Reiki treatment: Methods and patient reviews. How to be healthy. Additional Reiki techniques (for those who have a railway stage)

Recently, spiritual practices aimed at self-knowledge, self-improvement and even healing themselves are gaining increasing popularity. We consider one of the most popular traditions today.

The energy of life

Reiki is a type of working with energy by attracting it from the depths of the Universe. This tradition, which came to us from Japan and firmly rooted in our country due to its effectiveness. People who interact with the rails are not only better learning themselves and the world, they learn to see and feel much more than others. And the ability to heal their hands, in which, in fact, is the main purpose of the rail, allows you to achieve amazing results in injuries or diseases of the practitioner or loved ones. Is it possible to learn the rails yourself?

Seminars or home learning?

Almost every major city you can find seminars that teach interaction with the rail. 1 stage of initiation and training (payment requirements are usually not different from each other in cities and countries) lies in the disclosure of the channel, according to which the student will receive the rail energy.

Training allows you to learn the basic skills - to fill yourself with the energy of the rail, heal with the help of palms of yourself and other people, as well as animals. At the same time, the master tells the story of the rail, the basic principles of work, is initiated and teaches to meditate correctly. The first step on average costs 150 dollars. Lost training for several days. Many people for independent practice are usually fairly first steps. The masters claim that their students have enough basic knowledge that they can then use to independently increase their knowledge and opportunities.

Is it possible to train a rail independently at home? It is real, but requires a lot of desire to explore and practice the rails. On some sites, you can also find paid training videos that will help you figure out the flow of information.

Home study of the rail has some advantages, but work with energy always carries a certain risk if not accompanied by the instructions of an experienced master. Therefore, carefully examine about the rails everything you need to know before you start practicing.

Alas, you will not be able to fully master the art of working with the rail, because when learning the rail, initiation is impossible.

The term "Reiki"

For the best to understand this tradition, consider the meaning of the word "Reiki". It is interpreted in different ways, as it has several values. First of all, this is the designation of the life energy "Rey" and "Ki". Also, the term is applicable to naming the universal energy and God and the process of restoring health with the help of hands.

Working with the rail allows you to adjust the body to accept the energy of the finest plan. This is the unity of the soul and body, allowing you to know your own "I".

Does rake help with serious diseases?

Chinese specialists have long argued that all our diseases arise due to violation of the flow of vital energy. Tradition will allow you to fill the body with energy, learn how to manage it. Many people really cure their diseases with the help of a rail, but for this you need to find the root of the problem.

Where to begin?

You firmly decided to practice the rails? How to start learning yourself in this case, while you do not know? Start with awareness. Look inside yourself, understand what rooting problems are pursuing you and why. Analyze your life and your help you find the origins of many of your own problems. Way to change yourself and your life.

Check out the necessary literature. Knowing people advise several authors:

  1. Dian Stein. Among her books "Practical Guide ...", several cycles of the "Basics of Reiki".
  2. Lia Sokolova.
  3. Walter Lubeck "Spirit Reiki". The book is based on the records of famous rack masters.
  4. Lisa Kashlinskaya.

Energy cleaning

In addition, you need to feel your own energy. Deliver to yourself listen to yourself. But before this it is recommended to clean your own biofield with the help of the so-called energy soul. The shower lies in cleansing thin bodies with candles. The thing is that our chakras are clogged with thickens of negative energy, which prevent them from functioning normally. To fully tune in to the rail, clean your biofield from these clots. You can make the energy shower daily - after a busy working day and communicating with unpleasant people. Cleaning will allow you to remove negative programs and improve your own well-being.

Do not forget to conduct a rack meditation.

Reiki meditation

Meditation is one of the most successful methods of knowing his own "I", the search for harmony between you and the outside world. Before starting to work with the rail, they need to feel. Sincerely and with feeling call the energy of the rail. During meditation, the back must be smooth, the hands are folded in a prayer gesture, and the feet are tightly connected. This will allow you to close your own energy. It is better to rely on the back of the wall or a chair to keep the spine in a vertical position, but at the same time save relaxation. Feel the energy flowing in your body, warm, bright, filled with gratitude and joy.

Meditative machinery

  1. Meditate in the same place at the same time. Do it daily.
  2. Start meditation from three minutes, gradually increasing to half an hour.
  3. Drive your diary to record your own emotions and sensations during each meditation.

During meditation, nothing should interfere with you. Relax, breathe deeply and plunge into the blissful state of inaction - Cosmos will show you everything you need to know. At the same time, do not forget about gratitude. Sincerely thank your spiritual teachers, the highest entities that will come to your appeal. Remember that, sending gratitude to the Universe, you get in response to your sincerity much more than give.

Reiki meditation can help you solve complex life questions. During meditation, ask the question of interest to you at your highest "I", calling the rails. The answer to the question may not come immediately. Such answers come in different ways - in the form of pictures during meditation, some of which will have to decipher, or a sudden understanding of how to do.

And, of course, do not forget during training about the principles of this tradition.


We continue learning the rail. Rake principles are five rules, or rather, instructions that have been translated from the Japanese language and have several interpretations. You can choose those that are closest to you. It is imperative to repeat these rules immediately before the session. You can even not tell them out loud, the main thing is to feel every word, skip through ourselves.

  1. Today is not angry.
  2. Today, do not worry.
  3. Today, be grateful.
  4. Today, work on yourself.
  5. Today be kind.

Try to follow these principles constantly, and you will see how lighter and lighter has become in the soul. After all, before you heal others, you need to heal yourself. Very soon you will not even need to make an effort to follow these instructions - Rakes will open you harmony and calm that do not allow unpleasant emotions.

Techniques and Reiki Exercises

And now - the most important thing! Exercises that will allow you to call and feel the energy flowing in your body. To do this, you will need exercises to realize the first level of the rail.

Reiki awareness

Below we will look at a few exercises, but before this, take into account several rules.

  1. Exercises are better to spend in the morning, immediately after awakening, when the brain is in the changed state, and before the departure to sleep.
  2. Make exercises on an empty stomach.
  3. The duration of exercises reaches half an hour, because in this case it all depends on when you achieve the desired result. What exactly? You will surely feel it.
  4. It is desirable weak, inappropriate lighting and lack of any extraneous noise. Your thoughts should soar freely and easily, so you should not be distracted by external factors.
  5. Do not let your thoughts interfere with you. If they "sailed" to another rush, start all over again.
  6. Each exercise do about half an hour.

Exercise 1. Is basic in any meditative practice. It is important when teaching the rail independently. So, sit more comfortable in the chair and call: "Reiki!". Make a deep breath with the thought "I inhale the rails," and then exhale with the thought "I exhale the rail." At the same time, do not make a pause between inhale and exhale, each of which must be accompanied by the appropriate words. Mentally you can stretch the words. The main thing is not to watch your breath, save it involuntary and free. When blowformes disappear by themselves, leaving the feeling of how energy is distributed over the body, the result is achieved. The duration of the exercise is about 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. The following exercise is made in a horizontal position. You need to enter the relaxed state reached in the first exercise, and gradually relax every better start on the right side. For example, at first relax your right legs, then switch to the left. Go to your hands. Gradually rise to the head. Remove the tension from the neck, chest, back, pelvis area, mentally relax the heart, brain, nerves and tendons. When in that part of the body to which your attention is directed, you will feel warm and severity - the result is achieved. To achieve a sustainable result, practice exercise at least two weeks.

For further practices, allowing to develop the abilities of the rail, you will need working with a master. The full training of the rail is independently impossible without the help of a specialist. There are other exercises aimed at working with energy within their own body. Check out the descriptions of breathing and relaxing exercises by selecting the option.

What is the initiation of the rail?

What is the difference between training and initiation? Dedication to the rail must be held with the master. The setting is to open the channel, that is, in dedication to the rail. Remember that the choice of the master in this case is an extremely responsible case, as a person with unclean thoughts is able to "push" on your channel energy essence that will feed on your energy. The scheme for the initiation of the rail varies from the master to the master, so there is no specific technique.

The initiation is to synchronize the masters of the master with the student. That is, you transmit a specific program that allows you to interact with the energy of the universe. Setup allows you to increase the energy reserve, as well as strengthen intuition and give other mental capabilities.


And is it really possible to learn rails yourself? You can learn basic skills, but you cannot achieve a high level. However, if you have the potential, you may well have enough home learning to achieve the result you need.

The energy of the rail helps to set up the body and spirit on harmonious high vibrations and with constant practice to heal various diseases. Also, with the help of the rail, you can clear your life from negative events, attracting the necessary you, and ultimately find the life that you would like.

In this section, all sorts of rack techniques are collected for working with them and clients, as well as animals, plants, crystals. Find out how to clean and charge your home, objects, car and more.

Healing practices and techniques Reiki

Spiritual and psychological causes of illness.

Any disease is an equilibrium violation signal, harmony with the universe. The disease is an external reflection of our destructive thoughts, our behavior and our intentions, that is, the worldview. Consequently, to cure the disease, it is necessary to change its worldview!

Only after the awareness of the essence, after the realization of our violations of perception on a particular issue, a real opportunity appears to correct the situation and say goodbye to the disease!

Causes of diseases in ourselves and they are as follows:

a) misunderstanding the goal, the meaning and purpose of his life;
b) misunderstanding and non-compliance with the laws of the universe;
c) the presence in the subconscious and consciousness of detrimental, aggressive thoughts, feelings and emotions, deeply experienced inside.

There are many works with a list of diseases and their possible reasons for the mental plan.
Find out in detail about the possible spiritual causes of diseases:

If you do not know which problem situations and emotions are "hiding" for the disease - you can just keep your palms on this body site, and pay attention to what pops up in memory.

Work with root cause.

according to many esoteric teachings, the root causes of disease are often in a distant past associated with the real karma, or with the life of our planet, or a smaller part-in the nearby past. "Calculate" the root cause of the disease or painful situations, or long, delivering the severity of the relationship does not succeed quickly even clairvoyant people. These root causes can be multistage, superimposed on each other, mix with the karmic debts of relatives and so on.
But without the treatment of the most escorting root causes, it is sometimes difficult to shift the disease.
In the rail 2 there is a technique that allows you to access the main reason for malaise, not knowing it.
Call racks for the treatment of root causes of this disease. Draw many times after each other 3 sign (distant symbol). When he stops "flying away", draw 2 sign many times, then -1 sign. Act by intuition.

Reference conductors

How to get help and answers from a subtle plan

Reiki conductors are the bright entities of the fine plan, they come to us in the rack stream, support us during self-describing sessions and sessions that we spend other people help in meditations and in our daily practice are necessarily present at all initiations. They help and support us in difficult and difficult life situations.

With rail guides, you can and need to learn to come into contact and communicate with the 1st stage, it is an opportunity to get a spiritual experience in a new way to look at your life, to receive answers to your life questions daily, and another important moment when we start communicating With light entities in the rack stream - the rail energy becomes our natural protection.

With what light entities we can establish contact in the rack stream:

● Reiki conductors -Group of light entities that conduct and support Rake Channel, Great Teachers and Wizards Reiki

● Saints, the ascended teachers are the souls of people who lived in our world and reached enlightenment and now being on a thin plan help and support us.

● Angels and archangel - bright spiritual creatures, closer than all those who stand for us and having a special care about us.

● Mentors and our spiritual teachers -Us each of us there is your mentor who leads us through life. Mentors can be somewhat, and in different periods of life they can change.
Depending on what religion you belong to, and what worldview you are closer, you can feel differently and see the creatures of a fine plan.
So, someone spiritual mentors will be in the form of angels, and someone - in the form of Buddhist saints, or just glowing creatures.
Someone turning to God, turns to Jesus Christ, and someone to the Great Dao, or to the Universe.
God is one for everyone, just with each of us he can speak different languages!

Simple technique "Establishing contact with rail guides":

1. Immediately take care of yourself and conduct safety technologies before communicating with a thin plan, since low-frequency energies also exist on a thin plan:
- Comerate a room using a rail in which you will conduct meditation, create a comfortable atmosphere, you can freeze the candles, put with you near the crystals charged in the rail, turn on calm, quiet music without words.

CGarmonize yourself, put your thoughts and emotions in order, you can carry out a small respiratory meditation in the rail or session to harmonize chakras. Please, if we are tuned to high vibrations, light entities will communicate with us - our helpers, conductors and mentors. Low Entities we will remain "invisible" - as we do not imagine interest for them.

2. Take a decision or feel with whom you would like to talk to the fine plan teachers. Give the rail energy, according to your step:
An example of the intention "I invite the divine energy of the rail, the energy of love and light so that now to spend a session to establish contact with (name the name of the teacher), I ask the rack's energy to help me clearly and clearly accept and understand the messages, I ask to protect and fill the space Our communication with the energy of love and light, the best and most favorable way, for the benefit of all. Thank you! "

Ask Teachers to come to contact with you. Reliable to the highest beings of the world, simple words going from the heart, arrive in a state of gratitude and love.
You can feel His presence right away or after a while, you can see the image, hear his voice, or just understand that he came and is ready to communicate with you.
Next, imagine or see that you and the teacher sat down opposite each other, it can be your room, or imaginary space, the place which you like most and suitable for your communication.
You can start a dialogue yourself, ask your questions or listen to what the teacher tells you. It is not necessary to speak very often, it is enough to just be in the field of the teacher - and all the answers will come in the form of signs and sensations.
At the end of the conversation, we will definitely thank the teacher and the rail energy.

Cleaning chakras using Rake

You can clean the chakras as follows: Become straight - legs on the shoulder width, hands up. Palms are open to the sky - type Reiki's energy and bring hands to the first chakra, then dial the Reiki again and repeat everything with 2 chakra and so on. Draw a 1st symbol-straight vertical line it passes through all the chakras, then draw 1 symbol so that the horizontal line passes through 6 chakra, as if reading it, then repeat the same with 5 and so on the chakras (correspondingly reducing the drawd 1 symbol so that it does not lose proportionality)

Cleansing aura:

Cleansing the aura is carried out before and after the heating session of Reiki. Before a session: Cleansing aura removes excessively and leads the energy of the aura into equilibrium.

The patient can lie on the table or mate, can sit on the floor or chair, so that he can be comfortable.

Make Gassely, and call the feeling of Reiki (it can be done, stretching your hands up and allowing the Rake Light Login).

Stroking the air over the whole body (at the level of about 10 centimeters) with both hands or one. Strokes are made by one continuous movement from the head to the legs or from the left side of the body to the right.

If you use one hand, you first work on one side of the body, then go around the patient and work on the other side. Comments: Thus, the Aura energy is consistent with the energy of Reiki flowing from hand palms. At the same time, the stagnant, excessive energy is cleaned.

Energy Actors for Tonus

"7 cups of coffee"
If you need to quickly come to yourself, cheer up, it will take 15 minutes.

One hand on the 6th (Ajna) - forehead, the second on the 5th (Vishudha) - the throat.
One hand on the 4th (anahata) - the heart, the second on the 3rd (manipura) - solar plexus.
One hand on the 2nd (Svadkhitan) - 2 cm below the navel, the second on the 1st (Mulladhara) - Sacral.

Powerover for good sleep

"Relaxation, alignment"

If you need to calm down, to relax before bedtime it takes 15 minutes.
Hands in position hold 5 minutes.

One hand on the 6th (Ajna) - forehead, the second on the 1st (Mladjahar) - Sacral.
One hand on the 5th (Vishudha) - the throat, the second on the 2nd (Svadkhitan) - 2 cm below the navel.
One hand is 4th (anahata) - the heart, the second on the 3rd (manipura) - solar plexus.

Help in emotional crises

On 4 and 5 chakra 1st and 2nd characters. On the rear aspect of 5 chakras 3rd symbol
4 and 5 chakras do rayes for 5 -10 minutes

Situation with a negative habit.

The habit is an automatic, routine, usual action or behavior, a repetition of any action, one should distinguish the habit and dependency. Periodic change of some habits opens up the opportunity to see what happens with other eyes and under a completely different angle of view.
Be sure to get the conscious consent of the patient to remove the habit!

To imagine a picture of a person with his negative habit between the palms and send the rails there (you can write on paper). Use distant signs (3), emotional-mental (2) (many times), affirmation, power symbol (1) ..

You can carry out treatment several times, carefully observing any changes.

2 way.
It is possible to get rid of the negative habits and in contact treatment or in the treatment at a distance to the crown chakra use affirmation to remove a negative habit. 2 ... 2, affirm., FULL NAME, 1.

Using Reiki for plants and animals

Rakes for animals

For animals - dogs, cats, cows, horses, and so on, treatment should be started from the forehead and then perform other positions on the head and on the body. If it is impossible to touch or firmly to hold your arms to some seats, keep them above the surface in the short distance. Birds should be carefully held in both hands. When, during the transfer of energy, you gently put your hands on the head or neck of the animal, it calms down and feels comfortable. You can carry out treatment, holding hands over the cage. For Karpov, Sazanov, Golden Fish, Aquarium Fishes, and so on, do the treatment, putting hands to the aquarium or over the water of the pond. You can send energy Rake Food and Water.

Rakes for plants

For the treatment of plants, put your hands on the leaves, trunk or roots. Flowers treat as a cleansing aura, holding stems or roots with both hands. You can send the vital energy of Reiki seeds of plants or vegetables. You can direct the energy of Reiki to the soil and water.

Reiki for cleansing and healing air or atmosphere indoors.

Send Rakei with both hands in the corners of the room, on the walls, floor, ceiling.

It is also possible to use symbols (after the initiation of the 2nd stage). Various representations are possible, including the superimposition of the Cho Ray symbol on the corners and walls of the room and the center.

Rakes for food and drink.

You can direct the energy of Reiki to the ingredients before cooking, or send the energy of Reiki to the food and drink before their use. In both cases, you should either keep your hands above the object, or to concern the dishes in which it lies and send energy there.

Dzakikiri-Dzok-Ho - Technique for cleansing objects

This original Mikao Usui technique for cleansing and energy support of the subject (inanimate). It allows you to remove severe negative energy and restore the vibrating order using Rake Energy. This technique can be used when working with crystals, amulets and other objects. It is known that Mikao Usui used charged crystals in healelers sessions.

Execution of equipment:

Intensify three energy centers. Say "I start dzakiki Dzok-ho" and put the selected item on the palm of the left hand (for those who have a working hand right). Do not forget about the concentration of your attention on the bottom dantyan.

At a distance of five centimeters from the subject, spend horizontally right palm, stop moving sharply and hold your breath. Repeat this operation three times, and then allow Reiki to fill this object through your hands. If a desire has appeared, you can repeat this operation again.

At the end, postpone the subject you worked with. Connect the palm to Gassely, tell me "I finished Dzakiki Dzok-ho" and then good shake hands.

You can produce such cleansing as needed. If the subject is too big, the technique is applied at certain points, or you can present this subject in your palm in a miniature form.

Charging the water in the bath with Rake

Before taking the bath, a well charged the water in it directing Rakely there - first holding hands over the water, then lowering them into the water and drawing 1, 2 and 3 symbols on the water. You can charge the water running out of the soul - to do this, draw symbols on the pipe imaging that water passing through this charged ring charging the energy of Reiki

Crystal treatment "without me".

Sometimes the situation is when treatment needs to continue, but there is no physical opportunity. Then the Mineral Kingdom comes to the rescue.
Take the crystal, charge it, without calling a person. Affirmation. Photo put on crystal. Treat photos on a crystal of 3,2,1 sn., FULL NAME, AFFERM. Then put the photo on the table, the crystal on it. Crystal treats 2-3 days. When the crystal finished work, thank energy, crystal. Crystal cleaned 2 and 1 signs.

Ambulance Patient

First of all, you need to stop strong bleeding, fix the broken limb, etc. conventional ambulance intake. Then call the doctor and before the doctor's arrival to conduct a rail session. Appeal. If the patient is in an unconscious state, then we ask his soul to take the rails.

When providing ambulance, it is best to put a patient on the patient's kidneys and keep approximately 15 minutes. Most often during this time the patient comes into consciousness. Then put your hands over the sick place or place of injury and make the rails before the doctor's arrival. To do this, you can go down next to the resulting racks on your knees. In case of severe pain, you can keep one hand over the patient's solar plexus, and the other above his head. You do not need to touch the injured site, the healer holds his hands above the injury. The session is usually completed when a doctor comes. If the rack healer accompanies the victim to the medical institution, it can continue the treatment touching any affordable patient's place. Healers possessing the second and higher levels of rails have the opportunity to continue treatment at a distance. The session is completed by the smoothing of the aura and thanks.

* Smoothing aura.
To do this, standing up or sitting in a frontal position. Raise your hands over your head and fold your palms together, then we swallow the palms and lower your hands on the right and to the left of yourself, while the palms are directed towards yourself. After that, we do the same by turning the body to the right, then left. And the entire session is best to spend on the back. Very good to perform it before bedtime.

Protection against external influence using Reiki symbols:

Often, people believe that they turn out to be an energy impact on non-shimmers. We know, according to the law "What inside that and outside", all these impacts we pulled to ourselves. But we can not always change immediately so as to stop nervous to the negative in yourself and accordingly attract the negative outside. Therefore, Rake's help will not be superfluous in this problem.
Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands up with open palms open to the sky, then we carry them opposite the center of Tanden and fill it with energy Reiki - Next, we draw the 1st symbol on yourself and scroll through this image around yourself at the same time moving it away from the body outward - forming around him a wall composed of spinning 1st symbol

Treatment of emotional body.

The mental body is part of the fine body of a person. This is the most powerful of three material bodies: it exceeds the power of an emotional and physical body.
Through our mental body, we think we analyze, organize and use our memory. We also use it in order to make decisions_ what you need to know and be able to materialize our desires. Therefore, it is important to know what you want: the power of our mental body has a huge impact on the content of our entire life.
More aware of your needs, a person uses his intellect to reveal the beliefs that it is blocked, and takes into account all the beneficial, which he learned from his own experience.

Mental treatment.
Mental treatment technique is based on contact with the subconscious, which is installed using an emotional-mental symbol. This technique dissolves the subconscious resistance to the treatment process, allows you to bring new approval to the location of fixed blocking and statements in the energy body.
Session duration not more than 10 minutes. And 6 days in a row are held.


Discuss with the patient problem over which you are going to work. Formulate the appropriate positive affirmation. Treatment can be carried out without affirmations, asking for a rack to make clarity to understand this or that question, a vital situation.
. Activizy palm with 1 symbol.
. Stand behind the patient, putting his hands on his shoulders.
. Draw 1 sign on his backbone. Give the rails with one hand on the back of the back, and the other one on any shoulder.
. Love hand to put on the patient's head, and draw a 2 sign with the right hand over the dark and a few minutes, give the rails to the theme. At the same time, imagine white or golden light, flowing through you to the patient, which is absorbed by all dark places in Aura.
. Now over the patient's dawn 1 sign. Mentally repeat 3 times the patient's name.
Equally or loud by saying affirmation together with the patient. At the same time, imagine this person in the desired condition.
. Crack aura of the patient. Thank the rails and symbols.

Mental treatment of yourself

We draw 1 symbol on your head.
. Sour 2 symbol here.
. Even -1 symbol on the back of the head.
. One hand is the forehead, the second one-in the head. Imagine the flow of light coming from the head to the legs. Print affirmation mentally 3 times or asking for clarity racks in some question. Come on the rails in this position a few minutes.
. Thankly Reiki.

Treatment of emotional (astral) body.

Used to transmate unwanted emotions.

Activate palm with 1 sign.
. Theory hand is put on solar plexus, draw or visualize over the patient 2 symbol.
Right hand put on the patient's right shoulder and let the rails on the shoulder of several. minutes.
. Aura in the Horl Chakra area with his right hand.
. The right hand of the patient with his right hand, and your left hand lies on his sunny plexus. Disquire the emotion of the patient through his right hand.
. Do you feel your right hand on the patient's left shoulder. Give a rail in this position several. minutes.
Check the aura over the throat chakra and, if necessary, cleaned it again.
. Movement The cross will turn up over the entire body of the patient with their right hand.
. Weight hands clean the chakra of solar plexus, taking out emotions and giving them to the light.
During treatment, there may be many second characters - listen to your intuition.
. Fill the solar plexus zone with blue light.
. Will clean the patient's thorough chakra.
. Thank the rails.

Who is open to subsidence?
These are people who are in the field of consciousness there are rejection, condemnation, hatred, pride and fear, fear, fear! With his stupidity, ignorance, persecution, people tear their aura, and through these gaps enter low-ficked entities.
And no one can help the "infected" man, while the person himself does not realize, will not change. Another person will only be able to alleviate the fate of the "infected" fate, give him information and techniques about healing. Next, you need to take full responsibility for healing and go through the way of healing.
If a person is highlywood, open, sincerely, lives in joy and love, it is protected from the introduction of low-fiber entities.
After initiation in the rail, a person is protected several days from the negative, there is a vaccination. Then he goes into the world. And here it is necessary to work on yourself.
It is necessary to clean, open chakras, work on your emotions, above your consciousness. Reiki will not work itself. The work of your soul, your consciousness, your intuition is necessary.
Entities will be painted to you on the ear of the sweet fairy tale about the white fluffy bull. Do not give in to them. The choice always remains for a person. We make a choice every day. It's nobody's fault. You and only you give birth to low fiber entities. You with them or live, or part.

How can I recognize the subsidence (without a session)?
1. running eyes.
2. Constantly interrupts.
3. Does not hear what they say to him.
4. Always right.
5. Eyes with pain, no clarity.
6. Aggression.
7. Does not remember what he says.
8. I'm sick of physical sense next to him. This is you hear a person's astral mental plan.

How can I recognize the subsidence (without a session)?
To all the above-listed constant weakness, de-energousness, such a feeling, as if shy in his eyes, frequent dizziness and feeling as if they were manipulated.

How can I recognize the subtle during a session?
1. Courts grimaces.
2. Routine or bend.
3. May shake as in fever.
4. Unless laughter.
5. It may be plaintively crying or squeaking, it can produce different sounds: grunt, bark, etc.
6. You can feel nausea in solar plexus.
7. Strong vibrations may appear in their hands, hands can become sticky, wet, on hand can move something.

It should be known that anything in itself is not bad if evil. The essence may be destructive only because it is alien to this world, measurement, body or time. But there are places that are her home. And if we help her find her home, the essence will be eagerly go there.

Therefore, instead of perceiving invading entities, like the forces of evil that need to hate and cast out to the edge of the Universe, in the hell, can be considered with their lost travelers, souls, entities from other worlds.
They will be grateful if we help them return home.
No matter how energetics invaded our space, we need to treat it with compassion. When we think about what we need from something to "get rid", we proceed from dislike, malice and fear, and scare the essence of this attitude. We must give a low-fiber entity of love. In a state of fear, it will not enter the dialogue. Entity feels when it is attacked, and like a frightened child can clog into a secluded corner, which she created in your body or field. The essence will not risk going there, where it is waiting for the destruction. The more we do not like something, the more energy we give it. And even more harder to get rid of it.

Practice to output entities.

Mandatory condition: there must be no sense of fear. Fear can be filling out, replace with love, fill the place of fear by divine light.

Session with me.
Log in to the railway channel, call your higher I am a presence

(In the name I am something that I am, I invite my I am a presence, a part of God in me, to be with me throughout the session and today. I ask you, my I am a presence, take a direct control. All my actions , actions, words, feelings and thoughts. I ask you, my powerful I am a presence, act through me throughout the session, today, lead my life).

Put and pronounce a program: all the essences that picked up in my astral mental plan Try help in full harmonization, fill in my love and go to your space and time where you will be in full harmony from the universe.

And make yourself a session, as your master taught you, as you want at the moment. Put the rack characters that come to your mind. You will be given your highest me. Throughout the session and all the time of work on the conclusion of entity (entities) from your field, from your body, you need to keep an essence, communicate with it.
For example, you say, referring to the Essence: "Now there is open space, come out, do not be afraid. You can go to your home. I fill you with light, love, you are already uncomfortable in my field, in my body. You grew up and you can live separately from me. Go to your space and time where you will be in harmony from the universe. Do not be afraid, see your universe, is good here. "
It is as if the childbirth of your child you have created! When you feel that something begins to separate from you, help him get away with love, even if you have a feeling of squeamishness. After all, it is separated by part of you, which is already alien to you, and which you have already served.
May be flooded. You can realize what situation spawned this entity. Ask forgiveness from everyone who was involved in this situation and forgive everyone.
Space entities put in a person to fill in love. After receiving that they expected, i.e. Love and light they leave the field, the body of a person, go to their plans. There may be a tumor, rash, thigh, etc., a cough, steaming, anger without a reason arose at the site of the subtleties of the entity.
When the essence goes, it is necessary to fill the place of residence in the light, the rack energy

Reiki - Candack

To work with Reiki, you can use charged candles: 3, 5 or 7 candles to hold in the hands of the Rakeki and drawing 1.2 and 3 characters on them. Then put them on the tray (well, if the tray is filled with stones of the type of jasper, quartz, etc., purified and charged with the help of Reiki) Candles are put so as to form equilateral figures (triangle, pentagon, or sevenfound) to the center complains paper with Recorded desire or patient names. The procedure is repeated at least 4 times, 4 days in a row.

Rake boxing. Work with situations

For the treatment of one patient or a group of patients of any number, you can use Boxing Rakes (Box - Box). For this, a list of patients is written, where their names, names and settlements are indicated, where they live, the dates are indicated, with which the treatment will be carried out and this list is placed in the envelope. The appeal adds a request for the healing of the people listed in the Boxing Reiki (called them not necessarily). The healer writes hand or mentally symbols of rail over this envelope and keeps hands on the envelope or put an envelope between the palms for 20-30 minutes. If you are carrying out the treatment process in transport, the envelope can remain in the portfolio, which is on the knees and over which the rack symbols are imperceptibly writing or the healer imagines the rack symbols over it. The session is completed by writing the Cho-Ku-Rey symbol over envelope and thanks. The duration of treatment as and with other treatment methods can be the most different. After the last patient from the boxes listed in the rail will be healed, the envelope and notes that were in it are burned.

Work on the situation.

In the rail-box you can put a note asking for help in resolving any problem. The abundance of the universe does not know borders, she has everything for those who ask and ready to accept. Just do not ask for anything, trying to take away what you want, others. Rake land, pacification of elements, improving the environmental situation. Our planet is very much suffering from the impact on her negative thoughts and emotions of people, from the irrational production activities of mankind. Reiki experts can heal it to heal it. The session of Reiki planet can be carried out by taking into the hands of any spherical object or imagining themselves that they keep the small globe of the earth in his hands. Reiki sessions can be carried out, representing a map of the continent, region, settlement. One healer of the rail can equate the evil thoughts and the actions of thousands of people. Make the rails for the territories and people involved in social and military conflicts, and all participants in these conflicts, for example, and hostages, and seizing their terrorists. So, the rail will help the discharge of complex situations. We are in this world at the beginning of the new era. At this time, the elements are unfailed. Hurricanes, earthquakes, eruption of volcanoes, social conflicts are becoming more frequent and more devastating. Therefore, the work of rack specialists is becoming increasingly necessary and important. They make a lot to prevent and minimize the effects of these phenomena and can do even more. By changing the world of their emotions and thoughts, each person contributes to the salvation and prosperity of our world, and the rail specialists have such an opportunity much more.

Charging the dollar for "reproduction"

a) invite the rail energy.
b) Put a bill of $ 1 on the left palm upside down with the image of the pyramid
c) with the right hand over the bill, we draw 1 symbol, pronounce 3 times the name of the symbol and cover it with your right hand. We have hands with bill at the level of the third chakra. I pronounce three times the program: "Reiki energy cleans this bill from negative impacts, energies, emotions and fills its divine energy"
d) Consistently draw on a bill right hand symbols: 1, 3, 2 + 1, 1, pronounce their names three times. Cover bills with your right hand and have hands about the third chakra
e) Pronounce the program three times: "This bill attracts to [the full name and surname] $ 1000 (call your amount within reasonable limits) monthly
e) Thank and let go of the rails.

Spend this work four days in a row, then put the dollar into the free separation of your wallet. Charging is repeated 1 time every 3 months before achieving the desired effect.

Establishing mental contact with anyone with Reiki

If there is a need to communicate with anyone at a distance or communication with animals, you can use the following technique:
Sit straight, hands on the knees of palms up. Corresponding to the object of communication. Draw the 3rd symbol on the 3rd eye of the object, and on your 3rd eye. Formulate your thought that you want to transfer the object - for example: "I need to talk to you, call me as soon as possible," to draw a 2nd symbol between yourself and the object, as well as the 1st symbol on myself and the object. The procedure is to carry out minutes 5. In the same scheme, you can communicate with your children and then when they are still too small and still do not understand words and then when they have already grown and do not understand words, but it is necessary to remember that no orders, claims etc. not transmitted with the help of Reiki, so when communicating with children and in general, with those with whom you want to talk, try to calmly and convincingly explain why you ask for a person about what you ask him - remember from helping Reiki, it is impossible to make anyone to do what he is not She wants to force for anywhere - it is possible to explain that in the usual condition a person does not want to listen and hear for some reason. And also need to try to hear and accept the answer of the object

technique "Triangle Reiki"

This technique is used when there is a painful problem or something hard does not develop on the physical plan. The only condition for this work should be your inner readiness to take any result.

1. On a white unentected sheet paper, on the sand, imaginary lines on the table or floor, you must draw an equilateral triangle.
2. Over the upper vertex of the triangle, write "Higher Fale of All".
3. Under the left side of the triangle, write the name and surname of the person for which this triangle is built. If the triangle is made for itself, write "I" or my name and surname.
4. Under the upper right corner, write your request or a wish formulated by special rules.
For example: You want to find a good job. Instead of the phrase "a place in such a firm, which is on such a street, with such a salary" better write: "Interesting, highly paid promising work in a good place with a harmonious schedule", i.e. It is necessary to write sufficiently general formulations, but at the same time list as much required positive parties to the future desired work.
Formulating the request is too specifically, the possibilities of the universe is limited.
Please must be formulated in the present time, as already resolved.

Attention! Before making the triangle of the rail, it is very important to realize whether you are ready for any outcome of the situation. If you feel not ready, it is better to give up working with a triangle, because the result may not justify your hopes.
After all the corners are signed, enter the triangle in the circle. The circle is integrity, perfection, fullness.

Implementation of the technique "Triangle Reiki"

1. Invite the rails, ask her to solve this situation in the name of the highest good.
2. Position in the upper corner of the triangle symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and tell it the name 3 times.
3. In the lower left corner of the triangle, you will show the CHO CHE symbol, tell it the name 3 times.
4. In the lower right corner, the triangle represent the symbol of this he ki, tell it the name 3 times.

Symbols draw inside a triangle, or immediately presenting their image, or drawing a sequentially writing object (when performing on paper, sand), palm, a ray of the third eye.

5. Let the rails for 5 minutes - to the upper (higher benefit of everyone), the left lower (surname, the name of the person for which the triangle is made, or "I", if done for myself), the right lower corner, and in the triangle center (positive Situation permit) ..

6. Then fold the leaf with the triangle and burn it, and the ashes to break through the wind - as a sign of the release of the situation and release your order to the universe.
Perform this action with the idea that cosmic forces have already come into motion and are directed to recreating the positive permission of your request. Thank you for the rails and forget, release what you asked for the highest strength, while at the same time keeping hard confidence that your wish is already executed.

You may have different sensations, observations when performing a triangle. Copy your own experience, develop your statistics, signs of signs.
Watch how you see the streams when you give the racks of the triangle corners. Often it can be seen as the growth of white energy pillars from the bottom up. When you work on the center of the triangle, you can see a white pole of a large diameter, which includes all three columns from the corners.

There may be situations when energy does not go. It can be seen by eyes, felt by hand and can even be expressed in the unpleasant sensations of the physical body - nausea, cough, etc. This is a sign that the work on this situation is unacceptable - or at this time, or with this wording, or in principle the purpose of the unattainable. It is necessary to change the wording or work at another time, reflecting on the internal reasons - why is it happening.

Rake and desire

One of our tasks in this life is to learn how to work with energies. We must learn how to create our lives, our environment, it means consciously to implement our desires and dreams and live them.

Expectations and hopes create barriers on the energy level, which may interfere with our spiritual development. All attention and all the energy are directed to the desired picture, on how the result should look like.

Familiar to you expressions:
"If I marry: (I get married) for this man, I will become happy!"
"My life will be happy only from the moment of purchase: at home, cars, etc."
"As soon as I recover, I will start living!"
"As soon as I get an increase in salary (win money in the lottery, etc.), I can live a full life!"

Energy cannot flow freely, because It is aimed at a certain goal in the future and is thus cut off from the present, from here and now. Even the full experience that we are currently done are not perceived by us, because We are blocked. We can use a huge force that is laid in our desires if we concentrate on the energy itself, and not at the objects of desire. What lies in reality for our desires? This, as a rule, is the basic need related to early childhood, as heat, protection, food and safety.

Desires are compensators. They show us that we have not surpassed something at some certain periods of our life, and this is not paired in our subconscious in the form of desires. It is very important for us to recognize our desires and do not be shying that they are not spiritual enough.

Desires and expectations are good because through them you can learn a lot about yourself and interrelations. If we really recognize our desires, then we can know what lies behind them. Thus, we release the associated energy and can use it creatively.

With the help of the rail, it can be found out, this desire from the depths of the soul or dictated only to our ego. It is extremely important to realize, because there is a huge abyss between the desire and intention.

As soon as we give the rails to our desires, we will like the source of our desires, we begin to understand whether our desire from the depths of our creature or it is only superficially, and what the desire is worth it.

Especially from the 2nd step, we begin to recognize the role and importance of our desires. We begin to understand that Reiki supports the intentions carrying us forward on our way and that our expectations and hopes dictated by our ego are not always executed. With the help of the rail, we can make the light into our problems and allow them.

For a long time, I also like many others, tried with the help of a rail to manipulate events in the hope that my desires would be executed. Sometimes wishes were performed and I was surprised to discover that I don't need it at all. Over time, I naturally came to the fact that I tried all the rails, the highest reason. He leads me and helps to acquire the need for me with the smallest costs. Inside of me. The state of trust and confidence grew up that everything comes to me that I needed, and that I am under protection.

I recommend starting to give rakes at desires facing the foreground. For example: well-being, the best workplace or an ideal partner. You will be amazed by the fact that behind this lies and begin to understand well.

Technique work with desires

You are lying or sit comfortable on a chair, the back is straight, the feet stand in parallel on the floor and completely relaxed. You come into contact with the rail, thank energy and draw a 3rd symbol on yourself. Then we visualize your desire in the details, the more details, the better at the same time you imagine it has already accomplished in the present. Surround everything with white sparkling light. On the desire presented by you, give the 2nd symbol and
fix 1 symbol. Send the rails to pour the light and energy in your desire and ask you to help you. Let's not feel the rail to the desire that the energy is no longer flowing. Now trust the rail and in conclusion again thank the rails.

As I noted above, the result may not be as kind of imagined him. This means that you need to do another experience, the highest mind knows better what is important to you. Take this experience with joy and love, so you will make the best of this situation.

Reiki repeater

When a person does it for the first time, then in it in the first days some restructuring is clearly happening, because I slept for a few nights as killed, without dreams, failing somewhere, my energy continuously flowed from my hands. It was worth it to put on my hands, as the hot strong stream turned on - I don't know what I treated myself. The mechanism for processing emotional reactions has been included. The state of consciousness is very strange - as if everything is in slow motion and very detailed, with a constant influx of energy, inspiration, desire to work and help.

About three weeks after three (just the time of updating thin bodies, as I understood) I "released", and there was only an almost constant stream from the hands and, how to say, very easy access to the flow, or. I mean not to the stream in general, but to a strong flow. Experience is very interesting.
Anna Gak.

Construction of crystals:

A transparent quartz is used (multiplies energy and is capable of programming). You can use this circle to treat yourself and others, to enhance the energy of your goals. You can keep a box with your own or other photos, with the notes of intentions to build crystals use When treating a person especially expensive to you or in an emergency, when you need to give energy constantly. The construction of crystals is the structure of charged and activated crystals used to transmit energy to our intentions. After charging crystals, they will continue to give the energy to your intentions, even when you You will be at work. There will be for this healing energy to give up the intensity of your energy, so the crystals must be charged constantly.

To create your personal structure, 8 crystals will need. Hand crystals and withstand 24 hours in salt sea water to pronounce prayer to be cleaned in the name of your high spiritual purposes.
Prepare a place for crystals (home altar, desktop, shelf).

Get crystals from salt water, rinse with running water, wipe dry. Activate crystals: send the energy of your hands and cardiac chakras into crystals and ask them to help you in treatment. After charging you can draw on your palms.

You can pronounce prayer (you can arbitrary text) I dedicate these crystals of the good goal. With this moment I undertake to use their energy for the benefit of all living things. In the name I am that I ask the racks to activate the energy in these crystals so that their strength has served the common goal .

After you charged the crystals, take one most active (he and the biggest). This will be the main energy crystal. Press in a circle (diameter of 12 inches) 6 crystals at an equal distance from each other, a pointed end inside.

Last crystal placed in the center, sending his tip on any other crystal. Celebration cannot be moved (their energy relationship is violated).

The main crystal will maintain the energy of the entire structure. First the main crystal is played, then with its help the entire structure. Use the main crystal and direct it to the central crystal.

Imagine how the rack energy comes out of the hand and enhances with this crystal.
Make at least 30 seconds.

Go to the next crystal in any direction: clock or counterclockwise. Having charged one crystal, returning to the central and recover it again. So you set the connection of external crystals with the central.

Returning to the last charged crystal, charges it again and go to the next one.

Charge it and return to the central crystal again, etc.
Or in digital sequence: 1-2-3-1-3-4-1-4-5-1-5-6-1-6-7-1.

So you charge the whole grille. Eat every day. If there is little time, just hold your hands over the structure, draw Cho to Rei and let's rails.
You can put your box into the center of the structure and put the central crystal inside the boxes.
(From the book Cetan Chughani * Practical approach to the rail *)

On the one hand, the rail is a Japanese system of natural healing. Japanese, because the beginning of her laid the Japanese Mikao Usui and in Japan, she received her initial development. System, because there is a certain orderliness of the technician of healing, learning and development methods. Natural healing is the healing of the disease through the healing of the cause and harmonization of the most ill-friendly creature, his karma, his life, his environments.

On the other hand, the rail is a method, a healing tool.

The third is the path of self-improvement and spiritual development.

From the fourth, the rail is a universal life force / energy, with the help of which healing occurs.

With fifth, with the sixth, with the seventh ... there are many answers. At each stage, at each stage of the rail come their answers and their understanding.

What is the meaning and purpose of this practice?

Best of all, of course, the founder of the Reiki Mikao Usui referred to this question: "We are grateful to live according to the rail principles described by Emperor Maidzi. In order to comprehend the faithful spiritual path of mankind, it is necessary to follow these principles. We must learn to raise our spirit and body through practice. If we start with the healing of the Spirit, the body as a result becomes healthy. The mind joins the healing path of honesty and seriousness, and the body is healed in itself. When the mind and body come to unity, life is filled with peace and joy. We get the opportunity to heal yourself and others, increase both your own happiness and well-being of other people. Such is the purpose of Usui Reiki Riookho. "

What is possible to cure with the help of a rail?

With the help of the rail, with a well-known perseverance and the desire, absolutely all diseases can be cured, no matter what reasons they are caused. These are the diseases of the physical body, and there are bad habits, fear, foolishness and indecision, non-harmonicity of relationships, loss of meaning and goal of life, depression, psychosis. With the help of the rail, we treat our entire lives from beginning to end, we can treat injuries of the past (and past lives) and possible injuries of the future through the healing of the causes of the troubles, through the healing of our karma.

Who can be a student of the rail?

Learning the rails can anyone or inhuman. All households and cats, and a dog, and fish with a parrot, all the flowers and even the apartment itself are dedicated to me. People, not people, trees, animals, waswolves, vampires, perfumes, dead, alive, doubting. Any age, education, religion. By the way, faith in the rack itself is absolutely not obligatory. It works regardless of how man believes in its effectiveness. Reiki learning can someone who wants harmony and health, who is ready to live according to the basic principles of the rail: It is today that they are not angry today, it is today that they do not worry, completely devoted to work, whether thanks are fulfilled and kind to people. After all, the reiki is based on one of the fundamental philosophies of our world - the philosophy of non-violence as a refusal of destructive aggression.

How exactly is healing in the rail?

This is what Mikao Usui said: "No one in the whole universe devoted me to this method. I also did not have to apply no effort to achieve supernatural healing energies. During the post, I got in touch with powerful energy and mystically received secret illusion - the rail energy. So, by random coincidence, I realized that I was given the spiritual art of healing. Despite the fact that I am the founder of this method, it is difficult for me to explain it more precisely. Medical and scientific research in this area was carried out with great enthusiasm, but still failed to conclude a conclusion based on scientific medicine. It will take time before the rails will meet with science. "

And he said that "With the rack energy, our spirit becomes like God or Buddha, thereby healing our human being. Thus, liketing the Buddha, we make ourselves and others with others. "

What rains differ from other healing methods?

Probably the quality of its energy. There are many different healing energies, and one of them is a rail. It belongs to universal vital energies, it has everything to heal what needs it. The method itself is very simple to use, does not require a follower of high spiritual achievements or advanced degrees of awareness. If a person needs to be aware of something to heal something, then the rail will help it to realize this, if there is no need for this, then the person just get healing, and the awareness will be possible on his personal request.

Rake is a soft, non-violent method. The energies go to where the person hesishes them himself. If the patient requested healing, but cannot miss the energy inside his problem, then the rake will lead the patient to where he can provide the necessary help.

If the rakeer has the problems that he cannot solve himself, then the best way out here is to begin to treat other people. Breaking of another, Reker treats himself. Synchronization in this is amazing. Patients are sometimes selected so much in unison affected the problem that I want to call it a miracle.

I also like the fact that there is a built-in security system - being in the rail, it is impossible to harm others, in the most extreme case, the rail will go to the healer himself to explain to him what he is wrong.

It is at the expense of these features of the rail and is suitable for everyone without exception, to everyone who wants to get healing or wants to learn to heal himself.

How can you, conventionally speaking, use the rails in ordinary life?

Reiki can be studied, you can treat them and you can be treated. You can be a patient, and you can become a student of the first stage, then the second, third.

How does treatment happen technically?

The main method of the first stage is healing by imposing hands on the body (its or patient) consistently from the top of the heels or from the top to the roots. There are recommended hand positions both for a common rail session and for the treatment of specific diseases or express sessions with limited time. In addition, the hands are put and so as prompts the rails and intuition during a session. The duration of the total session is about an hour and a half.

At the second stage, the Reker can carry out remote sessions. Those. The patient is at home, the healer at himself, but at certain times one sends energy / session, and the second takes it. It is also possible a healing with some kind of primary means: using stones and crystals, by photography, by phantom, with or without symbols, etc. The technicians of the second stage are diverse: to whom with the more convenient, the one with that and works.

The third stage on the techniques of healing is not different from the first two. The main difference here is as a immersion in the Space Space itself. It is difficult to tell, it is necessary to feel very much.


If a person wants not only to be treated, but also to be treated independently with the help of a rail, then he passes the master initiation in the rail and training the main techniques of healing and meditation. These are a few classes (four to six, depending on the people of the people), preferably in the group where it is possible to immediately and practice in the "assault" and other technicians, if it is the second step, on companions.

On the first stage We learn to hear and feel the flow, diagnose your hands and other parts of the body, learn to trust the rails and go behind it.

On the second stage We go out on new energy binds - the quality and amount of energy transmitted changes greatly, we study aspects of rail, learning remote operation, phantom diagnostics and photographs. On an advanced second stage, the so-called "Reiki Two Plus", we study different directions: Kundalini Rake, Celtic, etc., etc., depending on the wishes.

On the third steps There are two sublevels: master healer and master teacher (one who can already teach others). This is again the energy upgrade and the exit to free swimming in the rack spaces.

Sometime I got such an example explaining the difference between the steps:

  • at the first stage, the master opens the door in front of the student and says: "Here, these are rakes";
  • at the second stage, the wizard presents the worship of the keys and the door itself opens the doors;
  • and on the third stage there are no keys or doors nor a master.

Reiki - Japanese healers' and at the same time spiritual practice that is not religion. Self-development and self-knowledge, treatment and healing, harmony and balance, strength and mind, energy and spirit is a far from a complete list of components that can be characterized by the rail system.

In Japanese, the rails are two hieroglyph, where "Rey" means - cosmic, universal, universal, and "ki" - energy of life, or vital energy. The total value of the rail is "universal vital energy."

What is the railway technique?

The energy of the rail helps to set up the body and spirit on harmonious high vibrations and with constant practice to heal various diseases. Also, with the help of the rail, you can clear your life from negative events, attracting the necessary you, and ultimately find the life that you would like.

How does this occur in esoteric healing? Through distance work with the photo with the assay of hands, work with symbols and images, work with phantom. Hands and visualization, serve those powerful tools through which universal vital energy is transmitted through the healer to a person.

Reiki technique has been more than a century and there are some evidence that the healing of the rail was used in ancient Japan.

The founder of the School of Reiki is a Buddhist monk and a philosopher from Japan - Mikao Usui. The date of the foundation is considered to be 1922. In the crisis period of his life, Mikao Usui in search of true knowledge went to long-term wandering. This pilgrimage was completed in one of the temples on the sacred for Buddhists Mount Kurame. There, the monk-philosopher took up deep meditations through which she came to the realization of "Reiki".

Khajashi mud - the last student Mikao Usui. By profession - a doctor. He somewhat modified the practice of racks, conducting healer sessions among his patients. It also owns the development of positions of hands during rehabilitation.

For a person, the Reiki technique works on 4 levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. This means that a person practicing racks or a passing course of treatment at the Master Reiki receives rehabilitation at the level of all listed bodies. The level of depth of knowledge and development of the rail system consists of 3 steps.

Step 1.

  • Familiarization with the history of the occurrence, rack energy and its practical application;
  • Connection to universal knowledge and universal flow of vital energy;
  • Work on the inner "I";
  • Training of self-describing practice;
  • Teaching the healing practices of water, plants and animals;
  • The foundations of remote operation;
  • Work with the first symbol

Step 2.

  • High-quality expansion of their own capabilities and deep work with energies;
  • Work on cleansing premises;
  • Ability to improve relationships;
  • High-quality improvement in life;
  • Learning to healing practices;
  • Training with three symbols and the ability to apply them;

Step 3.

  • Ability to increase and reduce energy flow;
  • Familiarization with the wizard symbols;
  • Spread healing practices
  • The ability to work with space and time and change them on lines in the past, present and future

There is also 4 level of knowledge of the rail system. This is the stage of the master and teacher of the rail, it is available for those who have successfully mastered and practices the first three steps for a long time.

Practical application of Reiki technology

Despite the fact that in Russia the rails began to practice relatively recently, today it takes great popularity. It is deep, but accessible to understanding and effective technique. In the healing of the rail, the imposition of hands, including in the photo, affects people with the help of universal life energy of the universe. Such esoteric healing helps to get rid of not only from various "phobias", but also remove blocks in energy channels, clean the field from negative entities, improve health, filled with a person with light. The body gently restores the day after day. At the level of subconscious, emotions, the tension is removed, as a result of which the energy is aligned and the body comes to the balance, the disease disappear. Thus, rack treatment occurs.

Nowadays, many scold traditional medicine. However, not everything is so unequivocal. Not only traditional, but esoteric medicine is not able to help a person if he does not want to help himself. To change the attitude towards yourself, to the world around the world, to people, to change the worldview - the first thing to be done to make a seriously ill person.

Once it comes such a moment that a person firmly decides for himself - I want to be healthy. It was then that rake classes and other spiritual and healing practices provide the most efficient assistance.

For children of different ages, the rack energy is useful in that it protects their field from diseases, and in case of illness, the child quickly recover. Also, children under the influence of the energy of the rail better absorb the school curriculum, and in general the learning process is much easier for them than other children, plus the rail helps to develop hidden abilities.

As for the elderly, they can extend their lives.

Reiki practice, gives people a huge energy feeding, as well as unlimited possibilities. Permanent work with the rail, it allows you to gently enter the meditation state. A person begins to consciously work on himself and to know the world, and therefore confidently follows his way. The person develops intuition, the inner world comes into a harmonious state, the depth of knowledge and wisdom are acquired.

In the body of a human raika spend their hands. Hands are the tool of the soul, the conductor of the healing energy of the universe. People practitioners say that hands are a tool for the transfer of divine power. Hands are associated with the heart of a person, and the heart is considered the host center, which awarded the highest vibrations. That is, the heart takes into ourselves "cosmic fire", and the hands spend the "space fire" coming from the center to healing.

Reiki, healing with hands: Healer, practicing rails you need to know how to properly hold hands during a healing session. In the practice of rake, the hands most often put down the palms down, the fingers should be folded together and slightly straightened. The healing energy "ki", flows down to the center of the palms and to the tips of the fingers, so these parts of the hands will be most sensitive. Often it is impossible to put both hands on the sore place. Then one hand should be put in the place of the request, and the other on the head. To activate energy and she started their movement, both hands should be on the body being healed, or on the body close enough.

The universal life energy of the rail is felt pleasant warmth, and in some cases even heat, in the hands of the hands, foot feet, and even in the entire body. Sometimes sensations can be in the form of lung tingles or vibrations. Then comes a bright feeling of lightness and joy, peace and pacification. At this point, a person is well relaxed both at the body level and at the level of mind. When the rail session lasts an hour, healed can fall asleep, and waking up, it will feel charged and deeply rested. It happens that a person does not feel any sensations at the time of the session. This is considered the norm, while the raking energy also provides its healing effect. From sensations, the effectiveness of treatment does not depend.

Reiki session The healer usually begins with scanning, or diagnostics, it happens remote, by photo, or personal, at the reception. In Japanese, this is called "Boesen", where the syllable "Boe" means the disease, and the syllable "Saint" - line. For this, if the session is carried out at a personal meeting, the healer folds his hands at the level of his heart chakra and asks that the raking energy flowed through it, which he then directs the body of the body being healed to be healing through it. If the healer suddenly feels that the hands must be put on a certain part of the client's body, then it is necessary to follow this feeling. Sometimes it happens that the places requiring the effects of healing energy are not defined. Then the healer scans the front and rear part of the body. He slowly leads his arms along them, ranging from head to foot footsteps. When the healer's hands are over the place of the body of the heated, which needs the rack energy, it can feel warm in the palms, lightly tingling or complete confidence that this is exactly the place.

When the healer concerns part of the body of a healing person who filed a signal, in his hands there is often a sufficiently unpleasant feeling, and it can rise almost to the shoulder. If the healer removes his hands, then these sensations are returned back into the palm and from there go through the fingertips. After that, the healer moves to a new phase of treatment. Thus, scanning and healing the energy of the hands occurs.

During practice, the impact of universal energy racks occurs due to mental work. And here it is not necessary to direct the flow of mental efforts or mentally regulate it. It is enough to just find the region on the patient's body needed to pump the energy, and the energy itself will go there. If a person lacks energy, then its replenishment occurs. And if the energy is enough, then its uniform redistribution throughout the body occurs. The human body can only take the amount of energy that he needs at this stage.

If a person is simultaneously treated with traditional methods. In this case, the energy of racks will not be a hindrance. On the contrary, the rail will remove the side effect and balances the effect of the drugs taken.

Thus, healing with hands is the main tool for transmitting the energy of the rail from the healer to the healing.

Many people have developed or many different phobias (fears) who interfere with living, oppress and which are difficult to overcome. It is they who become the cause of various failures in our lives. And sometimes even a professional psychotherapist is not able to save the patient from his phobias. However, the practical application of the rail may well get rid of these troubles for a fairly short time. To get rid of fears, you can independently apply such a rack practice:

Need to know:

  • Each individual fear needs to work separately.
  • Before proceeding to perform this practice, it is necessary to analyze your condition and answer yourself for such a question - what sensations in which body arise, and what feelings are you experiencing when this emotion is mastered (perhaps it is a feeling of cold, heat, heat The feeling that goosebumps, nausea, weakness, dizziness and other) are running around the body.
  • Ask yourself the question that the body wants to do with this feeling and feeling?
  • Release this feeling and feeling in the light and thank the creator for him! Tell me that it helped you very much, but now you want to let him go! Inhale and exhale! Stay a few minutes in this light with a sense of gratitude!
  • Now ask yourself a question, now what do you feel? Do you feel? If everything is gone, excellent, you worked this moment, if left - repeat.
  • If you have taken a certain fear, do not stop your work halfway, none for one day, bring this job to the end, until the moment the body does not have an unpleasant feeling and the charge will go. If you had to, for some reason, to stop the practice even for one day, you need to start the counting from the very beginning.

Reiki session for healing:

If at least one day of working with fears was missing, you need to start everything from the beginning and check the countdown from the first day.

For those who want to correct their health using the Rake Practice, magic and Ezoteric Healer Elena Bright Conducts remote sessions and leads consulting. Elena Light in healing uses an integrated approach - body-soul spirit, as a single human system and translates by harmonization and aduction to higher vibrations, including by changing the approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, the disease is retreating. At the same time, everyone can learn to various self-healing techniques and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience, allow clairvoyant to help people versatile help.

Clairvoying magazine Elena Light spends remote diagnostics and healing at a distance and by photography. In the center of Success, Elena Light, you can diagnose the energy field, clean the field from negative, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, conduct various effective white rites to improve health, Order Protective amulets (splashes, damage), monetary amulets, health amulets and others Services. Details can be found on the page.

Learn more about the professional specialization of Elena Light, you can read.

For the spiritual, energy and physical healing of people in the "Elena Slena Success Center" developed a unique service number 7 - esoteric healing.

Service number 7 - the author's technique of Elena Lightwhich includes: remote meditations, conspired products and objects, various effective rites at the magic altar with healing stones and conspiracy candles, mandatory nutritional recommendations, and much more. The person receives additional energy, the necessary organism for self-healing and self-healing. From the first sessions of the human biopol, it is significantly enhanced by passing from one to three courses and fulfill all the recommendations, as practice shows, most diseases retreat. The technique of Elena Light helps a person in need of healing achieve the highest vibrations of the soul and body necessary for this.

To write to a consultation, you can contact Elena Light, writing an email request [Email Protected]website, with the topic "Healing Reiki" or by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article "Record for Consultation". Cost Services number 7 is negotiated individually, depending on the problem and depth of study!

With hope and faith in the best
Your Elena light

As Rake Energy can improve your life 10 ways.

Rake, Reiki, Rei Ki, what do you know about this technique? Reiki is an energy healing practice. The universal energy of vitality is what surrounds us and is absolutely available to everyone. What is energy? Energy revives all living things. Reiki is a practice that is to get this energy and sending it to either yourself, any of the closest or permission. This is not a religion and there is no need to believe something to improve this practice, everything is done in a conscious state.

Anyone can explore the rails, even children, regardless of the previous intuitive ability, experience or education.

Reiki, as a healing technique familiar to many, as a way to assist yourself at the energy level, and still everyone knows that the discovery and awakening of this energy occurs through the initiation of the Rake Master.

The initiation is the setting of your energy centers, which is transmitted from who can receive it and also transmit. It is so easy that you will be surprised.

You can transmit this ray energy even at a distance. The technique of remote sessions of the rail has gained enormous popularity worldwide. Using the rails, you can remove the tension, relax, it is better to sleep and be more focused.

And if you are not very familiar with the energy of the rail, with its capabilities, then we will now open you some secrets in the interests of the full disclosure of this divine technique of self-describing. So, you will know how the rails can help you:

1. Reiki can improve relationship with your parents, with your children, with you.

Energy helps to cope with the current relationship with people in difficult situations, remove a negative attitude and emotional tension. All this will help you become better, and will also affect the interaction with others. Your zen state will contribute to the holding of voltage from all annoying interactions.

Reiki cannot change you and your thoughts. (Although you can meet people with a more positive thinking, with a deeper outlook and this was facilitated by the practice of racks.)

2. Reiki can remove stress.

Did you have a bad day? It is not scary, you can sit just a few minutes in the rack energy and feel like stress literally dissolve. That's better. If you want to remove the tension from the partner, you can hold hands on your back, the rack energy will restore strength and will remove all the fatigue and accumulated stress per day. The child can pass the rack energy through hugs, especially it helps when children are upset. A frightened nightmare of a child, you can calm the rail session, it will help the baby to release fear and return to sleep.

Reiki cannot prevent stress into your life. (Although you can feel that it becomes less tired of those things that previously reduced you crazy only when you regularly practice the rail.)

3. Reiki can relieve pain .

You have a headache? Does the leg muscles? Spasms? Try rails instead of any painful agent. Energy smoothes, relaxes and just helps. Reiki eliminates gases in a child, soothes pain in the tummy and contributes to a good chair.

Reiki cannot prevent the disease. (Although you may notice that the practicing rails, your body and the immune system will work better, which means you are more resistant to many diseases at any age.)

4. Reiki can accelerate the treatment process.

Picked up a runny nose? Or your child returned home from a walk with all the symptoms of colds? The energy of the rail can help in speeding up the treatment process, improve the ability of the body to restore and you can with confidence to obtain the status of the "super mom's most" or "the most super dad". Reiki will restore the energy ballane of your baby to the shortest time.

Reiki cannot cure if the help of a professional specialist, Doctor is needed. If you need a doctor, then you will invite it! (Always remember that optimal health - balance at all levels, so the disclaimer of medical care, when it is necessary - this is a bad solution.)

5. Reiki can restore the body balance and internal harmony

Energy fills where there is a need for this, and smoothes, where there is an excess. Anxiously in the soul? Reiki will relax you. Sluggish state? Reiki will give you vigor and energy lift. Are angry? Reiki will calm you.

Reiki can not heal everything at a time. Good healing rails lasts a few days. If the raking energy will go to the body regularly, the results will be apparent.

6. Reiki can clean the energy around you.

Send the rail energy to the room, and watch how people behavior will change. The positive atmosphere is achieved in many ways, and the raking energy can be one way to set a positive aura indoors.

Reiki cannot remove stinky smell from the room. To do this, you just need to open the window.

7. Reiki can strengthen your intuitive abilities. .

The more open for spiritual energy, the more you become more intuitively aware. You will configure the "coincidence" and all events will be built in a certain order. Who does not need intuition? Each is developed to a certain extent. And from how much you want to raise its level depends on you.

Reiki cannot with the help of sessions make an extrasence or medium from you. (Although all practicing rails, in the process of working with energy, found that with the development of the skill, intuition increased and the supernormality of clairvoyance, clarification and clearing) was awakened

8. Reiki can work at any distance.

How? This is energy. Do you use a mobile phone? So spend analogy. There are many types of energy, some measured, and some are not (for now). Riiki energy is sent through intention. (The strength of thought has such a power! Use this power for good!) Study with the energy of the rail, and you will be amazed by what you have great opportunities and much more than you imagine them.

Reiki can not help those who do not want it. Each of us has freedom of choice, and we can, how to take energy, and not take that someone sends us. (By the way, this refers to the negative energy sent by those obsessive people. You absolutely do not need to take it. Study how to stop it, and maybe transform!)

9. Reiki can help animals and plants .

Pets, plants, and your garden everyone will respond positively to the rails. A lot of rack practitioners work exclusively with animals, and the results are stunning. Pets are experiencing the same benefit from the rail, as well as people, and they really like the rack energy. Plants fragrant, become much stronger in the presence of good energy.

Reiki can not hold a pet from natural death. (Although the rails can ease the pain of the animal and show your pet, your care. She can also help you and your family survive emotional stress in the period of pet loss.)

10. Reiki can change your life for the better.

What could be even better? If applying the rack equipment, you can help yourself at any time and in different ways.

Reiki cannot harm it, it can not be much, there can be no overdose (you can absorb as much as you need), because it is not your own energy, but its source, call the rack energy and it will always come to your help .

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