Which bikini is suitable for small breasts. Bathing suit for obese women. Which swimsuit is better for a full girl

Choosing a swimsuit, women with neat breasts have advantages - there are many styles that allow you to emphasize the bust, or increase it by a size or two. Armed with a few tips, choosing a new beach outfit won't be a problem. These nuances are suitable for both one-piece and two-piece swimsuits.

How to choose a swimsuit for a small bust

It's easy to get lost in the store among the options presented. It is worth choosing a swimsuit based on the needs - to attract or divert attention from the chest area. If you have a small bust, find and try on the models below.


Swimsuit with soft cups or unlined, tied on the body with fine laces. This small bust swimsuit fits perfectly as the revealing design fits well on neat shapes.


Only on girls with small breasts, this type of bodice will look graceful. Bando is a strapless bra that is held to the body by elastic bands and silicone inserts.


Comfortable bathing shirts. There are different styles: flared and gathered at the waist, with a separate pronounced bodice. Model with light cups and dark bottom will increase the bust and correct the tummy area.

High neck

This type of swimsuit is suitable for those who want to divert attention from the upper part, and to present it in an interesting way - the bodice is similar to a top that hides the chest, with ties at the neck. Models are found in both sporty style and romantic feminine. Such a swimsuit will shift the focus to the stomach and legs.


This is the most popular breast augmentation swimsuit. Thanks to the foam or gley inserts in the cups, the breasts are lifted from below and from the sides, creating a seductive roundness. So you can add a dimension or two. But it should be borne in mind that foam inserts absorb a lot of water, so these bras dry longer.

If you have wide hips

Wide hips are the dignity of the female figure, because they make the silhouette graceful. Depending on the state and shape of the figure, the lush bottom must be emphasized, or discreetly decorated. To beautifully present a beach look, a swimsuit with a small bust and wide hips is selected according to one general criterion - the top is lighter and brighter than the bottom.

For girls with appetizing legs, it is important to find the right panties shape. You can find both separate swimming trunks and in a one-piece swimsuit.


This swimsuit will suit both perfect athletic and plump hips. Often such panties are found in one-piece swimsuits. There are high and regular leg slots. The first option can slightly lengthen the legs due to the open body.


Suitable for long-legged girls, as short legs can do even less. Choose dark colors - they will successfully set off a brightly decorated bodice without knocking out proportions.


These panties are chosen by courageous owners of a fit and athletic figure. The model looks frank, hiding only the most intimate lower part.

High Waist Shapewear Panties

Such a swimsuit is a salvation for ladies with tummy. They fit well on the hips and also shape the waist. This makes the chest seem more voluminous and graceful. Panties with vertical lines look attractive, because just such a print helps to hide a couple of kilograms.

What kind of swimwear increase the bust

To give volume to the bust will help not only the correct shape of the bathing bra, but also competent execution. Regardless of the type of bodice, two main techniques can add expressiveness.


Additional elements will add visual volume to the breasts, making it the main focus of the image. Choose a swimsuit that includes:

  • fringe;
  • shuttlecocks;
  • embroidery;
  • stripes;
  • beads and rhinestones;
  • folds.

A simple bodice can be decorated with a brooch between the cups. The décor will take notice of itself, while emphasizing the neat shape of the bust.

With bright prints

Color and color combinations play an important role when choosing a swimsuit. Bright and light shades visually enhance. The combination of contrasting colors also plays in favor of a miniature bust, especially in models with predominantly light shades.

The most popular and effective prints: rounded large elements, and a wide longitudinal strip. On the other hand, narrow striped swimsuits make the breasts even smaller.

What swimwear should not be worn

On a miniature bust, swimsuits with tight cups, but without supporting linings, do not look so advantageous. The model is difficult to fit in size so that the cups do not bulge and look neat.

Swimwear with a dark solid color bodice will make your breasts even smaller. It is worth being careful with small drawings, especially in contrasting colors. The vertical line will also not work if the goal is to focus on the upper part.

The image looks more organic, in which the main role is played by either the upper or lower part of the swimsuit. When both parts are bright, with active prints and decor, then more requirements are imposed on the quality of performance.

A stylish and properly selected swimsuit is necessary for every modern girl - after all, a beautiful image raises self-esteem and mood.

All individuals of the fair sex are looking forward to the opening of the beach season and. Someone prepares for it for months, exhausting themselves with daily workouts, others have been adhering to all kinds of diets for several weeks in order to soon appear before others in all their glory.

But all this can be in vain, if you do not take into account a small but essential detail - a swimsuit. He can help a woman hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of her figure, or, on the contrary, nullify all her efforts. In order not to be mistaken in choosing a swimsuit, you should study the advice of professionals on this topic.

Before considering the criteria for choosing a swimsuit, you should pay attention to the assortment. In addition to the two main types - closed and open - there are many models, each of which suits a certain type of figure and allows a woman to create a unique image.

Among open swimsuits, the most popular are:

  • Bikini. This separate and most revealing model will suit a girl with an ideal figure who does not need to hide her belly or any other flaws in her figure.
  • Bando. The upper part of such a leotard resembles a ribbon or bandage and visually enlarges the chest.
  • Halter. The straps of this leotard are tied around the neck.
  • Tankini. The bodice is made in the form of a top, allowing you to hide the folds on the sides or belly.
  • Swimdress.
  • One-piece swimsuits are no less popular and varied. On the contrary, their convenience and ability to disguise figure flaws (overweight, skin problems, belly) have led to the emergence of a wide range of models.

    One-piece bathing suits are:

    In addition, by analogy with separate swimsuits, closed bando, halter and swimdress models are arranged.

    Having studied the fashion trends in the current season, the convenience and attractiveness of a particular product, do not forget about the main thing. The model of the swimsuit you like, as well as its color and pattern, should be coordinated with the peculiarities of the physique. Is he able to hide the emerging belly from prying eyes? Does it accentuate the curves of the waist? The answers to these and many other questions have long been prepared by experts, assessing the impact of different design elements on the female look. Now it is enough to determine your body type to know for sure what to wear and what to stay away from.

    Hourglass or ideal proportions

    Girls can be congratulated - it will not be difficult for them to choose a swimsuit to their liking. In their case, it is best to take a closer look at the separate models, while taking into account individual characteristics (breast size, skin tone, height). The owners of such a figure are ideal for classic monochromatic models, while drawings, on the contrary, can distort the proportions of the body.

    The underwire bodice can provide additional support for the breast, and the halter model is also well suited for this. At the same time, you should avoid swimsuits with shapeless "cups" and thin straps, not suitable for girls with a large bust and "bandeau".

    Body type "pear" or "triangle" (type A)

    When choosing a swimsuit for a type, you need to find a model that allows you to visually narrow the hips and accentuate the upper body.

    There are several techniques to achieve this effect:

    If, in addition to such a figure, a woman is inclined towards corpulence, you should pay attention to closed swimwear models that tighten the stomach. A pareo tied at the waist at a certain angle will help to disguise wide hips.

    Inverted triangle or T type

    Here, everything is exactly the opposite - it is necessary to draw attention to the hips, avoiding excessive brightness in the upper part of the swimsuit.

    Figure "rectangle" or athletic (type H)

    Characterized by an insufficiently pronounced waist.

    In this case, the girl needs to resort to some tricks to emphasize the subtle curves:

    • a visual increase in the volume of the hips and bust (drawings, draperies, ruffles);
    • highlighting the waist with special colors, patterns that create the illusion of a belt;
    • wedge-shaped side inserts visually narrow the abdomen;
    • girls with such a physique will look good in the "monokini" model, but "bando" and "tankini" are not recommended to be worn.

    Body type "apple"

    Narrow shoulders and hips, wide waist - the problem of many girls, successfully solved by modern manufacturers of swimwear. Well suited in these cases, the "tankini" model, which includes classic swimming trunks and a T-shirt with a deep V-neck. This swimsuit will hide your belly, accentuate your breasts and lengthen your legs.

    Personality: a few important touches

    It is not enough just to classify your body type - there are several more individual body features that must be taken into account in order to create a complete ideal image.

    Small breasts

    Owners of a small bust should not hang their hands - there are many techniques for visually increasing the volume.

    Among them are cups with the effect of enlarging and maintaining their shape with foam inserts, draperies and ruffles, decorative ornaments, bright patterns and a special color scheme (blackout effect from top to bottom).

    When choosing a swimsuit, you should pay attention to the "bando".

    Expressed completeness

    Hiding belly or folds on the sides can be hidden by choosing a swimsuit made of dark matte fabric.

    Shaping panels on the abdomen, light bright upper part with a deep cut on a one-piece swimsuit will noticeably transform any figure.

    A swimsuit with classic high-rise swimming trunks or in an original retro style can help visually reduce the belly. At the same time, it is worth forgetting about light and bright colors, horizontal patterns and decorative ornaments that are designed to increase the volume.

    Thus, one cannot fail to notice how significant the choice of a suitable swimsuit can be. Any woman, no matter how ideal she may seem, always wants to look even better and more graceful, hide a couple of flaws and appear in front of her family at her best.

Hardworking - a bright light burns through life, lazy - a dim candle

Swimsuit for body type: how to choose the right one?

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Summer is a long-awaited vacation time. Sea, sun, beach, beautiful swimwear. Many girls urgently run to fitness clubs, sit on a variety of diets and go to a beautician to bring their body shapes closer to the desired ones.

And, if fitness is good and beneficial for health, then you should definitely not muffle yourself with diets and run dubious procedures. After all, in order to look great on the beach, it is enough to know a few tricks on how to choose the right swimsuit in an online swimwear store for your body type, so that it emphasizes what you need and hides our little imperfections.

Today there is a whole fashion industry of beachwear. The range of offered swimwear is huge and it is rather difficult to choose from such a variety. But the most important thing to start with is yourself.

Look in the mirror, smile at yourself and think: what type of figure do you have, what colors suit you best? We will try to help you with this. In this article, we have collected not only useful tips, but also photos of swimwear fashionable in the 2016 season.

Types of female figures

First, let's take a quick look at what are the most common types of shapes and what are their features.

Rhombus (diamond)

This type of figure is characterized by a wide waist, noticeable sides, and often a wide pelvis. Narrow shoulders and hips, lean buttocks, medium-sized breasts and slender legs.


Proportional type in which the top and bottom of the body are balanced. It is considered ideal. Features: approximately the same width of the shoulders and hips, pronounced waist with a smooth curve, rounded shape.


Often inherent in athletic girls with pronounced abdominal muscles. The volume of the shoulders, waist and hips is almost the same. The rib cage is wide, the waist is without a pronounced bend, the hips are straight.


A figure with an emphasis on the lower torso. Prone to putting on weight on the hips and buttocks. Typically narrow shoulders, curved waist combined with wide, rounded hips.


In proportions, it resembles a thinner pear. Narrow shoulders, the waist may be slightly curved, the hips are wide, the legs are slender.

Inverted triangle

It is found in girls with an athletic physique, in swimmers, for example. Difficult body type for correction. Its main features are broad shoulders and chest. The thighs are narrow, the chest is small, the waist is not pronounced. Legs are slender.


A figure with an emphasis on excess weight at the waist. The line of the shoulders is smooth, sloping, the chest is lush. The waist is often larger in volume than the hips. The thighs themselves are lush, the buttocks are rounded.

Note that this is just a list of common female figure types. In reality, most often there are combinations of several different types. So, if you could not classify yourself as one of the types from this list, do not be upset. Highlight your combinations and build on them.

Types of swimwear

Having decided on the type of figure, let's look at what swimsuits are. Despite the great variety, they all lend themselves to classification. This will help you choose the type of swimsuit you like and understand its pros and cons.

Separate swimwear


Perhaps the most open type of swimwear in existence. Suitable for slender girls, without pronounced figure imperfections. Consists of a bra with thin straps and small panties or shorts.


The name comes from the word "tank-top". This is a swimsuit with a top with wide or thin straps. The top can be either short or long. Bottom - ordinary swimming trunks or shorts. This model is well suited for those who need to hide imperfections in the waist area.

Bando / bandini

Strapless leotard. The top of such a leotard is made as if the chest was tied with a ribbon. Visually enlarges the breast due to drapery and many small folds. Panties also come with drapery, so you can pick up a variety under narrow hips. Bandini is the same bando, but with a top.

Separate Halter

A feature of this type of swimwear is the straps that are tied or fastened at the back of the neck. Excellent breast support. Panties can also be with ribbons.

Separate swimdress

A swimdress is a swimsuit with a skirt. Most often, panties are decorated with a skirt or its imitation, however, there are models that have a top with a skirt. Such a swimsuit will very well hide the imperfections of the waist and hips, and is also suitable for outdoor activities. The panties with a skirt are ideal for girls with narrow hips.


Leotard, in addition to which there is a skirt or panties which are originally made with a skirt. Skirtini also comes in a continuous version.

One-piece swimwear


Timeless classics. A versatile swimsuit that fits any body type. His straps are sewn on, usually thin. The neckline is rounded, straight or V-shaped. Convenient for both sports and relaxation.


A swimsuit, in shape, is almost the same as a maillot, but with one-piece, as a rule, wide straps. Supports the chest well, lengthens the silhouette and slims the figure. It also happens with cups, which is perfect for those with large breasts.

One-Piece Halter

As in the case of its one-piece “brother”, the straps of this leotard are fastened at the back of the neck. Visually "opens" the shoulders and balances the hips.

Fused bando

Strapless one-piece swimsuit model. It is worth choosing it with caution, because it visually shortens the body. Suitable for girls with a long body and short legs.

High neck

Semi-sports leotard with high neckline. In contrast to a one-piece gang, it lengthens the silhouette, rather than shortening it. Two-piece swimsuits with a high neck bodice are now in vogue.


This model is distinguished by its interesting cut - it is very deep, both in the front and in the back. Due to such an unusual cut, the chest visually seems larger, the neck is more graceful, and the waist is longer.


One of the most popular types of one-piece swimwear. A variety of shapes of necklines and shoulder straps with a one-piece cut make it a favorite of many girls.

One-piece swimdress

Leotard with a skirt. It can be either very short or as long as a classic mini-skirt. Some varieties are suitable for girls who need to hide flaws on the sides and hips.

How to choose a swimsuit for your body type

Choosing a swimsuit is easiest for girls with body type "hourglass"... Since this figure is considered as close as possible to the modern standard of the ideal body, then most of the models of bathing suits are created for it. Happy owners of this type can choose any swimsuit for themselves, focusing on the appropriate color, pattern and some personal features of the figure (breast size, the presence of a small tummy, etc.). Complete your look with stylish accessories and you will be irresistible!

For the owners of the figure "rhombus" it is worth hiding a wide waist and hips, while emphasizing the slimness of the legs and the beauty of the shoulders. You can choose a one-piece swimsuit with drawstring panels at the waist, or simply choose the right style and colors.

If you have beautiful breasts, take a swimsuit with a deep V-neckline. Try to avoid semi-circular lines. Choose panties with a high cut to emphasize the length of the legs. You want to avoid cluttering your waist and hips - no flounces, horizontal stripes, or flashy colors.

It will be great if your swimsuit is double in color: the bodice is white, it is possible with various decorations, and the waist and hips are black. Vertical or diagonal stripes around the waist are allowed. A neat skirt will also be appropriate.

For girls, with a figure like "triangle" and "pear" you need to balance the wide hips. Visually reveal the shoulders, make them wider, halter swimsuit will help.

"Triangles" can stay on a separate version, while pears should be considered a solid one, possibly with tightening inserts, if necessary.

Also pay attention to the gang, split or fused (if growth allows). The horizontal line in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle will also help to visually expand it.

As for the pattern, avoid bright colors and horizontal stripes around the hips. On the contrary, try to keep this combination at the top, in the chest area.

The bottom should be either solid or with vertical stripes. You can choose a two-tone swimsuit - top in bright colors, bottom - black or dark blue. Do not be afraid of a high cut on your panties, it will help to stretch your legs, make them slimmer.

For type correction Inverted triangle you should hide too wide shoulders and visually expand the hips, make them more rounded. Look for swimwear with wide straps. Tank and tankinis (both fused and separate) are what you need.

Try to choose a pattern without horizontal stripes at the top of the swimsuit. It will be better if all the decorating elements are concentrated in the area of ​​the hips: ruffles, strings, belts, bright colors are what you need. The top can be chosen in one color.

"Rectangles" To highlight the waist, a monokini swimsuit is perfect. Choose so that all curly lines are centered on the waist, while, of course, the lines should not be straight.

Some plunges will also help accentuate the waist. If you don't want a swimsuit that is too open, you can go for a skirtini, sweatshirt or maillot, but with thin straps and embellishments at the waist that simulate a curve.

"Ovals", to accentuate the beauty of the shoulders and legs, should divert attention from excess weight at the waist. Choose a swimsuit with cups - so that it supports and favorably emphasizes your breasts. The material is not shiny, matte.

The colors are dark, not necessarily just black - look towards dark blue, dark green shades if they suit you. The option with the waist pads is also perfect for you. A separate swimsuit with panties with a high waistline, complete with an elongated top, will also help to hide the tummy.

Girls with small breasts you can visually make it more magnificent with the help of decorating elements on the bodice. Ruffles, flounces, bows, push-up cups are your main weapons.

Put away large sides shorts with a high waist will help.

Lush beauties of size Plus Size it is imperative to choose a swimsuit of good quality, tight, perfectly keeping its shape. The most important thing is to take your size. Don't assume that a smaller swimsuit will help you shape your body better. No! He will only additionally emphasize every fold.

A swimsuit made of good quality dense lycra will perfectly fit the figure and hide minor imperfections. One-piece swimsuits such as tankini, maillot and swimwear are suitable for you, or separate ones with a high waistline.

Dear girls, love yourself and remember that first of all you should like yourself, and the rest is just details. Have a great vacation everyone!

Every woman wants to look irresistible on the beach. Beach fashion impresses with a variety of swimwear models of all kinds of colors and styles. But how to choose from them exactly the swimsuit that will ideally emphasize the dignity of the body and hide the flaws? The Maternity Portal offers some tips.

General rules for choosing a swimsuit

Swimsuits in rich, deep tones made of matte fabric look good. To draw attention to the merits of the figure, use bright colors, with the help of dark ones - hide flaws.

It is desirable that the bra is underwired, then the cups look more neat and securely support the breast. Legs will look longer and slimmer if you wear a swimsuit with high cutouts in the hip area.

The swimsuit must be exactly the right size. If it is larger, then when it gets wet, it will begin to bubble and slide. If less, it will tighten your roundness, forcing them to crawl out in unnecessary places. For a swimsuit to fit well, the composition of the fabric must contain a high percentage of elastane.

Swimsuit for curvaceous forms

Swimwear for a full figure is desirable to select with a pattern, but not brightly defiant. These can be stripes, patterns, ornamental inserts. Classic black looks great on curvy girls because it visually reduces the volume.

The straps of the bra should be wide so that they do not cut into the body. The neckline is deep. As for the bottom of the swimsuit, it would be good to find a model with inserts that tighten on the stomach. There are special two-layer models that combine fabrics of different extensibility. The cut of the bottoms along the thighs should be medium.

Very high, navel-length swimming trunks look good. Full-length bathers are perfect for closed and semi-closed swimwear.

Swimwear with draperies is interesting. They hide figure flaws, while looking very feminine and romantic. T-shirts and shorts are also suitable.

Swimsuit for big bust

With large breasts, it is difficult to choose a swimsuit. Yes, it is beautiful and spectacular, the looks of men do not come away from the magnificent bust, but this also causes a lot of problems. This "beauty" is constantly falling out and every now and then it is necessary to "refuel" in place. Either it will pop out of the cutout, then it will form into two lumps at the armpits, then it will fall out from below. At the same time, active actions are prohibited: jumping and running. The chest expands outward at lightning speed. Therefore, if movements in an active rhythm are assumed, then it is better to prefer a closed swimsuit: it is calmer this way.

The swimsuit must be solid. Any colors will do, except for light ones, which enlarge the figure. For large breasts, you need to choose only wide straps and underwired cups. V-neck desirable. Swimwear with a combined color of a bra and swimming trunks is interesting. For example, a dark top and a light bottom, a solid top, a swimsuit bottom with colored diagonal stripes.

The main task of women with such shapes is to visually narrow the upper part and expand the hips. For this purpose, a swimsuit is suitable, consisting of a dark top and a bright, eye-catching bottom. Models with low shorts or swimming trunks will look great. They can be with horizontal inserts or stripes, ties, draperies and other decorations.

A wide waist is perhaps the most common option. Few people manage to return to a girlish figure after childbirth. But we have children, our joy and consolation.

We hide the flaws of the figure, veil it with a closed swimsuit. This is done using a gather at the waist. Drapery across the abdomen hides excessive bulge and visually narrows the waist.

A pronounced horizontal or diagonal pattern has the same effect.

Very slim version with side vertical inserts in a darker color. This type of swimsuit distracts attention from the waist, focusing on other parts of the body. This technique is often used in straight-cut dresses.

Finally, if problems with the tummy are pronounced, you can resort to loose drapery of the problem area.

Our task is to divert attention from the hips, so we focus on the top of the swimsuit. The bra should be brighter in design and color than swimming trunks. It can be decorated with wide straps, plunging necklines, bows, ruffles and other decorative elements. Let the bottom be smooth or with vertical details and patterns. Diagonal stripes converging on the stomach or hips will help brighten up the bottom. Then the hips will become visually smaller.

Bottoms with a short skirt are a great option for covering overly full thighs.

The classic version, when a tummy is added to wide hips. Then preference should be given to models with high swimming trunks ending at the waist line, one-piece models with supporting inserts, high waist or vertical stripes. Swimwear with side cutouts, asymmetrical cut and all kinds of colored inserts and divisions that emphasize the waist are also suitable.

For tall and thin

Here the problem is different: to create the illusion of bulges and pleasant roundness. It can be solved with the help of variegated colors, horizontal details, stripes and light colors.
Bras can be wired or even strapless. Successfully on such a figure looks upward in the form of a strip. Panties can be not only bikinis, but also shorts.
Anything that is fat is permitted here.

Women with small breasts should choose swimsuits with a push-up effect, that is, with dense foam cups, inserts, liners. The bra must be underwired. A bra with folds, ruffles, frills or trims, as well as a bright pattern with some kind of lettering on the chest or stripes, enlarges the breasts. The best option may be a dark bottom, light top.

Small breasts often bring another problem: the bra does not hold well on it and when immersed in water, especially during active games in the water, it strives to slip up or down. Therefore, for swimming, diving and fiddling with children, the owner of a small chest is best suited for an indoor sports-type swimsuit. And if you want to both actively move and sunbathe at the same time, then it makes sense to take a closer look at connected swimsuits, which combine the advantages of one-piece and separate ones.

Swimsuit for a girl with short legs

When choosing a swimsuit for a figure with a low waist and not too long legs, you need to consider a strapless swimsuit that creates the right sense of proportion. The halter bra will look advantageous (its straps focus on the shoulders, tying around the neck). Successful swimwear for this type of figure with small patterns, designs and many small details.

Swimsuit for a girl of small stature

Slender short women with not very long legs are suitable for swimming trunks with high cutouts along the thighs, which visually makes the legs longer. Small, curvy women are encouraged to wear vertical one-piece swimsuits. Swimming trunks are not suitable for this type of figure, they make the legs even shorter.

Fashionable swimwear 2015

This year, closed or one-piece swimsuit models are in favor. They are designed not only for overweight girls, but also for a wide variety of body types. Designers explain this paradox by the fact that the trend for frankness has been in fashion for too long and against its background - the intrigue of closed models looks like a new, very stylish trend.

Among the fashionable swimwear of 2015, one of the most spectacular is the tankini. This is a top and panties set. It is difficult to rank it among the closed and open models. Perhaps this is the secret of his success.

Tops or bodices of such models are distinguished by a wide variety of styles. From the simplest T-shirt to the bandeau sarafan, which is also suitable for a beach party.

This beach season is in retro style. Open and closed models in the style of the middle of the last century, against the background of modern models, look especially sophisticated and refined. High-waist panties with low cut-outs along the thighs and closed, even chaste bodices are the undoubted advantages of such styles. They perfectly emphasize the femininity of proportions and are ideal for girls with beautiful curvaceous forms.

The color palette of this season is subordinated to the same idea as stylistic decisions - to turn a vacation into a holiday. Dazzling blue in all its shades, a duo of blue and white, marine-themed prints are especially relevant this summer.

It is worth paying attention to the pastel colors, especially those associated with floral patterns and shades: orchids, roses, lavender, tulips. Floral theme is one of the most trending this season. Both miniature and "naive" floral prints, as well as large, clearly traced images of exotic flowers are in fashion.

Knitted patterns are back this summer as an echo of the very fashionable "lingerie" style.

With the arrival of the hot season, girls with small breasts face the problem of choosing a swimsuit. After all, I want to look as attractive as possible, proportional and smooth out the deficiency received from nature. In addition, it is no secret that all owners of a small bust, one way or another, tend to visually enlarge it. Today, designers provide such an extensive selection of models that this problem is practically solved. And stylists, in turn, help you choose the best option and give recommendations on which swimsuits are suitable for small breasts.

How to choose a swimsuit for a small bust?

The very first advice stylists give when choosing a swimsuit for a very small bust is to stay as natural as possible. The best way to smooth out the flaw is to buy a model with bright elements that will distract attention. It can be decor, print or unusual cut. However, do not expect to visually enlarge your breasts by two sizes at once. You should not buy swimwear with a big push-up effect or a large cup. As a result, you will not correct your lack of a figure, but only emphasize and add bad taste.

Swimwear for girls with small breasts

Having learned that when choosing a model for swimming it is worth distracting attention from the drawback, and not increasing the chest, now you need to ask what type of swimsuit is better to choose for a small bust.

Separate swimsuit for small breasts. Separate swimsuits are considered the best option for small breasts. In this case, the transverse lines are emphasized, which visually expand the chest area. The most suitable models are the bando. A strapless top with a massive decor in the form of ruffles, frills, patch patches, large beads, as well as a voluminous cut - the ideal solution for small breasts. Also, the lack of volume in the bust of the Veronica and swimwear smooths out the lack of volume. These models lift the chest well, which makes it more attractive.

One-piece swimsuit for small breasts. If you are wondering which one-piece swimsuit is suitable for a small bust, then the best and perhaps the only option in this case would be a monokini model. Deep side cutouts and a graceful line that connects the chest to the hips is a great distraction from any imperfections in this area. This swimsuit is also suitable for girls who have a small bust and wide hips.