Is it possible to make a carving into painted. Carving - long-term waves. There are some bans in care

What is carving and how it helps look more beautiful - they tell the specialists of St. Petersburg beauty salons ...

Carving - The word of English origin, in Russian, translated as "carvings", "carved ornament". It may refer to the field of modern brands of cars, to the sphere of sport, and even to the field of restaurant business. But today we will talk about Karving as a way of long-term chemical hair styling. Expression Carving in the hairdresser's art has its own history of origin: once the company "Schwarzkopf" patented this word to designate the method developed by it a long-term laying. Experts "Schwarzkopf" made this styling with a special composition and using the "twisted" curlers. In our salons, the word "Carving" is used to designate a long-term laying procedure (long-term curling) produced with special means (for example, with the funds of Schwarzkopf). In the salons of St. Petersburg, the carving procedure is performed using a wide variety of curlers: large, thin, "roller", "boomerangs", etc.

It is no secret that many people, especially women, tend to criticize their appearance, hairstyle and are not always satisfied with the state of their hair. And it is hardly a woman who refuses to make hair luffed! Nevertheless, not any type of hair fit the usual chemical curls, giving a hairstyle, because it can adversely affect the health of hair. Not every woman will risk making themselves such a twist, preferring to use the usual thermo-bills or a different way to make a hairstyle more obedient and volumetric.

Carving at the hairdresser's art - Chemical treatment of hair, but more gentle composition, which allows you to preserve them better, giving them a pomp, obedience, softness and relieve and diversify the process of laying. Carving is able to improve the appearance of the hairstyle.

Specialists of beauty salons warn that carving can be harmful to hair. But still, it is not so devastable for the hair, as an ordinary chemical curling. If "chemistry" is better to do more than once a year, then the carving can be repeated in 2-3 months. Laying can be completely sparing if the means is elected softer and not containing glycolic acid. Carving has several indisputable advantages: such a surveillance is gradually coming down on "no", and it is not necessary to endure the hair "lost". The composition for carving is also not "eating" paint.

A long-term laying procedure is done for about a day and a half. The master inflicts the special composition for the hair spent on the curlers at a certain time, and then sheeps and dries off her hair. It turns out a copper of curled hair (and the curling can be different in the texture). After the procedure, it will be maintained until you watches your hair. If you want to leave a twist after the next head washing, simply use the shampoo with air conditioning for textured hair, and then dry your hair naturally. If you intend to straighten curls, it is enough to dry them with a small tension, creating a straightening effect using a hair dryer. To do this, pull the hair strands for the tips and dry. If you want to give the hair "wet effect", apply a little gel on the hair or a special mousse, then remember slightly in the wet state and let dry. Carving allows you to simulate a large number of hairstyles. To care for the "carved" hair simply. To do this, you can use any means for laying. And not retreat from those rules to which you are already accustomed. Another thing is that after the carving procedure, the possibilities for the formation of hairstyles will appear. With the help of a foam you can give hair more persistent and "cool" twigs, sprays will be laid any waves on the hair. "Art Disorder" is another opportunity for your hair after carving. You can interfer wet curls, dry your head in a natural way. Fasten the magnificent "disorder" is easiest to be easier. The foam will be worse to keep the hairstyle.

Carving is better to do short and medium (to shoulders) hair. It holds about a month, but sometimes longer. It depends on the means used to handle hair - in principle, the effect is possible both by 4 and for 10 weeks. As the master of the Majer salon, Tatyana Ishakova told, with the help of a long-term laying of ISO NeoTexture from Zotos (you can give hair almost any kind. Hair disobedient or not very thick can be straightened and raised from the roots, straight hair can be twisted. Soft wave, scope from root , Aligning Kudrey and others. - Made by carving by masting a master and visitor.

If the man's hair is already painted in a light tone, then the carving can be done, if they are too often plugged or have a porous structure - it is better to abandon the procedure for a while. This is especially true when the hair is limited to 60 and more percent. The type of hair suitable for carving in principle can be any. It is unlikely to affect the condition of the skin of the head. However, damaged (brittle and dry) hair can suffer from curling. Therefore, customers with damaged hair before carving it is necessary to undergo a procedure or course of procedures, which is called the thermal system (about this procedure for deep hair restoration, we will tell on the pages of our site separately). Hard hair longer hold the twigs and it is better to be better, and the curvage can even be shown as a healing hair, because there is a drying effect. Collect hair stands already after carving and haircuts. Change the hair color is better not earlier than 72 hours after their processing by chemical composition, while it is desirable to use a non-ammmoniac dye. If the carving is made using a gentle, but very effective composition of ISO NeoTexture, it is possible to paint hair on the day of procedure

Long-term styling - carving itself does not bring a lot of problems with hair, but it is desirable to arrange "rest" for them, making vitamin and therapeutic masks using special treatments for textured hair, the choice of which is now quite wide.

1. What is long-term hair styling (carving)?

Long-term hair styling (or carving, as they are often called it) is a kind of lightly gentle chemical hair curling.

Currently, the line between the long-term laying of hair, gentle by the chemical twist of the new generation and the biowaway hair, is very blurred.

Long-term styling (carving) hair is usually done if it is necessary to give hair additional volume, elasticity, pomp and light waviness. Long-term installation can be made only on the root zone for the volume and rigidity in the roots, or only on the ends of the hair (including on the bangs) to make them curved and obedient in laying.

2. In what cases is the long-term laying of hair (carving)?

Preparations that are intended for a long-term laying (carving) procedure have a particularly soft effect on their hair, therefore, in the overwhelming majority, they do not give a persistent and steep curl, but give hair soft waviness and make hair more lush and bulk. If you need exactly the result, then the procedure of long-term laying is what you need!

But, if you want to be the owner of pronounced curls or Kudrey, then the procedure for a delicate chemical curling hair is more suitable, including the Biosavke.

For a chemical curling hair, we use only high-class preparations of a new generation of gentle action that very gently affect the structure of the hair, creating curls and without damaging the hair.

3. Procedure of long-term hair styling (carving)

Our professional hair-free hair experts will give you a detailed free consultation at any time convenient for you. You can talk with several specialists and choose the masters to which you will have the greatest location and trust.

Before starting to work, the master must carefully listen to your wishes and waiting for curling. The possibilities of modern hair curling, including long-term laying (carving) of hair, in the hands of a professional master is very wide. For the convenience of choosing your new image, you can use the catalogs.

Holders of long hair wishing to make a carving or any other twist, it must be borne in mind that if the hair is long, heavy and all of the same length, the curls of the roots will not be as cool and lush, like at the ends of the hair, as it will stretch Under your own hair weight. If a lightweight graduation is made on long hair (cascading haircut with a smooth transition of length), then the shortened upper strands will give twinkle, the root volume and a uniform curl along the length.

In order for your long-term styling luxuriously, the curl was alive and elastic, very important the condition of the hair ends. If the tips of the hair are linked, damaged or very dry, then the appearance of the curling or long-term laying will be unpredentible and untidy, and the curl will not form right. Therefore, it is very important before the carving or any other twist "refresh" ends of the hair, if they are damaged, and also later regularly support them in a healthy state.

After analyzing the structure and state of your hair, the wizard chooses the composition for the curling that is most suitable for your hair, curlers of the desired shape and thickness, as well as the necessary protective and restoring drugs.

If the hair is initially weakened or damaged, then, in the process of curling or long-term laying, special medical procedures are additionally used for deep structural hair restoration, as well as the healing haircut with hot scissors ("hot haircut").

If you are prone to allergic reactions, you need to prevent the wizard about it, and before starting work to test the composition on the elbow collapse of your hands from the inside. Any curuie on hair is not recommended to do during the "critical" days and, if you pass the course of treatment with potent drugs.

Frequently asked questions and answers to them

1. How long will the chemical curling on the hair be held?

How long will shove the curl on the hair, depends on many factors, namely: on the type of your hair, their thickness and structures, from the state of the hair before twenty, on whether natural they are or painted, from the type of coloring, shape of the haircut and, naturally, From the view of the curling and from your chosen curl size.

When the wizard looks at your hair, and you will show the catalog which twist you want, it will be possible to say how much such curling will be saved on your hair. There are compounds for curling, which retain the curls on her hair longer, and there are very light compositions for the carving, which "go" quickly enough.

As for the curl, there is a fairly steep curl longer on the hair than curling (or long-term laying) with large curls or waves.

We want to emphasize relatively long hair that the curl is preserved longer along the entire hair length with a graduation, if the long hair is heavy and all of the same length, the curls of the roots will be pulled out under its own hair weight, and the curl at the ends will be saved longer.

It is also worth mentioning that sometimes such a type of hair is found, which is hardly difficult to twist and hair, for incomprehensible reasons, or immediately "take" twigs, or, subsequently, quickly discharge the curl, "striking" quickly return to its initial status. At the same time, we have hair, which, on the contrary, is very well pervious and can save it for a very long time, up to 6-8 months.

2. Will there be a curious curuy of long hair curl and the volume of the roots?

If the hair is long, heavy and cut with a smooth slice (i.e., all hair of the same length), then the curl of the roots cannot be as cool and volumetric, like at the ends of the hair, as, naturally, it will stretch under its own hair weight .

The pronounced curling and volume in the root zone, with a twist of long hair, is achieved by graduation (light cascade haircut of long hair), when the upper strands are smoothly shortened, respectively, they become easier and better hold curls, give twice and root volume.

What will look like curling on long hair, largely depends not only on the type of curling and on the shape of the haircut, but also from the quality and structure of the hair.

3. Is it possible to make a chemical curuy on the hair painted by henna or bass?

The overwhelming majority of the salons are in principle, do not hang on the hair painted by the henna (or bass), since the result of the curling is not possible. We still take for this difficult job. BUT! The effect of Henna on the hair is such that after it the chemical curling can: in general, "not take", "take" unevenly, or "take" only for a short time, and then the hair seems to be "dropping" curl, returning to direct state.

However, very often curling on hair painted by henna, it turns out perfectly and keeps long. What it depends on is to say difficult.

The thorough observance of the technological process of the curling on our part we guarantee. But the guarantee that your painted henna hair will correctly take curl and do not lose it, we can not give you!

It is advisable to chemical hazy hair, painted by henna or Basma, come to a pre-free consultation and make a trial strand. But even if the curling on the trial strand turned out to be successful, it does not serve as a 100% guarantee that the curling on all hair will be uniform and resistant.

4. Is it necessary to cut the ends of the hair in front of the chemical twist?

In order for curls or curls to be beautiful and so that the curling looks like a gorgeous hair, the state of the tips of your hair is very important. The ends of the hair must be fresh and well-groomed!

If the ends of the hair are risen, linked and rigid, then the right curls or curls will not be, and the view of the curl will be coordinated, not presentable and untidy.

Therefore, before twist, if the state of the hair ends is not very good, you must at least cut it a little, and also, later, after curling, do not forget regularly "refresh" the tips of the hair. It often happens that even enough "long-standing" curling begins to look like fresh, if you cut the damaged ends of the hair. For some hair (depending on their quality and condition), a well-minded haircut of hot scissors is recommended.

If you have long hair with seams and dry tips along the entire length, you want to refresh your hair, but to part with a length of a pity, then we can offer you a procedure for "recreational grinding of long hair with hot scissors", when damaged tips are neatly removed using a special technology Without the length, without tangible shorting of hair length.

5. I have clarified hair, they are thin and dry, but I really want to make a twist. Is it possible?

At the preliminary free consultation, the Master will look at the quality of your hair and their condition is now to discuss with you, what kind of curling you would like and offer an option optimal for your hair. This may be one of the delicate bio-twigs with the preliminary strengthening of damaged hair on the Japanese, American or French system, depending on the problem of hair.

In some cases, if the hair is badly damaged, it is necessary to refrain from curling to the moment until the hair structure is restored. In this case, initial procedures are made, restoring and reconstructing on the deep level of your hair. For example, the "keratin prosthetics" procedure or the "Hair Happiness" procedure and many others, depending on the type of hair and the degree of their damage.

About "bio-twinks with a preliminary strengthening of thin and damaged hair", as well as on the procedures of deep restoration of the hair structure, you can read on our website or learn from salon administrators.

6. Does special bags require haircuts?

It occurs this type of hair, in which the curling almost does not need a special laying, after curling the curls it is well formed with normal hair drying, and dried curls remain only a bit with wet hands. But the happy owners of hair of this quality are not very often found. Basically, the curling look beautifully, and that on your head there were clearly defined curls or curls, the twigs must be installed specially. Therefore, after a chemical curling, we recommend that our clients make the "diffuser" laying.

Under the stacking "diffuser", we mean drying hair with a hairdryer with a special nozzle "Diffuser" with simultaneous manual curl formation using special laying drugs. In the process of laying, the wizard will show you, as in what quantity to put stamping tools, how to use the "diffuser" and, most importantly, how to create curls or curls in the drying process so that you can easily do it yourself. Whether you will need regular laying "diffuser", depends largely on the type of your hair, their quality, curling type and, of course, from your taste and preferences.

Chemical curling and carving

Many women dream of gorgeous curly hair, feeding femininity and softness. For everyone who wants to have a fashionable hairstyle with lush and curly curls, the ideal solution is carving and a chemical curling hair. Before the procedure, be sure to consult with our experts and get the necessary information for the right choice, and then, we are sure you will be satisfied with the results achieved!


The term "carving" in the hairdressing art has come thanks to Schwarzkopf, which patented a method of long-term styling with a special composition and using "twisted" bills. Currently, the carving procedure is chemical treatment of hair, using more sparing compositions to create the effect of long-term installation, as well as a wide variety of curlers: large, thin, "roller", "boomerangs" and others.

Pluses of carving:

1. Carving is a more sparing way to obtain luxury curls.
Chemical impact is carried out easier and the damaging effect on the hair is not so strong, as with a classic chemical twist. The usual chemical twist experts recommend to do no more than once a year, carving can be repeated once every 2-3 months.
2. Such a long-term installation does not need to be coated as "chemistry", the hair simply gradually "will be promoted" by itself.
3. Hair after carving do not require special care. You can use any means for laying; It is advisable to use cosmetics to care for textured hair, moisturizing and restoring masks.
4. Carving allows you to simulate a large number of hairstyles. After the process, the curls will be maintained before washing the hair, in the future they can be straightened using the hairdryer. You can, using styling, create a lyrical disorder or elastic curls.
5. Carving technology has a dry effect, which can be useful for the head of the head.
6. Carving is better kept on hair short or medium length. The effect is kept for about a month, but sometimes longer depending on the structure of the hair.

Cowles and features of the use of carving:

1. Carving is a gentle method of "chemistry", but damage, especially clarified and weakened hair exists.
2. It is not recommended to make carving with recently painted, clarified or melted hair.
3. With damaged hair before carving it is desirable to conduct recovery procedures. In case of sensitive scalp, irritation is possible, so warning the wizard conducted by the procedure.
4. Painting hair is better not earlier than 72 hours after their processing with a chemical composition, while it is desirable to use a non-ammmoniac dye.

5. Carvering procedure is contraindicated pregnant, with lactation.


For a chemical curling of hair in our salon, modern drugs are used, which have become softer: ammonia is used at a minimum, alkaline composition is practically not used, and acids are more gentle. The composition of the drugs gently affects the structure of the hair, without damaging it, which allows the procedure on all types of hair.

Experienced Masters of the Beauty Studio "Anni" before starting work, consult consult to determine the structure and state of your hair, then a chemical curling form is selected with your wishes.

Our masters own modern techniques and are ready to offer you a wide variety of chemical curls: a light wave or spiral curls, large or small curls.

Chemical curling hair are divided:

1. By execution technology: Traditional, thermoactive and other
2. According to the method of cheating and type of Cockles: Spiral, Papilets, "on a pigtail", "on the hairpin", American, with twisting the second Cocks, roasting, vertical, "zigzag" and other types of chemical hair
3. According to the type of composition used: acid, alkaline, neutral and biowavieques

Pluses of a chemical curling:

1. Fashionable beautiful curls are actual at all times
2. Significant simplification of daily laying, neat and stylish hairstyle every day

Cons of a chemical curling:

Despite the modern formulations, the chemical curling of the hair still has a destructive effect on the structure of the hair:

1. They become dry and brittle, sequencing tips appear. After the procedure, the haircut is recommended - even a small shortening of the ends of the hair makes hairstyle more accurate.

2. For hair care, restoring procedures and cosmetics will be required, so be sure to follow the instructions of the wizard. To care for hair after a chemical curling, use special soft tools enriched with regenerating, moisturizing and softening components.

3. It should not be painted hair in front of a chemical twist and expose them to thermal exposure within a few days, do not make "chemistry" during monthly, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Recently, Carving has gained great popularity among women, which nature has tried luxurious hair or curls. Many fear to do classical chemistry, and carving makes it possible to get beautiful curls, curls and waves without much harm for hair.

Carving, in our opinion, an excellent way of curling hair for two reasons:

  1. it easy chemistry optionwhich has the least harm on hair compared to other types of chemical curling hair.
  2. May be life trial option Before long-term chemistry, since its effect lasts up to three months.

For those who plan to make a carving of hair in the near future, we conducted a small experiment in which several participants with different types of hair made a twist and share our reviews and photos in the style of "to" and "after". Comments from our expert will also be useful to you.

Curving Crewing Reviews

Meet our charming participants of the experiment: Veronica, Inna, Tatiana, Alexandra, Lyudmila and Valentina. All of them have different types of hair, and in this section we will show you how the carving looks like on long, discolored, medium and clarified hair.

Review of Carving Long Hair

Veronica, 25 years

Make a carving of hair prompted the desire to give them a pomp and light curl, but to get away from classic puppet curls. I prefer naturalness in appearance, so this version of the curling was very suitable for me. For the effect of "wet" chemistry, I sometimes apply a special hair gel. If within three months this kind of my hair will still be comfortable, then I will repeat the procedure. One of the main criteria for me will be the condition of the hair.

Specialist comment: Such a procedure, like a carving, cannot but affect the state of your hair, but to reduce all negative consequences to a minimum, you should regularly do and restoring hair masks, as well as using thermal protection products in a hot period.

Review about Carving on bleached hair

Inna, 33 years

A couple of months ago, a partial discoloration of hair was made (timing), which could not but affect the hair condition. Making carving wanted a long time ago, because my hair absolutely does not have volume, but I was very worried that the second chemical impact on the hair, albeit not so aggressive, as with other types of chemistry, can completely deprive me of the chapels. Fortunately, my master convinced me in the opposite, and I am very pleased with the result. Now I have magnificent hair that is easy to put on the curlers, and the curls are held for a long time. Hair without laying also looks good enough and naturally, that gives me the opportunity to save time on weekdays before work.

Specialist comment: Regular use of hair care and recovery tools, as well as rare use of thermal laying should be a rule for you. Recipes for good nutrient hair masks you can find the link.

Review of Carving on medium hair

Tatiana, 45 years

Recently made a bob haircut in the hope that it will make my hair more volumetric. But, unfortunately, my thin hair still had no form. He almost did not save the situation, because the curls held just a couple of hours. A master persuaded on the carving of the hair, convincing that after this procedure I would get more advantages than minuses. Since small curls give a larger volume, it was decided to use a little diameter bumps. There is a lot of twigs for a twist, about two hours, but this procedure is performed once every three months, so you can suffer. In addition to a good volume and a beautiful shape of the haircut that has appeared, I can note that the hair has become much shorter (curls are cleaned length due to curls of curls).

Specialist comment: Such an option of curling is a truly great way to make thin and rare hair visually more dense and volumetric. It is necessary to follow this rule: the shorter the hair, the smallest there should be curls. If desired, such hair can be laid on larger curlers - such a laying will be good and long to keep the form.

Review of Carving on Lighted Hair

Alexandra, 19 years

As an experiment, I decided to make a carving on my long. I read a lot on the Internet regarding this procedure, but since it has only a temporary effect and a fairly easy impact on the hair, then I decided to try. To create natural and light waves, I was screwed into large curlers and smeared all strands with a special composition for 30 minutes. The smell is just intolerable! After the hair was well washed and dried, I got the effect of large waves on the hair. Due to such a curling, the hair volume seems more, and they look more dense.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious!


Most women are important to look beautiful, whatever circumstances. With the modern rhythm of life, it is necessary to save every minute, so a number of salon procedures that have a long-term effect are perceived as salvation. Is it possible to say so about carving - a new service that caused acute female interest?

What is carving for hair

From English "Carving" means "wood carving", but the description of this procedure would be more suitable for "Curving" - "Curved". All because it is a cheating of hair that keeps long due to the use of a special composition. If you do not consider the process in detail, the result can be reminded once the former popular "chemistry". However, the curvage of hair carving by professionals is called gentle and has several varieties - the small "lamb" remained in the past. Londa also had biocarving: an even easier option.

The procedure helps:

  • make a hairstyle volume;
  • eliminate the confusion problem;
  • reduce the time of creating beautiful styling;
  • visually give density thin hair.

Carving for short hair - Photo

Holders haircut bob, kara, etc. You have to puzzled daily by the question, so that the hairstyle looked beautiful. In such a situation, the carving on short hair becomes salvation, whatever the variety is chosen. Surf curls, romantic waves with a roar volume, African curls - any of the options looks advantageous and helps to texture hairstyle. The advantages include the fact that the carving of hair on the minimum length holds especially for a long time.

On average

Girls who wear a classic ladder, elongated kara and other haircuts, in which the ends of the strands reach the shoulders or blades, is stronger than all. They have a convenient average length, which is ideal for most hairstyles, including curls of various sizes and shapes. Long-term laying on medium hair on them is perfectly held, albeit a little less than the short haircut. They can make a cheek not along the entire length.

On long

If you have a braid to the belt, be prepared for the fact that even small curls will be short-lived. Carving long hair is rarely performed, because it is an almost meaningless procedure: the effect may not hold out the month. Girls who still want to try, the masters recommend turning only the ends, or give a volume in length due to soft large waves. As the composition was washed out, the hairstyle will remain attractive, since initially possessed natural species and did not remind a diligent multi-hour twist.

Types of carving hair

If the "chemistry" popular in Soviet hairdressers preferably offered to make minor curls across the entire area, the modern beauty industry has greatly improved the old system. The master in the cabin is able to create a modern, stylish hairstyle, which just came out from under the curl, and not flooded with a large number of special means. Carving on hair can be:

  • traditional;
  • local or zone;
  • vertical or spiral;
  • texturing (using different shapes and sizes of curlers).

Classical curling

Traditional carving is the cheating along the entire length on the curlers of the same shapes and sizes. Standard cylinders are used, which can be very large for waves, and narrow - for small curls. The master can be guided by different schemes of zoning, selecting the direction and angle selected according to the task set by the client. Such light chemistry looks like a natural change in the hair structure with the only difference - the clarity of the curls that do not need to be packed daily.


Used on any length of hair, is predominantly small elastic curls that are obtained by hair curlers form "Spirals". Make the cheating for the whole length, so the maximum volume is achieved with it. Professionals believe that the carving vertical on average hair looks more spectacular, especially if it is performed on a stepped haircut. If there is an even cut, the silhouette becomes disharmonious, especially on very long hair. For short haircuts, a spiral cheating make less frequently, because It turns out the "dandelion".


This option is suitable if necessary, create a roasting volume, since the wizard affects only this zone, putting the curiosity (mostly large). However, the local (or zonal) can be not only carving in the roots, but also the curling of the tips, which is often performed for long hair. The main plus of such stacking is to reduce the area under affordable, the ability to give a beautiful view of bangs. Curls here can be used any.

Carving or chemistry - what is better

The creators of this procedure are Schwarzkopf employees - argue that the long-term laying of hair is as small as possible. The result update can be frequent - every 2 months, without fears for hair health. This is the main thing that the carving differs from chemistry. However, there are several more nuances that do not give a permanent curling a sign of equality between these varieties of permanent curling:

  • If you get tired of walking with curls, wait for their growing and cut everything ruthlessly. The composition, fixing the laying, temporary - gradually washed off himself.
  • Carving helps to adjust the fat content of the roots, so you can wash your head every day.
  • According to the technology of the procedure for carving, the master first conducts the cheating, and after this design splashes this design. For a chemical curling, a fixer is distributed on wet strands before using curlers.
  • On the rheelished hair carving is not allowed, but it will keep less than on natural.

Contraindications to both variants of a long-term curling are approximately the same:

  • Threaded, dried hair, especially after discoloration, to expose any chemistry is prohibited.
  • During pregnancy, a woman should not breathe such compositions, and there is no point in no meaning - changes in hormonal background can negatively affect the result.
  • On painted henna hair, carving is not recommended, because It will be washed.


The cost of this service in the cabin is almost comparable to the same amount of money that you lay out when purchasing a ready-made recruitment of vocational tools or even each product separately. However, buying for home use looks more profitable because you get several procedures for the same money. Even if you order in the online store with a paid delivery, the Schwarzkopf set, it will cost only 800 p., And single everybody is a large volume - 2400 p.

The cost of carving hair will depend on their length. For the salons of Moscow, the middle level of the rank of prices is:

Carving at home

It is not too convenient to do this procedure yourself, but judging by the reviews, those who tried to paint their heads, they also cope with twist. If you intend to master the carving of hair at home - step by step instructions, given here, will help you. Make sure the room where you will work without drafts, and proceed:

  1. Wash and dry your head, not including for the last step of the hairdryer. Try strands with a towel, too, it is undesirable: to get into and get dry yourself.
  2. If the hair was previously stained, use special protection, otherwise the color may change.
  3. Divide the whole mass of hair on strands, turn on the hair curlers. Fix.
  4. Carefully put the composition for carving distributing with a brush - the curl must be impregnated completely.
  5. Wear a hat, warm the hairdryer. Wait, according to the instructions.
  6. Remove hair curlers, wash your head (without shampoo!) About 5-6 minutes.
  7. Moving from ends up, apply a retainer.
  8. After 1-2 minutes (clarify in the instructions), wash your head again. Sew without a hair dryer.

Funds for long-term stacking

If you are planning to try to perform a house procedure, except for standard leaves of leaving products (shampoo, air conditioning, etc.) You will need to purchase a special kit for carving, or collect everything you need separately. List of short:

  • curiosity;
  • special carving agents, among which the protective, activating and fixing formulations.


The main condition that is put forward to this hairdressing tool is no connection to the network: i.e. Electro vehicles are impossible to use. The form also plays a role from the position of the desired result. Special curl curl currencies are not required - the masters use the same women to make a cheek at home. Mostly it:

  • Cockles. It is a narrow rod with which you can get small African curls, or a beach effect (depends on the cheating method).
  • Spirals. Apply for vertical carving, give explicit volume on any hair structure. Due to elasticity, the curl is obtained long-term.
  • Large cylinders. It is necessary to create waves and the root volume, you can apply them to twisting the ends.
  • Rolers. The magnitude of the curl depends on the choice of their diameter, but the laying is always careless.


Preparations that the Master uses (or you are using a home procedure) must be deprived of ammonia. Forbidden ingredient is also thioglyol. Only in the absence of greed can be considered gentle - but not harmless. The correct composition for carving hair can be found at leading hairdressing brands: Schwarzkopf, Londa, and the last masters are called very soft, but the resistance does not suffer. Consider that:

  • The composition is selected by type of hair - painted, difficult, normal.
  • The lock must belong to the same brand as the main drug.
  • Before conducting the procedure, perform an inspection on allergic reactions.

How to lay the hair

If a woman's chemistry could only play her hair or gather it, then carving exhibits not so stringent restrictions. You can even use the iron, if suddenly the curls are tired, and after washing your head and see them again: it will not affect the duration of the effect. However, stacking hair after carving still has its own characteristics that you need to know if you want to extend the result from visiting the cabin to the maximum limit:

  • Try to dry dry dryer.
  • It is worth buying styling for curly hair, because With a porous structure, they will have to tamper, making smoother.
  • Do not lie immediately after washing the head - after it will be difficult to give a hairstyle neat look.
  • Styling produce combing with natural or plastic bristles - no metal.

Hair care

Immediately after this procedure, it is forbidden to wash your head or make stacking: the composition should be fixed. It is undesirable to even comb allively combing - any impact is minimized. After the expiration of this period, the following rules are introduced:

  • Choose special shampoo and balm oriented on textured hair (worth contacting a consultant in a professional store).
  • After washing the heads, the strands need to rinse, and not rub.
  • Combing crests with rare teeth.
  • Be sure to use nutrient masks, but without oil.

Like any chemistry carving can damage the hair if they were originally absolutely healthy. Even adherence to all rules of care does not give a guarantor that the source will remain in the original state, so the question often arises how to restore hair after carving. Several recommendations:

  • Enter natural oils.
  • Cut the finished ends.
  • Use moisturizing shampoos and air conditioners.
  • Refuse the thermal exposure.

Daily hair styling delivers a lot of effort and temporary costs. Some inconveniences of hairstyle modeling can solve a new procedure in the hairdresser industry - carving.

Carving - a modern method of a chemical curling, which gently affects the structure of the hair and gives them a pomp, volume, simulates beautiful resistant curls. The hair is lifted by the roots and visually become more dense. Splashing envy allows you to easily simulate a variety of styling.

Benefits of carving hair

In some salons, carving is called "Light Chemistry". The result of a gentle curl can last from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the volume and structure of your hair. The chemical composition of the drug does not contain glycolic acid, due to which the procedure can be repeated after 3-4 months, unlike a chemical curling, which is done no more than 1 time per year.

How long does carving keep?

Carving will look beautiful on short or medium hair. You can choose the diameter of the curle, depending on the size of the desired curls. On painted, melted and thin hair, the result will hold longer, up to 6 months.

On thin rare hair in the first days after the carving, they hold tight curls, which, after each head wash, slowly fall, turning into mild waves. Robust roots look natural, unlike a chemical curling.

On dense, thick, long, previously not colored hair, the carving will be barely noticeable, or will not take at all.

How does carwing affect hair health?

The carving procedure slightly dry and brightens the hair, so ideal for oily scalp. But with very dry hair, carving is not desirable, they can start trembling hard.

How do carwing in the cabin?

Carving is a fairly costly procedure, as it is made by high-quality branded drugs. You will have to spend in the cabin from 1.5 to 2 hours. At first, a special fixing composition is applied on strands, then screwed on curlers and leave to dry at the right time. Then take a hair curlers, the hair is thoroughly washed and placed in the hairstyle.

If you decide to carving, your main task is to find a professional master and a proven salon. Otherwise, you can burn your hair, reap the drug, or make the usual "cheap" chemistry for a lot of money, which happens lately very often. Remember that the result of the carving is live, soft, obedient curls!

Hair stack after carving

After professionally performed carving you will need a minimum time to care for your hair: Shampoo plus balm 2-3 times a week, nutritious mask 1 time per week, daily minute styling with foam and hair dryer.

Stopping the hair is best with the help of a foam or mousse marked "for curly, curly" hair. Apply a foam on wet hair, lightly remember with your fingers and dry the hairdryer without applying combs. Must get soft romantic curls.

Disadvantages of carving hair

1. Carving is a gentle chemical effect on the structure of the hair, therefore contraindicated with problematic, fragile, sequent, very dry hair. It is not recommended to make carving on highly discolored and recently painted hair.

2. The result of a gentle curl will not last long, and after 2-3 months it will go to "no", but it will have to treat the hair after chemical exposure.

3. There is a risk of getting to the unscrupulous master, after which you will have to intensively restore your hair or to completely agreed.

Go to section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, staining, restoration, hair masks

Fashionable colors and shades of hair

How to choose a haircut in the form of a face

How to choose the perfect hair color

To make an independently "long-playing" hairstyle, it is necessary to master the receptions of hair styling, called carving.

The charm of the carving is that it allows you to create and, most importantly, to keep the volume for several months (everything will depend on the structure of the hair). Note that this is not "chemistry". We are talking about an alternative chemical curling procedure different from the traditional in that in the process of laying, the most gentle fixing agents are used. In principle, the carwing can be done alone, but ideally it would be nice to attract someone to the rescue.

What instruments will be needed for laying by type Carving?

List is small:

  • biguchi (choose the size in your own desire);
  • several non-metallic comb;
  • 2 sponges (just kitchen);
  • dimensional capacity;
  • do not do without gloves;
  • polyethylene, but for convenience it is better to take a hat;
  • a couple of bowls (metallic);
  • cotton harness;
  • warm towel;
  • gum.

In a cosmetic store, we purchase a special chemical mixture used during styling. We also buy fixes. It will also need vinegar (only 5%).

Attention! Before moving directly to laying, check if the battered allergic reaction is caused!

No allergies? Then you can start.

Stages Karving

Carving is done on clean hair, but the head of the head is better to leave fat. Therefore, my head, without massaging the skin.

Rare, preferably rubber or rubber (it is better to use them for wet hair), combing unworked hair. Are you going to cut? Then do it immediately.

Now we need to wind the curls on the curlers, for which you will need an assistant. It will not be easy to ensure tight hair winding. The main thing, during the process to look, whether they are straight off - they should not differ from each other thick.

After the last strand is screwed on the curlers, "walk" on the roots of the hair and the skin of the head with any fat cream. This will provide additional protection against the chemical effects of drugs for carving. Take some dilapidated towel on the shoulders from the category of those that it is a pity, and use it conscientious, thus covering clothes from random splashes of "chemistry." Be sure to put the gloves.

An instruction is applied to a set of means for carving - do not be lazy to carefully examine it before proceeding to the procedure. Self-instrument in such a matter can lead to damage and loss of hair.