The cat does not go to the toilet for several days. Medical point of view. Constipation in a kitten. What to do

An owner can make his pet's life carefree and comfortable if he feeds him deliciously and takes good care of him. Nevertheless, even the most reverent attitude towards a cat cannot prevent the occurrence of some health problems. That is why, when the owner noticed that the cat cannot pee, it is urgent to show it to the veterinarian.

Danger of difficulty urinating

Regardless of the exact reason for this problem in the cat, you must always remember that emptying the bladder is a natural process. If suddenly he will not be able to go to the toilet for a long time, then poisoning of the body with the decay products of urine will begin. All this will lead to sad consequences and severe torment for the cat. Such a problem will not go away on its own, therefore, a doctor's consultation is imperative.

By the way, some symptoms indicate in advance problems with the genitourinary system:

  • Bloating in a cat
  • Impurities of blood in the urine;
  • Too frequent trips to the toilet in a small way.

Causes of voiding problems in cats

If you find that your beloved cat does not go to the litter box for a long time, you need to determine the reasons for this strange behavior. Yet the nature of such difficulties is also of great importance: Too little or no urine in the tray. These symptoms should be reported to the specialist when examining the cat. Most often, she cannot go to the toilet in a small way due to various diseases.

Urolithiasis disease

With this disease, salt or sand appears in the excretory canals, which affect the bladder. Subsequently, what the pet can not go small. It is most dangerous when the passage is completely clogged with foreign bodies. All this can lead to rupture of internal organs consequently, bleeding and death of the cat. Well-fed cats leading a sedentary lifestyle are especially susceptible to the formation of urolithiasis.

Kidney disease

When this body works incorrectly and poorly processes liquid there are difficulties with emptying the bladder.


As a rule, with the standard course of this disease, the cat simply pees frequently. But since their urethral canal has a special structure urination may disappear altogether. With hypothermia, the excretory tract in cats swells and becomes inflamed, which decreases the carrying capacity.

Congenital abnormalities of the excretory tract

Such problems are encountered on rare occasions. And signs of illness may only appear in a domestic cat in adulthood.

Overexcitement in non-castrated animals

Sometimes increased agitation leads to difficulty urinating. In this state pets may experience enlargement of the sex glands, leading to blockage of the urethra. Sometimes a plug from the discharge appears in the urethral canal due to overexcitation.

In addition, the lack of water in the cat's diet can contribute to the occurrence of problems with urination.

The main signs of the onset of the disease

With such ailments, the cat begins to fuss, behave very strangely, meow. In addition, it will constantly spin around the tray, and while going to the toilet, the pet presses against the edge of the box to help empty the bladder. If your cat has trouble urinating normally, she experiences a burning sensation and pain. However, only a specialist can find out what caused the painful emptying.

There is an opinion that cats sterilized in childhood are most exposed to urolithiasis. Moreover, if the pet is still has kidney problems, then he may have no urge to urinate at all. In some situations, even veterinarians find it difficult to identify early symptoms of kidney stones or animal sand.


When there are suspicions of problems with the urinary system in a beloved pet, first aid should be provided. If the cat has stopped going to the toilet in a small way, and there is no opportunity to visit the veterinary clinic, then you should examine the animal yourself, to find out the degree of fullness of the bladder... For this fluffy pet, you need to put on its paws and clasp it with both hands. Then you should gently feel the bladder on a line that is perpendicular to the testes. In case of severe inflammation, the cat will not let you do this, you urgently need to take him to the clinic.

If it was possible to examine the bubble, then estimate its size, and pay attention to how dense it is. Normally, this organ is about the size of a nut and soft to the touch. Enlarged and hard bladder indicates serious problems, so do not waste precious time, it is better to show the animal to the doctor. To alleviate the condition of the fluffy pet, you can also put a heating pad on the abdomen and perineum.

How to help a cat when it is impossible to go to the toilet?

Never massage the cat's belly when this ailment occurs, it can only aggravate the situation. In the clinic, first aid is to insert a catheter to drain fluid from the body. This procedure is very painful and can only be performed by a qualified doctor. Sometimes this operation is done under general anesthesia.

During catheterization, antiseptics are used to flush the bladder. Too often this procedure is prohibited, as it also leads to swelling of the urinary tract. The doctor will investigate the cause of the difficulty urinating and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Usually cats are given pain relievers and herbal infusions. Rosehip, lavender, plantain, horsetail and lingonberry help well with such problems. At times hot bath helps: the pet is immersed in water for 10 minutes up to the heart area. They are also prescribed if it is impossible to go pee boiled pumpkin and strawberry juice on a dessert spoon.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for all kinds of inflammation. Even after the appearance of the result, it is necessary to continue taking them. In the diet of a pet you need be sure to introduce vitamins, and in the spring you can give him nettles... In addition, the cat is assigned active games and frequent walks. Most diseases of the urinary system are chronic, so it is advisable to take herbs for a long time, and repeat the course of treatment constantly.

Kidney collection is excellent for removing sand from the body. It is sold in any pharmacy, but it is better to consult a specialist. You can constantly give the cat a decoction of black currant, parsley, birch leaves and bearberry. Treat in this way for at least a month.

Diet for difficulty urinating

For an animal that is susceptible to urolithiasis, it is necessary to draw up a corrective diet. His diet should be rich in glutamic acid and vitamins A, B 6. The following foods should be excluded from the feed:

In general, such an animal is best served with a balanced food specially formulated for cats with similar problems.

How to avoid diseases of the genitourinary system?

It is necessary to understand that, having once received such an ailment, it will not be possible to get rid of it completely. Only preventive measures and regular check-ups by a veterinarian will help the cat to lead a comfortable lifestyle. To prevent difficulty urinating, you need to follow a few tips:

And remember that giving medications and treating ailments that have led to difficulty urinating in your beloved pet is put his health and even life in danger... If such problems arise, it is necessary to seek help from specialists as soon as possible. Also, do not forget to vaccinate your cat.

- a surgical operation performed under general or combined anesthesia. Any surgical intervention, especially abdominal surgery, is a great stress for the body. so that rehabilitation, recovery goes as quickly as possible and without complications.

The first three days is the most difficult period, which is often accompanied by a change in behavior, other phenomena unexpected for the owner. For example, many owners are interested in what to do if the cat after spaying does not go to the toilet in the first few days after the operation. Is it worth worrying about this and when should you sound the alarm?

Cat owners often face such a problem when, after sterilization, the cat does not visit the litter box for the first 2-3 days, does not poop or rarely defecate. As a rule, problems with bowel movements are noted in many animals after abdominal surgery.

This condition is caused by the body's reaction to the operation. In some cases, if the animal does not go to the toilet a little, does not pee, does not poop or experiences pain, discomfort during bowel movements, this can be both a signal and an exacerbation or development of any disease.

Important! The period of adaptation, the recovery time of females after sterilization largely depends on the type of operation, the dose of drugs used for anesthesia, the type of anesthesia, age, individual characteristics, and the degree of reactivity of the organism.

If the operated cat does not visit the litter box, rarely goes to the toilet, some of the possible reasons include:

  • Weakening of the sensitivity of the bladder. A similar condition can be caused by the action of anesthetic agents. In the first two days, reflexes are weakened.
  • Insufficient saturation of the body with moisture,. As a rule, after leaving anesthesia for the first 12-24 hours, the condition of cats is depressed. Many animals sleep before coming out of anesthesia and do not show interest in water. If the cat does not drink, the body is dehydrated, then it has nothing to defecate. Normally, the bladder fills in 40-50 minutes, depending on the amount of fluid consumed. After the operation, the organ fills up longer. In addition, the operated cat can be given water no earlier than four hours after getting out of the narcotic sleep.
  • Pain syndrome. As soon as the animal has recovered from the anesthesia, discomfort and severe pain may appear. It can also cause the cat to rarely walk on the litter box, pee or poop.
  • Invisible discharge of urine. Spontaneous bowel movement. It is possible that the cat, while recovering from anesthesia, excretes a small amount of urine. The body is weakened by the operation, the reflexes are dull.
  • Postponed severe stress. Not only the operation itself, anesthesia are stressful for the pet's body, but also a trip to the veterinary clinic, especially if the animal does not walk on the street, does not leave the house or apartment.

Read also: Endoscopic sterilization of cats: features of the procedure

The reason for the absence of urination after surgery may be ICD (urolithiasis), exacerbation of chronic, inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary tract.

You may have tightened your postoperative blanket too much or a protective accessory interferes with normal movement. In this case, remove, but do not leave the animal unattended so that the pet cannot lick or gnaw at the seams. Many cats, having got rid of excess "clothes" on their bodies, willingly go to the litter box.

The cat does not go to the litter box in a big way, reasons

Do not worry if the spayed cat does not poop for the first 2 days. This is a completely normal phenomenon that can be caused by pain syndrome, discomfort. For the first 24-42 hours, don't worry if the cat doesn't go to the litter box in a big way. The tension of the muscle structures of the peritoneum after the operation provokes acute pain, spasms.

As a rule, until complete recovery from anesthesia, animals do not show interest in food and even refuse their favorite treats, respectively, the pet has nothing to go to the toilet with. The gastrointestinal tract is empty, since before sterilizing the animal, they are kept on a starvation diet for at least 12 hours.

In addition, after the operation, the functioning of internal organs and body systems is disrupted, all processes in the body slow down. The intestinal motility is weakened, the activity of the intestinal microflora is inhibited.

Low activity can also be the cause. Some cats run around the apartment before visiting the litter box. The activity stimulates and increases intestinal motility.

Important! If the cat does not go to the toilet for more than 3 days, but before the operation the animal did not experience discomfort and problems with emptying, the animal developed constipation. It is quite normal for cats not to poop for 2-3 days without harm to the body.

If the animal does not show concern, does not meow plaintively, while on the tray, do not worry. The act of defecation is normalized on the third or fourth day after the operation. Feces may be hard, contain bloody clots, blotches.

Carefully observe the behavior and condition of your ward, because if the cat does not poop on the 4-5th day, the condition of the pet may worsen. Development of intoxication is not excluded.

Read also: What is cat neutering?

When to sound the alarm: possible complications

If the operated cat completely recovers from anesthesia, feels normal, does not experience discomfort, in the first two days, an active recovery of the body takes place. Animals may be less likely to walk small. As soon as the body fully recovers, urination and bowel movements recover and completely normalize. At the same time, one should not exclude the development of serious postoperative complications, which should be immediately paid attention to.

It is worth sounding the alarm in the following cases:

  • if the cat did not go small 12-24 hours after the operation;
  • defecation did not return to normal on the 4-5th day;
  • if the animal is very anxious, constantly meows;
  • in case of inflammation, suppuration, infection of the seams;
  • the cat does not leave anesthesia on the second day (lethargy, depression, drowsiness);
  • when the temperature drops to 37-37.3 degrees or if the temperature is stably high (39-39.5);
  • if the seam is bleeding heavily;
  • the pet refuses food and water for more than a day.

Among the possible postoperative complications, it can also be noted: intestinal obstruction, internal bleeding, the development of acute inflammation at the site of application of the surgical suture material. It is possible that castration can provoke inflammation of the genitals, which will also cause rare emptying.

A prolonged, unfavorable course of the postoperative period can be triggered by a violation of the technique of the operation, insufficient qualification of the surgeon, the penetration of pathogenic flora into wounds or gnawing, intensive licking of the seam. Errors in animal care can also provoke postoperative complications.

If the cat has an unstable temperature for more than two days, a tight, greatly enlarged tummy, when palpating the peritoneum, the animal feels severe pain, there is severe swelling in the scar area, postoperative hernia, the cat does not adequately respond to stimuli, immediately contact the veterinarian who performed the sterilization. Delay, self-medication can cost the animal's life.

Your clawed beauty suddenly began to allow herself something that she had never noticed before? Does the cat not go to its litter box, leaves "fragrant" heaps in the most unexpected places? If this behavior continues for a long time, then the owner of the cat may become desperate. Why did the pussy behave like this?

There may be several reasons.

The first is intestinal problems. If a pussy has constipation, then "piles" under the sofa, bed or even in the middle of the room is a very likely and logical conclusion. With such a nuisance, the behavior of the cat can be as follows: the murka often crouches and pushes, sometimes making stifled sounds. The poor fellow does not succeed, she gets up and moves on. After a while, the situation repeats itself. What to do in this case? First, remember how long ago your pussy had a bowel movement. If remembering is difficult, then it’s a long time ago. Better to see your veterinarian. The fact is that feces can collect in a very large and hardened lump, it is risky to do an enema on your own in this case. If defecation took place not so long ago, two or three days ago, you can help the purr on your own (think if you have enough courage and skill, the pussycat will definitely not like this procedure).

The second reason that the pussy does not go to the toilet is stress. Yes, it's stress. A cat is an animal with a very delicate nervous organization. Cats, especially cats, are very attached to their home, the order that has developed in it. Violation of the "peaceful, calm flow of life" can have a very negative impact on the psyche of a cat. You put the tray in a different place, bought a different litter for the toilet, or the bowl of food is now in the wrong place. A person comes into the house, whom the animal does not like, you took another animal, outside the window a brazen stray cat marks the territory ... From the point of view of a person, nothing happened, but the pussy may have a different opinion on this matter. Or maybe you began to pay less attention to your beauty (or handsome)? There are a lot of reasons. What to do in this case? If possible, eliminate the causes of discontent, be patient with the pet, encourage the departure of natural needs in the right place with affection and "something tasty." Over time, the situation will improve. If the pussy is very nervous, then the stress is great, you should seek help from "aibolites". The pet may need medication.

The third reason is a dirty toilet. Pussies are well-known cleanliness and do not feel delighted with the "aroma" of their items. Clean the tray often, preferably without using strong-smelling products. Remember, the citrus scent we love is usually a nightmare for cats! And it is clear that they do not like chlorine either.

The same can be said if the moor urinates in the wrong place: urinary tract infection, stress, dirty litter box.

A cat cannot be called a human, which means that there are no human motives in her actions either. And if you are thinking why a cat does not want to go to the litter box, then the answer most likely lies in something specific, not related to cat morality. Therefore, it is useless to appeal to prudence, poking the animal into another pile or puddle, and what is worse - to beat the pet or yell at it. But the problem of the cat's friendship with the litter box must be solved. And now we will figure out how to do this.

The situation is already clear - the cat does not want to go to the litter box and, naturally, such blasphemy must be corrected. It should be said right away that a cat ignores the litter box for only two reasons: behavioral and medical.

Behavioral approach

The psychological reasons for the unclean behavior of cats and cats are as follows:

  • Disgust.
  • Dislike can be both for the tray itself and for the filler. A cat may find even the place where its restroom is disgusting.
  • Preference.
  • The pet likes this corner and it is not at all scary that there is no tray there.
  • Dirt in the tray.
  • Here, all the fault lies with the owner. The tray does not wash, does not change the filler.
  • The presence of strangers.
  • The cat is shy, does not go to the tray out of shame, if there are strangers in the house, for example. Another option is that the pet is afraid of strangers.
  • Intraspecific aggression.
  • Social discord between two cats living in the same house. Especially true if one of the pets is a beginner.
  • Increased anxiety.

Here, a little bit of everything from the previous points, plus you can add a recent move, a rude attitude from the owner, etc.

In general, we can conclude.

If a healthy cat does not want to go to the litter box, then the answer must be found in psychology.

Medical point of view

Let's dot the i's right away for non-castrated and unsterilized animals. There is no need to explain anything here. Hormones rampage and push poor cats and cats to "wet cases". The point is in the high hormonal background and the stress associated with it. There is a solution to the problem - it's time to see the veterinarian for an operation.

It is quite another matter if the problem with childbirth is solved, and the cat walks past the litter box. In this case, it is necessary to sin for the disease. There are a lot of diseases that disrupt the natural urination cycle:

  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • food allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • constipation;
  • colitis.

But the predominant reason for cats and cats walking past the litter box is in diseases of the genitourinary system: ICD, cystitis, and so on.

If we talk about older cats, then their physical abilities and brain activity decrease with old age. Agree, this is a compelling argument to violate the impeccable handling of natural needs. For example, a cat does not go to the litter box for one simple reason - he does not have time to reach it due to atony (age-related weakening of the muscles of the urethra).

We have analyzed the main reasons why cats do not go to the litter box. But what to do if the pet regularly goes to the toilet on a big business and makes puddles in the corners. Or vice versa, the corners are littered with piles, but otherwise everything is fine. We will resolve this issue as well.

Why does the cat not want to go to the litter box?

You can see that the pet regularly leaves piles where it should be, but there are no wet marks in the tray. It is clear that this is an alarming signal. After all, a small problem with the absence of puddles can be a big problem - bladder inflammation or cystitis.

Why doesn't the cat go to the litter box in large quantities?

Ask yourself - is he capable. Maybe he's constipated. There can be many reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • stress;
  • improper diet;
  • bowel problems.

In each of these cases, the cat needs your help. The simplest technique is to feed your pet with laxative food until the expected result is achieved. In this sense, regular milk can help. You can, of course, resort to medicine, or even in the old fashioned way - with an enema or soap in the anus.

How to Solve Tray Problem - Best Ways

If there are several four-legged pets at home, give them separate latrines.

Take time to resolve the issue - marks the animal's territory or still goes to the toilet. A label is a small amount of urine, and a toilet is a puddle. It is worth knowing that the battle for space is inherent in both cats and cats.

Take the time for the tray.

Try to clean the litter box as often as possible. Ideally, once a day. With a change of filler, it is also not worth delaying. Basically, cats are clean animals and it’s not surprising if a cat stops going to the litter box showing his feelings about it.

Remove the smell.

The problem has already happened, the cat does not go to the litter box, but the situation can be solved. Kill even the thought of smell in the place where the animal is addicted to go "on business." You can use home remedies: bleach, vinegar, or you can go to the pet store and purchase a special remedy for this case.

Install multiple toilets.

Relevant for large houses. The cat may not have time to go to the tray or is too lazy to go to it. Therefore, buy several trays and place them around the perimeter of your home.

We move the tray.

Your cat has gotten used to shit by, but in one place. Put a tray in this place, and over time, gradually move it in the direction you want.

We change the tray.

If all of the above has already been tried, and unexpected "gifts" all appear - think about changing the tray. It really helps in certain situations. For example, an older cat would rather go to a simple, low-sided litter box than a super trendy closed-type litter box.

We change the filler.

Some fillers, especially expensive ones, are impregnated with a fragrance that hides odors. It is convenient for humans, but a cat may think differently. It may not be the smell, but the granules themselves.


Why the cat does not want to go to the litter box can watch her. Often the reason for the pet's unwillingness to live “like a human being” is right under your nose. But there is no time to notice the obvious, so watch.

Perfect option.

Show the cat to the door and present the tray for the trip. A joke, of course. Your best bet is to make the area that you don't want your cat to use to be inaccessible and / or unpleasant for her. Use everything - build barricades, buy deterrent spray, wipe the "bad" spot with vinegar and bleach. Your task is to make the cat hate the toilet or forget about it. This, by the way, takes a couple of months.

Thanks to these tips, you not only were able to understand why the cat does not go to the litter box, but also learned how to deal with this problem. Stick to it and in no case use threats and violence. It is a sad fact, but many cats and cats, and people too, are familiar with this practice of upbringing. In any case, if the pet has lost its cleanliness for one of the above reasons, screaming will obviously not fix it.

Remember! Cats and cats will never resist your perseverance and patience, and the joy of a full litter box will reward you for all your efforts.

If the cat does not go to the toilet in a big way, you should pay attention to this and, if the chair is absent for a long time, seek professional help from a veterinary clinic. In accordance with the norm, cats should empty their intestines 1-2 times a day. If your cat does not go to the toilet for two days, but remains alert and feels great, does not cry, does not lose appetite or vomit, then it is too early to worry. It is worth serving him petroleum jelly, it should contribute to the normalization of the stool.

If the cat has not had a chair for more than two days, or the absence of a chair is accompanied by lethargy, lack of appetite, physical activity, vomiting, abdominal pain - you should sound the alarm and immediately bring the animal to the veterinarian. Only in a veterinary clinic will a doctor be able to make an accurate diagnosis and begin to fix the problem. Indeed, sometimes the reason for the absence of stool in cats can be serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including, often leading to the death of the animal.

Why does a cat not go to the toilet in a big way for a long time

The reasons why a cat does not go to the toilet in a big way are many factors:

Improper nutrition of the cat;


Hormonal problems;

Inflammation of the anus;

Inflammation, swelling in the gastrointestinal tract;

A foreign object in the intestines that interferes with normal bowel movements;

The cat ate "hard" food (eg bones);

Colon disease;

Neurological pathologies and others.

This is not a complete list of reasons contributing to the long absence of a chair in a cat. That is why you should not try to wait for the cat to finally go to the toilet, and everything will be resolved by itself. It is necessary, without delay, to seek help from doctors.

The best veterinarians of the city work in our clinic Bio-Vet, through whose hands thousands of successfully treated animals have passed, so it will not be difficult for our professionals to determine the problem that caused the cat to stop going to the toilet. A detailed treatment plan, as well as additional advice on caring for your pet - you will receive all this without fail as soon as you contact us.

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unit of measurement

Service cost, rub.

Initial appointment


One animal

One animal

Veterinarian consultation

Doctor's consultation based on test results

Doctor's consultation, no animal

What to do if the cat does not go to the toilet

Many owners of cats and cats do not have a question of what to do when the cat does not walk for a long time. They decide to independently solve the problem with enemas in the walls of the house or laxatives. It is good if the reason for the absence of a chair is not a terrible disease and home methods return a full-fledged chair to the animal.

But after all, a serious pathology can also serve as the reason, and then all independent attempts to return the chair can only aggravate the situation. Do not be lazy, entrust the health and life of your pet to professionals! Only competent professional treatment can completely and effectively rid your cat of problems.