When girls go through adolescence. Adolescence in girls

In the life of every girl there comes a moment when changes take place in her body. Many parents are afraid of this and do not understand why growing up for girls is very difficult. After all, only recently she was a quiet, calm child who offend anyone. And now she constantly snaps, closes herself in her room and began to study poorly. All this is because physiological changes occur that affect the psyche and emotional state of the child. They will be discussed in this article.

When do physiological changes begin in girls?

The first thing that worries parents is when the child's transitional age begins. This is especially true for the girl. This period of life is very difficult for them. And the main thing is that there is a person next to him who will help and explain all these processes. For some girls, the transitional age may begin earlier, for example, at 8-9 years old. And she begins to feel uncomfortable among other classmates, as she begins to change. For others, the transition to adolescence may begin later. And this is also natural. According to general data, the pubertal period starts from 10-11 years.

An important question is, how long does the transitional age last for girls? For 6-8 years, the girl develops and forms. By the age of 17, the transitional age ends, and the little girl turns into an adult, beautiful girl. Puberty can be divided into three stages:

  • Preparatory;
  • Puberty;
  • Postpubertal.

This path is long and if at the same time everything is done correctly, then this period of life will be much easier.

What physiological changes await the girl?

The transition from a little girl to a "beautiful swan" is rather difficult, as the body begins to rebuild. So he prepares the girl's body and body for adulthood. Indeed, in the future she will also become a mother. Here is a detailed list of all the changes that take place in the body:

  • From 8-12 years old. The ovaries begin to develop, and with them all the genitals. Estrogen is produced. The thighs begin to round, the milk ones swell and hurt a little. Hair grows in the groin and armpits. With physical activity, sweat discharge becomes more abundant, they have an unpleasant, pungent odor. If earlier the girl washed her head 1 time in 3 days, then during the transition period this procedure becomes more frequent, since the hair becomes dirty faster due to the sebaceous glands. The first acne appears on the face.
  • From 12 to 14 years old. This is the period when the girl begins her first menstrual cycle. They mean that puberty has begun. This cycle will be established throughout the year. On average, they will last 4-7 days, and the interval between them will be 3-5 weeks. This period will pass without ovulation, as the body is just getting ready. As soon as ovulation begins, this will be a signal that the girl is ready to become a mother. Each person's periods pass differently, and if the child feels discomfort, then you should consult a gynecologist.
  • From 14-16 years old. Fast weight gain. This is the so-called puppy subcutaneous fat. Because of this, many girls are complex and consider themselves fat. The child may have general ailments due to the fact that the organs do not have time to grow behind the body. The arms and legs are lengthening rapidly. The baby's gait is also beginning to change. Sometimes she looks very awkward.
  • From 16-18 years old. The body stops growing so actively. Now his task is to form. The girl's body takes on a pleasant, beautiful shape. The child's growth stops. Anatomically, a girl will develop until she is 23 years old.

Parents need to talk with the child in advance so that the transition period is not a shock for him. Children very often close when they are in the stage of obscurity. After all, they do not understand what is happening to them. Mom should definitely talk to the girl about menstruation so that she will not be stressed when that day comes. Talk to children and then, in case of any problem, they will run to you. Help them cope with adolescence with dignity.

It would seem that until recently, the daughter was a sweet angel, obedient and funny, and suddenly something happened to her - inexplicable whims, a sharp change in mood, occasionally - hysteria. Do not be afraid of such changes, because the girl is growing, and sooner or later her puberty begins. What signs accompany this "growing up", what can be considered early puberty and how should parents respond to it? We will try to answer these questions in the presented material.

Signs of puberty in girls, or what is happening in the body

Puberty in girls lasts 2 years and ends with puberty - this time falls on the first menstruation. Doctors still cannot name the timing of puberty that is suitable for the norm - it is believed that this period is variable: it can begin at 9 years old and at 11, and at 13. If signs of puberty in a girl are present at the age of 7, or are absent, when the child is already 15 years old, then this is a cause for concern. All other years that fell on the condition in question are normal. About early puberty will be written later, but let's make a reservation right away - the girl's parents should not make any independent decisions about this. Only a doctor will be able to establish the true cause of early puberty, prescribe drug therapy, which, however, also applies to late puberty.

Note:In the course of observations, the doctors revealed the following - the earlier the girl's puberty began, the faster it will end. That is, if a girl at 9 years old already has signs of puberty, then after a year and a half, the first menstruation can be expected, but if these signs are noted at the age of 14, then two or two and a half years may pass before the first menstruation.

Signs of normal puberty in a girl:

Separately, it is worth mentioning the most important sign of puberty - menstruation. The first menstruation, as a rule, appears in a girl at the age of 13, but this age is very conditional! There are many known cases when the first bleeding was at the age of 11 and this was not a pathology. Let's make a reservation right away - the menstrual cycle will "form" and stabilize within about 12 months, during this period bleeding will be irregular, 1-2 months may be absent, and this "behavior" of the girl's body is quite normal. As soon as the girl's first menstruation begins, her growth slows down dramatically and after that, in total, the child will add another 5 cm in height.

Parents should pay special attention to preparing the girl for the first menstruation, and, of course, the mother should take care of this. Regardless of the age at which your period started, it can be very scary for your baby. Yes, children are now accelerated. Yes, they sometimes know more than adults. And nevertheless, experts emphasize the importance of conversations between a girl and a mother on the topic of puberty, the first menstruation - not a single book, not a single girlfriend, not a single video from the Internet will convey the necessary information to a girl. And then, such a trusting relationship with my mother, who will be able to listen and talk even on "intimate" topics, will become the key to close relationships in the future.

Psychological problems of the girl's puberty

The above-described signs of the condition under consideration are quite capable of surprising not only the parents (“when did she manage to grow up”), but also the girl herself. And during this period, it is important not to leave her alone with her questions, fears and doubts.

First, you will need to tell the girl why such changes are taking place with her body and body.... If this happened earlier than that of her friends, then it is worth emphasizing the importance of such an event as puberty, and clearly indicating that there are no developmental deviations, all this is natural.

Secondly, it is worth watching carefully for a girl who had puberty in later years - she will feel too uncomfortable in the company of her peers, doubt her inferiority. And here you need to become a psychologist, explain to the girl that puberty occurs at different ages, you can even embellish the reality and tell that the mother herself had this period at 14-15 years.

Thirdly, you need to talk in detail about menstruation. But right away you need to stipulate that these topics are too personal, "intimate" and tell your friends that your period has already begun is not worth it. Yes, this means that "the girl has matured," but this does not at all mean that she has become an adult, so the mother will need to conduct conversations and teach her daughter all the intricacies of behavior among her friends.

Note:A girl's perception of change during puberty is directly related to how close her relationship is with her mother. Therefore, try to "establish contact" from childhood - it will be easier to have conversations on "intimate" topics, and in the future, a trusting relationship will develop between two close people.

Early puberty in girls

Premature puberty in girls has its own characteristics:

  • changes in the mammary glands began quickly and before the age of 9 years;
  • female pattern hair growth is noted at the age of up to 9 years;
  • the growth of the girl stops;
  • the appearance of menstruation before the age of seven.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the appearance of menstrual bleeding in a girl with premature puberty does not at all mean that she has become a woman - such bleeding is also called bezovulatory / menstrual-like, that is, the egg from the girl's ovary does not leave for fertilization into the uterine cavity.

Such premature puberty in girls is a deviation from the norm and has several forms of flow.

Classification of premature puberty in girls

Gynecologists and endocrinologists distinguish several forms of the condition under consideration:

Causes of early puberty in girls

The following factors can lead to the condition under consideration:

  • hereditary predisposition - early puberty is passed in the family from generation to generation, but does not affect the reproductive abilities of the female body;
  • problems in the work of the hypothalamus and / or pituitary gland, which leads to excessive production of hormones;
  • various neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature in the ovaries.

Very often, girls with premature puberty are born to women who smoked / used alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, or have a history of endocrine diseases.

How to treat

Only after a complete diagnosis and a series of specific examinations will the doctor be able to tell what therapy should be used to correct the girl's sexual development. It is quite possible that you just need to choose a diet and normalize the child's psycho-emotional background. But often hormonal drugs are used to normalize the condition - only specialists should prescribe such medications.

Surgical treatment is prescribed only if the girl was diagnosed with a tumor of the adrenal glands, ovaries or hypothalamus - the neoplasm is simply removed and the processes of puberty proceed within normal limits.

As for the late puberty of a girl, it will most likely be about hormonal problems and / or malformations of the genital organs. Usually, hormonal drugs can solve the problem, but they can only be prescribed by doctors.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical commentator, therapist of the highest qualification category

The transformation of a girl into a teenage girl occurs gradually. When does the transitional age for girls begin? This difficult period of dramatic change occurs in different ways for boys and girls. Parents are well aware of the impending unpleasant changes, but they take the given rather hard. It is even impossible to say exactly where it starts. A sweet little girl grows up in the family, affectionate, smart, respectful of mom and dad.

Once everything turns upside down, as they say. The pet becomes rude, taciturn and overly irritable. Even over trifles, she is able to lose her temper. What happened? What is the reason? Maybe the parents are doing something wrong? It seems everything is as it was, but what should the relatives of a growing girl do? Why did the neighbor's boy of the same age remain polite and not rude at home? The fact is that for girls, the period of growing up begins two years earlier than for boys.

What is adolescence

There are no clear definitions of when exactly the difficult period will begin and end. The girl begins to change not only physiologically, but also psychologically. He begins to look at many things from a completely different angle. The psyche becomes like bare wires. Someone looked wrong, answered wrong. Everything is perceived rather sharply, the child becomes too suspicious. First of all, it is important to take into account the nature of your daughter, how sociable she is and how to find a common language with others. The growing up period can be divided into three parts:

  • Preparatory phase. This is the very beginning of the growing up phase;
  • The onset of adolescence;
  • Postpubertal age. That is, the physical and psychological formation of the body is almost complete. A phase of smooth transition from adolescence to early adolescence begins. Simply put, a girl becomes a girl.

Symptoms and signs of adolescence in girls

It is impossible not to notice the changes taking place. As the girl grows, she begins to change outwardly. The body begins to intensively produce sex hormones. Most often this happens at the age of 10–12. The female reproductive system begins to rebuild, many girls have their first menstruation. The active work of the hormonal system does not affect the work of the nervous and endocrine systems in the best way, sometimes an imbalance occurs. First of all, the following symptoms appear:

  1. The thighs and buttocks change their shape, become more rounded, the pelvic bones expand slightly.
  2. At about 9-10 years of age, the breast begins to grow, the areola and the nipple itself acquire a darker color, the nipple becomes convex.
  3. About 11–12 years old, an intense one begins in the armpit, the mammary glands gradually increase in size.
  4. There is no clear rule about the onset of menstruation that works for everyone. There are those in whom the menstrual cycle begins at the age of 11-12, but there are many cases when menstruation occurs after 14 years. In general, the cycle acquires stability with the onset of adolescence, that is, at the age of 15–16.

Parents should pay attention to the following atypical signs, which may be the cause of abnormal abnormalities. If the first menstruation came much earlier or later than the due date. If you suddenly notice that the mammary glands are actively developing, and the daughter is only 8-9 years old. Or vice versa, a girl is 13-15 years old, and she lacks the characteristic signs of puberty. Do not ignore the problem, it will not be solved by itself. It is advisable to consult a qualified medical specialist as early as possible.

Adolescent illnesses

The body begins to grow and develop at a special rate, because of this, failures sometimes occur. One thing calms down - this is a temporary phenomenon that passes as you grow older. Therefore, some health problems are understandable. Acne not only covers the face, but even the back and other parts of the body. Because of the abundant secretion of sebum that blocks the cutaneous ducts, most adolescents around the world suffer from this ailment. Nowadays, there is a sufficient number of special care products for face and body that are available to everyone. The main thing is to choose an individually suitable drug. A strong hormonal surge contributes to the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

This is accompanied by a whole bunch of painful conditions. The girl has increased sweating, then suddenly her heart beats like a bird in a cage, even the most insignificant little things irritate. Here you will have to be patient, everything will surely pass.

Teenage depression occurs in every second person experiencing innovations in the perception of the world. Depression is often not easy to recognize.

Frequent mood swings are completely normal during adolescence. This does not require anything bad to happen. Young men and women are often in needless anxiety. After all, what I liked so much before now causes only annoyance and indifference, the young lady becomes apathetic and passive, begins to study worse at school. This is an example of classic depression.

But there are quite dangerous types of depressive conditions. Neurotic disorders of a fragile psyche often occur in certain difficult life situations. Young souls are very sensitive to injustice towards themselves, stressful situations in the family or school, discord with classmates. Against this background, insomnia appears, you do not want to eat, the pressure becomes prohibitively low, a general weakening of the body. Parents simply have to find out the reason and try to help. After all, there is a neurotic disorder. The most severe type of depression, psychogenic, can severely affect the psyche of a teenager with bereavement. A vulnerable young soul feels that an important value has been lost. This often happens in the event of the death of a loved one, an unexpected divorce of the parents.

Even yesterday's child feels like no one is needed, internal tension prevents him from feeling normal, the feeling of his own worthlessness and helplessness causes a constant melancholy. Help a teenager if, by the will of fate, he found himself in a similar situation, persuade him to see a psychologist. Do not pass by, perhaps timely measures taken will help prevent suicide. In this way, you will help save human life, which is priceless.

Psychological problems in girls

It is not so easy for parents to perceive a completely different look of their daughter. A sweet and obedient daughter turns into an aggressive fury before our eyes. Sex hormones are activated by a strong release into the bloodstream, which can explain mood swings. Teenage girls do not like their new image, they do not leave the mirror for hours. An overabundance of hormones generates a lot of sexual energy. A young girl still cannot realize it, this causes excessive aggression and insolence. All parents go through such torment when patience is almost running out.

The adolescent period is still the period of the emergence of complexes. Classmates often compare their appearance with other girls, there is a desire to stand out.

To be not like everyone else, to find individuality, the beloved daughter seeks to apply a lot of cosmetics on her face, wearing unusual clothes. So she regains the lost confidence in herself, feels herself special. You will not envy a girl if she does not develop physically as quickly as her peers. This is a real tragedy, life is losing color.

Do not let the young creature plunge into the abyss of depression, otherwise complexes will settle for a long time in the subconscious that is beginning to grow up. There are cases when you cannot do without the help of a good psychologist. Help your own blood, become her best friend. In order to establish a relationship of trust, you just need to change the tone of communication. Children love communication as equals, support in striving to make decisions on their own.

Help your daughter, do not arrange interrogations with preference. Every person should have personal space. The transitional age for girls is a favorable period to establish friendly relationships in the family. It is very difficult, but nothing is impossible. Even if you are not encouraging your daughter's choice of boyfriend, refrain from harsh criticism. Show the wisdom of an adult and experienced person. Give a little more freedom, the girl will be grateful for your understanding.

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Problems of adolescence affect not only the girl herself, but also her environment. The situation is complicated by the fact that the teenager has already crossed the brink of childhood, but has not yet become an adult woman.

Hence the following problems arise: mutual misunderstanding, first feelings for the opposite sex, quarrels, stress, isolation, tantrums - it is difficult for parents to understand their daughter during this period.

Each teenager is individual, so the time of puberty does not have an exact date - and girls experience this period from 10 to 15 years. What are the features of adolescence in girls? How to survive this time with minimal losses and maintain a warm, trusting relationship?

Physiological changes

During the transitional age, the girl's body is subjected to a violent attack by hormones. She grows faster, and her appearance changes so quickly that she sometimes causes a feeling of dread. Unfortunately, during the transition period, the girl's skin requires more careful care, as a large number of blackheads and pimples appear. Such changes are caused by an increase in the fatty layer of all tissues.

The girl's body also changes its shape. The pelvic bones expand, making the thighs rounder and the buttocks more defined. At a transitional age, the girl's breasts begin to grow, and hairs appear on the armpits and pubis.

The most significant event of the transition period is the appearance of the first menstrual period.

Most girls with some fear and excitement are waiting for their appearance, because now you can proudly say about yourself "I am a woman!"

Psychological problems

In adolescence, every girl begins to worry about her imperfection. They are seriously concerned about the questions: why am I fat, why am I unlucky with boys, why am I ugly and dress the worst of all? In this situation, you need to behave correctly - show attention and take the problem seriously. Of course, mom can better talk to her daughter. To brush aside and say that these are not problems, love will come later, and the girl will not be able to dress beautifully, based on the household budget. Surely, after these words, the teenage girl will withdraw and will no longer share her problems.

What to do in this case? It will not be difficult to listen carefully to the child, show your youthful photographs and explain that with age, the figure will change, it will become less angular. You can read special literature, which will give approximate weight numbers by age. At this age, a girl can spend hours spinning around the mirror, trying on her mother's outfits and building new ones. This is a time of trial and error, when a makeup artist and hairdresser wakes up in a nascent woman. Everyone tries to put on makeup and invent a hairstyle. It's not bad if mom helps her with this and together they visit a stylist who will choose a new haircut for her. The first step towards mutual understanding will be taken.

Most often, over time, adolescent love passes, but it depends on the parental relationship whether a wound will remain in the soul or a bright memory of feelings experienced.

If mom helps her to choose a birthday present for the subject of her liking, advises how to dress so as not to scare him away, she will most likely become a real friend for the girl. And in this status, it is easier for a mother to help her experience an unrequited feeling and, of course, to protect the girl from wrong steps.

The task of parents is to support their daughter during adolescence, protect her from possible mistakes, help her find her individuality and cope with the complexes of the transitional age, which will certainly appear. It is important not only to provide support, but also to maintain a trusting relationship with your daughter.

It seems that only recently you brought a screaming little bundle home, and now this bundle has grown and turned into a wonderful girl faced with thousands of questions.

Most often, the transitional age in girls occurs at 10-11 years old, but in rare cases this moment can come 1-2 years in one direction or another. The duration of this process depends on the speed of the formation of forms and the settling of hormones in the girl's body. On average, the transitional age lasts up to 15-17 years. In some cases, with some physical or mental abnormalities, it can take up to 23-25 ​​years.

The transitional age is a difficult period during which problems appear not only for children, but also for their adult parents. How to correctly determine the transitional age for girls up to how old, and for what reasons it is delayed.
Primary signs of puberty.

Each sex age has its own signs with the help of which adults have the opportunity to identify an impending problem or conversation about first love, complexes, tantrums, depression and physiological changes.

1. There is an expansion of the pelvic bones, visually noticeable rounding of the hips and buttocks.

2. There is an increase in areola pigmentation.

3. The germination of the first hairs on the pubis and armpits begins, the mammary gland continues to grow and round.

4. There is preparation for the menstrual cycle and its immediate beginning, and establishment.

5. Unstable psychological state with frequent mood swings.

6. Passing a large amount of time in front of the mirror.

7. A striking change of wardrobe.

Physiological changes in the girl during the transition period.

The increased efficiency of the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland leads to an intensive release of hormones into the young girl's body, which, in turn, leads to lightning-fast growth and external changes that often frighten the teenager. Due to the inherent curiosity in the female being, girls begin to spend a lot of time near the mirror, trying to study and understand in detail the changes in their bodies. It was at this time that young creatures began to be most often interested in cosmetics, creams, and perfumes. External changes and rounding of the figure lead quite often and such an unpleasant thing as acne. Teenage acne is probably the biggest disorder little girls struggle with alone. Acne and transitional age in girls up to how old can walk hand in hand, directly depends on the degree of skin care. It is at this time that hundreds of questions fall on girls, the answers to which will be revealed either with your help or without it. Mom, it is at this time that your ability to listen, tell, instruct on the true path must be shown with the utmost care and a sense of tact. Girls in adolescence are very vulnerable, overcritical of their appearance. Therefore, always choose expressions regarding their wardrobe, tastes, makeup, lifestyle.

It is during this period that you can become a best friend, talking about the upcoming changes and ways to deal with them, or move away from your bloodline for many years to come.