Summer fun in the kindergarten "Balloon Party". Party of soap bubbles and balloons in kindergarten in the younger group. Scenario

Fun script for children of the preparatory group for school

"Day of balloons"

Target: Create a joyful mood in children and a desire to participate in entertainment.
- Develop attention, dexterity, speed
- Teach children to participate in a team, help each other and cheer for their comrades.
- To form a positive attitude towards entertainment, to increase the physical activity of children.

Location:- a section of a kindergarten group.

Equipment: balloons, two badminton rackets, a volleyball net, markers, two large trash bags, funny pieces of music.

Preliminary work: decoration of the site with balls, flags

Children enter the site to the music. The plot on the street is festively brightly decorated with various balloons.

The clown appears.


Hello kids!

Boys and girls!

I am the clown Veselinka, I came to you for a holiday,

I want to play and have fun with you!

- Guys, do you know what a holiday it is today?

No! Then listen and guess:

Today everyone is rejoicing!

In the hands of the kids

They dance for joy

Air. (Balls)

Right! Today is a holiday of balloons!

Veselinka: Well, now it's game time! And my balloons will help us to play the game. Each ball has a task, we will pop the balls in turn, and do what is written. But first you need to split into two teams.

Red ball: "Pass the ball to another"

Exercise: Children stand in two columns, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to bend over and pass the ball between the legs to the one standing behind. When the ball reaches the last one, the last one passes it over the head to the one in front. Whose team will return the ball to the first player faster.

Green ball:"Kangaroo"

Do you know who this is?

That's right, the kangaroo carries its cub in the bag. And now imagine that you are a "kangaroo" only instead of a cub, you will hold the ball between your knees and jump to the rack, and run back, with the ball in your hands, and pass it to the next one.

Exercise: Jump with a ball sandwiched between your knees.

Pheolete ball:"Sing a song about air balloons"


Blue ball:"Friendly couple"

Exercise: carry the ball in a pair, hugging each other. Return and hand over to another pair.

Yellow ball: "Move without dropping the ball"

Exercise: Place the ball on the badminton racket (no line). Bring to the hoop lying in front at a distance of 3 m. Return and pass the baton to the next player.

Blue ball: "Guess the riddles"

Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

Love these balls

Adults and children,

Pour balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

On a green fragile leg

A ball has grown by the path. (dandelion)

It's as big as a soccer ball

If ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Like a balloon

Almost always lives in the water

Thick-skinned ... (hippopotamus)

Round, smooth like a watermelon ...

Color - any, for different tastes.

If you let go of the leash,

Fly away behind the clouds. (balloon)

Orange ball: "Throw the balls over the net"

Exercise: To the music, children throw balls to the opposite side over the net. Whose team throws balls faster on their side will win! The music turns off, the children count, on which side there are fewer balls that team will win.

Pink ball: "Barrel"

Exercise: Collect as many balls as possible in large trash bags. Two children hold the bag, the rest collect the balls and put them in the bag. The team with the most balls wins.

Raspberry ball:"Centipede".

The teams line up in columns. Children squeeze balls between their backs and stomachs. Their task is to cover the distance without losing the balls. (The clown helps with the loss of the ball). Distance with obstacles (pass with a snake, step over a gymnastic stick, etc.). Which team is the first to complete the task receives the victory ball.

Veselinka: How wonderful we played. All the guys were getting old today, and I think that our friendship won. I give all these balls to you. Just look they are sad here.

I have markers, I propose to draw smiling faces for our balls and come up with names for your friends.
Children draw smiling faces on the balls with markers.

Veselinka: what funny balls you got. Let's dance with them.
Music sounds, children have fun and dance with balls free dance.

Veselinka: So our fun with balls has come to an end. It's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye, guys!

Scenario of entertainment for children of the middle group "Festival of balloons"


To create a joyful, cheerful mood in the group, conditions for obtaining new impressions.


1. To consolidate and clarify the knowledge about balloons, to be able to use balloons in various outdoor games, to develop mental activity, imagination, perception, sensing.

2. Develop a desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere. 3. To cultivate activity, curiosity, organization.

Vocabulary work:

Enrich the dictionary with the words "rubber", "stretches", "crumples".


Balloons, markers, jars of water, a balloon with an imitation of a basket, a box with balloons inflated with gel, a sweet surprise.

Preliminary work: a conversation about a balloon, its purpose, memorizing poems about a balloon with children.

Entertainment progress:

The hall is decorated with balloons. Music plays, Clowness comes to visit the children.


Hello guys! Here I am! Here I am! I am your most long-awaited, funny, mischievous, funny Clownness! I heard you have a Balloon Party. May I celebrate with you?



Introductory conversation.


What beautiful balls around! Are all different colors? Please name the color of the balloons?

(Children name colors) 3-4 children.

I brought you balls too. Want to play with them?


We want!


But ... you know, they are not inflated, now I will distribute them to you.(The clown is handing out balloons that are in the box)


You first touch and tell me, please, what are these balls?

(3-4 individual answers)


Soft, rubbery, multi-colored.


Try to pull them ... they also stretch because they are rubber. And they crumple, look!(shows) , and straighten back!

Clowness: Guys, what kind of balls do we have?

Children: "Rubber"

Clowness: And what can you do with a ball?

Children: Stretch, crush.


And when you inflate them strongly, strongly, they can still ...

what to do? - burst, of course!

The children agree.

(The clown puts the balloons back into the box.)


Well done boys!

Main part.


Tell me guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes!


And we will go to a magical land where unusual adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon!


Come on in, become! Hold on tight! Let's fly!

(children, together with Clowness, get into the basket, music is playing)

Music "On the Road with Clouds" by V. Bystryakov


So we got to a magical land with you. Come out, sit down.

(children sit in their seats)

It's time for some fun adventures! I'll give you inflated balloons! And we will play with them! Deal!



(The clown takes off balls of different colors and distributes them to the children).

Ball games are held to the music:

Game "Find your color".

Material. Balloons 3 colors (blue, yellow, green) according to the number of children, 3 hoops (blue, yellow, green).

Target. Develop spatial and visual orientation, fix primary colors.

The course of the game. Children are in the hall with a balloon in hand. In different parts of the hall on the floor there are 3 hoops of different colors, the colors of which correspond to the color of the balls in the hands of the children. Music sounds, children dance with balls, as soon as the music stops, children should stand near a hoop of their own color.

Game "Red (blue, yellow, green) dance".

Material. Balloons of 3 colors (blue, yellow, green according to the number of children and one more of each color).

Target. Develop spatial and visual orientation, fix primary colors, move on command

The course of the game. Children are placed along the wall of the room. Each player is holding a balloon of some color (optional). The clown is facing the players in the center of the room. She is holding balls of the same colors in her hand.

The clowness picks up a ball of some color. All children with a balloon of this color begin to dance to the music. When the Clowness drops the ball, the children stop and return to their place. The Clowness then picks up a ball of a different color and the game resumes.

Instructions for the game.

The clown can lift one, two or all three balls together, and then all the children dance.

If the children do not see that the ball is down, the Clowness complements the visual signal with the verbal "balls (names the color) have stopped."

You can replace the visual signal with a verbal one (for example, "green balls are flying out", "green balls are flying home").

(Children sit down)


Well done! What are you clever! How much fun we played! Are you tired? Tell me, can you draw?

(children answer)

Productive activity:

Let's draw a holiday with you on balloons?


(markers are on trays on the table)

I have magic markers. Each of you must draw a holiday on your ball: flowers, candies, funny faces.

Look how I do it!

Anyone who has already decided what to draw, you can come up and take a marker of the desired color!

Children choose a marker, sit down in their seats and begin to draw.


Yes, I see that we have gathered real artists today. Well done, did a good job! Let's throw our balloons up, we get a festive fireworks.

(children throw balloons up with the clown)

Children sit down.


Guys, do you like magic tricks? Look, I'll show you the trick!

Focus. "Turning water into color"

There are three jars of water on the table.


Guys, what's on my table?




What's in the jars?Children: (water).

That's right, water!

Now, with the help of magic words, we will paint the water!(We close the jar with a lid, shake it, pronouncing the magic words).

Abra! Mop! Kadabra!

Water turns green, blue, yellow. (the lids of the jars are pre-painted in different colors with paint)


Did you like the trick?Children :Yes

Did you like the holiday?

It's time for me guys to leave ... But I have one more surprise for you!

Balloon box (surprise)

The clown brings the children a box and puts it on the floor.


Guys, let's say our magic words!

Abra! Mop! Kadabra!

The clown opens the box, and balls fly out of it. Distributes balloons to the children, looks into the box and finds treats for the children in it.

Oh guys, look, here's the treats!

Distributes treats to children.

Until next time! Goodbye!

Balloon festival.

Guseva Yulia Vyacheslavovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 115/96

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

A kindergarten party is a day filled with joy and fun. Positive emotions unite children and adults; the holiday is of particular importance for the child.

The holidays that are celebrated in kindergarten have their own goals and objectives. The main thing is to create a joyful mood in children, cause an emotional upsurge and form a festive culture (traditions of holidays, their organization, rules for inviting guests, guest etiquette).

The preparation for the holiday and the holiday itself arouses interest in children, on the basis of which their moral qualities, artistic taste are formed, rallying all its participants. Children should not only be contemplators, observers and listeners. We, adults, must give vent to their desire to participate in games, dances, performances, to take an active part in decorating the hall, group and other premises of the kindergarten.

Holidays are essential for children. Like nothing else, they contribute to the development of the personality of students, the formation of creative talents and physical abilities of children.

The idea of ​​this holiday is to pay more attention to the work of educators and to preschool childhood in general. On this day, solemn events are held dedicated to the Day of workers of preschool educational institutions.

Sometimes, parents do not even suspect about the existence of our professional holiday. And sometimes they are surprised that a holiday for children is held in the kindergarten.

Early age is a very important and crucial period in a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is just being formed - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative attitude and much more. All these abilities do not arise by themselves, they require the indispensable participation of an adult and age-appropriate forms of activity.

Emotions play an important role in children's lives, helping to perceive and respond to reality. Feelings play a major role over all aspects of a preschooler's life, giving them a special color and expressiveness, therefore, the emotions that he experiences are easily reflected on the face, in posture, gestures, in all behavior.

The behavior of a child, the development of his emotional sphere is an important indicator in understanding the world of a little person and testifies to his mental state, well-being, possible development prospects ...

What could be better than a bright radiant look and a sincere smile of a child, coming from the heart, attracting, charming from the first second, awakening joy and happiness in the hearts of those around.

My main task, as an educator, is to contribute to the all-round development of children, the formation of their orientation towards moral values. It is very important not to ignore the slightest manifestations of kindness of a little person, to support in time the desire of children to grow up to be honest and sympathetic people who are able to give people kindness!

I offer my experience of holding a balloon festival for children of the 1st junior group.

Balloon festival (nursery).

Target: create a joyful mood in children, cause an emotional uplift and form a festive culture (traditions of holidays, their organization, rules for inviting guests, guest etiquette.


The holiday takes place in an elegantly decorated hall decorated with balloons, inflatable toys and flowers. Five large multi-colored balls located in the center of the hall.

Mechanical installation for soap bubbles.

Decorations - Clowns, basket with balloons


Toy bear.

A funny children's song sounds. The guys in smart suits enter the hall.
Leading : Good afternoon, guys, look, balls. What do you think they are for?
That's right, for joy and good mood, and they are also needed for amazing travel, because you can fly in hot air balloons! Let's play with them.

I hold him by the leash
Although he's not a puppy at all.
And he fell off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.
Answer: Balloon
Leading : That's right, it's a ball. And our game is dedicated to them.

Leading : Look guys,
A miracle happened!
How many air balloons
Appeared in our group.
The balls are all different
The balls are wonderful.
What colors are they?
Who is ready to give me an answer?

Children call the colors of the balls.

Leading : Well done, guys, they answered correctly,
But, friends, you didn’t say everything about balls.
Where is the biggest ball here?
And where is the smallest ball?

Children answer.

Leading : Where is the long ball, tell me?
And where is the round one, show me?
Is it a light ball or a heavy one?
A sad ball or a cheerful one?
Is it possible to sit on it
Relaxing on a hot day?

Children answer and show.

Leading : We all named the balls,
Only they did not play with them.
Hey kids don't yawn
And play with the balls

Dance composition"Balloons" L. Semenov

During the holidays on the street
In the hands of the kids
Burn shimmer
Balloons. (Children run in a circle with balls in their hands.)

Chorus: Different, different: stomp their feet
Blue, red,
Yellow, green
Balloons. (Spring)

For wagering, spinning.

They love balls very much (Children run in a circle, with balls in their hands.)

Guys these days.
Everyone has a button
They are tied.


Here over our street
They fly easily;
As if they flashed in the sky
Colored lights.

Leading : Guys, Mishka came to visit us in a balloon. Let's sing our song to him.

Song Three Bears (E. Shadrina)

Sitting on the couch in a colorful sundress,
Mom sews pants for Little Bear.
Dad sews sandals on the bed for Mishka.
Tomorrow the sun will rise, Bear will go to kindergarten.

And now for the guests, let's dance more fun.

Dance composition "Kalinka" muses. folk.

This is how we walk, walk in pairs.

Look at us all (Children walk in pairs in a circle)

The music is playing, the sun is shining.

We will dance more merrily now. (Children walk in pairs in a circle)

Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka,

In the garden, raspberries, raspberries, mine. (put the foot on the heel)

Leading - Guys, look, the clowns brought us rattles. Let's play!

Playing with rattles "Peddlers"

Children are tapping a rattle to the beat of the music.

Introduction: Guys, let's blow a lot of balloons.

Ay yes cheeks-balls (game)
(The leader recites poetry, and the guys perform all the movements and tasks.)

Cheeks, like a ball, puffed up,
And then they were quietly blown away.
And they cheated it harder
To make it more fun.
Prick the ball with a needle ... Bang!
And the balloon burst loudly!

Soap bubbles show(shows the teacher)

To the music, the teacher makes large soap bubbles, using a ring - a racket.

Soap bubbles salute.

The installation for the production of soap bubbles is switched on. Cheerful music sounds, children catch soap bubbles.

Outdoor game "Bubble"

Poems for learning with children

I am good, I am obedient.
They bought me a balloon.
At first I played with him myself,
And then he gave it to the kitten.
The cat clapped the ball with its paw,
Ball - bang! - and immediately burst.

Balloon, balloon
Breaks out of the hands.
Naughty, naughty -
Suddenly flies up to the ceiling.
I need to catch him
And tie by the tail.

If you pump up the ball,
He will then fly.
I need to tie a thread
To hold the ball.
Designed for kids
Multicolored balloons.

When compiling the script for the holiday, the following modern literary sources were used:

- Academy website

M.Yu. Kartushina "Fun for kids" Moscow, 2009

E.A. Alyabyeva "Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten" Moscow, 2010

Music game with rattles

Dance composition "Kalinka"

Balloon dance

Outdoor game "Bubble"

Shishkina Larisa Yakovlevna, Terekhova Lyubov Ivanovna

Educator, educator, secondary school, Khvorostyanka village S / p "Kolosok" kindergarten, Samara region, Khvorostyanka village

Shishkina L.Ya., Terekhova L.I. Entertainment with children of the senior and preparatory group "Feast of balloons" // Sovushka. 2016. No. 3 (5) .. 02.2019).

Target: creating a festive mood in children; development of physical activity; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, friendship.


Hello children! Guys, guess the riddle:

I'm big, but empty.

I fly into the sky above the ground.

And not proud, but pouty,

Tied with a thick thread.

I am with children, I have always been friendly,

And I am called.

All: ball.

Host: That's right, it's a ball. I invite you to the holiday of balloons. Today they will serve us not only as a decoration for our holiday. Balls will help us to conduct fun games and contests. Do you want to play and have fun?

Someone once invented balls,

As entertainment for children.

Someone once cheated for the first time,

Someone once breathed a soul into them.

No, the carnival will not take place without balloons

And the festive hall will not be decorated.

Balls all of us have been beckoning for a long time,

Each of them has flight and space.

These balls call us all in childhood,

Let's get to know the balloon.

A balloon is a toy loved by people of all ages. It is used to decorate events and has a wonderful ability: to create a great mood and a pleasant atmosphere in any room .. Guys, do you know poems about balloons?

1 child:

Ball, ball

My air,

Fidget, naughty

The ball is round

The ball is smooth,

The ball is light,

The ball is soft!

2 child:

To the right is a ball,

Left ball

My glowing flashlight

Let me hug you

And I will press it to my cheek!

3 child:

I click on the ball

It flies out from under the arms

Up but I caught him

I tied a thread to my finger.

Now let's sing a song about a balloon (song is being played)

Leading: Well done boys! Now let's play. But first you need to split into two teams. The game is called "Kangaroo"

Do you know who this is? (Answers of children)

Leading: That's right, the kangaroo carries its cub in the bag. Now imagine that you are a "kangaroo" only instead of a cub, you will squeeze the ball between your knees and jump to the counter, and back running, with the ball in your hands, and pass it to the next one.

Leading: Well done guys, the next game is "Collect the balls"

I have two boxes, one red and the other green balls

At my signal, you start collecting them.

The first team is red, the second is green.

Leading: And now we will see which team has the ball flying the farthest? "Whose ball is next"

Leading: Great job! Next game "Carry not drop"

At my command, you hit the ball with your hand to the reference point, then return to your team, passing the ball to the next one.

COMPETITION "Guess the riddle"

1.Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

Love these balls

Adults and children,

Pour balls -

The best in the world! (apples)

2.On a green fragile leg,

A ball has grown by the path. (dandelion)

3.It's as big as a soccer ball

If ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (watermelon)

4.Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Like a balloon

Almost always lives in the water

Thick-skinned ... (hippopotamus)

5. Round, smooth like a watermelon ...

Color - any, for different tastes.

If you let go of the leash,

Fly away behind the clouds. (balloon)

Young! Next game "Balloon over the head"

Now, you should stand up straight and raise your arms above your head. Each team has its own ball, at my command you start passing the ball from behind to the one standing, the last player takes the ball and stands in front of the first, this continues until all players take part.

OK! And now let's imagine that we are "Kittens" as you know, kittens love to play with balls of thread, only instead of threads we will have a ball. At the signal, you kneel down and start pushing the ball to the counter with your head, passing the ball back to the next one by running.

Game "Give a ball to a friend". Children play freely, but only hear the command "Give a ball", children exchange balls.


Draw as many balloons as possible on a piece of Whatman paper in one minute. And now let's play with balls... We will pass the balls in a circle, and when they meet, those guys who have the ball will dance to us.
Children stand in a circle, pass the balls towards each other, when the balls meet, two children who have balls dance in the center of the circle, the rest of the children clap them.

Well, now let's all dance together with balls. (free dance)
Leading: Well done boys! What a fun holiday it turned out to be. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring.