Material on the topic: The scenario of the festive event dedicated to the “Day of the Medical and Social Worker. The script of the festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker

What do we celebrate? Any holiday related to medicine. And there are not many such holidays. For example, Medical Worker's Day (Medic's Day) , which is celebrated annually in Russia and Ukraine on the third Sunday of June. Or world health day celebrated annually on April 7th. True, on Health Day you can arrange a sports or environmental party, but once this holiday is worth celebrating medical party because our health depends not only on ourselves, but also on health workers.

But this is not all holidays. Let's look at the calendar of holidays and find in it World Anesthesiologist Day (October 16) International Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (May 8) international day of the doctor (First Monday in October).

medical party , by the way, you can also arrange in honor of the birthday of a friend or relative working in the medical field. And even if the rest of the doctors are not, but at the party they will be able to try on a white coat, hang a medical stethoscope, pick up a blood pressure monitor and feel yourself in the same team with the hero of the occasion.

And you can also take this topic for a regular theme party - to show off and remember your childhood and games in the hospital.

As we celebrate

Party theme: medical. We choose the concept and name: “Party in white coats”, “Intern party”, “Aibolit party”, “Clinical case party”, “Ward number six”, etc.

Entourage. You should not try to recreate the atmosphere of a hospital or ward - after all, white sheets and empty walls are not conducive to fun and good mood. Let it be a casual or dressy environment, where you can bring a little "medical" decor. For example, hang posters and posters on the walls with first aid instructions and slogans: “Wash your hands before eating”, “The doctor is a friend of the people”, “Get out the healers: they do not treat, they only rob and maim!” and so on. In general, everything that can be found on the topic.

You can also make “medical” garlands by hanging various medical devices on a thread: for example, tint water with gouache of different colors, fill disposable syringes without needles with it and hang them up. Get a colorful garland. Stretch the rope and hang x-rays (fake, of course) on it with clothespins. Make a huge fake thermometer. Prepare cool medical masks for guests. Be creative, but let the atmosphere be not hospital, but festive!

Dress code. Options are possible here: you can have a party in white coats - everyone comes in white, you can also wear doctor's caps with stethoscopes around your neck. Or invite guests to choose who they will be: orderlies, doctors, or patients. Patients can come in a straitjacket, with a bandaged head, with a cast on their legs, etc. Nurse girls, of course, in white stockings and short white dresses.

You can prepare badges with cool inscriptions in advance. For example, the host of the party might be "Dr. Nalivaiko". The girl in charge of the table is the "Cooking Nurse". More inscriptions for badges: “Doctor DownHouse”, “Nurse-proletarian”, “Nurse name is Tamarka”, “Nurse-hysteric”, “Doctor Gennady Urinovich Malakhov”, “Doctor half-litrologist”, etc. Distribute badges to party participants at the entrance - let them match the inscriptions.

Event progress

Dr. Nalivaiko and his assistant (for example, "Paramedic Secular Lioness") meet guests near a specially prepared table with a potion poured into beakers (aperitif). They hang a badge on the chest, give out shoe covers and affectionately persuade them to take the “medicine”. When everyone gathers, the first toasts are made in honor of the health workers and the entertainment begins.

To begin with, you can invite guests to diagnose the lyrical hero of the song. Short fragments of songs are turned on, and the guests are trying to determine what really bothers the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. "And my heart stopped,

My heart stopped” (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. "If you don't hear me,

It means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

3. We walked with you,

I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:

We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).

5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him

You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

So, everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself,

But institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,

I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts

Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,

And it won't get any smaller

And will not heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through hurts,

Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

Games and contests

1. Enema. Several participants are called. Each is given a syringe. The facilitator invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the host gives them a tennis ball each (instead of balls, you can take very light paper boats) and announces the start of the race. The balls are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the ball with a jet of air from a syringe. Whose ball reaches the finish line faster, he wins.

2. Medical gloves, or strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove each. Their task is to inflate the glove until it bursts. To participate in the competition, it is better to involve men. Whose glove breaks faster, he wins.

3. Dentist. Volunteers are called. The host says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them each a small piece of wood, painted pink or red (gum color), and a nail. The task is to drive a nail into a bar. The hammer is of course not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses the material at hand. Whoever hits the nail faster is the winner.

4. Competition "Dress of the doctor". Couples participate. Each is given a large white shirt. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The pair that completes the task faster than the others wins.

5. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each is given a medical pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink with a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest wins the prize.

6. Procedural. Couples participate. Each is given a bandage or a roll of toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or a nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the sick cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until you use the entire roll with a bandage or paper.

What do we serve:

Various dishes with medical names. For example, vegetable salad Vitaminosis", meat " Protein sufficiency", Seafood Cocktail " Dietary supplement", chocolate dessert" Tranquilizer" and so on. It is better not to give the dishes themselves a “medical look”, as this can cause a persistent lack of appetite in some participants. For the same reason, it is better to use ... dishes as dishes, and not medical supplies.

Have a fun medical party!


Target: Educating students with respect for medical workers

Tasks:- formation of friendly relations between students and medical workers;

Development of creative abilities.


PHONEGRAM: to the output of the presenter

GZK: Let kindness reign in the hall,

And the sun will shine in the blue sky

You have gathered today for a reason

After all, Russia is famous for medicine!

The curtain opens

PHONOGRAPH: Elena Vorobyeva "Holy Russia"

Presenter: Elena Vorobyova, VHS Cantilena! Good afternoon, dear guests! It is very pleasant to see so many beautiful, joyful and happy people in our cozy hall and, of course, I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday, because the day of a medical worker is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of paramedics, workers of middle and junior medical personnel who daily fight for the health and life of sick people. Happy holiday, medical workers!

One of the favorite folk sayings - "it would be health." Alas, only a few are happy with the presence of this wealth, and even the rich cry from its absence. So without doctors it is impossible in any way. And our doctors are amazing! To this quite sincere compliment is added .

And I invite him to the stage!

PHONEGRAM: to the exit

Presenter: Thanks for the kind words, take pride of place in the hall! You can become a real doctor not only by learning all the terms and concepts, but by feeling love for people, the desire to serve them, help, understand, and this, you see, is a huge job, and every work should be rewarded! I propose to move on to the awards. The diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory for many years of conscientious work and in connection with the celebration of the day of the medical worker is awarded to:

    District physician - Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Petrova

    Functional diagnostics doctor - Sergey V. Smetanin

A letter of thanks from the Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory for many years of conscientious work, a great personal contribution to the development and improvement of medical care for the population of the Perm Territory and in connection with the celebration of the day of the medical worker is awarded:

    Assistant epidemiologist - Sergey Anatolyevich Balabanov

    Ophthalmologist - Olga Anatolyevna Lyamina

    Head of the surgical department - Olga Valerievna Odintsova

The rewards don't end there! A letter of thanks from the administration of the Lysvensky municipal district awarded:

    Local therapist - Elena Aleksandrovna Schukina

    Doctor laboratory assistant - Lyudmila Alexandrovna Vedeneeva

    Ophthalmologist nurse - Lyubov Petrovna Pyatunina

    Functional diagnostics doctor - Lyudmila Gamirovna Kapanen

    Local therapist - Olga Sergeevna Prozorova

    District paramedic - Valentina Andreevna Tsvetova

    Head of the polyclinic - Elena Valerievna Izmailova

Accept a musical gift from VCS "Cantilena"

PHONOGRAPH: "Summer", "Cantilena"

Presenter: A doctor accompanies a person all his life from the first cry of a child to the last quiet breath. And he was very lucky, whom his parents endowed with enviable health from birth, but this is not always the case. And here you come to the rescue, dear doctors!

Thank you for your care, patience and for keeping us healthy!

I give the floor for congratulations to the Deputy Head of the Health Department of the Municipal Formation Lysvensky Municipal District Alexander Sergeevich Izyumsky

PHONEGRAM: to the exit

Word of A.S. Izyumskov

And I'll continue with the awards ceremony. The certificate of honor of the health department under the administration of the Lysvensky municipal district for long-term work is awarded to:

    Dermato-venereologist - Natalya Stanislavovna Blinkova

    X-ray laboratory assistant - Lidia Semyonovna Kononova

    Functional diagnostics nurse - Marina Vitoldovna Chervyakova

    Neurologist - Valentina Petrovna Mezentseva

    District physician therapist - Natalya Valerievna Leonkina

    Head of the health center of the plant "Privod" - Elena Nikolaevna Stremousova

    Ophthalmologist - Marina Alekseevna Lekomtseva

    Head of the Department of Prevention - Valentina Aleksandrovna Nikiforova

    Nurse - Nina Ivanovna Yatsenko

    Physiotherapy Nurse - Nadezhda Danilovna Svinina

Accept a creative gift from the exemplary dance group "Rhythm"

PHONOGRAPH: "Drum entre", "Rhythm"

Presenter: Doctor, doctor, doctor! Before these people in all ages, at all times bowed. They have always been respected and loved, because they made life easier for people, instilled hope in the future. It is they who free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom with which a person can exist in the world. This is confirmed by the numerous awards that we will continue to present right now. A letter of thanks from the Health Department under the administration of the Lysvensky municipal district for long-term work is awarded to:

    Local therapist - Alfiya Sultanbekovna Popova

    Accountant - Elena Viktorovna Selezneva

    Medstatistician - Irina Vladimirovna Burylova

    Ward nurse - Yaroslava Anatolyevna Lipina

    Paramedic of the health center of the AK LMZ - Roza Mirgazyanovna Kazanbayeva

    Medical Registrar - Svetlana Ivanovna Kelesh

    Nurse - Natalya Anatolyevna Konovalova

    ENT Nurse - Galina Nikolaevna Konshina

    Ophthalmologist nurse - Vera Ivanovna Merkusheva

    Ward nurse - Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Mikryukova

    Medical statistician - Nadezhda Konstantinovna Kelesh

    Senior Nurse - Irina Evgenievna Zhuravleva

Svetlana Mazzherina, VHS "Cantilena" sings for you, meet us!

PHONOGRAPH: S. Mazzherina "Forever"

Presenter: There are a lot of good, wonderful medical workers in our polyclinic, where you can rarely find such a composition of experienced doctors and nurses. And now there are even more of them, because two wonderful and hardworking teams have merged into one, I'm not afraid of this word, a powerful institution "City Polyclinic of the Lysvensky Municipal District" and I give the floor to the chief physician of this global institution, Ekaterina Fedorovna Fedina

PHONEGRAM: to the exit

Word of E.F. Fedina

Gratitude is declared with entry in the work book for highly qualified work and responsible attitude to one's duties:

    Procedural nurse - Tatyana Ivaovna Mekhryakova

    Nurse - Zuliya Muzipovna Nizametdinova

    Nurse - Natalia Alexandrovna Volkonskaya

    Nurse - Natalya Ivanovna Baburina

    Nurse - Tamara Grigorievna Shestopalova

    Driver - Damir Minigaleevich Azmukhanov

    Medical registrar - Svetlana Alexandrovna Shlyapnikova

    Deputy Chief Physician for AChE - Vasily Sergeevich Sedov

    Physiotherapy nurse - Valentina Ivanovna Dyupina

    Physiotherapy nurse - Lyubov Ivanovna Saidakova

    District nurse - Svetlana Valentinovna Artyomova

And again on the stage the exemplary dance group "Rhythm", "Egyptian frescoes"

PHONOGRAPH: "Egyptian frescoes", "Rhythm"

Presenter: Along with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. He comes to the clinic. And here in every office they will receive him, listen, give good advice, write out a prescription, and for this you will be honored and grateful. I ask you to come up to the stage for the award:

    District nurse - Tatyana Vladimirovna Bortnikova

    ENT nurse - Alexandra Konstantinovna Ognevoy

    CDL laboratory assistant - Nina Afanasyevna Pudovikova

    Nurse - Rimma Kurbanovna Rakhimova

    Sister-mistress - Galina Nikolaevna Militskaya

    Infectious disease doctor - Grigory Nikolaevich Michurin

    FAP paramedic - Olga Alexandrovna Oborina

    Senior nurse of the surgical department - Tatyana Borisovna Kuimova

    Otolaryngologist - Elena Borisovna Boyarintseva

    Paramedic - Valentina Borisovna Kotelnikova

    Paramedic - Nadezhda Nikolaevna Sakharova

    Senior Nurse PTO - Marina Sergeevna Kovshevnikova

This applause is only for you and I invite the VHS "Cantilena" with the song "Grandma Polina"

PHONOGRAPH: "Grandma Polina"

Presenter: If your teeth hurt or your chest is hot,

Go to the clinic soon, dear friend, go

Here you will be greeted with a smile, will be able to heal

And, of course, you can get sick leave

There are x-rays and cardiograms,

And mother's children are brought here

Any doctor here will be able to see you,

Listen, listen and of course understand.

That is why the population of the city is less and less afraid of doctors every day, because when you go with a problem and see a benevolent and understanding face, you want to live on and I invite just such people to the stage, please rise for a well-deserved reward:

    Ultrasound doctor - Irina Nikolaevna Yudina

    Paramedic of the health center AK LMZ - Ekaterina Fedorovna Ritter

    Medical registrar - Valentina Nikolaevna Vorozhtsova

    Head nurse - Nadezhda Nikolaevna Maslennikova

    Procedural nurse Tatyana Anatolyevna Shaburova

    PTO Nurse - Faina Ivanovna Shchukina

    Physiotherapy instructor - Elena Yurievna Besh

    Physiotherapy instructor - Tatyana Evgenievna Pozdeeva

    Dressing room nurse - Ludmioa Nikolaevna Shanina

    District nurse - Svetlana Viktorovna Tselishcheva

    Nurse - Galina Pavlovna Golyasheva

Accept a creative gift from the dance group "Rhythm"

PHONOGRAPH: "Generals", "Rhythm"

Presenter: You have already received a huge number of awards, but after all, awards are not given simply, as they say, for beautiful eyes, they must be earned. And you truly deserve them with titanic work! Just listen to these numbers. The total number of employees is 420 people, and the total number of patients is 3600 people. Yes, what is there, only the therapy department accepted 114,572 patients per year, surgery accepted 31,924 people, 11,241 procedures were performed per year, ophthalmologists (and there are 9 people in total) accepted 31,969 patients, X-ray room, where 15 specialists work, conducted 6,505 studies. I'm not talking about the health centers at the Privod and LMZ factories, 84,075 people were admitted to them, of which 6,543 people were ill, and 25,400 were referred by doctors.

We are proud of you, respect and appreciate!

And I give the floor for congratulations to the head of the clinic, Elena Valerievna Izmailova.

PHONOGRAPH: to the exit

Word E.V. Izmailova

Kristina Mikhailova, VHS "Cantilena" sings for you, meet!

PHONOGRAPH: Kristina Mikhailova "Invite me, dad, to a waltz"

Presenter: Here you are probably sitting and thinking, like you congratulated us on the holiday, everyone handed out awards, and why are we still sitting here, but if you think so, then you are mistaken. And in order to dispel your doubts, I give the floor and invite Ekaterina Fedorovna Ritter, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the City Polyclinic of the Lysvensky Municipal District, to the stage

PHONEGRAM: to the exit

Word of E.F. Ritter + award

Presenter: Accept another creative gift from the dance group "Rhythm", "Uralskaya Plyasovaya"

PHONOGRAPH: "Ural dance", "Rhythm"

Presenter: So it was, is and, we believe, will be:

They come, they come to you endlessly

people wounded by life

And you heal their hearts.

This is your job

What became your destiny:

Attention, kindness, care

Relieve someone else's pain

You have for every patient

Hope is enough in reserve:

Smiles bloom again

And the fear is gone!

And everyone is in love with the world again!

And in every heart renewed

Part of you is knocking!

VHS "Cantilena", meet!

PHONOGRAPH: "Bells", "Cantilena"

Presenter: So the solemn program dedicated to you, dear doctors, is coming to an end, but this is only the program being completed, but the holiday remains. Once again, I heartily congratulate you, wish you a clear sky over your head, kindness and patience. See you soon!


- Hello, the most respected people of our city. Today we want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - Medical Worker's Day!

In our country, and throughout the world, this is one of the most revered days. No civilized country would exist for a single day without people in white coats. And to deny their titanic work is completely unfair. After all, medical personnel daily fight for the life and health of sick people.

Dear doctors, today we wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly congratulate you on your professional holiday. We bow before your courageous, noble, wise and kind work. Not many professions could earn so many epithets. Moreover, they are very modest and very fair.

(Sounds congratulatory poem addressed to medical workers).

- And now, when the first festive beautiful words have been said, we will gladly give way to more significant and more significant congratulations.

Congratulatory speech is given to the Head of our city (Full name of the head).

(Mayor of the city delivers a congratulatory speech).

- For the presentation of honorary awards to the stage is invited chief physician central city hospital (name of doctor).

(A ceremony of awarding doctors, nurses and other workers in the medical industry with certificates of honor and gratitude is being held).

- So the solemn official part of our holiday has come to an end, but it's still too early to disperse, since we are moving on to the second part - entertainment. And now you have to be in the role of patients, and we will try to cure you of fatigue, blues and boredom. Moreover, your treatment will be carried out by non-traditional methods - funny stories, dances and songs.

(A cheerful congratulatory song sounds).

- real doctor is a calling. We wish you all good health and longevity!

(A dance is performed as a gift to all medical workers).

- A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life. From the first loud cry to the very last breath. Very lucky for those people whom nature has awarded with excellent health, because this is not always the case. And then our dear doctors come to the rescue.

- Doctor, doctor, doctor! In all ages, people bowed before them. They have always been loved and respected, because they made life easier, helped to believe in the best. They still free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom that helps a person to exist in the world.

In order to become a doctor, it is not enough to learn all the concepts and terms, you still need to feel love for children, for people, a desire to understand them, help and serve them.

(a congratulatory song sounds to the doctors).

- And now let's check whether our respected doctors are able to immediately make a diagnosis based on the symptoms and appearance of a stranger.

A fun game is being played. All participants are divided into two teams, each is given a list of lines from popular songs. According to these lines, the opponents should make the most accurate diagnosis. For example: I will never see you ... (blindness), etc.

- Well, thank you. On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you great happiness. We wish you never for a moment doubt the benefits that your work brings! Happy holiday, dear medical workers.

- Medic Day is a holiday not only for employees of polyclinics and hospitals, but also for those who come here for help. Words of sincere gratitude and appreciation of the patient are the highest reward for a doctor.

- Our joyful meeting comes to an end. May this good mood remain with everyone for a long time, may there be happiness and peace in your home, patience and success in work, good health and calm patients to all of you!

On the third Sunday of June, we honor doctors and nurses, medical staff of hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers. We offer a scenario for the event "Medical Worker's Day" with a festive concert and an awards ceremony.

Scenario of the festive event dedicated to the Day of the medical worker

general characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Activity duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 18-70 years old

Number of participants: 50-80 people

For the event you need:

  • auditorium and stage
  • sound amplifying equipment
  • scripted music selection
  • 1 dressing room for concert participants
  • Certificates of honor and memorable gifts for awarded medical workers

Participating in the event are:

Presenter, sound engineer, singer and singer, dance group, primary school girl, chief physician, head of the district, organizing committee.

Before the start of the event, lyrical music sounds in the hall.

Beginning of the event: fanfare sounds

The host appears on the stage.


Hello dear friends! Every third Sunday of June, our country celebrates the professional holiday of medical workers. There is no more honorable, more responsible profession in the world than a doctor; at all times, people who guarded health enjoyed special respect. The day of the medical worker is celebrated not only by doctors and nurses, but also by all specialists, without whose help medical science would not have been possible: engineers and technologists who invent new equipment for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, chemists, biologists, laboratory assistants, orderlies ... The work of medical workers is high service in the name and for the benefit of people: medical workers selflessly protect the greatest values ​​given to a person - his life and health.

The festive event dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker will be opened by a person who knows everything about the work of doctors, their joys and problems, because he is not only a doctor with extensive professional experience, but also the head doctor in our district, ……………… ……………( Full Name).



What can be wished to people who stand guard over human health and, consequently, human happiness? Of course, to be healthy, prosperous, successful, strong, skillful, efficient! I would like to wish you success in your work, which requires mental strength and full dedication. Happy holiday, dear medical workers!

Our musical wish will be fulfilled by the soloist of the pop orchestra ………………

SONG: "Musical wishes to doctors"


Dear friends, it would be wrong to talk only about work on a holiday. It is known that doctors are the most active creators of tales and anecdotes, because they have an excellent sense of humor. It has been proven that doctors are the most responsible people, because life on planet Earth depends on them. We know that the most favorite phrase of doctors is: “A beautiful person is a healthy person!”. Our dear ones, be always healthy and beautiful!

Participants of the ballroom dance studio are dancing for you: the Viennese waltz.

MUSIC SOUNDS: "Viennese waltz" performed by the ballroom dance studio

AWARDING physicians with certificates of honor and memorable gifts is carried out by …………………………………


It's no secret that a good doctor needs not only his own talent, knowledge and sensitivity. For success in this difficult field, support and understanding from colleagues are very important - what is called teamwork: cooperation, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, unanimity, agreement, partnership, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity , coherence, teamwork, ripeness ( the presenter addresses the audience and asks the participants of the holiday to remember the concepts that ensure the coordinated work of the team).

Perhaps the most important quality for a medical worker is patience. And who we have to endure, we will now find out: for you singing ………………………………..

SONG SOUNDS: "Neighbour"


The next song is addressed, first of all, to the doctors of the neuropsychiatric dispensary. Only they can make an accurate diagnosis of a man in yellow shoes. Dear friends, the soloist of the pop orchestra sings for you …………………………..

SONG SOUNDS: "Yellow Shoes"

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