Download New Year's Calendar for Printing. Project "Calendar of anticipation of the New Year, or, the Holiday continues!" project (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Making an advent calendar

And we offer a selection of cool ones that you can do with your own hands to all dreamer parents who love to create an atmosphere of magic and celebration for their children. Of all the holiday preparations, the New Year's waiting calendar for children stands in a special place - the cutest decoration of the holiday home.

Advent calendars with gifts

Since the waiting calendar came to us from Catholic countries, the traditional advent calendar for children consists of 24 cards or boxes with gifts, according to the number of days left until Catholic Christmas on December 1.

But since we are counting down to the New Year, your Advent calendar can consist of 31 cards (bags, bags, bundles, bags, pockets, mittens and whatever your imagination allows) or 24, as in the traditional calendar expectations, just give it to the child not on the first of December, but a few days later.

Another reason to make your own waiting calendar this year is to teach your child how to use the calendar and count.

What to put on your advent calendar

Since there are still a lot of holidays ahead, you should not put expensive gifts in the New Year's waiting calendar. It can be nice and useful little things.

Gift Ideas for the Advent Calendar:

  • sweets (sweets, chocolate coins, lollipops, gingerbread),
  • small toys-figures (animals, cars, snowmen and Santa Clauses, Lego),
  • Christmas toys and decorations,
  • tickets to ,
  • badges (pins) and brooches,
  • stationery with New Year's symbols (original notebooks, pencil cases, pens, erasers),
  • books,
  • new year cards or stickers,
  • socks or mittens with New Year's patterns,
  • hair ornaments (hairpins, elastic bands, hoops) and children's jewelry.

Advent calendars with tasks and riddles

If you think that there will be enough gifts for children for the New Year holidays, then we suggest making an advent calendar with tasks and riddles. What these calendars look like - you can see below.

As an option, you can make a mixed calendar, in which some of the days are gifts, and some of the days are tasks or riddles.

Calendar waiting for the New Year without gifts and tasks

In these advent calendars, you only need to mark the days that have passed in order to see how many days are left. You can make such a calendar in the form of Christmas trees, a house with opening windows, a gingerbread tree (), a set of postcards or photographs, or just calendar sheets glued to the refrigerator.

Printable A4 Advent Calendar

And finally, the easiest and most budgetary option is to print out an advent calendar. And the child will either paint the past days, or every evening cut off a piece from Santa Claus's beard.

We hope these advent calendar ideas will inspire you and you will make your own, creative and unique New Year's calendar waiting for the New Year for children!

As soon as I learned about such an interesting tradition as the advent calendar, I immediately wanted to try to introduce this custom in our family. True, last year I was a little worried that my daughter, at the age of 2, might not understand the whole essence of the tradition or would be too “tired of waiting” for the holiday with such advance preparation. But, as it turned out, all the experiences were in vain, the daughter was delighted with such an interesting preparation for the holiday and the surprises that awaited her every day in the advent calendar. Therefore, this year the miracle calendar will again decorate our pre-holiday days.

After all, the sweetest thing about any holiday is the anticipation of the holiday. And together with the New Year's Advent calendar, waiting is much more fun. Thanks to him, a festive atmosphere in the house will reign long before the New Year. In addition, it will help to better acquaint the child with the holiday, to involve in an interesting creative process. The advent calendar tells the child every day what interesting events await him today, what surprises and tasks Santa Claus has prepared for him on this day.

In this article, I want to talk about how you can design a New Year's Advent calendar, what tasks and gifts you can include in it. When my daughter was 2 years old, our advent calendar was calculated only for the last 10 days of the outgoing year. It seems to me that for this age this is the most optimal duration. This year, I plan to start early and stretch the pleasure for 20 days already.

Making an advent calendar

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of different ideas for decorating a calendar with your own hands. Basically, advent calendars make sure that for each day of waiting there is a small container in which you can put a small surprise for the child. The container can be pockets, and drawers, and socks, and jars, and cardboard houses, etc. If the gift does not fit in the box, you can put a note "Look for a gift under the pillow" or attach a photo of the place where the gift is hiding. All containers are affixed with numbers that correspond to the number of days left until the holiday.

Option 1

This year our advent calendar is a small town of cardboard houses. These are mostly small one-story houses, but there are also two-story and even three-story buildings. To make small houses, I used templates found on the Internet, for a change I used different ones, here are the ones that I liked the most: template 1, template 2, pattern 3. I deliberately cut the bottoms on all the templates, otherwise how can I get gifts from the houses if they are airtight? (Just in case, here the same patterns with bottoms). Layouts are printed on A3 or A4 color cardboard, cut out, glued with PVA glue and you're done!

I made two- and three-story buildings according to the logic of template 2, only changed the size of the roof and walls. Also inside the two-story houses there are transverse cardboard partitions so that a gift from the 1st floor does not interfere with a gift from the 2nd floor

Option 2

Last year our advent calendar consisted of 10 cylinder gnomes. Generally speaking, Santa Clauses were originally conceived, but the daughter found them more like gnomes, and I agree with her.

I will briefly talk about the process of making such gnomes (Santa Claus). The cylinder is made of A4 color cardboard, it is fixed at the back with adhesive tape and a stapler. At the bottom, the bottom is also made of cardboard and fixed with a stapler. It is not difficult to make a gnome's face - for this you need only colored paper, cotton wool and PVA glue. Well, on top, instead of a hat - the usual sock of an adult. Preferably bright, multi-colored and not too narrow, because. from sheet A4, cylinders are obtained with a rather large diameter. On the side we sign a number indicating the number of days left until the New Year.

Option 3

Here is our 2017 calendar. This is again a town but with significant changes. You can read more about it.

Tasks for the New Year's advent calendar

I put all the tasks in the advent calendar in the form of short notes. While my daughter couldn’t read and we only made laconic notes with large block letters, we read the assignments together. Now that he is already reading well, the size of the note can not be limited to 2-3 words . In general, you can still try to designate tasks in the form of pictures.

Also, every day, all the necessary props are put into the advent calendar or next to them to complete the task.

So the job options are:

  • Decorate a Christmas tree

  • Decorate your home for the holidays , for example: and other decorations, hang tinsel, decorate windows and mirrors with snowflakes, etc. We love decorating mirrors with these ready-made glass sticker sets.

  • cook together or .

  • Write a letter to Santa Claus. Just because your little one can't write yet doesn't mean you can't do without this fun activity. First, if the baby already knows the letters, you can try to make words together from the letters or syllables you have prepared in advance. If the letters have not yet been met, or there is no desire to play with them, you can compose a letter from pictures.

Summary: Advent calendar, what is it? What are advent calendars. How to use the advent calendar. How to make a DIY advent calendar for kids. New year calendar.

Many will agree with us that the anticipation of the holiday is even more pleasant and exciting time, often much more magical and bewitching than the holiday itself. The main holiday for all children and adults is, of course, the New Year. Many begin to prepare for it in the fall, especially those who have children. Recently, the so-called. calendars for waiting for the New Year or, as they are also called in a foreign manner, advent calendars. The essence of the advent calendar is that the days are counted down to the New Year. Moreover, every day the child finds some small and pleasant surprise in the advent calendar, as well as a task or idea of ​​leisure for the current day. For example, an offer to watch some New Year's cartoon or read some New Year's and winter fairy tale, sing a song about the New Year or solve riddles. Lots of advent calendar ideas! Waiting for the New Year becomes very interesting and fun! Depending on the age of the child, the waiting calendar can be calculated for a different number of days: the younger the child, the fewer days.

If you do not have free time to make your own New Year's waiting calendar, then you can buy a ready-made advent calendar. For example, you can buy a ready-made advent calendar in IKEA stores. Publishing house "MIF" has released a printed version of the calendar waiting for the New Year. You are waiting for fun tasks and ideas on how to prepare for the New Year.

In the event that you have free time and desire, you can easily make an advent calendar with your own hands. You can make a calendar for waiting for the New Year from anything! You will be convinced of this by reading our article and carefully viewing the photo. We will start our review with the simplest options for advent calendars. Such waiting calendars can be made even by completely non-handmade mothers, and at the same time they will bring a lot of joy to their children.

For example, an advent calendar made of socks looks very cozy and warm at home. It is better to choose plump socks for this do-it-yourself waiting calendar. Woolen or terry colored socks work well.

Socks can be replaced with mittens. This advent calendar looks great too!

A great idea is to make an advent calendar out of ordinary cardboard boxes. Boxes can be selected in different sizes, it is not necessary that they be the same.

You can also make a New Year's waiting calendar out of paper bags very simply and quickly.

If your dad or grandfather knows at least a little tools, then ask them to make such a Christmas tree from wooden boards. On it you can hang both socks and paper bags, or even just bundles with gifts and notes.

Oh, by the way, about bundles... Quite a wise decision is to arrange the Advent calendar in the form of all kinds of bundles. Making them is very simple, all you need is New Year's wrapping paper and beautiful ribbons / laces / ropes.

In fact, even beautiful wrapping paper and New Year's packaging can be dispensed with. For example, you can wrap gifts with notes in plain craft paper. And if you hang such bundles with clothespins, then it will turn out great! Stylish and fashionable advent calendar with your own hands is ready!

Lack of time in the New Year's Eve turmoil is not a hindrance for creative mothers. How do you like this homemade calendar for waiting for the New Year from plastic cups? Cheap and cheerful, and most importantly... fast!

The cardboard cups in the photo below are decorated in the form of Santa Claus reindeer. Original idea!

Another advent calendar can be made from small gift bags. Tie colored cords or ribbons to the bags and hang them on a hanger, for example.

It is better to disguise the hanger by drawing a winter-New Year landscape on cardboard and sticking it on it.

Moms who know how to sew can sew many, many small bags and make a very cute and cute New Year waiting calendar out of them. Such bags will be associated in children with Santa Claus's bag.

It is appropriate to fix the bags on clothespins or on ribbons (strings).

Another advent calendar can be made from paper bags.

And even matchboxes! Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to add any gifts and sweets to such a miniature waiting calendar, but notes with indications of the places where these pleasant presents are hidden will fit in matchboxes.

You can simply put matchboxes in a beautiful box or vase, or you can make such a Christmas tree out of them, for example.

We have already told you about how to make an advent calendar with your own hands from ordinary cardboard boxes. Now you are waiting for something more interesting than simple boxes. By this link you can download templates of beautiful boxes, there are 28 of them in total. If you print these templates on a color printer, carefully cut and glue them together, then you will be able to put together such a mega-super-amazing New Year's waiting calendar from them. It is realistic to make it in one evening, but how much joy it will bring to a child, just imagine!

Separately, here we want to talk about advent calendars that you can make with your own hands from cardboard toilet paper rolls. You just need to stock up on such rolls in advance, as you will need a lot of them. Let's start with the simplest calendars for waiting for the New Year. For example, if you press the side walls at both ends of the cardboard rolls, you will get such boxes. Fill them with all kinds of sweets, small gifts and notes with tasks, decorate the outside beautifully, and your DIY advent calendar is ready.

If you wrap each cardboard roll in colored corrugated paper, then you can make a lot of these candy boxes. Stick "sweets" on a cardboard ring, you get a wonderful waiting calendar that resembles a New Year's wreath in appearance.

Our overview article on advent calendars comes to an end. Concluding it, we want to give here examples of several more interesting, in our opinion, calendars for waiting for the New Year, which you can easily do with your own hands.

It is easy to make such a New Year's train from tetra pack cardboard bags that will bring a lot of positive emotions to your baby.

It's easy and quick to make a New Year's waiting calendar from a muffin baking dish.

By this link you can download cute circles with the image of grandfather frosts. Print them out, cut them out and stick them on a muffin tin. You will get such an advent calendar.

If you are a needlework mom and know how to sew well, then you can try to sew a New Year's waiting calendar with pockets. Such or

Here's one with a Christmas tree.

Advent calendar can not only be sewn, but also baked. For example, from gingerbread dough. And draw the numbers on the New Year's gingerbread and patterns with icing. Any child will love the idea of ​​eating a delicious gingerbread every day in anticipation of the New Year.

And, finally, the New Year's waiting calendar in the form of the head of Santa Claus (or Santa) with a long beard. Line the beard along the ruler into strips of the same width, number them. Every day, together with the baby, cut one strip from the beard.

And you can also seal the days on the calendar with Santa Claus with cotton balls.

We really hope that you have found something interesting and useful for yourself on our site. We wish you magical holidays, Happy New Year!

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Municipal treasury

preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Rainbow"

Project for children 4-5 years old

Compiled by: Batakova Elena Vladimirovna,

teacher of the 1st qualification category

Kargat, 2016

Project for children 4-5 years old

"New Year's Waiting Calendar, or, The Holiday Continues"

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project duration:medium-term (1.5 months).

Project participants:children of the middle group, parents, educators, music director.

Project relevance:Children are very fond of the New Year, they are looking forward to it, but they know practically nothing about the origin of this holiday, as well as the holidays that follow it - Christmas, the old New Year. They will be very interested to learn about the traditions of these holidays in different countries. On the eve of the New Year holiday, teachers always face the question of how interesting and unpretentious to organize thematic activities with children. How to prepare them for a meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? How to create a festive atmosphere for children? How to introduce the attributes and characters of the holiday? We decided to make this expectation more pleasant and, together with the parents, arrange a New Year's fairy tale for the kids.

Objective of the project: expanding children's knowledge about the holidays: New Year, Christmas, old new year, waiting for the holiday in the pre-holiday fuss.

Project objectives:


  • Expand the understanding of the New Year holidays, the history of their occurrence, their celebration in different countries.
  • Learn to make the attributes of the New Year holidays.
  • Raise the desire of children to meet the long-awaited holiday as soon as possible.
  • To promote the formation of cooperation in the child-parent relationship.


  • Gaining knowledge about the New Year holidays, the history of their occurrence, celebrating them in different countries.
  • Application in practice of methods for manufacturing attributes for the New Year holidays.


  • Expanding opportunities for cooperation with children and teachers.
  • Consolidation of the knowledge gained by children in the preschool educational institution in practice at home.

Expected result:

  • New Year's party "Magic well".
  • Leisure activities joint with parents "Christmas gatherings".
  • Multimedia presentation on the DOW website.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team:

  • Educator: organizes educational situations, joint productive activities, counseling for parents, joint events with parents and children.
  • Children: participate in educational and play activities in joint activities with parents.
  • Parents: prepare material for teaching children, reinforce the knowledge gained by children in practice, participate and help in holding joint events.

Principles of teaching.

  • principle of activity and consciousnesswhich requires the worldwide activation of children's activities, the development of their independence in the process of mastering all the components of the content of education and upbringing;
  • principle of individual approachin combination with the principle of the collective organization of children's activities;
  • the principle of systematicity and consistency -this is the development of children in the logic “from simple to complex”, “from close to distant”, “from well-known to little-known and unfamiliar”;
  • principle of naturalnesssets the tasks for the artistic and creative development of children - age characteristics and individual abilities;
  • principle of aesthetic orientationon universal values ​​(education of a person who thinks, feels, creates, reflects);
  • principle of natural joy(the joys of aesthetic perception, feeling and action, the preservation of the immediacy of aesthetic reactions, emotional openness).

Basic methods, techniques.

To help a child navigate a huge flow of information, learn to "swim" in it, I use a computer in my work, as it allows the teacher to significantly expand the possibilities of presenting various kinds of information. Working with a computer is an important direction in the cognitive activity of children.

methods and techniques:

  • simultaneity(provides an independent creative search for children by means of expressiveness);
  • method of examination, visualization(review of genuine products, illustrations, albums, videos, presentations, etc.);
  • verbal (conversation, use of a literary word, explanations);
  • practical (independent performance of work by children, the use of various tools and materials for the image);
  • heuristic (development of resourcefulness and activity);
  • problem-motivational(stimulates the activity of children by including a problem situation in the course of the lesson);
  • co-creation (interaction of a teacher and a child in a single creative process.

Project Implementation Mechanism

Preparatory stage:

  • Determining the theme of the project.
  • Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the project.
  • Collection of information and illustrations on the theme of the project.
  • Selection of methodological and fiction literature, audio and video materials on this topic.
  • Informing parents about the importance of this given project.

Practical stage:

Based on the objectives of the project, the following forms of work have been outlined:

Long-term planning of project activities:

Interaction with parents, other kindergarten specialists

New Year's cinema

  • Viewing computer presentations "Father Frost was walking through the forest", "Forest dwellers about New Year's celebrations", "Winter riddles", "New Year's riddles", "Children about Christmas"; "Christmas carols".
  • Watching the cartoons "Snowman-mailer", "New Year's Eve", "Snow Maiden", "Father Frost and Summer", "Vacation in Prostokvashino".
  • Computer game "Take a patch on a felt boot."

Watching cartoons and fairy tales by parents with children(optional):

  • "Frost";
  • "The Snow Queen".

Reading room

Reading and listening to audio with children of fairy tales:

  • Memorizing New Year's poems for the matinee;
  • Guessing New Year's riddles, riddles about winter;
  • Learning proverbs and sayings about winter;
  • Reading fairy tales: “About Christmas”, “Golden Shoes”, “Girl with Matches”, “Spiders and a Christmas Tree”, “Baptism”.

Reading Parent-to-Child Works


  • "Snow Maiden";

baby modeling

  • Construction of a palace for Santa Claus;
  • We model according to the "Origami" type - "Santa Claus", "Snow Maiden", "Christmas Tree".

theater drawing room

  • Table theater - fairy tales "New Year at the Snow Maiden";
  • Dramatization of fairy tales using costumes and masks - fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut".

New Year's activities

  • Integrated lesson "Calendar of expectations";
  • A cycle of classes on cognitive development "How the New Year is celebrated in different countries";
  • Integrated lesson "Herringbone";
  • A conversation about the celebration of the New Year;
  • A conversation about New Year's cards;
  • Integrated lesson "Calendar of expectations".


Santa Claus

  • Making a "Waiting Calendar"
  • Modeling "Father Frost and Snow Maiden";
  • Plasticineography "Christmas tree";
  • Drawing based on the plots of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden";
  • Modeling "New Year's treat for forest friends" (group work);
  • Coloring coloring pages on the topic "New Year at the Gates";
  • Finger drawing "Snowflakes"
  • Application "Snow tree";
  • Modeling from salt dough "Yolochka".
  • Production of invitation cards for parents for leisure “Christmas time has come - fortune-telling and carols”.
  • Competition of crafts and drawings "New Year's Kaleidoscope";
  • Exhibition of New Year's cards "Frozen Pictures";
  • Master class for children and parents "Christmas Angel".

holiday gym

Morning work-out:

  • "Morning of Santa Claus";
  • "The Snow Maiden is in a hurry for the holiday."

Physical minutes:

  • “We went for a walk in the yard”;
  • “We went out to the forest lawn”;
  • "In winter";
  • "New Year";
  • "Children are walking";
  • "Christmas tree".
  • Electronic physical exercise for the eyes "Happy New Year!"

Finger gymnastics:

  • "We made a snowball";
  • "New Year";
  • "Snowflakes";
  • "Christmas tree";
  • "Mitten";
  • "Snowman";
  • "Skiers";
  • "Christmas tree-beauty".

Breathing exercises:

  • "Snow cloud";
  • Game-competition "New Year's breeze";

Sports leisure "Snowmen, to the start!"

New Year's country "Igralia"

Didactic and board games:

  • Board game "Catch up with Santa Claus";
  • Mosaic game "Christmas balls";
  • "Find differences";
  • "Labyrinth";
  • "Collect a garland";
  • "Christmas decorations";
  • "Choose mittens by color"
  • "The fifth extra";
  • "New Year's Auction".

Outdoor games:

  • "Snowdrifts";
  • "Snow fight";
  • Relay "Help Santa Claus";
  • "Old and New Year";
  • "Snowmen, in pairs!"

Magic Lab

Experiences and experiments:

  • "Snow - water";
  • "What is ice?";
  • "Colorful ice garland";
  • Making multi-colored ice garlands at home with the children.

New Year's music

  • Musical games: “New Year's Train”, “It's so cold, it's frosty”, “Four steps forward - four steps back”, “Heel, toe - one, two, three”, “Ice icicle”, “Shovel”.
  • Learning holiday songs: “Sled”, “Frost pinches our cheeks”, “You came to us, grandfather”, “Christmas has come”, “Guests have come to us”.
  • Learning Christmas carols.
  • Dance compositions: “Dance of snowflakes”, “Dance of Petrushkas”, “Dance with snowballs”, “Dance of bunnies”, “Dance of stars”.

Outcome, result of the project

New Year's party "Magic Well", joint leisure with parents "Christmas have come - fortune-telling and carols"

Estimated results of the project implementation.

  • Increasing the interest of children and parents in meeting and organizing New Year's events.
  • Positive behavioral changes in children.
  • Revival of the tradition of caroling at Christmas and the Old New Year.
  • Improving the competence of family members in matters of celebrating the New Year holidays in Russia and other countries.
  • Exhibition of creative works of children and parents.
  • Parents' interest in children's activities.
  • Closer and more fruitful cooperation between children, parents and teachers, strengthening ties between project participants.
  • Continuation of the development of the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.
  • Generalization and dissemination of experience.

Project presentation.

  • Exhibition of works in the group.
  • Speech by the educator with a presentation at the seminar, posting a computer presentation on the website of the preschool educational institution.
  • Photo exhibition "Fun, fun New Year we met."

Showing publications 11-20 out of 163 .
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