sleep, the body recovers better.

In addition, regularly ventilate the area in which you stay most often. Do not overload your body with heavy food during the time. To fight off an infection, the body needs strength. Naturally, you should not completely forget about nutrition, because there is a new life in you and it needs both nutrients and energy. It will be better and more useful to give preference to plant and dairy foods, dietary meat is recommended.

Treating sore throat during pregnancy

Do you have a sore throat and are you pregnant? Usually, in the treatment, solely as prescribed by the doctor, drugs such as Ingalipt and Hexoral, which are related to aerosol preparations, are used. The composition of the funds has no effect on the vital functions of the fetus, but is characterized by an antiseptic effect that relieves inflammation from the mucous membrane of the throat.

Folk remedies are great for relieving inflammation in the throat. Rinsing with baking soda and salt solution quickly relieves sore throats. With this type of rinsing, viruses are eliminated and, thereby, signs of inflammation are removed. The water for rinsing should be warm, but not hot. Decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage and eucalyptus are recommended. Rinsing should be carried out 4-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

If a bacterial infection has also added to the pain and redness in the throat, then Pharingosept, used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, will be a wonderful remedy. The effect will be achieved quite quickly, but still try to do without the use of medications. You should not take all kinds of lozenges for coughs. Try not to talk while, by doing so, you are saving your vocal cords.

Getting rid of cough during pregnancy

It is very dangerous during pregnancy to cough, which, with a paroxysmal nature, may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, it interferes with the supply of much-needed oxygen to the fetus.

Therefore, it would be wise to get rid of such a cough as soon as possible. The most common and approved drugs during pregnancy are Bioparox and Mukaltin. Note that Bioparox belongs to antibiotics and is taken as prescribed by a doctor for bronchitis. It does not have a negative effect on the fetus, because it is practically not absorbed into the blood.

Each use of any drug must be correlated with the gestational age. So, for example, in the first trimester, a dry cough is best treated with drugs such as Stodal, Bronchikum, Sinekod. As for the second and third trimesters, during these periods the following are allowed: Coldrex Knight, Stopussin syrup, Libeksin, Falimint drug. In the presence of a wet cough, it is necessary to take, of course, only as directed by a doctor: Mukaltin, Bromhexin, licorice root syrup, Gerbion, Bronchiprest, Gedelix, Tussin, Linkas, Prospan,.

Folk remedies will also help to relieve coughing. They will not harm the child and will relieve you of discomfort. Recommended with eucalyptus leaves or oil, boiled potatoes. Add a drop of fir oil before the procedure for the best effect. Will be useful, leaves of mother-and-machikha, warm milk with the addition of butter, raspberries with honey.

Cold treatment

There is no person in the world who would not be annoying. It makes breathing difficult, interferes with the flow of oxygen. Delivers many unpleasant minutes during pregnancy. It is possible to fight a runny nose with the use of drugs, but one should not forget that vasoconstrictor drugs cannot be dripped into the nose. These include: Tizine, Oxymetazoline, Nazol and others.

Doctors advise for a cold Nazivin, Pinosol and Aquamaris, which moisturize the nasal mucosa, relieve inflammation and have antimicrobial properties. It is possible to rinse the nose with other solutions, easily prepared at home. The composition is as follows: add a few drops of iodine to 0.5 cups of warm water and salt on the tip of a knife. Every day, 3-4 times, this composition should be buried in 2. The following composition is also effective: a teaspoon of soda should be added to 1 liter of water. They should rinse their nose every 40 minutes. You can also bury it with aloe juice diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

A pregnant woman should take such a position in bed when her head is raised. In this case, the blood flow to the nasal mucosa decreases, and it will become much easier to breathe. Massaging the base of the nostrils with your fingers can be helpful to relieve congestion. Balm "Zvezdochka" helps well, which should be applied to the bridge of the nose and whiskey several times a day. With purulent discharge and sinusitis, extracts of St. John's wort, plantain, wild strawberry leaves will be useful, which should be drunk 2-3 times a day for half a glass.

If a pregnant woman's temperature rises, what should I do?

Frequent companion for, and colds. But, you should know that it is necessary to knock it down when it is above 38 degrees. During pregnancy, all antipyretics should be paracetamol-based. Such a remedy is Panadol, by the way, an excellent remedy for headaches. , as well as preparations containing it, such as Efferalgan and Coldrex, are contraindicated.

It is possible to overcome the temperature with the help of traditional medicine. Even doctors advise first to resort to grandmother's methods, and then, if there is no positive result, to take medicine. Wet wipes with clean and warm water, without any addition of vinegar and alcohol, also help well.

A plentiful warm drink is recommended. In this capacity, beet or carrot juices, tea made from raspberry leaves, from linden flowers, a decoction of dried apples, cranberries rubbed with honey and filled with hot water are great.

If you have a cold and your temperature exceeds 37 ° C, it is recommended. It is prepared as follows: you need to take 2 tablespoons of raspberries, three leaves of plantain herb, four leaves of mother-and-stepmother, two leaves of oregano and pour boiling water over this whole composition. This tea is famous for its diaphoretic effect and the temperature is reduced as a result. Linden infusion is generally the most common in the treatment of colds, both in a normal state and during pregnancy.

Whatever illness you have during pregnancy, treatment should take place exclusively under the vigilant supervision of a doctor. With a short period of time, you should notify the therapist about this in order to exclude drugs that are contraindicated in pregnancy.

Do not forget also about the methods of preventing colds:

To avoid colds and as a preventive measure, some recommendations should be followed, namely:

  • even before conception, you should temper your body, you should not do this directly during pregnancy;
  • contact with sick people should be avoided and hypothermia should be avoided;
  • nutrition should be extremely balanced, which will only enrich the body with the necessary elements and vitamins;
  • walk regularly in the fresh air, and in rainy weather it is better to stay at home so as not to get wet and not get your feet wet;
  • during an epidemic, spread onions and onions in different corners of the room;
  • do wet cleaning and air regularly.

Do not neglect the advice of doctors and be healthy!