My favorite products for washing, washing and cleaning the apartment. And what I do not recommend buying. Natural laundry detergents Dangerous chemical laundry detergents

Today we decided to raise a topic that everyone comes across all the time, but quite possibly does not pay attention to it. It will be about ecology in your apartment or house.

For some reason, everyone is used to talking about the ecology of the Planet, but for some reason the overwhelming majority of people forget about ecology in their own home, where they spend their lives, where they sleep and rest. Although, if you look at it, this topic is extremely important and it is worth paying close attention to it, since the well-being and physical health of you and your family directly depends on the ecology in your home. In addition, using environmentally friendly and natural products for washing, washing dishes and cleaning the house, you stop clogging the earth, water and air with chemical compounds and packages, which leads to the preservation of the ecology of our Planet.

Below are attached videos about modern household chemicals, what it consists of and how it affects your health. Look, if you have not watched 3 films "Habitat - Household Chemicals":

10 tips for eco-friendly living. Replacement of household chemicals:

1. Few people know that you can wash dishes with mustard! Mustard can be used to wash fat from dishes. It is absolutely safe for health, unlike detergents, the remains of which remain on the dishes. Plus, it is environmentally friendly for our planet, since soapy water does not go to waste ...

You can buy mustard powder at the market or in the store, sprinkle on a plate (on greasy places), sprinkle water (a few drops), spread the powder, rinse. At the same time, the resulting water not only does not harm the Earth and your health, but can also be used as fertilizer and as a remedy for plant pests.

Mustard powder is used as an excellent environmentally friendly means for washing and cleaning dishes, removing greasy stains, washing wool and silk products.

It is also a great tool for killing garden pests. Mustard powder has bactericidal properties, it acts as a disinfectant on pathogens of some plant diseases.

2. A universal remedy for cleaning the whole house - a mixture of water and vinegar, plus a few drops of lavender oil.

3. To clean windows, dilute vinegar and water 1: 5, apply to glass and wipe with newspaper or soft cloth. Vinegar can be substituted with lemon juice.

4. To fight limescale stains on the sink, bathtub, toilet bowl, pour vinegar over them, add a little baking soda and let stand. Then they can be easily cleaned with a brush.

5. You can bleach the fabric as follows: add 2 tablespoons to 10 liters of water. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 table. a spoonful of ammonia.

6. Baking soda - oven cleaner. To remove grease, leave a quarter cup of ammonia in the oven overnight and wipe with baking soda the next morning. Cleaning with salt while still warm is also effective.

7. Use salt to clean the sewer pipes. It must be poured into the pipe and washed off with boiling water.

8. Glass can be polished with ammonia and soap.

9. A mirror with a mixture of vinegar and water in equal proportions.

10. Cornstarch works surprisingly well for carpet cleaning. It needs to be scattered and then vacuumed.



How we were all fooled by slipping 50 years ago chemistry instead of real soap that we have washed from time immemorial. The ash soap is wonderful and instantly washes the skin and the head; it is a pleasure to wash them - a feeling of extraordinary cleanliness and freshness.

Ash soap is made like this: the floor of the pan is collected from the stove ashes. Add water almost to the top and boil for 30 minutes. The fat is filtered, the remains of the ash are thrown into the garden. The resulting almost transparent gel is ash soap - cooled down and ready to use.

It is understandable why our ancestors did not have problems with hair until very old age, and there is not a single mention of dandruff in the annals.

It is necessary to break out of the ambush of scientific absurdity forward into the will of an almost forgotten natural pure and healthy life, created so wisely that it can only be improved by spoiling it. Step by step, break by break, fix by fix.

The best household cleaning product is laundry soap, it can be used to wash, if not everything, then almost everything. To make 1 kg of soap, you need 450 g of coconut oil and 200 g of sunflower oil, as well as 250 g of water, 110 g of NaOH alkali (you can buy it in household chemical stores or on the Internet) and 20 g of regular salt. All this is mixed in a water bath, brought to a boil and poured into molds.
This soap turns out to be delicate and white, and not yellow-brown, like
store, but it washes it even better (due to the salt and alkali in the composition). It also doesn't cause allergies.


1. Especially good in the role of soap ORDINARY SOAP, or medicinal. This is a tall plant - from 50 cm to a meter, white or pink flowers are collected in bunches of 5-7 pieces. Lives in forests, meadows, along roads, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Dig up the roots of the soapstone, wash them and try instead of soap: a lush foam forms that easily rinses off the dirt.

The roots of soapwort can be prepared for use: they are dried, ground into powder, and then diluted with water and washed in this solution. After such a wash, things acquire a pleasant smell, moths will not start in them.

2. The fruits of the HORSE CHESTNUT can be used for washing hands and feet, they wash well stains on clothes.

3. Berries of RED ELDERLY remove any dirt from clothes without a trace.

4. The same properties are possessed by the inner part of the TRUTOVIK MUSHROOM.

5. In the forest, you can still find one amazing plant - ORAL EAGLE. Its rhizomes contain a lot of potassium, they lather well and are absolutely harmless. In Russia, bracken has long been used instead of soap.


Washing without chemicals is possible!

Attention! Recipes indicated are also suitable for machine washing.

The question "how to replace the washing powder" arises before conscious housewives more and more often. After all, no matter how advertised modern detergents, - and phosphates, synthesized surfactants, optical brighteners and other overly active components of washing powder do not give rest. I do not want to feel the negative effect of these funds on myself. Collected below is information and helpful tips on how to wash and bleach items with safe, natural products.

Mustard is a universal remedy. And they can wash the dishes, and the head. Silk and woolen items can be washed in mustard. For 1 liter of water, take 15 grams of mustard, stir well, leave for 2 - 3 hours. Then drain the liquid without sediment into a bowl of hot water. Pour the remaining mustard in the sediment with hot water, wait until it settles and drain the top again. Wash things 1 time (if heavily soiled - 2 times, each time pouring fresh "mustard" liquid). Then rinse thoroughly in clean water. At the last rinse for woolen items, add a teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water, for silk - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar in 1 liter of water.

As a washing powder for the machine:
About 50 grams per machine, everything is washed perfectly, and after washing things smell of freshness, and not washing powder. It needs to be poured into the "machine" (just not into a cuvette, but immediately into linen), the temperature above 40 should not be done (mustard is brewed). In case of stubborn dirt, first apply mustard gruel to the stains and then to the machine.

Cotton does not take mustard.

Another way for woolen clothes: dilute mustard powder in warm water - soak the clothes and wash them after half an hour. It can be washed immediately, if not heavily stained.

It is recommended to wash woolen and silk items with greasy stains in mustard infusion. At the same time, the fabric shrinks and sheds less than when washing with detergents. First, dry mustard (1 cup) is soaked in a little water and rubbed until a batter is obtained. It is rubbed through cheesecloth into warm (40-45 C) water (10 liters) and allowed to brew for 2-3 hours. Wash without soap or detergents; the mustard infusion is changed 2-3 times.


In general, different formulations are needed to wash different fabrics. Acidic and neutral environments are favorable for washing products made from animal fibers (wool, silk), alkaline ones - for washing products made from plant fibers (cotton, linen); moderately alkaline medium - for washing fabrics made of artificial and synthetic fibers.

Therefore, products made of cotton and linen fibers can be washed with soda ash (these are alkaline salts). It washes perfectly, even thick linen sheets - they become snow-white! Especially in the washing machine (automatic). But it is necessary that the washing temperature was 50-70 ° C.

But for woolen and silk fabrics this is completely unsuitable - they become tough, fragile and quickly deteriorate.


Surprisingly, table salt is also very good at washing things, especially chintz, linen (both colored and white). At the same time, after washing, colored items absolutely do not lose their brightness even after a large number of washes.

For washing with salt, things must be folded into a basin and filled with water using a measuring cup (you need to accurately measure how many liters of water you pour in). Then squeeze the things thoroughly and set aside, and in the water that remains in the basin, dilute the salt (1 tbsp. Spoon with a slide for 1 liter). After dissolving the salt, put the things back and leave them soaked for an hour. After this time, we wring out the things and rinse them. This option is suitable for lightly soiled clothing and will not help remove stains, even minor ones. But as you know, most summer linen and chintz items very quickly lose their attractive appearance from frequent washings. Washing with salt will help preserve the color and texture of the fabric. Not to mention saving on detergent and being environmentally friendly.


It is good to wash silk and woolen items in a solution of soap root. You can buy it at a homeopathic pharmacy or on the market.

For 1 kg of dry things, you need to take 50 g of soap root, split it into small pieces, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for a day. During these days, the solution must be mixed several times.

After 24 hours, the mixture must be boiled for an hour over low heat, removed, wait to settle, and strain through cheesecloth. Pour boiling water over the root remaining on the gauze and leave for several hours. So we get another soap solution, although less concentrated, but still quite suitable for washing.

Pour the resulting soap into a bowl of warm water, beat a fluffy foam, divide into 2 portions and wash things 2 times (if the things are slightly dirty, just once is enough). Then rinse with clean water at room temperature (add 2 teaspoons of ammonia to the last rinse to rinse a white woolen cloth).
The soap root solution must be used immediately. You cannot store it - it quickly deteriorates.


Another universal remedy for everything. One of its directions is natural washing.

These are really ordinary chestnuts, of which there are plenty everywhere. You need to collect the nuts, Remove the brown peel (because it paints things!), Dry the white core, grind it into flour (grind it on a coffee grinder). The powder is ready. When it’s time to wash, pour it into a basin and fill it with hot water. The foam is obtained as from a regular washing powder. Can be washed directly with this water both by hand and in a machine. When washing by hand, to achieve the best result, you need to soak things in this "chestnut" water for an hour (or better for longer), and then wash them right there and rinse them in clean water.

Washing with BEANS is a somewhat unusual method, but for woolen things it is just that. Woolen fabrics are remarkably washed in bean broth.
To prepare it for 1 liter of water, you need to take 200 g of beans, cook in a sealed container until tender. After cooking, strain the broth through clean cheesecloth, pour into a bowl of hot water, beat the foam. After washing things, rinse them well several times in warm water, adding vinegar at the last rinse (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

SOAP NUTS are the fruits of a plant that grows in the warm climate of eastern countries: India, Nepal, Pakistan. To wash 5 kg of laundry, 6-8 shells of soap nuts are enough, which are placed in a canvas bag (usually sold with nuts) and placed in the drum of the washing machine or in a bowl of hot water. You can use these shells repeatedly until they lose their bright color and no longer release soapy water when soaked. If you wash at temperatures below 60 degrees, you can use an infusion of soap nuts. To obtain the infusion, pour 3-5 shells with boiling water and let it brew, then, when the water cools down, squeeze the nuts into the water and pour the resulting solution (without nuts) into the washing machine or into a basin with linen.

You can use soap nuts to wash any fabrics at any temperature. Soap nuts add softness to things. Since the product is completely natural and vegetable, the laundry does not have a smell after washing. Soap nuts perfectly dissolve fat and have bactericidal properties.
There are natural BLEACH AGENTS that give your laundry a crisp white look and can remove stubborn stains and stains.

Ash can be used for washing, as long as it is of vegetable origin. Try to avoid getting various chemical residues into the ash, for example, from various packages that do not burn, but melt. It can be very bright modern wrapping materials, during the combustion of which various poisonous odors and abundant soot are emitted.

For those who have a house with a stove, the following method will work.

White linen is washed with ash from wood burning. Wrap it in cheesecloth, in several layers, tie this bag, place it in a tank with linen, which is on the stove. While the stove is heated (for an hour or more), this whole thing is boiling on the sly. Then you wash the linen lightly, take it out, caress it, hang it out in the summer, and in the winter you can on the snow (not in the city). The sun in the summer and frost in the winter complete the whole process. No powder can do that. Lingerie sparkles with cleanliness and smells fresh!

If you need to wash a few things, put a cotton cloth on top of the bucket, take the ash from the oven, sprinkle it on this cloth and carefully pour boiling water into the bucket. After some time, the ash releases alkali into the water, it remains only to remove the fabric with the ash and wash things in this water. Then rinse.

Ash alkali: white ash from burnt wood is soaked in water. The alkali passes from ash to water. After that, the ash is like a harmless (alkaline-free) fertilizer into the ground. And use water for washing (this is how our ancestors washed).

Here is another washing recipe: place birch ash in a container, pour water and insist until the water becomes soapy, then pour the water into another container so that the ash does not get into, you can strain through a fine sieve and boil the laundry in this water. Previously, it was the only way to wash it, it bleaches very well. Well suited for washing deciduous tree ashes, especially aspen.


Natural fabrics are perfectly washable and at the same time significantly softens (which is important, for example, for sliders or diapers) laundry soap.
Laundry soap grated on a grater + a teaspoon of soda is normally washed even in a typewriter.

For decades, our mothers and grandmothers washed with ordinary soap, and at the same time, their clothes were clean. The most suitable is laundry soap. For washing, you need to prepare such a solution: add 50 g of grated soap to a bucket of warm water and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soda. Dark fabrics with unstable coloration are washed without the addition of baking soda.

LEMON JUICE and VINEGAR are good at removing stains. To do this, you need to soak the laundry in hot water, adding 3-4 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar in 1 liter of water, for 15-20 minutes, then wash as usual. If stains are on white clothes, you can apply lemon juice to the stain and leave it in the sun. Rinse the laundry thoroughly before washing.


There are natural bleaches that give your laundry a crisp white look and can help remove stubborn stains and stains.

One of the ways to wash white linen is to boil in two containers of 7 liters of water each. In one container, dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate, in another 10 grams. laundry soap. Drain both solutions together and put 2-3 things overnight. Rinse in the morning. There are no stains and the linen is snow-white.

White linen can be washed with vegetable oil. Proportion: 100 grams of refined vegetable oil in 3 buckets of water. All this is stirred and it is the white linen that is put in for soaking. Then rinse and that's it. And whoever has washing machines in the house, they simply spin it all in the car, then rinse and dry.

You can also bleach without chlorine. For 10 liters of hot water, you can add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. This solution perfectly bleaches any fabric.

White socks, knee-highs are better washed if they are pre-soaked for 1-2 hours in water, to which 1-2 tablespoons of boric acid have been added. Boric acid bleaches whites better than bleach.

White clay - kaolin - bleaches well; her grandmothers often mix with starch and wash white clothes.

Blue clay bleaches cotton well!

Soda is also a bleaching agent.

ASH can also serve as bleach; for this, boil your laundry by adding a bag of ash. This creates a lye that you can use for further washing.

You can also prepare a bleaching solution: for 10 liters of water, take 2 tablespoons. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. ammonia. This solution perfectly bleaches any fabric.

Another recipe for eco-friendly laundry detergent:

The powder is based on grated soap and baking soda. It is recommended to pre-dry the soap, leaving it without paper or putting it on a battery, then the soap rubs easily and finely. The volume of grated soap and the volume of soda are equal, that is, add a glass of soda to a glass of grated soap. This is the basis of the powder, and can be used in this form for washing. You can add a tablespoon of citric acid to this amount for reinforcement - this refreshes and softens the laundry, protects the washing machine from scale. You can also add a tablespoon of salt to help fix colors when washing colored items. In this form, the powder copes with common dirt and fresh stains. If you need to wash something more difficult, add bleach or powder enhancers to the recipe.

I won't be mistaken if I say that every housewife has her own favorite and proven means for washing, cleaning, washing dishes, windows and other household needs. I am a conservative by nature, but I do not refuse new household chemicals. There are, of course, tools that have been proven over the years, which I will not and do not want to change (although I also came to them by trial and error), and there are those that I will gladly change even tomorrow. Let's figure it out: which funds really deserve attention, and which ones are better not to buy or throw away.

Dishwashing detergents

Let's start with hand washing detergents. The thing I hate doing around the house the most is doing the dishes. For me, this is a daily torture. As a child, I dreamed that there was such a special machine, such as a washing machine, so that you could wash dishes. And my dream came true: they came up with a dishwasher. The opportunity to acquire this most valuable miracle of technology did not appear immediately. So let's go back to hand-washing the dishes.

  • AOS antibacterial Is the most effective dish detergent.
  • Frosch lemon or pomegranate (balm) - the best natural dishwashing detergent.
  • Fairy - the best anti-fat remedy.
  • Organic People Ecogel - organic dishwashing gel of sufficient quality.
  • Eared nanny - the best detergent for washing children's dishes, based on my personal experience (I have tried quite a few of them).
  • Sorti - the best remedy from the inexpensive and available on the market.
  • BioMio with cotton extract - good odorless dishwashing detergent.

As for my choice: I give my preference to Fairy for all dishes, except for children. And my children's dishes are made by means of the "Ushasty Nyan" trade mark.

The choice of dishwasher detergents is not that huge. But there is also plenty to choose from.

Dishwasher detergents come in different types and consistencies:

  • Powder

Economical and perhaps the most popular type of detergent. The disadvantages include only the fact that when you fall asleep in the compartment, you can accidentally inhale microparticles of the agent, which is extremely undesirable and can harm your health. Talking about the fact that when using powder for washing dishes - you can scratch it (dishes), I consider fiction and nonsense. I have not heard from anyone about the confirmation of this assumption. I have been using the powder for more than three years - all the dishes are in perfect order.

  • Gel

Considered safer and more convenient than powder. It contains no abrasives. The gel softens water better, does not oxidize silver and is suitable for washing porcelain dishes.

  • Pills

Not suitable for all dishwasher models. On short cycles, it does not have time to dissolve completely. From personal experience, I can say that tablets are the worst dishwasher. I do not recommend using them. Plus, they are more expensive than powder. And consumption: 1 tablet per wash cycle. Expensive and ineffective!

From manufacturing firms I prefer Finish. I usually buy powder and rinse aid (with a scent) from this company. I tried the means of other companies, but the price is high, then the effectiveness is low. And here everything fits perfectly.

  • Washing powders and fabric softeners

The selection of detergents is so vast that it can be easy to get confused. The same applies to fabric softeners. I have tried a lot of powders from different companies. And I chose several manufacturers for my family. For children's clothes: "Eared nanny for sensitive skin" or "Sodasan comfort-sensitive child hypoallergenic".

There are several other manufacturers of baby washing powder that definitely deserve attention:

  • Tobbi kids
  • Our Mom baby soap BIO
  • Baby line baby concentrated on the basis of natural soap

All of the above brands of washing powder are made on the basis of natural soap. And they are considered the safest to use. But they have one significant, as it seems to me, drawback: they are very poor at cleaning heavily soiled laundry and old stains ... And for children's clothing, this is a very necessary property. Therefore, I am skeptical about the conclusions of experts that the “Eared Nanny” powder is very harmful, I just rinse out children's clothes not two or three, but six or eight times.

As for washing powder for adult clothes , then everything is very simple here too: after trying powders from different manufacturers, comparing quality, efficiency and cost, I chose, you won’t believe, at the "Ushasty Nyanya". I am completely satisfied with the wash result. For me, an indicator of the effectiveness and quality of the powder is the result of washing kitchen towels, which are usually very difficult to wash without soaking and stain removers. With this powder, everything is in order. I am pleased.

If I had to choose another manufacturer, I would have opted for Ariel or Persil. I used to use Ariel and everything was fine, but recently it has been slightly overpriced. But the quality of washing with Ariel powder is beyond praise, unlike Tide, which washes just awful.

A few words about washing gels ... Regardless of the manufacturer, I think that using them is not practical and not effective. First, they are not cheap. Secondly, a very high consumption during washing. Well, and the most important argument: they wash heavily soiled laundry and old stains very poorly.

In choosing a fabric softener - I am old-fashioned and I consistently prefer Lenor. This brand has a very large selection of scents for every "taste". Therefore, my experiments with air conditioning are limited to changing the scent, but not the brand.

Advice : If you are using a certain brand of air conditioner that suits you completely, you should not take the risk and choose something else. Just choose a different scent!

Household cleaning products

You will be surprised, but I do not use special chemicals for cleaning the apartment, which is what I wish for you.

A few important tips from my personal apartment cleaning practice:

  1. Dusting off very easily and effectively with old woolen socks or a sweater ... The secret is that when rubbed, wool becomes electrified and attracts dust.
  2. You can clean the sewer without buying toxic products in the store, but with boiling water and soda with vinegar ... For example, I pour a small pot of boiling water into the drain every day at the end of the day. You can fill in half a glass of soda, and after 5 minutes pour out 100 ml of vinegar. Then rinse with strong cold water.
  3. I use water with ammonia to wash windows ... Dilute 50 ml of ammonia in 5 liters of water and wash the windows. After washing, rub the glass with a newspaper. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
  4. The toilet is best washed with vinegar. ... Pour half a cup of vinegar into the toilet, then sprinkle another half cup on the walls, sprinkle with baking soda on top. After 15-20 minutes, rub the dirty areas with a brush, sprinkling with baking soda if necessary. For prevention, pour a glass of vinegar into the toilet once a month at night. This will help prevent dark rings and dissolve salt deposits. Checked - it works!
  5. The safest way to clean the floor is by simple means. ... For the laminate, I use the following solution: for 1 liter of water - ¼ cup of vinegar. It is enough to wash the linoleum with hot water with the addition of a small amount of dishwashing liquid.
  6. Carpets can be easily cleaned without special shampoos. ... You just need to sprinkle the carpet with starch or baking soda, and then just vacuum them thoroughly. Besides, baking soda will not only remove dirt, but also eliminate unpleasant odors, if any.

You should know it!

Naturally, we cannot do without household chemicals at all. But there are elements, the content of which in detergents or cosmetics, can be very harmful to health and pose a real danger. Especially for children and pregnant women. Review the composition of all funds in your home and if you see the following items, discard it immediately and never use it again. .

Harmful chemicals:

  • BBP - Butyl Phenyl Phthalate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ... Often used in perfumery and cosmetics. Especially dangerous for children !!!
  • Sodium fluoride or fluoride ... The most common use is in toothpastes. It is categorically impossible to use toothpaste containing this component for children!
  • Triclosan - triclosan chlorophenol ... Found in shaving cream, toothpastes, antibacterial soaps and many detergents. Destroys both harmful and beneficial bacteria.
  • Formaldehyde is very dangerous ... Corrodes mucous membranes, affects the respiratory tract. It is very dangerous. With frequent use, it can lead to asthma and cancer.
  • LauramideDea - LauramideDea ... Used in the manufacture of dishwashing detergents. It has an extremely negative effect on the condition of hair and skin, it can cause itching, allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock.

And a few more words from myself. Try not to use concentrated detergents ... I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t believe that a drop of a product that can wash half an apartment or wash a mountain of linen can be safe. How much chemistry needs to be crammed into this drop so that it is able to wash, clean and wash off much more than the "more harmful" unconcentrated product. And will you believe this advertising nonsense? Me not.

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I really want the houses and apartments in which we live to be not only beautiful, comfortable and clean, but also safe for health.

We try to surround ourselves with environmentally friendly things, change furniture, get rid of synthetic fabrics, monitor the environmental friendliness of products, but we still don't always read the composition of the detergents we buy at home.

But manufacturers often change only the name, and not the essence of the product, believing that the very word “eco-friendly” on the label will already make the world cleaner and buyers healthier.

site found several home cleaning products that absolutely harmless not only to humans, but also to the environment.

Soda and mustard

Replaces detergents for washing dishes, stoves, plumbing fixtures and kitchen countertops.

Application methods:

  • 1 tsp mustard powder for a few liters of hot water will wash even greasy pans to a squeak.
  • Pour a thin layer of baking soda on the dirty carpet, lightly brush and vacuum.


An excellent disinfectant that wipes off grease and dirt, soap stains on tiles.
Plus, it resists mildew and is a natural fragrance.

Replaces kitchen and bathroom cleaning products.

Application methods:

  • We wipe the board for cutting fish or meat for disinfection and getting rid of unpleasant odors.
  • A solution of lemon juice and water in proportions of 3 tbsp. l. 400 ml, placed in a container in the microwave for 10 minutes at the highest power, will completely clean it from the inside.
  • Lemon juice easily removes limescale on the tap.


A versatile product that helps keep your home clean and fresh. Perfectly removes water stone and stale plaque. To overcome the unpleasant smell of vinegar, you need to add a drop of lavender essential oil to it.

Replaces cleaning products for mirrors and windows, plumbing fixtures, tiles and floors.

Application methods:

  • 1 tsp We dilute vinegar in 1 liter of water, pour it into a bottle with a spray bottle and wash windows and mirrors.
  • Apply the product to the tiles in the bathroom, wait 10 minutes and rinse off with clean water.
  • In case of strong deposits on the sink, put a cloth soaked in hot vinegar on the dirty place, and after half an hour remove the plaque with a brush and ordinary soap.
  • Stubborn white plaque on the floor after repair is removed with a solution of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.


Always there in any kitchen. The cheapest cleaning product. Salt has many uses in everyday life.

Replaces detergents for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, plumbing, stain removers.

Application methods:

  • To clean and disinfect kitchen sponges and washcloths, place them in containers of salt water.
  • To get rid of the unpleasant smell, before defrosting or washing the refrigerator, apply salt diluted in carbonated water to the door and internal parts.
  • A woolen bedside rug is easy to clean if you sprinkle it with salt, sprinkle it with water and vacuum it after half an hour.

Cola or Pepsi

Replaces detergents for washing showers, bathrooms, taps, plumbing fixtures, tiles, burnt dishes, ovens.

Application methods:

  • We boil soda in a saucepan with a burnt bottom - we get almost new dishes.
  • We remove rust and corrosion from any household items with this soda.
  • Pouring soda into the drain pipe overnight can help cleanse hair and grease deposits perfectly.

Vitamin C

Effervescent tablets are great for cleaning dirty plumbing. They deal with dirt without any effort on your part.

Replaces plumbing detergents.

Application methods:

  • To remove limescale deposits from the toilet under the water line, you can toss in a few effervescent vitamin C tablets overnight, then use a brush to remove the deposits in the morning and rinse off the water.

Olive oil

The best tool even for the most expensive furniture, and very economical - you need a couple of drops to clean. The oil refreshes and polishes wood surfaces.

Replaces polish and wood cleaners.

Application methods:

  • A couple of drops on cotton fabric will refresh and polish wood, leather furniture, solid wood items and parquet.
  • To prevent the balcony or country wicker furniture from drying out, you can wipe it with oil from time to time.

Essential oils

Oils are the best fragrances and an excellent disinfectant. They are able to prevent even the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls. They turn cleaning into aromatherapy.
Prevents mold.

Replaces air freshener, disinfectant, wood floor cleaner, anti-mold agent.

Application methods:

  • We treat any surfaces where bacteria accumulate with lavender or tea tree oil - kitchen countertops, cutting boards, plumbing fixtures.
  • Add 30 drops to 5 liters of water and wash the floor.
  • Undiluted oil of lemon, lemon balm, fir, juniper, thyme, mint, lavender, spruce will dissolve the greasy stain on the fabric in 3-5 minutes.


Pasta is always at hand. It cleans almost all surfaces effortlessly. It is an excellent stain remover.

Replaces abrasives, tile cleaners, sanitary ware, stain remover.

Application methods:

  • A single serving of toothpaste will clean even the oldest silver and silverware.
  • Handles ink, cosmetics, oil, coffee or tea stains on carpets. Put some toothpaste on the stain, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse well.
  • To clean wood furniture from traces of cups, take a soft cloth with a little paste and wipe the surface.
  • Easily removes felt-tip and pen marks from painted walls.

Hydrogen peroxide

Available in any home. Disinfects any surface. It can be safely used in a baby's room.

Replaces bathroom and kitchen cleaning products, bleaching products.

Many people confuse organic products with ordinary household chemicals, which contain a couple of plant extracts. Organic products are made from raw materials grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, they are not tested on animals and do not contain harmful components (refined products, chlorine, parabens, etc.). In addition, organic products are often eco-certified (ECOCERT, ICEA EcoLogo, BDHI, etc.). The most important condition is complete biodegradability. Recycle has chosen the highest quality and safest laundry detergents.

Ecological liquid for washing Zero Ecover

A universal detergent for washing clothes of any color, in which surfactants (surfactants) are used on vegetable and sugar bases. Suitable for allergy sufferers and children. The Belgian company Ecover is one of the most popular manufacturers of ecological detergents in the world.

Its products have a number of eco-certificates, they do not contain substances hazardous to health and nature, and the packaging of most products is made of 100% environmentally friendly plastic obtained from sugar cane.The packaging is completely recyclable and leaves no harmful waste behind. In addition, the water after washing with Ecover is suitable for watering garden plants.

Price: 630 rub.

Volume: 1.5 L

Soap nuts S.S. Herbals

The fruits of the soap tree have been used in everyday life for many centuries. In America and Asia, they are used to wash clothes, clean rooms and even wash. With the help of soap nuts, you can wash all types of fabrics: nuts do not wash out the color, effectively wash away dirt and do not leave behind any odor.

Soap nuts can be used when washing children's linen and clothes of allergy sufferers. The tool is quite economical, one kilogram is enough for about 150 washings. In addition, soap nuts work as a conditioner, making fabrics soft to the touch.

Price: RUB 910

Volume: 1 kg

Liquid soap for washing down clothes Nikwax

Nikwax products are specially formulated for the care of sports fabrics. Down Soap removes dirt, grease and prevents water repellent treatment from washing off clothes. But most importantly, it washes the down well and protects it from caking.

If, when washing with ordinary powders, in most cases, down jackets become unusable, then they are perfectly washed with soap from Nikwax. This product is not tested on animals, it is safe for the environment and completely biodegradable (under the influence of natural factors, it decomposes into substances that are safe for nature: water and carbon dioxide).

Price: 320 rub.

Volume: 300 ml

Bile soap AlmaWin

Old-fashioned soap helps remove stains from blood, fruit juice, ink, grass, grease and other substances. It contains ox bile enzymes, which act as a natural stain remover. Soap, like all products of the German company AlmaWin, is a hypoallergenic biodegradable product, whose quality is confirmed by the Belgian certificate Ecogarantie.

Price: 134 rub.

Volume: 100 g

Ecological stain remover Ecover

Removes stubborn stains from white and colored laundry of any color fastness. The product removes stains from blood, dirt, herbs, and after washing does not remain in the fibers of fabrics. The set includes a special brush to help remove stains from cuffs and collars. The product contains enzymes (protein molecules, non-GMO), environmentally friendly surfactants, cellulose and citric acid. And there is no chlorine at all, therefore it is safe for children, and at the same time is not inferior to chlorine-containing analogues.

Price: 255 rub.

Volume: 200 ml

Liquid Concentrated Laundry Detergent SA8 Amway

The product washes stubborn stains from any fabrics, completely removes during rinsing and protects black clothes from fading. It works just as effectively in cold water as in hot water. Contains emollient ingredients to avoid the use of fabric softeners. The product is not organic, it contains non-ionic surfactants that have a harmful effect on the state of water bodies and do not decompose completely.

However, it annually improves the environmental performance of its products and supports WWF's conservation program to restore the leopard population in the Caucasus.

Price: 1500 rub.

Volume: 1.5 L

Concentrate for washing colored clothes Klar

The powder copes with stubborn stains at all temperatures. Its formula is gentle on fabrics and prevents premature wear. The powder is biodegradable, odorless, does not contain harmful additives, suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. The product contains a number of minerals, soft vegetable surfactants and rice starch.

Klar is produced by the German company AlmaWin, which has the Ecogarantie certificate. It confirms that the product is safe for health and the environment, and that its composition is not hidden by the manufacturer.

Price: 1865 rub.

Volume: 4.5 kg

Washing ball Biowashball

A unique product that helps to wash clothes without the use of detergents. One ball, even with daily use, can handle washing for 3 years. Made of non-toxic plastic, inside of which there are ceramic balls with various microorganisms.

According to the manufacturer, these microorganisms are obtained from the earth, and during the washing process they change the Ph of the water, which makes it possible to successfully wash organic and chemical contaminants. The ball is produced by the Swiss company Hao Pi BIOWASHBALL, which cares about the environment and does not test its products on animals.

Price: 1850 rub.

Organic People Fabric Softener

Unlike traditional household chemicals, the product contains 94.4% natural ingredients. It has moisturizing and softening properties, prevents the occurrence of a static effect, does not have a harmful effect on the skin.

The conditioner contains surfactants of plant origin, essential oils of grapefruit and orange flowers, and organic extracts of eloe vera and angelica. Organic People products are manufactured in Russia. It is completely biodegradable and has a number of eco-friendly certifications.

Price: 180 rub.

Volume: 1.5 L

Seventh Generation laundry detergent

This hypoallergenic product is intended for washing any fabrics, including delicate ones. Removes even stubborn stains. The composition contains surfactants and plant stain removers, glycerin and minerals. The packaging of the product is made from plant fibers, so it is easily degradable and recyclable.

Seventh Generation is a popular US home cleaning company. The company focuses on the safety of children, and is also the initiator of the movement to tighten the US legislation on the composition of household chemicals.

Price: 1508 rub.

Volume: 1.47 L

06 Jun 13: 29/2018

Eco-friendly home cleaning and laundry products

How to clean up and not kill your health along with the entire environment

Week after week, we wash the dishes, wipe the table, wash the stove after a culinary exercise, wash bed linen, towels and favorite jeans, clean the bathroom, wash the floors and polish the furniture. How much cleaning products do you have in your kitchen or bathroom? How many of them harm your health?

The fact is that the laundry and cleaning products that are familiar to each of us can contain allergens, hazardous substances and be a source of toxic infection. More and more people are beginning to be attentive to their health. They don’t buy furniture that can emit formaldehyde, don’t use lead paint during renovations, and often ventilate the room knowing that plastic windows do not allow air to pass through.

Supporters of a healthy lifestyle exclude semi-finished and processed food from their diet, try not to drink carbonated drinks, use organic cosmetics and lead an active lifestyle.

However, quite a few people still know that household chemicals can also be hazardous to our health. When we wash, wash and clean, the products get on the mucous membranes, on the skin, in the respiratory tract, in the air and sewage. To protect yourself from harmful substances, choose safe detergents and cleaning products. Here are the basic rules to help me make the right choice.

Black list

Independent Health Care Project Environmental Working Group developed an instruction that helps to choose safe household chemicals
They have compiled a list of substances that should not be in your funds:

Triclosan (triclosan / triclosanum)... At the moment, its antibacterial properties have not been scientifically confirmed, but the harm to health has been proven. In the United States, there is a ban on products that contain triclosan.

Fragrances of unknown origin which can often cause allergic reactions.

Dishwashing liquid from the brand Sodasan

Dishwashing liquid from the brand Attitude

All-round organic grease and brand stain remover Fit Organic... It is suitable for a variety of surfaces.


Dishwasher powder concentrate from the brand Sodasan

Dishwasher tablets from the brand Etamine

Liquid concentrate with linseed oil for flooring Ecover... It can be used to clean wood, ceramic, marble, concrete and linoleum floors.

Glass and mirror cleaner Attitude... The product does not contain ammonia, therefore it does not harm the ozone layer.

Bath, toilet and pipe care

In a warm and humid environment, bacteria and fungi develop very actively, so regular cleaning is essential. At the same time, blockages, limescale and foreign odors complicate matters so much that we are used to buying the most nuclear cleaning products. However, you can and should do without them.

At first, discard all products marked "antibacterial" because almost all of them contain the banned substance triclosan. It is also worth abandoning air fresheners with strong fragrances, because manufacturers often use very harmful substances. Essential oils, which can be bought at the pharmacy, can easily cope with the task of a freshener. They not only flavor the space, but also have natural antibacterial properties.

Universal cleaning products

(most of the tasks can be solved with the help of kitchen cleaning products):

    All-round organic grease and brand stain remover Fit Organic will help to cope with limescale.

    Brand Cream Cleaner Ecodoo will wash away soap deposits on ceramics.

    Organic Brand Disinfectant Pure water

    The "Pine" gel from the brand is suitable for cleaning the toilet. Etamine

    Bathroom and toilet cleaner from the brand Klar

How to clean pipes

Means for removing blockages are considered one of the most dangerous among household chemicals. Aggressive substances in their composition can cause burns and damage to pipes. Use a plunger or a special plumbing cable instead of household chemicals. Then the pipes will last longer, and you will not risk your health.


When choosing detergents, avoid those that contain phosphates and phosphonates. They harm not only us. Substances enter wastewater and damage the environment. At the same time, safe products also wash well.


Organic laundry gel from the brand Fit Organic

Universal washing powder ALMAWIN

Oxygen bleach from the brand ALMAWIN

6 natural cleaning products

If you don't want to use special cleaning products at all, you can try folk remedies.

Soda and mustard help to wash all surfaces in the kitchen, mustard effectively fights fat.

Lemon well disinfects and fragrances the space, removes soap stains on tiles and resists the appearance of mold.

Vinegar helps to get rid of plaque and water stone, it can be used to clean plumbing fixtures, mirrors, tiles and floors. To counteract the smell of vinegar, add a drop of lavender essential oil to the solution.

Olive oil will help in the care of wooden and leather furniture.

Essential oils aromatize and disinfect the space.

Activated carbon tablets help to eliminate the smell in the refrigerator.