Beautiful words happy birthday to the man to the boss. Happy birthday to the director in your own words. Congratulations to the head of the energy company

Happy birthday to you! Let every day bring only pleasant surprises and discoveries. Love wonderful experiences like sunshine and warmth. Good luck in your service and respect to your colleagues. Let there be a sea of ​​positive impressions and emotions in your life.

Dear our boss, we are happy to wish you a Happy Birthday to the whole team! You are not only a wonderful boss, but also a wonderful woman worthy of eternal happiness and abundance. We sincerely wish you to conquer many more peaks, success in your career and personal bliss surrounded by loving people. Health, prosperous days and unpredictable evenings, female beauty and stateliness, great wisdom and amazing plans for the next century.

Happy birthday to a charming woman, a wonderful boss. I wish in life to have everything that is necessary and important, I wish to feel incredible strength every day, I wish in all endeavors to achieve success without fail, I wish in life to always remain a happy person and a dreamy female nature.

In order to lead, you need to have a lot of talent. And you, like no one else, have it. Therefore, on your birthday, I would like to wish you good luck in your work, health and happiness. Let there be only pleasant events and good memories on the path of life.

An amazing woman, a wonderful boss - happy birthday! We wish you great opportunities and always expanding prospects. Be happy both in your workplace and in your personal life. Love, health and financial stability!

Happy birthday, dear and wonderful boss. I wish that the sun shines brightly in my soul and flowers of happiness bloom, so that everything works out in work, and any business is crowned with success, so that luck never turns away from you, and the mood always remains cheerful, so that love gives you inspiration, a feeling of lightness and joy.

Happy birthday, wonderful woman, wonderful boss and just a wonderful person. I wish you shine of happiness in your eyes, great luck and prospects in your hands, love and understanding in your home, beauty and kindness in your life.

Happy birthday to the dear boss and amazing woman! We wish you many bright events and pleasant moments, wonderful meetings and cheerful friendly companies. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and adorable. Let your career takeoff turn your head and present all the opportunities you desire. I wish you happiness, prosperity and a lot of free time!

Our dear birthday girl! Happy birthday to you! All our humble team with great respect wants to wish you granite health, stunning success, extraordinary luck, incredible patience, extraordinary insight, a charming smile descending from the lips and a good mood that does not leave you.

Dear our boss, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We always remember that you are not only our wise leader, but also a wonderful woman. We wish you to delight those around you with your blossoming beauty as long as possible, to frown less and to illuminate the world around us with smiles, family well-being, new achievements, a sea of ​​flowers, health and unexpected joys as long as possible.

Let each new day bring only good events, new plans, stability in work, so that thanks to this, the team will always have confidence in the future. Let the cornucopia that we give you become a reality in your life. Happy Birthday.

Today is the birthday of the head of our company! This is a wise in business, a distant leader, a reliable person! It is thanks to him that our company has achieved great success! I think every member of our team will agree with me! Congratulations!

Our dear boss, our dear man! Accept all the warmest words from us today. All the most pleasant and warm congratulations. We want you to remember your birthday for a long time. We love and respect you. Be immensely happy, our boss! May you be all right.

Happy birthday, we wish you an inexhaustible source of inspiration for professional success, good health, stability and success, prosperity, love and confidence in the future.

Dear leader, please accept congratulations on your birthday from our whole united team! We wish you further professional achievements, the implementation of the most ambitious projects, success in all your endeavors. Be healthy, confident, happy, and prosperous.

Short birthday greetings to the boss

On your birthday, I want to wish you only goodness and sincerity, a successful work day, financial recovery and family well-being. I wish you bright days, positive outlooks on the future, the embodiment of all your grandiose plans and just great mood and many spectacular ideas.

I would like to wish you, on your birthday, happiness, health, family prosperity and peace in your home. So that only true friends, a devoted family and diligent subordinates meet on your way.

Today is your birthday. We give you our congratulations! We want what we would like for ourselves - understanding, wisdom, joy of life. Let these qualities be combined in moderation! Then every year it will be a joy to you and those around you.

Happy Birthday to you. May happiness fill your home, love - your heart, comfort - the hearts of your family and friends, and success - all your deeds and undertakings. I wish you happiness, health and all the very best. From a sincere heart, colleagues.

Hello, we hasten to congratulate you on the holiday. Think about something that you would like more than anything in the world. Just imagine it, don't say it out loud. Have you presented? This is exactly what we wish you. Happy Birthday!

We wish you pleasure in your work, respect from your subordinates, achievement of your goals! May luck and success accompany you in business, love and happiness will be in your personal life, and vigor, optimism and energy never leave you!

We wish you good luck, optimism, success, conquering new heights, strength and energy, stability and prosperity! And also good health, happiness, love of relatives and people close to you!

Let your age always only tell you about the percentage of those milestones and heights that still have to be achieved. We wish you stability in your business and well-deserved victories. May all projects turn into blessing and prosperity. Happy days to you and the best years.

You don’t congratulate your boss every day, but if you have such an opportunity, then it should not be missed. What can you wish for a good leader, a person who always thinks about his charges, an excellent organizer, an example to follow, someone who you can look up to? Probably like everyone else: health, happiness and success! Congratulations!

Our team wishes you, our esteemed director, to live a century in the world. May life always be supportive and tolerant to you. May there be many more sweet spring dreams in life, and may there be peace and grace in the family. Happy Birthday.

Congratulate your boss on his birthday in your own words

I want to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you joy and pleasant moments on this day, and let your future life be full of only pleasant moments and people!

Dear, let your home cup be full of comfort, love and kindness, and at work there will be no reasons for frustration! It is a great pleasure for us to work with you!

On this joyful day, we would like to wish you luck in all matters, happiness and balance in your soul! Let all the doors to success easily swing open before you!

We wish you good health, nerves of steel and a stranglehold! Fearlessly go towards your goals and get the desired results! We can safely be proud of such a boss as you!

Happy birthday to the whole team! We wish you successful prosperity of your business, career heights and material well-being. I wish you good health, a strong position among competitors and stable relationships with important people. We also wish you good and trusting relationships in your family, so that the foundation of your hearth is strong enough and hardy enough to any anger and troubles.

Our boss is a wonderful person, just a super class. His ability to find a common language with his subordinates, to skillfully manage an entire enterprise, shows that he is a wise leader. Today the whole team sincerely congratulates you on your birthday. May success always accompany your solid business. God grant that you always get a life ticket. Good health to you, good luck in all your endeavors, support of the team and all the best in your business.

You have a lot of experience in a leadership position, and therefore you always treat your subordinates so correctly, you know how to listen carefully and always give wise advice. We all respect you very much for this, and we consider you the best boss. Today is your birthday. Allow me, on behalf of the entire team, to congratulate you on such a wonderful event. We wish you good health, endurance and patience. May you be lucky in everything and always, may luck always accompany you. Happiness, joy and good mood to you.

You have been holding a high position for many years now. And I would like to note that it is not the position that paints you, but you. Today you are celebrating a wonderful holiday, your birthday. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you great happiness, great luck, and live in health and tranquility for many years. May your work bring you inspiration for many years to come, may you be appreciated, loved, respected. All the blessings of the earth to you, prosperity and well-being in the family. May the Lord always protect you, and fortune always smiles.

The head of our department has a birthday today. I would like to express my gratitude for your attitude towards people, for your kindness and understanding. First of all, we wish you good health, personal happiness and great success at work. May reliable friends meet on your way, may luck never leave you. Let your work bring you only inspiration and pleasure. Smile more, rejoice more, let only good news pleasantly surprise you. Let your life flow like a full river among high steadfast banks.

How pleasant it is to rush to work, as if it were a holiday. After all, our boss, like the sun in the window, always greets us with a smile and a kind word. And today is a special day, the birthday of our dear leader. We congratulate you on this holiday with a deep sense of respect. Always be happy. May your dream come true, may luck be with you in all matters. We wish you good health, joy and luck in everything. May fate be favorable to you, may the good of the soul, which you have invested in your business, put down strong roots.

Today is our boss's birthday. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. May this holiday bring you good mood and good luck. Let only good and reliable people meet on your way. May you be appreciated, respected and loved. Live as long as possible and bring many more benefits to our enterprise. After all, we know that work is everything for you, this is your second home. All the best to you, prosperity, family well-being and comfort. Let the angels protect your life from trouble. Patience, endurance to you and great willpower.

There are few bosses as good as ours. And about our dear leader, you can write poems and dedicate songs to him. He always treats his subordinates with understanding and trust, always listens and helps to solve the problem. After all, work is our life, and so I want to feel comfortable and cozy on it. Our dear boss, we congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you good health, joy and great happiness. May your cherished dream always come true, may luck never go around your home.

Dear and beloved boss, happy birthday! May you be the best boss of the year. Let him get a medal for prowess in production. May every trade run smoothly this year and you will make big profits. I wish you good and warm relations with colleagues, bosses and employees.

What is a leader? This is the one who not only stands at the head of the team - but is also its think tank and leader. He is the one who cares about us, who bears the heavy burden of responsibility for us. He cannot work only at work - he must make decisions in advance. So we wish you to be the same confident, charismatic leader and the same strong, self-confident and loving person!

Let each new day bring only good events, new plans, stability in work, so that thanks to this, the team will always have confidence in the future. Let the cornucopia that we give you become a reality in your life. Happy Birthday.

Today is the birthday of the head of our company! This is a wise in business, a distant leader, a reliable person! It is thanks to him that our company has achieved great success! I think every member of our team will agree with me! Congratulations!

Our dear boss, our dear man! Accept all the warmest words from us today. All the most pleasant and warm congratulations. We want you to remember your birthday for a long time. We love and respect you. Be immensely happy, our boss! May you be all right.

Dear boss, on this day we want to wish you a happy birthday. On behalf of all subordinates, I want to tell you that the boss is like a teacher. You need not only to control the work, but also to establish it, to teach everything you need. You are a very smart, wise, successful person, and also a caring and polite mentor.

Today our entire team has gathered to congratulate you, irreplaceable boss, on your birthday. We want to thank you for not only coming to our aid in the most difficult moments, but also always supporting us, encouraging us. For the fact that they never left us, and gave us only joy. For the fact that you value each of us. May great luck come to you on your birthday. Happy birthday.

The boss is the real leader and think tank of our company. All our further work, as well as the efficiency of our team, depends on your correct decisions. We wish you to remain the same good person, and let me wish you good health, happiness and success!

Our dear boss, on behalf of the entire team, we congratulate you on your birthday! You taught us to work for the result and work for the future. There is nothing more difficult than being a boss. After all, one must combine so many different qualities in oneself. And you are doing an amazing job with this assignment. You are the best boss in the world!

Let your age always only tell you about the percentage of those milestones and heights that still have to be achieved. We wish you stability in your business and well-deserved victories. May all projects turn into blessing and prosperity. Happy days to you and the best years.

You don’t congratulate your boss every day, but if you have such an opportunity, then it should not be missed. What can you wish for a good leader, a person who always thinks about his charges, an excellent organizer, an example to follow, someone who you can look up to? Probably like everyone else: health, happiness and success! Congratulations!

Our team wishes you, our esteemed director, to live a century in the world. May life always be supportive and tolerant to you. May there be many more sweet spring dreams in life, and may there be peace and grace in the family. Happy Birthday.

The best boss, I wish you a happy birthday! Let the family always warm you with warmth, attention and understanding. I wish you new creative ideas, career takeoff, inspiration, enthusiasm for work in your work. I wish you a joyful and long life without sadness and longing, so that the whole world revolves around you.

Chief, today we would all like to congratulate you on your birthday! Happy day when you were born and from this the world became brighter! Happy birthday to you. So may this day bring you extraordinary luck, luck, success. And it will give you the brightest emotions! Happy birthday to you, our dear and beloved boss.

The team of our company would like to congratulate you on this significant day! And wish you inspirational creativity and creative inspiration, gigantic health and a constant sense of humor! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to colleagues on the phone

A complete collection of materials on the topic: birthday greetings to the director of a man in your own words from specialists in their field.

We wish you good luck, optimism, success, conquering new heights, strength and energy, stability and prosperity! And also good health, happiness, love of relatives and people close to you!

Happy birthday, we wish you an inexhaustible source of inspiration for professional success, good health, stability and success, prosperity, love and confidence in the future.

Dear leader, please accept congratulations on your birthday from our whole united team! We wish you further professional achievements, the implementation of the most ambitious projects, success in all your endeavors. Be healthy, confident, happy, and prosperous.

Happy birthday! I wish you joy, creative ups and downs, conquering steep peaks, continued success! I wish you reliable people around, strong nerves and a peaceful weekend, unforgettable trips and real family happiness!

Happy birthday and wish you health, energy, optimism, good mood, good luck. Continue just as successfully to lead and lead our "ship" to the intended goal, skillfully bypassing all the storms and pitfalls. May your work always be highly appreciated, respected by your colleagues, and your work will be enjoyable.

Happy birthday, dear and respected boss. Let every idea come true. Let any business bring success and benefit. May every day be intense and fruitful. Let the subordinates sincerely respect, and the relatives deeply love. May fate give peace and blessing, and every decision you make will be true and correct.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! Remain the same purposeful, fair and humane boss. Even at work and at home, everything always turns out with ease. Let work be a joy, and rest - to the fullest. We value and respect you very much!

We hasten to wish you strong spirit, excellent health and inexhaustible thirst for life. On this day for you, let all the impossible come true, and your plans will become closer to reality. Let there be roads in front of you without traffic jams, there is a way out in dead ends, and the family shines with health. I wish you success of limitless, creative realizations and a responsible team.

Happy birthday, our wonderful person. Being a boss who is respected and loved by everyone is not easy, but you are great at it. I wish you health, prosperity and all the best, and may luck and luck, an optimistic mood and absolute self-confidence be added to all this. May your success be indestructible and your happiness inextinguishable.

We wish you pleasure in your work, respect from your subordinates, achievement of your goals! May luck and success accompany you in business, love and happiness will be in your personal life, and vigor, optimism and energy never leave you!

Happy birthday, dear boss. May the work be easy and successful, may there be many great ideas and great prospects in your activity, may there be goodness and prosperity in your home, may happiness and love live in your heart.

We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail so that the mood is always at its best. Let the family be warm and cozy. Success, good luck, luck.

In your star chart, (name), there is a bright lucky star. We wish her light flashed even brighter, giving our boss more career opportunities and success!

The best wishes are being voiced to the best leader today! They will become a solid foundation for success in all areas of life for the next year! Congratulations!

We are grateful for your humanity, (name), and we is in a hurry to wish the ideal boss an exemplary business reputation and error-free business decisions!

Dear boss, you are always businesslike, impeccable, cordially attentive and have a steel core as an entrepreneur! We wish these qualities to become even more sunny! Happy birthday!

Chef, you effortlessly hold our thriving enterprise in your hands. We wish you a burst of fresh ideas in your work, direct paths to career pedestals and endless business triumphs!

Today we honor our boss and sincerely wish flexible and reliable partners, high profits and a growing career. Less stress and anxiety, more pleasure from the work done, health, success, fruitful weekdays and busy weekends. Happy birthday!

Having collected a bouquet of congratulations for the chief, we hasten to congratulate you on your personal celebration! We wish you a long, successful and vigilant management of this difficult work process!