How to get a splinter out from under a nail without any problems. A splinter under the nail: what to do and how to get a splinter out of the nail quickly and painlessly

There is nothing easier - to get a splinter. But it is more difficult to get her out of there. It hurts especially when she sank under the nail. How to get a splinter out from under the nail in such a way that there are no complications, so that later you do not have to go to a medical institution where an operation can be performed. It would seem that what's dangerous here is just a splinter ?! However, everything is not always so smooth: serious consequences are possible.

Reasons for getting a splinter, what it can lead to

A splinter can penetrate under the nail for some reason. Here are the main ones.

  1. While eating fish that contains a lot of bones.
  2. During the next renovation of the apartment.
  3. By touching a thorny plant (such as a cactus).
  4. During general cleaning of the estate.
  5. During construction work with metal filings, fiberglass.
  6. While cutting food raw materials on a wooden board.
  7. When working in the country, in the garden, in the garden.

A splinter caught under the nail causes excruciating pain. If it is not removed in time, it can deepen and cause dangerous consequences. Streptococci or staphylococci easily penetrate through the resulting wound under the nail. These pathogenic microbes cause purulent inflammation, which quickly spreads from the nail to the nearest tissue. Severe pain appears, the function of the finger is impaired. If left untreated, finger amputation may be necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the foreign body as soon as possible.

It must be remembered that when a splinter has got under the skin, it urgently needs to be pulled out of there, otherwise if this foreign body is in the tissues for 5 or more hours, there is a great risk of getting a purulent abscess of a finger, the so-called panaritium. In addition to the abscess, edema develops around the inflammatory process.

There have been cases in medical practice when a patient who received a splinter fell ill with tetanus. Tetanus, by the way, is a very dangerous disease, the causative agent of which affects the central nervous system, muscles and is accompanied by convulsions. Before proceeding with the removal of the splinter, it is necessary to carefully process the skin around the lesion.

To do this, you can use medical alcohol, or a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Greenery, cologne, vodka or iodine are also suitable for this procedure. Your hands must be clean before removing a foreign body from under your skin. Rinse them thoroughly with running water and soap.

Your assistant should also wash their hands. It is very important to use a needle or tweezers, with which you intend to pull out a foreign object, treat with a solution of iodine or alcohol. When the splinter is poorly visible, the place around it should be lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate: this solution provides disinfection, it will also help to view the extraneous inclusion, due to the fact that the wound becomes much darker.

  1. We introduce the needle gently into the foreign body at a right angle. We take it out only when the tip of the needle is firmly fixed.
  2. If you are unable to remove the item, you can carefully enlarge the resulting wound with a needle. Now try to pull the splinter by the tip with tweezers.
  3. When the body of the foreign body has become parallel to the skin, the needle should pick up the skin and destroy it. The foreign body can now be pulled out freely.

How to remove a splinter correctly from under the nail

At first glance, a seemingly harmless extraneous inclusion that has got under the nail, when it cannot be quickly pulled out, it can cause a lot of discomfort and trouble. First of all, the affected area is very sensitive due to the numerous nerve endings, therefore it is painful.

By the way, during the medieval Inquisition, sharp objects were thrust under the fingernail in order to get certain confessions from a person. Most often, needles were used. There is a high probability of introducing an infection, which contributes to the inflammatory process under the nail.

Delay in removing the splinter is even more dangerous when pathogens of anaerobic infection - gas gangrene - get under the skin. If pathogenic anaerobic bacteria enter the wound, they are able to multiply. This usually occurs in the absence of oxygen, when blood vessels are damaged and blood flow is cut off.

Here gas bubbles form, tissue necrosis gradually begins, the pathogenic process spreads further and further. There is a danger of death. The causative agents of anaerobic infection are under the soil, the spores of which can persist in the airborne dust for a long time.

If you are still unable to remove an object that has gotten under your skin, you can steam your finger by immersing it in very hot water that you can tolerate. Add salt or baking soda beforehand. Put your finger down, keep it underwater for as long as you can.

Repeat steaming if necessary. This method quite often helps to remove the splinter. If you cannot pull out a foreign object that has fallen under the nail, you will have to contact the nearest medical institution. There you will be given local anesthesia (anesthesia), the wound will be treated, the affected area will be opened, and the extraneous inclusion will be quickly removed.

How to remove a properly broken splinter

If part of the object remains under the skin, you can use this folk method to remove the splinter. A piece of stale bread without a crust must be chewed, previously sprinkled with salt. Place the resulting gruel on the site of inflammation, attach with a plaster. After about 4-6 hours, the rest will come out. Now the place of damage should be cleaned of crushed bread, processed as described below.

After the splinter has been successfully removed, it is necessary to treat the inflamed area with a manganese solution, then anoint it with brilliant green or iodine solution. Vodka, cologne, or alcohol are also good options. Despite the preventive procedures carried out, sometimes the site of removal may become inflamed.

On the inflamed area, you can apply an ointment - synthomycin liniment. When there is no infection in the wound, it can quickly heal. At the first signs of purulent inflammation, an urgent need to see a doctor.

  1. Preparing a healing ointment from white cosmetic clay, dissolved in hot water. Apply the ointment to the wound, wrap it with a bandage. Apply the remedy every 2 hours.
  2. Pour 5 grams of sodium chloride or baking soda into a glass of boiling water, add 5 ml of alcoholic tincture of calendula officinalis or eucalyptus there. We put our finger in the bath for a few seconds, then take it out. We repeat the procedure for removing and lowering the finger for 15 minutes.
  3. can help get rid of foreign body under the skin. Chop the onion, apply the gruel to the wound, wrap it with foil, then with a bandage. Change the onion compress every three hours.
  4. We mix taken in equal proportions and fenugreek. Pour boiling water over the healing mixture to get a thick paste. We apply the medicine to a piece of gauze, apply it to the affected area on the finger, fix it with a bandage. The healing compress should be changed every 4 hours until the splinter is removed.

- you rarely leave the house in open shoes;

- tired of smearing peeling nails with iodine;

- Taking off your shoes in public is very uncomfortable;

- the appearance of the affected nails frightens you;

- you tried everything that you found on yourself: moxibustion with iodine, various creams, gels, ointments;

- you are on the lookout and ready to find a real opportunity.

Congratulations! You have already found the most effective remedy for the fungus - follow this link and see how to get rid of the nail fungus in just three days.

Conclusions. Today you learned how to remove a splinter from under your nail. If the article helped you or you have other methods of removal, write below in the comments.

A splinter is any foreign body that can penetrate the skin, including under the nail, through negligence. It must be removed immediately, and its location must be disinfected, otherwise there is a risk of developing purulent inflammation. There is a certain algorithm on how to remove a splinter from under the nail so that it comes out completely without leaving small fragments. The procedure can be painful, but it is necessary to avoid dangerous consequences.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed his residency in Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after V.I. N.N. Prifova.

It will take about 4-5 hours before the onset of suppuration.

During this time, it is advisable to have time to remove the splinter, and then treat the site of its ingress with an antiseptic. To prevent it from penetrating deep under the nail, you can glue your finger with adhesive tape. It is better to choose plasters with an antibacterial component - they will help to avoid the ingress of purulent microflora. Then you need to find tools and completely remove the foreign body from under the nail plate.

A splinter under the nail can be of different origins:

  • wood chips;
  • needles, thorns or other plant fragments;
  • small bones (mostly fish);
  • glass wool or glass shards;
  • metal parts or shavings.

The most dangerous foreign bodies are wood. They crumble easily, and when you try to remove them, small fragments may remain under the nail plate. In addition, the tree quickly succumbs to the processes of decay and decay. It is also dangerous to get fish bones - they can be a source of bacteria and cause purulent inflammation.

Common mistakes

If you get a splinter under the nail, do not try to get it right away, without the help of tools.

If it is shallow, then all efforts will not bring results, and the splinter will be deep under the nail plate. In a rush, you run the risk of making one of the most common mistakes:

  • when removing a splinter with your fingers (without tweezers), it is often not possible to grab its edge, and it moves under the nail;
  • instruments are poorly processed, and bacteria remain in the wound, causing purulent inflammation;
  • if the skin is not steamed before removing the foreign body, the splinter may break, and the fragments will remain under the nail plate;
  • attempts to pry on a splinter with a needle also often lead to the fact that it breaks.

The worst mistake is trying to get a splinter with your fingers without pretreating them.

Even if it can be removed completely, bacteria will remain at its location. It should be understood that under the nail, the wound heals under anaerobic conditions, that is, without access to oxygen, which makes it possible for many dangerous microorganisms to grow and multiply.

Possible complications

The most dangerous complication that a splinter under the nail can lead to is seeding with bacterial microflora... The infection quickly multiplies in the wound, and there is no way to rinse the wound, since it is covered with a nail plate. The finger becomes inflamed, reddens, increases in size. This condition is dangerous to health, since purulent fusion of tissues occurs.

If you do not seek medical help in time, there is a risk that the complete removal of the nail plate may be necessary.

Foreign body removal technique

To remove the splinter from under the nail, you will need ordinary tweezers. It is better if it has thin ends, and metal is best of all materials. It is recommended to boil tweezers in water for sterilization before the procedure. Then you can wipe it and your hands with alcohol (vodka). A needle can also be useful for removing deep splinters. It is processed in the same way. It is better to use a magnifying glass for work.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • on the finger, it is better to cut the nail shortly if the end of the foreign body does not protrude above the surface of the skin;
  • so that the foreign body does not break, it is recommended to steam your hand in hot water with the addition of soda and salt;
  • using a magnifying glass, pick up the splinter with tweezers and remove it from under the nail;
  • the finger should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, and a plaster should be used until the wound heals.

After removing the splinter, you need to make sure that its fragments are not left under the nail. A magnifying glass and good lighting are again useful for this. You can also put pressure on the nail - if this causes severe pain and discomfort, this may mean that a small part of the splinter remains. You will not be able to pull it out on your own, in which case it is easier to consult a doctor.

Traditional methods

In the arsenal of folk remedies there are recipes that will help soften the skin and help the splinter come to the surface on its own. If you can't reach it with tweezers, you should try one of these methods:

  • baths with salt and soda (in equal proportions, the water should acquire a cloudy white tint) - the hand is immersed in hot water and held until it cools, then the procedure is repeated until the splinter can be removed;
  • white clay in powder is poured with water and applied to the finger, fixing with a bandage, the bandage is changed every 30-60 minutes;
  • Laundry soap is grated into a container with hot water, mixed until a homogeneous consistency, then a finger is steamed in such a bath.

Some pharmaceutical products have a similar effect. Vishnevsky ointment- This is the best way to remove a deep splinter along with purulent exudate, if present. The ointment is applied in the form of compresses, which can be left on all day or overnight.

It is necessary to carefully remove the splinter from under the nail so that it comes out completely, and its small fragments do not remain under the nail plate.

It will be easier to remove it if the skin of your hands is well steamed in a warm bath. After the procedure, to disinfect the wound, you need to treat it with an antiseptic solution, and apply a bandage on top or use an adhesive plaster.

Removing a splinter from under the nail with tweezers

Types of splinters and methods of removing them. Folk remedies for splinters.

Hands are our helpers and workers. With them we perform a lot of actions both in the house and on the street.

Therefore, injuries of the upper extremities are a daily and inevitable phenomenon. Splinters enter the soft tissues of the fingers and palms, causing us pain and discomfort. Especially unpleasant situations with those that went under the nail.

The first desire is to remove the foreign body in any way. However, this approach is not entirely correct. You should prepare both the affected nail, and the tools for its extraction, and yourself morally for this procedure.

Let's talk about everything in more detail in the article.

What to do if a splinter gets under the nail, how to get it?

Methods for removing a splinter from under the nail depend on its origin. So foreign objects falling under the nail plate can be:

  • wood
  • glass
  • metal shavings
  • glass wool
  • thorns of thorny plants
  • fish bones

The general actions for removing splinters in all cases will be:

  • treatment of the damaged area with iodine, alcohol
  • disinfection of tweezers, needles, tweezers with which you are going to get a splinter
  • treatment of the wound with antiseptic and antibacterial agents after the end of the extraction procedure

So much disinfection is necessary to keep your finger and marigold healthy, without the formation of abscesses, the emergence of the need to see a doctor for surgery.

If the tip of the splinter peeks out from under the nail, then you can completely get it out on your own without any compresses and steaming. Try to work with the needle / forceps carefully and sharply so as not to push the splinter deeper or break its free tip.

Be sure to get a tetanus vaccine during or after getting rid of an organic splinter.

How to get a splinter out from under a nail?

The procedure is as follows:

  • evaluate the depth of the lesion, the type and size of the foreign body, the presence of the free end of the splinter. For these purposes, use a magnifying glass.
  • if it is a small wooden one, then abundant iodine treatment of the injured area can dissolve the splinter without the need to remove it
  • if you do not see a splinter, wipe the skin in the place of discomfort with a solution of potassium permanganate. It will color the entry point of the foreign body with a dark color.
  • when the foreign body is large and has a free edge, prepare the tool to remove it. A choice of a needle, tweezers, tweezers
  • treat it with alcohol or vodka
  • grab the free edge and jerk sharply up or to the side opposite the stuck splinter
  • after removing it, rinse the wound with iodine, hydrogen peroxide or vodka
  • if the edges of the wound turn red and you see a swelling / abscess, lubricate the site of injury, for example, with Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment, followed by bandaging a finger
  • do alcohol treatment or dressings for a couple of days
  • if the swelling is very large, go to the doctor as early as possible for advice and treatment

How to get a metal splinter out of your finger?

Metal splinters come in different shapes, types and degrees of penetration. They are inconvenient in that you just cannot pry them with a needle like, for example, wooden ones.

If a thin metal splinter entered your finger parallel to the skin, then proceed as follows:

  • wash your hands with soap and water, avoiding the affected area, and dry them
  • treat the area with a splinter with alcohol, vodka or iodine
  • tweezers or a needle with which you will remove a foreign object, treat with an antiseptic
  • if you have a low pain threshold, wipe the place with a splinter with icecaine or any other anesthetic to which you are not allergic
  • grab the free end of the metal with tweezers and pull in the direction and at the angle of entry of the splinter into the skin
  • if the tip of the metal is not accessible for grasping, tear the skin over the splinter with a needle and use a magnet. The latter will attract a foreign body and it will come out of the tissues

However, there are cases of penetration of metal splinters deep into the tissue perpendicular to the skin. In these cases, the procedure is as follows:

  • the stage of preparation and disinfection is similar to the previous scheme for removing the metal body
  • if the edge of the splinter is inaccessible for grasping with tongs, it should be softened with tar, potato or cabbage gruel, banana peel, vegetable oil, steep soda solution, black bread and salt
  • if you see redness and the formation of pus around and in the wound with a splinter, go to the emergency room to the surgeon for help

Remember that you should not press on the soft tissue around the metal splinter, as this will provoke its deepening and difficulty in removing it.

How to remove a splinter from under a nail from a cactus?

Thorny plants are beautiful, but when caring for them, they are able to leave their thorns on the hands of the owner.

To get them, use any of the above algorithms.

However, we note that in cases of deep penetration or the presence of a fragment of a cactus thorn, you need to prepare the lesion site.

A particularly effective and proven remedy is a mixture of black bread and salt:

  • After chewing some bread, mix it with a pinch of salt and place the lump on the sore finger so as to cover the area with the splinter.
  • Apply a patch on top and leave for 6 hours
  • The spike from the cactus will rise towards the exit so that you can grab it with tweezers.

How to remove a splinter from the glass from under the nail?

Glass under the nail delivers a lot of unpleasant painful sensations.

This type of splinter looks like splinters, which, if improperly removed, can go deep into the soft tissue under the nail.

Some important points to note when removing a glass foreign body:

  • You will greatly facilitate your task if you cut the nail on the injured finger as much as possible.
  • Be sure to complete all disinfection measures before removing the splinter.
  • Resin of any tree, steaming in a container with vodka or fenugreek infusion, pine resin will help push a shard or a deeply located glass body out from under the nail
  • Never press on the affected nail in order to push the glass splinter to the exit. You will achieve the exact opposite result.

How to remove an old splinter?

Not all people are able to immediately feel a splinter after its introduction. This is due to a high pain threshold or, for example, concentration on the work being performed.

But while taking a shower before bedtime, all wounds and splinters become apparent due to pain and discomfort. The latter already have time to acquire pus and inflammation of the skin around them.

This is where the question of removing a foreign body arises. To do this with minimal pain and health risks, do the following:

  • assess the condition of the wound, the depth of penetration of the splinter, the degree of inflammation and your strength to remove a foreign body
  • prepare the tools, disinfect them and the surface of the affected area, if you decide to get the splinter yourself
  • lubricate the wound with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and go to the emergency room to the surgeon for professional help if you see that you cannot cope with the task alone

Remember, the longer a splinter remains in soft tissues, the more inflammation it causes and the more difficult it is for a doctor to remove it without harming your body's integrity.

How to get a wooden splinter out from under your nail?

magnifier and tweezers - splinter extraction tools

Wooden splinters most often annoy us and are especially unpleasant when they make their way under the nail.

However, the steps to extract them are different depending on the depth of penetration.

  • When a wooden foreign body sticks out above the surface of the nail, then after treatment with antiseptics, pull it out sharply with tweezers. After the procedure, be sure to wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, alcohol
  • In cases of a deeper location of the splinter, first shorten the nail as much as possible and steam the finger
  • A hot infusion of calendula, comfrey and fenugreek will do.
  • Dip the sore finger for a second and take it out to cool
  • If the splinter has not moved to the exit, help it with tar, ichthyol ointment. When inflammation and the formation of pus over and in the wound began, the ointment should not be used. Prepare a steep solution of baking soda and salt, clay, or potato / cabbage / onion gruel
  • After applying the stretching agent, wrap your finger well and leave it on for 3-6 hours.

This procedure will help the splinter to move towards the exit, and you can easily get rid of the foreign body by pulling it out with tweezers at the free edge.

On the open spaces of the Runet, you will find such tips for removing splinters from your finger:

  • sticking adhesive tape on a sore spot and then abruptly tearing it off along with a splinter
  • using wax for depilation on a sore finger. After applying it, until it has cooled down, attach a cloth on top, for which pull sharply at the right moment. Together with the wax, a piece of skin will come off and a foreign body will come out

A splinter under a child's nail, what to do?

It is more difficult to help a kid who has a splinter under the nail. Because he:

  • crying and screaming in pain
  • pulls back the handle
  • dear to you little man

To minimize pain and move the foreign body under the nail toward the exit, do the following:

  • wash or decontaminate your and his hands
  • grind any baby soap to the amount of 2-3 heaped tablespoons on a grater
  • dissolve it in a glass of hot water
  • dip the baby's finger for half an hour to steam
  • use tweezers to remove the splinter that will move to the edge
  • treat the wound with miramistin or alcohol
  • if pus has formed before the splinter is removed, continue treating the child's wound with antiseptics for the next 2-3 days

A splinter under the nail deep, what to do?

The deep location of the splinter makes it difficult to quickly remove it. Therefore, one cannot do without measures to push the foreign body to the exit.

If you decide to get it yourself, then use folk remedies to soften fabrics. They will be discussed in detail in the next subsection.

How to get a splinter out with folk remedies?

At home, you can use the following products:

  • a glass of vodka in which you hold your sore finger for half an hour
  • tar, Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol, resin of any tree, which perfectly pull out a foreign body from the depth of the wound
  • crumb of black bread with salt have established themselves as assistants in removing metal, glass and splinters from plant thorns
  • banana skin, laid with the inside of the place with a splinter at night
  • hot decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, fenugreek root, comfrey root, calendula, chamomile. Dip a sore finger in a glass of broth to soften and disinfect the wound.
  • a cool solution of soda and salt, taken in a teaspoon, in the form of a gruel, apply on top of a wound with a splinter only in cases where there is no pus
  • Onion or potatoes or cabbage or plantain or apple in the form of gruel with alcohol, crushed on a grater, apply to the wound until the splinter is removed. Change dressings every 3-5 hours
  • white cosmetic clay mixed with water to the consistency of a liquid porridge
  • juniper resin, bandaged to the place with a splinter for 3 hours with repetitions of the procedure up to 3 times a day
  • pine oleoresin disinfects well and relieves inflammation in the wound. Apply liberally to the area around the affected area and directly
  • A cool soapy water will help soften the skin and move the splinter towards the exit. Take 0.5 liters of boiling water and grated soap in the amount of two tablespoons with a slide. Keep your finger in the hot solution for half an hour

How to treat a splinter under the nail? Nail treatment

To disinfect the wound around the splinter under the nail, take a choice of:

  • boiling water, to which add either soda and salt, or decoctions of medicinal herbs, or crushed soap
  • alcohol or vodka
  • tar, the compresses of which change every two hours

After removing the splinter, wash the wound under the nail with alcohol-containing products for 2-3 days.

If pus has formed, do not postpone your visit to the doctor. He will likely prescribe you a course of antibiotics and a tetanus shot.

So, we examined the types of splinters and ways to remove them with minimal loss to health.

Remember, prevention is the best way to avoid treatment. Therefore, use cloth gloves in the garden and in the yard, and rubber gloves when cleaning the house.

Video: how to get a splinter out from under the nail?

Sometimes, doing the most common thing: working in the garden, doing carpentry, doing the cleaning, and even cleaning the fish, you can accidentally drive a splinter under your nail. It is very painful, and most importantly, it is fraught with various unpleasant inflammations and suppurations.

It is very difficult to get a splinter out from under the nail, especially if it is deeply seated and it is impossible to pick it up with anything. But still, there are some useful tips and methods with which it is possible to get rid of it. Let's look at how to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies.

What to do if a splinter has entered under the nail?

* Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap first to prevent dirt from entering the wound. Put a magnifying glass, a piece of cotton wool, a thin needle, and alcohol for disinfection on the table in a well-lit place.

Moisten a finger with a splinter under the nail, the tip of a needle with alcohol. Then try to gently pick up the jammed object with the tip of the needle to pull it out.

This can work if the splinter has not entered very deeply, it is visible and it is not very large. But if it went deep, try this method:

* Pour some alcohol or vodka into a glass, hold your finger there for half an hour. The splinter should appear above the skin, after which it can be pulled out with nail tweezers or tweezers.

* Ichthyol ointment will help remove a splinter from under the fire. Lubricate the surface of the nail, as well as the area where the splinter sits with ointment, let the product absorb.

* If it still hasn't surfaced, use fresh leaves. Grind fresh leaves to a state of gruel, apply it to the area where the splinter is. Despite its simplicity, plantain always does its job well. After its exposure, the skin softens, and it will be easier to pull out a foreign object from under the nail.

* When you try to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies, remember about a wonderful product for these purposes - resin. Lubricate your nail with it for 20-30 minutes. Then what is stuck under the nail can be pulled out.

* If, after removal, the skin in this place is swollen, reddened and sore, soak your finger in hot saline solution for 5-10 minutes or apply a warming alcohol compress.

I think that these funds will be enough for you to remove a foreign body stuck under the nail. But just in case, I will list some more very effective folk methods for removing a splinter:

* If you cannot get the stuck small object out from under the nail, set fire to a kitchen rag. While it burns, hold your injured finger over the smoke. They say the splinter comes out quickly (probably suffocates). After this procedure, there will be no abscesses, and the wound will heal quickly.

* If it has gone deep and cannot be pulled out in any way, pour ammonia into a glass, dip your finger there, hold it for a few minutes, and then tie it with a thick cloth. The ammonia will dissolve the splinter.

* Pour a glass of very hot water, add 4 tbsp. l. salt, stir. Put your finger in there, endure as much as you can. The total time of the procedure is 15 minutes. By morning, the pain will pass, and you don't even remember that something got under the nail. Only you need to steam the nail right away, and not after two days.

It is even better to strengthen this recipe with Vishnevsky ointment. After steaming, lubricate the nail overnight with ointment and wrap with a bandage.

* Also try this remedy. Dissolve a small bar of baby soap in a glass of hot water. Dip your finger there, hold until the solution cools. After the damaged area has steamed, remove the stuck object with nail tweezers.

* Grind the root of the herb, pour in a small amount of boiling water to make a thick paste. Apply a little hot product to a cotton or gauze swab, apply to the damaged area. Tie your finger tightly.

Change your dressing every 4 hours. Soon, a splinter will appear on the surface of the skin. Pull it out with tweezers. Then treat the wound with alcohol, lubricate with calendula ointment.

* Grate a small, fresh one, apply gruel to damaged skin, wrap with cellophane, secure with a bandage. Change the dressing after 4 hours.

* Of course, getting rid of a splinter on your own is not at all easy. Seek help from loved ones, it is much easier to cope together.

I hope you find useful advice, and it will not be difficult to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies. Just be sure to make sure that no dirt gets into the damaged skin, disinfect it in time.

Even if it was possible to pull out the splinter without resorting to the help of a doctor, but the wound became inflamed and festered, be sure to treat it with alcohol, lubricate it with iodine or brilliant green. A good remedy for this is 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then be sure to lubricate your skin with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Be healthy!


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Getting a microtrauma in everyday life is as easy as shelling pears. Therefore, it is desirable for everyone to know how to get a splinter out from under the nail. This seemingly insignificant problem can have very unpleasant consequences. So experts recommend solving it as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are many methods available.

Why is it important to quickly remove splinters from under the nails?

At least once in a lifetime, everyone had to drive a splinter. Small pieces of wood are the most common problem. Sometimes you have to suffer from plastic particles, but this happens much less often. At first glance, there is nothing scary about getting hurt. Moreover, one has to deal with such injuries quite often. But foreign bodies cannot be underestimated either.

It is necessary to remove splinters from under the nails as soon as possible. The main danger is that particles that get under the skin can contain an infection. And if you do not pull them out or treat the wound in time, harmful microorganisms can begin to develop, which in turn, easily leads to infection and much more serious problems.

What to do if a splinter gets under the nail?

Often, it is quite easy to remove a splinter from a finger - namely, they get into the fingers most often. But sometimes the visible part of it breaks off. In this case, a particle of a foreign body remains under the skin, and it is very difficult to reach it with bare hands.

Here are some tried and tested tips on how to remove a splinter under your toenail.