Material on the topic: Scenario of the holiday for Children's Day in kindergarten. Methodical development (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of summer entertainment for Children's Day "Happy Childhood"



    Klepa, Toffee, Dunno - adults.


    Today the holiday gathered us:
    Not a fair, not a carnival!
    This summer day of the year
    Will not give children to trouble.


    And now we offer you a game. If you agree with what we are telling you, answer: "", if you do not agree, then keep quiet.

    Klepa. Who got up early today

    Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Toffee. Who woke up early in the morning
    And he washed himself under the tap? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Klepa. Who played with toys
    And removed them in place? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Toffee. Who broke the chair today
    Pushed the girl into a puddle? The children are silent.

    Klepa. Who dances and sings

    Lives very merrily? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Toffee. So hurry up here,
    Laughter, grab the fun.
    The sun gathers in a circle
    All friends and all girlfriends!

    "The sun is shining."

    Klepa. Childhood and Smile Celebration

    He came to us again in the summer.

    So the sun is shining brightly

    It is very good!


    The sun warmed everyone around

    Awakened beauty

    Smile, laugh, children,

    Give kindness to everyone!

    (Takes out a handkerchief).


    There is already a holiday at the gate,

    She takes out her handkerchief

    We got together to play

    Or wipe your tears?


    No, I'll throw it in now,

    And while the handkerchief flies,

    We'll see who we have

    "Hooray!" scream louder.


    Throws up a handkerchief
    all children shout "Hurray".

    Klepa. Who is louder?
    Toffee. Who is louder?

    Klepa. Okay, one more time -
    A handkerchief is flying to heaven!

    Throws up
    children shout "Hurray!"


    And now we clap our hands,

    And we stamp our feet together.


    And, of course, we are not silent,

    Amicably all "hurray!" shout!



    Children: Dunno!



    I was confused, I was lost ...

    Not knowing the traffic lights

    I almost got hit by a car!


    Green light - come in!

    Yellow - you better wait!

    If the light turns on red-

    So it’s dangerous to move!


    Is that all? It is so simple!

    Klepa. Just? Of course, simple, if you are careful and patient. Look, I have three balls: green, yellow, red, they are like traffic lights. When the red light comes on, we are all sitting, the yellow light is threatening, and the green light is on the spot, we are running! Remember, then check it out!

    Traffic lights game



    No cars - we walk boldly!

    There are cars - wait and wait!

    "The road is not a path!" Kukosha



    Children: Yes!



    Klepa. Then listen!
    "Teremok" L. Kustova.


    Toffee. Who, who?

    Dunno. Barmaley!

    Toffee. You have confused something, Dunno! Guys tell me who heals animals in Africa? (Answers).


    Okay, listen again.

    And there is a flower in a pot, a bud on a flower,


    (Answers of children).


    All day in green skin

    Who? Princess Shapoklyak!



    Where is your ball gown dress?

    Where is the crystal slipper?

    Sorry, I was in a hurry ...

    My name is Scarecrow!




    "Nurses" of Kukosha.



    Dunno. Tell us honestly?
    The game is being played "How are you?"
    How are you? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

    Are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

    How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

    Do you sleep at night? - Like this! (sleeping)

    Do you snore? - Like this!

    Are you waiting for lunch? - Like this! (stroking the belly)

    Are you waving in the trail? - Like this! (waving)

    How do you threaten? - Like this! (shake their fingers at each other)

    Are you sad? - Like this! (back up the cheek)

    How do you give? - Like this! (two arms wide forward)

    Do you take it? - Like this! (One, pinch)

    Are you naughty? - Like this! (puff out their cheeks and hit them with their palms)

    The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

    Klepa., , you can't keep it in place!

    Dunno. Like me?

    Toffee. Do not know. See for yourself.

    "Perpetual motion machine" Kukosha.

    Dunno. Blimey! How many interesting, wonderful things I saw today!

    I know that you still know how

    Great to draw.

    Your talents can

    Show me now?

    But a pencil won't do it

    With such work ...

    And I'm colored crayons

    I brought you with me!


    Don't forget me.
    In the summer read fairy tales ...

    Klepa. We guys don't miss

    Let's start a new dance!

    "What attracts the bird?"


    Now take the crayons,
    And on the asphalt draw, write,
    What is needed for happiness.
    Let your drawings be:
    Happiness, sun, friendship!

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"Entertainment" Children's Day ""


"Children Protection Day".

Prepared by the music director

GBOU SOSH No. 1317

Soldatova Natalia Valentinovna.

Moscow 2014.


    To form in children the concepts of “The Right to Rest”, “The Right to Education”;

    To give preschool children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children's Day”;

    Foster a desire to be creative by providing equal opportunities for all children.


Handkerchief, three balls: red, yellow, green; colored crayons.


Klepa, Toffee, Dunno - adults.

Children are built on the site in groups. Klepa and Iriska appear to the cheerful music.


Today the holiday gathered us:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
This summer day of the year
Will not give children to trouble.


We will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. Guys, let's greet each other, say in unison to everyone: "Hello!"

(Everyone greets. They invite each group to shout: "Hello!", Then again all together.)

So we wished each other health, but there is never too much of it.

Klepa. Who got up early today

"Hello!" - said the sun? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Toffee. Who woke up early in the morning
And he washed himself under the tap? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Klepa. Who played with toys
And removed them in place? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Toffee. Who broke the chair today
Pushed the girl into a puddle? The children are silent.

Klepa. Who dances and sings

Lives very merrily? Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Toffee. So hurry up here,
Laughter, grab the fun.
The sun gathers in a circle
All friends and all girlfriends!

"The sun is shining."

Klepa. Childhood and Smile Celebration

He came to us again in the summer.

So the sun is shining brightly

It is very good!


The sun warmed everyone around

Awakened beauty

Smile, laugh, children,

Give kindness to everyone!

(Takes out a handkerchief).


There is already a holiday at the gate,

She takes out her handkerchief

We got together to play

Or wipe your tears?


No, I'll throw it in now,

And while the handkerchief flies,

We'll see who we have

"Hooray!" scream louder.


Throws up a handkerchief
all children shout "Hurray".

Klepa. Who is louder?
Toffee. Who is louder?

Klepa. Okay, one more time -
A handkerchief is flying to heaven!

Throws up
children shout "Hurray!"


And now we clap our hands,

And we stamp our feet together.


And, of course, we are not silent,

Amicably all "hurray!" shout!

Purpose of the game: to make more noise.



Wait! Wait for me! Ugh! Hello!

Who am I? Come on, guess! What is my name?

Children: Dunno!

Klepa. Hello, Dunno! Why are you so out of breath?

Dunno. Once in a big and noisy city,

I was confused, I was lost ...

Not knowing the traffic lights

I almost got hit by a car!

Toffee. Poor Dunno! We will help you now! Really guys ?!

Listen: At any intersection we are met by a traffic light,

And he starts a very strict conversation with a pedestrian!

Green light - come in!

Yellow - you better wait!

If the light turns on red-

So it’s dangerous to move!


Is that all? It is so simple!

Klepa. Just? Of course, simple, if you are careful and patient. Look, I have three balls: green, yellow, red, they are like traffic lights. When the red light comes on, we are all sitting, the yellow light is threatening, and the green light is on the spot, we are running! Remember, then check it out!

Traffic lights game

Dunno. And how to cross the street where there is no traffic light?

Toffee. The striped horse leads across the street.

Here on the zebra, you can carefully make a transition.

Do not rush, but first of all to the left, look to the right.

No cars - we walk boldly!

There are cars - wait and wait!

"The road is not a path!" Kukosha


Thank you, now I remember everything!

Klepa. Still, it's better not to walk without adults!

Stay with us on the holiday, we will all be friends with you! Really guys?
Children: Yes!

Dunno. What is interesting for you here?
Toffee. During the year, our guys have read many fairy tales. They can tell you a story too! Want?

Dunno. Of course I want! I love fairy tales!

Klepa. Then listen!
"Teremok" L. Kustova.

Dunno. Now I’ll tell you. Here listen!

Kind doctor Barmaley treats animals in Africa!

Toffee. Who, who?

Dunno. Barmaley!

Toffee. You have confused something, Dunno! Guys tell me who heals animals in Africa? (Answers).


Okay, listen again.

In an old house, there was a pot on the windowsill,

And there is a flower in a pot, a bud on a flower,

And in that bud there lived a crumb- Grandma Hedgehog!

Klepa. Oh, Dunno, this is too much! Children who lived in a flower?

(Answers of children).

Dunno. Then this is it! Don't knock me down!

All day in green skin

Whole day everything is "quack" yes "quack"!

But hiding under the skin of all the wiser and all good-looking!

Who? Princess Shapoklyak!

Toffee. What are you, Dunno! Guys, help!

Dunno. Well, you brought me down. Here's another:

Where is your ball gown dress?

Where is the crystal slipper?

Sorry, I was in a hurry ...

My name is Scarecrow!

Klepa. Trouble, and nothing more! But all the same, thank you, Dunno, you made us laugh very much.

Dunno. And I wanted to make you laugh, because I really love jokes!

Toffee. Oh, you prankster! Now we're going to joke! Really guys ?!

"Nurses" of Kukosha.

Dunno. You, probably, live very amicably and cheerfully here ?!

Leading. Dunno, what do you want to know about us? You ask, we will tell you everything.

Dunno. Tell us honestly?
The game is being played"How are you?"
How are you? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

Are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this! (sleeping)

Do you snore? - Like this!

Are you waiting for lunch? - Like this! (stroking the belly)

Are you waving in the trail? - Like this! (waving)

How do you threaten? - Like this! (shake their fingers at each other)

Are you sad? - Like this! (back up the cheek)

How do you give? - Like this! (two arms wide forward)

Do you take it? - Like this! (One, pinch)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (puff out their cheeks and hit them with their palms)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

Klepa. Oh, Dunno, our guys are very fond of fooling around , they are like a perpetual motion machine, constantly jumping, jumping , you can't keep it in place!

Dunno. Like me?

Toffee. Do not know. See for yourself.

"Perpetual motion machine" Kukosha.

Dunno. Wow! How many interesting, wonderful things I saw today!

I know that you still know how

Great to draw.

Your talents can

Show me now?

But a pencil won't do it

With such work ...

And I'm colored crayons

I brought you with me!

Toffee. Thank you, Dunno, you are very kind and funny!

Dunno. But for me, friends, it's time to go home, my friends are waiting for me.
Don't forget me.
In the summer read fairy tales ...

Goodbye, goodbye, I will come to you more than once!

To the music Dunno says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Klepa. We guys don't miss

Let's start a new dance!

"What attracts the bird?"


So our holiday has come to an end. But we will meet more than once.

Now take the crayons,
And on the asphalt draw, write,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings be:
Happiness, sun, friendship!

Municipal preschool educational institution

child development center kindergarten number 14

Physical culture leisure, dedicated to the Children's Day

"Red summer has come!"

FC instructor

Egorova G.A.

Tasks: develop the ability to set a goal and achieve it, overcoming obstacles; teach endurance and the ability to play with dignity; improve physical qualities (agility, speed, endurance); develop the ability to navigate in space; develop team qualities; give children a sense of joy.

Holiday progress

Lead 1: ... Attention! Attention! I invite all the boys and girls to the playground! I suggest you take speed, courage and resourcefulness with you. Summer weather will help us. What is summer?

It's a lot of color.

This is a field, this is a forest.

This is a thousand wonders.

It is a fast river.

There are clouds in the sky.

These are bright flowers.

There are a hundred roads in the world

For childish children's feet.

The song about summer sounds.

Lead 2: Illuminated by the bright sun

Our sports stadium!

By training we grow

We are stronger every day!

Lead 1: We got together on the sports ground to have fun games,to meet summer with relay races. Let the summer sun see you cheerful, seasoned, dexterous, skillful. So, we are starting a sports summer holiday, and we invite everyone present to take part in it.

Lead 2: We go to the site, charging begins.

Step in place, two steps forward, and then vice versa.

Charging is useful for everyone, everyone needs charging.

She saves us from laziness and illness.

Do not be afraid that they will laugh.

Never give up your charge.

Only those who do not cry will succeed.

Nothing comes easily, without difficulty!

Lead 1: Competition, guys,

We'll start with charging now!

What is charging for?

It's not a mystery at all -

To strength ... (develop)

And all day ... (don't get tired)!

If someone from charging

Runs away without looking back, -

He will not be bothered

A real ... (strongman)!

Lead 2: Guys, repeat the movements behind the leaders.

Musical and rhythmic composition "Merry Charge"

Lead 1: Fly to the red,

The sky is clear.

Sunny, that all the guys

Converts to chocolate.

Our physical education, hurray!

Children: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Lead 2: Who is the most resourceful

Who is the most attentive

We all will find out now for sure!

Let's not waste time.

I will ask you to name the kinds of sports!

Contest No. 1 "Guess the sport".

A table is placed in the middle of the sports ground, on which pictures of sports are arranged in random order, with the images down. One player is invited from each team. The players take turns taking one picture from the table and name the sport. The player with the most correct answers wins.

Lead 1: And in the next competition you will have to get your hands wet a little.

Here you have to try

Show your speed

And don't stay wet!

Competition No. 2 "Who Fills the Glass Faster with Water".

On the starting line there are cubes on which empty glasses are located. At a distance of 3 m, there are cubes on which buckets of water are located. One participant from the team run to the buckets, take half of the kinder surprise and run back to the cubes with glasses, pour water there and pass the case to the next player of their team. The glass should be filled with water in one minute.

Lead 2: The next competition is intellectual. Let's check how you can solve riddles.

Competition No. 3 "Riddles about Sports".

I will start - and you finish,

Answer in chorus:

The game is fun - football!
The first has already been scored ... (goal).

Someone quickly ran away
And without the ball he got ... (into the goal).

And Petya kicked the ball - bang!

And he pleased the boy ... (on the forehead).

The boy laughs cheerfully,
A big one grows on the forehead ... (bump).

But the guy doesn't care about the bump
Again he runs ... (after the ball).

Lead 1: Well done! You have coped with this task! Now let's check how you can play football. But the task is not easy, you will have to play not with a simple soccer ball, but with a balloon.

Competition No. 4 "Football with a balloon".

Reach the finish line by tossing the ball up with a kick. Carry the ball in your hands from the finish to the start. The winner is the participant whose team will complete the task faster.

Lead 2: Guys, as we can see from previous contests, you are smart, smart, strong and resourceful. Therefore, we decided to complicate the competition a little and check, do you know the proverbs about a healthy lifestyle?

Competition No. 5: "Proverbs about a healthy lifestyle."

Ill - get treatment, but healthy - ...(beware).

In a healthy body, healthy ...(spirit).

A quick and dexterous disease ...(will not catch up).

Lie down with chickens, with roosters ...(get up).

Anyone who hurts is about that and ...(is talking).

Barely a soul in ... (body).

Health is more expensive ...(of money) .

Smoking is healthy ...(harm).

Get tempered - if you want to be ... ( healthy).

Lead 1: And the next competition will determine the winner in terms of dexterity and ability to navigate in space.

Contest number 6 "Feed me faster".

Choose 3 pairs of children. One child in a pair to blindfold, give him a plate of corn sticks. Participants must be blindfolded. At the signal, the child tries to feed his companion. The couple wins, which is the first to serve without dropping a single stick on the floor.

Lead 2: In the next competition, it is necessary to show agility, jumping ability and dexterity.

Competition No. 7 "Mischievous balloon".

The task of the participants is to run from start to finish and back with two balloons, clasping them with both hands, and one balloon sandwiched between their legs. The team that completes the task faster is the winner.

Lead 1: To help each other

Everyone needs to try.

To become even more friendly -

Let's smile!

Competition number 8 "Give a smile to your friend"

In the middle of the sports ground, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other, there are 2 easels with clean sheets of Whatman paper, each with 2 red felt-tip pens. 2 players (boy and girl) are selected from each team. After the words of the host: "Wish each other good, give a smile to your friend!" - children draw smiles for 30 seconds. The winner is the team of players who painted the most smiles.

Lead 2: All the guys are great, they tried very hard!

Everyone competed honestly and courageously!

Lead 1: Well guys, workout

You played very well!

Get your rewards! ...

Congratulations! So happy!

Lead 2: To grow and temper

Let's go in for sports!

Get hardened, kids!

Good hour!

Physical Education!

Awarding the winners with diplomas.

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Krepysh "

Developed by:

teacher speech therapist

Danchenko Yu.P.



"Children Protection Day"

From kindergarten to green lawn, children go underthe song "Together it is fun to walk through the open spaces" ... When the guys come to the green lawn, the soundtrack soundssongs "Childhood is me and you" .

1 ved: Hello kids!

Boys and girls!

2 ved: Are the brave children gathered here?

Is everyone funny? All skillful?

1 ved: Do you respect adults?

Do you offend kids?

2 ved: Do you like holidays?

Today is June 1st. The very first day of the warmest, brightest, most colorful season - summer. And this day has been declared all over the world - Children's Day. This is a big, very joyful and at the same time very serious holiday.

Children read:(group st.)
1. We celebrate the summer holiday,
A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to guests.

2. We celebrate the summer holiday
Feast of the sun, feast of light
Sun, sun, brighter than gray.

The holiday will be more fun.

3 the first day of colorful summer
Gathered us together, friends.
Feast of the sun, feast of light
A holiday of happiness and goodness!

4. Birds chirp on this day,
And the firmament brightens
And daisies with cornflowers
They lead a round dance in the field.

1 ved: And to create a cheerful mood for us, I invite everyone to join the big round dance.

Dance "Big Round Dance"

2 ved: Fun today, joyfully with us!

This is a children's holiday, congratulations!


Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, sonorous laughter!

We saved a pile of songs

Have fun without interruption!

Children sing the song "Smile" to the accordion.

1 ved: Today we will sing, play, dance and wait for an interesting guest. And now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then say together “How lucky we are!”.

1. Long-awaited summer,

Cheerful and hot!

Children: How lucky we are!

2.Classes are abandoned!

The good days have come!

Children: How lucky we are!

3.Birds are singing everywhere

Butterflies fly around!

Children: How lucky we are!

4. You can take a ride to the sea!

There on the shore frolic!

Children: How lucky we are!

5. Everyone can swim,

Roll on the grass!

Children: How lucky we are!

6 you can go to grandma's

And there to eat pancakes!

Children: How lucky we are!

7.For mushrooms in the forest,

Wear berries in baskets!

Children: How lucky we are!

8. You can wait for September,

To go to the kindergarten!

Children: How lucky we are!

2 Vedas: Summer is the time for vacations, rest, new adventures and travels! There are many of us, we are different, extraordinary and unlike each other, but everyone wants to have fun in the summer! And for this you just need a lot, a lot of strength.

Children of senior group:

Summer is fun

The sun wakes up in the morning

How we woke up to charge

We run out onto the meadow

Exercises in order

Well, do it my friend!

Rhythmic warm-up "Radiant Sun".

After the dance, Igrulka rushes into the hall to cheerful music. She is dressed in a bright jumpsuit, to which many different small stuffed toys are fastened by the buttons. When she jumps, spins, several toys fall to the floor.
1 ved:
Who are you ?! Toys are falling from you!

I'm Playful. All children know me. I always hide among the toys and tell the guys which one to play with. The kids don't notice me, they are so busy playing. And today I came to you for a holiday.

I really want to sing, play, have fun with you.

The game "How are you?" Children show with movements what the text says. How are you? - Like this! (put thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (go to the spot)
How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you naughty? - Like this! (grimace)
Do you threaten? - Like this! (shaking each other with a finger) The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

2 ved: Children's Day is a bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first day of summer, on the first day of vacation! And this makes my soul so happy that I just can't wait to jump with happiness and dance! And we invite you to dance with us a funny dance "Boogie-woogie"!

Children on display perform a comic dance "Boogie-woogie"

Playful: Now let’s rest and solve summer riddles.

Bright and kind, it shines in our window,

We asked kindly

Warm us up a little bit (sun)

For some he is a gardener,

For others, he is a field breeder

Manages to be everywhere,

The field is a ray and the garden is watered (rain)

On a big colored carpet

Squadron sat down

It will open, then close the painted wings! (butterfly)

Housewife -

Flies over the lawn

Will bother over a flower

And share the honey (bee)

From branch to path

From grass to blade

Spring jumps

Greenback (grasshopper)

He does not want to lie at all,

If you quit it, it will jump

Throw it again, rushing galloping -

Well, of course - this is ... (ball)

Playful: I call everyone to the round dance,
In a multi-colored round dance,
The sun swirled in the sky -
Come out to dance people!

Flashmob to the song "We are going to play"


Playful: I know that you still know how

Great to draw.

Your talents can

Now do you show?

But a pencil won't do it

I work with this ...

And I'm colored crayons

I brought you with me!

1 Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end. Dear Guys! We are starting the drawing contest! Your imagination will be spacious! Draw rivers, fields and mountains, draw the sky, draw the sea. Your girlfriends and your friends, The picture of your beautiful planet!

Now take the crayons,
And on the asphalt draw, write,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings be:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

On this wonderful summer day, on the first day of summer, let the asphalt bloom with flowers, and I invite everyone: draw with us!

Competition: "Drawing on the asphalt"

Children draw.

Playful: And so that we have fun to finish the holiday,

I want to treat the guys with sweets!

Distributes treats.

Purpose: To give preschool children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday "Children's Day."

Morning (outside)

Cheerful children's music sounds on the playground. The site is festively decorated. Children are greeted by the Leaders.

1 Leading: The long-awaited summer has come. And today we all gathered together to celebrate a wonderful holiday - Children's Day. And we meet him today, because today is the first day of summer. Today is June 1st.

First day of colorful summer

Gathered us together, friends.

A holiday of childhood, songs, light,

A holiday of peace and goodness!

2 Leading: We dedicate this holiday to the most beautiful thing on earth - dear children to you!

This day is dedicated to you, dear guys!

After all, this is the day for the protection of all children.

You children are the future of our Motherland. I really want you to be happy and enjoy life.

Therefore, today we will sing, dance and have fun a lot.

1 Leading: We celebrate the summer holiday

A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light!

So that cheerful laughter rings,

The kids didn't cry

The sun is shining for everyone

Shines the same way.

2 Leading: The sun will open the day for us

With a golden key

To get on the ground

Each has a ray.

1 Leading: Sun's bright rays

Summer meets everyone

Frolic with us

Summer is inviting.

2 Leading: Are you guys happy that summer has come? Then welcome Summer.

Summer appears to the music in a bright sundress and a hat decorated with flowers.

Summer: My hello to you, preschool children!

I - Summer is red, I am rich in the sun.

His flowers are in my wreath.

Admire everything!

1 Presenter: Guys, let's say hello to Summer.

1 Child

We are pleased with this meeting!

We love to sunbathe in the summer

And lie in the sun.

Summer: Guys, what else do you like to do in the summer?

2 Child: I'm glad to swim in the summer

And sunbathe on the beach

3 Child: And ride a bike,

Play badminton with my sister.

4 Child: After reading a kind book

Take a nap in a hammock in the heat.

5 Child: Hello, hello, our summer!

We are pleased with this meeting!

We will eat berries, fruits,

Products needed for children.

Summer: Guys, what kind of berries and fruits do you like to eat?

D / game "Fruits, vegetables"

Summer: Guys, I want to give you some advice:

If I give good advice,

You clap your hands.

To the wrong advice

Say the word "No!"

You have to eat all the time

For your health

More sweets, sweets

And less porridge.

Well, my good advice? (No.)

Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's not tasty at all, not at all

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade,

Is this the right advice? (No.)

Remember forever

Dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

It's time to go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands! (Children don't clap.)

You brushed your teeth

And you go to sleep

Grab a bun

Sweet to bed.

Is this the right advice? (No.)

2 Leading: Hello, hello, our summer!

We are pleased with this meeting!

We'll be in the water ... .. what to do? (splash),

Let's be sports ... ... what to do? (study).

1 Leading: Right, kids. It would be nice to have a warm summer

Right from the dawn

Play games together

Get hardened, rest.

Are you guys ready?

Children. Yes!

Summer: Everyone woke up, stretched! Well done! And now let's hurry to a fun exercise. Children get up in a circle and, to cheerful music, do exercises with a physical education instructor.

1 presenter: One and two! And everything is all right!

It will rain - it doesn't matter!

The one who does the exercises

Never gets sick!

2 Leading. Oh, look, rain is galloping towards us on a thin, thin leg along the path.

Rain. How good it is to be in the rain

And please without words

When the rain knows

Why is he going.

(watering the kids from a watering can ...)

2 Leading: Guys, another guest came to us. Do you recognize him who it is? Dr. Aibolit.

Music sounds, Aibolit enters.

Aibolit: Hello guys, I really want to ask you: is there a mess here now?

And unwashed, unkempt children. I will not tolerate slovens at the holiday (checks if everything is clean, tidy)

I have riddles for you:

If your hands are in wax,

If blots have sat down on the nose

Who then is our first friend

Removes dirt from face and hands (soap)

What can't mom not do without cooking, washing? (Water)

To rain from the sky, so that ears of snow grow

So that jelly is cooked,

So that there is no trouble, -

We cannot live without .... (water)

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean (soap)

I do not wander through the woods

And on the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears ... .. (comb)

Lay in his pocket and watch

Roaring, crying and filthy

They will wipe away streams of tears,

Will not forget about the nose ... (handkerchief)

To grow and temper

By leaps and bounds

We need to do physical education.

1 presenter: Our children Aibolit go in for physical education, so they are strong and strong. Do you want to be convinced?

Game "Liana"

(Two adults hold a taut tape, children crawl under it, gradually the tape is lowered lower and lower)

6 Child: Since childhood, we love

Play and laugh

We learn from childhood

To be kind

7 Child I wish I could always stay like this

To smile and make friends!

2 Leading: Guys, let's stand in a circle and sing a song that will make everyone smile.

Children perform the song "Smile"

1 Leading: Guys, now we will shout a little, if you agree with me, say "YES"

Are you in a good mood? - Yes!

Is the company decent? - Yes!

Does everyone think so? - Yes!

Does everyone have a rest in the summer? - Yes!

Did we manage everything? - Yes!

Did we make it everywhere? - Yes!

Can we be friends? - Yes!

Will we defeat our rivals? - Yes!

Can you play? - Yes!

So let's get started!

2 presenter: And now I propose to play the game "How are you?"

The game "How do you live?"

Children show with movements what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go to the spot)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (grimace)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

1 Leading: We are a little bored

We need to dance

Show our courage!

Turning in a circle

We dance "Boogie-woogie"!

2 presenter: I suggest not to stand. And play a little ...

And now we are going to play a game with you. If you agree with me clap your hands say "yes", if you do not agree, stamp your feet and say "no"

There are no scattered among you. (They clap.)

Everyone is attentive with us. (They clap.)

Crucians live in the river. (Clap.) And say yes

Mushrooms grow on a pine tree. (Stomp.) And no

The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)

A steamer is sailing into the field. (They stomp.)

The rain has passed - there are puddles. (They clap.)

The hare is on friendly terms with the wolf. (They stomp.)

The night will pass - the day will come. (Clap)

Mom is too lazy to help you. (Stomp)

The holiday was held together. (They clap.)

And you won't go home. (They stomp.)

1 Leading: Guys in the summer ripen watermelons and I propose to play the relay.

Relay "Salt watermelons"

We need - a large garbage bag, in the lower corners of which we make holes for the legs. One participant is selected from each team - he will be a barrel. This participant puts the bag on himself like a pair of pants, putting his feet through the slit holes. Holds the edge of the package with his hands. The rest of the participants must collect the balls (watermelons) and put them in the barrel. The team that pickles the most watermelons wins.

8 Child: We paint on the pavement

Multi-colored crayons

I am Malvina in a long dress,

With lace sleeves.

9 Child: Olya - the king on the throne

In a scarlet robe, in a crown.

Dima - sea, steamer

And Seryozha is a helicopter.

2 Leading: Whose drawing will come out better

The asphalt was dull, boring

Will become festive, cheerful

Quiet courtyard in the kindergarten.

1 Lead: Do you guys want to make the patio fun, festive, colorful?

Then take crayons in your hands and decorate the asphalt of our kindergarten with your drawings.



Scenario of the holiday for Children's Day in kindergarten

Purpose: To give preschool children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday "Children's Day."

Morning (outside)

Cheerful children's music sounds on the playground. The site is festively decorated. Children are greeted by the Leaders.

1 Leading : The long-awaited summer has come. And today we all gathered together to celebrate a wonderful holiday - Children's Day. And we meet him today, because today is the first day of summer. Today is June 1st.

First day of colorful summer

Gathered us together, friends.

A holiday of childhood, songs, light,

A holiday of peace and goodness!

2 Leading : We dedicate this holiday to the most beautiful thing on earth - dear children to you!

This day is dedicated to you, dear guys!

After all, this is the day for the protection of all children.

You children are the future of our Motherland. I really want you to be happy and enjoy life.

Therefore, today we will sing, dance and have fun a lot.

1 Leading : We celebrate the summer holiday

A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light!

So that cheerful laughter rings,

The kids didn't cry

The sun is shining for everyone

Shines the same way.

2 Leading : The sun will open the day for us

With a golden key

To get on the ground

Each has a ray.

1 Leading : Sun's bright rays

Summer meets everyone

Frolic with us

Summer is inviting.

2 Leading : Are you guys happy that summer has come? Then welcome Summer.

Summer appears to the music in a bright sundress and a hat decorated with flowers.

Summer : My hello to you, preschool children!

I - Summer is red, I am rich in the sun.

His flowers are in my wreath.

Admire everything!

1 Presenter : Guys, let's say hello to Summer.

1 Child

We are pleased with this meeting!

We love to sunbathe in the summer

And lie in the sun.

Summer: Guys, what else do you like to do in the summer?

2 Child: I'm glad to swim in the summer

And sunbathe on the beach

3 Child : And ride a bike,

Play badminton with my sister.

4 Child : After reading a kind book

Take a nap in a hammock in the heat.

5 Child : Hello, hello, our summer!

We are pleased with this meeting!

We will eat berries, fruits,

Products needed for children.

Summer : Guys, what kind of berries and fruits do you like to eat?

D / game "Fruits, vegetables"

Summer : Guys, I want to give you some advice:

If I give good advice,

You clap your hands.

To the wrong advice

Say the word "No!"

You have to eat all the time

For your health

More sweets, sweets

And less porridge.

Well, my good advice? (No.)

Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's not tasty at all, not at all

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade,

Is this the right advice? (No.)

Remember forever

Dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

It's time to go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands! (Children don't clap.)

You brushed your teeth

And you go to sleep

Grab a bun

Sweet to bed.

Is this the right advice? (No.)

2 Leading: Hello, hello, our summer!

We are pleased with this meeting!

We'll be in the water ... .. what to do? (splash),

Let's be sports ... ... what to do? (study).

1 Leading : Right, kids. It would be nice to have a warm summer

Right from the dawn

Play games together

Get hardened, rest.

Are you guys ready?

Children. Yes!

Summer : Everyone woke up, stretched! Well done! And now let's hurry to a fun exercise.Children get up in a circle and, to cheerful music, do exercises with a physical education instructor.

1 presenter : One and two! And everything is all right!

It will rain - it doesn't matter!

The one who does the exercises

Never gets sick!

2 Leading. Oh, look, rain is galloping towards us on a thin, thin leg along the path.

Rain. How good it is to be in the rain

And please without words

When the rain knows

Why is he going.

(watering the kids from a watering can ...)

2 Leading : Guys, another guest came to us. Do you recognize him who it is? Dr. Aibolit.

Music sounds, Aibolit enters.

Aibolit : Hello guys, I really want to ask you: is there a mess here now?

And unwashed, unkempt children. I will not tolerate slovens at the holiday (checks if everything is clean, tidy)

I have riddles for you:

If your hands are in wax,

If blots have sat down on the nose

Who then is our first friend

Removes dirt from face and hands (soap)

What can't mom not do without cooking, washing? (Water)

To rain from the sky, so that ears of snow grow

So that jelly is cooked,

So that there is no trouble, -

We cannot live without .... (water)

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean (soap)

I do not wander through the woods

And on the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears ... .. (comb)

Lay in his pocket and watch

Roaring, crying and filthy

They will wipe away streams of tears,

Will not forget about the nose ... (handkerchief)

To grow and temper

By leaps and bounds

We need to do physical education.

1 presenter : Our children Aibolit go in for physical education, so they are strong and strong. Do you want to be convinced?

The game "Pull the Rope" is held

Game "Liana"

(Two adults hold a taut tape, children crawl under it, gradually the tape is lowered lower and lower)

6 Child : Since childhood, we love

Play and laugh

We learn from childhood

To be kind

7 Child I wish I could always stay like this

To smile and make friends!

2 Leading : Guys, let's stand in a circle and sing a song that will make everyone smile.

Children perform the song "Smile"

1 Leading : Guys, now we will shout a little, if you agree with me, say "YES"

Are you in a good mood? - Yes!

Is the company decent? - Yes!

Does everyone think so? - Yes!

Does everyone have a rest in the summer? - Yes!

Did we manage everything? - Yes!

Did we make it everywhere? - Yes!

Can we be friends? - Yes!

Will we defeat our rivals? - Yes!

Can you play? - Yes!

So let's get started!

2 presenter : And now I propose to play the game "How are you?"

The game "How do you live?"

Children show with movements what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go to the spot)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (grimace)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

1 Leading : We are a little bored

We need to dance

Show our courage!

Turning in a circle

We dance "Boogie-woogie"!

2 presenter : I suggest not to stand. And play a little ...

And now we are going to play a game with you. If you agree with me clap your hands say "yes", if you do not agree, stamp your feet and say "no"

There are no scattered among you. (They clap.)

Everyone is attentive with us. (They clap.)

Crucians live in the river. (Clap.) And say yes

Mushrooms grow on a pine tree. (Stomp.) And no

The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)

A steamer is sailing into the field. (They stomp.)

The rain has passed - there are puddles. (They clap.)

The hare is on friendly terms with the wolf. (They stomp.)

The night will pass - the day will come. (Clap)

Mom is too lazy to help you. (Stomp)

The holiday was held together. (They clap.)

And you won't go home. (They stomp.)

1 Leading : Guys in the summer ripen watermelons and I propose to play the relay.

Relay "Salt watermelons"

We need - a large garbage bag, in the lower corners of which we make holes for the legs. One participant is selected from each team - he will be a barrel. This participant puts the bag on himself like a pair of pants, putting his feet through the slit holes. Holds the edge of the package with his hands. The rest of the participants must collect the balls (watermelons) and put them in the barrel. The team that pickles the most watermelons wins.

8 Child: We paint on the pavement

Multi-colored crayons

I am Malvina in a long dress,

With lace sleeves.

9 Child : Olya - the king on the throne

In a scarlet robe, in a crown.

Dima - sea, steamer

And Seryozha is a helicopter.

2 Leading : Whose drawing will come out better

The asphalt was dull, boring

Will become festive, cheerful

Quiet courtyard in the kindergarten.

1 Lead: Do you guys want to make the patio fun, festive, colorful?

Then take crayons in your hands and decorate the asphalt of our kindergarten with your drawings.

Music sounds. Children go to the playground.

Host: Hello girls! Hello boys! Today we have gathered with you on an important occasion. After all, today is a special day. Do you guys know why? (Answers of children.) Today is June 1st - Children's Day. And yet, the long-awaited summer has come today! Let's have fun?

Host: Well, then let's start! I invited guests to our party, but they are not coming. Let's clap loudly loudly so they can hear us. (children clap to the music, Toffee runs out)

Toffee: Welcome, dear guys! (Appeals to everyone)

My name is Toffee! (Goes up to the children and shakes hands)

How are you? ... (grabs his head)

Oh, how many of you are there!

Let's do it this way.

I will raise my hand, and as soon as I lower it, you together, in chorus, together, loudly shout your name.


Why are you all here in kindergarten gathered?

Here, what candy will be handing out?

Host: Iriska, today is June 1 - Children's Day and the first day of summer. And we gathered in kindergarten because we are preschool children and go to kindergarten.

Iriska: Do you like going to kindergarten?

(children answer)

Host: Let's, Iriske, sing a song about our kindergarten.

Children perform the song "Kindergarten"

Toffee: Now I see what you like in kindergarten. Oh, guys, someone is in a hurry to visit us, Hear, the motor is humming! (Carlson runs out to the music)

Hello Carlson, dear,

We are glad to meet you!

I'm always glad to come back

To my favorite kindergarten, are you glad to see me?

Then sing and dance with me!

Children on display perform the dance "Colorful game",

(Carlson sings and dances with the children)

Host: How many interesting things happen in childhood! How many friends are around! And how much free time! And that means it's time for fun games!

Iriska: I know a lot of games, guys.

And the first game is called "Whose circle will get together faster"!

The game "Whose circle will gather faster?"

What good fellows you are!

Carlson: Oh, oh, I got really hot, but let's play a game with water.

And the game is called "Fill the buckets."

The game "Fill the buckets" is being held

Toffee: Well, how did you like the game, did you freshen up a little and wash?

Host: And now I invite the children of the preparatory group to dance a dance with musical instruments.

Children perform the dance "Musical Instruments"

Iriska: What a fine fellow you are. Let's clap the guys.

Carlson: Toffee, what's on your head?

Toffee: I made it myself from flowers. Can you pick flowers and make bouquets yourself? (Children answer)

Then the next game is "Collect a bouquet"

The game "Collect a bouquet" is being held

Carlson: You are very funny, smart and dexterous guys, I like you very much. Therefore, I have prepared a sweet surprise for you! (Handing out sweets to the children)

Toffee: I invite you to paint with colored crayons.

(Butterscotch gives the children crayons.)

Toffee and Carlson: Goodbye now! Until next time. (Leave)