What are the types of male shorts? What are the shorts: the correct models names

Women have long borrowed clothes from male wardrobe. First pants, then shirts, the apogee has become shorts. This piece of male wardrobe was first used by the female population during training sessions requiring active actions. It was uncomfortable in a dress or skirt, the pants were also constrained by the movements, and the shorts approached as it was impossible. In the sports movements, complete freedom is needed, and such a light and comfortable clothes, like shorts, girls really liked.

First appearance

For the first time shorts on people put on a tennis player at competitions. His name was Ellis Marble. In 1932, her appearance made a full Furior, it came to the scandal, although shorts were more reminded the wide skirt shortened. All newspapers and magazines on the first lanes criticized the appearance of the girl.

But France's women had an idea so much like that after two years, all the beaches were flooded with swimsters in long cowals. Fashion for short pants quickly scattered in the light. Until now, shorts are not losing popularity, especially in the warm season. Fantasy designers goes in a variety of models. But classic women's shorts do not come out of fashion for many years.

Advantages of female shorts

    Great a variety of styles. You can wear such products to work for a walk, on a disco and even in a restaurant. Pleases and the variety of textures and shades. Classic women's shorts can be worn both in winter and summer. They can be dense, insulated and light, thin, monophonic and in the cell. Different elements are supplementary parts of the styles. For example, the bend at the bottom or overhead pockets in front or rear.

    Crab variability. With traditional shorts, blouses of different styles are combined. From a strict white men's shirt to a lace blouse or a top of a lounge style. In winter, you can wear a fitting or wide sweater. Beautifully looks at costume kits - shorts + jacket, sewn from one fabric.

    Convenience. Only in classic female shorts you can feel freedom of movements. They can safely lean in them, lay leg legs, dance, jump and lie on the grass with a book. At the same time, any woman understands that it is not necessary to constantly make covering movements, fearing that an extraordinary eye can open an excess detail of the lingerie. In shorts, a woman is more free and relaxed.

    Universality. Reading the descriptions of clothing models, constantly women face tips: This style will only suit slim girls, and you can not put on people after 40 years. And only classic women's shorts can perfectly carry women of any age and physique, picking up their version of the model. After all, it is elegant to look at any age.

White or black shorts

The most universal models are presented in basic colors. After all, only for black or white color shorts can be put on any blouse: colorful, in a cage, striped, with a print pattern or polka dot.

Hot summer light shirt or silk top can be put on white classic female shorts. Wearing black products in winter and autumn to work and in everyday life. Nading a warm sweater with shorts, you can go for a walk with a dog. Monophonic things have always been in trend, no matter how fashion change. Moreover, the top to such things is easier than simple.

Models 2017

This season, shorts not only emphasize the perfectly folded figure and slender legs of girls, but also add the image of style and elegance. Black female classic medium length shorts with a leather strap and a strict blouse are suitable for work in prestigious offices. Stitched such models can be made of thin costume fabric.

Beautifully emphasize the lines of the shapes of shorts with an overwhelmed waist. It is interesting to look at models with two thin straps on a wide line of belt or several bright convex buttons on the belt clasp.

Belts can be with buckles or motley colored. The length of such products may vary from short to long models. The width is also different, from narrow, weighing the shape of copies, to free and wide.

Shorts with a high waist

This year, trousers and shorts with an overwhelmed waist took great popularity. Let's look at how to wear high fit shorts. First, I would like to note that this option is suitable for the most strict head at work that complies with a strict dress code. From above, you can wear a white shirt or an elongated blazer.

Secondly, such shorts perfectly show the waistline and hide the small flaws of the shapes, noticeably making the stomach flatter, and the figure is slimmer. Beautifully watch shirts tired in shorts.

Leather shorts

The most luxurious classic women's shorts are sewed from genuine leather. If earlier black or brown shades were traditionally used, then bright and unusual colors are dominated, such as orange or cutter, turquoise or emerald.

The addition effect is achieved with metal rivets and lightning. Due to the softness of leather products, they can be perfectly combined with light silk blouses and lounge styles.

Such products are worn and warm and in the cold season. In winter, they can be put on pantyhose and high boots. You can combine such models with any sweaters (both tight and free cut).

Material for classic

One of the main materials used by sewing classic shorts was and remains the costume fabric. On the pants should be challenges with a stroke iron arrows. Winter is popular with tweed products.

Women's summer classic shorts are most often made of natural fabrics, flax and fine cotton. Never leave fashion denim products of various colors. The fabric material is also natural, in the summer heat does not create discomfort.

Variations of ensembles in clothes for summer

Many women before leaving for long thinking whether these things are compatible, it is possible to wear this blouse with classic women's shorts. Photo, with what to wear a classic, can be found on numerous worldwide resources. Consider the most popular options for ensembles.

We will understand first with the rules of socks of short models. For them, more closed top and sports shoes are suitable. If this is a summer season, you can wear sandals or ballet shoes. Shoes on a heel with short models will look vulgar.

Color shorts are monotonous T-shirts, blouses or tops. You can pick up bright t-shirts with a flower print to white or denim. In the fashion is now sea theme for the summer season, where an anchor image is used, a rescue circle or blue stripes.

For the female part of the population, the size of the plus, the shorts are suitable longer, to the knees. The tops of such a length you can add the top more open and decolted. Shoes will also need a little different style. It can be sandals on a heel or shoes.

What are wearing shorts in winter?

In the cool and cold season, classic shorts are worn both short and elongated. Beautifully looking woolen products with dense pantyhose. Boots can be of different lengths: both short wide bias and high boots. The sweater can be both wide and fitting shape. You can put on the upper part of the body a thin knitting turtleneck.

Long classic knee shorts or slightly above can be worn with a short leather jacket or down jacket. Boots are desirable to wear a leg, without a wide onboard.

Carefully consider the classic women's shorts in the photo and create your own image. Good luck!

When buying shorts, keep these five rules in your head, and do not make mistakes.

1. Good style

The first is to decide on the right, and most importantly, suitable for your shape style. I will understand what you need - consider that it is done. Immediately clarify: we choose the casual strange shorts for every day. They are not intended for sports and trips to kebabs. In such shorts are found with friends, walk around the city with your beloved and go to work if the dress code allows.

Everything is simple: you will have to choose only two options. These will be either slightly fitting chinos, or free Bermuda.

Now details about each face:

  • model "Chinos" - sitting in a figure, narrowed, non-screensy shorts with side and rear pockets. Imagine how trousers look like? To mentally cut half of them - this is how these versatile shorts turned out.
  • model "Bermuda" - direct, freely seated shorts, stitched from thick cotton or flax. They resemble classic men's trousers (only without arrows), since historically these shorts were the civil version of the traditional military uniform for employees on the Pacific Islands.

And chinosis, and Bermuda are perfectly combined with T-shirts, light shirts with short sleeves and with.

Make a similar image: shorts, sneakers, sweatshirt

Make a similar image: shorts, moccasins, shirt, briefcase

By the way, there is a third option - "Cargo" shorts. These are wide shorts with large patch pockets. Why don't they fit into the city image? Because they are associated with uniform loaders, and it is not by chance, because in translation from the Spanish Cargo identifies "Cargo, loading". Cargo will be useful for relaxing in nature, but not for everyday outputs. For every day - only chinos or Bermuda (cool models).

2. Good color

We allocate two win-win options - beige and blue. Although it is not necessary to limit only by these colors. Other muffled shades are perfectly looking: brick, khaki, white, gray, burgundy, dark purple, mustard.

Bright colors, too, in fashion: Want red or yellow shorts? Please only think in advance what you are going to wear them. If your wardrobe is a dozen white T-shirts with original prints, then feel free to take shorts of the screaming shade. Especially, ?

Make a similar image: shorts, shoes, polo, jacket

Make a similar image: shorts, sneakers, shirt

3. Successful length

The next item when choosing shorts - length. Buy too short - get hundreds of disapproving views, too long - we will become like a low rustic guy.

Remember Rule: Shorts reach smoothly to the knee or do not reach it 5-7 cm. Maximum - go down the knees by 2-3 cm.

In addition, it is worth focusing on the growth: for high men, shorts to the knee are suitable (you can with weakness) or 3-4 cm above; For low-models above the knee by 5-7 cm, without obscenities.

Make a similar image: shorts, shirt, jacket, shoes

Make a similar image: shorts, moccasins, jumper

4. Successful width

Obviously, walking through the streets in sexually tight shorts - the prerogative of the female half of humanity. Yes, and the average man is unlikely to wear something similar. Reducing the choice of up to two options again: 1) tight, slightly tousing models - chinosis; 2) Light shorts with straight pants - Bermuda.

When buying, be sure to consider the thickness of your feet:

  • if the legs are thin, it is not recommended to wear free-style shorts, they only emphasize Herbu. Take chinoshs - and you won't lose.
  • if the legs are complete, stop at the classic direct shorts.

Make a similar image: Shorts, slippers, shirt

Make a similar image: shorts, moccasins, shirt

5. Successful material

When choosing a material should not be chased for original solutions. Everything is boring: Choose between cotton or denim. The main condition - the skin should breathe, and not bathe under the thick layer of the fabric.

Cotton is a comfortable and lightweight material that does not require complex care. Denim is an excellent option, but for cool days. If, let it be a model with challenges, without sloppy fringe. In addition, shorts from flax and sirsacker will be suitable for hot summer (hijacked sitence from India).

Make a similar image: Shorts, sneakers, T-shirt

Make a similar image: shorts, sneakers, polo

Another important question: with which shoe wearing shorts? There are no complex rules: with any summer. For example, with leather sandals, sneakers or slips from Baldinini.

We defined what cool shorts are, then we look at what to avoid. Do not even try these models.

1. Abundance of decorative details

Ten pockets, rough blows, stripes, chains are superfluous. Decorative details, when they are collected in one place, spoil the impression of the image, make it untidy. Follow the rule: "It's easier - it means better," and no one will dare to blame you in the absence of taste.

2. Quick print

I do not want to say categorical "no" printed shorts. For example, models with barely noticeable stripes or peas look interesting and do not require special knowledge in the field of fashion. They are easy to enter into an image with a classic t-shirt and shirt. Word, wear on health.

However, bright flowers, intricate geometric shapes, a classic cell - all this instantly turns shorts in ... Family panties or beach smelting. The surrounding decide that you forgot to wear pants or go swimming. And if there is no suitable reservoir in your city?

3. Breeches and Capri

Breeches and Capri are not shorts! They will not be saved from the heat, because they differ little from the trousers and shook only ten centimeters in the ankle area. Capri ends at the level of caviar, and this length makes the legs visually shorter. Capri and Breeches do not adorn a stylish man, so we advise you to leave them on the store shelf.

Expert opinion.Marina Bratanova, Stylist and Lecturer ImageServices, Creator and Blog Author @is_fashionBlog:

Male shorts are a spicy topic. The complexity is that it is necessary to choose not only them, but also suitable shoes, socks. My recommendation is strict shorts of knee-length. They perfectly fit into the summer wardrobe and are perfectly combined with t-shirts, shirts, jackets and jampers.

We hope that now you will have no questions, what shorts to wear this summer.

Illustrations: sequinsandstripes.com, Lookastic.com, TheTrendSpotter.net, Strangerinsuede.Files.wordpress.com, allthaticovet.com, Wardrobelooks.com, Thefashionisto.com, Squarespace.com, RoyalFashionist.com

When the air temperature reaches a mark of 25 degrees, it becomes a natural desire to get dressed in something as easy and non-refinery. An obvious choice for a man when the summer heat takes the attack your city, there will be shorts. Personally, I do not like to endure the heat, and at first hints on an overly high temperature I go to the store to store buy Summer Shorts. What is guided by choosing this subject of men's clothing, how to unmistakably enter it into your other wardrobe, in what cases is appropriate to wear? Let's talk about this today.


A little becomes envy when it comes to the history of male fashion, because as soon as it concerns the origin of this or that object of clothing, it turns out that he comes from some European country, or from America. So now you have to recognize the fact that shorts came to us from Britain, and were known there at the beginning of the 19th century, however, only as part of a military uniform. And they looked like this (a replica from the banking catalog of Banana Republic of the 1980s):

For completeness, the picture should be mentioned by sports shorts, which is solely in the gym or on the treadmill. Dress up, as in the photo below, only if you are absolutely indifferent to, as you look, and nothing but practical use of clothing, it does not matter for you.


Slim Fit in men's style is relevant today more than ever, and the subject discussed today is not an exception. Give preference to a narrow or straight cut when buying new shorts. Wide shorts in combination with thin legs form a picture rather controversial in terms of aesthetics, and create the effect of "chicken legs".

As for the length, there are some restrictions here. I would not advise you to wear both too short and too long. And the first and second are inherent more feminine fashion.

To make sure it makes sense, take a look at the photo below.

Such a length, in my opinion, causes a look for some discomfort, and makes the eye painfully strain, trying to mentally or shorten the shorts to the knee or lengthen to the magnitude of ordinary trousers.

We see an even more depressing picture in the following picture when the long shorts of the cargo, designed rather for the tourist, adjacent to sandals and socks. I hope dear readers, you do not commit such. However, it is not uncommon on the streets of any city.

So, what optimal length For men's shorts? My recommendation is from the middle of the thigh to the knee. Here are three examples of the length that, in my opinion, are the most acceptable to date.

What to wear men's shorts

As we noted above, this rather universal object of clothing is due to its nature - the thing is purely everyday. And even the arrows on shorts or a combination with a jacket will not give you the right to appear at the official event. By the way, an option with a jacket although it is possible, but here it is necessary to be especially careful. I would not advise it to apply if you are 100 percent sure you look appropriate, and others will not find you inadequate frekom.

Thus, you can combine with shorts most of everyday clothes. Accessories also select at one level of formalities (), if possible, the belt color is combined with a watch strap and bag. Braided, fabric, belt with a D-shaped buckle - everything that is suitable for the definition of "sporty style", you can safely wear with shorts.

Here are some options for shoes that are suitable in our case.



Sport shoes:

As you can see, there are no socks everywhere. And it is right. What was considered the standard in the 50s not always can be applied today. In extreme cases, it can be short socks with low sports shoes. If you are firmly standing in the position of strict hygiene, you can wear invisible socks (there are such). They literally barely cover the sole of the foot, and are completely hidden by shoes.

As for the flip flop (shale, shoes with a jumper between the fingers), that is, a large temptation to put them in hot weather. Despite the fact that it is an extremely comfortable option, refrain from them in the city. Still, this kind of shoes are more suitable for the beach.

Well, it was a review of male shorts. Successful shopping, warm summer and ... be stylish!

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

When the thermometer column is crawling up every day, and the sun makes stronger than us with its light and warmly want to dress into something light and comfortable, but not neglected with style. And it is possible! Thanks to this element of the male wardrobe, like shorts. It would seem something difficult to buy shorts? After all, this is not a jacket, where it is important to take into account the many nuances, no shirt and not even jeans. In fact, the choice of shorts can be even more complicated than some of the above things. After all, it is important to take into account the length of shorts, material, cut, pick up the appropriate "top", etc.
But let's go about everything in order.

A little story ...

Mention of shorts were found in the Stone Age, where people were depicted on the walls of the caves in the "short pants" made from the skins of killed animals.
Shorts, more or less familiar to us appeared in the middle of the 19th century, the British served in Africa. Because of the roast climate of which it was hard to wear ordinary pants. By the name of one of the African countries, Bermud appeared shorts below the knee with the same name, which are also popular to this day. I wrote more about Bermuda.

After the military years, the shorts became an element of scout clothes, and then from the mid-fifties of the last century everywhere, thanks to such designers as Raulf Lauren or such firms as Brooks Brothers (Brooks Brothers).

Shorts today.

For fifty years, the appearance of shorts has practically changed. But it was added many models, among which everyone can pick up something else.
You can select several varieties of shorts. The most versatile are considered shorts-chinos.

In fact, this is a shortened version of the trousers of the same name (you can read more about which you can read), so all combinations are inherent in chinos trousers can be used for shorts. Those. You can wear them with t-shirts, polo, blazers, sports shirts (just run sleeves). From shoes, it is, moccasins, lofer, slips (of course all these types of shoes imply the absence of socks).

Next to the queue with us denim shorts.

Although denim is made of cotton, nevertheless it has a rather dense structure, therefore, in strong hot weather, I would not recommend to wear shorts from this material. Because Jeans are even more sporty and informal than chinos, then other types of images should correspond. It can be T-shirts, T-shirts, and from shoes sneakers, sneakers, slips, top-catchers.

Shorts-cargo. They can be easily identified by overhead pockets, free crumb and khaki color.

Such an appearance short cargo is due to the fact that initially they were used by the military. Therefore, the image when they are wearing should be in brutal militaries style. Depending on the Leson and the number of cargo pockets, you can combine with a blazer, a denim jacket, a checkered jacket, a t-shirt, polo. The most suitable shoes will be athletic, but depending on the image options are possible. Also an excellent addition to Looks with Shorts-Kargo will be aircraft guns.

Another variety swimming shortsthat are intended exclusively for the beach.

A distinctive feature is bright color and as a rule - "Hawaiian" print. Can wear with jerseys, t-shirts, and light shoes type sandals or slips.

And the last type athletic shorts, the place is only in the gym, so and we select the appropriate shoes to them.


Shorts, like trousers or jeans, can be aligned (Slim Fit), standard with direct cover (REGULAR FIT) and free (Relaxed Fit). What make you choose? It depends on the foot volume.

If you have a thin body, then the CARGO volume shorts or Relaxed Fit do not fit for you. With a dense physique, it is better to choose shorts with straight cut.


Optimal Male Short Length from the middle of the hip to the knee level.

In my opinion, men who, at least a little bit of their appearance, should be abandoned by carrying shortcaps (below the knee 10-25 cm), because Firstly, this style has little to and secondly, Capri is difficult to combine with another clothing, so as not to look sluggly.

So you do not need to wear!

If cold-dye pants, hot shorts, and leave the intermediate option to people who do not look like.
So far, I'm on the beach 😀

On the streets of the cities, representatives of a strong gender dressed in men's shorts below the knee. Previously, this attribute of the wardrobe could be observed on vacation only in young people. Now it is already not surprising when there are quite mature shorts, successful men.

Shorts - Salvation in hot days. Length below the knee has become optimal - and not long as trousers, and not short, which are rather appropriate on the beach. Just what is needed for convenient wearing in everyday life. There is a warning for male floor - in no case do not combine them with sandals and socks. The first - it looks ridiculous, the second - speaks of a complete miseleser of the owner of such a bikid.

Where will be appropriate shorts below the knee

Adherents of such clothes in everyday life are men who prefer to dress in a relaxed and original urban style. They are "carrying" him with natural elegance, so there is no complaints about the surrounding claims. This is a special category of men, for whom freedom and comfort in motion become determining when forming a wardrobe. Now this direction is referred to - "", and characterizes the modern urban fashion.

If a man of a creative profession, he can wear male shorts below the knee to work. No one will be in the wonder when young people, put on a fashionable brand, will go to a meeting with friends in a cafe, walking with your beloved in the park or watching the movie in the cinema. They are well suited for family shopping, walking with children.

When shorts below the knee are inappropriate

There are places where a similar element of the male wardrobe is categorically prohibited:

  • if a man speaks to go to the shorts for prayers to the temple, the smallest thing will be offered - to delicately remove. Also concerns the cemetery;
  • when a man in shorts in the nightclub or a bar in shorts - a familiar picture, then in the restaurant, the strong floor will not fall, since the dress code will not pass;
  • inappropriate shorts on strong sexual representatives when they are invited to responsible events, solemn ceremonies, meetings, presentations, exhibitions.

What types of shorts are now in fashion

Here are options that experts advise and who are always in trend:

  • men love denim, while these models never leave the top places in various ratings;
  • for hot weather, the purchase of linen shorts will come, with challenges and without them, direct silhouette.
  • for night autumn parties, when light coolness is felt, today in the trend model made of thin skin.