Makeup for big almond-shaped brown eyes. Makeup for almond eyes: the highlight of your appearance. How to tell if you have almond eyes

No, this question cannot be answered categorically either, since various experts, including psychologists, argue that with a careful study of the form, some superficial conclusions can be drawn. However, these ideas about character will not be deep and are only of a general nature.

What are the eyes

The most common form is undoubtedly the almond-shaped. However, there are other forms besides it. Below are the main types of eye shape, as well as brief characteristics of people with similar eyes.


Large eyes reflect the size rather than the shape of the incision. In this case, the appearance of such eyes can vary significantly. Some professionals believe that people with such eyes:

  • Very sensitive;
  • They have a fine organization of the soul.

However, there are also exceptions. Sometimes the eyes look large compared to other facial features that are small in nature. At the same time, people, on the contrary, are often cruel and have a tough character.

Psychologists say that with a careful study of the shape of a person's eyes, some superficial conclusions can be drawn.


Small eyes are usually found in people with the following characteristics:

  • stubbornness;
  • permanence;
  • Self-sufficiency;
  • Attachment;
  • Striving to reach the goal.


Round eyes are quite common. People with this shape of the incision strive for success. At the same time, they often have problems with the division of responsibility. They prefer to share a decision or action with someone else. In connection with this feature, very often they fail to achieve what they want.


With a triangular cut, which is more common in Asian countries, one can suspect a person of frivolity in aspirations, deeds and undertakings. Often such people talk a lot and do little, but among them there can be talented scientists, as well as wise elders.


A slanting incision on the face is found not only among representatives of Asian countries. Often this form is observed in the middle latitudes. These individuals may exhibit positive traits that include:

  • kindness;
  • Sentimentality;
  • Tolerance.


The almond shape is considered by many to be the standard, but it is only the most common. From the point of view of psychology, such people have the ability for creativity and art, and they are also very attached to friends.

There is no concept of an ideal shape, it is very important to monitor how the cut of the eyes is in harmony with other facial features. In the event that the harmony is broken, then the matter can be corrected with the help of cosmetics and tattooing. At the same time, do not forget that healthy eyes are much more important than beautiful ones.

Almond-shaped eyes are considered the most beautiful and ideal. When making up such eyes, the main thing is not to spoil their amazing shape with ugly lines and strokes. This shape of the eyes does not require any correction, but only the correct frame. For almond-shaped eyes, makeup should be “cat-like”, able to make them more expressive and deep.

Feature of almond eyes

The inner corner of the eye fully corresponds to the rounded end of the nutlet, and the outer corner of the eye coincides with the pointed corner.

Almond eyes are considered classic and easy to apply any makeup technique. It is very convenient for make-up artists to work with them, since the eyes do not need to be adjusted and make it possible to realize any fantasy.

Many of the fair sex, having a different eye shape, try to bring it closer to the almond-shaped with the right makeup. Women with almond-shaped eyes need only emphasize their beautiful shape and give the look attractiveness and depth.

Very often, almond-shaped eyes are called cat or Asian. They have an oblong incision towards the temple. Experts believe that with such an ideal eye shape, you can safely experiment, use different shades of shadows and draw almost any arrows.

Experiments should be carried out taking into account the main recommendations of experienced stylists:

  • Shadows are selected taking into account the color of the eyes;
  • A contour pencil will allow you to create an even more amazing cut of the eyes;
  • Taking into account individual characteristics, do not be afraid to use soft pink, white or light gray shades of shadows in makeup;
  • The inner corners of the eye stand out in a lighter tone than the rest of the eyelid;
  • Almond-shaped eyes come in different sizes, so use eyeliner in accordance with this nuance: the larger the eye, the thicker the contour line can be;
  • Smokey ice looks especially good on such eyes. It will give the eyes expressiveness and mystery;
  • Almost any arrows are suitable for such eyes, winged arrows are especially attractive, which make the eyes wide open and expressive.

Makeup according to the size of the eyes

As already mentioned, almond-shaped eyes can be both small and large. Large almond-shaped eyes are the perfect combination, but small eyes need to be corrected.

When choosing shades of decorative cosmetics, you need to understand that light shades visually enlarge the eyes, while dark ones, on the contrary, reduce them. But this does not mean at all that the owners of small almond-shaped eyes cannot use dark shades of shadows. Of course, they can, only correctly: the inner corners of the eye are covered with lighter shadows until the middle of the eyelid, then you can make a smooth transition to darker shades, directing the lines to the temple.

With this size of the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows is very important. The shape should be symmetrical, and the eyebrows themselves should not be very thick. The eyeliner should not be thick, otherwise the size of the eyes will visually decrease. It is better not to draw a line along the entire length of the eyelid, we start the line closer to the middle of the eye and extend it beyond the outer corner of the eyelid. It is better if the contour is softly shaded.

Large almond-shaped eyes can be brightly summed up with any contour, it will only emphasize the shape and slightly extinguish the size.

With this shape of the eyes, you can use mascara with a lengthening effect. If applied to the outer corner of the eye, it will further lengthen the beautiful shape of the eyes. It is possible to use false eyelashes. Beams on the outer edge of the eyelid will look especially impressive.

Almond-shaped eyes with an impending eyelid

It happens that a beautiful almond-shaped eye is hidden under the impending eyelid. This problem is easily solved with the right makeup. Skillfully made-up eyes will not appear flat or hidden under the eyelid.

A feature of the impending century is a fold that needs to be properly hidden. To do this, matte shadows of a light shade are applied to the entire eyelid. Then the crease is retouched with a darker cold tone. All lines are applied towards the outer corner of the eye. As a result, the eyes will be more open. Do not place a mirror on the side. All lines are drawn with the mirror directly opposite the eyes.

Then a light highlight under the eyebrow line and the lightest tone in the inner corner of the eye. The darkest tone of the shadows is applied to the outer corner of the moving eyelid. Do not get carried away with the arrows, as they can emphasize the overhang of the fold.

Smoky eye makeup for almond eyes

Smoky makeup (smoky ice) has become very popular lately. It allows you to highlight the eyes very brightly, the look becomes bewitching and alluring. Almond shaped eyes are the perfect platform for this look.

In the smoky eyes technique, mainly shades of gray and black are used. But they need to be properly combined and applied to get a smoky seductive effect. Other shades can be added to the color palette, which are suitable for the individual shade of the eyes and skin.

For almond-shaped eyes, the following sequence of smoky makeup is provided:

  1. Choose the necessary palette that will be used in makeup;
  2. We choose a medium tone, and apply it to the entire moving eyelid, slightly touching the crease;
  3. On the crease and along the lash line, apply the darkest shade of shadows. Thus, a beautiful cut of the eyes ideally stands out;
  4. In the area under the eyebrows, we apply the lightest tone of the shadows and carefully blend all the borders so that the transition from one tone to another is not noticeable;
  5. Apply black mascara to the eyelashes in several layers. We carefully comb them and remove the excess.

Smokey eye makeup for almond-shaped eyes is ready. Before applying decorative cosmetics, never forget about the foundation for makeup. It will allow the shadows to last longer and go on smoother.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and with the right frame, they are able to attract the attention of a man and charm him. Eye makeup can be both bright and rich, eye-catching, and natural and almost imperceptible. And if you emphasize it with an individual style of clothing, you can create an extraordinary and beautiful feminine image. Thanks to high-quality, skillfully applied makeup, it is easy to emphasize the natural shape of the eyes or change its shape beyond recognition.

Of course, almond-shaped or cat eyes are considered the most beautiful and charming - they are able to enchant, enchant and draw attention to a woman. Very often, women with a similar eye shape are called the descendants of witches, as they have such an attractive look that it is impossible to tear it away.

Almond-shaped eyes are most often found in Eastern girls, but women of other nationalities are not deprived of this form. Very often, almond-shaped eyes are compared with this same nut, as they have a characteristic elongation and curvature at the edges.

As a rule, the natural shape of such eyes does not require a lot of makeup. It is necessary in order to emphasize their attractive beauty. You can use makeup in the style of Sophia Loren, creating a feminine, sensual look.

  1. This will require shadows of gray-black or dark brown shades. You can use them to apply smokey eye makeup, and add expressiveness to the look by applying lighter shades to the upper eyelid with a brush. With the same color, you can draw a line along the lower eyelid;
  2. Shade the outer edge of the moving eyelid with dark shades (brown or black), evenly distributing the tone until the middle of the eyelid;
  3. We add zest to the image by adding gray color to the outer and inner corners of the eyes, working them in such a way that they are evenly distributed throughout the eyelid, smoothly flowing into each other;
  4. The final touch will be drawing arrows on the upper eyelid from the middle of the eye, bending them slightly upwards. In no case should you draw arrows over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid, since such arrows will significantly reduce the eyes and add age.

Makeup Caution for Almond Eyes

When working on makeup for "cat's" eyes, you need to be extremely careful. By overdoing it with applying decorative cosmetics, you can spoil the image of a beauty, turning it into something ugly and vulgar.

  • Eyelashes with such chic eyes do not require the addition of additional volume, and even more so, lengthening. Therefore, it is better to use ordinary mascara without unnecessary additional effects;
  • Eyebrows are the main weapon of a woman. Therefore, their care must be given special attention. Eyebrows should be thin, turning into a smooth curve. But thick and wide ones will add a few years to a woman and give a gloomy and gloomy expression to her face;
  • Under the image of a beautiful and sensual diva, lipstick in sensual shades is best suited. Lip gloss, on the contrary, will spoil the aristocratic image.

For women with small eyes who want to visually lengthen their shape, well-applied oriental or Arabic makeup is suitable. It consists in the gradual application of dark and light golden shades on the upper and lower movable eyelids. You should start from the outer corner of the eyelid, applying a dark brown shade, then dark golden in the middle of the eyelid, and light gold in the corner. All shades are carefully shaded so that all colors smoothly transition from one to another.

Shades on the inner corner and the middle of the eyelid are best done with a brush dipped in water. It is wetted so that the shadows do not crumble and the shade is more saturated. After that, Arabic arrows are drawn and eyelashes are painted. For such makeup, it is better to choose the most lengthening mascara.

Added by Valery

Women with "cat's eyes" always delight men, arouse their sympathy and charm. If your eye shape is elongated, directed towards the temple and turns into an arrow at the outer corner of the eye, then you are the owner of almond-shaped eyes. They are most often found in women of the east, but among Slavs they are also not considered rare. If it seems to you that it is very difficult to create the right make-up for such a form, then you are mistaken. The main rule of a makeup artist doing almond eye makeup is experiment. After trying many colors and shades, you can choose the perfect palette that sets the eye apart. An unusual combination are "cat's" green eyes. This shade in itself is sexy and alluring, the look of a green-eyed girl is always mysterious and deep. Therefore, you should choose cosmetics for green almond-shaped eyes in accordance with the recommendations of professionals.

What should be in a cosmetic arsenal?

When choosing shadows, you need to focus on the shade of the iris: it is desirable that they be slightly darker than the eyes. But you can paint not only with a green palette. White, pale pink, light gray, pale plum, brown, black shades go well with the almond shape and green.

Makeup for almond-shaped green eyes will be more spectacular and beautiful if you use a light contour pencil. Often, the "cat's eyes" are small, so when applying cosmetics, you need to start from the basic rules. That is, the inner corner is emphasized with a light shade of eyeliner, the rest of the areas - any dark.

Makeup technique for almond-shaped green eyes

Stage 1 - eyebrows. Makeup for almond eyes always starts with eyebrows. There is no need to pay attention to fashion trends as they are constantly changing. But your eyes are always with you, so you need to make them expressive and charming. Remember that the ideal eyebrows are a gracefully curved thin line, neatly shaped and tinted with cold gray or black shadows.

Stage 2 - eyelids. On the surface of the upper eyelid along the line of the ciliary edge, a contour is drawn with a white or light gray pencil. The same color separates the brow area from the moving eyelid. Both lines should be well shaded. Then we proceed to the main range of make-up: there should be saturated dark shadows on the inner corners (the combination of shades depends on the time of day, the purpose of the make-up, the color of the hair and skin, the outfit), the central region of the eyelid is a shade of the medium type, at the very eyebrows - light tones. Do not forget that the overall image depends on how conscientiously you treated the shading of all transitions.

Stage 3 - eyelashes. For normal makeup, one layer of lengthening black mascara is enough. If a gala dinner or celebration is planned, then you can make the image brighter with several layers of mascara, for the outer corners of the eyes you can use several false cilia and decorate them with sparkles or small rhinestones.

Stage 4 - eyeliner. Black color will make almond-shaped eyes visually smaller. Therefore, use a little trick: to highlight the contour of the eye, take two colors. Step back a little from the base of the eyelashes and draw a thin line on the lower and upper eyelids with a black pencil. The eyes will become larger, and the look more expressive. The inner corner can be summed up with a light pencil or silver shadows.

You can also emphasize the "cat" shape of the eyes in the following way. In the same way, stepping back from the lash line, make a thin contour in black, shade it well. From the inner corners, draw a line with white eyeliner, but above the dark outline, so that the light shade passes over the dark one.

Eyes that are shaped like an almond nut are called almond-shaped or cat-like. Such a cut is considered ideal. The task of makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty of the forms, focusing on the eyes.


If such a cut of the eyes was presented to you by nature, then makeup for almond-shaped eyes will be minimal. It is enough to emphasize the contour with a pencil or eyeliner and tint the eyelashes. Shadows will help make the eyes more expressive. Shades are selected in accordance with the color of the iris and hair. Makeup artists recommend using cosmetics that are 2 tones darker than eye color or create contrast.

Mascara is applied with light strokes, in one layer. Heavily painted lashes will distract attention from the shape of the eyes, and this is undesirable. The color of the brasmatik does not have to be black, it is chosen in accordance with the general makeup style.

Pencil and eyeliner will help to emphasize the cat's cut of the eyes. Makeup artists are advised to opt for black cosmetics. Arrows draw along the lash line from above and below, lifting the upper outer edge. It is not necessary to circle the eye completely, it ages. How to make arrows is shown in the photo.

Highlighting the eyes, do not forget about the eyebrows. Their shape must also be perfect. The most suitable option is thin and smoothly curved eyebrows. You can correct them with a pencil. Shadows will help create clarity and relief, they lighten the area under the bottom line.

Lips are painted with a transparent gloss or lipstick of the desired shade. Their color should be in harmony with the overall style of the make-up. Since makeup for almond-shaped eyes does not require much adjustment, you can pay more attention to the color scheme.

Basic styles

There are many combinations and styles. The most common are:

  • goddess eyes;
  • Sophia Loren style;
  • eyes like a cat.

The look of the goddesses is distinguished by tenderness and expressiveness, therefore, when applying it, it is appropriate to use natural, calm shades of shadows. Arrows along the contour and thin curved eyebrows. On the lips gloss or soft lipstick.

Smokey ice is the perfect make-up for almond-shaped eyes. The contrast of light and dark shadows allows you to achieve expressiveness. Eye-catching arrows make the shape more elegant.

Sophia Loren's style emphasizes the exotic shape of the eyes. The combination of black, gray or brown shadows adds mystery. Arrows raised in the corners will add passion and coquetry.

The predatory and sexy look of a catwoman is able to conquer many men's hearts. Makeup in the style of Angelina Jolie is perfect for this situation. Eyeshadows in natural colors, black eyeliner and carefully blended lines.

The sequence of applying cosmetics

  1. We treat the face with a tonic and even out the color with the help of a makeup base, foundation and powder.
  2. We make out the line of eyebrows. To do this, use a pencil or special shadows that match the color.
  3. Next, paint the eyes. Makeup for almond-shaped eyes ends with arrows.
  4. Eyelashes in one layer paint over with mascara along their entire length.
  5. We apply a small amount of shadows on the cheekbones.
  6. We cover the lips with gloss or lipstick.

Step-by-step instructions for applying cosmetics in the style of Sophia Loren are provided in the video.

A little patience and skill will turn you from an ordinary woman into an oriental beauty.