A summary of the spiritual and moral development of children in the middle group on the topic "The smile will save the world! "Dear good." Open exercise on spiritual and moral education

Galina Ponomareva
An abstract classes in the middle group on the spiritual and moral education "Basket of Good Deed"

« Box of good deed»

purpose: Deeperate View pupils about kindness - as a valuable quality of man. Improve communicative skills (ability to listen to the comrades, sincerely express your opinion, show goodwill To the judgments of other people). Cultural communication skills with peers, following speech etiquette. Achieve benevolent Intonation expressive speech.

Material K. lesson: Tape recorder, records on disk: "Barbariki" - "Song of O. kindness» . Magic "Fabulous melody", Fairy costume and magic wand, magic casket With treats for children, easel, flannelph, flower with five petals, white napkin, shining flower, coffee table.

Structure occupation

Educator: Let's say hello to guests. There is a good sign, everyone in the morning give the lead. The sun is red ...

Children: Hello

IN: Sky clear ...

D.: Hello.

IN: People adults and kids ...

D.: Hello you from all soul.

IN: Every new day should be started with a good mood. We will take everything by hands, close your eyes and give each other our kindnessWhat lives in our heart. Feel like on your hands, your heat is passed out of the palm in the palm and kindness. And now they opened all the eyes, smiled and quietly sat down at the stool. Guys Listen to one song, and tell me what it comes in it. (Enabled "Barbariki" - "What kindness» One verse).

D.: The song is on the song kindness.

IN: Let's tell you all together with you « Kindness» . Amazing, magical word. And how do you understand what is kindness?

Answers children:

IN: Think and tell me about someone or what you can say « kind» ?

D.: About man, about actions.

IN: good personSo what else is it?

D.: Attentive, responsive, everyone helps, polite.

IN: And if a person is not kind, what is he?

D.: Angry, greedy, rough, all offend.

IN: Guys in want to visit the magic country, I also want. And in order to get there to get to all quietly get up, turn in one direction, then to another and sit down, closing your eyes. (Children perform). Magic recording sounds - "Fabulous melody". (At that time educator Quickly clothes cape, the crown and takes a magic wand in hand). AND he speaks: 1,2,3,4,5 - you can open the eyes. So we are with you and found yourself in a magical country, how do you think who am I? (Children's responses) I am a fairy, and you are my assistants, we should be today good, polite. Guys I had a beautiful casket, I prepared her for you, but the evil sorceress grabbed her and hid it. You want to find casket and find out what's in it? The evil sorcerer prepared for you a job if you do casket will be with us. Well what are we going to do? (Children's responses) Look, ( educator Opens the curtain on the easel and children see the flower). Let's consider with you how many flowers here? 1,2,3,4 (Individual and choral answers) Who will call me what color petals (red, orange, blue, purple). The guys under each petal evil witch prepared a task. Nikita give me a red petal: 1 task the game: Replace good words».

Evil - kind

Not polite - polite

Rough - gentle

Take away - give, give

Scold - praise

Offend - protect

Sad - Merry

Break - fix

Sloppy - neat

Well done my helpers with the task coped. Arina give me an orange petal. Next task - "Name affectionate word". Everyone got up near their chairs, I will call words, such as the sun, and you have to say the sun

Bird - Bird

Tree tree

Tale - fairy tale

Hare - bunny

Fox - Lisuka

Apple - Apple

Hand - knob

Ring - ring

Table - table

Cat - kitty

Dog - doggy

Mom - Mommy

Grass - grass

Guys, you liked gentle words, yes, gentle words soul warmed. Fizkultminutka "The wind blows to us in the face". Nastya give me a blue petal. Guys guess the mystery

He sits under the tree

Come to him to be treated

And cow and wolf,

All will heal heales ...

Good doctor Aibolit.

Guys, we read such a fairy tale, remember who wrote this fairy tale? That's right K. I. Chukovsky, it is a children's writer, he loved the children very much and wrote a lot of fairy tales, and one of his fairy tales "Aibolit". Tell me the guys Dr. Aibolit, what was it? Why he was called dobrym? And when animals got into Africa in Africa, Doctor Aibolit that decided? Yes, he immediately went on the road, but the path was not close, who helped Aibolita in the way? Right, shaggy wolves, whale and eagles. What do you think I cured the beasts aibolit. Yes because he kind and treats all animals. In fairy tales always good wins evil. Sofia give me a purple petal. The game: "Boarding Sloves"

Even an ice boulder melts, from the word warm: Thank you.

When I praises for pranks to say ... please. Please.

The child is smart and developed at the meeting says .... Although.

With this task you also coped, well done. Here you guys have fulfilled all the tasks of the evil witch, look from ours with you good Affairs from polite and affectionate words, a flower appeared on my palm - kindness. Look he glows. (Fairy inconspicuously includes it) Children are considered. I give him guys to you, 1,2,3,4,5 - there will be miracles again. Fairy gets from under the napkin cabinet. Here are the guys this magic casket. (Open and watch). Let me put it next to the magic flower, and we again need to become guys and return from a magical country in group. (Witchcraft, Magic Melody) 1,2,3,4,5 you can open eyes. Well, we were again in group.

Analysis: You i liked the lesson? What were we talking about with you today? Yes guys polite words and good Actions really create wonders. They make people all over the world dobre, Better, cleaner soul. You were all active today, performed all the tasks, well done.

Abstract Classes Middle Group (4-5 years)
Topic: "In the world of good"

Purpose: To form and fix the presentation of children about friendship, about each other. Cross the children to perform good acts in relation to a friend, close, neighbors, comrades. Continue to improve socially communicative skills (listen to comrades, the ability to respond to the assigned question, exercise goodwill). Exercise in the ability to carefully paint drawings, show fantasy, curiosity, thinking in the process of drawing. Bring the work started to the completed end.

Continue to fix the skill to draw a house, its components;
Fasten the skills and techniques of work with a pencil ( the ability to keep the pencil correctly, the direction of the painting).
Development of coordination of eyes and hands, possession of brush hands;
Develop imagination, independence, initiative.
Cause positive emotions from the work done;
Develop creative abilities, work independently.

Integration of educational areas: Socio-communicative development, cognitive-speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development (in accordance with GEF).

Methods and techniques:
Visual: viewing photo albums, illustrations, observation, use of ICT.
Wonderful: reading fiction, conversations, explanation and discussion of work, selection of poems, mysteries.
Practical: joint and individual work of children and educators, generalization, surprise moments, analyzing drawings.

Material and equipment:
ball, computer (or interactive board), landscape sheet (for each child), color pencils.

Also an interesting lesson for moral education:

Preliminary work:
Reading the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut", "Fedorino Mount". The didactic game is "good and bad", "pick up the word", "Guess the Word".

Travel course:
On the computer screen (interactive board) Screensaver "Journey to the City of Good".
Children semicircle sit on the carpet.
Educator:Hello, my good, hello, my priest. How glad I am glad to see healthy smiling and it means that you have a good mood. Listen to me carefully and you will find out what awaits us today. Friends, and today we go on a journey, to the most unusual. Do everyone love to travel? (children answer -yes! )

Educator: We go to where the laughter always sounds, a smile and joy shines on the faces, and in the circle so quietly and calmly, and this is the magical city of good. (children get up, music sounds) Prepared:
Became, concerned
In the magical city of good we found yourself.

Educator: Oh, how beautiful here is quiet and calm. And the inhabitants of the magical city with what radiant smiles. And so that a smile shone on our faces, I suggest you play the game "Smile to a friend." Children get into the circle and transmit each other a ball. Everyone must call the affectionate word nearby (clockwise) and smile (the game)And who will say to me: hard or just speak pleasant, good words to other people? (children answer)

Educator: Sure! And now we will take everything by arms, feel warm and the power of our comrades. Reads poem (Educator):
Friendly with a bird breeze,
And dew - with grass.
Friends with a flower pchelka,
We are friends with you.
All with friends in half, we are glad to divide!
Only quarrel friends -

Educator: appeals to children - What is the saying about this poem? (Children answer - About friend, friendship )

Educator: Right, friends! And we never need to quarrel with friends. But you have such a task who will say to me: (asks questions to children):
What is friendship?
Do we need friends and why?
Who is a friend?
What do you do for your friend? (children answer)

Educator: You coped with this task what you are well done! People on earth have long been respected and loved friends, appreciated friendship. Or maybe who knows the proverbs and sayings about each other? (children's responses):
"Friend is known in trouble";
"The faithful friend is better than hundreds of servants";
"There is no friend - look, and found - take care"
"Keep up each other - not afraid of anything."
On the computer screen (interactive chalkboard), the slide from the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hug".

Educator: Guys, look at the screen: Residents of the magic city sent us a task. Who remembered the name of this fairy tale? What bad happened in this fairy tale? And how to help us a poor bunny? (children answer)

Educator: That's right, we draw him a new, big house. But before starting the task, we will conduct fizminutka:
Became children exactly in the circle,
And then sat suddenly.
Made a jump together
Above head-cotton.
And now everything is friendly
Jumper puddle!
And now we go in a circle,
Smile to each other. (Movements in the text.)

Educator: Well, now you can take your jobs. (Children are sitting at the tables).
On the computer screen (interactive chalkboard) depicted house.
- Now look at the screen and think about what we start drawing a house (children's responses -foundation )
- Of course, at first I draw a foundation - this is the part that costs the building of the house. And what kind of geometric shape does he remind you? (children's responses -Rectangle)
- That's right, we draw the body of the house, that is, a house without a roof. And what geometric figure reminds you the body of the house? (children's responses -Square)
- That's right. And now you need to draw the roof. And the roof is at home which form (children's responses -Triangular).
- Well, at the end, draw the door and the window so that the bunny is light and cozy in the house.
- You have a landscape sheet and color pencils on the table, you can start working, but do not forget the most important thing - how to keep a pencil?
In the course of the class suggest, helping children. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to praise the children who contributed additional elements into the drawing. Example: "Near the house drew a meadow with flowers, a tree grown, grass. Sun sinks climbed or hung a cloud, and maybe it went rain or a rainbow appeared ", etc.

Educator: Upon completion of the work, the guys show their drawings, consider them. Together with the children we analyze.
- Children, you tried to glory, drew wonderful houses. Now the bunny has its own bright and cozy house. You worked for fame, well done!

For a whole hour we did
And they pushed a little,
And now Devora
Rest and it's time for you!
On the computer screen (interactive chalkboard) magic (fabulous) city with residents.
Residents of the city, very satisfied with your knowledge of kindness, about each other, friendship and your work. And they want to give you a cartoon: "The biggest friend" But we will be viewed as we spend our expensive guests. (cartoon display)

Title: A summary of the classes on from and moral education in the Middle group DOU "in the world of good"
Nomination: kindergarten, abstracts of classes, nodes, visual activities + moral education, 4-5 years old (average age)

Position: Senior Educator
Place of work: MBDOU №5 "Star"
Location: City of Zverevo, Rostov region

The material is intended for children of senior preschool age.
Speech on spiritual and moral education: Journey to "Horious"

Objectives: contribute to the formation of the concept of "kindness"; form an emotional attitude to reality, as to the basis of the development of moral feelings

Contribute to the formation of creative imagination;
- Call the children a desire to make good actions, help others.


Learn pupils to express their thoughts about good deeds;
- to acquaint with the technique of drawing "Monotypia";
- To form the ability to work in the team, express your opinion, arguing.

Node's move.

Children enter the group and get up in a circle.

Good morning, dear kids, I am glad to see you.

Today we will go to the country of throat. But first we need to say hello, greet each other, you can say (children continue: "Hello", "Hi", "Good morning" and t.) All true, guys. And you can greet each other without words, let's try.
- Satisfy and let go of each other.
- Run each other for waist
- nodding your head.
- Did you like Hello?
- And now I invite you on a journey. There on the edge of joy, at the friendly river, next to the smiling glada in a caring more often there is a country of bornery. And we will go there on the clouds of good.
(A minus one sounds songs of Shahinsky "Clouds")

Children sit on the clouds (hoop and on it blue bedspreads located on the carpet.

Sit more comfortable, close your eyes, breathe deeply and exhale. Imagine that you are sitting on a fluffy cloud, similar to the soft mock of fluffy pillows. Your clouds are slowly climbed into the sky. Feel like the wind is your faces? You swim by the gentle raying the sun, which concerns you with their rays. It decided to play with you. Picks your spouts and ears, make mend under his rays.
(open eyes)
Well, here we are and found yourself in the country of good and friendship


Guys! Someone threw us in April,
Look, writing.
Maybe this is the sun ray
What does your face tickle?
Maybe this is a sparrow,
Floating, dropped?

Want to know from whom the letter? Try to guess on this song.
Sounds of the song Shapoklyak.

Children: A letter sent a chapoklyak.

Educator: Well done, correctly guess. Do you remember what happened to the Shapoklyak?

Children: Yes, she flew over balloons.

Educator: Let's see what this lady writes to us.
The educator reads the letter:
Hello, dear guys! Balloons brought me to this city. But here I am evil residents. And the house of good, who built a crocodile gene and his friends, remained far behind. I am so hard one, help me, please. I will never never be angry old worker, harmful and hooligan. Goodbye, your Shapoklyak.

Educator: How can we help the Shapoklyak?

Children: We invite you to live. Welcome ad.
And let us help her to build a house of good.

Educator: But the bricks for the house will be special, we will get them if you perform correct tasks. I hope you understand that the work is not so simple, we have to go through a long way, and do not do one task. Each task is one brick, and every brick is part of the house, our house of good.

Guys, look around.

Oh, what happened to flowers, I know the guys, this is an evil wind flew to the country of kindness, threw all the petals and scattered them everywhere, what to do? It is necessary to help collect flowers. Well everyone will take now 1 petal will solve an example that is written on it, will find the right answer and gets up next to his petal

Educator: Well done! We passed the first stage of the path. And we can lay the first brick of the good home.
On the floor lay out of the boxes of the house (1 box)
While you collected flowers, I'm on the clearing something interesting found, see what it is?

Children: Points.

Educator: Yes, these are glasses, they are not simple, and the magicians, everyone who puts on, becomes kind and starts to speak to all compliments. Let's check.
Standing in a circle, Communicative game "Compliments" (children talk to each other compliments and transmit glasses in a circle, dressing them on the eyes)
Well, we can continue building the house. Lay next bricks
- And now a little rest. I have an unusual ball (semicircle sitting on chairs) is a "good deed ball." Let's play. I will throw the ball and call unkind things. And you, caught him, should say on the contrary, i.e. Antonym. Children play, pick antonyms.

Break the book - glue
Push - hug
Gorge to rejoice
Smile - cry
Blood - apologize
Quarrel - tool
Take away - to give
Offend - Sorry
Kind angry
Well, you earned another brick. Our house is growing.

4. Educator: - Guys look, what is it? (Sun without rakes). The sun's sun is not enough rays and so that they appear to help us need to help him, but how do you learn from the following task. Listen carefully. - I will touch the sun with a rake to you, and you will need to tell me what good deed you have done lately. With each kind of good, the sun will grow rays.
Responses of children.
- You see guys, how many good deeds you have passed lately
I think we earned another brick. Guys, and our house has grown again.

5. Educator: And now, do I want to know the good one?
The game "Coin". Exercise "Web of Good Words". I have a "lotion of good words", which I will give Ole. It wrapped two times the free end of the thread around the palm and swallow the tangle towards one of the guys, accompanying the movement of a good wish or compliment. Accepting a tangle, wraps his palm to the thread and with good words transmits a tangle to another child, etc.

Educator: And now see what a wing of good words we succeed. What is your mood now? Did it change? Which way and why?

Children: The mood has become joyful, cheerful, because it was nice to listen to good words.

Educator: And it was nice to say such words to your friends?

Children: Yes, and it was nice to say good words to friends.

Educator: The fifth brick house of good we laid down.

Open petal with letter R.
- On our magic glade, the last petal with a number 6 remained (children respond 6). On it, the task "Board Loudly". I'll start, and you finish, lifting your hand, answer.

Ice boulder melts from the word warm (thanks)
Severe the old stump when he hears (good afternoon)
If they scold for pranks, I must say (sorry, please)
If a friend got into trouble (help him)
Decide controversial words, and (not fists)
Well, that you are completing the roof of our house. House ready.

"Good - Unfortunate" game
Music turns on.
Well, that you are completing the roof of our house. House ready. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. I think that we were not last visited by the country "Horious" and the next time our good house will be necessarily populated with good characters from fairy tales.

Kindness is needed to all people,
Let a bigger good.
Speak not in vain when meeting
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening."
And no wonder we have
The wish "in good time."
Kindness - she from century
Decoration of man ...

Let's build a "pyramid of friendship and goodness" (I give your palm to children, they put their palms from above).

Feel how the warmth of my hands gently moves to your hands? Tell me so you want to wish each other?
(Song Kota Leopold Song "If Good You!")

Thanks for attention!

Fedorina Julia Viktorovna, MDOU Kindergarten "Kid", Ulyanovsk region, Village Reprell, tutor

To download the material or!

Objective: Socialization of children in the conditions of a children's team.


- to form in children the skill to establish good friendly relationships, communication skills with each other;

- develop the feelings of empathy in children;

- develop the ability to relate speech with a movement in a finger game and dance;

- Fasten the ability to gently smear the glue into the details and glue them.

Equipment: Dolls, equipment for obstacles (rope, hoops, etc.), a circle of cardboard of yellow color on a blue background, stencils of the palms of children, gloves, tassels, rags, pictures with the image of various situations about friendship and quarrel, audio recording of the song "On Friendship "

Travel course.

(Children enter the group, get up semicircle, dolls are sitting on the chairs, turning away from each other.)

Educator: Guys, see what happened to our dolls?

(Answers of children: they quarreled, turned away, knighted.)

Educator: I quarreled with my friend, we no longer play

And do not chat with each other, we no longer together.

Each with his offense all day is sitting.

Everyone about his insult without silent says.

Educator: Guys, do you want to make friends of our dolls? (Children's responses: Yes, we want.) Do you have friends in the group? Name who your friend (girlfriend). What is friendship?

(Responses of children: when they do not quarrel, play together, keep hands, help each other, share toys, sweets, etc.)

Educator: Now we will play the game "Yes No." I will show you pictures, and you will "yes" me if the children are friends on the picture and "no" if not friends.

The game is "yes-no".

Educator: Friendship is when people want to be together near, they play together, they do not quarrel, share everyone. Friendship is smiles of friends.

Game - Imitation "Mood".

Educator: Let's smile with you (children smile).

And now we have become sad, frowned (children frowning).

- Guys, when we frowned with you, we sad, and when you smile, we are so good, joyful. Smile and our dolls. Maybe they will also be joyful and will they want to make me?

- And now we will show our guests, what are you friendly, and we are not terrible any obstacles. Our group appeared in the group. Friendship path. It is necessary, holding hands, helping each other, couples to pass it.

The moving game "A friend without us can not be".

(The tutor puts a few obstacles to the path of children and shows how to go through the example with one child. Children, turning the face to each other, keep each other for the handles and overcome obstacles: step over cubes, jump out of the hoop in the hoop, etc.)

Educator: Here we played with you, our knives are tired.

We will go to chairs and a little rest. (Children sit down.)

Educator: Look, guys, have our pupars have risen? (Answers of children: not yet.) Then we show them that we have a friendly friendly girls and boys in the group, but friendly and our fingers.

Fingering game "Front fingers".

Friends in our group (fingers in the castle, bend and

Girls and boys. straighten them)

We are friends with you (connect fingertips

Little fingers. both hands)

Times, two, three, four, five (pat on every pair

Once, two, three, four, five (shake with brushes)

Educator: So our handles and fingers warmed like a sun. Warm, kind, friendly, like friendship. Look at this sunshine. What is it? (Answers of children: Yellow, round, big ...) And what is missing from the sun? (Answer children: rays!) That's right! And where will we take the rays? Can these suitable? (Shows the carved stencils of children's palms.) What is it? (Children's responses: Our palms.) Are they like rays sunshine? (Answer children: yes!) Let's glue our friendly palms to the sun instead of races.

Applique: "Shot your hands towards the sun."

(Collective work on gluing your palms to the sun. Children perform work, after rubbing hands with napkins.)

(I get up semicircle, the educator draws attention to dolls).

Educator: Look, guys, our dolls are smiling with each other, they are glad. Here are our dolls and reconciled! Now we will take your hands and make a big friendly dance around our sun and dolls, smile to each other and dance.

(Children in the dance walk around the circle by arms, put the legs, make the spring, lanterns.)

Educator: Let's be friendly, kind, and never quarrel!

Administration of the city of Ulan-Ude Committee on Education Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten №84 "Snow Maiden" Ulan-Ulan-Ude's supervision and recovery

Further: Clemasheva Marina Nikolaevna, teacher MBDOU kindergarten №84 "Snow Maiden" G. Ulan-Ude March 2017


  • To deepen the presentation of children about kindness, as a valuable, integral as a person, ideas about the importance and need to ask for forgiveness, experiencing an internal need for this.
  • Improve communicative skills (ability to listen to the comrade, sincerely express your opinion, show goodwill) Skills of cultural communication with peers, following the speech etiquette, encourage the understanding of universal values.
  • To achieve a benevolent intonational expressive speech.


Candle, grains, seeds, live flower, broken toy, torn book, dirty cup.

Travel course:

Children enter the group to the music, on the screen Image Sun with a smile.


Let's say hello. You know that there is a good sign all in the morning give the lead. Let's do it. The sun is red ...



Sky clear ...



People adults and kids ...


Hello from your whole soul!


Every new day should be started with a good mood. And in order for the mood to be good and cheerful, let's get up in a circle, take up your hands, close your eyes, and give each other, that sparkle of warmth and love that lives in our heart. Feel like on our hands, from the palm in the palm, is becoming a kindness. (Take into hand burning (safe) The candle and children transmit each other a candle). See how the sparkle lit from our hearts. Let she accompanise you all the lesson. Smile and wish each other good morning and joyful mood. Sit down, please, on chairs. Today, there will be a conversation about kindness. Amazing, Magic Word! And how do you guys understand what kindness is?

Responses of children.


Let the choir repeat and carefully listen to this word-kindness. In ancient times, as books tell, this word spoke soft - kindness. Good you - good from you, how true! Guys think and tell me about someone or what you can say "kind" ?

Responses of children:

About man, act, path, meeting, etc.


Good man kind, it means what else?


Attentive, caring, not greedy, gentle.


And if a person is unkind, what?


Angry, rough, greedy.


What do you think kindness can touch, does it smell, taste?



Guys kindness can be seen, see in actions, human feelings. Please remember your good deeds and tell us.

Responses of children.


Is it easy to be kind? (children's responses). And now I will ask you to read the poem I. Tulupova "Kindness" And with the help of the poem, we will find out - is it easy to be kind?

Children tell:

Good to be quite difficult

Does not depend good growth

Does not depend a kindness of color

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not candy.

Kindness over the years does not age

And from the cold will warm

It is necessary only to be good

And in trouble do not forget each other

If the kindness is like the sun shines

Adults and children are rejoiced.


Beautiful poem. And now you will tell us how this amazing quality is manifested in another poem.

Children tell:

I am ready to help

Fuck suddenly in trouble.

Always friendly and healthy

And the truth is saying.

Do not greed never

I regret others

Error forgive everyone always

I'll forget about them.

With a smile I'm always friends

Always guests I am glad.

I'm a friendship faithful,

I love all the guys.


Well done guys! Now we play a little, help my mother with a laundry.

Fizkultminutka "We ware underwear yourself"

Mom's friendly help -

We are wearing underwear

One two three four,

Stretched, leaned out

Well we worked out.


When a person makes good deeds and actions, what does his face happen at this moment?


Unfortunate, pleasant, with good eyes, with a smile.


Now give each other good, smile, look at each other in a tender look. (Draw the attention of children to demonstration material).


Guys, see how many here are of different objects - branches, flower, broken toy, torn book, dirty bowl. Tell me which kind of deed can be done with their help?


Sneakers feed the birds, the flower to give, toy to repair, put the book, wash the dirty cup.


Well done boys! Kindness is an important human quality that has magic words, you know guys, what about the words?


Please speak, sorry, sorry, good afternoon morning, etc.


Guys, what do you need to apologize for?


For a bad act, for hurt rough words.


Yes guys, you need to apologize and ask for forgiveness to forgive you, did not take offense. It must be reconciled and then it will play more fun.

My dear guys, let's get up in a circle, take up your hands, start the game "We are with you one family" .

The game "We are with you one family"

Children get up in a circle holding hands, the educator proposes to repeat the text and movement to it together.

We are with you one family:

You, we, you and me.

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

We are with you one family:

You, we, you and me.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We're friends!

We are with you one family:

You, we, you and me.

Kiss a neighbor on the right,

Kiss a neighbor on the left

We're friends!



Children, you tried well today, learned about the amazing human quality-kindness. Let's tightly take your hands and give each other good, smile and with a bow for everyone to say the magical good word "Thank you, until the next meeting!"