Can pregnant women use body scrub. Self care during pregnancy, how to take care of yourself? Cosmetic skin care products for a pregnant woman: purchase requirements

Bearing a fetus implies increased control of the health of the expectant mother. At the same time, being in a position, you should not deny yourself the usual things. Some procedures change only slightly, but you don’t have to abandon them. Today we will talk about how to take care of yourself during pregnancy. Let's talk about hygiene, the fight against stretch marks, pigmentation and cosmetics.

Whether it is necessary

Every woman cares about her appearance. Being in a position, the question of how to take care of yourself during pregnancy becomes especially acute.

The happy sparkle in the eyes speaks volumes. The hormonal background changes dramatically, the level of estrogen rises. There are fairly rapid changes in the figure.

Some of the usual methods of care will still have to be abandoned. But basic procedures remain available for expectant mothers.

Daily hygiene

Caring for yourself during pregnancy is a little different from the usual period of life. During all nine months, hormonal changes occur. In some cases, the usual level of hygiene is not enough.

Expectant mothers sweat more. The smell takes on unusual notes. Increased frequency of visits to the toilet. An increased need to urinate and vaginal discharge leaves its mark on the frequency of intimate hygiene.

To eradicate the causes of a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungus and bacteria, it is necessary to take a daily shower. It can be both cool and warm. 37°C is considered the optimum temperature. This will help to improve blood circulation and get a charge of vivacity.

After a shower, it is recommended to apply a softening and moisturizing cream.

You can also relax in a warm bath. This promotes excellent mood and sleep. The temperature should not exceed 38°C. Hotter water will significantly increase the body temperature of the mother and fetus. This is especially dangerous in the first trimester of gestation.

Oral hygiene requires increased attention. It is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day. In a day, the ideal indicator is three-time cleansing. All types of dental floss are allowed.

Special attention should be paid to toothpaste. It must be natural. It is better to change your toothbrush more often than recommended. Two months of use will help prevent the development of pathogens.

Facial care

Elevated estrogen levels also have a beneficial effect on the skin. Existing wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic. Owners of an oily type of dermis will note a reduced secretion of sebum. Reduces acne breakouts and pimples. The pores will become less visible. A healthy blush will appear.

Normal skin type, on the contrary, can become problematic. Perhaps the appearance of general tightness, dryness and pinpoint peeling. To eliminate them, it is better to use a soft scrub. Then apply a moisturizer.

The use of highly abrasive scrubs is not recommended. Just like peels, creams and masks with fruit acids. It has been proven that their content in high concentrations can harm the fetus.

It is important to remember that facial care during pregnancy is different from the usual.

The skin is more prone to allergic reactions. It is not recommended to purchase new cosmetics. Preference should be given to proven ones.

What to do about pigmentation

During the gestation period, pigmentation is a fairly common situation. Brunettes especially experience this problem. Symmetrical spots appear on the face in the forehead, temples, cheeks and cheekbones. The nipples and halos around them also darken. Dark patches may form in the midline of the abdomen and in natural skin folds.

You don't have to worry about it in particular. After a few months after childbirth, pigmentation will disappear without intervention.

To reduce the manifestations, it is necessary to use sunscreen. Spf filters are also added to products for daily use.

If skin care during pregnancy is of particular concern to the expectant mother, whitening cosmetics can be used.

Means approved by doctors during the period of gestation will not cause harm.

It is possible to make brightening masks on your own. To do this, grate the apple, add the egg yolk and finely chopped parsley.

Body care

Body care during pregnancy includes a number of procedures.

It is necessary not only to maintain mental balance and not overstrain the muscles. Skin care is just as important. In most women, the skin of the body is of a normal type or prone to dryness.

To maintain tone, it is important to observe during the entire gestation period. Drink at least 2.5 liters of pure water per day.

Moisturizing creams and lotions contribute to good turgor. The use of natural oils will not only nourish the skin, but also make it silky.

Many girls love the wrapping procedure. This is a great way to moisturize and prevent unwanted effects. A number of such services have been created in the SPA centers.

Hot wraps are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Cosmetologists use components that do not have a warming effect. Often they are therapeutic mud, honey and seaweed. This treatment can also be used at home. But only for legs and arms.

The list of prohibited methods includes wrapping the abdomen, vacuum and anti-cellulite massage.

Fighting stretch marks

One of the most unpleasant moments is the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy. The cause of the occurrence is a strong increase in waist circumference. At this point, a lot of microdamage to the connective tissue occurs.

Stretch marks also appear on the chest, thighs and buttocks. It is much easier to prevent their formation than to eliminate existing ones.

Particular attention should be paid to those girls who are prone to stretch marks. They often occur during adolescence. It is then that the skin does not have time to adapt to the increased growth of the body and body weight.

Weight gain must be carefully monitored. A fast process threatens the formation of white and pink streaks.

Special cosmetics can help the skin remain elastic and elastic. These products include almond milk, jojoba oil and wheat germ, elastin.

You can cook them yourself. If normal, soft rubbing with a terry towel and light tingling will keep fine turgor.

breast care

High-quality breast support, as well as possible, prevents it from sagging. As soon as the mammary glands begin to grow, it is worth buying a new bra.

Exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles will help in the fight. In combination with a contrast shower and oils, a positive effect will be observed.

The absence of allergic reactions to aromatic products will also help solve the problem of stretch marks. Essential oil of orange combined with almond oil is perfect for massage.

You need to start applying from the nipples, moving up to the armpit with smooth, circular movements.

Depilation and peeling

Shaving is the safest way to remove hair.

Depilation with hot wax is prohibited on the legs. During this period, there is a tendency to varicose veins. Hot wax can provoke the spread of pathology.

It can be used on the arms and armpits. It is better to give preference to the cold method. Electro and laser hair removal is prohibited.

Peeling will not only remove dead cells, but also improve blood circulation. After it, the skin is the best way to perceive care products.

Manicure and pedicure

Manicure for pregnant women is better to carry out European. The same goes for pedicures.

Classic species should be postponed in order to avoid the possibility of introducing viruses through the instrument.

To prevent dry skin and delamination of nails, cold paraffin spa treatments are an excellent option. As well as natural oils and creams.

Hair care

Due to hormonal changes, increased hair loss may occur. No need to worry, with the return to normal, this problem will be eliminated by itself.

The task of the future mother is not to let the bulbs fall asleep. For this purpose, light massage for 5-10 minutes a day is perfect. To reduce the loss, it is necessary to use masks and balms. This will help avoid tangling when brushing.


Coloring is best done with paints that do not contain ammonia. When applied, retreating from the scalp 1-2 cm. For the entire period, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure more than three times.

A haircut

All superstitions about the exclusion of haircuts are unfounded. A haircut is necessary at any time in life. She won't do any harm.

Requirements for childbirth

Shaving the perineum becomes a mandatory requirement. It is better to do it at home. The midwife can also do this, but there is a possibility of damage.

Since sweating in pregnant women is increased, it is worth paying attention to hair removal in the armpit.

Not a prerequisite. But its use will help to avoid unpleasant moments.

Useful video: pregnancy and beauty - self-care during pregnancy

Your entire body undergoes changes during pregnancy, and your skin is no exception. While some women simply glow with beauty, others experience a range of dermatological problems from facial redness and broken blood vessels to stretch marks and acne.

Such changes are not a myth at all, the volume of blood in a pregnant woman increases by almost 50%. Increased blood circulation in the tissues of the body leads to the fact that the cheeks become rosy, the capillaries that cannot cope with such a volume become brittle, in addition to this, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and the face looks “brilliant”. But this does not mean that the expectant mother should endure all these joys.

Alas, the consensus on which ingredients are dangerous for pregnant women has not yet been fully formed. Sometimes women, in an effort not to harm, do not use anything at all, you never know. As soon as some article appears on the Internet about the potential dangers of the "vitamin" - and the jar flies into the trash. As a result, problems accumulate like a snowball, and after pregnancy, the amounts spent in beauty clinics increase tenfold.

The main thing you should remember when taking care of yourself:

  • The most important is the first trimester. It is the first weeks of pregnancy, when you are still unaware of future motherhood, that are very important for the development of the child. At these times, the tissues and systems of the vital activity of a new person are laid. It is at this time that it is worth showing scrupulousness in care procedures and lifestyle (give up bad habits).
  • Throughout pregnancy, care should be pleasant and comfortable, endorphins are very important. Avoid any ingredient or procedure that makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it works. Stress, pain, and so on provoke the release of cortisol, which constricts blood vessels. Believe me, this is not useful for your future baby.

- pregnancy mask

What is it: Melasma is one of the most common skin changes associated with pregnancy. These are light or dark brown spots that appear in 70% of pregnant women. A surge in the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and melanostimulating hormone lead to spots on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, or forehead.

What to do: Melasma cannot be completely prevented, but it is possible to reduce the intensity with the help of brightening serums. If you regularly performed superficial chemical peels with AHA acids before pregnancy and they do not cause you discomfort, you can take a course of procedures with lactic acid - it only affects the stratum corneum and does not show a systemic effect.

Look for vitamin C, niacinamide, and oligopeptides 34 and 51. Use products with SPF 30+, prefer sunblocks, i.e. titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, they reflect heat from the skin and are ideal for pregnant women.

Avoid: Hydroquinone should not be used. The risk of cellular toxicity is too great.

Psoriasis, eczema or rosacea

What is it: Pregnancy can be stressful for the body, and this fact will exacerbate existing or emerging problems. According to one theory, the immune system and all cellular responses switch to maintaining the health of the child and the mother is already "not strong enough." However, sometimes pregnant women, on the contrary, experience allergic itching and rashes.

What to do: Be gentle with your skin. Mild cleansers (hydrophilic oils or cream textures, cold creams), lamellar creams (mimicking the natural lipid layer) and simple moisturizing serums.

Key ingredients panthenol, bisabolol, beta glucan, oatmeal extract or oatmeal powder, colloidal oatmeal, borage, sunflower or olive seed oil. You may need a green-tinted concealer to mask redness. Do not be afraid of silicones, they are inert, do not cause allergic reactions and do not penetrate deep into the skin.

Avoid: Abrasive peels, even with the smallest particles (polishes). Heat and friction can provoke inflammatory reactions. Also refrain from perfumed products - even if the shower gel smells good of "bitter chocolate and orange", it's better not to risk it. Perfumes exacerbate skin sensitization.


What is it: Increasing the levels of the hormones progesterone, estrogen and androgens during pregnancy stimulates the sebaceous and sweat glands. The skin becomes oily, the follicles are blocked, blackheads can appear on the face, chest and back. Studies have recorded the maximum level of hormones in the earliest stages of pregnancy, a subsidence in the second and a final surge in the third semester.

What to do: We need clay masks that absorb excess sebum, it’s good if there is sulfur in the composition.

In creams, look for sebum-regulating and antibacterial components - niacinamide, zinc gluconate, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, Salix alba (white willow) bark extract. If you have pustules or papules, it is possible to use low concentrations of benzoyl peroxide. 2% salicylic acid and lactic acid peels are acceptable.

Avoid: Retinol is harmful for pregnant women - it easily passes through the deep layers of the skin and enters the systemic circulation, has a teratogenic effect, and can cause cell mutations.

Some say that salicylic acid is also dangerous because it affects red blood cells and thins the blood in a similar way to aspirin. I believe that even a 20% peel with salicylic acid will only work in the sebaceous glands and will not go deeper. Therefore, all the horror stories about the stimulation of bleeding are not justified. But ultrasonic cleansing is really better to avoid, their effect on the body of pregnant women has not really been studied.

Becoming a mother is not an easy task, you should not complicate your life with “cosmetic” horror stories and panic. The simple tips in the article will help you maintain and even improve the condition of your skin.

Tatiana Morrison

Photo, collage by Alina Trout

It is no secret to anyone that during pregnancy, a global hormonal restructuring occurs in a woman's body, while the skin undergoes a lot of different changes, and therefore, care should be taken more than carefully. In order to maintain your attractiveness for as long as possible and look great even after several decades, you may have to carry out some partial replacement of certain cosmetic products from that set of cosmetics familiar to you. However, sometimes personal care products have to be changed almost completely.

During pregnancy, the female body produces more estrogen, which, of course, contributes to some dryness of the skin. That is why if your skin has always been oily or problematic by nature, then you may even be lucky, because now its condition will most likely return to the absolute norm, and you will very quickly be able to forget about acne and that unpleasant greasy sheen.

But if your skin in your usual life, according to its type, was dry, then, unfortunately, now it will be difficult for it, and you will need to take care of it even more intensively and carefully than before. Forget about lotions containing alcohol. From now on, for constant daily care, it will be best to use moisturizing creams, as well as from time to time try to set aside time for some nourishing masks.

It may happen that during pregnancy you even get acne. This will mean that hormonal changes have also affected the work of the sebaceous glands, stimulating their active work. In such cases, it is possible and even necessary to fight acne with the help of cleansers that are as gentle as possible, which do not contain soap or alcohol. Throughout the day, it will be very useful to wipe problem skin with wet antibacterial wipes. However, remember, in no case should you even think about the possibility of using creams that save you from teenage acne, they are simply not safe for a pregnant woman. You can consult your doctor about this. And only if the doctor deems it necessary and possible, he will be able to prescribe any additional useful supplements for you, for example, a complex of B vitamins.

Be sure and carefully read all the annotations for the new cosmetics that you decide to purchase. Pay attention to whether there is such a mark on the label as hypoallergenic.

Another important point, if you feel that the air in your house is excessively dry, be sure to try to moisten it so that your skin can breathe freely. And it is quite possible to do this with the help of regular wet cleaning, and it would be very nice to use water sprayers or professional air humidifiers.

Beneficial beauty treatments

Those women who claim that it is impossible to carry out cosmetic procedures during pregnancy live with clearly outdated ideas about life and pregnancy. Some types of skin care will not only not harm you, but will be more than useful.

During pregnancy, some restrictions are recommended only for serious chemical cleansing of the face. But regularly cleansing the skin of the face with light peeling, natural masks and scrubs, while actively supplementing the effect of their use with massage and masks, is not only possible but necessary. Of course, it will be much better if you use not chemical, but natural products specifically for sensitive skin.

Try to regularly use a light, natural facial scrub, such as a hand-made scrub made from finely ground or already used coffee grounds. Approximately the same very light effect is obtained by cleansing the face with a mask of raw oatmeal. If you regularly carry out light superficial exfoliation, which is best done once a week or every two weeks, depending on the type of skin, this will help you maintain a beautiful healthy complexion for a long time throughout pregnancy and after childbirth.

  • Sour cream mask. You need to mix one hundred grams of sour cream, add to them one egg white, heavily chopped peel of one lemon, and season it all with one teaspoon of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly again. Apply the mask to your face with a brush or plastic spatula. Leave it on your face until the mixture dries completely. Then you need to wash everything off with a warm decoction of parsley.
  • Mask for oily problem skin. For such skin, a mask of ordinary yogurt will be very useful. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which will perfectly dry oily and problematic skin, in addition, it will be able to narrow the pores on the face. You can afford to make such a nourishing yogurt mask daily.
  • Mint masks. These masks are also great for problematic and oily skin. It is necessary to dilute the mint concentrate with water, after which it will need to be applied to the face with a brush or cotton swab. Mint itself or mint tea will perfectly narrow the pores on the face, and your skin will become lighter and even somewhat more transparent. However, you need to remember that mint solutions should not be applied immediately to dry skin, this can dry it out even more, before applying the mask, just rinse your face and do not wipe it.
  • Watermelon juice mask. Such a mask will improve blood circulation and refresh the skin somewhat. Cosmetologists have noticed that it turns out that in watermelon, the pH level of acidity coincides, or rather, corresponds to the pH level of human skin. In addition, watermelon juice is used as an excellent tonic. In addition to the content of vitamins A and C, watermelon contains many other, but no less essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins. On a cleanly washed face, apply a watermelon gruel and leave it for about twenty minutes, then rinse everything with warm water.
  • Soft black bread masks. It will cleanse well and will not overdry the skin, in addition, it has another important advantage - it is very easy to do. First, crumble a piece of black bread and fill it with warm water, knead it until a gruel is obtained. Then apply the mask on your face and when the mask begins to dry out, go wash it off with warm water.
  • Egg mask. It is best used to whiten age spots. First you need to beat the protein, then add a couple of drops to it, after which the mixture can be applied directly to those places where age spots appeared. At the end of twenty minutes, the dried mask will need to be washed off with warm water.
  • Masks with egg yolk. It is the yolk rich in lecithins that is extremely useful in order to care for dry skin. If your skin is combination or dry, a mixture of egg yolk with one tablespoon of vegetable oil acceptable to you is ideal for you. In order for the mask to be also nutritious, you need to make a small supplement, namely, put a teaspoon of honey into the mixture. This mask, like many others, should be applied to the skin for twenty minutes, then it should be washed off with cool or slightly warm water.

Most of the cosmetics that you used to use before pregnancy may well suit you now. However, it is still better for a pregnant woman to refuse precisely those means that can clog pores, and this, as a rule, is powder and dense tonal creams. In addition, it should be taken into account that all the right types of cosmetics are required to have a certain hygienic conclusion, as a rule, all serious, reputable stores require such a conclusion from all suppliers. In such a hygienic conclusion, it is most often indicated that those components that are part of this particular cosmetic product will not have a systemic negative effect on the human body.

But still, do not abuse cosmetics. Try to determine for yourself the very minimum of cosmetics that will allow you to look great and feel beautiful and well-groomed. The main thing in any business is a sense of proportion. After all, you must admit that the phrase of one of the fashionable and famous stylists is now more relevant than ever, he said: “When a woman has not combed her hair, there is no longer any point in actively painting her eyes.”

Due to hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, and in particular due to the large amount of estrogen produced quite often, the hair of expectant mothers can become thicker, they can even grow better and faster. Sometimes the hair becomes more shiny and acquires a beautiful velvet shade. However, this does not happen in all pregnant women, sometimes the situation can be completely reversed.

If we talk about hair coloring, perm, highlighting and other radical experiments with hair, then in modern conditions the drugs that are used for this can be far from safe for the unborn child. Although many masters in beauty salons claim that all such procedures are harmless. Before you decide on any global changes in appearance, seek advice from a doctor leading your pregnancy, as well as a professional hairdresser. Remember that due to hormonal changes in the body, there is also some change in the structure of the hair, and as a result of dyeing it, it may happen that the effect of dyeing is completely unforeseen. This can happen even if you use the same color and the same brand of paint that you used long before pregnancy. Any hairdresser will be able to confirm such not too pleasant fact to you.

But for washing hair during pregnancy, you should try to use only high-quality shampoos, and for hair care, only those products that are based on natural and natural ingredients. In addition, many hair care products will not be difficult to prepare at home.

  • Such a healthy olive oil. It is perfect for dry and brittle hair. You can use it like this: about an hour before you are going to wash your hair, apply a little olive oil to your hair, then wrap your head with plastic wrap, and wrap something warm on top, say a large terry towel. You will get the effect of a certain compress. It is very useful to add a tablespoon of honey and a pounded egg yolk separated from the protein to olive oil. The mask should be held on the hair for about an hour, then remove the towel and wash your hair, as you are used to doing.
  • Honey is great for hair care. It is good to use it to give hair more shine and some velvety, honey, first of all, is needed to nourish the scalp. How to use it: heat two tablespoons of honey in a water bath, then add one teaspoon of castor oil, it will not be bad if you add a couple of drops of lavender oil to the mixture, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. With a brush, swab or simply with your fingertips, apply the resulting mixture to the hair, while doing a light head massage. After fifteen minutes have passed, the head can be washed in the usual way.
  • Care with beer. Beer is such a product that is especially useful for thin and weakened hair. Beer, which has stood for several hours, is sure to be in an open container, capable of giving a significant volume to thin, weak hair. Beer is usually applied to the hair immediately after washing and then simply dried.
  • Such healthy lettuce leaves. They are unusually rich in various minerals. All those valuable minerals that are in the salad, and this is phosphorus, and sulfur, and silicon compounds, and many others can have a beneficial effect on hair growth. To prepare such a mask, first chop the lettuce leaves, while adding a little water and a very small amount of carrot juice or bell pepper juice. This resulting slurry should be applied to clean hair, then after five minutes it will be possible to wash it all off with warm water.
  • Nourishing mask for weak and depleted hair: use one teaspoon of psyllium herb, the same amount of nettle herb and chamomile flowers, and the same amount of crumbled rye bread. Pour a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture, and leave to infuse for about two hours. After that, the infusion should be filtered and rye bread already softened and separated from the crusts should be added to it. You will get a pleasant smell of gruel. It can be applied to the hair, after which you will need to put on a warming cap or simply wrap your head with a piece of cellophane, and then cover everything with a warm terry towel. There will be a greenhouse effect. The mask should work for about one hour. After that, it will need to be washed off with clean warm water.

Nail care during pregnancy

In the body of a pregnant woman, there is some lack of calcium, which can lead to the fact that her nails can become brittle and even brittle and, of course, will need special care.

Firstly, the most necessary thing that a future mother will need to do is to increase her daily diet with those foods that contain a lot of calcium. Secondly, it is very important to take care of your nails directly. In this case, a light but regular hand massage using medicated oils or a cream to strengthen nails will be very useful. It is quite possible to pamper your hands with paraffin or ozocerite baths, after which the hands will be softer, smoother, and the nails will become much stronger. A sea salt bath is also great for brittle nails.

It is prepared like this: a tablespoon of sea salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water, then the nails are lowered there for about twenty minutes. Such procedures can be carried out every other day, for two, or even three weeks.

Proper hand care

During pregnancy, the skin of the hands, as well as the whole body, in general, becomes more sensitive to negative external influences, sometimes there may be a tendency to irritation and excessive dryness. Therefore, it is simply vital to regularly use moisturizing and nourishing creams specifically for hands. Creams containing extracts of such natural ingredients as chamomile and calendula extracts are especially suitable.

Pregnancy is just the time when more than ever it is necessary to pay more attention to all your skin. It will not be bad if you make it a rule once or twice a week, but more often you don’t need to carry out a pleasant procedure for exfoliating dead epidermal cells with the help of scrubs.

If you would like to do procedures for the prevention of stretch marks on the body, then you will need to pay special attention to the weakest areas of the female body, of course, these are the stomach, hips and chest. The scrub should be applied to wet skin and then, massaging it in a circular motion, try for a few minutes to peel off the top layer of the epidermis, after which you need to thoroughly rinse everything with cool water.

In such a simple way, you can speed up cell renewal, as well as significantly increase tissue resistance, and you can prevent sagging skin on the thighs and buttocks. Such procedures help to saturate your skin with many useful and essential trace elements, such as sodium, iodine, magnesium, and iron. As a useful addition, you can use a firming cream, which will be rich in vitamins and preferably natural oils. Start rubbing it in with gentle circular motions, applying to the skin of the abdomen and thighs.

It is quite acceptable to use homemade scrubs, for this, take salt and mix it with olive oil, and your scrub is ready. You can replace salt with ordinary corn grits or finely ground coffee. Such scrubs perfectly cleanse and nourish the skin, however, after any scrub, you may need a cream.

While using the scrub, you can do a light pinching massage, which will help you maintain skin elasticity, which means that you may be able to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. The massage is done like this: lightly grab the skin with your fingertips, then pull it up quite a bit until a slight redness appears on the skin. In the same way, you can massage the hips, although a large amplitude of massage movements is quite acceptable for the hips.

Sometimes a pregnant woman's skin can be very itchy. Most often this happens when the fetus grows too fast, while the stomach enlarges too quickly and unnecessarily stretches the skin. Try to moisturize your skin as often as possible, which will easily help you relieve all such discomfort. Above all, try to use only the highest quality deodorants.

Taking care of your breasts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's breasts noticeably increase in size. Already in the very early stages of pregnancy, literally a week after its onset, some women will be forced to change their bra by one sometimes and two sizes more than they wore before. In addition to the size, you will probably need to change the style of the bra as well. Try to choose more closed and durable models of bras, preferably without wires, and if possible on wide straps, of course, with an adjustable fastener and always an elastic back, which will help to perfectly support the chest.

In order to maintain the elasticity of the skin on the chest, try to massage the chest daily while standing under a cool shower. Your movements should be circular and it is desirable that the direction of such a massage is from top to bottom closer to the middle of the chest. If suddenly a cloudy discharge, which is called colostrum, appears from the nipples, it will be better to wash the breast a little more thoroughly and it is advisable to lubricate the skin of the breast more often with special emollients to prevent such painful nipple cracks.

After each shower, try to massage your breasts, then rub it with a hard towel, without touching the nipple area too much. Nipple halos and nipples themselves should not be washed with soap. Simply rinse them with cool water and then pat dry gently with a towel.

belly care

The skin on the abdomen also needs some care. And although the stomach will begin to increase in size much later than it will happen with the breast, for prevention it is advisable to take care of maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin on the stomach from the earliest stages of pregnancy. Stretch marks that may appear on the abdomen will disturb women even more than stretch marks that appear on the hips. Many experts argue that skin elasticity is a hereditary factor.

And it is the genetic predisposition in this matter that can play a decisive role. It will depend on the genes how much your skin will lose elasticity and become prone to stretch marks during pregnancy. But, despite this, it is still worth trying to overcome the genetic factor and hereditary predisposition to stretch marks, while using specialized cosmetics for pregnant women and, of course, professional massage.

Pregnancy foot care

It is quite difficult during pregnancy for women's legs, especially from the second half of it. A woman is forced to carry not only her own weight, the weight of such a rapidly growing baby is actively added to it every day. Because of this intense load, other problems can arise. For example, varicose veins, frequent nighttime cramps, painful swelling in the legs.

In order to reduce the risk of such unpleasant consequences with the maximum probability, try to make your shoes soft enough, always with a stable heel, and of course with non-slip soles. It is these shoes that will be able to provide you with real support in the most direct and figurative sense. With such shoes, the load on the back will decrease, the muscles of the legs will be activated, which in turn can save you from pain in the legs and the development of such a disease as varicose veins.
And of course, taking care of your feet cannot be limited to choosing good and proper shoes.

Feet, like the rest of the body, need to be properly cared for. Such wonderful care can be not too heavy physical activity and exercises, in which puffiness will be significantly removed, which will be able to keep your muscles in good shape. Special slimming tights can also give a wonderful effect, baths with infusions of relaxing herbs, massages that will help get rid of cramps are also perfect. But the most striking effect can be achieved by combining all methods of care.

It will be better to start using special tights as soon as possible. They are much more comfortable than regular ones, because they are sewn in such a way that they will not squeeze the stomach and waist. They put on such tights, usually lying down, it’s more convenient. It is not difficult to buy them, they are sold in any pharmacy, they will also help you choose the right size for you.

Do not forget about such important and useful methods as hardening and warming up the legs. In winter, you can walk more barefoot around the house, and in the summer it’s even better, walk barefoot on grass, sand and fine gravel, of course, very carefully. There is another no less pleasant way to take care of your own feet, you can wipe them with pieces of ice, while it is better to make ice from an infusion of yarrow, sage, or arnica. Such a procedure will simultaneously reduce swelling and reduce feelings of fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

Do not forget about the well-known exercise that will help relieve tension in the muscles on the inside of the thighs, which can improve blood circulation in the veins, this exercise is quite simple - vertically lifting the legs up at a right angle while resting your legs on the wall.

Being in this position, try to make sure that the buttocks are firmly pressed against the wall, and your back is firmly touching the surface of the rug on the floor or the bed, in general, the place on which you lie. It is the fixation of such a position that will be considered correct. It is advisable to do such an exercise every day for several minutes, it will be better if you allocate evening time for it, when the legs will already become heavy from the fatigue accumulated over the whole day. When performing this exercise for a period later than the thirty-fourth week, you need to be very careful, this is the period when the risk of air entering directly into the vagina can increase significantly, which in turn does not have a very beneficial effect on the microflora. This is especially true for those women whose perineum is not too trained or is simply weakened by previous births.

If you have cramps, you will need to do a foot massage, and it does not matter at all whether you do it yourself or your partner helps you. Massage must be done with strong movements moving along the entire leg, starting from the feet and moving the force to the knee, and then a little higher. When resting at home, try to attach your legs to some elevation.

At home and at work, try to give your legs a rest as often as possible. Especially in the case when your work is associated with a static load, for example, you have to sit in one position for a long time, at the same table, or stand at the counter and not leave for a long time.

Try to use simple rules, and it will help you feel better:

  • If your job involves standing for a long time, try to negotiate with management to reduce the working day, or try to find an opportunity to sit down sometimes or even lie down a bit.
  • Find an opportunity to do sips as often as possible, but do not forget this exercise will only work up to a period of thirty-four weeks.
  • At the first opportunity, try to take off your shoes, then your legs will be able to breathe freely, at least for a while. Stretch your legs forward, pull your toes a little, then bend and straighten your feet. You need to repeat such exercises four or even five times during working hours. This will immediately improve the circulation in your legs, and of course give you the opportunity to feel some lightness, even if only for a short time.
  • You should not sit in a cross-legged position, such a position, as a rule, disrupts the physiologically correct blood circulation.

Continuing the topic of care during pregnancy, let's talk about the skin of the face. In this post, we have analyzed all the nuances of facial care during pregnancy, based on the recommendations of cosmetologists, gynecologists and neonatologists.

Daily facial care during pregnancy

Facial skin changes frequently during pregnancy. Most often, it becomes either too dry or too oily. Therefore, it is worth thinking about building a new care program.

In addition, care should be gentle. The use of serious anti-aging products and aggressive products for problem skin is best left for later. Such cosmetics contain active ingredients, many of which are included in the list not recommended during pregnancy.

Let's talk in detail about the three basic stages of facial care and their features during pregnancy.

Makeup removal and cleansing

To remove makeup, use the most natural products with a “simple” composition, for example, micellar water. Milk is ideal for dry skin. It does not dry out, but rather additionally moisturizes and soothes.

For washing during pregnancy, be sure to start. On the label, the composition should not contain components with the word sulfate (sulphate). Instead of sulfates, mild surfactants should be present, for example: cocamidopropyl betaine (cocamidopropyl betaine), sodium cocoate (sodium cocoate), sodium cocoamphoacetate (sodium cocoamphoacetate), lauryl glucoside (lauryl glucoside).

These products will gently remove dust and sebum without damaging the epidermal barrier.


Avoid medicated and alcohol-based lotions. Excessively active ingredients are not recommended for pregnant women, and alcohol greatly dries the skin and can further provoke pigmentation.

Choose a light tonic that is as natural as possible. Fit well. But remember that they all have a mild, but rather specific "vegetable" smell, which can cause discomfort in pregnant women. It is better to smell before buying.

Regardless of skin type:

  • in cold weather, we apply a nourishing cream in the morning, and moisturizer at night.
  • in warm time (when the temperature starts to stay above +7) - food at night, and moisturizing in the morning.

During pregnancy, pay attention to neutral creams from pharmacy brands. Their advantage for expectant mothers is high-quality, but not very active ingredients. The mass market often sins with cheap and dubious preservatives. And professional creams are usually saturated with active ingredients, which is completely useless to us now.

Speaking about the neutrality of the cream, we mean not only the absence of allergens (essential oils, strong fragrances, etc.), but also that the cream performs only basic functions - nutrition and hydration, but does not solve specific skin problems - that is, it does not whiten , does not matte, does not fight acne, etc. Postpone the solution of these problems for later. Now it is important to maintain the natural health of the skin.

For moisturizing, a cream with hyaluronic acid or aloe is ideal, and for nutrition - with natural oils.

Intensive facial care during pregnancy

Let's talk about procedures that need to be done 1-2 times a week.

Deep cleansing

The use of any cleaning devices is strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers (ultrasound, laser, etc.). By the way, the same applies to Darsonval and various electric massagers. Their impact on the baby has not been studied at all, and the benefits in the case of cosmetology cannot exceed the potential harm.

Manual facial cleansing by a cosmetologist is a rather painful procedure. Therefore, it is also contraindicated for expectant mothers. In addition, such cleaning can provoke a serious inflammatory process in the skin, and the weakened immunity of pregnant women will not be able to cope with it properly. Therefore, do not take risks and wait with professional cleanings until the end of pregnancy.

Not a single competent cosmetologist, knowing that you are pregnant, will sign you up for this procedure.

Nourishing masks

Especially important for dry skin during pregnancy. These are dense cream masks with valuable lipids and oils in the composition.

The skin around the eyes during pregnancy needs special attention. Since, due to the general tendency to dryness and dehydration, mimic wrinkles may appear. Therefore, a good hypoallergenic is your best friend.

lips during pregnancy

Sponges during pregnancy also often suffer from excessive dryness, peeling and even cracking. It's good if your lip balm contains a physical SPF, natural oils and waxes. A couple of times a week, you can do a light lip peeling with a scrub or the same cellulose sponge, and apply shea, cocoa or neem butter in a thick layer at night. Enzymatic lip balms like Lucas Papay are better off for a while.

Decorative cosmetics. How to paint your face during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time to switch to mineral makeup. Minerals are as neutral as possible. In the mass market and professional cosmetics, there are toxic ingredients, harsh preservatives and potential allergens that the skin might not have reacted to before. Now that the immune system is already weakened, their presence in cosmetics can become a problem. Therefore, minerals are the best decorative cosmetics for pregnant women.


Facial care during pregnancy should be gentle, with the most natural ingredients. No hardware procedures, a minimum of aggressive components that penetrate deep into the skin.

Focus on gentle cleansing and maintaining the skin's natural immunity. After childbirth and the end of lactation, all serious cosmetics and procedures will be not only safer for you, but also more effective.

Love yourself, stay beautiful and enjoy your "interesting position".

Ask questions and share your tips for facial care during pregnancy in the comments.

Each woman experiences these 9 months differently, but facial skin care during pregnancy is an obligatory ritual. The skin undergoes various changes that are not always beneficial for it, so soft supportive care is needed, as well as getting rid of the problems that are inevitable during this period. Hormonal changes in the body bring acne, age spots, dryness and stretch marks. But proper preventive care will help get rid of them.

Skin changes in the first trimester of pregnancy

The birth of a new life has a calming effect on most expectant mothers. And even the skin condition of some lucky women improves dramatically, but not all. Most people see an unsightly picture in the mirror - the skin becomes excessively dry, wrinkles, peeling, itching appear. And if toxicosis is added to them, which is the main culprit for the lack of nutrients in the body, then the skin will be pale, “tired” with clogged pores.

During this period, facial skin care during pregnancy is to maximize its hydration. You should drink more water, take vitamin complexes as prescribed by a doctor, and also try to get the necessary elements from food. External care is gentle cleansing, as well as the use of moisturizing creams and masks. The latter are best done independently from various products. Do not use overly aggressive cleansers. It is better to give preference to tonics without alcohol and herbal infusions.

This is the period of appearance of age spots. The number of moles may also increase. In any case, the sun in the second trimester of pregnancy is not the best ally of the expectant mother's skin. Therefore, it is better to use products with a high level of protection when going outside if the second trimester falls on the summer period. Spots most often appear on the face, arms, chest, and also in the lower abdomen. Other enemies of the skin are cellulite and stretch marks. The baby grows, and even the most elastic skin loses its properties somewhat during pregnancy.

Many expectant mothers have edema during this period. Therefore, you should reconsider your diet, remove salty foods from it, since salt retains fluid in the body. At night, it is better not to drink a lot of water, but to eat an apple or something from citrus fruits. But the amount of protein in the diet should be increased - the skin will become more elastic. In addition, vitamin E can be added to the usual cream (buy in capsules, pierce one of them and mix with the amount of cream for one application). For pregnant women, a contrast shower and massage are shown. Healthy sleep is required. After a shower, instead of a cream on the face and body, you can apply baby body oil after bathing - it will retain moisture and prevent wrinkles.

There are more pigment spots. In addition, rosacea often appears. The last trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult, both for the expectant mother and for her skin. Weakened immunity also makes itself felt - the body catches infections, including fungal and papillomavirus. It should be strengthened, you can drink a vitamin course again with the permission of the doctor. The skin of the face and body must still be thoroughly cleansed, moisturized and nourished. Do not use too strong products - soap with an antibacterial effect, natural masks, massage, baby body oil, as well as a light moisturizer are enough.

Do not know how to gently cleanse the skin during pregnancy? If the skin needs peeling, it is better to use kiwi pulp. This fruit is rich in acids and whitens the skin.

Food should be moderate, you need to drink enough water. Useful will be fish, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, dairy products. Masks during this period are good from oatmeal and avocado, banana and sour cream, you can add honey. But it should be remembered that during pregnancy, the skin can react to certain products with an allergy, even if it was not there before. The vulnerability of the body is increased.

A sharp change in hormonal levels is the cause of acne and blackheads. And the increased load on the body and the accumulation of sodium leads to a violation of the water-salt balance and the appearance of edema. Pigment spots, a tendency to rosacea, stretch marks are added to them, so we take care of the body and face very carefully and thoughtfully. Pregnancy is a natural process, and not a reason to give up on yourself.

An integrated approach is needed - proper nutrition, compliance with the water regime, taking vitamins for pregnant women, choosing safe cosmetics. Massage and contrast showers will also come in handy. They will help keep the skin supple and quickly bring it back to normal after childbirth. A shower is also an excellent training of blood vessels, as well as the prevention of the appearance of rosacea.

Do you want to know how cosmetologists advise you to take care of your skin during pregnancy? Then watch this video:

Important! Self-care should be regular. Many skin problems may not appear if taken care of in advance.

A badly removed ring from a finger, problems when putting on shoes, bags under the eyes and puffiness are all swelling. Most often, they disturb the expectant mother in the second half of pregnancy, when the increasing load makes the kidneys work more slowly. In addition, the water-salt balance is disturbed. Edema can be dealt with in the following ways:

  • Less salty. Such foods cause thirst, and sodium retains water in the body;
  • Drink enough water - at least 2 liters per day. Tea, juice and other drinks cannot replace water. You shouldn't drink too much at night;
  • Don't eat right before bed. This also leads to edema. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. In extreme cases, you can drink a glass of milk or kefir.

Lotions from parsley decoction, grated potatoes, ice from chamomile infusion are removed from external edema. You can also use used tea bags, but the tea should be free of additives. Facial skin care at night may include applying a mask or cream, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime. In general, after it turned out to become pregnant, creams should be treated with caution. Be sure to check the composition and prefer natural ingredients.

Increased production of progesterone is the cause of acne in pregnant women. Although the skin becomes drier, but improper diet and regimen can increase the production of sebum. In addition, reduced immunity also causes various rashes. You need to do the following:

  • Control food. It is better not to get carried away with pastries, cakes, sausages and smoked meats. Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy will respond with excess weight and the appearance of acne;
  • Cleanse the skin and fight acne with quality products that are safe for the expectant mother and baby. Of the care products, you can sometimes use a soft scrub or peeling roll. Once a week, you should make a black clay mask that fights acne;
  • It is better not to abuse decorative cosmetics, but if you urgently need to hide redness or acne marks, do it with a mineral-based mattifying powder.

Fiber, enough water, proper nutrition will help keep the skin clean and beautiful. And special cosmetics - to cope with unpleasant problems.

In the second trimester, the skin of a pregnant woman begins to intensively produce melatonin and age spots may appear. After childbirth, they will gradually pass, but you can apply something now to lighten them and make them less noticeable. For example, wipe the skin of the face with lemon juice, which has a whitening effect. You can lubricate the stains with castor oil. Dairy products are also suitable for combating them. There are also special creams that discolor age spots.

What should I do to prevent pigment spots from appearing? You should use a cream with increased sun protection, preferably for children - it has a more natural composition. Facial care after pregnancy will be more extended and productive.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period. The shortcomings that appear in the process are temporary, and properly selected care will even get rid of them. Walking in the fresh air, restful sleep, proper nutrition are important for both the baby and the expectant mother. And natural cosmetics will make the skin beautiful even in this difficult period.

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