Easter event in kindergarten. Scenario of the educational event “Easter traditions. What can you tell your kids about Easter?

In mid-April, all Orthodox celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Easter is also celebrated in kindergartens. Multi-colored eggs and Easter eggs, various contests and competitions, whose history goes back to antiquity - not only this is Easter in kindergarten. The main task, to convey the importance of the holiday, falls on the shoulders of educators - to tell “what is good and what is bad”, to teach children to be responsible for their actions.

Easter in worldly life requires a long preparation. Already from the beginning of Lent, it is possible to prepare children in kindergarten for the bright holiday and conduct thematic classes.

Easter in kindergarten: preparation

Due to age, it is difficult for children to understand some things, and there is no need for this. The educator should not focus on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is better to tell the kids about the miraculous resurrection, emphasizing that good people always get what they deserve.

Easter has its own attributes of celebration, so cute for children - colored eggs. It is important to tell preschool children that eggs in Rus' from time immemorial were considered a symbol of life. So, for example, a testicle was always laid in the foundation of a house under construction - for strength. Peasants ran their testicles along the back of a newborn foal so that the foal would grow up healthy and strong. Before sowing, there was a tradition to paint the testicles into furrows - for a good harvest. This custom of ancestors can also be remembered in kindergarten, when a teacher with children planting the first spring plants on a walk.

The following story is connected with painted eggs for Easter: the disciple of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, told the Roman emperor Tiberius that Christ had risen. However, Tiberius did not believe. Then Mary gave Tiberius an egg with the words "Christ is Risen" and it turned red - the color of the blood that Christ shed for the people.

Children can be asked to bring boiled eggs from home to kindergarten classes and color them. Finger paints are suitable for nursery groups. Instead of real testicles, you can use cardboard templates or plastic testicles from Kinder Surprise.

The option with plastic and cardboard is good because it can withstand any material: applications, modeling, and dyeing.

Classes in kindergarten for decorating eggs can be supplemented with stories about folk traditions. For example, girls will be interested to know that since ancient times it was customary to rub the face with a painted holy testicle in order to be beautiful. Children will also be curious to know that in the West, Easter eggs are brought by rabbits, so next to a painted egg you can always see this animal in the form of a toy or a chocolate treat.

As an accompaniment to classes, you can include recordings of bell chimes. If there is a temple near the kindergarten, you can arrange an excursion to it, after asking permission from your parents and agreeing with the priest in the temple.

Easter in kindergarten u, preparation for it, includes learning Easter poems and songs:

  • A. Block "Verbochki",
  • A. Maykov "Christ is Risen",
  • K. Fofanov "To the tune of Easter prayers",
  • S. Yesenin "Easter Blagovest".

Immediately before the holiday itself, an exhibition of themed crafts is organized in the kindergarten.

Easter in kindergarten: contests

Children first of all want to play. Therefore, these are also fun competitions that can be held both on the street, if the weather allows, there and in a group.

Competitions are divided into Easter and folk fun.

Easter contests

Competition "Who wins"

Children are given colored eggs and told that they must beat the opponent's egg. The kid with the egg left intact wins.

Puzzle "Rainbow Basket"

Children are divided into two teams. Before each team, a base with empty forms and cut out figures is placed. Figures are parts of eggs. The task of the team is to collect the rainbow basket as quickly as possible.

The game "Chasing two hares"

Two wooden eggs are placed in front of the children. You need to hit them with the third testicle so that they roll in different directions.

deflated egg

For this kindergarten game, you will need an empty raw egg with a small hole. It is advisable to pre-color the egg so that it is real, Easter. Children are divided into two teams. The team that “transfers” the egg to the territory of the enemy wins.

Contest "Find an egg"

All children leave the room where it is held. At this time, educators hide testicles in the hall: chocolate, boiled, plastic. Each child is given a basket. Whoever collects the most eggs wins.

Folk games for Easter in kindergarten

Hats game

Each child is given a hat. When all the children turn away, the host puts a testicle in one of the hats. Players take turns trying to guess who has the testicle. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

relay race with egg

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a spoonful of boiled eggs. Participants need to, holding a spoon with an egg in their mouth, run, for example, to a bucket, go around it and pass a spoon with an egg to the next team member. Whoever completed the task faster, he won.


Water is selected, which turns away. At this time, the children hold hands and stand in a circle, trying to "get confused" as much as possible. The leader's task is to unravel them.


For this game in kindergarten, you will need two houses - for the geese and for the owner. Between the houses lives a wolf - water. The owner and geese communicate:

- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes.
- So fly!
- No no no. The gray wolf sharpens his teeth under the mountain, he wants to eat us.

After that, the geese try to run across to the owner, and the wolf tries to catch them. The one who is caught becomes water.

How to make crafts for Easter in kindergarten? Easter is a very colorful holiday filled with childishly cheerful traditions. The process of preparing for it brings a pleasant revival in the life of the baby, anticipation of joyful moments and surprises.

And minutes of creativity will help the child pass the wait and better reveal the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration. For example, you can make charming crafts for Easter in kindergarten and congratulate their teachers and comrades in the group.

Crafts for Easter from Kinder Surprise eggs

Making crafts for Easter with your own hands is an interesting and exciting task for children. Children's crafts for Easter can be made in a variety of techniques: applique, drawing, modeling from plastic material, scrapbooking, embroidery and many others. We offer to create non-standard souvenirs on the Easter theme.

From floss threads, shells and a kinder surprise egg, a charming chicken in a nest is obtained.

From plastic testicles, you can build a whole nest with chicks.

You can make a real Easter bouquet from plastic eggs.

Watch the video on how to make an Easter wreath of Kinder Surprise eggs:

DIY Easter Bunnies

Another Easter favorite is the rabbit. The easiest way to make an Easter bunny is to glue it together from disposable paper plates.

You can make a wonderful Easter bunny out of a plastic egg.

A charming Easter Bunny is made from a cardboard roll and colored paper.

Easter bunnies from socks

A very interesting rabbit is obtained from a white sock. The rabbit's face can be embroidered with threads. Inside such a rabbit is stuffed with padding polyester.

Watch how to make an Easter bunny out of a sock in this video:

You can not drag the rabbit's head with a thread, but make a funny pom-pom tail for the rabbit.

DIY Easter baskets

Foarmin or colored cardboard makes a lovely Easter basket.

Foamiran can be cut in the shape of a circle, make cuts on it and glue it along the edges. We get a small basket for one testicle. If we weave three strips into a pigtail, then we get a basket handle.

Adorable Easter baskets - chickens are obtained from disposable paper cups.

Easter baskets - chickens

A lovely Easter basket is obtained from a cardboard cell from under the testicles.

The base and handle for the Easter basket can be made from cardboard tape. The decor can be very different, for example, a basket for an egg in the form of a green lawn looks very nice.

Basket for the testicle "Green Lawn"

An interesting Easter basket is obtained from disposable paper plates.

A very good idea is an Easter basket made of a plastic container and ribbons:

Easter paper basket as part of an Easter composition. The lower part is made from a cardboard box pasted over with green paper.

Easter basket made of felt designed in the form of a green lawn.

Easter basket from foamiran "green lawn"

Applications for Easter in kindergarten

In honor of Easter, you can make a large number of bright and colorful crafts made using the appliqué technique. The first option is the application "Easter basket". Using potatoes, we make color prints on a sheet of paper. Wait for them to dry and cut them out. We color the half of the paper plate brown and glue beige stripes on it. We glue one strip up, making the handle of the basket. We fill our basket with eggs.

Colored Easter eggs can be used as room decoration.

Take note of the application "Easter cake". Willow branches are made from twisted paper tape. We make verbochki and a light from twisted paper (using the quilling technique).

Application "Easter cake"

From colored cardboard, ribbon and pieces of plasticine, a charming Easter decoration is obtained.

From beans, peas or corn you can make a wonderful Easter application "chicken".

Easter applique "chicken"

Another great craft for Easter, made using the appliqué technique, is a chicken on a stick.

An Easter chicken can be planted in a paper pocket. From colored paper, cut out the shell and all the details of the chicken. We glue all the elements and decorate with flowers.

One of the sides of the testicle can be connected with a movable hinge. Then the chicken can be "opened and closed" in the testicle. We make the chicken itself out of felt and decorate it with a feather. The chicken can not be glued to the base, then it can be taken out and planted in the testicle. The kids will love this Easter craft!

The application "chicken" can be made from colored cotton balls.

Application "chicken" from cotton balls

Another version of the application for Easter is “Easter Easter Cake”. Cut out the napkin like a snowflake. We glue it and a brown paper cake.

Glue the eggs and the base of the candle. We make the flame and the upper part of the cake from twisted paper. We decorate the cake with pieces of plasticine and glue the flowers.

"Powder" for Easter cake and flowers

Another original Easter craft is a button appliqué.

DIY Easter cards

Using adhesive tape, you can make a very delicate Easter card. Strips of adhesive tape are glued to the back layer of the postcard. Glue on it the front layer of white paper with a hole in the form of a testicle. We decorate with a delicate flower - the Easter card is ready!

A very unusual craft for Easter can be a voluminous Easter paper card. The folding basis of the postcard is thick paper according to the model.

We fold the base of the card

We decorate the "steps" of the postcard with Easter and spring attributes.

A very beautiful Easter card can be made using the scrapbooking technique. To do this, you can use colored paper, ribbons, flowers or napkins, as well as use special scrapbooking kits.

Easter card with ribbons

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful Easter card with your own hands:

Crafts for Easter using quilling technique

A charming postcard for Easter is obtained using the quilling technique. The basis of the craft will be egg-shaped cardboard folded in half.

For a postcard, we need special paper strips for quilling. We cut two of them (yellow) with special scissors, making a fringe on one of the edges. Now we twist our strips into rolls - we get the body and head of the chicken.

Twisting other strips we form flowers, the sun and a cloud and a wing. We glue all the details of the Easter card onto the base.

Another wonderful craft for Easter using the quilling technique is a voluminous egg with a chicken. We wrap the tennis ball with a film and glue the white rolls one by one. Glue the rolls one to the other.

We will get a blank that looks like half an eggshell. We fix the impromptu shell on the stand (we glue the stand from round purple and compressed green rolls).

Craft for Easter from paper balls "Temple"

In order to make such a craft, we need thin paper. A regular napkin works very well. We cut the paper into fairly large strips, apply liquid glue to it and roll it into tight balls.

We roll balls of white, blue and orange. Each ball is dipped in glue and glued onto thick cardboard.

When all the balls take their places, we should get a temple. Now we need paper tape for quilling. We roll small spirals from white paper strips. We fix the edge of the paper tape with glue. We squeeze the paper spirals from one side - we should get small white droplets.

Glue strips of brown paper. We place paper droplets around the edges - we should get very tender willow branches around the temple. We decorate the top of the temple with a cross made of golden paper. Our beautiful white-walled temple is ready!

Easter craft "Temple"

Crafts for Easter from eggshells

Dyed and plain eggshells can make adorable Easter chicks.

You can make a small Easter applique from eggshells.

And here is a stunning Easter composition made of eggshell "cockerel and hen". For this craft, you can use a whole boiled egg or a whole eggshell. We glue the eyes, scallop and beak on the testicle - we have a cockerel.

We decorate the chicken with a bow and rope hairs.

We cut out the bottom from a plastic bottle and wrap it with colored paper - we get the basis for the Easter basket. We tie the basket with a ribbon and put a corrugated paper straw into it. We plant a cockerel and a hen in this cozy nest. Craft for Easter in kindergarten - ready!

Easter souvenir in an egg shell

A very touching Easter souvenir can be made right in the eggshell. First we need to make a hole in the raw egg. The contents should flow neatly out of it. My testicle and let it dry. We should be left with a clean, dry shell.

We make a hole in the upper part of the shell with an awl and thread a rope through it. We tie the rope in a knot so that the testicle can be hung.

Fill the shell with sisal or thin paper shavings.

We put fluffy Easter chickens and small Easter eggs inside. Ready! It remains to hang a souvenir by a rope.

The kids will be delighted with the Easter egg tray "chicken". Cut out a chicken from cardboard.

We put the chicken on a cardboard tray from under the testicles. At the bottom we put straws from corrugated paper.

We color the testicles, draw eyes, attach scallops and beaks - we will get yellow chickens. Easter egg tray - ready!

Watch the video on how to make a very effective Easter chick in an egg craft:

For kids of the younger and middle groups of the kindergarten, the hatched chicken craft made from salt dough is suitable. The lightly colored dough is very popular with children and is completely safe, even for the smallest creators.

An adorable Easter chick can be made from paper rings or a cut cardboard roll.

Easter crafts from threads

The kids will be delighted with the Easter crafts made of threads. The easiest way to make a craft from threads is to make it from pompoms. You can see how to make a pom pom in our article "". Once you have mastered the technique of making pom-poms, you can make an Easter-themed craft, such as a little yellow chicken.

Another option for making an Easter pom-pom craft is to make it with a small balloon. We wrap it tightly enough with thick threads and cover the threads with glue. After the glue dries, and the threads become dense, carefully pierce the ball and remove it. We should have a frame of their threads - this is the future body of the Easter chicken.

Glue the eyes, nose and legs to the frame. Easter thread craft is ready!

If you take floss threads and small balloons as the basis, you can make a very effective Easter composition from openwork eggs.

The eggs can be hung by a string, then we will get unusual Easter pendants.

DIY drawings for Easter

Crafts for Easter in kindergarten can be done in a combination of drawing and appliqué techniques. We create a voluminous Easter basket in a very interesting way: we make cuts on the main sheet, into which we insert strips of corrugated cardboard.

Teachers who decorate the Easter corner in kindergarten may find it useful to draw a “chicken in a clearing” for Easter.

For school, we offer a drawing with Easter cakes in a basket. First, make a sketch with a pencil.

We color the basket, Easter cakes, eggs and a bow. Mark the outlines on the basket with a marker.

Coloring the chicken in yellow. We draw brown legs for him.

We highlight the color of the bow, testicles, basket and Easter cakes. We are waiting for the paint to dry. We highlight the basket and bow along the contour with a marker. We spread the upper white part of the Easter cakes with glue and cover with sprinkles. Drawing for Easter - ready!

Drawing "Easter egg"

For Easter, you can draw a beautiful Easter egg. The main subject of the drawing. can become symbols of spring - birds and flowers. And patterns located on horizontal lines are convenient for coloring. First, make a sketch with a pencil.

Drawing "testicle" in pencil

Then we paint the egg with paints.

Drawing "Easter egg"

Watch the video "how to draw an Easter egg":

This Easter drawing reflects all the symbols of Easter - the church, basket, Easter cake, eggs, spring twigs and flowers.

A charming Easter basket with Easter can be made from ordinary plasticine. First, we sculpt a concave Easter basket. We sculpt a thin flagellum from plasticine.

Fold the flagellum in half and twist it.

Gently glue the flagellum along the edge of the basket. We will get a very interesting effect of a wicker basket.

We roll a thick yellow sausage from plasticine.

We cut the sausage into two parts - this is the future basis for Easter cakes. On each base we lay a white round cake - “icing”.

Easter cakes with "icing"

For crafts, we need small real twigs.

We glue gray elongated lumps of plasticine on the branches - we will get a very believable willow. We put Easter cakes, willow twigs in a basket, complement the composition with colored eggs.

Sprinkle the cookies with food powder. Crafts for Easter from plasticine - ready!

Very delicate Easter egg pendants can be made from salt dough.

Easter chicken from ribbons and felt

A very cute Easter chicken can be made from ribbons and felt. We cut the ribbon into squares and fold it according to the pattern, fixing the workpiece with glue. The technique of making crafts from small pieces of ribbons is called kanzashi.

We glue the lower green part of the flower from the blanks. We glue purple blanks for the flower itself using the same technique. We glue them together. Place a bead in the center. Putting the composition together.

Glue yellow felt onto the cardboard base. From yellow ribbons we make blanks for the chicken.

We glue a tuft and wings of yellow ribbons onto the base. Glue the bead eyes and beak. It remains to decorate the chicken with a flower and a bow. We have a very impressive Easter souvenir!

The most famous and beloved craft for Easter is a wreath. It can be made as decoration of the hall or room. The base of the wreath is made from branches that are connected to each other with adhesive tape.

We wrap the wreath with a garland with artificial flowers and greenery. We fix the garland with double-sided tape.

We decorate the wreath with ribbons. We paint plastic eggs with bright Easter patterns and fix them with double-sided tape on the wreath. The final touch of the Easter wreath is fluffy chickens.

Wreaths for Easter from branches can be decorated with feathers, flowers and willows.

Do-it-yourself willow twigs from cotton wool

Crafts that are very useful to you for Easter are willow branches. With these branches we can decorate an Easter wreath or make a luxurious Easter bouquet. Dilute starch with hot water.

We form future willows from cotton wool with starch. We color the willows in gray. Do not get carried away with coloring, light and uneven application will give the willows naturalness.

Glue the colored cotton balls to a real branch with a glue gun. On the underside, under each verbochka, we glue a “pocket” of felt.

Our willows are ready! It remains to form a spring Easter bouquet!

DIY Easter tree

Since the bright holiday of Easter symbolizes the flowering of a new life, in some countries a tradition has appeared to decorate the Easter tree. After all, it is the tree that personifies nature and the ability to revive after a long winter. We take the sawn testicles and carefully pierce them from two opposite sides. Their contents can be blown out with a straw.

Coloring the eggs. Using a stick, insert a ribbon into them.

We tie a ribbon on one side with a bow. Leave a loop on the other side. Easter eggs are ready. It remains to make the basis of the craft - the tree itself. We make it from interconnected painted twigs. Pour gypsum into a small container and insert twigs there. It remains to hang the testicles on the tree. Our Easter tree is ready!

DIY Easter tree (video):

Easter basket chicken made of felt

A very beautiful Easter basket "Chicken" is obtained from felt. Cut out the details of the chicken according to the pattern in the photo.

We sew the parts together. Leave free the edges at the bottom and top. The bottom will be sewn in. In the upper part we will fold the testicles.

Sew on the bottom piece.

We put eggs in the Easter basket.

You can decorate the Easter composition with a yellow chicken. It is very easy to sew it from felt. We cut out 2 oval parts for the body from felt and sew them together, not forgetting to fill them with padding polyester (you can immediately sew a crest between the body parts). Sew on the wings. Glue the factory eyes and beak. Easter chicken with felt chicken - ready!

An interesting Easter idea - do-it-yourself soap in the form of chickens for Easter!

A very beautiful Easter craft basket is made from pasta. To make it, we need to inflate a small balloon and glue it with pasta in the shape of “horns”.

Leave the hole in the front unglued. We color the pasta and decorate the hole with pasta in the form of "bows".

The Easter stand will be the best decoration of the Easter exhibition.

Happy Easter to you and your children!

Crafts for Easter in kindergarten reviews:

Beautiful crafts! Happy Easter) (Hope I)

I really like the testicles made of threads, the original technique and very popular now (Dashulya)

All guests of the holiday - parents, grandparents are seated at tables located in the assembly hall of the kindergarten. On the tables - Easter, Easter eggs, sweets, tea. The main participants in the Easter scenario in the kindergarten of the holiday are the children of the preparatory group at this time preparing for the performance.
Light background music plays. The host of the holiday, the educator, enters the hall.

Educator: Seconds pass, minutes run away, week after week the winter months fly by. And again comes the bright holiday of Christ's Sunday - Easter, a time that gives hope for a bright and good future for us and for our children. She comes again to congratulate everyone on the spring holiday, so that all hearts open to Christ and be filled with grace.

All living things around spring warmth rejoices. The children are also happy, because today is a wonderful day for the pupils of our kindergarten. Our Easter script in kindergarten is designed so that children have the opportunity to congratulate their most beloved parents, grandparents, relatives and close children on the holiday. Let's give them a warm round of applause!
The music of the “spring waltz” sounds, the participants in the Easter script in kindergarten - the children enter the hall in pairs, dance the waltz.

GIRL 1: We have not yet said goodbye to winter,
And it's already warm.
And dear Easter holiday -
As always, spring came to us.

BOY 1: Goes, and again
The rain washed the forest in the morning -
With their clouds, moving an eyebrow
He accidentally woke up a rainbow in the sky.

GIRL 2: Today in the bright room
We brought pastries.
Poems and songs and smiles
We will dedicate to our parents.

GIRL: The desire of the mothers of the planet
There is only one thing for everyone:
So that all the children in the world
Good and happiness protected

BOY 2: With heartfelt words, happy Easter.
Congratulations fathers and mothers!
Congratulations on spring
With a clear fate!

The song “I love bright Easter, I will give gifts to everyone” sounds

GIRL 3: Easter is bright, pretty, good
Warmth and the sun brings us.
- handsome, well, very much like
On our kind, sweet mothers.

BOY 3: Congratulations, congratulations
All relatives and dear ones.
Today we all know
Easter is the best day for them.

GIRL 4: We know, we will become adults, time will pass,
And the sun will shine in the sky
Easter is bright and dear
Both adults and children - he loves and waits for everyone.

Riddles from the Sun

Educator: Easter walks with a light gait, enchants everyone with its light. Under the warm spring sun, everything comes to life on earth.

The phonogram “Easter has come to kindergarten” sounds, a girl dressed in the costume of the Sun enters.

SUN: I am the spring sun,
I look into the window.
I warm with rays
Happiness and health
I wish you all a happy holiday.

Children-rays run up to the sun

RAY 1: The main thing is the sun on earth,
RAY 2: We are his perky rays.
RAY 3: If the sun rejoices -
RAY 4: So the rays are dancing
Dance of the "rays". A girl dressed in the costume of the Sun becomes in the center of the hall. She has a wreath of yellow flowers on her head. Yellow ribbons are hidden inside the wreath, they are attached to the wreath. Children - the rays take out these ribbons, dance the round dance "Merry Rays" .

Educator: What good fellows you are, dear rays. And you, the Sun, gave such a radiant mood to all our guests.

SUN: And I also want to play a little with the guys and ask them riddles.

Everything is green around
Pastures and forest and house
Rushing streams to the river,
Swallows build nests
Yves magpie news -
She flew around everyone
Announcing that you have arrived... (spring)

RAY 1: Sunny, and I also know the spring riddle.

Only yesterday naughty wind
The message brought us from the spring,
And today strange flowers
Through drifts sprouted ... (SNOWDROPS)

RAY 2: Three brothers go around the world
From winter towards summer
The first one goes - the ice melts,
The second will pass - everything blooms everywhere,
The third will pass - and by itself
The earth will be covered with silk grass! (Spring months)

RAY 3: From the green, from the edge,
What May sewed in the spring
White bells are ringing
And what are their names - guess ... (lilies of the valley)
Inseparable three brothers.
Have you met with them?

Educator: Wonderful riddles were prepared for us by the Sun and Rays.

SUN: And also, an interesting fairy tale. It will be told to us by my friends - forest animals.

Scene "We meet Easter"
The phonogram "Dance of bunnies" sounds. Two boys come out, participants in the scenario of the Easter holiday in kindergarten, dressed in hare costumes. One catches up with the other, turn over, play.

BUNNY 1: Oh, I'm tired, I can't take it anymore!
HARE 2: Of course, they ran through the floor of the forest - they played hide and seek. Oblique, come on, sit down on a stump.
BUNNY1: Exactly, it's time to rest. Oh, and I got bored with frosts and blizzards.
HARE 2: That's right, this winter is tired - there is nothing to eat in the forest, it's cold, hungry wolves run around. By the way, isn't it time for us to change our fur coats to gray ones?
BUNNY 1: Exactly, only a bright Easter can change a fur coat for hares, but we never met her.
BUNNY 2: So, let's meet.
HARE1: And where to look for her?
HARE 2: Oh, let's ask Titmouse!
Together: Bitch!
The phonogram "Titmouse" sounds.
TITS: Hello, hares. They called me?
HARE 1: Titmouse, you fly everywhere, you notice everything.
BUNNY 2: Tell me, have you met Easter?
Titmouse: There is still snow in my forest, but the first stream told me that it was close.
BUNNY 1: So, let's go meet her.
TITS: Maybe Cloud knows where to find her.
HARE 1: Hey, spring cloud, come soon, where Easter is bright - tell us all!
Cheerful music sounds. Enter "Cloud"

CLOUD: Why are you making a fuss, forest dwellers, what do you want from me?
HARE 1: We want to meet Spring.
TITS: Can't you see her from above?
CLOUD: I see. Over there, beyond the tall oaks, beyond the blue seas.
BUNNY 1: So why doesn’t he come to us?
Titmouse: Yes, we've all been waiting for her!
CLOUD: She can’t come so quickly - she needs to scatter the flowers, plant all the herbs, water them well in order to grow and delight us all.

Magpie flies.
TITS: Oh, look, an old friend. Probably brought some news again.
SOROKA: But what about without news? I can't live without news. And in the forest such, such is happening - something strange and fabulous.
HARE 1: don't chirp like that, Magpie. Tell me.
SOROKA: So, bright Easter sent her decree to the forest: all forest plants - wake up
And snowdrops, and grass - a thick ant,
And forest dandelion, and clear lily of the valley.
All forest flowers - get up from winter sleep,
Petals bright forest inhabitants to please.

SOROKA: I'm also flying to look at this beauty.
Titmouse: I'll fly with you too. (fly out)
BUNNY 1: We jumped and we'll take a look.
BUNNY 2: Jump! Cloud, are you with us?
CLOUD: No, I'll fly to my mother. After all, today is a holiday and I want to congratulate her. (Flies away)

(The hares sing a song about friendship, continue to wander. The lights turn off. The hares hide behind a stump)
HARE 1: Oh, how scary it is, it's dark here. I hear someone running.
Shapoklyak runs in to the music.

SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, what beautiful children are here.
All meek, hospitable.
They congratulate their mothers, as if the artists are performing.
And me, Shapoklyak, no one remembered in any way,
No hello to me, no respect. So let me be bad again.
I know how to do various dirty tricks and I will teach you, children.
(points to bunnies)

SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, what is this? (scared)

BUNNY 2: And this is us, bunnies. Why are you screaming like that? We thought it was a wolf and hid

SHAPOKLYAK: Ha. I'm scarier than a wolf. And I'll tell you "right now": Wu-u-u (scares rabbits)

BUNNY 1: ha, if I didn’t know you, I would think that it was some kind of horror story. Better, come with us to celebrate the bright Easter.

SHAPOKLYAK: well, even if I couldn’t scare you, I’ll try to scare mothers and grandmothers. Lariska, go ahead: squeals and food in full voice. (Scaring) Oh. Lariska, we have survived - no one is afraid of us anymore. Well, what does that mean? Nobody respects us.

BUNNY 2: Your grievances, grandmother, are in vain. Here, in our forest - everyone is attentive and polite.

SHAPOKLYAK: Yeah. All of them are just so polite. I do not believe.
BUNNY 2: (takes out a bunch of flowers)
Grandmother Shapoklyak, we congratulate you on the bright Easter holiday.

BUNNY 1: And we always wish to be kind!
BUNNY 2: Accept a big spring greeting from us-
Snowdrops white bouquet!
HARE 1: Let all grandmothers rejoice at this hour - forest animals congratulate you all on the holiday!
Several animals run to the music - a fox cub, a bear cub, a wolf cub. Read poems for grandmothers.

FOX: Native grandmothers - we are your grandchildren,
We are happy to celebrate the holiday with you.
BEAR: Good grandmothers, all children love you; We send greetings to our grandmothers.
VOLCHENOK: I congratulate my grandmother on the great holiday of Easter, I wish you warm smiles of spring, I wish you to live for many years.

Song "Dear Grandmother"

SHAPOKLYAK: That's it, I take my words back. Excuse me.
BUNNY 1: Excuse me? (Children answer).
SHAPOKLYAK: Bunny, what did you tell me? Meet spring? Okay, I agree. Went.
(they go further. They saw a flower lawn. They approach the flowers)
BUNNY 1: Oh, how well you did here.
SHAPOKLYAK: The flowers are beautiful: there are both red and blue ones. I want to pick them up - tomorrow I'll give them to myself dear.
FLOWER 1: No, don't tear us - we are alive, although the flowers are small.
FLOWER 2: Don't destroy us, we want to live.
FLOWER 3: Better do this: take out the paints and pencils and stand opposite. You will draw us, and we will dance.

Dance of the Flowers

BUNNY 1: And where is Easter? It should be here.
SHAPOKLYAK: I hear someone coming.

FLOWER 1: It is she who walks lightly, enchants everyone with her beauty!

FLOWER 2: Let's meet the holy and bright Easter, glorify it all together, meet it with friendly applause.

To the sound of music, the main character of the Easter script in kindergarten enters - the beautiful Easter, dressed in a folk costume. In her hands is a basket with painted eggs, she distributes them to all guests of the holiday and children, participants in the Easter scenario in kindergarten.

HOLY EASTER: Happy Easter, I am glad to greet you!
The sun warmed the earth, the flowers were full of flowers.
Snowdrops bloom like a fairy tale - so, rejoice, forest dwellers! Today I want to congratulate everyone on the brightest holiday of spring. And I sincerely want to wish that they were always beautiful. And now, I invite everyone to the spring round dance!
Round dance with Easter
Easter refers to Bunny

EASTER: Why are you, Bunny, sad?
And still you are not amused?

HARE: I don't know what to do - I want to please my mother.
She has a lot of things, what to give her for the holiday?

EASTER: Do you want your gift to be sweet to your mother?
Well, sing a song to her - congratulate your mother on the holiday!

Educator: And the main gift for your parents is that their children are healthy, cheerful and happy. So that children's laughter sounds everywhere, so that children grow up in love and peace. Happy holiday to all, Christ is Risen! Truly risen!

Final song "We wish you both happiness and love"

Everyone loves to paint eggs for Easter, especially children, and therefore we share with you an idea,

History of Easter

The history of the Easter holiday goes back to the time before the birth of Jesus Christ. At that time, the Jewish people were enslaved by the Egyptian pharaoh for several centuries. But the time came when this slavery became unbearable for the Jews: the Egyptians began to kill all the Jewish firstborn. And then the Lord, through the prophet Moses, commanded every Jewish family to slaughter a lamb, and anoint the doorpost of their house with its blood.

According to legend, after that an angel passed among the houses and killed all the Egyptian firstborn. After that, the frightened Egyptian ruler released the Jews from their lands that same night.

Since then, Passover (from the Hebrew Pesach, meaning "mercy, deliverance, passing by") has been celebrated by the Israelites as the day of deliverance from slavery and the salvation of all Jewish first-born boys from death. The celebration lasted seven days. During the holiday, only unleavened bread was eaten. Hence the second name of Easter is the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

On the first day of the holiday, each family slaughtered a lamb in the temple, and then baked it at home. On the evening of the same day, it was necessary to eat it, and the head of the family told the story of the exodus of the Jews from Egyptian slavery at a gala dinner.

After the arrival of Jesus Christ, already in the first years of Christianity, Easter was rethought, became a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon (not earlier than April 4 and not later than May 8, according to the new style).

Prepare for Easter ahead of time. It is first preceded by a seven-week fast, a time when people repent of their sins and purify their souls. The last week is called Passion or Great. Especially strict fast on Wednesday and Friday. On Maundy Thursday, everyone tries to clean up, wash and clean everything, and every Orthodox is cleansed spiritually, takes communion. On the same day, the custom of cleansing with water is widespread - swimming in an ice hole, for example.

Then they prepare a festive table: they paint eggs, bake Easter and Easter cakes.

The feast itself begins with worship. At the Easter Liturgy, all believers take communion, bless Easter, Easter cakes and eggs. The celebration of Easter continues throughout Bright Week. This week people go to visit each other, give Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Easter lasts forty days. All this time, believers greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!" and answer "Truly risen!".

Easter for preschoolers. Scenarios

Spring folklore holiday for children 6-8 years old. “Spring has come to visit us - brought the Easter holiday” Author. Anikeeva Galina Vasilievna, teacher of additional education, MOU Center "Istoki", Volgograd. Description. Spring folklore holiday for children "Easter". Addressed to music directors, educators, primary school teachers. Purpose: To acquaint children with folk traditions, with the Orthodox holiday "Easter". Tasks: To cultivate a respectful attitude towards Russian customs ...

The author's fairy tale "Willow and the Bunny" for children of senior preschool age Authors: educators Radygina Natalia Valeryevna, Kazantseva Faina Grigoryevna, MADOU - Kindergarten No. 31 "Guselki" (building 3) Willow is a common inhabitant of the Russian land and the sacred tree of Christians. It has long become a symbol of spring and Palm Sunday. The tree signifies the approach of Easter. According to signs and beliefs, it is believed that the consecrated willow has healing properties. The purpose of the story is to introduce children to...

Scenario for children ZPR. Family Club "Celebration of Joy and Spring of Spring" Purpose: to acquaint children with the Easter holiday, to enrich the experience of parents in matters of family education through familiarization with the customs and traditions of the Russian people. Tasks: - to introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Easter holiday through games, songs, poems, round dances; - to form communication skills, a sense of joy - to develop memory, attention, speech; - educate love for customs and traditions. Preliminary work...

Entertainment scenario in a preschool educational institution for children of senior preschool age “The long-awaited spring brought us Easter Day” using ICT Author: Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilovo-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: The scenario is intended for children 5- 7 years old, teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, music directors. Purpose: Introducing children to the origins of folk culture, spiritual values. Tasks: ...

Project in the preschool educational institution for older preschoolers "Culture of the Russian people: "Palm Sunday" Project passport. 1. Theme of the project: “Culture of the Russian people: “Palm Sunday”; 2. Author of the project: Shubenkova T.E. - music director; 3. Project participants: children of the preparatory group - parents - educators - music director; 4. Place of project implementation: MOU Kindergarten No. 366; 5. Type of project: according to the leading method - cognitive and creative; in terms of content - society and its cultural values ​​...

The script for the Easter holiday in the preschool educational institution for children 5-7 years oldAuthor: Markova Ruslana Pavlovna. Musical Director of MDOU d.s. "Fairy Tale" p. Trostyanka, music director of MDOU d.s. combined species "Swallow" Balashov Description: In our time it is very important to instill in the child spiritual and moral qualities, to bring up patriotism and love for the Motherland and Russian culture. I bring to your attention the scenario of the Easter holiday. The scenario is intended for children 5-7 years old. The material will be useful to educate ...

Synopsis of GCD on music "Visiting the chicken Ryaba" for older preschoolers. Author: Tatarintseva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, musical director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the NSH village of Krasnoarmeiskoye SP for children "Spark" Purpose: familiarization with the origins of folk culture, acquaintance with the Easter holiday. Tasks: 1) Educational: - to teach children the skills of dramatization; - introduce children to the means of musical expression (timbre, rhythm, register); - to teach to convey in movements the images of fairy-tale characters (grandfather, woman, mouse) and their actions. ...

Scenario of the event in additional education "Easter - a holiday of holidays" The development of an event dedicated to the celebration of the Orthodox holiday of Easter is aimed at introducing preschool children and primary school students to the Orthodox traditions of our people, will contribute to spiritual and moral development, education of universal human qualities of the individual. The development can be used in the work of teachers of additional education in the framework of the educational work of associations established ...

Entertainment scenario with a presentation for children of the senior - preparatory group "So Easter has come to us" Author: Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilov-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: The scenario is intended for children 5-7 years old , teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, music directors. Purpose: Introducing children to the origins of folk culture and spiritual values. ...

Cognitive - creative project in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "We joyfully meet Easter." Author: Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilov-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: I bring to your attention the educational and creative project “We joyfully meet Easter”. This material for children 5-6 years old can be used by kindergarten teachers, music directors, teachers of additional education. Project type: educational - creative Duration: short...

Poetic composition for children of senior preschool age "Easter egg"Author: Yakimova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education in theatrical activities of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi. Description: Caring parents understand that the development of our children should be directed not only to learning, but also to spiritual values. In spring, the brightest and most beloved holiday comes to our house - Easter of Christ, which lasts ...

Summary of GCD for applications in the preparatory group. "Stand for an Easter egg." Description of the material: We offer you a summary of the GCD for applications in the preparatory group. "Easter egg stand" the proposed material will be useful to teachers of the senior group of kindergarten. This material serves to form cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative development. Purpose: To form a desire in children to give gifts to their loved ones ...

Outline of the OOD for applications in the middle group postcard - a gift for relatives "Basket with Easter eggs." Tasks: To continue to form the skill in cutting out the drawn silhouette; to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills of gluing cut-out parts from paper; To form the ability to compose a composition on a sheet, beautifully arrange the details of the application. To cultivate love and respect for relatives, the desire to please with their work. Materials: Sample work, sheets of colored paper...

Do-it-yourself decoration of a kindergarten reception for Easter Exhibition of children's works "Bright Easter". Author: Elena Vladimirovna Ivanova, educator of the highest qualification category of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo Purpose of the exhibition: to attract preschoolers and parents to the design of the preschool educational institution for the Easter holiday. Tasks: - to acquaint preschoolers with the Easter holiday; - develop creative skills of preschoolers; Purpose: the material will be useful to educators of preschool educational institutions, primary school teachers, ...

Easter in kindergarten for preschoolers 3-5 years old Scenario of entertainment "Bright Easter" in the younger and middle groups using ICT. Author: Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilov-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: The script is intended for children aged 3-5 years, teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, music directors. Purpose: To introduce children...

Summary of the holiday for children of senior preschool age

Target: Acquaintance of children with the Christian holiday of Easter and its customs.


1. To acquaint children with the Orthodox holiday "Bright Resurrection of Christ", with its history.

2. Develop interest in the culture of ancestors.

3. Tell about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.

4. To cultivate patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, for folk art.

Equipment and materials: painted eggs, a basket of pysanky eggs, hats for fairy tale characters, a barrel of honey, a handkerchief, bells, willow twigs, dance brushes, gifts for parents, sweets, a board for playing with pysanky.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations of the celebration of Easter, reading fiction and conversations about Easter, making gifts, painting Easter eggs, learning poems and fairy tales for the holiday, learning songs and dances.



(Children enter the hall to cheerful music.)

Happy Easter, dear guests!

Happy Sunday!

Happy holiday and fun!

And the bells ring for Easter - the soul rejoices:

Everyone is welcome to join us:

And young ladies-turntables,

And nesting dolls - laughter!

And service soldiers!

And grumpy grandfathers!

And most of all we call the kids

Girls and boys!

Let's sing and play

Remember the old days!

In every house with red spring

The good news is coming to us.

The heart is light and clear.

On this day, Christ is Risen.

Rejoice, rejoice people

We will be happy now

After all, love came from heaven.

On this day, Christ is Risen.

Let there be peace on the whole planet,

Let the children laugh happily

And let the sun shine from heaven:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Song: Happy Easter.

(lyrics by V. Kuzmenkov.)

Leading: The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. These days people do good deeds. Easter is the holy days of kindness and consolation.

For Easter, they prepared Easter cakes, Easter, painted eggs, baked pies.

This holiday is rich in customs and rituals. On this day, they dressed in everything light, washed themselves with gold, silver, red eggs - in the hope of getting rich!

And our grandparents

The custom was sacredly observed!

Dressed up in the best clothes

And the house was beautifully decorated.

Our kids are great too.

Help adults wholeheartedly

To write Easter eggs for Easter

And clean the apartment

They can repair you

Or a cheese sandwich.

They will tell everything

And, of course, they will show.

We can do everything

And without further ado

We will replace everyone

Plasterers, polishers

Painters and carpenters

And other workers.

Dismantle brushes quickly

Dance together start.

Dance "About repair".

(Soundtrack of the song "Song of Repair" performed by Oleg Popov.)

What a glorious day

Gather in a round dance

Let's go around in circles

Let spring have fun!

Let's start a round dance

Let's all drink together.

Game: "Burn, burn, clear."

That's how healthy they danced

They showed their prowess!

The first spring games and round dances begin from Holy Easter week. Let's call for spring.

Titmouse - sisters,

Tap dance - aunts,

Easter cakes - men,

Starlings - well done

Fly to us from across the sea

Bring red spring

With silk grass

With pearly dew

With warm sunshine.

With a grain of wheat!

Spring, spring, what did you come for?

On the plow, on the harrow,

On the other side.

The sun rolled in the west

The red rolled over the dark.

The night has passed, the darkness has gone

The cricket fell silent, the cockerel sang.

Lie down a little

Opened the window:

Hello, sunflower.

The song "Spring has come to us."

(Music and lyrics by V. Shishkarev.)

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Birds settled in nests

The snow melted like a candle!

The air smells sweet

Golden cake!

Sunny rain dripped

On this day of holy miracles,

And kissing me, dad

He says: "Christ is risen!"

God is risen and death is defeated!

This victory rushed the news

Spring resurrected by God...

And all around the forests turned green

And the chest of the earth breathed with warmth,

And listening to the nightingale's trills

All willows bloomed in spring.

Dance with willow branches.

(Soundtrack of the song "Verba" music by Y. Pasternak, lyrics by E. Grigorieva.)

Yes, a lot of fairy tales, children,

Wandering around the big planet.

Fairy tales are sad, funny,

The stories are good, not bad.

My fairy tale is in a hurry:

About Alyonka, about Zaychat,

About the Easter egg

There will be a fairy tale for children.

Two funny bunnies

They ran through the forest

And on the forest lawn

They met each other.

Bunny 1: Where are you?

2nd bunny: Where are you?

1st Bunny: I'm running to the city!

2nd bunny: I'm in the village. What are you doing in the city?

1st bunny:

Tomorrow is Easter!

Need to buy Easter eggs -

Nice girl Alenka

I want to give them.

2nd bunny:

Soon they will carry to the church

Holy Easter and Easter eggs ...

You, brother, are late!

1st Bunny: Late? Oh, how can I be?

2nd bunny:

Bunny, you are good with us,

I won't leave you in trouble

You know, in rain and heat

I'm always by your side!

Magpies have Easter eggs,

Our aunt is white-sided.

Our aunt is a craftswoman,

The capital sends orders to her!

Bunnies go to the soundtrack of the song "If you went on a journey with a friend."

(Words by M. Tanich, Music by V. Shainsky.)

So two Bunnies, two friends,

They ran after each other.

And don't rush after them.

True friends came out.

(The Sun, Starling, Spring come out.)

I am the red sun

Warm, wonderful.

I am the Starling - messenger of spring

I send greetings to all ends.

Well, I am spring-red

I also came here for you.

We didn't come here in vain

Happy Easter, dear friends!

Dance "Spring" to the soundtrack of the song "Merry Song".

(Words by V. Borisov, Music by A. Yermolov.)

Our bunnies, two friends,

They ran after each other.

Played catch-up

Even the wind was overtaken.

Along the path, up the hill

Through the river behind the hill

Only their heels sparkled -

The Bunnies ran fast.

Here is my aunt's house on the way,

No matter how you pass!

And the magpie is white-sided

Already finished work

Spread out the pisanochki

Dry them in the sun...

(Magpie enters the clearing, in her hands are painted Easter eggs.)

1st Bunny: Hello, Aunt Soroka.

2nd Bunny: Help us out, Beloboka!

Magpie: What do the glorious Bunnies need?

1st Bunny: I really need Easter eggs!

2nd bunny: True, aunt, very urgent!

Nimble, I see you are very.

Is there money?

Bunnies: We thought without money you can ...

Magpie: No! Impossible without money!

Hey, ayy! forest friends,

Help dear ones!

(Children come out in costumes of Mishka and Squirrel.)

1st Bunny: To buy Easter eggs,

You need to pay money.

2nd bunny:

How without Easter eggs Alenka?

After all, the girl will be offended!

Bear: Yes, the task, what to say ...

Squirrel: We need to rescue the hares

Bear: (Holds a barrel of honey to Magpie.)

On you, magpie, honey,

Take the whole deck.

Give me eggs in return

The brightest, there are seven of them.

I'll give you a handkerchief

Plus, mushrooms.

And now Magpie together

We will give a song.

(Written by Ya. Akim, Music by V. Gerchik.)

Oh what a good song

My soul blossomed!

You gave me joy

I forgot about money.

Take my Easter eggs

Bring your girl

I don't need your money

I am glad to help out Zaitsev.

Bunnies from the hill to the bridge,

With Easter eggs, jump and jump ...

And to Alenka on the way

They wanted to come

To Uncle Vasya, Aunt Zina ...

Lots of Easter eggs in the basket!

Here is Alenka's house.

The girl will have a holiday!

(Alenka appears, going to the temple.)

Church bells

Over Russia is heard,

And in the groove everyone is alive

A cheerful stream winds.

The sun's ray is like a thread

Between heaven and earth

They will believe - they will live

People are a friendly family.

The sun sparkles in the puddles

The willow blossomed,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells are singing.

Brighter morning east

What a warm spring day!

A sprout reaches for the light

Praise the joy of a bright Easter!

(The Bunnies enter, hand Alenka a basket of Easter eggs.)

1st bunny:

Hello dear Alenka,

We are happy to congratulate you on the holiday!

2nd bunny:

Here's to your obedience

These Easter eggs as a reward!

And happy Alenka

Pysanky brings everything to the temple,

Blagovest is buzzing everywhere:

"Easter Red is coming!"

Great day, spring day,

The sun is not too lazy to shine!

All Christ people

On a wonderful holiday day!

To cheerful music, the presenter introduces the performers of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

They brought you testicles:

yellow, red,

Eggs are all different

Uncomplicated, painted

Difficult, golden!

Who will take the egg faster

That will get it!

(The host distributes colored eggs.)

I know kids love to play.

So isn't it time to start?

Whose testicle touches the candy

You get it, kids!

The game "Whose egg touches the prize."

(Rolling eggs on the board to the candy.)

And here are three more eggs,

There will be a new game:

Who will spin the egg longer

That one will win!

The game "Who will scroll the egg longer."

Leading: For the holiday of Easter, our guys have prepared gifts for their loved ones.

Take the gifts in your hands

Give them to your loved ones with love.

(Children give gifts to the music)

Praise the Lord from heaven

And sing incessantly

The world of his wonders is filled

And glory unspeakable!

Praise the Lord from heaven

And praise, people!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

And death is corrected forever!

(Children leave the room to the music.)


  1. http://www.infoniac.ru/news/Kak-krasit-yaica-na-Pashu.html
  2. http://eliseyka.ru/kak-rasskazat-detyam-o-pasxe/
  3. http://palomnic.org/oh/poet/pasha/
  4. http://mosmama.ru/782-chto-rasskazat-rebenku-o-pasxe.html
  5. http://vozrosdenie.ru/archives/2627
  6. http://nsportal.ru/detskii-sad/raznoe/pasha-v-detskom-sadu
  7. "Bible for Children" - publishing house "Palomnik" 2007
  8. "Easter gift" coloring book, publishing house "Humility" 2014
  9. "Easter gift for children" - publishing house Charitable Foundation "Pokrov" 2013
  10. Ishimova A. O., Yesenin S. A., Maikov A. N. - Easter book for children - publishing house Moscow "Nikeya" 2013
  11. Kutsveva N. G. "Children about the Easter of Christ" - publishing house of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, 2013

12. Kazakevich A. N. "Easter" - publishing house OlmaMediaGroup 2011

13. Salishcheva M. N. "Easter" publishing house "Karapuz" 2009