How to dry varnish at home, all known methods. Quick ways to dry nail polish

Often, girls decide to paint their nails before leaving the house, and the most offensive thing is that such a manicure ruthlessly deteriorates at the slightest clue. To prevent this from happening, learn a few ways to dry it quickly.

Proven Methods

Use of ice water

The varnish dries quickly when exposed to low temperatures - this is a proven method.

  1. Before doing an “emergency” painting, fill a basin with ice water.
  2. Add ice cubes.
  3. Dip your hands for two to three minutes in the prepared water.

Stick your hands in the freezer

With the help of a freezer, you can dry your manicure just as well as with ice water. Open the freezer and put your hands in there for a few minutes. It is convenient to use a portable refrigerator, it will protect food from unpleasant odors. Another way is to place a jar of varnish in the refrigerator for twenty minutes, then paint.

hair dryer

If there is no dryer, you can use a household hair dryer

With this device, you can easily dry your hair, but no one canceled it for drying a manicure. Set the hair dryer to a low temperature setting and direct the air stream to your hands. The main thing to remember: warm air softens the structure of the varnish, and cold air helps to dry. Experts do not recommend using this method, because the manicure will fade, turn yellow and peel off.

Thin layer dries faster

If you are in a hurry and there is no time for a full manicure, apply a thin layer of coating. Thick will not dry completely in three minutes even under the influence of the above methods. Instead of one thick coat, apply two thin coats, allowing each to dry (three minutes interval). At first glance, it seems that this way you will spend more time, but this is an erroneous opinion.

Special coatings

Fixatives are in demand because the varnish under them dries much faster. Apply varnish, then cover it with a thin layer of fixative. This helps to dry the coating and keeps the manicure fresh.

Olive and essential oils

After finishing the manicure, let the coating set, dry slightly and apply a little olive oil to each nail, hold for five minutes and rinse your hands with cold water. This method will give extra shine.

Another way to dry your nail polish is to prepare everything you need for a manicure before you start. Do not try to reach for a hair dryer or prepare cold water after you start applying the coating. The old fixer dries longer than the new one. Look carefully at the varnish, if it has changed its consistency or color, then it is expired and it is time to send it to the trash can.

To make the manicure last longer and dry faster, the nails must first be degreased. To do this, soak a cotton swab in nail polish remover and wipe the nail plate with it. Dark and shiny colors do not dry or take longer to dry, metallic shades and light coatings dry faster.

There is a special technology, adhering to which the nails dry faster. Paint evenly. Choose models with a short brush, so it is more convenient to paint. The bristles should be of the same length and fit snugly, forming an integral brush.

Drying is a proven tool

A proven method is the use of special drying. It is applied to the painted nail and accelerates drying several times. After covering the nails, at least two minutes should pass, then you can apply drying, if it doesn’t have time to grab it, then even under a special tool it will dry for a long time.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how long to withstand the nails under drying. It depends on the number of layers and on the color, but if you follow the recommendations, it will dry in three minutes. Drying is used at home and beauty salons. Its cost and quality is different.

As you can see, drying the varnish in 2-3 minutes is quite realistic. The main thing is to do everything consistently and slowly!

Now you know how to dry nail polish faster, how long it will take, which means that you will surprise others with impeccable hands, put in order in ten to fifteen minutes.

Now we will tell you about the essential points of a good manicure and drying of varnish as well.

Nail degreasing

When we start painting nails at home, we need to pay close attention to the first stage - the preparation of the nail. If you degrease the surface of the nail sufficiently, you can count on uniform application of varnish, and it will last much longer. For degreasing, I use a dehydrator or nail polish remover.

Lacquer application

After this process, proceed to the next step - applying varnish, taking into account the following few rules, which will help to significantly reduce the drying time of the varnish.

One of the reasons that the varnish dries for a very long time and cracks quickly appear on it - you apply it too thick and uneven. Why not try to cover the nail with a thin layer of varnish and distribute it well over the surface, so the varnish dries much faster and retains its beauty longer.

First, dip the brush into the bottle, remove excess varnish from the edges of the bottle, and only then apply the first layer. Wait at least a minute before continuing to apply subsequent coats, otherwise the varnish will lie unevenly and will dry several times slower.

How to dry varnish: quick-drying varnishes

Naturally, quick-drying nail polish is the best option if you need to be in a hurry and only have a few minutes to finish your manicure. But, and here there are several nuances. For example, in summer, under the influence of sunlight, nails can become yellowish. To avoid this effect, choose varnishes containing UV filters.

A great way to quickly dry your nails is to cover them with "smart enamel", i.e. drying. You will find a large assortment in a store specializing in manicure tools.

Tips on how to dry nail polish quickly

If you don't have quick-drying nail polishes on hand or don't want to buy one, there are some methods you can use to make traditional products dry faster. For example, before applying nail polish, put it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes - then it will dry much faster. Or dry your nails with cold air from a hair dryer… put your fingers on a fan.

With any of these methods, the nail polish will dry much faster than usual. There is another popular method with which the varnish dries in minutes. This is cold water. Do not worry, the procedure will not damage the manicure - if you do everything right, and do not put your hands under a fast stream of water. That's right: it is necessary to pour cold water into some container or bowl in such a way that the water covers only the nails after they are dipped. But, you must consider that the water must be cold enough, warm water will not be as effective. It is advisable to add a few ice cubes to the liquid to lower the temperature even more. After completing your manicure, soak your nails in water for at least three minutes.

Perhaps, many women, having painted their nails, faced such a situation: they need to do business or even leave the house, but the varnish still does not dry, and even imprinted on all surfaces that are worth touching. In fact, you don’t need to wait for the coating to dry at all, it’s enough to know some secrets of a quick manicure that will help save time and avoid disappointment.

The right manicure is the one in which it is correctly applied. First of all, it is necessary to degrease the nail plate and only then proceed to the staining itself.

The thinner the layers of varnish are applied, the faster it dries. Before proceeding to the next layer, you need to wait until the previous one is a little fixed.

For a manicure, you can initially choose a quick-acting coating, but for long nails this is not the best way out: the varnish begins to dry right on the brush, so this method is hardly suitable for those who do not have a fair amount of dexterity. Most often, such a varnish is used as a top coat, and it must be applied a couple of minutes after the completion of the manicure.

Having chosen thickened varnish or low-quality varnish as a coating, you need to be prepared for the fact that the manicure will have to be redone: most likely, it will lie unevenly and will dry for a very long time.

It must be remembered that light varnish dries faster than dark. Consistency and the presence of glitter are of great importance: a thick coating dries longer than usual, and it will take a long time to fix varnish with glitter. Before starting a manicure, these factors should be taken into account, then the time that will be spent on the beauty of nails is easier to calculate.

These little tricks will help not only dry your nails faster, but also make your manicure more even and durable.

At home, cold water, olive oil, a fan, or a hair dryer will help dry your nails faster. Now - more about each of the "improvised" means.

  • Water. Cold, almost icy water will significantly reduce the drying time of the coating. After filling a small bowl with it, you just need to immerse your hands for 5 minutes, and then remove them from the water and leave the manicure to dry naturally.
  • Fan. To quickly fix the coating, you need to bring your hands to the working device. If there is no fan, a hair dryer is also suitable, in which there is a mode of not only hot, but also cold air. If you try to dry your nails with too warm a stream, the varnish will quickly crack, become cloudy and become inexpressive.
  • Olive oil. A good way not only to dry the varnish, but also to nourish the nails is to use olive oil, the beneficial properties of which cannot be doubted. To do this, wait until the coating dries a little, and then grease each nail with a small amount of oil and leave for five minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with cool water.
  • It also helps dry your nails faster. pre-cooled varnish. To do this, the bottle must be left in the refrigerator (for 30 minutes) or in the freezer (for 10 minutes). If you use such a “radical” method, the varnish will not only dry faster, but also lie more evenly.

Professional nail dryer

Many women save a lot of manicure time by choosing a professional nail dryer - a novelty in the cosmetic market. Not so long ago, one could not even dream of a super product that could not only dry several layers of varnish in a matter of minutes, but also protect the coating.

The bottom line is that the special transparent film that drying creates on the surface of the varnish does not allow it to be smeared when the nail contacts various surfaces, even if the product has been applied to a still wet manicure.

In decorative cosmetics stores, you can find three main types of professional dryers: a product that is applied to nails like regular varnish, spray and liquid drip.

Each of them has its own characteristics, which the consumer will have to evaluate and make his choice. The price of the issue is determined by many factors, so drying can easily cost both 100 and 700 rubles.

  • Drying in the form of a regular varnish

The colorless liquid, which is applied with a brush as another layer of varnish, usually dries very quickly. As a rule, it is 5-7 minutes. After that, the nail plate becomes like a perfectly smooth mirror surface, ready for any test, even such difficult ones as manipulations with zippers.

By choosing such a drying, you can forget about the roughness and unevenness of the coating: when applied, the product will smooth them out. In addition, it acts as a fixative, which means that manicures will have to be done less often.

It would seem that this is an ideal tool that simply does not exist on the cosmetic market. But it exists. Its only drawback is the rather high price. If it is not possible to pay for the above properties, you will have to turn to more budget options.

  • Spray

Unlike the previous type of dryers, it is relatively inexpensive. To make the coating dry faster, this product should simply be sprayed onto the nails after the manicure is completed.

In stores you can find both a spray for drying one layer of varnish, and for several at the same time. But most often, both of them fix only the top layer, so the bottom ones can remain soft, which will inevitably lead to the fact that the manicure will leave prints.

  • Oil-based drying

This tool, which does not require precision application, is used after all layers of varnish have already laid on the nails. If there are a lot of them, after each layer has dried, the product must be removed, otherwise the next layer will be applied unevenly.

UV lamp for drying nails

If you do a manicure regularly, and not occasionally, and even experiment with gel or shellac coating, then you can’t do without such an apparatus as. It not only saves time and opens up the possibility of salon procedures at home, but also provides lovers of flawless manicure with long-lasting coverage.

In modern cosmetology, this device is an absolutely necessary thing, especially for nail extension masters. Such a lamp not only quickly dries the gel coating, but also ensures the sterility of the procedure, disinfecting both the nail and the skin around it. When choosing this device, you should pay attention to its power: the higher it is, the faster the gel polish will harden.

UV lamps are presented on the market in a wide variety: there are devices with a timer, a sliding table, a fan ... In addition, the lamps differ from each other in power and size.

One of the latest models is the LED lamp, which allows you to achieve maximum manicure hardness when using shellac, gel polish and biogels. The main difference of the device consists in the increased speed of polymerization.

Choosing this lamp, you can not worry about the safety of manicure: it does not heat up and does not harm the skin. In addition, it is very convenient to use it: the lamp turns on and off by itself. Approximate service life is about 4 years.

In modern cosmetology, there are a lot of tools that help you quickly dry your nails and return to your daily routine. However, in order for the manicure to succeed, it is still necessary to devote enough time to it.

Different varnishes can dry differently, and this is not necessarily a consequence of their low quality. Having planned your day so that half an hour is left for a manicure, you don’t have to worry about its result and quality.

Girls know that after applying varnish, you should wait for some time so that it grabs well and dries. But what to do if there is not enough time - you need to rush to work or a date? How to make a manicure in a short time, but to make the coating perfect?

Nail polish will dry faster if you follow these rules during staining:

  • Nails need to be wiped with a special degreaser, which is sold in any cosmetic store. But even easier is to wash your hands with soap and wipe them dry.
  • Sanding the nail plate will help the coating dry. To do this, you need to use a soft buff that will make the nail smooth, but not damage it.
  • When choosing a varnish, you need to pay attention to its consistency, thick dries for a long time. It also matters whether there are sparkles: a product with glitter dries much longer than usual.
  • If you like color coatings, then know that the darker the pigment, the longer it dries.
  • The thinner the layer, the faster it dries. Therefore, you should choose products with good brushes. How to define it? During staining, all the villi should fit snugly against each other, and not stick out in different directions.
  • Place the varnish in the refrigerator for 5 minutes before painting. When it is applied to a warm nail plate, it will set faster.
  • You should not cover the nails with a thick layer the first time, it is better to make 2-3 thin ones. But before applying an additional layer, you should wait for the previous one to dry.

Look in the store for quick-drying varnish. It costs more than usual, but with it you can easily make a beautiful manicure in a very short time. It seizes on the nails almost instantly, so you need to get used to using it.

Ways to dry varnish at home

Tops, fixatives, special sprays are used. But what to do if there were no such funds at hand, and the nails should be urgently put in order?

1. Using a hair dryer.

Running around the room, waving your arms diligently, blowing on your fingers with all your might - all girls have tried these methods at least once in their lives. But why bother so much if you can dry your nails with a hairdryer? The process looks like this:

  • turn on the lowest temperature;
  • stick your fingers;
  • wait until the varnish is completely hardened.

If you turn off the hot air, the coating will not dry, but only deteriorate. You can dry your nails at home without a hair dryer under a conventional fan.

2. Use of cold water.

Before applying varnish to the nail plates, fill a bowl with cold water and add ice cubes to it. Paint the nails on one hand, and then dip it into the container. The coating sets almost instantly. If you don't have ice, you can simply put your hands under cold running water.

Another way is the freezer. At first glance, this method seems a little strange, but in fact, this way you can dry your nails in just a couple of minutes:

  • apply varnish;
  • open the chamber and put your hand inside (do not close the door).

There should be no food in the freezer. They may have an unpleasant odor.

3. Use of olive oil.

The oil will not only help to quickly dry the nails, but also saturate them with vitamins and give extra shine. The procedure is as follows:

  • paint your nails;
  • using a pipette, apply a drop of oil on them;
  • wash your hands with cold water after 5 minutes.

Any other oil can be used instead of olive oil.

We dry the varnish with professional means

Visit a store with consumables, tools for manicure masters. There you can find a special spray-dryer for nails. It is sold in a spray bottle. Most often, it is made on the basis of natural oils, which not only help the nails dry quickly, but also saturate them with useful substances.

1. How to use the spray dryer:

  • make up the nail plate;
  • spray dry on it.

With this spray, the varnish will dry in just 5 minutes.

2. Using a nail fan.

With a nail nail fan, you can dry your nail polish faster. This device is usually used in beauty salons. This device is small, it fits all the fingers of 1 hand. But there are models that allow you to dry the coating on two limbs at the same time. Principle of operation: the hand is placed inside the device, where a small fan blows over the fingers.

What can't be done?

The most popular, but “harmful” method is waving your hands, as a result of which the varnish dries unevenly. It seems to us that the coating has dried up, we start to do something, but this leads to negative consequences - it is smeared. And instead of saving time, we spend even more of it. And also the coating is covered with bubbles, and this spoils the appearance of the manicure.

New polishes dry faster than old ones. Look carefully at the bottle - if the product has exfoliated, changed color, then it is better not to use it. Pay attention to the expiration date as well.

Knowing how to quickly dry nail polish, you can become the owner of a neat manicure at home in a short time. You can achieve quick drying in different ways - with the help of professional tools and using improvised materials. The effectiveness and likelihood of using one or another method of drying on nails is determined taking into account all the pros and cons of each method.

  1. Complete degreasing of the surface of the nails and getting rid of extraneous cosmetics can ensure durability. This is especially true after applying masks, taking baths and rubbing oils. Before each manicure, you should quickly go over each nail with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover.
  2. The number of layers of varnish used can reduce the drying time - the fewer, the faster you can dry your nails.
  3. Applying glitter, rhinestones and other decorative elements to the surface of the nails prevents the lacquer from drying out quickly.
  4. Light shades of varnish can dry faster than dark ones.
  5. If it is necessary to apply the product in several layers, you need to wait 2-3 minutes before applying a new one.

home methods

In case of an acute shortage of time, you can use one of the proposed simple methods to quickly dry the varnish at home.

Hair dryer or fan

Using a hair dryer, you can quickly dry the varnish only if it is exposed to cold air on the nails, warm air will have the opposite effect. This is one of the most common life hacks, but according to experts, not the most useful. Firstly, a directed jet of air can dry out the skin on the hands, causing cracks to form. Secondly, only the top layer can be quickly dried with a hair dryer or fan, while the bottom one will remain dry, while maintaining the likelihood of smearing the varnish.

Cold water

This homemade method will help you dry your manicure quickly and safely if you wait a couple of minutes after applying the last remedy. Next, immerse your hands in a container of cold water for a few minutes. After the time has elapsed, blot excess moisture with a paper towel.

An alternative to this method is the use of a freezer, which also allows the varnish to dry quickly. To do this, place your hands in a freezing device for 3 minutes. The main thing is not to frostbite the limbs, and if you feel discomfort, get your hands out of the freezer.

Olive oil

You can quickly dry the varnish if you put a drop of olive oil on each nail. Olive extract is able to strengthen the coating, accelerating its adhesion to the nails. After waiting 6 minutes, gently rinse the oil with cool water.

Quick Dry Coatings

To quickly dry nails, professionals advise using a varnish that has a higher bonding speed to the nail surface than regular. These products are also presented in different colors, are available in bottles and outwardly do not differ from ordinary varnish. The difference lies not only in the fact that it dries the varnish quickly, but also in the cost.

professional tools

Among the professional tools that allow you to quickly dry the varnish, there are several. Each of them has undeniable advantages over others. To find out, you should familiarize yourself with the means for express drying in more detail.

With varnish

There is a variety of manicure products, which is a colorless liquid that can quickly dry a manicure. They are produced like ordinary varnish - in glass bottles with a special brush. They are applied to painted nails with a thick layer. The time for which the hands must be left at rest is indicated by the manufacturer on the bottle. Finding a coating on sale that allows you to quickly dry the varnish is not difficult - today it is available as part of many lines of nail care products.


They differ from previous products in the form of release - in this case, it is an aerosol. Sprayable spray is much more convenient to use, which does not reduce its effectiveness and also helps to quickly dry the varnish. You need to apply such a tool immediately after applying each layer of varnish.

manicure fan

This is a portable device that allows you to quickly dry the varnish with a narrow stream of cool air. The principle of operation of the fan is simple - just put your hand in it and wait until the blades of the equipment blow over your nails until it dries completely.

Drying lamps

Lamps are used when using gel polish. But it is important to know that you can quickly dry the varnish with a special ultraviolet lamp only when applying a light-curing varnish. This tool, by its composition, involves the use of a UV lamp. If the gel polish is applied in several layers, then under the lamp it is necessary to dry each of them. This is done quite quickly - within 2-3 minutes.

Among the lamps, there are fluorescent, gas-light, hybrid and LED-illuminator. All of them differ from each other in terms of service life and the amount of energy consumed.

Step by step instructions: how to quickly dry gel polish

Before proceeding with a manicure using gel polish, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and find out which group the varnish belongs to. There are two types of gel polishes: light-sensitive and light-insensitive. When using the first type, a UV lamp is used, while the insensitive varnish dries quickly and does not require additional devices in order to dry the nails. Such funds are produced with the label "No-light gel".

When using a UV lamp, the step-by-step instruction is as follows:

  1. Before you begin to dry your nails in the lamp, the turned off device should be rid of dust by wiping it with a dry cloth.
  2. Check the completeness of all light elements - if at least one fails, such a lamp will be unusable.
  3. Perform all the necessary stages of manicure, shaping the nails, treating them with a buff and degreasing them.
  4. Apply base coat. Place your hand in the switched on UV lamp, setting the timer to 10 seconds. If there is no timer, you should time yourself.
  5. Cover the nails with gel polish in one layer. Dry under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  6. Repeat the required number of times. Usually 2 or 3 coats are sufficient. The drying time of each layer is saved.
  7. The final step is to apply a top coat on the nails and dry under the lamp a little longer - 3 minutes.

Tip : You need to keep track of the number of hours of operation of the UV lamp so that it does not fail during use.


The video tutorials more clearly show how you can quickly dry the varnish using standard coatings, using various life hacks and using specialized equipment.

You can quickly dry the varnish in various ways, while taking into account the requirements of the manufacturer of the product - resistant coatings (such as shellac, gel polish and biogel) will not dry quickly if you lower your nails into cold water or direct air flow from a hair dryer at them, a UV lamp is not designed for use with conventional varnish. In addition, you should not get carried away with improvised means to quickly dry your nails, many of them can adversely affect the condition of the nail plates or the skin of the hands. You should resort to them only in case of urgent need, and if possible, replace them with professional nail cosmetics specially designed for this.