Speech development abstract in the senior group. Travel to the fairy forest. Plan-Abstract Speech Development Lesson (Senior Group) on the topic: Abstract ODO for speech development in the senior group "Fabulous Country"

Natalia Klynienkova
"Guess the description"

Purpose of the game: To form a skill in children objectwithout looking at him, finding essential signs; by description to recognize the subject.

Gaming rules: To talk about the subject it is necessary so that the children will not immediately guess about him, so it is impossible to look at the subject. On the shelf are various items.

Gaming actions: Transfer ribbons. Guessing, as told the participant of the game.

Material: Ribbon, toys.

Literature: A. K. Bondarenko. Didactic games in kindergarten.

Running game classes:

1. Organizational moment:

Guys, remove toys and go, please, to me.

Stand up, please in the circle. Look at yourself, on a neighbor, we give myself in order. Soothe and listen to me carefully!

Guests came to us, let's say hello!

Guys we will now play and be with you describe objects.

We are surrounded by many items. The items are the same and there are differ from each other. Each item has its own shape, color, magnitude. He needs a person for something. In our group Also many items that we need. And the items are all already familiar. Objects like themselves talk about themselves.

We have already talked about familiar subjects, riddled about them riddles.

I will tell you about the subject now, and you have to guess.

Rectangular, smooth, has four legs, they are sitting behind it, eat, draw, pested. What is it?

Brilliant, with a spout. It is boiled water. What is the name of the subject?

They are square, multicolored. Of these, you can build a house, a tower. What is it?

Now we will play with you. .Tube sat on the chairs.

2. The main part.

Guys let the objects of our room will tell about themselves, and we description GuessWhat item says.

Choose yourself every thing and speak for it. Only to observe the rules games: When you tell about the subject, do not look at him so that we cannot immediately guess. And speak only about those subjects that are in the room. I put a ribbon in hand to any playing, he gets up and gives description of the subjectAnd then transmits a ribbon to those who will guess.

Guys i give you time to choose a subject for descriptions And prepare for the answer.

First i will describe me. Listen to me carefully.

It is multicolored, round shape. It can be thrown up, roll on the ground, and in group can not be playedSince you can smash the window. All children love to play with him. (I give a ribbon who will guess.)


R: - Round, smooth, green, and from one Boca red, bite it-tasty, juicy. (Sends a ribbon to someone who will guess.)

R: -This Apple.

R: Brilliant, with a nose with a handle, in it boiled water.

R:- Teapot.

R: - There are many leaflets on which words and pictures. Adults read fairy tale children.

R: - This is a toy, it is fluffy, orange. She has a long beautiful tail, narrow face, cunning eyes. (transmits a ribbon to those who will guess.)

R: -Proof, smooth. He has four legs, they are sitting behind it, eat, draw, pested. (transmits a ribbon to those who will guess.)and. t. d.



Here is a big pyramid

(stretch up)

And cheerful ball ring

(jumping in place)

Soft Bear Kosolapoy

(steps in place, on the outside of the foot)

Everyone lives in a big box

(show a large square)

But when I go to sleep

(hands under the cheek, close your eyes)

Start everyone to play

(portray any movement)

The game "Name and describe the subject"

And now, guys, play such a game. You must call the subject that lies on the shelf,

The one who will pass the ribbon will be object. Let's play?

(3-4 children will describe items.)

The game "Wonderful bag"

Guys, see what I have in my hands (Wonderful pouch)

I have toys lying in my bag. Who am I call, he will lower his hand in the bag and takes one toy to the touch and tell about her. The bag will open if description Guess the subject. The one who rents will receive a ribbon.

(3-4 children)


Guys doing on classes?

What did we play?

Guys, did you like the game?

Whose description I liked the subject?

Well done, children! At the following classes Let's play another game. She will also be interesting. The occupation is completed.

Publications on the topic:

"Didactic allowance for speech development. "Find out the description or make up a story." In the group for the development of speech, the guys were created here.

Abstract Speech Development Claim in the Elder Group Department of Education of the city of Moscow South District Department of Education State budgetary educational institution of the city.

Game "Guess the description". Objective: to educate in children the ability to take into account all the signs of the subject, develop observation.

Abstract Node for speech development. Drawing up a story on the description of indoor plants Abstract Node Educational Region "Speech Development" "Drawing up a story on the description of indoor plants." Software content: 1.

Abstract Speech Development Claim in the Elder Group An abstract of classes in the educational area "Speech Development" in the elder group Objective: to learn to conduct a sound analysis of the word, continue.

Abstract Cognitive development and development of speech in the senior group "Travel to the Autumn Forest" Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of children about autumn. Tasks: educational: fix the ability to highlight the distinctive signs of autumn, mushrooms,.

Description: I offer you an abstract classes for the children of the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic "in the country of fairy tales". This material will be useful to educators of senior preschoolers, as well as for students of pedagogical colleges. This is a summary of the development of speech aimed at raising the interest of children to fairy tales and theatrical gaming activities.

Speech development in the senior group on the topic "In the country of fairy tales"

Software content: Develop the ability to recognize individual fairy tales according to characteristic features and be able to beat them, intensify speech, enrich the vocabulary, to teach the words adjectives from the words of nouns, determining heroes; Maintain interest in fairy tales and theatrical and game activities, to bring up a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and each other.

Demonstration material: Pano for drawing up the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut, cards for word formation with drawn animal body parts, aidactic manual - a cube with fairy tales, a tv layout, a fairytale suit elements, the dolls of the theater on the shell and the theater doll on the rods.

Structure occupation

Educator: Hello, children!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Children and you know what does this magic word "Hello" mean?

Children: be healthy when we greet someone means, we wish these people health.

Educator: But let's go and play the game that is called "Hello" (children perform movements along the way words along with the educator)

Game "Hello"

Educator: Hello legs!

Children: Sred-Svoy-Those! (Hands on the belt, march in place, high raising her knees and pulling her sock on every syllable)

Educator: Hello Palm!

Children: Sred-Svoy-Those! (Cotton in your hands on each syllable, simultaneously with the words).

Educator: Hello brushes!

Children: Sred-Svoy-Those! (head turns to the right left)

Educator: Hello Sponges!

Children: Sred-Svoy-Those! (Air kisses each other)

Educator: Well done. Guys, would you like to be wizards? What magic items would you like to have? (boots - swords, carpet - airplane, cap - invisible, magic shoe).

What are they for you? Do you want to meet a fairy tale today? Then we go to the fabulous country, but on what we will get to guess the mystery to help.


In any place, he will report you

Where you wish for yourself

And you will not have time to look back

How to meet suddenly with wonders

And at all you do not need a pilot

After all, this is a magical ... (carpet plane)

Well done, guess, and here and my magic assistant sits on the carpet - the plane he will bring us into the country of fairy tales. 1,2,3 take off, eyes all closed

We fly to wonderland, past Blue Heaven 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, you can open the eyes (the educator is reincarnated in a fairy tale with the help of the costume elements: Kokoshnik and a fabulous sarafan apron)

Meets Fairy Tale: Hello, Guys! I am a fairy tale. Who knows why I was called this? Today we will meet with different good fairy tales. But the trouble happened in my fabulous country. Guys, an evil wizard angry at me, and enchanted all my fairy tales, maybe you will help me awake?

Children: Yes, we will help.

Here is the first task: This is my cube with fairy tales, if you correctly answer my questions, then you will find out what fairy tales are hiding in this cube.

The first fairy tale hides under the number 1, listen to my question: what a fairy tale "a girl sits in a basket, someone behind the back" (Masha and the Bear) or

The second tale under the number 2

Guess the fairy tale on the riddle:

"There is no river nor a pond

Where to get drunk?

Delicious water

In the hole from the woe "(sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)

Next tale under the number 3

You need to learn from what fairy tale this passage (any passage from the Gus-Swan's fairy tale)

Well, well done.

And the rest of the fairy tales you guess if unleash the nodules of the fabulous glider. We must guess what fairy tales curled into the ball:

"Lived grandfather and baba, and they had a rush chicken. Once demolished, the egg chicken rush. Put his woman on the window to confirm. And the grandfather went to pull the repka. Pulls, pulls, and can't pull out. " ("Ryaba chicken", "Kolobok", "Repka").

Thank you helped you wander my fabulous ball. But that's not all. I have a magic TV, which shows different fairy tales, but also broke it with an evil sorcerer, the image was gone, all the characters became invisible, so it is necessary to guess the hero of the fairy tale in one fragment of the body.

Working with cards (word formation):

Petuha scallop - cock, bear paws - Bear, Fox's tail - Lisi, Zaita ears - hare.

So what kind of fairy tale is enchanted in my TV?

Children: "Zayushkina Hut".

And what fox was in this fairy tale? (evil, tricky, deft)

Look carefully and tell me: what bunny in the fairy tale was the hut? Children: Bunny had a luban hut.

And what does Lubyana mean? (Wooden)

And what is the fox what is the hut?

What happened to the bunny in this fairy tale?

(Fox asked to get sick to the bunny, and then he kicked him out)

And who helped a bunny in his trouble?

(Dog, Bear and Cockerel)

How fox animals scared? (as I will jump out how to emphasize, the shreds on the ordinants will go)

Who did not scare fox and helped the bunny to drive a fox? (Cockerel)

And what words did he speak? (I carry the braid on the shoulders, I want a fox)

Now let's play with you

Fingering game in pairs "Zayushkina Hug"

(Children stand opposite each other)

Our bunny in the hut has lived (hands above the head, fingers are interconnected in the form of a house)

He never served (head turns from side to side)

Song fun he sang (nod head)

And on the twin duddy (imitation of the game on the puddle)

But chanterelle knocked (knocking a cam o camouflage)

Zaita of our foreclino (clap your hands).

Now the bunny is sad walks (spin).

He does not find a place for himself (sigh, and breed hands on the parties)

And a dog and a bear (wagging the "tail", then swinging from side to side)

To the hare are suitable (suitable for each other),

And they leave with anything (diverge).

Only the only rooster

Our hare helped (mashed to up-down hands).

And now live in the house (hands above your head, the fingers are interconnected in the form of a house)

Nadvyuchi, in Lada (hug each other).

Well, well done here we remembered a little bit of this fairy tale. And now you want to see her and show yourself? I have dolls and you will now be artists, and one of you will be the audience (at the request of children). Children-artists choose at the request of dolls on a shell, dolls on ropes from the theater)

Dramatic of the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hug"

Fairy tale:

Artists guys visited

And you guys have shown a fairy tale.

Artists, spectators, all were good

Praise each other from the soul!

Thank you guys, you are very interested.

You are all such well done, thank you for reviving my fabulous heroes, they helped to argue the evil spells of the sorcerer and for it I want to thank you and give you these books of homemakes with different dolls for the desktop theater. I also want to reward you with medals for your good heart and for helping to argue all my fairy tales, thank you very much. Well, now it's time for you to fly back to your group, get up to the carpet of the plane and he will take you to where you wish.

Software tasks:

  1. Educational:

Expand children's presentation about different types of transport;

Continue to acquaint with professions (driver, driver, pilot, cosmonaut, etc.).

2. Speech:

Enrich the speech of children with adjectives that characterize the relationship between people and their relationship to work (a bold pilot, a malicious engineer, attentive chauffeur, etc.);

Exercising in the selection of words with the opposite value (weak - strong, cowardly - brave, stupid - smart, etc.);

Fasten the right and distinct utility of the sound "P", to learn to determine the sound of sound in the word (beginning, middle, end).

Develop the articulation apparatus;

To form the ability to make a small story of a creative nature on the topic: "Wonderful car."

3. Developing:

Develop attention, thinking, communicative qualities, imagination.

4. Formation of training skills:

Continue to teach children carefully listen to the educator and answer questions, to fulfill the task, correctly evaluate the results of their activities;

5. Educational:

Educate respect for the work of adults.


Demonstration: laptop, ball, demonstration board, illustration on the topic: "Transport", cards from the "Material" series, "way of movement", "sound", "smell".

Structure occupation

1. The ongoing part.


About man, what profession is this mystery?

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He does not lead the plane,

And a huge rocket,

Children who, tell me, is it?



I will tell you about the profession of astronaut, and you correct me if I confuse something in my story.

Verbal game: "Say on the contrary"

- Cosmonaut flies into space on a small rocket. (large)

He explores space, where little stars and planets. (lot)

Cosmonaut should be weak (strong), cowardly (bold), stupid (smart), lazy (hardworking) and scattered (attentive).

Well done guys, you corrected all the mistakes in my story.

2. Home part.


Guys, I suggest you today to become astronauts and go to the space journey. Before flying into space, all the astronauts pass special training. We will take such training and we are with you.

Articulating gymnastics.

  1. Exercise "Smile"

Widely smile so that the teeth are not visible. Keep so smile.

2. Exercise "Whose teeth is cleaner?"

Wide open your mouth, hide the tongue for the upper teeth and clean them with the tongue of the tongue from the inside, making the movement of the tongue from side to the side.

3. Exercise "Horse"

Open your mouth and skip loud and vigorously. Try to jump only the tongue, the lower jaw is fixed.


Here you are ready to go to the space journey. Sit at the tables, take places in our rocket.

Sit smoothly, rectate the backs, so that when you takeoff it is easier to overcome the earthly attraction. Before the flight it is necessary to check the operation of the engine of our rocket. Let's get them together (fixing the pronunciation of sound "R - R - R")

Children utter the sound loudly, quiet, alternate boys and girls, individually.


Engines to fly are ready. Include control devices. I will call words, and you slap in your hands, if you hear in the word sound "p"

Rocket, rose, machine, frost, fence, steering wheel, sun, cow, ax, painting.

(Children select the necessary words and determine the sound of "P" in the word).


All systems are included, it remains to enter a password in our on-board computer. Let's say together: "Ra - Ra - Ra - in Cosmos to fly to us!" (Individual and choral answers).

Filty! (The tutor includes a slide with an image of space on a computer). I see a stranger planet ahead. (slide with the image of the planet). Let's see who lives on this planet with the help of on-board video devices.

The educator switches the slides with the image of the types of transport, clarifies that it hangs pictures on the board.

And who in our planet Earth manages transport?

A verbal game: "Who is managed?"

Who drives a car, bus? (driver, driver) What should have a chauffeur? So what driver drives a car, bus? (attentive, disciplined)

Who manages the plane? (Pilot) What pilot drives the plane? (brave, dressed, brave)

Who manages the ship? (Captain) What should Captain be? (skillful, dressed, attentive)

Who manages the rocket? (cosmonaut) What should be a cosmonaut? (skillful, brave, strong)

Who manages the train? (driver) What kind of driver should be? (attentive, disciplined, vile)

Who manages a motorcycle? (motorcyclist) What should a motorcyclist be? (attentive, brave)


And now let's try to establish contact with the inhabitants of the planet. Get out, get up in a circle.

Wonderful game: "compliment"

Guys, what do you think, what nice words can I say when meeting with each other? (compliment). Let's play the game with you, which is called "compliment." Turning by name to each other, say a compliment. (children perform task)

The verbal game: "Name gentle".

And now let's call all the inhabitants of the planet. To whom I'll throw the ball, he calls.

machine - machine,

truck - truck,

airplane - Airplane,

helicopter - helicopter,

rocket - Racket,

bike - cyclik,

ship - boat,

boat - Boat,

bus - Bus.


Well done boys. You perfectly coped with the task. I hear the signal in the connection compartment of our rocket. (Children sit at the tables).

So there is, we came to the message. I can not understand anything. Some words. Let's decipher the message together and make a proposal from words.

  1. Machine, ride, road.
  2. Airplane, sky, flies, high.
  3. Big, waves, ship swimming.
  4. Highway, car rushing.
  5. Shop, about, motorcycle, stopped.
  6. Rides, path, cyclist.


So we made friends with the inhabitants of the planet. Let's make a gift for our new friends - come up with a new car. What will she be? Let's lay out its model.

The teacher draws the attention of children to a magnetic board, on which cards from the Material series, "Method of Movement", "Sound", "Smell".


First we define, from which material this machine will be made (the child chooses a game card from the series: "Material").

What will our car be?

And now it is necessary to determine how it will move? (The child chooses a card from the game series "Method of Movement") How does our car move?

1. To form skills to generalize, classify.

2. Expand vocabulary through participation in verbal speech games.

3. Exercise in dividing the word on syllables, in the selection of antonyms and synonyms.

4. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bfantasy, develop a holistic perception of folk fairy tales, a figurative presentation, an emotional scope of children.

5. Brief friendly attitude towards each other, initiative.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Children's garden of the general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities on the physical development of children number 34" Killing "of the city of Novocheboksarsk Chuvash Republic

Open speech development in the older group: "Journey to the country of beautiful speech"


educator MBDOU.

"Kindergarten № 34" Mounts "

Efimova Natalie Evgenievna

Novocheboksarsk- 2015 year


1. To form skills to generalize, classify.

2. Expand vocabulary through participation in verbal speech games.

3. Exercise in dividing the word on syllables, in the selection of antonyms and synonyms.

4. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bfantasy, develop a holistic perception of folk fairy tales, a figurative presentation, an emotional scope of children.

5. Brief friendly attitude towards each other, initiative.

Wordwork: Fantasy, Sun: Bright, radiant, bright, hot.

Materials and equipment: sun with rays, recording melody "Magic Music"

"Wonderful bag."

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment.


Today in the class we will go on a trip to the fairytale city of beautiful speech. Finding into this fabulous city, people change a little. Want to know how? Then way. Since the city is unusual, then we will go on the journey in an unusual way: with the help of fantasy.

What is fantasy? (Fantasy is our dreams when we are about something we dream, something invent something that does not really do.

Before going to this journey, let's remember the rules:

1. Every day is always, everywhere,

In class in the game,

Loudly, clearly, speak,

Nowhere we are not in a hurry.

2. If you want to answer, not the noise,

Only hand raise.

So, we go to the city of beautiful speech. (Fairy-tale music)

Please close your eyes. Imagine that we fly in a balloon through the clouds. We see at home at home, plants, forests, fields that surround it, hearing the murmur of the river, feel the smell of fresh air after the rain.

2. The main part.

So we arrived. Look, guys, what is it? Goal. - And on the gate - the castle. Let's open it. And it will help us with a finger gymnastics "Castle" The children get into the circle and perform their finching gymnastics.

On the door hanging the castle.

Who would it be able to open it?

Knocked (on this word rhythmically tapping about the bases of the palms, not extinguishing the fingers)

Twisted (not extinguishing your fingers, one hand pull to myself, the other from myself, alternately changing them

Pulled (pull the handles in different directions, straightening your fingers, but not letting the castle completely.)

And opened ! (Racing hands sharply, spread them wide on the parties.)

Castle, we opened, well done!

Oh, guys, and here a letter!

Dear beloved our guys, help us! Evil wizards enchanted our city:

All we have: and at home, and fields, and forests, and tracks, and rivers and sunshine.

Help us argue our city!

It is necessary to help the inhabitants of this city. Help? Yes.

Then, guess the riddle:

Among the blue field bright shine of a large fire

Slowly the fire goes, the land - the mother is bypassed,

Shines fun in the window. They guessed this ... the sun.

Just for some reason it is sad? He has no races.

Evil wizards and it were enchanted, the rains scattered in different directions. Let's find them all together!

To argue the rays need to perform tasks.

The educator reads the tasks recorded on the rays and completing the tasks, attachs the rays to the sun.

1 task.

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way. (B. Shines a small flashlight, light falls on the picture with the image of animals)

"Name affectionately" teacher, throwing the ball to the child calls the word, and he calls him gentle.

Exemplary words. Monkey, Hippopotamus, Fox, Hare, Caban, Bear, Squirrel

2 task

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way. (V. Shines with a small flashlight, light falls on the picture with the image of the garden and the garden)

"Name in one word"

Pear, apple, peach, plum (fruit)

Tulip, Iris, Astra, Rose (Flowers)

Tomato, Cucumber, Carrot, Beet (Vegetables)

Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry, Gooseberry (Berries)

Dill, parsley, salad, sorrel (greens)

Game "Clappers"

(The child learns to stalk words, dividing them to syllables

GRU - Sha, Sli - Vi, Lee - Mont , PER - SICK, AB - RI -braid

a - Pel - Sin, Man - Da - Rin, Yab - Lo.

"Words - relatives"

Where grow fruit? (In the garden ) Who cares for the garden? (gardener)

What are the plants that grow in the garden? (garden)

Name what words - the relatives and I said.

3 task.

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way. (B. Shines with a small flashlight, light falls on the picture with the image of the garage with transport)

"What is superfluous? "

Airplane, helicopter, fighter, tree

Orange, boat, motor ship, boat

Machine, motorcycle, grasshopper,

Bike, scooter, moped, quad bike, table.

Fizminutka "flowers grow in the meadow"

Flowers grow on the meadow

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers stretch to the sun. With them stretch and you.

The wind blows sometimes

Only it is not trouble.

Flowers are leaning, lowering petals.

And then get up again

And still bloom.

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way. (V. Shines a small flashlight, light falls on the river)

Guys, tell me what makes the river?

Children. The river flows, runs, rumbles, noise, splash, boil, worried, hits, etc.

What children do I have great? Many words were called. Now play with pebbles, slide them in the palms. (A minute later he collects pebbles.) Return the pebble of the river and tell her for the game "Thank you" (audio recording "River Sounds"),

How the river will say a magical word - fall asleep cradies, forgotten about the fight.

What do you think children who else can live in the river?

Children. Fish can live in the river.

4 task

Ah, kids, children, the inhabitants of the city happened trouble-mechanics in the river were enchanted. Without your help, they can not do. To fish fall into the river, they need to be called.

The educator opens pictures attached to the easel. Children call them choir or individually. Correctly named pictures, children belong to the river.

And what fish do we have left?

Children. Dolphin, Skat, Fish - Hammer.

Why can't they live in the river?

The teacher brings children to the fact that marine fish live in the sea or in the ocean.

Well done boys! You helped a lot. Fish do not know how to talk, but they like to smile, and they have different smiles. (Decrably reads the beginning of the poem, children negotiate the last words).

If this is a fish - she has a smile, if this is a fish - she has .... (smile),

If this is a fish - she has ... (Smile), if this is a fishing - her ... (Smile),

If this is a fishery - her ... (smile)

Here are some smiling fun fish inhabit our magic river.

5 task.

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way. (V. Shines with a small flashlight, light falls on the picture with the image of the plant)

"Name signs"

In the country, beautiful speech live amazing words that can call different signs of items:

Matryoshka from a tree ...

Leather bag…

If the handle is made of plastic, then ...

Boy with wide shoulders- ...

Brick house ...

Porcelain saucer ...

6 task

Magic light, help

We will point out the way. (In. Shines on a poster with the image of trees)

Q: - What did this ray fell?

D: - on a tree

Q: And on the tree, see what is there? Is there any leaves?

D: - No, there are no leaves.

Q: - Guys, give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play in the game "Tell the opposite"

Didactic game "Tell the opposite"

Day Night

Sugar - Sol.

Clean - dirt

Winter summer

Ceiling - floor

narrow - Wide / Skirt /

long - short / dress /

strong - weak / Athlete /

cheerful - sad / girl /

high - low / person /

Laughs - crying / child /

Lies - Sits / Man /

Close - Open / Book /

Takes off - sits / aircraft /

Putting - removes / sweater /

(On each leafle, the word is written - the children call him the opposite and the teacher sticks the leaf on the tree)

Guys, and from what the words consist? From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language share? On vowels and consonants.

How are vocal sounds pronounce? Easy, freely, come on, stretch.

Let's call them. A, o, y, and, s, uh

And what obstacles meet air in the mouth when we pronounce consonant sounds?

Name them b in g d z z, etc.

And now you cook your ears, listen carefully words, determine which sound is repeated in all words?

cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, sink, parade, joy.

Lipa, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, TV, Polyana.

Vase, Mimosa, Birch, thunderstorm, dental, music.


Guys, so shone the sun in this wonderful city. What is it? .

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays are warmed by our cheeks, nose, hands, fingers. It was very warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate. The rays ran on the clouds, in the fields, in the forests, in colors and smoked all


Well done, the inhabitants of this extraordinary city tell you: "Thank you so much! "

Go home, close your eyes and imagine that we fly in a balloon through the clouds. We see the forest, fields, hearing the murmur of the river, feel the smell of fresh air after the rain. Music sounds.

So we arrived at the kindergarten and our occupation ended.

What did you like best?

What was especially difficultabout?