Cool toys for 11th birthday

Boys aged 10-12 years old are still a little bit children, but with obvious features of growing up. The desires of children at this age are contradictory and fickle. Therefore, parents have to rack their brains on what to give a child for the New Year. a toy? Suddenly offended. A fancy gadget? And if you don't like it. Candies? Clothes? Sports equipment? My head is spinning - the choice of options for what to give children for the New Year is so great. And you need to choose exactly for your own and beloved boy. We will figure out what to give a child for the New Year - a boy of 10, 11, 12 years old.

Rules for choosing gifts for the New Year: pictures for children and adults

Have you ever wondered at what age we stop believing in fairy tales? Probably never. And with the advent of each New Year, we expect miracles, regardless of age.

Why, then, are many parents in a hurry to dissuade their growing children in the existence of Santa Claus or firmly believe that the boy is already old enough to believe in miracles.

If your son is 10 or even 12 years old, and he managed to find out the "great secret" of Santa Claus, extend the children's fairy tale in the home circle.

Believe me, many children are happy to write letters to New Year's grandfather even at this age, although many of them are well aware that the "sponsors" of the wizard are their parents.

Let the boy list in such a letter the desired gifts for the New Year (pictures for children are even easier to draw). Such a letter will be a great guide for parents what to give the boy for the New Year.

Even if the desire of the child seems stupid, inappropriate, out of age, try to fulfill it. Remember that we give children a real fairy tale for the New Year and extend the childhood of the growing boy.

Are you worried that the child's wishes are incompatible with the size of the household budget? Choose budget gifts for children for the New Year. This is not about a standard sweet set, but about useful little things.

The best New Year's gift for a 10 year old boy from the world of toys

Is it possible to give toys to boys at this age? Definitely, yes, if you approach the choice of a gift for the New Year to a 10-year-old boy deliberately.

Consider constructor. Only not a primitive children's one, consisting of plastic or wooden blocks, but a real workshop of a small designer.

It can be a large complex constructor, from which you can build real cities, and robots, construction machines.

Or an option supplemented by a solar battery. A homemade model of a car, airplane, helicopter or scooter, catamaran will literally come to life after connecting the power source.

It is not easy to assemble such a craft, but imagine how much delight and pride will be when the toy starts moving.

Such gifts for children for the New Year will appeal to their parents, especially dads.

Creative New Year's gift for a 10-year-old boy

If you have a creative boy growing up who enjoys sculpting, drawing, and other exciting activities, feel free to buy him kits or items related to hobbies.

You can pick up ready-made kits for modeling clay or gypsum sculpture, painting on canvas. Boys are happy to make soap or candles, magnets or clay crafts with their own hands. Some even weave from rubber bands or make paintings from sequins.

For the New Year, a young artist can be presented with a set of high-quality paints and an album or a real picture for coloring. Usually the shades of colors in such a picture are marked with numbers. Some kits come with paints and brushes.

One of the most popular New Year's gifts for a 10-year-old boy is a set for burning. The kits include the device itself, several different attachments and sample pictures.

Often, a childhood hobby develops into a real hobby or even a profession. Therefore, it is worth developing creativity in your children and giving them gifts that will contribute to this.

Interesting gifts for the New Year 11 year old boy

Boys at 11 are incredibly curious. They like to experiment, to do different experiments. Direct this energy into a peaceful direction - give a boy of 11 years old for the New Year a scientific mini-game for a young researcher. What could it be?

Set for experiments "Optical illusions". This game will help you create and study optical illusions at home. And absolutely safe. To do this, the kit has everything you need: filters, blanks, instructions.

Not only 11-year-old boys, but also older children and their parents are delighted with the possibilities of the "Chemical Experiments in the Kitchen" set.

Indeed, right on the kitchen table, you can create an apple battery or starch ink, a citrate volcano or tea wonders, conduct a real home examination or experiments with hibiscus, and even draw with invisible ink. The methodological recommendations contain detailed instructions for conducting such experiments.

Another set for home experiments is "Experiments with Crystals". Growing and crawling, from salt and alum, from tea and sugar. Variations of experiments can be from 1 to 30.

The boy will learn to work with test tubes, spatulas, a thermometer and various reagents. To conduct such experiments, endurance, attention and scrupulousness will definitely be required.

A modern New Year's gift for a 12 year old boy

New Year for children 12 years old is no longer a children's holiday with sweets and rhymes, tangerines and round dances. They are happy to dive under the tree for gifts, but expect to find substantial or fashionable presents there.

In the first place of New Year's gifts for a 12-year-old boy are various electronic gadgets. Large-scale gifts such as computers, tablets, phones are usually given by parents. But such things are quite expensive and not always affordable.

You can get by with cheaper accessories. Unusual speakers, convertible flash drives, high-quality headsets, wireless mice, dual keyboards - the choice is huge.

Equally popular are sports gifts for the New Year to a 12-year-old boy. If the boy plays sports, give him a new uniform, sneakers or winter kit.

The child will like mini or real videos. By the way, the miniature version is much cheaper and can be attached to any shoes.

Skates, skis, sleds or snowboards will perfectly fit into the New Year theme. But the child should be interested in such sports activities.

An interesting gift is a set for home basketball, which includes a removable ring and a small ball. This ring is attached to the wall or door.

Prefer to give useful things - buy a children's sports bracelet. This trendy little thing will definitely appeal to the boy.

You can choose cheap models that count steps and show time. In the series of expensive bracelets, the possibilities are expanded incredibly. They can count pulse, pressure, steps, calories burned, show time, communicate with other electronic gadgets, remember information, have geolocation tracking, etc.

Hobby related gifts for boys

At the age of 10-12, boys begin to collect their first collections or they develop certain hobbies. Not all modern children, as is commonly believed, constantly spend time at the computer. And even if a boy prefers electronic "runners" to jogging in the air, it's worth taking a closer look, listening to what interests him.

Perhaps your New Year's gift to a boy will radically change not only his hobbies, but also the relationship between the children-parents.

You can give a real guitar to a musical child. Can a boy remain indifferent to such a present? It does not hurt to add paid courses on playing the guitar.

Finances allow - give your child a real drum set. Or its miniature copy for working out the rhythm with your fingers.

Your boy is happy to invite friends to the house - give him board and outdoor games. It can be a popular Twister or an improved Grand Twister with an enlarged field. The boy will like table football or hockey.

Fun and educational board games. Consider the options for the games "Rules of the road", "Erudite", "Magicians", etc.

Children aged 11-12 perfectly master various business-themed games. Therefore, you can safely start teaching the future millionaire financial management with games like "Monopolist", "Millionaires", etc.

Video: cool gifts for the New Year

If you want to really surprise a child with a cool gift, get acquainted with cool New Year's presents in the video:

At the age of 11, children experience many emotions, ranging from first love and new acquaintances with peers, ending with disappointment in their parents. At this age, children are already old enough to understand many things, but at heart an 11-year-old teenager is still a child. Therefore, parents face an important task - what to give for a birthday at 11 years old. Our article will help you choose a gift worthy of your child.

What to give a girl for 11 years?

A child at this age should be surprised, because a unique and exquisite gift is needed. Girls at the age of 11 love everything beautiful and interesting, and what exactly - we will find out right now. We will bring to your attention several options for gifts for a young lady.

Educational gifts for girls

At the age of 11-12, children are actively developing and are interested in everything that happens in their lives. To develop curiosity, parents should pay attention to educational gifts. One of them is a laptop. If before the computer appeared in children quite late, now it is more a necessity than a luxury. Thanks to this gadget, you can learn a lot of new things, read news, books, learn foreign languages, chat with friends. A small tablet can become an analogue of a computer. Another good option is to give an 11-year-old girl a cell phone or smartphone. You will also like such fashionable gadgets as an mp3 player with beautiful headphones, a camera, an e-book. There are many options, it all depends on the preferences of your child.

laptop smartphone original headphones inexpensive player

A book will still be a good kind gift. For a girl, this can be a women's encyclopedia for young princesses, where you can learn about needlework, etiquette rules. The book can be fiction, in the genre of adventure or fantasy. If a girl loves animals, then she will surely like a book about the animal world with beautiful illustrations and a detailed description.


A very interesting and educational gift will be a board game - for example, Monopoly. Needlewomen will appreciate the embroidery kits. These can be sets of beads, threads, knitting, or a children's sewing machine. Recently, children's sets for weaving jewelry are gaining popularity. A scrapbooking kit will become relevant - it's always nice to do something with your own hands. Some girls like to spend a lot of time sculpting figurines from ceramic clay - this will also be a wonderful gift for a little lady.

embroidery kit set for weaving bracelets from rubber bands

Young hostesses will be delighted with gifts such as a homemade baking kit. In addition, such an activity can be combined by helping mom in the kitchen. Ice cream makers are also on sale.

figured baking set

Young artists will love drawing kits: you can give an easel with brushes and paints, or a special table designed for working with sand. For girls just starting to draw, pictures with coloring instructions are suitable. Sports girls will appreciate roller skates, bicycles, skis or skates as a gift.


Decorating gifts for a girl

Every 11-year-old girl is a fashionista at heart. She imitates her mother in the manner of dressing, wearing jewelry and even makeup. She will be very happy if you give her a children's set of cosmetics for her birthday. A wonderful gift would be jewelry: jewelry or gold earrings. In addition to jewelry, a beautifully decorated box for storing them will come in handy. It will be possible to store various trinkets and trifles in it. The box should not be too childish, it is better if it is elegant and unusual.

makeup kit bijouterie casket

Little fashionista will be happy with new things. In the children's clothing store you can buy a beautiful dress, blouse or shoes. Accessories are also suitable as a gift - a bright and fashionable scarf, a stylish handbag, hair clips and headbands, elastic bands. All this will greatly please the young lady.

fashionable dresses and ballet flats

Creative gifts for girls

If all of the above does not suit you, you can make an unusual gift in the form of a professional photo shoot in the studio. Such a gift will remain in memory for a long time. A portrait of a young lady painted by a professional artist, or a T-shirt with her image will also be very creative.

If financial opportunities allow, give the girl a trip to another city or, even better, to Disneyland. This is a great opportunity to relax not only for children, but also for adults.

If the girl has favorite performers, then tickets to their concert will be a wonderful gift. In this case, it is better to buy a ticket for yourself, since you will definitely not let one 11-year-old girl in.

A very original gift will be the possibility of flying in a balloon, horseback riding, kayaking on the river. A beautifully designed profile for friends will be a good gift - at the age of 11, many girls, communicating with their peers, want to learn more about them. It will be no less valuable to present a personal diary to the young lady. At the age of 11, girls are not ready to devote their parents to all the innermost thoughts and desires. Let them have their own personal notebook for these purposes.

What to give a boy for 11 years?

An 11-year-old boy already has his own inner world, tastes and outlook on life. At this age, an 11-year-old teenager considers himself an adult, therefore, when choosing a gift, his wishes and interests should be taken into account.

Gifts-gadgets for a boy

Any boy at the age of 1 will be happy to receive a computer or tablet as a gift. This thing will serve him for more than one year and can carry not only a game, but also a developing function. When buying such a gadget for a child, one should be somewhat strict - the computer world can strongly bind to oneself, therefore the child's stay in the virtual space should be limited to 3-4 hours a week. The task of parents is for the child to understand that a tablet or computer is intended not so much for games as for learning.


Another good gift would be an mp3 player. Boys at the age of 11 are very fond of listening to music, sharing it with their peers, listening to it at school breaks. Such a gadget will serve its owner for a long time.

simple player

Another good gift would be a game console. At the age of 11, playing is a pleasure, and mom and dad can keep company with their son, playing together. It's very fun and exciting.

game console

Educational gifts for a boy

What to give a boy for his birthday at 11 - of course, board games. This is a great opportunity to develop a child's vocabulary, reaction, intellectual abilities, thinking and team spirit. Popular board games are "Activity" and "Monopoly", they can be played by adults as well. Checkers, chess or backgammon will also be a good gift.

Monopoly game

A creative boy will like sets for drawing, for collecting cars, military equipment, helicopters. But in order for the assembly of vehicles to be interesting, adults also need to connect to the game.


Future scientists will like scientific laboratories where they can experiment with different objects. The young explorer will be happy to receive a telescope as a gift to study the stars and observe the planets. This is a very exciting activity!


The best educational gift for a boy of 11 years old will be an iron constructor. He can captivate a child for a long time, with him minutes and hours will fly by unnoticed. Its plastic version can also become an analogue of the iron constructor. Lego constructors are very popular, and even among adults there are his fans. These toys perfectly develop logic, thinking, creativity, attention and perseverance.

But a novice musician will be happy to receive a synthesizer as a gift. You can buy a child in the category 9+, or buy an adult simple analogue.


Gifts for sports

11-year-old boys are very mobile and frisky. Giving them good quality sports equipment would be a great idea. If a child's birthday falls in the winter season, you can give a snow scooter. Riding it is very safe and very fun, adults will also be happy to keep the company of the young birthday boy.

snow scooter

A waveboard would be a good gift. It is much more interesting and more fashionable than the skateboard we are used to - a waveboard on two wheels, riding it will be a useful pastime that promotes physical development. An 11-year-old boy will be delighted with a new bike, especially if he has wanted one for a long time. Riding a bike is good for health, and besides, it is a good substitute for computer games.

waveboard bike

Future athletes can be presented with a set of dumbbells - it is best to introduce a child to sports from an early age. Roller skates are a great gift. It is better to buy additional uniforms for them in order to avoid serious injuries - a helmet, knee pads, armlets, gloves.


In conclusion, we want to say that any gift will be a great opportunity to give the child positive emotions. On a birthday, both a boy and a girl of 11 years old will be pleased to receive not only a material gift, but also a gift - an impression - it can be a family trip to a dolphinarium, a zoo, a planetarium, bowling, cinema and much more. You can even give a pet - a kitten, a puppy, a hamster, a parrot, if the child has been asking you for a long time. Birthday is the best occasion to make your kid's dream come true.

At the age of eleven, boys often consider themselves quite mature, have established views on life, their inner world and tastes. Therefore, it is so difficult to decide what to give a boy for 11 years. The easiest way is to ask the birthday man what he would like. But it is unlikely that the child will be able to correctly determine the allowable value of the present and decide exactly what he is dreaming of at the moment. Therefore, it is better to choose on your own, having previously studied the most successful gift ideas for boys of this age.

How to choose a gift for a boy for 11 years

At this age, many children already have quite serious hobbies, so you can build on them. You can also give entertainment and funny gizmos that uplift your mood. Surely the birthday boy will be happy with a modern gadget or an unusual toy designed for teenagers.

To avoid embarrassing mistakes when going for a gift, remember our list of bad ideas:

  • Money. You can give them only if you know that the child is saving up for some important purchase for him. In other cases, banknotes in an envelope will not become a memorable surprise and will soon be spent on various trifles.
  • Toys not for age intended for young children. At 11, I really want to be older than my years. Therefore, the birthday man may be delighted with the typewriter, but he will not show it, and will not play.
  • Cloth. This is a matter of prime necessity and modern children usually do not suffer from its lack. An exception might be a cool T-shirt or something similar to help you stand out from your comrades.
  • Book. Nowadays, a rare boy is fond of reading. If you are not sure that the birthday person is a real book lover, it is better not to take risks with such a present.
  • Items for school. The child probably has everything necessary, so such gifts are usually not encouraging and often turn out to be superfluous.

When gathering for a birthday, do not forget that children love bright events and adventures. Therefore, it would not be out of place to come up with an unusual presentation, for example, tie an armful of helium balloons to a gift and make it fly a little or organize a small quest to find a present.

TOP 10 gifts for a boy for 11 years

  1. Bicycle, rollerblading or skateboard
  2. Experiment kit
  3. Models of equipment or metal constructor
  4. A ball that gives questions to answers
  5. Radio-controlled helicopter
  6. Poster with a photo of the birthday boy
  7. TV game console such as PlayStation
  8. Wireless speaker with an interesting shape
  9. Flight in a wind tunnel
  10. Visit to the aqua or trampoline park

Sports gifts for a boy for 11 years

At this age, boys usually love outdoor games and physical education. Many of them are engaged in sports sections or just drive on the street with friends all day long. Depending on what kind of sports entertainment the birthday person prefers, you can give:

  • Bike. The gift is not cheap, because you will need an almost adult model, but the recipient will certainly be happy. Before buying, be sure to carefully find out what kind of bike the birthday person needs - sports, mountain, etc.
  • Rollers. This is the most useful tool for physical development, so every child must have them.
  • Skates. If the birthday is in winter and there is a skating rink within reach, then such a gift will be super-relevant.
  • Dumbbells, preferably prefabricated, so that it is possible to change the weight. Sooner or later, all the boys have an idea to pump up a little, so your present will be very useful.
  • Skateboard. This is a great gift for an active boy who spends all summer outdoors with friends.
  • Gyroscooter. This is the modern equivalent of a skateboard. An expensive gift, but it will definitely make the birthday man happy.
  • Snow scooter. This is a good gift idea for a winter birthday.

If the boy goes in for sports seriously and attends some section, you can give him training supplies. Only, choosing them, you should consult with professionals, get acquainted with the intricacies of selection. This will help you avoid mistakes and buy something really useful.

If you know that a boy wants to try his hand at some kind of sport, give him a trial workout. Who knows, maybe your gift will mark the beginning of his new hobby or even his life's work.

What to give a boy 11 years old for development

At such a young age, it's time to learn and learn new skills that may well come in handy in the future. Good educational gifts for this age will be:

  • Wood burning kit. It will appeal to a boy who loves to draw and create beauty with his own hands.
  • Lego constructor for the older age group. A large number of small details and the ability to build their own houses, submarines and spaceships will surely appeal to any teenager.
  • Set for experiments. This is a great gift for a young naturalist who is attracted to the knowledge of the mysteries of the universe.
  • Models of equipment or a metal constructor. The boy will surely like to fold various mechanisms himself.
  • Board game. Simple walkers are for kids. Give a toy that will captivate even adults, such as Monopoly or Mafia.
  • Telescope. This is the dream of many teenagers. After all, it allows you to independently observe the stars and reveal the secrets of the sky.

A good gift from the developing category will be participation in a suitable master class. Choose something that the birthday person likes, such as pottery or origami. Such a present will bring a sea of ​​emotions and useful skills, and will become one of the most memorable.

What is cool and unusual to give a boy for 11 years

Funny presents that lift your spirits are also relevant at this age. Perhaps such things will not bring any benefit, but they will please the recipient. Good ideas:

  • A ball that gives questions for answers. You should not trust him with serious decisions, but you can have fun with questions.
  • Grab toy. It helps develop hand dexterity and reaction speed, and is also great fun.
  • T-shirt with equalizer. The picture on it glows in the dark and moves to the beat of the music.
  • Runaway alarm clock. With it, morning rises will become cheerful and cheerful.
  • Radio-controlled helicopter. This is a toy that any boy will be delighted with.
  • Spy set. It can include a listening device, a spyglass, a disappearing ink pen, and other things that make you feel like an elusive 007.
  • Poster with a photo of the birthday boy. Think in what way he would like to appear, and order such a unique picture.

Remember that children and teenagers are very vulnerable, so a cool gift should be funny, but in no case hurt the feelings of the recipient.

A very unusual gift - an adventure. At this age, too extreme entertainment is still prohibited, but there are excellent and not dangerous options, such as:

  • Flight in a wind tunnel;
  • Karting;
  • Horse riding;
  • Flight on a flight simulator;
  • Visiting an aqua or trampoline park;
  • Climbing master class;
  • Flight in a hot air balloon;
  • Rope park visit.

The presented adventure will surely be remembered for a long time and will be an excellent occasion to brag to your friends.

Modern gadgets as a gift for a boy for 11 years

All boys love high-tech novelties, so giving something from this category, you definitely can’t go wrong. Best Digital Gift Ideas:

  • New cool smartphone. The more useful functions it has, the happier the birthday person will be.
  • Laptop. It is necessary for both study and entertainment, so it will be a great gift.
  • Camera. Many modern children are fond of photography, and without a high-quality camera, it is not easy to take good pictures. If the birthday boy already has a camera, you can give a good lens and other useful accessories to it.
  • TV game console e.g. PlayStation. The benefits of such a gift are minimal, but you will truly make the birthday man happy.
  • Wireless speaker with an interesting shape, for example, in the form of a drink can or a dancing robot.
  • MP3 player. Teenagers love to listen to music anytime, anywhere. Give the boy such an opportunity, and he will surely be pleased.

Various accessories for a computer and various digital devices will also be good gifts, for example:

  • A computer mouse and a pad for it of an interesting shape;
  • Speakers with light music;
  • Disc with a new version of your favorite game;
  • Backlit keyboard;
  • Cool smartphone case.

If you decide to give a smartphone as a present, be sure to find out what kind of birthday person dreams of. Modern children are often better than adults in digital technology and know exactly what they want. But, even if your gift will not be a surprise, be sure to pack it beautifully and present it in a solemn atmosphere, it will cheer up birthday people of any age.

After the first significant anniversary in the life of a child was celebrated brightly and noisily, it will be quite difficult to choose a worthy gift for 11 years. It seems that for a decade the boy got everything he wanted and needed, but this is not the one. You can always find exactly the present that will best suit the situation and can bring joy to the birthday man.

Eleven years is the period when the boy begins to equal his peers, adult men. The paradox is that the boy begins to actively demonstrate his adulthood, but still loves surprises and continues to believe in miracles. This can only mean that there should not be any gifts in the form of plush toys, because the future man is growing in the house.

Hormonal storms are still far away, there are also no contradictions in actions and behavior, the world is not yet divided into black and white, but in the minds of eleven-year-old boys there are already noticeable shifts towards independence. They need to be recognized for this behavior, because they are no longer babies, but practically teenagers. When thinking about what to give a boy of 11 years old for his birthday, you should turn to the child’s hobbies and hobbies. You can often hear opinions that a boy is much more difficult to please with a gift than a girl, but even here you can find such presentation options that even the most picky will like.

As mentioned above, boys should not be given toys for 11 years. The child has already grown up, so such a gift will definitely not cause any positive emotions, there will only be bewilderment. Although this warning does not apply to board games and some other "toy" things. As a birthday present, you can present exciting board games - paper, metal or plastic puzzles, economic games. Such games will not only allow you to have an interesting time with friends or parents, but will also contribute to the development of abstract and logical thinking.

For eleven years, a boy can be pleased with collectible cars on original stands, perhaps this will interest him and he will continue to replenish his collection. If one already exists, it is necessary to select exclusive car models that the child does not yet have. Also of interest will be construction kits, models of cars, helicopters, planes, boats or military equipment for gluing, constructor-city, fortress and much more from the same category. When choosing a gift, it is worth considering the interests of the boy.

Gifts from the sports category will also become a pleasant and useful birthday present. You can give a child tennis rackets, balls for playing football or basketball, a kimono for wrestling or karate, a puck and a hockey stick, uniforms for playing, skates or skis, new roller skates, a modern model of a bicycle.

The realities of modern life are such that today it is impossible to do without electronics, so for 11 years a boy can be presented with a modern gadget - a new phone, tablet computer, game console, music player, e-book. The choice of a gift for a birthday will depend on the wishes of the birthday person, on his preferences and the financial capabilities of the donor.

Despite the fact that at the age of eleven, boys demonstrate their independence and adulthood, they still like to take a break from walking on the street or from the computer and play with their favorite cars. In this case, you can please the child with cars complete with a race track, a large railway or a serious radio-controlled toy. All the boys are happy to have fun with such toys, and often with their dads, who are not averse to spending time with the child for such an exciting activity.

If a boy prefers to spend time reading books and studying sciences that are interesting to him, then it is worth giving a book on his birthday that interests him, a telescope for studying stars, a microscope. For young gamers, there is no better gift than discs with new computer games, an interactive steering wheel, pedals, a good joystick or gaming mouse, and good quality headphones. Moreover, all these little things for the computer will be useful not only for games, but also useful for study, because we must not forget that 11 years old is the age of a student in grades 4-5.

For children who are interested in painting, it is worth giving something related to their interests - paints, an easel, canvases, good brushes. Creative people who love to invent and craft with their own hands will like tool kits, a set for burning.

The boy is passionate about music and wants to learn how to play the guitar - give him a guitar, perhaps this will be what determines his future life and the little inquisitive fidget will turn into a famous musician.

You can hardly find an eleven-year-old child who would not be happy to spend their birthday in an unusual way, go somewhere or experience new experiences. An excellent gift that will give a sea of ​​emotions, pleasant memories and will be remembered for a long time will be a trip to a water park, a dolphinarium, an oceanarium, a planetarium, a bowling trip, a trip or a trip with the whole family, a trip to another city to an amusement park. The choice of place should be determined by the child himself, so that it becomes a surprise for him, it is advisable to unobtrusively find out what he most wanted for his birthday.

Children are very fond of surprises, no matter what gift was chosen for the boy's birthday, you should separately worry about how to present it, pack it. It is advisable to keep the intrigue, let it be an unexpected and pleasant surprise, from which the child's eyes will burn, and there will be no limit to joy and pleasure.

Eleven years is an ambiguous age. Adults perceive the boy as a child, but the future birthday boy himself proudly feels like a completely accomplished person. But one thing is certain - the young gentleman already knows what exactly he wants to receive as a present for his birthday. Of course, making the right choice is often very difficult, so the purchase of a surprise must be planned in advance.

The best gift ideas for a 11 year old boy

Many parents with some apprehension are waiting for the transitional age of their child. Eleven years is the beginning of the most difficult period for a boy. This is a kind of boundary between children's hobbies and the desire to express themselves, to show their character.

Child psychologists focus the attention of adults on the fact that on the day of the 11th birthday it is very important to organize a real holiday for the birthday man. In this case, the boy will feel his importance, as well as the love and care of his parents.

  • do not buy a gift without first consulting with the future birthday man. The fact is that the hero of the occasion is looking forward to the moment when he opens the package and sees the desired present. And if his expectations are not met, the holiday will be ruined;

    Children often express their opinion about the gifts received, and it is not always positive. If they do not like the item they received, the guys announce this to the donor, not embarrassed to hurt his feelings.

  • Do not forget that the child has friends. Of course, many mothers and fathers do not consider it necessary to celebrate their son's birthday with his classmates. But for a guy it is important to accept congratulations from peers. Listen to his desires, organize a small evening in a cafe or entertainment center for him and the company of the same cheerful boys and girls;
  • don't be afraid to accept the fact that your son is growing up. If your plans were to buy a new toy, and he asked for a player or boxing gloves, make the birthday man's dream come true. It is important for him that his parents support and help with a new hobby or hobby.

If you decide to please the birthday boy with sweets, let this be a nice addition to the main present, but not its main part.

What gifts will parents please the birthday boy

From parents, the child expects something unusual and magical, so the gift is traditionally expensive. As a rule, mom and dad buy the thing that the son has been daydreaming about for more than a month.

Some adults opt for a small toy, and then are left wondering why a teenager walks around so sad all day. It should be understood that such hobbies are in the past. The young gentleman already considers himself a grown-up guy, so he will gladly accept something unusual:

  • a talking robot that answers the simplest questions;
  • interactive pet;
  • helicopter with control function;
  • themed construction kits, for example, a racing track, a flying ship, a submarine, a castle with knights;
  • collectible figurines, if the boy collects them.

The boy will be delighted with the transformer toy on the remote control

But many children at the age of eleven prefer completely different adult-oriented presents. At this age, the birthday boy no longer considers himself a child, so it is quite logical that he asks mom and dad for electronic gadgets.

Child psychologists do not see anything wrong with buying some modern technical devices as a surprise for a boy, because today most of the lessons at school do not pass without a computer, laptop or tablet.

The young gentleman will be glad:

  • smartphone. It is not necessary to purchase the latest model with a huge screen. It is highly likely that on the very first day at school, the student will forget or drop it. Buy a simpler phone, not too expensive, just the right one for a student;

    To make the present even brighter, in addition, give an unusual case and a keychain in the same style.

  • netbook. An irreplaceable thing, especially during the educational process;
  • player with glowing headphones. All the guys love to listen to music, and with such an accessory it will be even more interesting to do it;
  • game console. Most boys dream of her;
  • a set of keyboard and computer mouse of unusual design.

Photo gallery: what to give a son from his parents

The birthday boy will appreciate the unusual design of a computer mouse and keyboard
The most popular sets today are Lego designers Before buying collectible figures, ask the boy which one he is missing Inexpensive models of smartphones for schoolchildren are sold in stores Glowing headphones are a stylish accessory for a modern teenager
All the guys dream of a Playstation game console It will be interesting for a boy to play with a real robot Netbook is convenient to take with you and work on it at home

What to buy as a gift for a grandson, nephew or godson

Close relatives also try to present a useful thing to the birthday boy, choosing it depending on the interests and hobbies of the boy.

Grandparents, aunts and uncles or godparents ask the teenager in advance what he wants most. Or they talk with mom and dad of the hero of the occasion, if they want the present to be a surprise.

Many relatives believe that a gift should be necessary, positively affecting mental and physical development:

  • a telescope for the student to study the starry night sky;
  • sets for experiments. The future scientist will surely enjoy growing crystals, conducting chemical experiments, or examining various tissues and samples under a microscope;
  • a set of carving or wood burning;
  • bike. At 11 years old, the diameter of the wheels should be 24 inches;
  • skateboard 75 cm long and about 18 cm wide;
  • accessories for fishing;
  • a simulator, for example, a treadmill;
  • punching bag and gloves;
  • dumbbell set. Keep in mind that initially the weight of one should be no more than 1-2 kg;
  • tennis set.

Sports gifts - a great option for a boy's birthday present

The child will also be interested in:

  • columns of original design. For example, models with a transparent body are very popular. During music playback, optical effects resembling fountains are created inside;
  • flash drive transformer. A USB stick in the form of a key fob is familiar to everyone. But with an accessory that turns into a robot animal or a racing car, you can play and, if necessary, upload and download data;
  • a smart watch that a teenager will wear not only to school, but also to workouts or walks. They receive and send messages, allow you to make calls.

Photo gallery: gift ideas from close relatives

Stars can be viewed with a telescope
With a wood burning kit, the birthday boy will make excellent decorations for the room
Complete with a skateboard, buy protection for a boy: a helmet, knee pads and armlets A boy will have fun with a set for playing tennis A punching bag and gloves will be a great gift for a young athlete

Gifts for a teenage boy 11 years old from friends

If earlier adults gathered a company of children at the birthday man's house to celebrate his birthday, today it is not fashionable and not as popular as a few years ago.

The best option is to order a festive program in a children's entertainment center. Invite teachers to show the boys and girls some experiments or a science show. And at the very beginning of the party, guests will present gifts.

Ideas for useful and original gifts

At the age of eleven, presents for the guys who were invited to their birthdays are bought by their parents. And as a rule, they are not too expensive:

  • Board games. Despite the huge popularity of computers and online entertainment, Monopoly, Farm Frenzy, Battleship will definitely appeal to a teenager;
  • construction set. The hero of the occasion will be interested in transport models: car, plane or ship;
  • chess or checkers;
  • books. The student will need a thematic encyclopedia or adventure stories and detective stories appropriate for their age;

    Ask the birthday person if they have a favorite writer or story cycle. If so, purchase the Collector's Edition of the Complete Works.

  • unusual lamp with a projector;
  • running alarm clock. Most students do not like to wake up early in the morning. Therefore, this unusual gift will be very useful;
  • backpack with multiple compartments to put your tablet, training uniform and shoes, lunch box or water bottle;
  • thumbnails. This invention is a device with wheels that is worn on any shoe, but most often on sneakers or sneakers;
  • Velcro darts;
  • a ball and a basketball stand that can be adjusted to the boy's height.

Thumbnails can be removed at any time

Original hand made gifts

Best friends will please the birthday boy not only with store gifts, but also with homemade ones. However, they will only be an unusual and exclusive addition to the main surprise:

  • scrapbooking style card with a wish. It is often made by the whole company, leaving their names and congratulatory words in honor of a friend on the spread;
  • photo album;
  • medal. Order in advance from the master. It must contain information about the date of birth of the boy and his name;
  • bookmarks for books in thematic style, for example, military equipment, favorite cartoon characters;
  • T-shirt or sweatshirt with a painting on the fabric;
  • candy figure.

Photo gallery: the best gift ideas from friends

The boy will be interested in a wooden construction kit that does not require nails or glue
With darts, the birthday boy will have fun with friends
Unusual lamp will decorate a teenager's room
Choose a backpack with several spacious compartments For a teenager, order a candy figure in the form of a soccer ball The board game "Sea Battle" is a popular gift for children You can add photos of friends to the photo album Let all friends sign a greeting card
Buy a collection of essays about Harry Potter for a birthday boy

How to have a fun birthday: entertainment as a present

If the birthday boy wants to have fun and brightly spend his birthday, it's easy to arrange by organizing:

  • a trip to the dolphinarium or oceanarium. Sea creatures always attract the attention of children. For a fee, please your son, grandson or nephew with swimming with dolphins;
  • purchase of a subscription to the climbing wall. The first few workouts, the child must be engaged with an instructor;
  • visiting an exhibition of robots;
  • playing laser tag or paintball;
  • an excursion to the science museum and visiting master classes and shows;
  • a walk in the rope park;
  • purchasing tickets for a football or basketball match of your favorite team.

An eleven-year-old teenager expects to receive the desired gifts from the closest people on the day of his celebration. Parents should prepare for this event in advance in order to have time to organize an interesting evening with entertainment, buy a present and invite their son's best friends. It is not easy to choose a worthy product for a boy of this age, but if you approach this issue carefully, everything will work out. The main thing is to listen to the opinion and desire of the birthday man himself.