The material "Trikot". Characteristics of fabrics and knitted canvases

Synthetic fabrics have long entered the daily life of people. They do not give way to their quality characteristics with natural fibers, and in a number of properties even exceed them. For example, they do not require special care, almost not impass and extremely wear-resistant. Polyester began to be used in the textile industry since 1945, when a patent was decorated.

History of creation and types of polyester

Polyester fibers

Developments for the creation of durable fibers for the textile industry began in the 30s. Best of all succeeded in English scientists, which, by chemical reactions with a multi-stage connection of the monomers present in oil, received fibers of a new generation.

The name POLYESTER is found not only on labels with clothing, from this substance make plastic containers for food, packaging bags and much more. Depending on the temperature, the polyester fibers can take different thickness and density. Even for the textile industry, they are released in several versions:

  • thread of volumetric format;
  • staple;
  • mononi, which are produced by extrusion of liquid polyester through special nozzles with holes of different thickness;
  • filament fibers (many craftswomen use them for embroidery on cars);
  • textured threads.

The variety of properties of polyester fibers allows you to produce fabrics from them for tailoring of the lower and bed linen, outerwear, toys, insulation for shoes and winter jackets (for example, a synthetone or holofan).

It's important to know : It is known to consumers under different names: Dakron, Tesl, Loven, Dionen and others, but they have the same properties.

The most demanded polyester varieties:

  • Polyester Microfiber is a canvas created by interlacing the finest threads, which makes it very light and durable.
  • Polyester Mini Mesh is a lining net material that is used when sewing sportswear. It creates the necessary aeration and removes excess moisture from the body during sports.
  • Polyester Peach Washer is a web, having the same properties as the first look, only its surface velvet and tender.
  • POLYESTER POLAR FLEECE is an unstructured view of the canvas, which has increased strength and stroke, pleasant to the touch.
  • POLYESTER / PVC - this variety of the canvas, the wrong side is additionally treated with polyvinyl chloride, which increases its strength and moisture resistance.
  • Polyester Tricot - Material showed excellent results with long-term operation and numerous washers. Very durable: products, sewn from it, do not lose their shape and color for a long time.
  • Polyester Tricot Shiny - the canvas, which, besides the above qualities, has a characteristic gloss.

These types of polyester can most often meet on labels with clothing. They guarantee that the thing will be long and maintained its original look and color even after multiple styrics.

Polyester production technology

Polyester for sportswear

When creating polyester, different components of the products obtained during the oil refining are applied. This is a rather complex chemical process in which ethylene glycol and dimethyl telphthalate participate. Diglycolic ether when heated to +270 degrees passes the stage of polycondensation (at the same time high molecular weight compounds are formed). Fibers obtained as a result of melt are treated with ethylene oxide, which is obtained by catalytic oxidation.

After a number of chemical processes, polystyrene is formed. In turn, by melting and cooling with air produce polyester fibers. The next stage is the stretching of the resulting synthetic threads to the necessary thickness and strength.

The polyester canvas create by interlacing transverse and main threads, but such fabric is rarely used. More often in the process of weaving to polyester fibers add natural or synthetic threads. This gives the material a number of unique properties.

Fabric description

Polyester Jacket

For a long time, polyester was used as a packaging film or bags, and the American Dupont company was engaged in real commercial production. Fabrics created from its fibers are resistant to ultraviolet, lasting their color, durable and not afraid of pests, fungus and moths.

Polyester is resistant to pollution, and with it with washing it is easily removed by stains. However, as the other synthetic types of fabrics, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of polyester

The chemical industry does not stand still, so new combinations of natural and synthetic tissues appear every year with the addition of polyester fibers. In pure form, this material is rarely used for a number of reasons, but even it has qualities that will appreciate any consumer, for example:

  • it is durable and wear-resistant;
  • it is easy to care for him;
  • it does not affect acid and weak alkalis;
  • does not lose shape with a long-term sock;
  • not stretching after washing;
  • dries quickly;
  • heat-resistant;
  • it is resistant to pollution and does not roll;
  • practically does not miss moisture, which makes it suitable for sewing winter and demi-season outerwear;
  • does not fade in the sun.

Clothing designers use fabrics with polyester when the style requires preservation of folds and forms than this material is famous, but he has a number of flaws.

Disadvantages of polyester

Consis has only 100% polyester, but since it is rarely used, then consumers may not worry about them:

  • increased rigidity;
  • bad breathability;
  • the fibers of 100% polyester is hard to paint, as they are not soaked in paint;
  • he is electrified.

There are no these drawbacks when the polyester fibers are mixed with natural or other synthetic threads.

Polyester in combination with other tissues

When polyester fibers are mixed with any varieties of threads, new types of materials are formed, for example:

  • A mixture of polyamide with polyester forms fabric, externally similar to. It has elasticity, not deformed with a long-term sock, does not fade, but does not let moisture and is electrified. It is most often used in the manufacture of women's linen.
  • In combination with Elastane, stockings and tights, tracksuits and gloves are sewing out of it. The canvas stretches well, passes the air, but it can be any density.
  • When cotton threads are spilled with polyester, the tissue becomes stronger, does not occur, unlike natural web, it is not deformed and does not fade. In this combination, the material becomes ductile with color in any colors, which makes it a better option for sewing bed linen.
  • In combination with the fibers, a canvas is obtained that does not learn, does not lose its form with long use. It sew casual clothes for recreation, for home or work.

It's important to know : Each fiber with which polyester is mixed, it improves the source properties by adding its positive qualities.

The textile industry continues to surprise its consumers with new types of fabrics every year, but if the label is written at least a slight percentage of polyester, the product can be bought, as it will serve to its owner for a long time.

Fabric application

Polyester umbrella

Depending on how the material in which there is polyester will be used, it is impregnated with special means, giving the necessary properties. For example, the main characteristics of the tissues for sewing overalls is strength, ease, good aeration and simplicity of care.

Among the most sought-after materials for working costumes are:

  • From, combinations and polyester, sew summer robes and warm working jackets. Among its positive qualities, strength, resistance to temperature difference and chemicals.
  • A mixture of cotton and different percentage of polyester fibers creates a canvas, of which they sew to work in dusty indoors. They are durable, well overwhelmed, do not deform for long exploitation and do not need ironing. These include Tomba, Greta and Twill.
  • For the uniform, to which the requirements are subject not only to comfort, but also elegance, for example, clothing of waiters, stewardess, health workers and office employees, a fabric consisting of a mixture of viscose and polyester is used.

For other areas of activity or leisure, the textile industry produces fabrics with polyester:

  • For sewing casual wear - shirts, dresses, trousers, jackets, linen and hosiery products.
  • They are indispensable in the manufacture of sports costumes and autumn-winter outerwear.
  • They are used for production, for example, curtains, bed linen, blankets and covered.
  • Without them, it is not necessary in the manufacture of umbrellas, gloves and bags.
  • Of them make toys and hiking, such as tents, backpacks and sleeping bags.

The sphere of use of tissues with polyester fibers is very broad due to their unique properties. One of them is simplicity of care for the finished product.

Polyester Care

Although the materials created on the basis of a mixture of various fibers with polyester are undemanding to care, there are several conditions that need to be performed.

  • Almost all products where there is a percentage of polyester, is erased in a typewriter, but there are exceptions, so when buying needs to carefully examine the label. If manual washing is required, it is carried out in a warm soap solution.
  • Basically, water for washing things from polyester does not exceed +40 degrees, except for those cases when the tissue is impregnated with a special mixture for high temperatures, for example, in overalls.
  • Polyester cannons can not be bleached, but it is recommended to add air conditioning for linen, which makes them softer and reduces the properties of electricality.
  • Products from such fabrics do not need ironing, it is enough to shake them after washing and hang on drying.

Thanks to polyester fibers, modern fabrics have become not only stronger and more beautiful, but also cheaper than natural materials. Specified on the label their percentage gives information how much material is improved with their help. For sewing clothes, it is 2-30%, in other products it can be up to 50-100%, for example, in the manufacture.

Children jumpsuits:

  • at Polyester: Shalun (Isoosoft, Russia), Etty-Detty (Isoosoft, Russia), Kerry (Isoosoft, Finland), Donilo (Hollofiber, Russia), Gusti (Isosoft, Canada), Gloria Jeans (Polyfireber, Russia), Tilson (Isosoft, Norway ), Lemmi (Fireburskin, Germany), Reima (Isosoft, Finland)
  • on Tinsulete: Ketch (Sweden), Talvi (Talvi)
  • on the "clean" membrane: Reimatec (Finland), Lassiete (Finland), Ketch Babyoverall Teddy, Ketch Ski Overall (Sweden). And also see here:Winter overalls (thermo, membrane, etc.)
  • on Puhu: Il GUFO (Italy), O`Hara (Canada), Chicco (Italy), PremaMan (Belgium). "Arctilan" (Russia), Zera (Spain).


Pooh - a mixture of fluff and feather waterfowl. Typically, the ratio of at least 70 fluff / 30 feather.

Fill Power is the attitude of the volume occupied by the volume to its weight. The higher this indicator - the less the fluff is necessary for insulation and the better the ratio of the heat delayed to the weight becomes.

The best dearth is the European goose down, such special breeds, like Italian, Rhineskaya, Lindovskaya, Vishtines, Hungarian, Severoghermanskaya. The natural conditions of the bird content affect the quality of the fluff. For example, for this reason, poorly responds to the poker produced in China.

The fluff is poorly removing evaporation and therefore very bad "breathes", in connection with this, it is not recommended to use down products in serious physical exertion and / or under sufficiently low temperatures. Evaporation from the body will moisten the fluff, and its wetting will lead to the loss of heat insulating properties.

Pooh clothing is absolutely not applicable in high humidity.

Natural wool. A mixture of polyester and wool makes it possible to increase the windproof properties of the product, keep the heat-insulating properties of the product during wetting, as well as speed up the drying process of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural wool:
Dignity: Excellent thermal insulation properties - there is nothing warmer woolen sweater or woolen blanket! Good "breathe", creating unique temperature comfort.
disadvantages: When wetting it becomes severe and completely ceases to warm (dries long), bad windproof properties. Not always pleasant tactile properties - ourselves!

Sheepskin- Very durable, wear-resistant material. Microbes do not like wool, so it is considered a hypoallergenic insulation. Perfectly keeps heat up to - 25 °. It happens that the overalls are equipped with a removable sheep's fastener, it allows you to turn the combo in the demi-season option. Overalls on the sheepskin due to their considerable weight are now produced mainly, only for children under the year. Care: Clothes with sheepskin can be deformed from styricas, so it is better to ditch to dry cleaning.

Alpaca - mammalian wool from the genus Lamalpaca, slightly wavy, silky-brilliant;
Wool Angora - wool of an Angora rabbit, in the yard it is connected with woolen, cotton, silk thread;
Wool camel - Wool from light to dark brown, both thin and coarse, color and thickness it depend on the age of the camel. As a rule, camel wool are not stained; Wool Kashmir - Wool Indian and Iranian Kashmir goats, very thin, long, with silky glitter;
Wool Lama - South American Lama's wool, durable, long, natural color varies from light to dark brown; Merino wool - Beautiful fluffy thin wool of Merino sheep;
Wool mohaver - Wool of angora goats, which are bred in Spain, Asia Minor, South America, fluffy, long, soft, thin, with silky gloss, pissed, natural color - white.

Hollofiber . The nonwoven material of the Hollofiber brand consists of hollow polyester fibers twisted in the form of springs. The structure of the holofiber is almost similar to the synthetic procession structure, however, the fiber syntheps are not hollow, and filled. Due to the hollowness of the holofiber fibers provides the best thermal insulation and leaks less. Hollofiber provides beautiful forms, the possibility of long-term operation is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, does not absorb moisture and smells, does not support burning. This is achieved through the spiral form of the hairs (view of the spiral spring), which allows the product to keep its shape and easily restore it.

Synthetic insulation (Hollofiber, Fireburskin, Fireberk, Polyfyber), produced from fibers having the shape of balls, springs, etc. Balls, spirals or springs are not communicated to each other and contain cavities, so the product is well holding the form. Clothes with hollofiber or Fireberk is not very expensive, the price / quality ratio is obtained: you buy a good jumpsuit for a small price, which is able to withstand frosts up to -25 °. Thin fibers retain the volume, does not absorb moisture, breathe. Manufacturers most often indicate the instructions for the product: " insulation - Polyester 100%"(Very rarely specify which one: Hollofiber, Fireburskin, Fireberk, Polyfiber or Other).

Isosoft and Hollofiber: they have almost the same characteristics in terms of heat conservation. Isoosoft - better ...

It happens that manufacturers use a combination of different insulation or a combination of insulation and membrane, it allows them to register the trade name of the "new" insulation. In terms of its properties, he will still differ little from those known. Care: Machine washing with a spin at 40 °.

Syntheton It is divided into two types: old (dense) and new (hollow). Both are made of polyester fibers. Fastening the fibers with each other is carried out in a thermal way. Previously, the syntheton was laid parallel layers. Because of this, he had very low indicators for the saving of heat and conductivity of moisture. Now dense syntheps (thick, adhesive) is used only in cheap products. In the new syntheps, the fibers are not glued, and, as it were, they are holding each other with the help of silicone needles. Such a heater is more durable, does not lose form. But still, synthetone continues to give up to modern insulation (Isoosoft, for example).

Minuses: After the impact of sweat and washing, it loses up to half the thickness, it is not suitable for cold winter - maximum, for temperature up to -10 °. Therefore, synthesis based on synthesis is better to buy for demi-season. Care: washed at 30 ° C using only soft powders that do not contain whitening reagents; Do not soak and not whiten.

Singypron may have a density from 50 to 600 grams. per square meter, can be made by different technologies and be volumetric and not. In clothing can be used single layer of syntheps or several. N. for example, for children's winter jackets, three layers of 100g / sq.m are often used, i.e. TOTAL:300 gr. / Sq.m.

100 grams - this is autumn / spring - from about 0 ... + 5 and up to + 15 ...; 150 gr - this is all-season - from -10 to +3 approximately. This is standard data!

Hollowfan. Made of highly arranged hollow fibers bonded by bicomponent (low-melting) fiber. It is used as insulation for all types of outerwear, bedding, sleeping bags. Holloofan compared with synthecron has a higher thermal resistance and easily restores the volume when compressed. Holloofan is made from both conventional hollow fibers and fibers treated with silicone. Siliconized Hollowa is used primarily when sewing bedding and sleeping bags. The canvas is produced by a density of 100 - 350 g. / Sq.m.

Synthecron (Singry procession) - made of polyester fibers bonded by bicomponent (low-melting) fiber. Synthecron is used as a heating pad for outerwear, sports jackets, bedroom facilities, as well as in the furniture industry. The canvas is produced by a density of 60 - 350 g. / Sq.m.

Wolecron - Thermal insulation with natural wool content. Designed for use in clothing, blankets, sleeping bags. Optimulated when sewing products operated in extreme climatic conditions. Insulation, the fur coat combines the positive properties of modern polyester fibers (elasticity, volume, ease) and natural wool with its high heat shield and hygienic properties. It has been proven not only to science, but also the life that an important feature of the products made of wool is the ability to improve its heat-shield properties at reduced temperatures and in the wind. The natural and environmental properties of wool, its beneficial effect on the human body is unique.

Batting . It is used as insulation in the upper clothing and household goods, as well as in the furniture industry. The raw material for batting is the regenerated fiber obtained from woolen and half-walled fabric and knitted trimming. The proportion of woolen fiber may vary from 30% to 70%. Density of 200g to 400g.

Syntheluch , kamfarel(fiber) - filler,it is used in the manufacture of toys, blankets and upholstered furniture. Synthempuch is hollow high-argued fibers having a spring shape. Twisting these fibers form an elastic structure. Synepuch, unlike such fillers, like foam rubber, batting, batting, more resistant to loads and better restores volume after compression. Fiber can be treated with silicone. Thanks to this syntput, it is not knocked down, it does not fit and retains the form. Kamfalel, unlike Syntipuha, is a fiber, mechanically swirling in "balls". Such a filler saves the form even better than the synthempus. In addition, the use of the camphornel fiber guarantees the savings of the material compared to the syntheph at the sewing of the products of the same volume.

3m Thinsulate ®. - Very soft, light, warm. Not too high resistance to compression, it can be nice to suit clothes and shoes, but absolutely not suitable for sleeping bags that most of the time are in compression.

Freudenberg. - in comparison with Sinyprun: due to better fibers, the deformations are actively resisting and much better restores the form. Due to the more advanced production process, it has a more discharged structure and the location of the fibers at an angle close to 45 degrees. Has an affordable price required quality certificates, incl. and European.

PolarGuard ® 3D. - Synthetic material, very easy, hypoallergenic, compact and superbly retaining its volume after compression. 100% polyester, fibers hollow from the inside. Practically does not absorb moisture and retains its volume and thermal characteristics.

Polyfill. (Polyfill) is a new highly efficient, having increased compression resistance, providing good ventilation with excellent thermal insulating properties. Synthetic material. Light, warm and durable, he misses the air well and does not absorb moisture. Polyfill is designed for clothing used in active sports and recreation, requiring flexibility and extensibility.

Polarguard® DELTA - very soft, well tolerate compression, a small transport volume, great for sleeping bags. Very expensive.

Primaloft ® One and SL - Synthetic microfiber insulation, which has all the physical and thermal properties of the fluff. Material capable of maintaining heat is even better than the fluff and other synthetic insulation, with its small volume.

Primaloft.© - Easy and warm, it is durable, resistant to compression, uses the air well and does not absorb moisture.

Primaloft Sport © is used in the manufacture of clothing designed for extreme conditions.
Primaloft One © is used as insulation for urban clothing and outdoor activities.

PRIMALOFT © allows moisture to evaporate. Its air microscopic layers are too small for moisture penetration, but large enough to produce evaporation from the inside. The filler is better returning its volume than other materials, even after multiprious washing and drying. It can be strongly squeezed, after which this material completely returns its initial volume.
Small PRIMALOFT © to accumulate the heat of man is quite enough.

Thermic Micro. (Mountain Hardwear Development) - Synthetic insulation, warm, but light, soft and gentle to the touch. Made of short microfiber fibers glued with each other and twisted in chaotic order. Such a structure eliminates the cold points, increases the thermal properties of the product, allows you to achieve excellent compression results, with a faster recovery process.

THERMOLITE. ® by DuPont (Invista):
Thermolite® Extreme is the warmer in the thermolite ® insulation series, durable, elastic, tolerate compression well and restores the volume after compression.
Thermolite® Extra is a more budget option, the optimal combination of weight, volume and price.

Thermolite Plus. developed by Dupont specifically for insulation of clothing designed for cold weather. 80% consists of a recycled polyester. It is introduced by intelligent hollow fibers of a special form.

High softness insulation
- continues to warm in a wet state
- High mechanical resistance
- invariance of characteristics after a large number of washes
- Hypoallergenic
- You can wash / dry in the car

THERMORE ® (Termore) - Fabric, providing thermal insulation, is designed specifically for protection from the cold.

Thermore (Termore) is hidden inside the clothes, between the outer cloth and lining, so it cannot be seen. Consists of six thin layers creating an air layer that supports the natural temperature balance.

Very soft, thanks to a proprietary spatial reduction, guarantees thermal protection even in very subtle things. It is used in the creation of an extraclace for skiing and mountaineering. In most cases, the outer tissue has a water and dirt-repellent ability. Provides comfortable temperature, regardless of the weather.

Thermore (Termore) is a soft and "breathable" material to protect from cold

Thermore (Termore) is ease: with very low weight has high thermal insulation.

Thermore line has many different types of material:

Thermore TMK. - Thanks to multilayer material, Thermore TMK allows you to maintain a constant body temperature, while ensuring maximum comfort.

Thermore T37. - the newest technology used in creating this material allows, depending on the external temperature, change the degree of thermal protection. When the outer temperature decreases, the material is compressed densely and so heat is preserved better, and when the external temperature rises - on the contrary.

Thermore Opera. - the use of revolutionary modular technology when creating Thermore Opera perfectly protects from the cold due to the different density of the material, which further increases thermal insulation.

Thermore NRG. - the exclusive structure of the material has a springs effect. Thermore NRG fibers are located vertically and behave like real springs, creating a so-called "airbag" around the body. Thermore NRG contains up to 98% of air from its volume.

THERMORE DISCOVERY DUAL (DVD) - this type of material is intended for people who prefer warm and light clothes, as thanks to the special Discovery Dual technology, the material takes the minimum of space.

Laminates and membranes

CONDUIT ™ CONDUIT ™ SOFTSHELL(developed by Mountain Hardwear) - light, thin, not rustling dustlessthe membrane, perfectly protects against water and breathes. It is the uniqueness of it that it consists of water-repellent molecules that actively work and thereby remove evaporation from the inside to the outer surface of the fabric. The process accelerates as soon as the concentration of moisture accumulated on the body increases. Due to the fact that the membrane does not consist of conventional micropores, then it is an excellent water-repellent barrier. The material provides protection against moisture even with high compressive loads.

The principle of operation of the freezing membrane is based on its chemical properties that contribute to the derivation of moisture through the structure of the membrane, as well as on the principle of pressure difference: the temperature of the body and the outside of different, respectively, and the pressure is different - it helps certain molecules to remove moisture from the body through the structure that prevents penetration moisture outside.

The mutual membrane has a number of advantages over the pore: more durable, does not require careful care, not "clogged", because has no pores.

The combination of layers, coatings, fabrics and laminates provides breathing, waterproof, windproof and reliability.

Conduit (windbreakers) - reliable windbreakers for all types of mountain tourism.

Conduit Softshell (jackets and trousers) are soft, stretching, waterproof, windproof products with a warmed lining from a fleece.

Conduit DT Hybrid (windbreakers) - maximum reliability without reducing the breathtaking

Conduit DT (Light Breeding) - Dry Inner Products

Conduit Silk (super light windbreakers) - silk, soft inner surface for comfort

Conduit SL (SLOs, glued / welded insulated products) - super lightness, super-breathing.

Gore-Tex ® - The membrane is polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) - a thin hydrophobic porous film. It contains 1.5 billion microscopic pores per square centimeter, while the sizes of pores are 20,000 times less than a drop of water, which does not allow water to penetrate the membrane. At the same time, the pore size is 700 times more water molecules (water vapor) than and the ventilation is achieved. The tunnel-shaped pore structure breaks the air flow on microcavirt and is an obstacle for wind (approximately as a thick shrub), without preventing single water vapor molecules (or gas, if any).

Air permeability 2L - RET 55 (very good air permeability), 3L - RET 75 (good air permeability) 0 CFM, 100% windproof.

Gore-Tex Performance Shells - withstands the most extreme rain both for strength and duration. For a wide range of use. 2.5 layers: upper fabric, membrane, laminate.

Gore-Tex Pro Shells - AirVantage Insulation system. Patented insulation system, adjusting to the temperature regime. At cold temperatures, the fabric on the body of the product is pumped with air, and with warm - this effect disappears. Also, in this form, the protection of the membrane from mechanical damage and abrasion of protection from the inside is strengthened. 3 layers: top tissue, membrane, lining.

Gore-Tex Paclite Shell is the easiest and most compact membrane, retains all the qualities of the usual. Summer windbreaker. Thin outer cloth (polyester), membrane, carbon coating.

Gore-Tex Soft Shell - all three layers have elasticity, and the protective inner layer consists of a warm fleece. Freedom of movements plus insulation.

Gore-Tex Windstopper - protects against wind, breathe.

Paclite Goretex is the easiest, compact

XCR Goretex - the most durable and breathable

Gore-Tex® Paclite ® is the easiest, waterproof and breathable membrane in the modern materials market. 15% is easier than a similar product with a 3-cxular GORE-TEX ®.

Lassietec. - 90% PA polyamide, 10% PU polyurethane Airopropus

Lassietec - protects against wind and moisture, but in the child it does not sweat. Waterproof fabric, its outstanding side is protected from moisture with polyurethane film. The front side of the material, due to the special processing, repels the dirt and moisture, being "breathable" and waterproof. The most important seams are combined to ensure additional protection against moisture penetration. Lassietec protects the child from cold and moisture to any weather and very comfortable in the sock. Specially treated fabric pushes the dirt so effectively that after a walk, the main pollution is enough just to erase from the surface of the product.

Softshell. - Elastic material of various thickness. Soft and comfortable. Used for the production of jackets and windbreaks. Depending on the thickness and the presence of insulation, it can be both a thin windbreaker and a thick winter jacket.

Hard Shell.- Rough storms.

Soft Shell fabric has a large breathability ("breathable" fabric properties), greater elasticity compared to Hard Shell fabric. Fabric products Soft Shell are more confortable and comfortable with sock.

The Soft Shell fabric is the layers crushed among themselves, resulting in a lice light fabric. Soft Shell layers can be somewhat different from 1.5 to 3. The most common is a three-layer Soft Shell fabric. Huppa in the production of its products also uses three Soft Shell layer fabric, which consists of an outer layer of fabric, membranes and an inner layer of fabric. Soft Shell Outer layer is a tanned tissue with a dense texture, processed by DWR (DWR-DURABLE WATER REPELLENT). The inner layer of Soft Shell HUPPA fabric is a fleece fabric. There is a membrane between the external and inner layers, which provides the "breathable" supply of Soft Shell's fabric, as well as waterproof and wind-industry. In HUPPA products, waterproof indicators are 10000mm, it means that the fabric is withstanding a 10,000 mm water column. That is, after a lasting language can be said that if your child got into a shower, it will not get wet. Soft Shell fabrics, which uses HUPPA in its production, "breathing" and have an indicator -10 000 g / m2 24h. E. The number of evaporation that the fabric can skip through 1 m2 for one day. 10,000 g / m2 24h is a rather high indicator, the child can actively move and there is no danger of what he stands up and gets sick. The higher the evaporation indicator, the less likelihood that the child stands up.

Compared to Hard Shell fabric products, Soft Shell fabric products are soft and elastic. They are better sitting, more comfortable in the sock and do not throw movements .. The products from Soft Shell are ideal for people who prefer active vacation in the fresh air, thanks to their "breathable", water-repellent, windproof properties. For children, products from Soft Shell buy most of all for the period of spring-autumn, but the products can also be worn in summer cool days and in a soft winter, with a mandatory condition, to dress in layers.

Differences Soft Shell Fabrics from Gore-Tex Types:

  • Air permeability 3 times more
  • Some elastic
  • With the right membrane provides water-supplying protection
  • With less wind protection, but blocks about 90% wind
  • More comfortable with sock

Sympatex. - light, thin, not containing pore membrane made of polyurethane (Therefore, better Goretex.`A - membrane does not arrange). Used for clothes, gloves and other accessories, as well as shoes.
There is also a "advanced" version of this material called Sympatex Professional Having another logo, characterized by a thickness of the membrane - 10 microns.

SYMPATEX specifications:
Material: polyester and polyester mixture
Structure and shape: Flat film without
Density: 1.27 g / cm3
Thickness: 10m, 15m and 25m
Weight: 12.7 g / m2
View: colorless, transparent and slightly muddy
Strength: 15 N / 5cm (0.4 mm membrane)
Tensile for gap: more than 300%
Residual stretching: 20% elongation after 50% of total stretching.
Moisture absorption: 1.6% (with a humidity of 50% and a temperature of 20 ° C)
Water absorption: 5% after wetting and drying in the drum.
for a material thickness 0.4 mm: 2700 g / m2 / 24h
for material thickness 15m: 2500 g / m2 / 24h
Waterproof: more than 10m water column
Airtight: Absolute DIN 53 887

HEMI TEC ®. - Membrane material of the new generation with the function of providing climate control for the child's body. Omployed, resistant pollution polyamide, treated with an invented microporous polyurethane side. He does not let the water inside, but misses moisture from the body to the outside. In the Ketch Children's Clothing Collections, this fabric is used for winter jackets, trousers and overalls. This unique high-tech fabric works while maintaining all its properties in a wide range of high and low temperatures.

Pore \u200b\u200bmembranes from polyurethane - Entrant © - V, Entrant © - Gii (Coating)

Dermizax © - MP (lamination)

Bidding membranes - Dermizax ©, Dermizax © - EV (lamination)

Hybrid membrane - Entrant © - HB

2.5-layer membrane - Entrant © - DT

Tomen (Toyota) gelanots ©

Mitsubishi Diaplex ©

Triple-Point Ceramics by Lowe Alpine

Membrane © by Marmot

Unitika Prooface ©

External fabrics, strengthening and insertion

1000D (550D) CORDURA - nylon of different degrees of weaving density of threads, soaked in polyurethane, is covered with water-repellent composition.

200-gram fleece - 100% polyester, weighs 200g. per meter square.

30D Micro Ripstop. - 100% nylon - thin silk microfiber ripstop, covered with water-repellent composition. Weaving density 1.3.

30D Micro Taffeta. - 100% nylon - thin silk microfiber taffeta, covered with water-repellent composition. Weaving density 1.5.

3M ™ SCOTCHLITE ™ ®- This high-tech material is a special microprismic film of the last generation, having a high reflective ability. Thanks to the 3M ™ ScotchLite ™ retroreflective materials, the visibility and human awareness increases in the dark, the likelihood of accidents is reduced.

420d (630d) Packcloth - 420 denos of nylon density, durable, wear-resistant. Covered with water-repellent composition.

4-Way Stretch Softshell - 92% nylon, 8% spandex, tensile material in four directions with increased wear-resistivity qualities and damage stability.

ADVANCE LIGHTWEIGHT. - 100% polyester. Knitted fabric, impregnated with the antimicrobial composition of the new generation Chitosan. Displays moisture, dries quickly.

Alchemy Stretch Softshell. - 56% nylon, 40% polyester, 4% elastane. Wear-resistant, durable and elastic material Softshell.. Equipped with a membrane Gore-Tex Windstopper with a soft fleece lining. Weaving density 9.5.

Ambush.- 100% Nylon Cordura 330 den. 64 on 42 strand density of threads - resistant to abrasion material.

Antique HerringBone Plaid. - 100% nylon SAPLEX, drawing in fine cage, soft matte surface.

ARCTIC FLEECE ™ - 100% polyester fleece using high-quality fibers. Very soft to the touch, wear-resistant and non-rolling.

Ark Ripstop. - 100% nylon 50 den. Tight weaving threads, light and soft. Equipped with membrane Conduit..

Ark 40ht. - 100% nylon, high ripstop (40 den.).

Ark Stretch - 100% nylon, 30 den., Durable, elastic twill. Equipped with membrane Conduit DT.

Arowen Cotton. - 100% Organic Cotton - Jersey. Soft and light fabric.

Ascent Butter Nylon ™ - 100% nylon taslan. Durable, soft and used with membrane Conduit.™.

ASCENT NYLON ™ - 100% textured nylon, durable and soft to the touch, with a membrane Conduit.™.

Ascent Stria 2 L or 3 L - 62% nylon, 38 polyester. Wear-resistant, light and soft material. Equipped with membrane Conduit.. The fabric is covered with water-repellent composition.

BeavernyLon ®. - Developed by Norwegian specialists, two-layer, high-tech fabric. Durable polyamide on the surface guarantees high wear resistance of clothing. Cotton with a fabric is an elasticity and makes clothes comfortable. It is two-layer that makes this material so warm. Thanks to the processing of fabric with Fluorcarbon, clothing acquires water resistance, dirt-repellent properties and increases breathable ability. BeavernyLon is used in the production of winter children's overalls, jackets and combined with such materials as HEMI PROFF ® and CORDURA ®.

GORE-TEX BALTORO SOFT SHELL - 100% polyester Soft Shell. 50 den. Elastic surface - microfiber and light fleece deposited from the inside. Membrane Gore-Tex Soft Shell. The fabric is covered with water-repellent composition.

Basalt Variegated TWILL - 100% cotton sanching weaving. Wear-resistant fabric, matte, soft surface.

Butter Jersey - 89% polyester, 11% elastane, microfiber Jersey. Very soft, matte knitwear. 40 den. Elasticity.

Butter Jersey Heavy - 90% polyester, 10% elastane, microfiber Jersey. Very soft, matte knitwear.

Bona Fide Plaid. - 61% nylon, 39% polyester. Unique weaving nylon threads and polyester microfiber. Easy, soft fabric.

Brushed Mesh. - 100% polyester 50 den. Soft grid.

Brushed Polyester. - 40 den., 100% knitted polyester. Soft and quick-drying.

Brushed Tricot. - 100% knitted polyester. Farm surface.

Buckner Bounded Flece. - Knitted Jersey, connected with microflis (polyester). Facial surface - 40% cotton, 30% natural wool, 12% acrylic, 8% nylon, 10% - other fibers. The inner side is 100% polyester.

Canyon Cloth. - 100% nylon, durable, lightweight fabric, allowing evaporation outward. UPF filter - 50.

Checker Dobby Sport - 100% polyester Dobby. Microfiber 40 den. Easy and soft, but durable fabric.

Chenille Plaid.- 100% cotton special selection.

Chockstone DoubleWeave. - 88% nylon, 12% elastane. Wear-resistant double weaving design. It breathes well, protects against wind and small precipitation.

Chori Flece. - 100% polyester fleece.

Continuum Mcz Lightweight - 94% polyester, 6% elastane. Seamless knitwear microfiber with microclimate zones (a more dense knitting in places of the most susceptible to cold, and less dense knitting in places of more abundant sweating).

Continuum Mcz Midweight - 97% polyester, 3% elastane. Seamless knitwear microfiber with microclimate zones (a more dense knitting in places of the most susceptible to cold, and less dense knitting in places of more abundant sweating).

Cordura. - This is a number of modern, high-tech fabrics. The peculiarity of these fabrics is that they combine lightness, fortress and beautiful appearance. The use of these materials in production increases the strength of the product, its resistance to excessive loads. CORDURA fabrics are widely used in the manufacture of individual parts of the outerwear and everywhere where it is necessary to resist breaks, punctures, friction. The strength of these materials is shocked by itself, and if we consider that it is combined with the soft, flexibility, ease and a huge color range of fabrics, then all these qualities make Cordura® brand out of competition.

CORDURA - high-strength polyamide, intended for extreme operating conditions of the product, is distinguished by high resistance to ruptures, punctures and coarse friction. The surface of the tissue is protected by two-handed processing of Teflon ®, several times increasing wear resistance. CORDURA ® material is completely waterproof. In the Ketch collection, this fabric is used for winter jackets, trousers and overalls in combination with HEMI TEC ® fabric.

Crag Canvas. - 100% cotton - Canvas. Very dense material.

Crystallized Print. - 100% nylon 70 den., 210t Taffeta with print.

Cultivating Hemp Flannel. - 55% of hemp, 45% polyester. Soft, slightly surround surface.

Defelction Flece.- 100% polyester windproof, medium thickness, external and internal pile.

Deflrction Softshell. - 94% polyester, 6% elastane. Elastic Softshell with a soft fleece lining connected to the upper material.

Descent DT Hybrid. - 100% nylon, textured microfiber, wear-resistant material. Equipped with membrane Conduit Dt Hybrid.. The fabric is covered with water-repellent composition.

Desert Cloth ™ - 70% nylon / 30% polyester. Tightly woven, mooring and wear-resistant material.

Digedral Jersey - 43% polyester, 39% wool, 12% nylon, 6% other fibers. Knitted jersey double weaving.

Duraguard- rubberized material that creates unique resistance to abrasion, high wear resistance. A unique high melting point.

Duration Jersey - 100% Polyester Jersey Mini-Stripe. Antimicrobial processing of VisaEndurance. Perfectly removes moisture from the body.

FTX ™ 2.5; FTX Light - 100% nylon, with a twist effect from the outside. Very durable, easy and wear-resistant. Used with membrane Gore-Tex ® Paclite or Gore-Tex Pro Shell.

FTX Stretch. - 96% nylon, 4% elastane, three-layer Gore-Tex Performance Shell. Surface 70 den. Light, but durable fabric. From the inside a lightweight lining 20 den.

GORE-TEX PACLITE MINI RIPSTOP - 100% nylon - thin silk microfiber ripstop, covered with water-repellent composition. Weaving density 2.65. Gore-Tex Paclite.

Griptech- Polyurethane.

HEMI PROFF ®. - Very durable, two-layer material of the new generation developed by Swedish specialists. Durable polyamide on the surface of the fabric pushes water, wind and dirt. The water side of the fabric is illuminated by a dense layer of polyvinyl. This ensures complete waterproof and high wear resistance of the material.

Hispar Gore-Tex Softshell - 100% polyester Soft Shell 50 den. Microfiber Outside and soft fleece from the inside. Equipped with membrane Gore-Tex Soft Shell.

Hybrid Stretch Nylon. - 100% high-strength nylon. Equipped with membrane Conduit..

Highlands Tweed. - two-layer fabric. 98% polyester, 2% elastane - outside and 100% polyester - inside.

Incite- 100% nylon, cursed from the inside with a thin layer of fleece. Protection against water, lightness and breathing.

Koolknit.- 100% polyester knitwear. Easy and breathable. Dries quickly, treated with an anhythmicrobic composition. UPF filter - 35.

LightWeight Polartec ® Power Stretch ® - 64% nylon, 25% polyester, 11% elastane. Knitwear stretching in four directions has a bi-component structure. The internal structure has twisted fibers, ideally removing moisture from the body, and the smooth outer layer has elevated wear-resistance and contributes to the easier neighborhood with the upper clothes.

LINEN POLYESTER / COTTON PLAINWEAVE - 50% polyester, 25% cotton, 25% flax.

Micro Flece.- 100% polyester fleece. Soft and warm, bilateral.

Micro-Chamois - 100% polyester, soft durable, 50den. Microfiber.

Milvia Jersey - 88% polyester, 12% Elastane Jersey, microfiber.

MINI WICK MESH. - 100% polyester grid.

Mini Ripstop ™. - 100% nylon. The material is durable, light, wear-resistant and water-repellent processing.

Monkey Lite Phur. - 100% polyester with a slight pile, soft and pleasant to the touch. Very light weight and warm. From the inside there is also a small darling.

Monkey Phur.- 100% polyester with a soft, warm pile.

NutShell Taslan ™ - 100% textured nylon, very durable and soft to the touch, with double water-repellent processing.

Nylon Dobby Weave ™ - 100% nylon, textured, double weaving. Very soft as durable. Used with membrane Conduit.™.

Nylon Knit Stretch. - 100% high-strength elastic nylon - wear resistance and good tensile fabric.

Nylon Oxford Stretch. - 140d, 150 fibers in the thread, bilateral stretching. Soft but durable weaving threads. Equipped with membrane Conduit..

Nylon Polyester. - Soft and very light blended fabric. It is based on the interweaving of two different threads. This creates the effect of "chameleon": the fabric is overflowing.

Nylon Ripstop ™ SL

Nylon Taslan ™ - 100% textured nylon, durable and soft to the touch.

Optimum Tech Jersey - 90% SAPLEX Nylon, 10% elastane. Easy, soft knitted fabric, well remove moisture.

Owen Heather Cotton.- 100% organic cotton jersey.

Peached Twill.- 100% cotton.

Pittards Atacama, Digital Leather - Distribution of the most resistant leather, 20% more stable than the skin of the standard release.

Plated Wool Poly. - 50% wool, 20% polyester, 22% nylon. Double weaving.

Pimpchimp ™ - 100% polyester, voluminous knitwear of circular weaving.

Polartec. ™ . Warming properties are achieved due to the twisted chaotic pile, which creates a warm air pad inside this pile, which is good insulation from the cold air layer and better insulation.
The Polartec fleece is used as a second layer (fleece jamper, "sweatshirts") and as a base layer (thermal shell). Also when using special technologies ( Wind Block.) or when adding it membrane Gore. Windstopper.The fleece can perform the function of the top layer or other words windproof-windstopper.
The main purpose: thermal insulation, the discharge of unnecessary evaporation from the body, the protection against wind.

Protection against bad weather: Polartec © Powershield, Polartec © Windbloc, Polartec © Windbloc-Act, Polartec © WinPro.
Heat insulation: Polartec © Thermal Pro, Polartec © Classic, Polartec © Micro, Polartec Super Micro Chill. Fleece thickness, and, due to its degree of thermal insulation, is determined by weight, i.e. The number of freix grams per square meter. For example 200g. Or 100g.
Materials for the thermal business: Polartec © PowerStretch, Polartec © PowerDry
Long Pile Materials: Monkey, Girilla (with a Gore-Tex Windstopper membrane), Deflection Fleec.

Polartec ® Classic 100- 100% polyester microflis. Exceptionally soft, warm, breathable and very easy.

POLARTEC ® POWER STRETCH ® - 86% polyester, 14% Lycra. Stretching in four directions, two-component design. The soft pile inside displays moisture from the body surface, while the wear-resistant smooth woven knitwear outside, facilitates the dressing process when used as a warming layer.


POLARTEC ® THERMAL PRO ® Monkey Phur- 100% polyester, with a thick curly pile from the outside and velor insanity. Very durable, not rolling and breathing.

POLARTEC ® THERMAL PRO ® COBBLER FLEECE - 100% polyester, knitted fleece. Outside the effect of a knitted sweater, inside a warm twisted pile.

Polartec® Wind Pro ™ Hardface Pebble - 100% polyester velor. This material protects four times better from the wind than the usual fleece, while maintaining excellent breathing. Compact and very easy. Inside - soft pile, and

outside a smooth surface with water-repellent processing, which allows to protect against light rain and snow. "burns out" in the sun. Double water repellent processing.

POLAR TWILL ®. - sufficiently durable high-tech material based on the compound of elastic polyamide from the upper side of the fabric and cotton on the inside. Such a combination makes the material very durable and simultaneously mild and comfortable. It uses a coating from Fluorcarbon (fluorocarbon), which repels water and dirt.

Polyester Taslan. - 100% polyester simple cross weaving.

POLYESTER RIP ™ - 100% polyester microfiber. Very soft material with double water-repellent processing, which perfectly protects the fluff from wetting.

Ridge Herringbone Stripe. - 60% cotton, 40% polyester, weaving "Christmas tree" with vertical stripes. Surface soft to the touch.

RUF N TUF Grid Knit- 94% polyester, 6% elastane knitwear. Wear-resistant.

Salado Stretch Canvas. - 95% nylon, 5% elastane, durable, wear-resistant, canvas weaving. Small stretching.

Satin Lining - 100% Polyester. 30 den. One type of thread and 50 den. Other create double weaving effect. Processing against static electricity.

Schoeller KeProtec. - high-strength material, resistant to damage, refractory, created from durable fiber, such as Kevlar..

Scholler Nanosphere Softshell. - 96% nylon, 4% elastane, and 100% polyester as a skilled fleece from the inside. Processed Nanosphere.impregnation, protecting from dirt and water.

SCUBA ™- 63% nylon, 37% polyester knitwear with membrane Windstopper.

SL Ripstop ™ - 100% nylon. The material is durable, light, wear-resistant and double water-repellent processing.

Stratum Stretch Herringbone. - 72% cotton, 25% nylon, 3% elastane, weaving christmas tree.

Stratum Stretch Stripe.- 59% cotton, 36% polyester, 5% elastane, striped weaving.

Stretch Twill- 100% nylon, 70 den., False weaving tweet. Wear-resistant material. Light sizing fleece from the inside. Equipped with three-layer Conduit..

Stria Rip. - 100% nylon ripstop, thin and thick thread weaving for matte effect.

Stretch Twill- 94% nylon, 6% elastane. Material stretching in four directions.

Suede Collar Liner.- 100% polyester 50 den. Soft matte surface with light pile.

Supplex Dobby Stripe- 100% nylon SAPLEX, soft, pleasant to touch microfiber.

Supplex Twill Stripe- 58% polyester, 42% SAPLEX Nylon.

SUPERLIGHT 15D ™- 100% nylon. The material is durable, light, wear-resistant and double water-repellent processing.

Supratech- 90% PES polyester sulfone, 10% PU polyurethane Airopropuscent - thick nylon with a special structure of weave threads of different thickness, with water-repellent impregnation and with polyurethane coating. Supratech is the name of the material Cordura (Cordura). They are sealed and knees from many models of Lassie Commbs (Lassavy). Overalls Supratech not...

Supratech is a strengthening material used in products LASSIE. It is used in places that are subject to the strongest wear, breaking and coarse friction, i.e., first of all, on the knees and buttocks. Supratech is a very wear-resistant material and perfectly protects against moisture. Supratech repels the dirt and moisture, and its inner surface is equipped with a protective film of polyurethane.

Switchback Plus. - 85% nylon, 15% elastane, stretching in 4 sides, lightweight and wear-resistant.

SYNCHRO NYLON POLY ™ - 50% nylon, 50% polyester. 100% nylon. Material with double water-repellent processing.

Synchro Sbt. - 100% nylon. Durable, wear-resistant material. Used with a 3-cxular membrane Conduit.™ .

Synchro Stretch Nylon ™ - 96% nylon, 4% polyurethane, elastic, durable, pleasant to the touch.

Taslan Suprafill. - 83% PVC polyvinyl chloride, 17% PA polyamide

Technostretch. - bilateral structure, stretching in 4 sides. The inner side is equipped with a thin layer of fleece, helping to remove moisture from the body, and the external smooth side facilitates the process of dressing up the top layers of clothing.

Tectonic Knit.- 70% polyester, 22 nylon, 8% elastane, jacquard weaving threads, elastic, soft and comfortable mothers.

Teflon ®. (DuPont) - water-repellent impregnation, provides protection against rain and snow. Reliable protection against water, dirt and spots is used even in thermal insulation coating of NASA space shuttles.

The principle of operation of TEFLON ® is next - the protective shell at the molecular level is created around each fiber. It does not allow the fiber to absorb moisture and attract particles of dust and dirt. The denser the woven surface, the better the protection. But, since the coating affects each fiber, it does not "seal" the fabric, allowing it to breathe. Thus, it is possible to prevent the possibility of the formation of "delights", putrid plots, bacterial formations. Teflon also minimizes surface friction, increasing the life of the tissue. Teflon does not affect the fading of the pattern, withstands any modes and dry cleaning modes. Spilled liquid rolls in a droplet and easily removed by movement of the hand. Care for tongue treated with teflon is much easier than the usual one. By the way, Teflon® is placed in the Guinness Book of Records as the Slippery Substance in the World.

Terra Shell.- 100% nylon weaving Ripstop 20D. Equipped with membrane Conduit.. Light inner layer as 20d. The easiest way and breathable three-layer Conduit..

Thermadry.- 100% polyester microfiber, perfectly removes moisture.

Thornguard- 83D, 91% nylon, 9% elastane. 140 by 164 fibers in weaving threads. Very durable and wear-resistant, elastic.

Torch Soft Shell.- 100% polyester, 50 den. Jersey microfiber knitwear. Equipped with membrane Gore Windstopper.Fully blocking wind, protects the membrane from the inside light fleece coating.

TufStretch ™. - 58% nylon, 31% polyester, 11% elastane. Material with double weaving fibers, stretches in four directions. Durable, tightly woven nylon outside and soft polyester from within. Double water repellent


V6 ORGANIC STRETCH JERSEY - 90% Organic Cotton, 10% Elastane, Elastic Jersey.

V6 Stretch ™- 90% cotton, 10% spandex. Elastic cotton jersey.

V7 Organic Flece. - 75% Organic cotton, 26% polyester fleece. Smooth and soft facial surface and naval wear.

Velboa Raschel - 100% polyester, soft, silky and warm pile.

Wabbit Soft Shell.- 100% Polyester Softshell. Facial side 50 den. Microfiber, from within a soft silky pile. Equipped with membrane Gore Windstopper.Fully blocking wind.

Waffle Flece. - 100% polyester fleece structure divided into squares.

Water Resistant Cowhide - Water protection cow leather.

Water Resistant Goatskin. - Water-proof goat leather.

WindProof(100, 80, 60) - wind-resistant and breathable fleece, where the numbers indicate how many percent of the wind blocks the fleece.

WINDSTOPPER ® Microflecece - 100% Polyester. Material, in the external layer of which the membrane is used Windstopper.®. Durable, double water-repellent processing.

WINDSTOPPER NAUGHTY RABBIT. - 100% Polyester. Soft silky pile outside and light fleece sizing from the inside. In the mid-membrane Gore-Tex Windstopperfully blocking wind.

WINDSTOPPER FEATHERWEIGHT STRETCH - three-layer fabric with membrane Gore-Tex Windstopper, one of the leading developments Mountain Hardwear. - Easy, breathable and elastic fabric with complete wind protection. Soft, tender to the touch outer side and light fleece spraying from the inside.

Windstopper Gorilla.- Facial surface - soft thick pile, from the inside - light fleece cream. Between these layers - Gore-Tex Windstopper.

Windstopper Softshell.- Next generation membranes Windstopper.. Now it is inserted into the Stretch Matel Softshell.. Three-layer material with membrane Gore-Tex Windstopper It is the most breathing, elastic, easy and fairly warm.

Zephyr Soft Shell.- 62% polyester, 36% nylon, 25 elastane, three-layer Gore-Tex Softshell. 70 den elastic ripstop facial surface and easy sizing fleece from the inside.

Lining fabrics

Coolmax Mesh & Tafetta - Quickly removes accumulated moisture to the surface of the membrane fabric, where it is already coming out of the product. Knitted grid and woven taffeta are combined to optimally use their properties - withdrawal moisture and wear resistance.

FLEECE (fleece)- This material, synthetic "wool" from polyester, which does not absorb moisture, but holds it. In addition, the material is very lightweight, durable and perfectly holds heat, thanks to a large amount of air contained in the so-called "air chambers". The production of a fleece is that the finished synthetic tissue is folded on a flat surface and with the help of special rollers with small sharp hooks, the continuity of the surface layer is disturbed. The microniti obtained thus obtained form the surface, which determines the unique insulating properties of the fleece. After the main production process, there are operations that affect its appearance and strength.

Nylon Taffeta. - 100% nylon. It is used in places that are not exposed to heavy loads, usually in down jugs or veins as a lining. It has a mooring characteristic.

Polyester Taffeta. - 100% Polyester. Used in places that are not exposed to strong loads, usually in the sleeves of the down jacket. Special impregnation allows you to remove moisture out.

Polyester Tricot Knit. - 100% polyester, with hollow fibers, woven in knitwear with a small pile on one side. Displays moisture out, pleasant to the touch and protects from the cold.

SUPER BRUSHED TRICOT. - 100% polyester, woven with a volume knitted knitting, soft to the touch, preserving heat and outlook outward.

Tricot Mesh.- 100% polyester, used with 3-cxular membrane tissues as a mooring lining.

Vapor Therm ™ - 100% polyester, microfiber knitwear. Soft to the touch and very warm.

Yetitm Flece. - 100% polyester, with a light silky pile "under the fur" is used both lining, as well as finishing.

Speeding seams in products - On top of the seam applied a tape of sufficient width and is glued with a special glue.

Welds - This is a compound of materials by heating and press using adhesive composition. No need to compress and, accordingly, pierce the cloth, i.e. Does not need a gaming tape. Thus, the seams become more elastic, perfectly protected from moisture penetration, and the product becomes easier and more compact.


Velours- Cloth from sunny spinning yarn with low, very thick and mild pile. Velor is used to sewing female and male bathrobes, children's clothing, sets for newborns.
The composition of the canvas is 100% cotton, cotton with polyester and lycra.
The density of the canvas is 220-350 g / sq.m.

Interlock- knitted fabric, based on complex fibers with a structure in "Rubber".
The composition of the canvas - cotton and polyester.

Kulir(Highlighting) - a canvas with a cross-rented knitted interlacing, in which the horizontal looping row is formed by the sequential bending of one thread. The courage (Kulir) is used for tailoring linen, summer clothes.
The composition of the canvas is 100% cotton, cotton with the addition of lycra and polyester.
The density of the canvas - 145-180 g / sq.m.

Eraser- Elastic knitted cloth made of cotton with a mining strip. Eraser is usually used as a knuckle for a knitted canvas of a different type, for finishing products by Kant. It is also used for tailoring of the upper knitwear, such as turtlenecks.
The composition of the canvas is 100% cotton.
The density of the canvas is 110-200 g / sq.m.

Linen- It is one of the most ancient cultivated plants. It is highly hygroscopic, well absorbs moisture and at the same time quickly gives it - evaporating, there are no static electricity charges on linen fibers, and in the process of socks it does not turn yellow and does not get old, but only becomes whiter and more pleasant And yet, which is not very important, flax has bactericidal properties.
The density of the canvas is 240-330 g / sq.m.

Mahra- or looped fabric - linen or cotton fabric, the surface of which is covered with a pile of core filaments from one or two sides. Unlike pile fabrics, whose pile is formed under tension, in the terry fabric it turns out due to the free supply of a weakly stretched base. The pile of terry fabric is less uniform and racks, more adjacent to the surface of the fabric. Terry tissues are usually less dense than pile fabrics. Due to its softness and ability to easily absorb in large quantities of moisture, terry tissues are used for the manufacture of towels, bathing sheets, bathrobes, rugs, etc.

Polyar(fleece) - unstructured "felled" polyester, in the production of which is used by special technology of weaving fibers and the creation of a pile. (The pile at the same time constitutes a single whole with the basis). Polys (fleece) retains heat well, almost does not absorb moisture, pleasant to the touch, does not cause allergies. Due to the special processing of the fibers that impede the rolling of the pile, the products from the polyp (fleece) retain the initial appearance for a long time. Polys (fleece) is used to sewing the top knitwear, sportswear.
The composition of the canvas is 100% polyester.
The density of the canvas -280-350 g / sq.m.

Polyester- The general name of polyester fibers and materials. Polyester fabrics are durable, wear-resistant, but light. It is well preserved form, things are munged, resistant to heat and light effects, do not require special care.
The density of the web - 130-350 g / sq.m.

Riban- Elastic cotton knitted fabric with a mining strip. Riban retains the form well, therefore, it is commonly used as a knuckle for a knitted canvase of another species. Riban is also used to sewing the upper knitwear (for example, turtlenecks).
The composition of the canvas - cotton with lycra, cotton with lycra and polyester.
The density of the canvas - 170-350 g / sq.m.

Selanik- Knitted fabric of cotton and synthetic fibers. Seilerik is used to make sportswear.
The composition of the canvas is 100% cotton, cotton with polyester, acrylic.
The density of the canvas is 200-300 g / sq.m.

Futher- Knitted cloth made of cotton. The front side of the footer resembles a soul surface, the wrong side is a loop-shaped or with a combustible pile.
The composition of the cooral canvas, cotton with the addition of polyester.
The density of the canvas is 180-330 g / sq.m.

Biaz- Thick cotton tissue closetting, bleached, smooth or printed. Currently used mainly as a cloth for bed linen.

Velveteen- (from English velvet - velvet), dense pile fabric with cotton pile (clarified), generated from relatively thin yarn. The best variety of Velvet is velvet-cord, having on the front side along the framework of the pile rings. Usually velveteen is produced in monophonic or printed with a pattern in the form of cells, stripes, etc. From Velveta sew costumes, winter dresses, jackets, etc.; Sometimes velvevet replaces wool fabric.

Satin- Fabric of satin weave of threads of cotton or chemical fiber. It has a smooth, silky facial surface, on which clarification threads prevail; Produced mainly smooth-colored, printed and bleached. It is used for the manufacture of dresses, men's shirts, like a lining fabric, etc.

Sitz- Light cotton fabric of linen weave from bleached yarn. Futi duck and bases of the same thickness. The ornament is applied by a support.

Flannel- Soft lightweight cotton or woolen fabric with a nailed pile; It is produced by a linen or twist of the threads. Woolen flannel is used to sewing suits and coats, cotton - for a warm female and children's dress, bathrobes, linen. There are many varieties of flannels that have special names, for example, Turkish grade - Gangs.

Kapitail- It is insulated, three-layer knitwear with a stitch effect in the form of a rhombus. It is usually smooth. Since this is a natural material, it not only warms the baby, but also passes the air and allows the skin to breathe. The composition is 100% cotton.

Welloft- This is a soft pile fabric for the most tender things. For its manufacture, a polyester thin thread is used, which allows manufacturing fabric very durable, with a long pile, but at the same time very easy. From the ventiy, it is made warm, light, and at the same time very elegant clothes for kids - hats, overalls, galatics, etc. Composition - polyester.

Fleece- This is a bulk warm synthetic "wool" from polyester, which does not absorb moisture, but conducts it. Fleece products are very lungs, possess good breathable properties, elastic and durable. They do not require special care and quickly dry. Due to the large number of air contained in the so-called "air chambers", the fleece is perfectly holding heat. Its insulating properties are stored even in wet. Composition - polyester.

Invented in 1979. The discovers received the title of laureates of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

In the production of the fleece web, special technologies of weaving fibers and the creation of a pile are used, thanks to which the pile produced and the base is a single integer. The properties of the fleece tissue are directly dependent on the density, thickness of the fibers and the structure of the weaving. By changing these three values, manufacturers create, and thin underwear, and warm upper clothes.

The main advantages of the fleece are low weight, elasticity and softness. Fleece fabrics are well preserved heat and have the unique properties of thermoregulation, which provides comfortable ventilation during overheating and output to the surface of the condensate product. Textile canvas characterized by high strength. Fleece practically does not absorb moisture and dries very quickly. Another advantage of Fleece fabric is "unique" wear resistance. In care, the material is not published, it does not sit down when washing, it does not roll (anti-filling properties), perfectly holds the form.
Like many textiles, the product from the fleece can be washed in a manual or machine washing ("Big Wash" mode) at 40 ° C °. Fleece should not be ironed, dried in a washing machine or on heating devices (for example, on the battery).

Fleece fabrics are actively used for sewing athletic, home and children's clothing, tourism clothing and outdoor activities, for the manufacture of home textiles (for example, plaids), upholstery of interior items, upholstered furniture, toys, pets for pets, hats and as insulation For jackets and other outerwear. Often, the sweatshirt or jacket from the fleece fabric serves as an average element of the "three-layer" robe used by fans of extreme sports (the first layer is a thermal shell, the third is a jacket from the "breathable" membrane tissue).

ACRYLIC - Paper synthetic fiber with a number of proven high qualities. Fool resistant, protected from moth.

ANGORA (Angora Wool) - Wool Angora Goat and Angora Rabbit. Very thin, fluffy and silky. The best Angora wool is made in France, Italy and Japan. It is used in knitted production (mainly sweaters and children's clothing) both independently and in a mixture with other types of wool to increase strength. Angora is often painted, although the most popular color is white.

ACETATE - viscose with acetate basis. Fabric light and smooth. Easy is erased, shaped.

Bengalin - (Franz. Bengaline), silk transparent thin fabric resembling organdi.

BOSTON - Pure-woolen smooth-colored Seduction Costume Fabric, characterized by increased wear resistance.

Booklet - Threads, at which, through the use of spectacular twisted yarn with irregular loop-shaped thickening, a buggy surface is created.

Biaz - Cotton linen cloth.

Velvet-Cord - Cotton fabric belonging to the group of pile fabrics with a split pile. Velvet Cord has a wide (3-5 mm) pile stripes, produced by smooth or with a printed pattern.

Velvet Rubber - Cotton fabric belonging to the group of pile fabrics with a split pile. The velvet-rutter has a pile stripes usually 1 mm wide, is released smooth or with a printed pattern.

VELOURS (from fr. Velours - velvet) - the general name of soft pileous materials having a velvety face surface to which are fabrics (cotton, from artificial silk, woolen) and felt, leather.

VISCOSE _- Created from cellulose with the help of a viscose method. Great quality in the sock.

VEIL - Thin cotton linen cloth. Weight 1 m.kv. - 60-105

GABARDINE - The term used for self-wool and half-walled on the surfaces, which are clearly pronounced small diagonal rutters, located at a large tilt angle (60 - 70 °). High density and homogeneity of the surface of the gabardines provide their high waterproof and wear resistance. When applying special impregnations, high water treatment is acquired and used for the manufacture of high-quality raincoats. In finished products are well draped with the formation of free folds. Below to the best fabrics for light female and male coats, costumes.

The term comes from the medieval Spanish word "Gabardina" - protection against the elements. It was used to designate both the fabric and the type of clothing - the raincoat.

Denim. (From Fr. de Nim - from Nima) - Durable dense cotton fabric of a sirry or linen weave for denim products. Fame acquired at the end of the XIX century. The name comes from the French city of him, where this fabric was created for the first time and was intended for work clothing used by the gold kits.

Devore - Fabric with a pattern of the resulting burning (chemical oscillating) of a part of the fibers.

JERSEY - term applied:

a) for knitwear;

b) Knitted cloth (single or double) machine mating with a very small looping step, which has a high extensibility, a smooth surface and is made of comb wool, less often cotton, silk or artificial fibers.

Jeans - The main part of the entire denim is a cotton fiber, currently, with the addition of various materials (Lycra, Elastane, etc.), giving elasticity and softness with denim products.

The three main, most common types of fabric are distinguished:

Denim is rude, but at the same time, and quite expensive denim fabric, from which all types of jeans are sewn, including the most expensive. The basis of Denim is chosen in the color of indigo (dark blue), the pile bleach. After washing the base of the fabric becomes a little softer and lighter, while the pile remains unchanged.

Jean is a cotton fabric, a little softer and cheaper than Denim, with a thread interlacing diagonally. Such fabric is painted in one color and is designed for sewing not very expensive products, not the highest quality.

Jeans - is a generally accepted abbreviation of "pairofjeans", which translated from the American means "denim couple", and this, in turn, is understood as "Denim fabric pants" of the usual classic cutting. Classic cut jeans is pants with five pockets (2 of them from behind), pockets are securely attached to rivets, the seams are processed by a double line.

Drap. (from Fr. Drap - Sukno) - a pure wool tissue, subjected to a strong roll, which completely closes the drawing of the weave. The front side is produced from a more high-quality yarn than the wrong one. Depending on the quality of raw materials, structures and finishes, drapes can be single and two-chain (finishing only by facial or face and irons), one-color and multi-color, stripped and inflicted. Wheel drapes have a pile, smoothed in a certain direction. Apply to the manufacture of male and female winter and demi-season coats.

Cotton - Lightweight printed natural fabric of modern original design and wide color scheme. Due to the high content of natural fibers is distinguished by the heightened thermal conductivity and pleasant cool. This fabric is used to sewing summer suits, sundresses, dresses, blouses, tops, skirts, etc.

CREPE - term applied:

a) for cotton fabrics, combined fastened interweight;

b) self-wool and half-walled suitable fabrics produced by fastening, thanks to which the fabrics have a rough surface - a strong effect;

c) silk fabrics produced using threads having a high (fastened) twist - more than 1,500 dsits / m and differing thanks to this rough surface.

Srolman (FR. CREPE DE CHINE) - Term used:

a) for tissue from silk yarns produced from raw silk and silk-crepe in a duck;

b) fabrics made of artificial threads produced from a weakly twisted base and a duck of a high strong twist (surface density - 130 g / m2).

For tightness, a matte surface is characteristic.

COLOR SATOR - Silk fabric, belonging to a group of fabrics from artificial threads and is a fabric of satin weave with a smooth shiny face and matte with a fastened effect (surface density - 250 g / m2). Both parties can be used as facial.

Curpose chiffon - The tissue belonging to the strength subgroup of the group of fabrics from natural silk threads produced by a linen weave from the twisted silk-crepe-based and duck (surface density - 25 g / m2). For crep-chiffon, a matte surface is characteristic.

Cuppe - viscose with copperamiamal fibers. It is trampled by chemical method from natural raw materials - wood and cotton. The fabric has a silky glitter, it is beautifully draped, well absorbs moisture and passes the air.

LYCRA (English Lycra) is a highly solid (up to 400%) fiber, the use of which in the mixture with others provides high extensibility and elasticity of the web. It was widely used when working out the canvases used for products, tightly fitting human shape - swimsuits, sportswear, dresses, trousers, etc.

Lacker (FR. Laque - lacquered) - type of finishing of tissues of a silk range, as a result of which the surface of the fabric becomes shiny and smooth, like atlas.

MELANGE (From Fr. Melange - a mixture) - a mixture of fibers of different colors or different tones of one color in one yarn or a canvas developed from it. This achieves a special coloristic "melange effect". Melange yarn - yarn of different color fibers. Melange fabric, knitwear - materials from melange yarn.

MOHAIR (England, Mohair) - Wool Angora Goat, goat wool. The term mohair is used for all types of yarn from this wool or using this wool in the mixture with others, as well as for products and materials from such yarn.

Modal - Special viscose fiber with a high water repellent effect.

ORGANDY (from fr. Organdi - tight dressing fabric) - thin, transparent, pretty rigid cotton fabric, brought to Europe from East India. Currently, the term of the orgahd is used for the blouses and jackets that wear over the "tops" and bustier.

ORGANZA - rigid, transparent fabric, similar to organi, but produced from natural silk or chemical fibers.

POLYAMIDE (nylon) - synthetic fiber with exceptional resistance to stretching and high wear resistance.

Polyester - synthetic material of the new generation. It uses the air well, it is distinguished by increased softness and ease of care.


X / b Poplin. Due to the subtlety and density of the model from such a poplin differ in particular ease and perfectly hold the form. In addition, this fabric is easy to work and care.

Rami. - High quality, linen, natural thread, obtained from Chinese nettle. The thread is very uniform and smooth with a wonderful matte effect.

TWEED (English, Tweed) - Woolen fabric usually a sanching weave resembling a domain. Used for suits and coats. The term comes from the name of the Tweed River in Scotland, on the shores of which textile enterprises were located, which delivered woolen fabrics that received the same name.

Tuktel - Synthetic material in combination with natural threads, gives a feeling of comfort. It consists of a plurality of ultra-thin fibers, and the more they are in the yarn, the easier to the touch. The material is hygienic as cotton, easy as silk, plastic as polyester.

COTTON - Natural fiber, is made from the plant "Cotton".

SILK - Thread glands of the caterpillars of a mulk silkworm.

SherTipon - Non-woven material, which is a thermoplated canvas, is produced by the formation of a canvas with a honeycomb machine and a battery converter. This reservoir passes through a thermal industry, where there is a slight fixation of the fiber.

Ingredients: 70% wool, 30% polyester fibers. Width of the canvas 220cm. Density 150-600 g / m2. Used as insulation for clothes, fillers for blankets, mattresses.

Welding fabrics

Sailing-corrugation Of the 100% polyester, thanks to the actual combination of corrugated surface and the motley strip falls into a fashionable jet and, perhaps, becomes a real hit of the season.

Smooth, translucent, "mobile" fabric will help create a flying air romantic silhouette. It is represented in several color gamns - brown, gray, beige. A special impression produces a "tropical" color - mixing of red, green, yellow, blue, black stripes. Enjoyed in high demand!

Viscose - fabrics from viscose yarns are more massive, tough compared, for example, with natural silk. They are more pronounced interlacing due to the thickness of the threads. The viscose is easy, prone to shrinkage. Disadvantage: big sweeping threads on cutting parts.

Viscose-chiffon is lightweight, translucent, flowing fabric with noble matte gloss. It bribes a light "watercolor" pattern, a pleasant silky structure and the ability to purchase a companion fabric. An excellent option is a blouse and top of these fabrics.

Viscose with the addition of wool and synthetic suitable for elegant and for casual wear.

The effect of modesty and sophistication creates an inhomogeneous structure in which the matte surface is combined with translucent strip inserts. Neither a glitter gram, but it looks quite elegant.

Jersey - A thin malleable knitted material from those that gently caress the body. Dresses, skirts, jackets from Jersey look great, thanks to the ability of the material to gently beyond. Jersey is also very practical: it is easy to carry even a long stay in the suitcase and does not require much care.

"Beta Jersey" - a dense material for gold and silver with divorces can be interesting for a bathing suit. You can't call this fabric very practical, but in a bikini from it you will certainly become the queen of the beach!

Jacquard - The collective name of all fabrics, in the pattern of which alternate various types of weave threads. The use of different threads - matte and brilliant, light and dark - strengthens this effect. The composition of the fabric can be different, but if "Jacquard" is present in the title, it means that it is necessarily a cloth with a pronounced large pattern.

Georgette - Easy, very thin, translucent fabric, harsh hard. This fabric is similar to crepe-geor. It sew the ladies' elegant dresses, blouses.

Crepe - the general name for all tissues of twisted (solid) threads and tissues of a special fastening with a characteristic grainy surface.

From cotton crepe sew shirts, bedding and nightclothes, dresses, blouses. Woolen crepe is suitable for dresses, blouses.

Sooter-satin is a well-draped dense tissue. The front side of the Satin is smooth and brilliant (resembles the atlas), the wrong - matte, with a coarse-grained surface. This effect can be emphasized in models. For example, use a smooth surface of crepe-satin for finishing. Or sew a suit in which for the jacket and skirts to choose a matte "involve" surface of the fabric, and for the top - smooth, "facial".

Copon-chiffon - translucent fabric, more dense than a classic chiffon, with a characteristic strong structure.

Moss-Cool is different density, some species of this fabric are quite transparent. It has unobtrusive shimmering glitter. Suitable for modest evening dresses and costumes.

The crest-gear is a silk fabric, a thin, translucent, more brilliant than steels. It is characterized by rigidity, elasticity, flowability. Their this cloth sew blouses, dresses, used for decoration.

Crepe double - rather dense, light fabric with characteristic grainy surface. This classic fabric is plastic, moving - can be matte or gently shimmering. It is very good for summer and elegant widespread pants type "Marlene".

Srolman - Silk fabric with temperate glitter, fine-grained surface. Suitable for blouses, dresses.

Linen. This is a durable, little fabric with an expressive embossed surface, hygroscopic. As a rule, in a watery group of fabrics, flax in pure form is not used. Often meet:

Len with Lovenom. This is a woolly, beautiful fabric. Not crushed, keeps the form, but she has hygroscopicity below.

Flax with viscose. Silky fabric, is well draped, hygroscopic, but easily crushed.

The linen canvas with silk is a fabric connecting the positive properties of both natural fibers. Thanks to the presence of flax, this mixed material is distinguished by a pleasant cool, and silk makes it soft to the touch and less murking. This modest cloth is ideal for sports shirt blouse, jacket shirts.

Poplin - dense, smooth, soft fabric into a small transverse rutter. It would be nor in composition - silk, viscose or synthetic - this is the optimal fabric for feminine dresses and blouses. It is characterized by a soft and beautiful feet and has a noble glitter.

X / B Poplin. Thanks to the subtlety and density of the model from such a poplin differ in particular ease and perfectly hold the form. In addition, this fabric is easy to work and care.

Nylon poplin. Muggy, lightweight, well passes the air, does not mind. Connects the highest comfort with a spectacular modern view. As soon as possible: erased at 30 degrees and does not require iron. After drying, clothing from Poplin can be immediately put on.

In our stores, it is mainly replicated from 100% polyester.

Satin - Cotton, silk or woolen smooth cloth with a shiny surface.

From woolen satin sew elegant ladies' clothing.

Grid - The canvas consisting of small, gentle cells, resembles tulle and is used to make inserts and some land dresses, for example, an invisible throat line.

The grid-stretch with a stiven flower pattern is a gentle soft canvas, especially current up to the upcoming summer. It stretches perfectly in all directions, nice for the body and reflects the trends of lightness and transparency in clothes.

Silver-lace grid is embroidered floral motifs with the addition of Lurex on a mesh-based basis. A convex on two sides pattern makes the cloth with a rather tough, inelastic, but well-holding shape and very elegant.

Taffeta - Elegant, crispy tissue, to the touch dense, with a characteristic, pronounced structure - a swing on the surface, "dry" carcass and unobtrusive gloss. Stiffness is attached to finishing (chemical treatment) and therefore the taffeta is very much. Another disadvantage is the flowering and a tendency to shrink that it is necessary to take into account when striking. From it sew evening dresses, blouses. Used covers for dresses, on the lower skirts. Very suitable for classic evening trousers or stylish 3/4 trousers.

Polyester taffeta - dense very smooth, wonderfully rusting fabric with noble glitter, it is very suitable for an elegant dress.

The taffeta is viscous good for the summer outfit: it is less tough with a nice body "cotton" structure and shimmering gloss.

Taffeta under the tapestry is another "peak", which resulted in a new flight of fantasy designers. It turns out such charming vests and skirts-bells!

Taffeta welcomes the neighborhood with other exquisite materials, such as a guipure, lace cloth. This can be used in the evening model of trousers and dresses.

Tricat. Such a multi-aided, but always elastic, flowing, tightly fitting knitwear indispensable for Slim-Line silhouette, which many prefer for evening dresses or costume.

Jersey jersey in modern design is the finest, gentle, surprisingly pleasant to the touch fabric.

She is capable and make great to make it great, and gently ripped - it all depends on the silhouette you chosen. It can be an open evening dress, lightweight suit in a sporty style, top sitting like a second leather.

Another plus of this fabric is a fashionable sand range and shades "safari." However, the juicy packing, a variety of cells and stripes are also waiting to themselves.

Knitwear "Day-night" - a translucent flowing fabric, which, thanks to the game, looks like a matte, then shiny.

Knitwear with Lurex is rather dense, but light fabric with a glued pattern. There are several interesting options for coating: on one smear and stains of dazzling bright paint, it seems hand-made; Another - dazzling-white - as it were, "sorry" sparkle "sparkling.

Renovella knitwear is a dense light cloth, with a slightly velvety surface. A kind of increasing jacquard drawing with "streaks" remotely resembles thin skin. Top or shirt from this knitwear will look with any warm suit. Traditional Combi Partner - Twid Double, Actual - Pants of Satin Fabric.

Polyester knitwear is less elastic, but very spectacular material.

By the way, you have knitwear with a colors under jeans, because the superal denim swimsuits of the road and are not too comfortable in the sock. Comfortable, tender, unpretentious fabric - What can be better for a bathing suit?

For bold greeting girls - catchy shimmering knitwear.

The most extravagant swimsuit will turn out of the knitwear "Giodame" - a brilliant coating canvas.

If you want to learn about the features of sewing from this fabric, as well as about caring for products from it, read more ...

Shanzhan. Using different colored threads in the production of smooth fabrics, the effect of overflowing color is obtained - the effect of "SHAZHAN". Such fabric, regardless of the composition, always looks smart. They sew blouses, dresses, and even jackets.

Chiffon - Thin flowing tissue of synthetic or silk filaments of a linen twisting with a characteristic grainy surface. Very transparent, reminds veil. Now in stores you can find an infinite many different chiffons.

Double-sided chiffon - material consisting of two layers freely connected to each other. The layers are sustained in different echoing colors that form an interesting color and drawing game. In our case, these are white exquisite floral motifs on light gray. Turn the cloth - and get gray on white.

Chiffon with embroidery. Usually embroidered gentle floral patterns with colored, silver or gold threads. From such a chiffon sew lung capes on the dresses. It can serve as a top of a multi-layer costume.

Chiffon with Lurex. Translucent and smooth fabric with mild pillable glitter. If you look closely - the longitudinal filaments of Lurex are clearly visible.

Chiffon with sparkles. If you do not want a blouse or dress too "shone" - choose exactly such a chiffon. Under many small sparkling sparkles is not so noticeable transparent base. It looks very elegant!

Chiffon-Atlas.Shon-Atlas combines the best qualities of two materials - transparency and perfect smoothness. The result is a gentle fabric, suitable for elegant blouses and dresses.

If you want to learn about the features of sewing from this fabric, as well as about caring for products from it, read more ...

Chiffon-jacquard. It will get a great outfit - and a wedding dress, and evening, and graduation. Transparent elements in this fabric are interesting to be combined with more dense, constituting the original abstract pattern.

Cotton Stretch - Tight, but surprisingly lightweight material. The addition of elastic fibers does not allow him to swear.

A wide color gamut, which is based on a lot of bright "summer" shades, makes this fabric universal. In expensive variants of cotton-stretch, there are moments "from Kutur", for example, feather inclusions. Plastic, emphasizing body lines The cloth looks equally well in seductive tops and in romantic dresses. Not to mention the fact that cotton is one of the most comfortable materials on a hot day.

1. Group Prima - Standard canvases for sewing game form, the form price on the site is indicated for products from these materials. Excellent appearance and long service life.
Prima smooth Density 120 gr / m - matte smooth knitted fabric, the most versatile and popular material. A smooth surface allows you to make high quality sublimation printing. It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Poland, Korea.
Mini Mesh Prima The density of 125 gr / m is a soft knitted fabric with a porous structure. Increased tensile, 100% polyester. High air permeability, improves ventilation during the game. It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Korea.
False mesh Density of 135 gr / m - matte canvas with small deepening on the surface. Average extension, 100% polyester. It only happens white, used for sublimation printing. Pr-in Poland, Korea.
2. Extra group - The canvas with improved functional properties, have an optimal price ratio - quality. They are completely similar to the materials applied by famous brands for the manufacture of serial products. The markup of products from these materials is indicated in.
Nika Density of 140 gr / m - knitted canvas with a porous structure. Average extension, 100% polyester. Modern breathable canvas with moisture trap properties. It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Korea.
False mesh The density of 160 gr / m - matte canvas with small deepening on the surface. Increased density gives material strength and durability. Weak extension, 100% polyester. Enjoys demand from basketball lovers. It only happens white, used for sublimation printing. Pr-in Poland, Korea.
Micropoliester The density of 115 GR / M is a canvas of a very thin matte yarn (microfiber), which has a property to output. Average extension, 100% polyester. Soft, quickly dries. It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Poland.
3. Luxury group - Knitted fabric of the highest quality. The markup of products from these materials is indicated in the price list.
Climat-cool Density of 135 gr / m - canvas with a matte porous surface. Medium extension. Modern micropoliestra canvas (thin hollow fibers), manufactured using Climat Cool technology, has moisture trap and cooling properties. It only happens white, used for sublimation printing. Pr-in Poland, Korea.
Lux The density of 175 GR / M is a knitted fabric of high density with a smooth and brilliant surface. Weak extension, 100% polyester. It is used when sewing forms for winter football, basketball and goalkeeper sweaters. It only happens white, used for sublimation printing. Pr-in Poland.
4. Special web - Used in individual products.
Kulirka with Liker The density of 200 gr / m is a knitted fabric of increased elasticity with the addition of lycra. Composition 95% cotton, 5% Lycra. Used to sewing bikes and fitted volleyball bags. It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Turkey.
Olympus Density 125 gr / m - matte grid with small holes. Weak extension, 100% polyester. Used to make functional inserts on the form (for ventilation). It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 195 gr / m - durable material. Serves for the manufacture of goalkeeper pants. It only happens black. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Belarus.
Density of 190-230 GR / M - smooth material of increased elasticity. It is well stretched in all directions. Used for making bikes, wrestling, ski overalls. It happens all the main colors. 100% Elastane / Lycra. Pr-in Korea.
Density 240 gr / m - canvas for rugby pieces. The surface has a drawing of a large structure. It only happens white, used for sublimation printing. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
Density of 330 gr / m - canvas for rugby pieces. Increased strength. Very dense medium extensibility material. Composition 96% polyester, 4% elastane. It only happens white, used for sublimation printing. 100% cotton, 100% polyester. Pr-in Korea.

Materials for sewing

For sewing hockey males, we use materials with special hydrophobic processing. Due to this, they have properties simultaneously pass the air and not absorb moisture. This allows Tamers to stay dry and due to ventilation prevent player overheating.
The hockey canvas consists of two closed layers, thanks to which T-shirt does not "bloom" during hijackers and cuts. Special yarn gives increased abrasion resistance and ruptures.
Our materials are fully similar to those using well-known brands for the equipment of national teams and NHL teams.
The composition of all knitted canvas is 100% polyester, density 190 - 230 gr. / Sq.m.

False mesh hockey Density of 205 gr / m - canvas with small deepening on the surface. Medium extension. The most popular material is used for professional and amateur masters. Pr-in Korea.
Hockey Cellular Cell Structure The density of 200 GR / M is the cellular structure ("goat leg"). Durable and wear-resistant. For professional and amateur masks. Production of Poland.
Gladiator Density 215 GR / M - textured knitted canvas with a pronounced porous surface. Only for the manufacture of professional masks. The markup when using this web is listed in the price list. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 230 GR / M is a dense knitted cloth with a shallow cell. High quality and beautiful texture. Only for professional masks. The markup when using this web is listed in the price list. Pr-in Korea.
Hockey grid The density of 195 gr / m - the usual mesh with holes, in the past - the most popular material for hockey sweaters. It is now used for the manufacture of monochrome training makes. Weak extension. It happens all the main colors. Pr-in Belorus.

Materials for sewing tracksuits and jackets

1. For knitted sports costumes
The density is 200-330 GR / M - synthetic bulk tissue with a soft porous surface. By the ability to maintain heat is not inferior to wool, while much easier, does not absorb moisture, dries quickly, has "breathable" properties. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea, China.
The density is 200-240 gr / m - cotton knitted fabric, soft and warm. On the inside has a loop structure or combustible pile. Can pass air. It happens all the main colors. 100% cotton. Pr-in Turkey.
Futter three-line Density 280-320 gr / m - a more dense cloth than the previous one. It happens all the main colors. 100% cotton. Pr-in Turkey.
Density of 220 GR / m -Tractory elastic costume with "breathable" properties. Medium extension. It happens all the main colors. 92% polyester, 8% elastane. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 220 GR / M is a knitted canvas with a porous surface of the inside. Weak extension. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
Density 240 GR / M - dense costume fabric with a cellular structure and a beser surface from the inside. Weak extension. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
2. For front tracks
The density of 95 gr / m - windproof fabric, soft and easy, well erased, dries quickly. Good air exchange qualities. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 100 gr / m - windproof fabric, similar to the previous, but more dense. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
Density of 95 gr / m - windproof tissue with water-repellent coating. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
Density 125 GR / M is a fabric made of thin microfiber (with a diameter of only 0.06 mm). Due to this, the fabric has a soft and velvety surface, but quite durable. It only happens white, for sublimation printing. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
3. For jackets and windings
The density of 95 GR / M is a dense durable tissue with a polyurethane coating, which gives fabric water-repellent properties. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 110 GR / M is a cloth similar to the previous one, but more dense. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 105 gr / m is a matte fabric having a dense texture of the fibers. It happens all the main colors. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.
The density of 125 gr / m is one-sided satin weave fabric, wear-resistant. It only happens white, for sublimation printing. 100% Polyester. Pr-in Korea.

When buying clothes and different fabric products, we are increasingly facing such material as Polyester. What kind of fabric, and what its advantages is described in this article.

What it is

This is a synthetic tissue that is produced from polyester fibers with the ability to maintain the original form when heated is not higher than 40 degrees. Therefore, polyester fabric is recommended to wash at water temperature up to 40 ºС.

Synthetic products have excellent performance, easily erased and resistant to direct sunlight. Also, polyester fabric has a cooling effect, so that it is widely used for sewing clothes. This fabric in appearance resembles ordinary wool, but, judging by the characteristics, more like cotton.

In the modern textile industry, it is more common to use precisely polyester. What kind of fabric is - every person knows well. Bed linen, clothes, curtains and even mater toys make a synthetic fabric.

Properties of polyester fabric

Polyester fabric has such properties:

  • high strength;
  • large wear resistance compared to natural tissues;
  • high resistance to ultraviolet rays and heat;
  • does not mind;
  • perfectly retains the form;
  • easily erased and dries quickly;
  • does not require special care.

Polyester fabric composition

In its pure form, polyester fabric is very rare. It is mainly added to other tissues.

Most often, polyester is added to the viscose. Thus, it is possible to give tissue strength, elasticity and increase wear resistance.

If elastane is added to the viscose and polyester, the synthetic material called "Microwave" is obtained. From the fabric of this composition sew blouses, light blouses, summer dresses, etc.

Good qualities have a fabric consisting of polyester and cotton. Such material is very durable, it is good and erased, dries quickly and not stretching after long socks.

If we talk about fabric consisting of 100% of polyester, then for softness and exceptional appearance it is called "decorative silk".


Polyester makes out of the material called polyamide. It is a plastic that is obtained based on synthetic high molecular weight connections. The first synthetic polyamide was obtained in 1862. But the mass production of synthetic material began only in the middle of the XX century. First, different packaging products, sticky ribbon, bags and product storage containers were made from polyester.

A unique chemical composition, low cost and practicality in use made very popular such material as polyester. What kind of fabric - all countries of the world have soon learned. From this material began massively sew curtains, pillowcases, underwear, tablecloths, drapery. Even carpets and upholstery for upholstered furniture began to make polyester.

At the moment, polyester tissue is in great demand and is used in many industries.


Nowadays it is impossible to find the sphere of human activity in which this material would not be applied. Polyester fabrics are produced in a huge amount all over the world. Large production volumes are due to the active demand for products from synthetic material.

Of the polyester, they often sew different clothes, bedding sets, bedspreads, packaging covers, hairdressers capes, workwear for employees of various enterprises, tulle, curtains.

Also, synthetic tissue is used to produce specific products: workwear and shops for climbers, signs, different scenery, shirm, umbrellas.

The use of polyester fabric largely depends on the type of thread. So, gardins, tulites, knitwear, umbrella and cloak tissue are produced from smooth synthetic threads. Textured threads are mainly used for the manufacture of costume and swimming fabrics.

Advantages and disadvantages

The material consisting of 100% polyester has such advantages:

  1. Beautiful appearance and unusual glitter surface of the fabric.
  2. Polyester fabric is easy to dyeing, thanks to which manufacturers have the ability to diversify products from this material.
  3. A wide variety of textures: thin or dense material, fabric with a glossy or matte surface.
  4. The fabric is pleasant to the touch.
  5. Synthetic products have a long service life. Clothes and bed linen do not fade and do not lose the form even after numerous washed.
  6. An insignificant weight of the tissue of fine texture and the property is preserved, which is very important for clothing designers. These qualities allow creating complex folds with folds.
  7. Low care costs for synthetic products.
  8. The ability to quickly absorb moisture, sweat and dry out for a small amount of time.
  9. Low cost of products compared to analogs of natural fabric.

Disadvantages of material:

  1. We should not forget that polyester is synthetics. Clothing from this fabric does not provide a normal air exchange. Therefore, synthetic clothing is not suitable for wearing hot summer days.
  2. The possibility of allergic spindles on the skin. Not all people are suitable for clothing from synthetic fabric. Sometimes there are situations when after wearing clothes from the polyester there are rashes or diameters. Therefore, people with sensitive skin doctors recommend buying clothes from natural fabrics.
  3. Long-term wearing from polyester violates normal sweating and processes that occur through skin pores.

Polyester is rightfully considered one of the most popular. According to different calculations, polyester fiber is about 60% of the textile market. Polyester is used to sewing light dresses, outerwear, furniture upholstery, workwear and much more.

Many people try to choose clothes from completely, believing that the synthetic material is harmful and uncomfortable in the sock. This opinion is not quite fair. High-quality polyester produced on modern equipment, not only safe, but also practical, beautiful and inexpensive material.

Polyester is a cloth obtained from polyester fibers.

It should be borne in mind that the inscription "100% polyester" can be on the labels of completely different in appearance and product properties. Characteristics depend on the shape of the fiber and their additional processing.


Pure polyester is made of oil, gas and products of their recycling. The process takes place in several stages:

  • Isolation of the components required for the manufacture of polystyrene (raw materials for future fibers).
  • Obtaining melt - liquid polyester.
  • Mechanical and chemical polyester cleaning.
  • Production of fibers: the semi-liquid mass is pushing through very narrow holes.
  • Finishing, refining and giving additional qualities.
  • Manufacturing directly tissue.

Trying to improve polyester, chemists combine polyester with various natural, synthetic and artificial fibers. As a result, the fabrics are disliked on each other, little inferior in quality and beauty with natural materials.

The quality of the fabric depends on the compliance of the technological process. A good polyester has no unpleasant smell, such a synthetics leaves the peel on the skin and does not melt. In clothing from high-quality synthetic material, you can comfortably play sports, rest or work physically.

Appearance and main characteristics

100% polyester may be thin translucent veil or strong cloak. The appearance and properties of tissue from polyester fibers depend on the chemical composition of raw materials, fiber shapes and type of weave. Very often, the polyester looks and felt, as, and its properties resemble cotton.

Polyester Description:

  1. High degree of protection against adverse weather conditions (low temperatures, wind, ultraviolet radiation, rain and snow). In the clothes from the polyester almost always warm and dry.
  2. Wear resistance. Polyester fiber is resistant to stretching, friction and other types of physical impact.
  3. Simple care. Polyester is easily erased, dries quickly and almost never mind.
  4. Good resourceability. The fabric is easy to lure, sew and process.
  5. Resistance color and shapes. With proper care, the polyester does not fade and does not fade.
  6. Small weight.
  7. Lower cost compared to natural tissues.
  8. Protection against pests and mold. 100% synthetics will not interest the larvae of moth or other insects.
  9. Good water repellent properties. In addition to protection against precipitation, this quality prevents the appearance of spots.
  10. Low elasticity. Due to this, the fabric does not stretch, and clothing retains the form well.
  11. Does not absorb smells.

Changing the shape with strong heating can be attributed both to the disadvantages and the advantages of the tissue. On the one hand, it gives additional possibilities when designing clothes or decoration. After all, to get all the necessary items, it is enough to heat the cloth, form and fix the desired fold. And on the other, with a careless ironing, you can get an unwanted room or a bend on clothes, to get rid of which it will be impossible.

Tight knitwear, openwork lace, warm lining or smooth elastane are obtained using various ways to connect fibers and weave threads. A variety of fabric textures will satisfy the most picky fashion designer.

Cons and weaknesses:

  1. High density. It is important to remember that the properties of clothing made of pure polyester make it not very comfortable for wearing in the heat.
  2. The impossibility of using chemical bleaching. Polyester fiber can collapse.
  3. Electrification. Synthetics accumulates static electricity, because of this, the dust can stick to the clothes, and the fabric itself is attracted to the skin. These minuses are easy to eliminate if using an antistatic or special air conditioner for linen. Many manufacturers are added to the fiber thread with an antistatic effect.
  4. Some stiffness of the material. Sometimes, to make it softer, elastane or cotton add.
  5. In violation of technology, polyester fiber can cause allergies. When buying clothes, you need to remember that too cheap polyester can be harmful to health.
  6. Fiber is poorly staining.

Care rules

There are no special requirements for caring for a polyester, but in order to maintain the original characteristics of the product, when it washed and ironing, you need to comply with simple rules:

  1. Consider manufacturer's recommendations. This is especially important for clothes having special properties (heat and moisture protection).
  2. When choosing a washing mode, it is important to remember how many degrees can withstand clothing from polyester. Usually polyester can be washed at 40 ° C and lower. More hot water will lead to fiber deformation, and the thing will lose the form.
  3. It is best to choose a mode for washing synthetic or delicate.
  4. Fabric can not be bleached. Clothes with complex stains can be handed over to dry cleaning.
  5. For particularly thin fabrics, manual wash is desirable.
  6. It's better to wash things by turning them inside out to not damage the face.
  7. Separate types of polyester, for example, knitwear, can not be twisted after washing.
  8. So that the fabric does not remember, you need to raise the product after washing on the shoulders and straighten well.
  9. How to iron polyester if the clothes are nevertheless? This can be done, but at a minimum temperature from the wrong side through a thin cotton fabric or gauze.
  10. Some types of polyester materials are impossible.

In the network you can find tips that the thing from the polyester can be stretched. To do this, it is proposed to rinse it in a warm acetate solution, stretch and fix it until completely drying. Guarantees that the experiment will be successful, no. But it is possible to spoil this way in this way.

The material, which consists of 100% polyester, is sufficiently low at cost, so it fell in love with people who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of sewing.

Types of materials and scope of application

Now polyester fiber is rarely used in its pure form. The threads add elastane, cotton, viscose and other components. This allows you to get fabric, knitwear or nonwoven material having additional properties. Polyester is most often added to increase the strength and wear resistance of the product.

Elastane in combination with polyester enhances the elasticity of the fabric. It is better stretched, which allows the use of elastane in the production of underwear, sportswear, swimsuits. The most common composition from which Polyester Stretch is made, Elastane (5 - 15%) and polyester (85 - 95%).

The general description of the fabric, which includes polyester and elastane:

  • perfectly stretches in one direction, and sometimes in all;
  • resistant to wear;
  • does not mind;
  • most often has a smooth facial surface;
  • with sock there is no "greenhouse" effect;
  • well holds the shape after washing.

What makes the "oil"? This knitwear, which includes polyester and elastane. Such knitwear is well holding heat, but does not interfere with the circulation of air, dense and rather heavy.

This is also a knitwear with a significant inclusion of polyester (70%) and the addition of viscose (30%), in appearance resembling natural silk. This material is well stretched in any direction, then takes the source form.

What makes numerous types of insulation? The basis for their production is polyester fiber. Nonwoven material obtained from polyester is used as a filler for outerwear. Such insulation are called differently and to various degrees are maintained. The most famous nonwoven material from polyester - Hollofiber. His hollow fiber provides better protection from the cold, does not fall and holds the shape of the product after washing.