Small souvenirs in ng with your own hands. Refrigerator magnets. Exclusive cup with handmade chocolates

What can you donate?

The troubles before the new year are always pleasant, and I want to give my friends and loved ones more attention and give them something that is necessary and at the same time inspiring. What can be the ideas of gifts for the new year with your own hands? List of basic handmade gift ideas:
  • any item with a photo (magnet, album or pillow);
  • toy or trinket;
  • do-it-yourself accessory;
  • sweet gift;
  • a useful thing that you have uniqueized with your own hands;
  • interior item or home decor.

This is something that an absolutely ordinary person can cope with if desired, if he shows a little ingenuity or finds a good master class. If you have a hobby related to needlework, then you can do something in your favorite style.

A person who is fond of embroidery with beads will certainly be able to embroider a small Christmas tree decoration or make a motivating picture for the interior, a good knitter will come up with unusual scarves for the whole family, and a woodcarver will be able to please loved ones with handmade ornaments.

But what if there seems to be no handicraft skills, but you want to make a gift? First of all, turn on your imagination and come up with several gift options.

New Year's souvenir

New Year's souvenirs bring the spirit of the holiday, so it's better to give them a little in advance - so that the gift has time to settle down in the house and create the necessary atmosphere for a cheerful holiday. It may be something related to the Chinese calendar - next year will be under the sign of the Pig (boar), which means that any cute pig may well become a wonderful holiday gift.

You can try to make a decoration for a Christmas tree or give a handmade Christmas tree. watch an easy master class:

If this is a Christmas tree toy, then you can:

  1. sew a toy in the shape of a pig, for example, from a sock;
  2. cut out several complex silhouettes of piglets with an openwork pattern from designer thick paper;
  3. make a figurine of a pig using the technique of dry or wet felting;
  4. weave from wire.
Such a small and cute present will delight any person. By the way, a souvenir may not be necessary for decorating a Christmas tree - show your imagination! Make a Christmas wreath on the door (you will need ordinary branches, colorful ribbons and decorative cones to make it), or try to decorate the New Year's table with small candlesticks - loved ones will definitely appreciate this creativity.


Photo gifts

This is the easiest and at the same time very touching way to make a present for parents for the New Year with your own hands, especially if you consider that you practically don't have to do anything “with your own hands” - the main thing is to find a good idea and devote some time to preparation.

Gifts decorated with pictures will highlight your feelings for your parents and will remind them of you all year long.

What could it be:

  1. calendar;
  2. phone cases;
  3. decorative pillows;
  4. mugs and dishes;
  5. photo book.
There are print-on-demand services for creating photo gifts that print photos and images on almost anything. You only need to pick up the photos and place them correctly on the selected object.

For example, for the calendar, you can choose beautiful photos of the whole family or some funny moments, or you can make a special photo session for this. By the way, a simple family photo printed on a huge canvas can also be a good gift - it will not only decorate your parents' living room, but will also warm them every day.

If you want to make a photo gift, then choose the brightest and highest quality frames. It is not necessary that there are people in the pictures - someone will like a mug with a portrait of their beloved cat, and my husband's mom was delighted with a wall calendar with photographs of her precious orchids, which she grows herself.

Take a closer look at a person's daily life, pay attention to what he devotes most of his time and try to use it somehow - then you will really like the gift!

Sweet gifts

To be honest, this is my favorite way to do someone. If you like to cook, then prepare a magical gift for your loved ones - sweets immerse each of us in childhood, and those with a sweet tooth simply cannot imagine a good holiday without all kinds of sweets.

What sweet gifts you can make yourself:

  • gingerbread cookies for the New Year tree;
  • painted gingerbread;
  • chic gingerbread house;
  • cake;
  • cakes;
  • handmade candies.
I must say right away that I prefer to make sweet gifts so that it is not just an addition to the festive table, it is best to give something individual. Choose the dessert that seems most interesting to you and try to make it New Year's.

Where is the difference between a regular gingerbread and a festive one? First, the dessert you make must be well done. If you are sure that your dough will burn, and instead of neat sand men you will get mummies, then it is better to choose another gift.

Secondly, at the first glance at such a gift, it should be clear that it was made with love and for a specific person. A small gingerbread house can look very impressive, but it is not too difficult to assemble it.

While baking and decorating a fancy cake is not very easy (although, there are secrets here too). And finally, thirdly, the gift must be well wrapped. I'm not talking about the usual gift wrapping, colorful paper and fluffy bows, no.

Watch the video tutorial on how to create sweet sleds:

Or you can make such a Christmas tree from sweets and tea:

Watch the video tutorial on how to create a candy tea tree:

Make a small bundle of pure, unbleached linen, tie a gift tag to a ribbon, and hang a small wooden star to highlight your gift and make it special.

If you want to make a do-it-yourself gift in the form of sweets for your mom for the New Year or Christmas, then choose an original recipe - for example, an exquisite cookie with drops of dark chocolate, ginger and pepper, cook it well, decorate it and pack it well, and mom will be delighted with the gift, because that it will feel your concern.

Handmade postcard

Made by hand can be both an addition to a gift and a small independent present - for example, to a colleague or boss. You should not fall into childhood and try to cut a postcard from old unused wallpaper - visit a handicraft store, where you can purchase a blank for a postcard (specially folded cardboard), as well as the necessary decor.

It is best to watch a lesson on making a postcard with your own hands, and then buy materials from the list - for example, it can be a blank, New Year's cutting (volumetric elements made of thick cardboard), decorative scotch tapes (most often paper, with an ornament) and various decorations.

Some of the materials can be replaced (for example, colored powder for embossing can be easily replaced with any coloring pigment - including decorative shadows or glitter for manicure). Try to make the card not only beautiful, but also neat.

Handicraft as a gift

This category includes decorative items for the home, and various knick-knacks, and hand-knitted accessories. You can make gifts for the new year 2019 with your own hands, even if you do not know how to do needlework at all, but you are ready to try your hand and you like original gifts for the new year.

Do-it-yourself gift for the new year:

  • decorative clocks;
  • knitted scarf;
  • sofa cushion;
  • decorative panel;
  • soft toy;
  • any interesting trinkets.
Let's consider each option in more detail.

Interior panel, clock or toy. A good idea is needed here. The mechanism for watches can be purchased at any craft store, you can use plastic or thick cardboard as a base, you can also make a watch based on a white plate, which you can decorate to your taste.

The best place to start is with an idea. To make a gift to your beloved husband for the new year with your own hands, you need to imagine at least a little what your spouse will be happy about. Is he into extreme sports? Make him a fun, extreme style wall clock. Rooting for a sports team? Place the names of the players under the appropriate number instead of the numbers on the dial.

An interior panel as a gift to a loved one is quite simple, you need a large wooden or plastic frame in which you will make your panel. You can try to make a portrait using an unusual technique - from different photographs or threads, from fingerprints or ordinary scotch tape.

Think about what a new year gift a guy would like to receive from you? Perhaps a confirmation of your feelings? Or something that can bring out the best in him?

Knitting or sewing

If you do not know what to present to your dad for the new year, then try to do something with your own hands from threads and nails, for example, a similar picture in the style of string art.

How to do this, see the video instructions:

If you have minimal knitting skills, then you can try to tackle something really difficult - a sweater or socks, and if you are far from this type of needlework, then it is better to knit something small.

A hat, scarf, or something simple. In this case, the main thing is to choose a good yarn that can hide any pattern errors and not too confident loops. By the way, the guy-motorist will enjoy a funny cover for a steering wheel or headrest knitted from fluffy yarn like a teddy bear.

Best Memories Jar

This present will suit both lovers and parents or best friends. Remember and write on small pieces of paper all the warmest and brightest memories associated with the recipient, then fold the pieces of paper, tie each with a ribbon and put them in a beautiful jar.

Now you can choose a gift of your choice and make it yourself, and you also know what to look for when packing.

Made for this holiday. It's time to think about the amenities. And now we are not talking about expensive and complicated presentations. And we will simplify everything and make sweet gifts with New Year's symbols.

There are a lot of ideas, there are some that only an adult can do, and there are those that a child can calmly repeat.

Let's talk about the creation of the sweets themselves, as well as the packaging ideas for sweets. Believe me, every member of your family, from old to young, will be delighted with such presentations. And all this is unusual, to be honest. After all, what is the value of homemade gifts? Yes, the fact that they feel the care and a part of the soul invested in them. After all, coming up with different compositions and sketches, looking for ideas, a person thought about you!

Let's start with the design ideas. As always, all ingenious is simple. I liked the idea of ​​glass assembled snowmen like the ones shown in the photo. Glass jars for baby food will be used as a basis (usually there are many of them in every family). And if not, then running to the store for apple or fruit puree - and tasty and healthy!

Master class №1. snowman

  • 3 jars,
  • thermo gun,
  • acrylic paints,
  • sock,
  • scissors,
  • sweet fillers (cocoa, marmalade, marshmallows).

We start the craft. We take 3 jars of baby food. We remove the labels from them. We dry it.

Now we take acrylic paints - white, black and orange colors. Draw a snowman's face on one jar.

On the rest the buttons are black.

Now we twist them with lids and use hot glue to glue the bottom of the jar with the lid.

Let's make a hat out of a sock. To do this, take a NEW bright sock and cut off the part with the elastic. The side that we sew on the cut from the seamy side.

Now we take woolen threads and make a pompom. We sew it to the hat. We fix it to the lid on the snowman's head with glue.

Now we fill the jars with goodies! We pour cocoa into one, gummies or MMS into the second, and marshmallows into the head.

To this I decided to add an even more lightweight idea of ​​packaging from a glass bottle.

Just decorate it with ribbons, braid, pine cones and other decor and fill it with goodies! It is very unusual to receive such a gift. Even adults are happy, because we are all little children at heart.

New Year's gift "Christmas tree" made of chocolate with kinders

I also liked the idea with chocolates and kinders. It is her that I will bring to life this year and put under the tree for my daughter (she really respects our kinders).

Master class number 2. Sweet herringbone

  • 3 chocolates,
  • 3-9 kinder (how many will be included),
  • tinsel,
  • decor,
  • thermo gun.

We take three chocolates, preferably with one color of the package. We glue them with hot glue along the edges to form a triangle.

To give the structure rigidity, we will cut out the background from cardboard.

It is better to choose shiny holiday cardboard in blue, red, green, gold or silver colors.

Now we apply our sweet triangle to the seamy side of the cardboard and draw its outlines along the outside of the chocolates. We cut out the resulting part and glue it to the chocolates.

Now we glue the kinders inside the hot glue.

It is better to do this in a checkerboard pattern.

If you have chocolate weighing 100 g, then an average of 3 eggs will go into the tree.

It remains only to decorate the tree with tinsel or shaggy wire and a star.

The craft looks very bright and festive!

Video idea - candy in a chocolate bottle

There is a wonderful idea for a totally edible gift. But it requires great care and patience. Therefore, it is more suitable for adults and high school children. And you will need to make a chocolate bottle, which is filled with sweets.

A detailed description of the manufacturing process is given in the video.

To use less chocolate, use a smaller bottle.

Edible chocolate cups can be made in much the same way.

Master class №3. Edible cups

All instructions are described in the photo. We take a plastic glass and pour some melted chocolate into it. Then we put the glass on its side and distribute the viscous liquid along the walls so that there are no gaps.

Then let the chocolate freeze and carefully separate it from the glass.

Decorate as desired with a cloth, cream or whipped cream. Place candy or cookies inside.

Any chocolate can be taken. However, in white, you can add food coloring to get the colors you want: red, blue, or green.

Of course, you only need to store this gift in a cool place, otherwise the glass will simply melt.

Christmas deer from a glass jar with sweets

We are very fond of various gummies and chocolate covered nuts. But we do not indulge in them often. Therefore, this is a good idea for a gift, but they need to be beautifully wrapped. And for this I propose to make such a funny deer.

Master class №4. Candy in a jar with a deer

  • jar,
  • candies,
  • felt,
  • thermo gun,
  • fluffy wire
  • elements for eyes and nose.

Again we need a transparent jar. It is better to choose those with sloping sides. They can be glass or plastic, it doesn't matter.

Now we cut out a strip of at least 4 cm wide from brown felt.

If you have a label, then the strip must be at least as wide as the label. The length is equal to the diameter of the can.

We glue the strip to the place where the label was or is. Now we draw or glue the finished eyes and nose. Pom-poms, beads can enter in their capacity.

We twist the horns from the shaggy wire and fix them on the lid of the jar.

Put your favorite sweets and gummies inside. And we are all set!

Look, I found an even simpler idea where you don't even need felt!

A very unusual solution! Also, such packaging can become a New Year's table decor.

DIY pineapple candy with a surprise

I don’t know about you, but for some reason it is popular with us to give pineapples and coconuts for the New Year. Well, since the idea is not new, then we will use it. Only we will not buy the finished fruit, but we will make it ourselves.

Master class №5. Pineapple candy with a surprise inside

  • glass jar,
  • small candies,
  • large round candies in a golden wrapper, like Ferrero,
  • green felt or cardboard,
  • thermo gun.

We take a glass jar of baby juice. We remove the etiquette with water.

Pour small candies or gummies inside.

Now we take candies in a golden package. We will fix them on the bottle. This should be done from the bottom edge in rows. So we move to the top.

Then we cut out oblong leaves from green cardboard and decorate the neck of the bottle with them.

That's all. This gift is quite expensive, you can see for yourself which candies were taken. However, it can be repeated with other flavors. You can simply take a round treat and wrap it in foil.

Mini gifts with lollipops

O! Now let's talk about what to do when you need to present a large number of children. For example, a child in kindergarten has many friends and I want to congratulate everyone. We have just this case! My daughters and I found a way out - we made a deer with a chupa-chups. It turned out very inexpensive and cheerful!

So, you need to take a mini lollipop. They cost 5-7 rubles with us.

We translate the diagram onto a thick sheet of paper, but you can print it.

It's better to take thick sheets, my daughters and I tried - album sheets tear easily. All the same, the child is engaged in the craft, including.

Now we cut through a place for a lump - inside the deer and a hole for a stick. We paint the horns and eyes. Decorate the face and let it dry.

We insert a lump and glue the horns with glue. Decorate with tinsel or bows.

We've got such a cute thing.

By the same steps, you can make Santa Claus.

I also propose to collect a mini-present. We take beautiful bright festive cups. Put sweets and lollipops inside. we wrap all this goodies in transparent gift paper.

We fasten the top with tape, a stapler and decorate with ribbons.

The same gifts can be used to present children in kindergarten on Birthday Day.

Original packaging for chocolate

I also propose to present good people with chocolates! But not simple, but decorated in the form of snowmen. Not trivial and very uplifting!

Master class number 6. Snowman packaging

  • chocolate bar weighing 90-100 g,
  • album sheet,
  • sock,
  • markers,
  • glue.

We need a chocolate bar with a neatly tucked edge, like Russian.

We wrap the chocolate in a sheet. Gently press the folds with your fingers so that there is a shape. We glue the slices from the inside.

If it turns out that there is a lot of album left, then we cut off the excess. We fix the edges.

We draw a carrot, eyes and mouth. You can glue felt or beads on this place.

Now we make a hat and a scarf from a sock. Cut off the part where there is an elastic band and a heel at the new toe.

We turn it inside out and sew it up.

We select the edge where there is a seam and collect it so that we get a pompom. To do this, we pull it together with threads.

We put a hat on a chocolate bar. Cut out a scarf from the rest of the sock.

That's all! Add more pine cones and spruce twigs to make the holiday smell.

It is also better to choose expensive types. For example, "Babaevsky" is an expensive chocolate and you want to pack it accordingly. For this purpose, I advise you to use an envelope. Described in more detail.

DIY sweet gift ideas

You can donate candies with your own hands or cake pops. I suggest making simple sweets - nuts in chocolate glaze. To do this, simply melt a chocolate bar in a water bath and wrap hazelnuts, cashews or peanuts in it.

Cake-pop is a biscuit dough cake, it is very tasty and is always placed on a stick. And now you need to tinker with them! You will find many recipes and the process of their preparation in a separate one.

Therefore, here I will not give recipes, I will show only a photo instruction with step-by-step actions.

Of course, you can very easily make lollipops, such as cockerel. For this, you only need lemon juice, sugar and water.

Use this recipe: granulated sugar - 10 tablespoons, water - 10 tablespoons, lemon juice - 0.2 tsp.

Everything is cooked to a viscous consistency and poured into a mold, where the lollipop hardens. To shape the candy into the desired shape, you can take cookie molds, ice containers, or cut out a shape from cardboard.

Not everyone can have a lot of sweets. So I come up with a fruit idea. What's New Year without tangerines? And there are never many of them!

Make a herringbone out of them.

Or a bouquet. What does the New Year smell like? Cinnamon, vanilla, pine needles, oranges, tangerines and lemon.

So combine it all in one bouquet.

Kids can experiment with marshmallows.

These marshmallows can be slipped onto cream and muffins or cookies.

Very cool gifts come from cheap sweets! We took pretzels and marshmallows. They dipped it in the glaze and it turned out to be a fawn.

A similar idea, only Oreo cookies were planted on a stick.

We repeat the same idea with berries.

Experienced housewives can bake and decorate gingerbread.

Also, each should be wrapped in individual packaging. By the way, you can take any homemade cookies that you do well. Decoration is not a problem at all now - there are many types of glaze that does not crumble.

This idea is, of course, more complicated. But what if she also inspires someone?

Gingerbread houses are always popular.

Of course, you can depict the symbol of 2019 - the Pig.

I think that from all of the above, you can collect many different presents. But we do not stop and move on.

"Santa Claus sleigh" from sweets

Oh, this sleigh! They are done in 10 minutes, but they look very dignified! You just need to look well for runners for them. In this capacity, special curved lollipops act.

We put these candies parallel to each other. We glue a chocolate bar on them.

We fix the rest of the treats on double-sided tape or hot glue, we seat the figure of Santa Claus or a snowman.

In this craft, it is important to observe the proportions: the longest and flattest delicacies form the basis of the sleigh. And on it already all those that are smaller. Medium to small.

Then you get a harmonious composition.

This principle is visible in all the photographs in this section.

Great, right?

Holiday candy ideas for delicious gifts

Of course, what is not made of sweets. After all, they are so bright, tasty and colorful.

For example, you can make chimes that show the same time every year.

Or just pack the candy separately for each one!

Compositions are made in the form of balls.

Or in the shape of a pig!

An unusual idea of ​​packing sweets in plastic caps. By the way, this material is easily connected when heated. In order for the gift to be stylish, the candies need to be matched by color.

Of course, delicious Christmas trees! I'll tell you about them in more detail now.

Master class number 7. Candy tree with tinsel

We make a cone out of paper. To do this, take an A4 sheet and fold it into a cone. We glue the edge with tape, and cut off all excess.

We attach tinsel onto double-sided tape, starting from the base. And we alternate the rows: tinsel, candy, tinsel.

You can fix the layers with a thermo gun and super glue. But it is more convenient to use double-sided tape.

Of course, we won't get around the idea of ​​a sweet New Year's wreath.

Candy bowls are also popular. It is customary to give sweets in them. For example, you can make such beauty from threads, PVA glue and a balloon.

Or a cardboard idea.

Master class number 8. Craft from cardboard

We take three strips of green double-sided cardboard, at least 2 cm wide.

1 strip - 8 cm,

2 strip - 14 cm,

3 strips - 20 cm.

We mark the longest in three equal parts and glue the triangle.

On a long, middle one, mark 2 centimeters each and bend it like this: two corners inward, one outward. Repeating this sequence throughout the strip. glue this part to the bottom of the triangle.

We do the same with the middle stripe. We glue it over the long one. We turn the small one into a triangle and fix it on the top of the craft.

Now we need to make a barrel out of brown paper, where we will also put the sweets.

To do this, measure the width of the sweets and lay them on brown cardboard. We cut out a strip, glue it and fix it to our tree.

It remains only to put in a treat and decorate the craft.

Master class number 9. Golden tree

  • thick cardboard,
  • candies,
  • thermo gun,
  • glue,

Using this scheme, we cut out the parts and glue them. This is the base on which the craft will stand.

We make a cone. Measure out the dimensions shown in the figure and cut out the part. Paste it over with beautiful paper. The allowance must be folded inward and glued from the wrong side to the second side of the part. This will create a cone.

We begin to glue the cone with sweets from the bottom, we chose expensive round things. Then place the cone on the base and fix it from the inside. Decorate with beads, sequins.

Master class number 10. Green craft

  • bottle,
  • flat-edged sweets,
  • Scotch.

Glue a strip of tape to each candy from the flat edge of the wrapper so that it occupies only half the width of the strip.

We glue the candy to the bottle, starting from the bottom. We do the work in rows, gradually moving up.

We decorate the cork with a star and the gift is ready.

Another idea of ​​a boot-shaped candy holder.

It is made from the sludge of a plastic bottle.

You might like Rafaello's candy box idea.

The idea is to make the box look like a house. To do this, cut off the edges of the box, and in their place we attach the roof.

The side of the roof can be lifted to make it easy to pull the treat out.

Children can wrap the sweet gift on their own. For example, in such a snowman.

Or use different containers of unusual shapes for this purpose.

Even such plastic cups can be used to put sweets.

It is better to take glasses wider and lower.

Gift Tags

We bought sweets or made them by hand and arranged them into gifts. Now all that remains is to sign who they are addressed to. And for whom we have tried so hard.

Therefore, I am attaching ideas for tags with New Year's symbols to the article.

This is especially convenient when the child was making various lollipops or cake pops. I think about different people. That is to say, so that nothing is forgotten.

Thank you for your attention and inspiration! I will be happy to continue to share ideas with you on various topics.

The tradition of giving gifts to family and friends for the New Year goes back centuries. It is believed that the custom of “appeasing” others with valuable gifts on New Year's Eve dates back to ancient Rome, where the cult of offering and sacrifice flourished. Of course, the modern tradition of giving New Year gifts does not carry such a sacred function. Rather, today this custom embodies the desire to please dear people and to mark the beginning of the new year with positive emotions. Along with expensive material gifts, which are customary to give on New Year's Eve, there are also gifts with your own hands. As a rule, these are cute knick-knacks, simple but functional items, decorative elements and sweet gifts. But despite its outward simplicity, a gift for the New Year with its own hands has a "soul" and carries a special positive energy. Next, you will find the best master classes with step-by-step photos of original gifts for the New Year for mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, other relatives and acquaintances. Very simple materials are used for their manufacture, for example, paper and thread. And the master classes of New Year's gifts themselves are painted in great detail, which will greatly simplify the process of your creativity!

DIY gift "Snow Globe" for the New Year 2017, master class with photo

Thanks to countless Hollywood Christmas movies, it's hard to find someone who doesn't know what a snow globe is. This simple decorative element does not carry any special function. But how much the snow-white snow of this souvenir-gift pleases the eye! For a long time, the snow globe was considered an exotic and original gift for the New Year. This is due to the high price of this glass miracle and the shortage. Today, buying a "snow globe" in any gift shop is not a problem. But we suggest that you make a gift "Snow Globe" for the New Year 2017 with your own hands at home according to the following master class with a photo.

Do-it-yourself materials for the "Snow Globe" gift for the New Year 2017

  • jar and lid
  • polymer clay or snowman figurine
  • waterproof glue
  • sequins
  • distilled water
  • a piece of felt

Instructions on how to make a gift "Snow Globe" for the New Year 2017 with your own hands

DIY New Year's gift for mom and dad from salted dough, master class step by step

Our next master class made from salted dough will definitely appeal to children who want to give a memorable DIY gift for the New Year 2017, mom and dad. In addition, it will not be just a memorable souvenir, but also a completely functional present. For example, a do-it-yourself New Year's gift from salted dough for mom and dad can act as a decoration for a Christmas tree or a keychain.

Necessary materials for a gift from salted dough to mom and dad for the New Year 2017

  • flour - 4 cups
  • fine salt - 2 cups
  • warm water - 2 glasses
  • gouache and brush
  • decorative ribbon

Instructions on how to make a do-it-yourself gift of salt dough for the New Year 2017

A sweet gift made of paper for the New Year 2017, a master class with step-by-step photos

Of course, the basis for the sweet gift for the New Year 2017 will be made of paper, and not its filling. Our next master class with step-by-step photos will show how simple and very original it is to present sweets for the New Year holidays. In it you will find step by step instructions on how to make an unusual box for chocolates or other small sweets. Read more about how to make a paper gift with sweet filling for the New Year 2017 below.

Do-it-yourself materials for a paper gift for the New Year 2017

  • colored cardboard (green and brown)
  • Ruler and pencil
  • ribbon
  • chocolate candies

Instructions on how to make a paper-based gift with your own hands for the New Year 2017

Gift "Money tree" for the New Year 2017 for a boyfriend or girlfriend with their own hands

They say that when you don’t know what gift to present to your loved one, it’s better to give money. In this case, the amount will depend on the closeness of the relationship and the importance of the occasion. Due attention should be paid to the method of gift decoration. For example, prepare a colorful envelope, make a postcard with your own hands, or come up with something more original. Our do-it-yourself gift "Money tree" for the New Year 2017 belongs to the last category and will be an excellent gift option for a boyfriend or girlfriend. In addition to the original presentation, such a "herringbone" fits perfectly into the theme of the holiday and can even serve as an unusual interior decor for some time. How to make a gift "Money tree" for the New Year 2017 for a boyfriend or girlfriend, you will learn step by step further.

Necessary materials for a cash gift for the New Year 2017 for a boyfriend, girlfriend

  • orange sticks
  • tin can or small pot
  • floral sponge
  • strong thread
  • bright fabric
  • colored paper, glue, scissors
  • banknotes

Instructions on how to make a gift "Money tree" with your own hands for the New Year 2017

An original DIY candlestick gift for the New Year 2017

An original candlestick with your own hands will be an excellent gift for the New Year 2017 for both family and friends. The process of making this gift will not take much time, but the result will demonstrate warmth and care. Find out how to make an original candlestick gift for the New Year 2017 with your own hands from our next master class.

Materials for the original candlestick-gift with your own hands for the New Year 2017

  • acrylic threads green
  • PVA glue
  • cardboard
  • cling film
  • led candle
  • beads, beads, pearls

DIY instructions for an original candlestick gift for the New Year 2017

DIY New Year's gift using the modular origami technique "Cockerel", video tutorial

An original New Year's gift with your own hands can be made using the modular origami technique, as in the video tutorial below using the example of a New Year's cockerel. Such a cock will be an excellent decor element, and will bring good luck in the 2017 Fire Rooster. In addition, a DIY New Year's gift using the modular origami technique "Cockerel" can be used for children's New Year's performances, games, contests and other fun. Believe me, both adults (mom and dad, boyfriend, girlfriend) and kids will like this DIY New Year's gift made of paper. And do not be afraid of mastering the modular origami technique, as in the master classes with photos, this video demonstrates step by step the process of making a gift. And this means that even a child can master such a gift for the New Year 2017!

New Year's chores begin suddenly: 1-2 weeks before the holiday, we already begin to plan the celebration, negotiate with friends, draw up a menu for the festive table.

You can think about what to buy as a gift for the New Year in advance. There is not always enough time to find souvenirs for loved ones, friends and colleagues.

Start now to look closely at what is close and dear to the hearts of your friends, what they dream of, what they would like to receive.

We will help you with helpful tips on what to give for the New Year 2020 and how to surprise your loved ones.

New Year's symbol Rat - in souvenirs and gifts

They are often selected for this holiday in accordance with the symbolism of the coming year. New Year 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat. Therefore, souvenirs are brilliant, catchy, positive.

Good pillows or blankets - with a pattern or plain, homemade embroidered or related souvenirs with the symbol of the year, figurines, Christmas tree decorations, fancy-shaped candles covered with silver dusting, sparkles, etc.

In the year of the Rat, the following shades should prevail: white, gray, silver, beige. Silver jewelry, sparkling metal jewelry, and shiny home decor will be especially popular on New Year's Eve.

The very design of the gift wrapping should also correspond to the celebration of this night. If the present itself turned out to be not as bright as it is supposed in the year of the White Rat - pick up a metallized or iridescent packaging.

The wrapper with silver designs and patterns, ribbons and a large white bow will appeal to both adults and children. Stylish, laconic - nothing more. Therefore, look at photos and videos with design ideas to surprise your family and friends not only with an abundance of flowers, but also with an original approach to design.

Most popular ideas

What gifts can you give for the New Year? You can choose something themed as a small souvenir for your guests. Close ones are often given things that have practical application. You can look for unusual creative gifts that will remind you of this holiday for a long time.

It is better to start your search by drawing up a gift list for the New Year. Knowing what to look for will save you time and effort.

Read what gifts are given for the New Year to parents, friends, colleagues, children, spouses. If you still don't have any ideas, stop at the New Year's sets, which can be found on the eve of the holiday in most stores. It can be gift personal care products, home decorations, household items, practical dishes, metal services.

We invite you to consider the most popular New Year's gift ideas in 2020:

Universal souvenirs for the New Year 2020 - magnets, mugs, Christmas decorations, calendars, candlesticks. They are inexpensive, suitable for people of different ages and status.

How to do it yourself

Unusual, but always enjoyable - DIY crafts. They can be made from cardboard or paper (for example, create themed cards for each guest), textiles (toys, decorative pillows or tablecloths), jewelry (home or Christmas tree decorations, bracelets or earrings, etc.) and many others. materials.

Looking for creative and healthy New Year gifts? Try to make them yourself: you can save time, money, and put your soul into the craft.

One interesting idea is home pillows. Making them is easy. Knowing what the interior of your family looks like, you can choose a festive fabric design. To make such a pillow associated with the New Year holidays, embroider Christmas trees, snowflakes on the surface or decorate the front side with a rat pattern.
The rat is the symbol of 2020 according to the eastern calendar.

A similar approach can be applied to decorating blankets, tablecloths, plaids, curtains, and other textile items for the New Year.

In accordance with the symbol of the coming year, you can sew New Year's gifts for children with your own hands. It can be not only toy rats, but also Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Claus and other characters.

What can you give for the New Year made of fabric, besides toys and pillows? Housewives can make cute bags for storing cereals, bottle covers, kitchen towels.

A photo frame decorated with stones, beads, beads, ribbons, sparkles will also become a lovely decorative gift for your home. You can put a family photo or a picture from a shared trip in it if you are going to give it to your friends.

New Year's gifts: ideas, photos

What else can you give? Themed fridge magnets (decorated with beads, beads, coffee beans), homemade Christmas tree decorations (glass, papier-mâché, felt, cardboard), quilling postcards.

Unusual gifts are New Year's knitted souvenirs. Therefore, we quickly master the technique - and we knit socks, scarves, sweaters, mug covers, gloves and potholders for the New Year 2020: your relatives and friends will be delighted!

Other ideas for a New Year's Eve gift - crafts with shared photos, accessories with a pleasant scent (for example, decorative candles with a relaxing effect), origami from cardboard and paper for home decoration, homemade Christmas trees made from rain, plastic, cardboard, wood or fabric.

Watch a video on how to make a toy rat - a symbol of the New Year 2020:

Edible gifts for children and adults

As an option, a sweet gift made by yourself is good. For those closest to you, you can bake a delicious cake or pie, decorated in the New Year's manner.

You can also involve your children in this procedure: then your guests will be doubly pleased.

Another idea is to bake the sweet symbol of 2020. In the form of a rat, you can make gingerbread cookies or gingerbread cookies with icing.

On New Year's Eve, the center of the table is decorated with an edible gingerbread house: why not present the same to each of the guests?

Sweet New Year gifts.

And here is a variant of a delicious gift - tangerine jam in a decorated package. Other healthy exotic fruits can be used in place of tangerines. It can be prepared long before the New Year, in order to save energy during the pre-holiday rush.

Unusual chocolate figurines are another tasty and easy-to-implement idea. These and other sweet gifts for the New Year 2020 can be wrapped in colorful packaging or placed in boxes wrapped with ribbons for an even more solemn look.

But the surprises don't end there. A popular and successful gift idea this year is homemade candy pineapple. A sweet fruit in a gift design can be presented to family, friends, and colleagues.

Making such a masterpiece is very simple. The base will be a bottle of champagne: wrap it in a cardboard or paper case. On its surface, begin to glue round candies wrapped in white or silver packaging.

When the craft takes on the shape of a pineapple, let the glue dry. Start decorating the top.

For the leaves, green paper, cardboard or thick fabric is suitable, which will hold its shape. Decorate the visible joints with rope or ribbons.

Registration of New Year's gifts, photo

What could be more sincere than celebrating the New Year with your most beloved people? Only giving them your gifts. With our simple tips, you can make this moment unforgettable.

It remains only to pick up gifts for everyone you plan to wish a Happy New Year 2020. Let this holiday be cheerful, warm, full of only pleasant emotions!


What other do-it-yourself New Year gift can be made - see this video:

Only two weeks separate us from the most magical holiday. So, it's time to collect a bag of gifts for the New Year for family and friends. We suggest you approach this pleasant mission creatively.

Good luck monkey

Present to everyone you love a mascot for the New Year - DIY monkey crafts. And at the same time appease the shaggy patron. The easiest way is to artistically cut them out of colored paper and cardboard, decorating with sparkles and tinsel. Funny monkeys can also be made from chestnuts, pine cones, colorful socks, buttons and beads. A handmade monkey phone case is another good option.

Cheerful curlicues

Simple DIY paper crafts for the New Year using the quilling technique are incredibly popular. Volumetric compositions of pieces of paper twisted into spirals look very festive. With a little practice in this simple art, you yourself can create elegant Christmas trees, colorful garlands, lush snowflakes, Christmas balls and funny animals. Everything that you do using the quilling technique can be glued to a greeting card.

Soul messages

As a child, we enthusiastically cut out original New Year's cards with our own hands for our relatives. Such souvenirs, complemented by warm words, always touch to the depths of the soul. Come up with an unusual cardboard frame for your card. Decorate it with patterns from everything you can find at home: colored threads and ribbons, scraps of fabric and bows, rhinestones and sparkles, artificial flowers and herbarium.

Moments of happiness

A do-it-yourself photo frame is the best craft for the New Year. A cardboard base with a stand is easy, just think in advance how big you want the frame, and only then cut it out! And then let your imagination run wild. The frame can be decorated with pebbles, small shells, twigs, eggshells, coins, coffee beans and even pieces of old CDs. Every time, looking at a photo in a frame, your loved ones will remember the pleasant moments of life with a smile.

Knitted wonders

Do you know how to wield knitting needles or crochet? Then you are obliged to please your loved ones with do-it-yourself knitted crafts for the New Year. A beautiful soft scarf or cozy mittens will keep them warm more than once this winter. If you don't have enough time, tie a cover for a cup, a funny animal, a key chain or a Christmas tree decoration. It is these cute little things that fill our home with magical warmth.

Felt kingdom

Interesting crafts for the New Year with their own hands are obtained from felt. With the help of ready-made patterns, which are in abundance on the Internet, you can make them without much difficulty. Volumetric cones, stars, hearts and balls on colored ribbons will perfectly fit into the New Year's interior. And if you show a little diligence, good-natured hares, squirrels, deer, bullfinches and other fabulous animals will inhabit it.

Feather of bright dreams

The pillow is a beautiful and practical DIY gift for the New Year. Embroider a regular pillowcase with green triangles, snowflakes and stars for a festive pillow with Christmas trees. Intercept it with wide bright ribbons, tie a lush bow and add large beads. You can also make the New Year's applique separately, and then carefully sew it onto the pillowcase.

Sweet treasures

Delight children with a sweet New Year gift with your own hands. Brush a round wooden base with honey and sprinkle with cookie crumbs. On this sandy island, construct a chest of chocolate bars by holding them together with melted chocolate. Attach the licorice flagella handles and sprinkle the chest with dry cocoa. Fill it with golden wrappers, glittery chocolates and colored candies and your little one will be delighted with this treasure.

Sculpture in miniature

By the way, kids can be safely invited to the creative workshop. After all, gifts for the New Year with children's hands touch endlessly. Together, you can easily make a snowman out of polymer clay. Instruct your child to sculpt balls for the torso, and do the small parts yourself. Fasten them, add a nose with a carrot, a hat with a scarf and send to bake according to the instructions. And when the snowman cools down, draw a funny face, although the eyes can also be molded from clay, and the smile and eyebrows can be gently squeezed out with a toothpick or a special knife for polymer clay.

A fairy tale inside

The snow globe is one of the most popular DIY Christmas gifts. Take a round jar with a lid and glue a small figurine to it with waterproof glue. Pour multi-colored sparkles into the jar itself, pour water and 100-150 ml of glycerin. It will create the effect of falling snow. Tightly tighten the lid, having previously coated the edges with glue. This magic ball will delight you all the holidays.

Lights on the tree

Of the most seemingly useless things, you can make original gifts for the New Year with your own hands. For example, old light bulbs make extraordinary Christmas tree decorations. Treat the glass with acetone, cover with white acrylic paint and paint with bright patterns. Decorate your art with beads, and attach fishing line to the base. Among the coniferous legs, such decorations look very elegant. You can also make miniature snowmen, Santa Claus or funny animals from light bulbs.

Eternal snowflakes

Snowflakes from plastic bottles are an interesting DIY Christmas decor. Cut off the bottom with a clerical knife, make cuts in the places of the recesses and sand the sharp edges with sandpaper. The end result is a flower with five petals. Lubricate it inside with colorless nail polish and sprinkle with glitter. Outside, paint the bottom with paints. Attach a ribbon loop to the snowflake - an unusual DIY decor is ready.

Sparkling decor

Are you going to give it to your friends? The bright decor will turn it into an original DIY gift for the New Year. Quickly glue the bottle and roll thoroughly in golden powder or colorful confetti. Tie a ribbon with a bow on top and hang a large striped lollipop over it. And on the cork, you can throw a red cap of Santa Claus made of felt.

The scent of the holiday

Handmade soap is a good DIY New Year gift idea. Melt 25 g of white soap, pour in the green dye and 5 drops of fir oil. Let the mass freeze in a plate and cut out 2 Christmas trees with a cookie cutter. Melt another 60 g of soap, add pink dye, glitter and pine oil. Put one Christmas tree on the bottom of the soap dish, fill it with a pink base and put the second Christmas tree. Sprinkle the soap with alcohol and let it harden. The easiest way to make holiday soap is to melt the green soap, pour it into baby Christmas tree-shaped molds and let it harden.

Melodic souvenir

Do-it-yourself jangling pendant "Music of the Wind" is one of the best gifts for the New Year. You can use a small flower pot or a thick branch as a base. Use white yarn to fasten all kinds of details on it: mother-of-pearl beads, decorative coins, bells, angel figurines, door keys, etc. Their quiet melodic chime will create a sense of celebration.

Surprise your loved ones for the New Year with handmade gifts. The knick-knacks that fill the shop windows will never be compared with them. Especially if you have put a piece of your soul into your gifts.