Is it possible to choose a female consultation? How to choose a female advice for pregnancy? What will help determine the choice

Many women are familiar with such a medical institution as a female consultation. It is there that go with their problems, concerns and experiences of millions of girls and women of any age. The female consultation of Moscow is a place where the beginning of hope is hoped, faith in the best, and of course - the health center. A huge number of consultations of the capital can cause an excitement in a patient - who entrust his problems? You can, of course, ask your girlfriends. But there is a more modern way - to appeal to "manufacturer", where thousands of women leave their flattering and not very positive feedback on a particular medical institution.

The choice of female consultation in Moscow is a difficult task. Many girls, women want to find closer to the house so that the doctors are qualified, and the quality of services is at a high level. After all, the reasons for appeal to the gynecologist may be mass:

  • diseases;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal failures in the work of the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • birth of a baby;
  • abortion, operations, etc.

Not every female consultation of Moscow is characterized by an excellent reputation. According to our "People's" rating, you can make your opinion about the clinic of interest and doctors in it working. Now there is no need to carry out the oral survey of neighbors, girlfriends or acquaintances about where they qualitatively advise and efficiently treat any female diseases.

Choice of women's consultation in Moscow

At the beginning of this century, 14 independent consultations for women worked in the capital of Russia, 10 - in gynecological hospitals and maternity hospitals, 95 - as part of health parts, clinic and hospitals.

History of women's consultations in Moscow

Medical institutions, the purpose of which lies in the provision of obstetric and gynecological outpatient assistance to women while they are pregnant, or just gave birth, or have any gynecological diseases. Created the very first consultation for women by the obstetrician A. N. Rakhmanov in Moscow at the maternity hospital named after A. A. Apricosova. This maternity hospital was erected in 1906 on the means of the charity apricot. Now he is wearing No. 6 and is located in the second Mius Street. By 1923, 21 women's consultation had already operated in Moscow. Since 1925, socio-legal (earlier legal) cabinets in women's consultations began to be created.

Where is the future mother usually observed? In women's consultation at the place of residence. And here it often gets into some kind of dependence: it is necessary to walk on the techniques often, all the time you need to take tests and undergo many surveys, and at some time! And God forbid to miss something from appointments! Yes, the surveys are needed during pregnancy, but also forbid about their rights and comfort. Let's talk about what the right mother in the LCD has the right.

1 Observed anywhere

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, pregnant can choose any female consultation (LCD), and not just the one to which it is attached at the place of registration. This means that you can live in one area of \u200b\u200bthe city, but to be observed in perfectly in another: for example, near the job or just in the women's consultation, which you liked more. And put up for maternity accounting, you can even in the LCD of another city. The main thing is the policy of the OMS, valid throughout Russia. To register not at the place of registration, you need to write an application in the name of the chief doctor of consultation, bring the original and a copy of the passport, the policy of the OMS, the insurance certificate of SNILS.
And even if for some reason you will stop visiting the LCD, for example, feathers to a private clinic, no one has the right to take you from accounting in the LCD.

2 Choose a doctor

Also, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can choose a doctor who will observe your pregnancy, or change your doctor who, for some reason, did not come up. To do this, too, it is necessary to write an application in the name of the head doctor of the LCD.
In addition, each future mother in the women's consultation or the maternity hospital has the right to read his medical record or childbirth history, watch records of surveys. And explain why you need it, do not. If it is not clear to you, why need some purpose or analysis, then the doctor in an affordable form must explain everything.

3 Stread on any time

You can register for women's advice on any gestation. True, in a very small period, neither the doctor nor ultrasound will not be able to accurately confirm the pregnancy, so it's still better to register after the 6-8th week. It is at this time that the doctor will be able to reliably establish the fact of pregnancy during inspection.
There is another recommendation - to come to women's advice to 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the first ultrasound is made in 10-12 weeks and at this time you can accurately set the term of pregnancy. By the way, those women who arise in the LCD up to 12 weeks receive a cash payment, which is called "one-time allowance for women who are registered with a medical institution in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)." True, there is nothing money, but someone will come in handy.
But all this does not mean that it is necessary to register strictly up to 12 weeks. No, you can come at any time (even in the last trimester), the main thing is to have time to pass the necessary tests before delivery.

4 Attend LCD in the time you need

If you feel well, analyzes are normal and you often do not want to go to women's advice, you have the right to refuse regular visits to the gynecologist. Just inform the doctor, he must treat your decision with respect. Yes, the doctor will warn you that you yourself are responsible for your choice, but he should not intimidate you or threaten to refuse to issue a exchange card. If something like this happens, immediately go to the head physician of the female consultation or contact the Department of Health.
But you need to know that there are research (ultrasound, blood test to chromosomal pathologies), which must be done in a strictly defined period, otherwise their result may be unreliable. Therefore, the time of some surveys ask the doctor in advance.

5 Select surveys

If you want to make all the surveys you need, you have the right to get them in full. Each female consultation has a list of research and consultation. You can ask your doctor in detail to tell you about them and do everything that you are supposed. If you, on the contrary, you think that something or another you do not need or unacceptable for you, you can refuse it. No one has the right to make you do ultrasound, screening, take some drugs. Even if you refuse anything, you can not remove from accounting for pregnancy, do not give a generic certificate and exchange card. Just a doctor will fix your refusal on the map and write that you were clarified why it was recommended that or another study.
In general, to get an exchange card, you need to at least once again pass a number of analyzes (clinical blood test, urine analysis, smear, HIV tests, RW, hepatitis B and C) and visit the obstetrician gynecologist at least twice. The first time you will come to the primary inspection and in order to get a direction for tests, the second time - to make the results of the survey in the exchange card.

6 do how it is convenient for you

All surveys in women's consultation are performed completely free. And even if there is some specialist or temporarily there is some kind of research, you should give a direction to another medical insurance where it all is. The doctor has no right to send you to some additional paid tests or consultations if they can be made free of OMS.
If you want to make some kind of study for a fee and in another clinic (for example, to make an expert ultrasound), then its results are obliged to accept in women's advice (and not to say that we believe only our analyzes or specialists).

If you want you to watch in a female consultation as you need, do not be afraid to talk about your preferences. Quietly and confidently remind your rights, your business is to choose that you need from medicine, but what is not.

Pregnancy - joyful and exciting, complex and responsible period in the life of a woman. One of the main issues is the choice of a doctor who should be a professional and to become a true friend, assistant. So how to choose a gynecologist? Which clinic to be registered? Only topical facts.

When confirmed by pregnancy, a woman has to change the place of the usual gynecological examination, choose a new doctor and the maternity hospital (such a situation arises if the pregnancy is "unscheduled" or the doctor does not have the opportunity to observe the future mother).

In the villages, the choice is small: the public hospital and the gynecologist "according to registration". In cities and megalopolis, the future guinea will have to be more difficult: the market of medical services is Pedit variety. These are familiar hospitals, clinics during maternity hospitals or private rooms.

How to choose a female advice for pregnancy?

  1. Correct the goal. What is more important: sowing personal time or money, specialized and scrupulous approach or only execution of documents for entering the decree? The exact wording of expectations narrows the circle of choice of medical institutions.
  2. We learn all aspects in practice. On a small period of pregnancy, you can independently go through consultation and talk to various doctors.
  3. Pay attention to the little things. Aspects of communication of medical personnel, organization of work, a general type of consultation (even the color of the walls in the corridor) - after a few months, these factors can become real stimuli.

On a note! The first and simple option is to be registered at the place of residence. The question of how to choose a doctor does not occur, as a precipitated gynecologist is assigned (but it can be changed either after the scandal or after the sum of money). Other cons - queues and early time for testing.

Careful Doctor - Assistant and Mentor

How to choose a gynecologist for pregnancy? The search is advisable to start with the analysis of the factors complex:

  • experience of a specialist and his education;
  • reputation of the doctor, patient reviews;
  • the magnitude of the queue by writing;
  • rates.

It is also important to analyze your own attitude to a new position. Will a woman be strictly followed by recommendations, agree with the opinion of the doctor and not asking additional questions? Or the future mommy is distinguished by increased independence (actively argued, writes reviews, controls well-being independently).

For reference! Before entering into account, be sure to inform the doctor about its plans for the future 8-9 months.

Deciding with the doctor, sign up for reception. It is important to take into account that a good doctor will not make a pregnant patient wait in line for more than 15 minutes. Make accent and on communication - friendly, sincerity or rigor and cold tone.

What questions can I ask?

When you first visit the gynecologist, ask him thematic questions, the answers to which you will help to understand the views, installations and attitudes of a specialist.

What can I ask about?

  1. Can I consult with you by phone?
  2. How often do I come to inspect?
  3. Tell us more about the plan of childbirth.
  4. In what situations need to stimulate childbirth?
  5. When can not do without cesarean?
  6. It is important to learn about the practice of a gynecologist: he faced with difficult situations (unbearable, conflict of rezes).

The list of question is adjusted at the request of a woman.

Let's sum up

On the question of how to choose a doctor for making pregnancy, the answer is one - take into account their own feelings. The gynecologist should relate to the future mother carefully and at the same time take into account its point of view. The main criterion is complete confidence in the chosen specialist. If there are doubts about the need for manipulations and procedures, it is advisable to change the doctor.

The question of what female consultation is, usually becomes relevant after the news of pregnancy. Since registration is an optimal way to keep the health of the future mother and its yet born baby under the control of doctors. So, let's talk, how to determine where you can see for registration.

Where to get into account

The right of pregnant to register in the women's consultation is given by the legislative base of the Russian Federation. At the same time, such a right has any future mother, regardless of where she lives or has a registration. We also note that legislatively such services in women's consultation is guaranteed free. However, the option of paid maintenance of a pregnant woman in the clinic or center is also not excluded.

How to choose a female consultation

Given that the future mother has the right to choose an institution independently, where she wants to be observed, you can consider two main options - women's consultation at the place of residence or in registration. Although there are two more options - a paid clinic or more convenient for the location of the female consultation (for example - near the place of work, etc.). Choosing a paid pregnancy, trace the availability of the appropriate license from the clinic. If you want to register in the consultation you have chosen (not at the place of residence and not at registration), it will be necessary to disappear from the consultation at the place of registration.

When to account for women's advice

It is equally important to know the deadlines when you need to contact the female consultation for the first time. The optimal option for the future mother is the period from 7 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. You can, of course, later, but in this case, the risk is much more, since it is the early detection of possible dangers or pathologies that makes it possible to fix everything in time.

What is needed to register for women's consultation

In order to quietly register in the female consultation, you need to take a passport of the Russian Federation and the OMS (original and a pair of copies) to the first visit to the gynecologist. Both documents must be submitted. Unlike a paid clinic, where the policy with you will not require.

If you are registered at the place of registration, you also need to take the book of registration of citizens - in this case, you are issued in an institution on an ongoing basis. If in actual accommodation - the lease agreement (if it is not - the fact of living will be checked by a doctor or a nurse), and make you temporarily, for a period of pregnancy.

As for the address of consultations and contact phones - such information can be searched on the stands of the clinic, to which women's consultations are attached, as well as on the websites of medical institutions or on the forums. The same applies to the paid clinic.

Each future mother should be registered with the female consultation, but not everyone knows how to do it and where to go. First of all: throw away the panic, it is necessary to take into account that you hardly understand that it is not worth it. Even if you are registered on the second or third day of delay, the doctor simply will not be able to confirm the fact of pregnancy, not to mention the deeper studies of the body. Doctors recommend doing this issue on a period of 4-5 to 10-12 weeks. At this time, the child's heartbeat will already be noticeably noticeable on the ultrasound and the doctor will be able to confirm the pregnancy. After the diagnosis is made, you will be headed by a pregnant card, which is an analogue of honey. cards. It records all the features of the course of pregnancy, your visits and complaints.

When the term of registration has come, it's time to think where you want to be observed.

According to the legislation of the state, any woman has the right to register into women's advice, no matter what kind of registration. In other words, doctors cannot refuse you to be observed in a specific female consultation based on the fact that registration does not correspond to the place of residence.

Obligatory for registering a policy of medical insurance, issued by one of Russia's insurance companies. You will also be asked to submit a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. But regulation, repeat, does not matter. A woman who is registered, for example, in Perm, has the right to register for women's consultation at the place of residence - in Moscow or any other city. It should be noted that women's consultations, as medical facilities can be independent or to enter into complexes of the hospital and clinic.

If during pregnancy, a woman needs consultation and a narrow specialist examination, you will most likely be sent to the doctors of the clinic, in which the female consultation is located (if it is part of the larger honey. institutions) or to the clinic in which you are registered at the place of residence.

Each woman can also choose surveys in private medical complexes. Turning to private companies, you do not need to present insurance policy, and in state women's consultations it is necessary. Returning to the question of private centers, a woman can conclude a contract for monitoring pregnancy all three, two or only one trimester. Addresses of women's consultations should be located on the stands in all clinics. Clarify where the woman to turn can also have his gynecologist. And of course, the data on women's consultations is on the Internet.

If you are in a big city, where to choose from what, be sure to read the reviews of the MAM, who had to be examined in a particular female consultation. And remember, regardless of where and how you decided to give birth, constant observation of doctors throughout the pregnancy is simply necessary.

Putting on accounting You will be planned to pass inspections so that the baby develops correctly and harmoniously. Stay in day hospital shows only pregnant women with health problems.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of a woman. To its body, a representative of weak gender should be considered with full responsibility. However, some women after they see two stripes on the dough, they are in no hurry to go to the doctor. And it is connected, first of all, with the fact that the future mother is afraid to get to a bad specialist. After all, he will have to trust not only his life, but also the future little man.

Where a pregnancy will be observed, it is worth choosing in advance. It is not necessary to attend the establishment of the place of residence. Woman can be observed at any doctor. It is worth studying the rights of pregnant women in women's consultation in order to be protected in any situation.

How to register during pregnancy?

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, every woman who has an insurance policy has the right in any city of the country. Official registration value has no. Therefore, the future mother can independently choose, in which medical institution a specialist will observe a pregnancy. How to find out women's advice at the place of residence? It is worth consulted by the therapist in the clinic or clarify information in the insurance company that issued the policy.

It is drawn up at the place of work. Easy-to-wear women need to contact one of the insurance companies at the place of residence. The absence of the policy is not a reason for refusing a woman's registration. However, pregnant will have many restrictions. For any medical services will have to pay.

How can you register for women's advice without registration? Just as with registration. To contact a medical institution convenient for you with a passport and policy of the OMS. Refuse not have the right.

When is it for the first time to consult a doctor? The faster the better. Many experts recommend to get up not earlier than the period of 7 weeks. But it is worth finding out if pregnancy is developing normally, there is no pathology.

If you begin to observe the doctor for a period of up to 12 weeks, you can get one-time compensation that will depend on the average income of the woman over the past six months. In addition, timely appeal to the doctor avoids many problems in the future. If pregnancy develops incorrectly, it can be interrupted in the early deadlines with minimal losses for a woman.

The woman is taking into account on pregnancy, testifies to the exchange card. This is the main document of the future feminine. Here will contain all information about analyzes, the state of the health of a woman and the future kid. How to find out the female consultation at the place of residence to issue a exchange card? You can specify information from the precinct therapist.

Registration of the exchange card

This basic document gives the right to pregnant woman to give birth in any hospital. If a woman enrolled with battles to a medical institution, but there is no exchange card, there will be help in the infectious block. Thus, it is possible to protect other representatives of weak gender, as well as their newborn babies.

To get a exchange card, you need to contact any female consultation and provide a specialist will appoint a number of analyzes, will conduct a survey. After the picture of the health status is clear, the exchange card will be issued. Document on hand is issued immediately. It is necessary throughout the pregnancy constantly have with him.

Wear a map you need for every reception to the doctor. The mode of visits to a specialist depends on the course of pregnancy. In most cases, you have to go to women's consultation once a month. But since the 28 week of pregnancy, visit the doctor once every two weeks. Before you know the female consultation at the place of residence, it is worth determining the possible mode of visiting a specialist. This is especially important for working women. Most medical facilities work from 8:00 to 17:00.

Is it possible to abandon medical care?

Each future mother should know their rights. Is it possible to register in any female consultation? Is it possible to abandon medical care? Such questions often occur in pregnant women. Choose any medical institution will succeed without problems if there is a medical insurance policy. But the complete refusal of help will lead to a number of problems. First of all, you will have to forget about state compensation. In addition, the lack of an exchange card will lead to problems during the birth.

A woman who did not register for pregnancy can cause an increased interest in the child from social services. This should also be remembered.

Does it be necessary to take tests?

There are a number of mandatory events, without which a woman cannot be registered with pregnancy. This includes tests for venereal diseases and AIDS. Additionally, they should be examined by major specialists. This will allow you to identify possible chronic diseases. If there is a policy of compulsory health insurance, any manipulation in a medical facility is charged for free. From paid analyzes, a woman has the right to refuse.

A future mother can be chosen any female consultation. What female consultation is the address of living, you can clarify the neighbors who have already encountered a similar question.

What is obliged to explain the doctor of pregnant?

Unfortunately, many future mothers deal little on issues related to obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor is obliged to tell a woman about the need for an ultrasound, additional medical examination. Pregnant should know all the negative and positive aspects of the procedure and accept the decision. If necessary, the gynecologist prescribes medication treatment. He must explain the purpose of their introduction. A woman has the right to consult with another specialist. If you refuse to pass procedures and surveys, the doctor is obliged to take a receipt with a woman. Here it is necessarily indicated by the reason for the abandonment of medical manipulations.

Before entering into account, you need to visit a lawyer who can thoroughly explain all the rights and obligations of pregnant. Each patient has the right to a friendly and professional attitude of a doctor to himself. By law, the pregnant can itself choose a doctor to whom he will register. How to find out women's advice at the place of residence? This information can be found without problems at the therapist.

How to be if I had to give birth in another city

Experts do not recommend women to travel in late pregnancy. But there are different situations. In the presence of an exchange card, childbirth is admissible in any medical institution. This also applies to situations when a pregnant woman in a foreign city has health problems. If the situation is in the capital, any female consultations can be visited only to provide information on the passage of treatment. The main information will be entered into the exchange card.

What has the right to know a woman?

The future mother has the full right to get acquainted with the results of the tests, with the record of the doctor in the exchange card, ask the specialist questions on their health. The doctor, in turn, is obliged to provide complete information to the future mother, give her recommendations. The specialist should remember that any data relating to a pregnant woman is confidential.

Before you know your LCD, any representative of the weaker sex should explore your rights.

Let's summarize

From the choice of a doctor who will keep pregnancy, health depends not only by the future mother, but also the kid. Therefore, the choice of a medical institution is to take full responsibility, especially if it is a female consultation. What a female consultation includes the address of living, you can find out without any problems in the local clinic.

A woman is obliged to know his rights. This will protect yourself in a non-standard situation. It is worth remembering that the possessors of the policy are almost all services in medical facilities are provided free of charge.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and wonderful condition of any representative of the female population. When a girl learns about the speedy addition, it covers a wave of happiness and a lot of questions arise in the head.

First of all, the future mother is concerned about the process of passing an interesting situation and childbirth. Most young mothers are in no hurry to receive women's advice on the issue: how to register at the place of residence, because you are afraid to get to the incompetent specialist. And due to the lack of current information on this issue, a unpleasant situation may turn out.

The future mother is guarding his health and has not yet born baby. But, the Mom's aspiration is not enough, the participation of a medical institution is necessary. Therefore, after receiving the most faithful news, you need to contact women's advice. Immediately the question arises: where it seems possible to get their advice and find answers to all questions?

You can find out the place of receipt of the female consultation in the registration of the clinic. Each woman in labor, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, has the right to stand for free taking care of pregnancy and childbirth in the clinic. There is also a variant of paid on behalf of an interesting position. The girl makes an independent choice of institution in the following basic options:

  1. At the place of registration;
  2. At the place of actual residence;
  3. Paid maintenance of up and postpartum stage;
  4. Convenient location of the clinic;

In the case when the choice is made in favor of paid services, it is necessary to thoroughly check the license of the selected center. If preference is given to the hospital on actual accommodation, then it will be necessary to disappear from the section on registration.

The feminine should be registered since the eighth of the eleventh week. It is at this early period that possible fruit pathology can be identified and in time to take a complex of necessary measures.

In the first visit to the doctor in the man in the manual places a passport and the policy of compulsory health insurance. The doctor, in turn, in addition to conversation, draws up a exchange card, which is an important document of the fever. All important indicators are entered into the exchange card, as well as the results of analyzes and other planned surveys. The exchange card gives the right to a future mother to give birth in any maternity hospital and is issued immediately after filling, at the first reception at a specialist.

A woman who rose, throughout the nine months, performs frequent, planned visits to the doctor. As a rule, doctors lead in two shifts, so you can choose any convenient visit time. The doctor must inform the fever about all the results of analyzes, ultrasound, give competent advice, and girls can ask any disturbing questions.

Of course, sometimes inhibit frequent visits to the doctor, but you should always remember that all this is done exclusively for the benefit of Mom and Child. In the policy of compulsory health insurance, almost all services in the clinic are provided free of charge. In a paid clinic, it is enough to show only a passport.

Legal moments

By law on the protection of health of citizens of the Russian Federation, each female half of humanity has the right:

  • independently choose a doctor;
  • change the doctors at any stage;
  • receive full, topical information about the process of proceeding and developing the baby;
  • ask the doctor any questions you are interested in and asked if any terms that have been said in a professional language are incomprehensible;
  • in the case of prescribing therapeutic drugs, to know their action and possible side effects;
  • for confidentiality of information.

At the initial visit, the doctor collects complete information about the suffering diseases, operations, the presence of allergic reactions. Interested in the number of possible abortions. To provide high-quality surveillance, any little thing is very important. Therefore, you do not need to make any secrets from the transmitted information. It is measured by all the necessary label indicators and the initial gynecological examination.

Important documents

The generic certificate refers to the category of serious and key documents. Based on Him, the Russian Social Insurance Fund makes payment for the services provided by future mothers. This document discharges the doctor and issues at the moment when the hospital leaf is discharged. Certificate is issued, tentatively, with a thirtieth week. The certificate is issued to girls who were observed without a break at least twelve weeks.

In accordance with Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a future mother on their application and on the basis of a conclusion from a doctor is supposed to leave for pregnancy and childbirth. This vacation continues seventy calendar days before childbirth and the same day after delivery, the exception only represent multiple pregnancy and any complications during childbirth. The benefits are made, in the established amount of the legislation of Russia.

When the girl voluntarily refuses to make this kind of vacation and continues to work a short period of time before the occurrence of childbirth, then a sheet of disability confirms temporary exemption from work on before and postpartum.

Refusal when registering

In case of obtaining a refusal when registering on general reasons, you need to make a complaint in writing and go for the proceedings to the chief doctor. If the expected result is not received, then the complaint is already issued and sent to the Ministry of Health. The most important thing is not to panic, but tune in to a positive wave and think only about the future baby. And temporary difficulties arising will be solved.

Total moments

To the choice of a specialist who will pregnancy will be treated with all seriousness. Because this choice depends on the prosperous course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. Each pregnant woman should know about his rights and opportunities.

Women's health, especially during pregnancy, needs competent medical supervision. For this time, it is desirable to choose a permanent female consultation in which you will be offered competent making a pregnancy.

Where to look for a suitable institution?

You can take advantage of special search sites on which all female consultations are collected, and to look for the most appropriate parameters among them. One of the best search sites in Moscow -

For high-quality search for the desired institution, you can use the filter by different parameters. If you have one or more accurate criteria, for example, searching in a specific area or a specific hospital, you can use the rapid filter at the very top of the main page. Below you can enter more accurate criteria for searching in the city and Moscow region, as well as by districts. You can simply explore the list of all institutions and choose from them the most suitable or use the search on the map.

Women's consultations in Moscow and Moscow region

Modern mothers plan pregnancy in advance, and childbirth. So that everything goes well, you should choose a suitable female consultation in advance for further pregnancy and maternity hospital.

Pregnancy planning includes the following stages: treatment of gynecological problems, preparation for conception, taking vitamins. If a woman is preparing for Eco, pregnancy preparation must be particularly thorough.

Moscow employs 118-120 women's consultations - public and private. They provide the following services: pregnancy, pregnancy courses, prevention (prevention of unwanted pregnancy and STD), treatment of gynecological problems. Each woman can pass through the ultrasound procedure during pregnancy in any consultation, even if there are no indications.

At the moment, 42 permanent hospitals are operating in Moscow. 10 of them work with severe pathologies of pregnant women and take different patients with the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the urogenital system, mental illness;
  • Risk of developing premature births;
  • Infectious diseases of the future mother: hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS.

The site contains all the institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region, which can be useful to future mothers. To make an accurate choice in favor of a particular clinic or gynecology, select a few suitable and read the information about each of them to determine the exact choice.

The directory of the clinics and hospitals is replenished, the information is checked, reliable information is located on the site. If you want to choose a proven institution, you can explore the reviews of the patients who previously planned pregnancy and childbirth there.

Sections of the site

The site can also be useful not only for those who are looking for good gynecology, but also for those who need a good doctor in a particular area. To search for "his" specialist, you can use various sections at the top of the main page: they will use for high-quality search by different additional criteria.

  • All major sections are collected in the catalog. Select suitable for more accurate search.
  • Treatment abroad is also divided into directions. If you trust foreign specialists, just choose what you need from subsections.
  • Shares and discounts will always be useful to practical and economical women. In this subsection, various special offers are collected, you can also add it by adding new shares using a special button to "offer an action".
  • Record to the doctor. Separate useful wide partition with a large filter. It is possible to choose a specialist in the following criteria: name, rating, experience, cost, children's doctor, departure to the house. In the column "All specialties" select the desired doctor. There is also a filter by metro and the area.
  • If you are interested in useful additional information from the medical sphere, pay attention to the sections "News", "Poster" and "Diseases". You can read the latest news worldwide in the field of health, as well as learn the necessary minimum on major diseases.

To choose a suitable place to plan pregnancy and childbirth in Moscow, use this site - comparing and choosing between different options, you can find a suitable clinic without leaving home.