Pension compensation for working pensioners per year. Pension for non-working pensioners. How much will the pension of non-working Russian pensioners increase

As a reminder, since 2016, working pensioners have been receiving an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it, without taking into account indexations. When a pensioner stops working, he begins to receive a full pension, taking into account all indexations that took place during the period of his work.

Starting from 2018, the procedure for payment of pensions to working pensioners after dismissal will change. Amendments to the Law "On Insurance Pensions" entered into force on January 1, 2018.

After the pensioner stops working, the full amount of the pension, taking into account all indexations, will be paid for the period from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.

Now (in 2019) the resumption of the indexation of the pension and the beginning of its payment in full occurs three months after the month of dismissal (from the date of dismissal). Changes in the new law will allow the pensioner to receive the full amount of the pension for the period from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.

For example, a pensioner will quit his job in January 2019. In February, the PFR will receive a report from the employer (for January) indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working.

In March, the FIU will receive reports in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In April, the Pension Fund of Russia will decide to resume indexation, and in May the pensioner will receive the full amount of the pension, as well as the cash difference between the previous and the new size of the pension for the previous three months - February, March, April.

That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full amount of the pension the same three months after the dismissal, but these three months will be compensated to him.

The new legal regulation applies not only to retirees who will be fired in 2019. The grounds for applying the new provisions will also be for pensioners who will quit in the fourth quarter of this year, and the decision on which will be made in January 2019.

Such pensioners will also receive an additional payment of the insurance pension for the period from the month following the month of termination of work or other activities, until the month of payment of the pension in the new amount. For all decisions that will be made by the Pension Fund of Russia by the end of December of this year, that is, until the entry into force of Law No. 134 FZ, there will be no additional payment to the insurance pension.

Will your pension be reduced if you get a job again?

If, after recalculating your pension, taking into account all missed indexations, you again get a job, the amount of your insurance pension will not be reduced.

Periodic increases in pension payments do not affect retirees who continue to work. In order to regulate the budget and optimize pension payments, in 2015 it was decided not to index pensions if a citizen works. The peculiarity of the pension system of the Russian Federation is that the size of pensions is regularly increased by a certain percentage. It is optimal if the percentage of pension indexation corresponds to the real inflation rate in Russia.

What will be the increase from January 1

In 2017, a bill was adopted establishing the indexation of pensions for all categories, including working pensioners. The changes were expected to take effect from July. But due to technical and financial difficulties, a decision was made to transfer. It was announced that the increase will be made using the inflation rate and from January 1, 2018.

However, the belief that the increase will be made based on the inflation rate has not been confirmed. The increase in pensions for working pensioners by 10% was announced, and the inflation rate for 2015 was 13%. Employee pensions were last indexed in 2015, taking into account inflation data for 2014. But it is worth considering that in January of this year, all pensioners received one-time assistance. The amount of compensation was 5 thousand rubles. and was credited to all, without exception.
Based on the fact that the average pension for working pensioners is 12-15 thousand rubles. depending on the region, then an increase can be expected in the amount of about 1.2-1.5 rubles.

The State Duma announced who gets under the increase

Pensions will be indexed in the future period, despite the deficit of the RF Pension Fund. Also, pensioners who will stop working in 2017 will be able to count on indexation earlier. Note that indexing is carried out after the termination of employment by a pensioner, but not immediately. From the moment of dismissal and the actual accrual of indexation, 2-3 months pass. They promise to fix this delay in the future.

With the introduction of new amendments, the indexation rules will be as follows:

  • indexation from the first month after dismissal;
  • start of countdown for indexing - 1 number;
  • unrepentant character.

The reform is designed to improve the position of pensioners in the Russian Federation. The changes will not affect the calculation of retirement points. The principle will remain to function, the later the retirement, the more points the citizen receives, therefore, the amount of the pension will be higher.

The dependence of the amount of the pension on the number of points can be traced in terms of the increase in the fixed payment. For example, the calculation for the current indicator (from February 1, 2017) of the fixed part is 4805.11 rubles.

Postponement in years Coefficient for calculation Increase
1 1,056 RUB 269.09
2 1,12 RUB 576.61
3 1,19 RUB 912.97
4 1,27 RUB 1,297.38
5 1,36 RUB 1,729.84
6 1,46 RUB 2210.35
7 1,58 RUB 2,786.96
8 1,73 RUB 3,507.73
9 1,9 RUB 4324.60
10 2,11 RUB 5,333.67

One-time indexing

In 2018, pensions will be indexed once a year - on January 1. Prior to that, pensions were recalculated twice a year (February 1 and April 1).

As follows from the explanatory note, the authorities decided to index the pension in 2018 once "by a large percentage at once, so as not to index it twice."

Here is what is said in the explanatory note: “The implementation of the bill will increase the level of pension provision for all non-working recipients of insurance pensions (about 30.8 million people), as well as over 0.5 million non-working military pensioners, who, along with pensions, receive state pensions. old-age insurance pension (except for a fixed payment to it). "

How much will they raise

From January 1, 2018, the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will be indexed by 3.7%. Taking into account indexation, the size of the base will be 4,982 rubles. 90 kopecks

Also, from January 1, 2018, the cost of one pension coefficient increases by 3.7% and is set at 81 rubles. 49 kopecks. This coefficient is used to calculate the pension. Thus, pensions will be indexed by 3.7%.

Indexation will take place from payments due for January. That is, for the first time, pensioners will see an increase in February, when they receive payments for January.

What about working retirees

A separate law states that it does not apply to working pensioners. That is, the pension will not be increased for working pensioners.

Since 2016, working pensioners have been receiving an insurance pension without taking into account the indexations carried out. When a pensioner stops working, he begins to receive a full pension, taking into account all indexations that took place during the period of his work.

In 2016 and 2017, the resumption of the indexation of the pension and the beginning of its payment in full took place three months after the date of dismissal. From 2018, this procedure will also take three months, but they will be compensated to the pensioner.

The payment of the full amount of the pension will be implemented as follows. For example, a pensioner quit his job in March. In April, the PFR will receive reports from the employer indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working. In May, the FIU will receive reports for April, in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In June, the Pension Fund will decide to resume indexation, and in July the pensioner will receive the full amount of the pension, as well as the cash difference between the previous and the new size of the pension for the previous three months - April, May, June. That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full amount of the pension the same three months after the dismissal, but these three months will be compensated for him (an example to take from the PFR website).

What the FIU says about increasing social benefits

From February 1, the size of the monthly cash payment (MAP) received by federal beneficiaries will be indexed to the 2017 inflation rate.

State pensions, including social pensions, will be increased from April 1 by 4.1%. As a result, the average annual social pension will grow to 9,045 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children and disabled children of the first group will be 13,699 rubles.

Pensioners who worked in 2017 will have an increase in their insurance pensions in August 2018 - the PFR will carry out the traditional unapproved adjustment of insurance pensions.

At the same time, as before, in 2018 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below the pensioner's subsistence minimum (SMP) in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pensions up to the level of primary care.

All expenses on social and pension obligations of the Pension Fund are financially secured and accounted for in the Fund's budget.

According to the pension formula, which has been in effect in Russia since 2015, in order to qualify for an old-age insurance pension in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 pension points.

The maximum number of retirement points that can be earned in 2018 is 8.7.

The expected payment period when calculating the funded pension in 2018 is 246 months. This parameter is used only to determine the size of the funded pension, while the payment of the pension itself is lifelong.

Every citizen can apply for the appointment of any type of pension without leaving home - applications for the appointment of a pension can be submitted through the Personal Account of a citizen on the PFR website or the portal of public services, where you can change the provider of the pension.

The main type of pension in Russia in 2018 will continue to be an insurance pension. The number of its recipients in 2018 is 40.35 million people. Another 4 million people are recipients of state pensions.

Since 2018, a new type of pension has been introduced in Russia - a social pension for children, both of whose parents are unknown. The reason for the emergence of a new type of pension was that children whose parents are unknown, or, more simply, "foundlings", were initially placed in an unequal financial position compared to orphans - since they did not have the right to receive a pension due to the loss of a breadwinner, since legally they never had either parent.

According to preliminary data, this pension can be set for about four thousand "foundlings".

Working pensioners in Russia are a category in which the government continues to save budget money. For the third year in a row, pensions are not indexed for working pensioners, the government does not tire of saying that this is not very fair, and the situation requires a solution as a matter of priority. But in the end, everything ends with just these conversations. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 - the latest news on a possible increase in pension payments for elderly Russians who remain at work on the website portal.

When indexation was canceled for working pensioners

This happened in 2016. Those senior citizens of Russia who retired in 2015 or earlier and have been working in recent years receive their pension at the same level as three years ago. All indexations that were carried out from 2016 to 2018 did not affect them.

In Russia, about ten million pensioners continue to work after retirement. Freezing pensions for such people gives the country's budget substantial savings. The only question is whether this is an acceptable source of savings.

What amount of working pensioners lose in 2018 due to the freeze of pensions

  • 2016 - by 4%,
  • 2017 - by 5.8%,
  • 2018 - by 3.7%.

Thus, if an elderly resident of Russia in 2015 was already a pensioner and has been working since the same year, then for every thousand rubles of his pension, he should have received another 141 rubles based on the results of three indexations.

That is, if the pension of such a person is today equal to 10,000 rubles, then if indexations were carried out, it would already be equal to 11,410 rubles. The pensioner loses almost 1,500 rubles every month due to the freeze.

Of course, if a pensioner got a job in 2017, and in 2016 his pension was recalculated, we get slightly different numbers. As is the case with those pensioners who retired after 2016. But the general meaning, when dealing with specific numbers, becomes better understood.

Yes, the pensions of working pensioners grow slightly due to additional seniority (more on this below), but such an increase turns out to be very insignificant, and in our example it can be neglected.

Pensions for working pensioners remain frozen in 2018

All indexations that were planned for 2018 have already been completed. Thus, in January, old-age pensions for non-working pensioners, as well as military pensions, were increased. Social pensions were recalculated in April.

These are all indexation of pensions, which are spelled out in the 2018 budget.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that only old-age pensions for working Russians have been frozen. If a person receives a social pension and at the same time works, such a payment will be indexed in any case.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 is possible only in one case

This case is the dismissal of a pensioner from work, at least formally. After dismissal from the workplace, the pension will be recalculated to the person, taking into account all those indexations that did not affect him due to the freeze.

That is, if we take the notional pensioner from the example above with a pension of 10,000 rubles, who retired until 2016 and worked all recent years, then his pension will automatically increase to 11,410 rubles, which we received as a result of our calculation.

It is important to know that in 2018 the scheme for recalculating the amount of pensions changed in this case!

Until the end of 2017, the pension was recalculated only three months after the dismissal due to some peculiarities of accounting in organizations and the timing of filing reports on employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In 2018, the recalculation follows from the next month after the dismissal. However, the pensioner will receive money in his hands in the same three months.

Let's figure out how it works:

  1. Suppose a retiree quit in May 2018 (no matter what date).
  2. Since June, according to the law, he is entitled to a higher pension, taking into account indexation. But the FIU does not yet know about this.
  3. In June, the organization where the pensioner worked submits reports for May to the Pension Fund, where the pensioner is still recorded as an employee. Even if he only worked for one day.
  4. In July, new reports come in - for June. There is no longer a pensioner as an employee. The FIU understands that a pensioner should be indexed as he no longer belongs to the category of workers.
  5. In August 2018, the pensioner receives a higher pension, which is recalculated taking into account all missed indexations, as well as the difference between the new and old pension amounts for June and July.

If we return to the conditional pensioner from our example, who received exactly ten thousand rubles of pension, then after being fired he will receive the same 10,000 rubles for another two months. In the third month, he will already receive 14,230 rubles in his hands. This is 11.410 rubles - his new pension, as well as 1.410 rubles for the previous two months. Then the pensioner will receive his 11,410 rubles and fall under all the indexation of old-age pensions as not working.

In connection with the described feature, it is important for a pensioner to plan the time of dismissal correctly. It is better to do this at the end of the month, rather than at the beginning of the next. Then, over the next month, he will be entitled to indexation of his pension.

In August 2018, pensions for working pensioners will increase. Maximum for 245 rubles

August is the traditional month when working retirees receive a slight increase in their pensions. This is due to the fact that the person worked for another year and earned additional retirement points.

Unfortunately, the state has set a limit on the number of points that a working pensioner can receive, namely, three points. In 2018, one pension point costs 81 rubles 49 kopecks. Thus, even in the most favorable scenario, when a person receives a sufficiently high salary, he will receive an increase in his pension in the amount of no more than 244 rubles 47 kopecks. For most, the amount will be less.

Will the indexation of pensions be returned to working pensioners in 2018 - latest news from parliament

With nearly ten million voters feeling injustice due to the pension freeze, for the government and parliament, this topic remains one of those that are periodically raised.

So, in 2018, there is not a single faction in the State Duma that, in one way or another, would not offer to return indexation. The Communist Party faction introduced a bill in the winter to return to the practice of indexing pensions for working pensioners from February 1, 2018. LDPR deputies introduced a similar bill on the return of indexation from July 1. "Fair Russia" offered not only to return to indexation, but also to pay pensioners compensation for the money they lost due to the freeze over the past years.

Even the ruling party, United Russia, has asked Prime Minister Medvedev to raise the issue of lifting the pension freeze for working pensioners in the new government.

By the way, the same Prime Minister Medvedev, back in April 2017, assured the Duma deputies, speaking in parliament, that defrosting pensions is a priority for the government. The problem is that this task has not been solved even after a year. In 2017, we recall that the economic block of the Cabinet of Ministers calculated the cost of the issue of returning indexations for working pensioners and considered that the budget was beyond the power of the budget.

Thus, so far there is absolutely no specificity regarding the defrosting of pensions. It is clear that any deputy or official, if asked such a question, will say that this is a problem that needs to be urgently addressed and that the state is concerned about it. Only in practice it is possible to wait for a solution to the problem for an infinitely long time.

Alas, it has not yet been possible to please working pensioners with good news. It remains only to observe and hope that at least an increase in the price of oil and the additional money that the treasury receives due to this will finally allow the state to solve this protracted problem.