A man born under the sign of the Bull. Eastern horoscope: men born in the Year of the Ox

How do you know if he likes you? How does a man behave when he likes a woman? We will show you what to pay special attention to. With our help, you will instantly decipher male intentions.

Have you ever dreamed of reading other people's minds? It is now possible. With our help, you can scan the male mind through and through, knowing almost immediately if a guy wants to conquer you. The desires of men can be read like an open book. Fascinated by a woman, they lose control over themselves and at the same time begin to make certain gestures. Here are 9 things guys in love with your company will do.

Man's behavior when he likes a woman

1. The closer the better

If a guy likes you, he will want to be around you all the time. As if by accident, by chance, he will start spinning somewhere nearby. It will be the same on a date. Don't be surprised if he sits next to you with your hips and shoulders touching. The man also tries to take your hand. He will probably do this by coming up with some excuse, for example, he wants to take a close look at your ring or bracelet. And he will look at them for so long and carefully that he will not let go of your hand from his.

2. Eye contact

You should be especially attentive to this signal, as each person is different and will look differently. A shy man would rather sneak a few glances at you than look openly. In turn, the bolder guy will not take his eyes off you, and his gaze will slide along the lips, neck or décolleté.

3. Hands on hips

Look at the guy's hands. Is he holding them on his hips or is he hooked on the waist of his jeans with his fingers? This is a good sign that he really likes you. Unfortunately, some girls mistakenly interpret this position, believing that the guy who stands in this way is cocky and ill-mannered. Nothing like this. You just hooked him!

4. Touch

Pay attention if the guy is non-stop looking for physical contact with you. Blowing an invisible speck off your shoulder? Removes the bangs from the forehead? Playfully pinching your thigh, or for no reason at all pulling you against him? Fine! It means that he is head over heels in love and wants to be with you.

5. Raising the eyebrows

When greeting a man, take a quick look at his eyebrows. Have you noticed that they have raised a little? Fine. This is a reflex that the guy does not control and which appears at the moment when a person (in this case, someone) really likes something. Raising his eyebrows is a sign of his recognition: the man thinks that you are beautiful!

6. Warm smile

Are you talking about something to a guy and he is constantly smiling? Do you think that they could just as successfully carry nonsense, and his expression would still not change and still remain the same blissful? You have reasons to be happy. He is very interested in you, and every second when he can look at you with impunity is worth its weight in gold for him!

7. Head tilt

Few women understand this, but a tilt of the head to the side suggests that we are interesting to a man. This means that, firstly, he attentively listens to what we are told, and, secondly, that our opinion is important to him. Listening is a rare phenomenon among the stronger sex. Therefore, it is worth appreciating the fact that such a quality is inherent in a guy.

8. He avoids eye contact.

Yes, this clause completely excludes clause 2, that is, visual contact. However, the fact that a guy avoids your gaze can also indicate that he really likes you. He's just too shy to withstand the strength of your gaze. Therefore, if you notice that the guy quickly stops looking into your eyes and at the same time blushes a lot, be calm: he only dreams of you.

9. He's like a mirror

Is the guy unconsciously repeating your every gesture? You cross your legs - and he does the same? You rub your forehead - his hands reach for his head too? Fear not, he is not parodying you. His "mirror" gestures are involuntary and stems from the fact that you are very interested in him!

All masculine essence is in extreme concentration, concentrated in a man born in the year of the Ox. The Ox man, no matter what year he was born: fiery, metallic or watery, is a strong, healthy, hardy, loyal and reliable person. He does not hover in the clouds, does not build castles in the air, does not hope for a miracle. All he needs, he is able to earn or conquer. A man born in the year of the Ox can boast of an even disposition, prudence and poise, but for the time being.

If you experience the calmness of the Ox for a long time and persistently, this calm and phlegmatic man will demonstrate all the rage. The enormous vitality of the Ox man and the undisguised masculinity help him to remain attractive for the beautiful half of humanity for many years. The female gaze will surely catch on to the representative of this sign, because intuitively women choose the strongest and most reliable partners.

Ox man in love

The man of this sign is aimed only at stable and long-term relationships, both in friendship and in sex, therefore he is very attentive to the choice of a life partner. Having found such a woman, I am ready to take care of her for years and seek reciprocity. Because of his tough and rebellious disposition, he subconsciously chooses for his life companions domestic and complaisant girls. Thus, he ensures himself a comfortable existence in marriage: peaceful family evenings, fidelity and devotion. What does a wife get in a relationship or marriage? First of all, stability, good prosperity, respect and security.

Bull men give all their strength so that his family does not need anything.

A man born this year is a vivid adherent of the traditional patriarchal family. His word is law, as long as his wife accepts it and diligently fulfills her role, he will appreciate and love her. If she disappoints her Ox in love or sex, then it will be very difficult to regain his affection. An ideal companion for him is a good housewife and mother, a gentle and submissive friend, a strong and loyal partner.

Family relationships

If we take into account the positive characteristics of the Bulls as the head of the family, then we can conclude that such men become excellent fathers. According to the horoscope of all the representatives, the Bulls men are almost the only ones who responsibly and consciously relate to family and love. Representatives of the sign not only love and care for their descendants, but also provide them with a material base and a good education.

They reach out to children and understand the soul of a child, taking seriously all experiences, fears and hopes. Most importantly, Ox men enjoy communicating with children and the very process of upbringing. A good, strong family, smart and successful children - this is the main value for men born in the year of the Ox, so they spare no time and effort to realize this family idyll.

Ox compatibility with other signs

Suitable signs for the Ox must belong to the element of Water or Air. Compatibility with other representatives of the elements, according to the horoscope, is not so harmonious. The bull is compatible in love, sex and friendship with the following signs:

  • Aquarians
  • Twins

So such a man practically does not have problems with women, even though the representatives of this sign cannot be called romantics and gallant boyfriends. Compliments, beautiful words, public declarations of love and other spectacular gestures are not at all about them. And it’s not that they don’t know how, or don’t know how to do it. It's just that the men of this sign are convinced that the public manifestation of their feelings and emotions is a stupid and ungrateful occupation, just a show in public. But alone with such a man, his chosen one will not be deficient in attention, courtship and kind words.

Ox compatibility with other signs according to the eastern horoscope


Family union with the Rat is definitely a good combination. Relationships in which partners will be not just sexual partners, roommates, but real friends and like-minded people. In this marriage, no one will suffer, will not change themselves or sacrifice their own interests. Representatives of these signs have every chance to live side by side all their lives and celebrate a golden wedding in the circle of loving descendants.


Such a relationship has a right to exist. A couple of hard workers united by one goal, which will certainly be achieved (especially if it is material). Agriculture, farming is the most successful choice for the implementation of their plans. In this area, their hard work and focus on results will bring good results. It can be assumed that love passions will not rage in this alliance, but the Bulls do not need them. But still, this combination of signs is the most successful and productive in the business sphere.


The imperious and temperamental Tigress is unlikely to interest the conservative representative of the sign. And if he does, he will quickly understand that no one will allow him to establish his own rules in this union. Relationships with the Tiger are doomed to failure, and not because they are completely different, they simply do not have the same plans for life and goals, they will never look in the same direction.

For a man, his companion will be overly sensual, fickle and hysterical, and for the Tigress, her partner will eventually turn into a gloomy, boring and oppressive type. However, despite the unfavorable prognosis for a long-term relationship, a short romance between these signs can give them unforgettable emotions and memories for a lifetime. It will be especially pleasant for a man to remember the moments of delight in the arms of a hot Tigress.

Bull-Rabbit (Cat)

The compatibility of these signs cannot be called ideal, but under certain circumstances they can live a fairly happy, peaceful and bright life. For this, the representative of the sign needs to close his eyes to the frivolity of his gentle and charming wife, and she, in turn, must come to terms with his straightforwardness. But the most important thing that a spouse should not do is criticize or offend his life partner. Women born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) tend to dramatize everything and fall into depression for the slightest reason, and the Bulls are not able to understand and comprehend such mental anguish. If the partner is just an affectionate, understanding and patient wife, then her partner will be happy.


The psychological types of these signs are opposite, which makes their peaceful coexistence impossible. The Ox and the Dragon can fall in love with each other, even start a family, but they will be able to withstand each other's temper on the strength of a couple of years. The temperamental and impulsive Dragon woman will not ignite her purposeful companion, so her need to inspire a man to feats will not be satisfied. Because of this, she will be constantly irritated and aggressive, which will not suit the representative of this sign at all. Such a relationship will not end in a peaceful divorce - the partners will blame each other for insolvency for the rest of their lives.


An excellent union. The hardworking and stubborn representative of the sign will happily surround his sophisticated darling with comfort and luxury. For this she will pay him with sincere admiration and gratitude. The Snake woman will always be a source of pride for her partner, a measure of his own solvency. In addition, the Snake, wise and pragmatic in financial matters, will help her spouse achieve financial well-being.


Such a union is completely incompatible. Too different goals, opposite characters and outlook on life. In marriage, partners will have to constantly yield to each other, seek a compromise, thereby infringing on their own interests. As a result, both partners will feel unhappy and deprived.

Ox-Goat (Sheep)

In this combination, a good marriage is possible only if the Bull resigns himself to the desire of his companion to lead an idle and social life full of entertainment. If he does not mind the money. The woman, on the other hand, must control her travel expenses, outfits and jewelry. It will be difficult for both partners to do this, as well as to maintain such a marriage.


It is better for the bull to stay away from the woman born in the year of the Monkey. Although both partners strive for financial well-being and success, their paths of achievement are completely different. The unscrupulousness, deceit and resourcefulness of the Monkey will be offensive to an honest and serious spouse. In interpersonal relationships, they will also never have mutual understanding on any point.


The compatibility of these representatives of the eastern horoscope is very good. The marriage is promising and happy for both spouses. The Pig woman is focused on the success of her partner, so she will gladly and passionately help her husband make a career, develop a business, and implement plans. She will not pay attention to temporary difficulties or lack of money, since patience and sacrifice are the main traits of her character. She will create for her spouse the coziness and comfort he needs so much. For the representative of the sign, such complaisance and humility is the most obvious manifestation of love and devotion.

Men born in the Year of the Ox are hardworking and conservative. They are usually excellent family men and caring fathers. Such a person approaches marriage very seriously, because he believes that this is once and for all his life. But he can remain single if he does not find a worthy bride. Inside each Ox, a sensitive romantic slumbers, but it will not be possible to recognize him right away. On the surface, he seems gloomy and unyielding. Indeed, Oxen are very stubborn, but this trait helps them achieve success and defend their interests.

The Bull Man stands firmly on the ground, he has no wings behind his back. He works on his goal little by little every day, builds his ancestral castle stone by stone. He rarely has ups and downs, because his life path is smooth, and not like a springboard. The bull is quite shy in a relationship with the fair sex, but if he likes a girl, he will pursue her for a long time and persistently. Another option is also possible - the Bull guy in love will not dare to open his feelings and will be tormented by unrequited love.

How to marry a Bull man?

A typical representative of this oriental sign is monogamous and does not seek adventure in his personal life. A bull student can go headlong into his studies and completely ignore the cute friends around him. But such a guy is able to become a loyal friend, he is always ready to lend a helping hand. The best strategy for conquering a Bull man is to first make friends with him, show yourself as an interesting person and like-minded person.

The candy-bouquet period is also important for the Ox, as well as for his chosen one. True, caring for a girl, he does not show much imagination. Don't expect millions of scarlet roses and fancy birthday balloons from him. He is convinced that all gifts should be useful first and foremost. So don't be surprised if your boyfriend asks directly what you need.

Beloved behavior

To some extent, the Bull is the owner. He does not want his chosen one to look at others. He can limit her freedom, because he believes that his company is enough for her. There is only one conclusion: you should not "twirl your tail" in front of the Bull man. He does not understand hints, and also does not like when he is given checks. For example, he calls, but you do not pick up the phone all day. A man of a different type can give up everything, buy a gorgeous bouquet and the most delicious sweets, and then rush to you to ask for forgiveness for something that he himself did not understand. But the Bull guy will most likely decide that you do not need him or will wait until you "come to your senses."

How to nudge him to a proposal

Often such men delay the wedding, pondering this crucial step for too long. In this case, you can carefully hint that it is time for you to legalize the relationship. If you tell him about your girlfriends' weddings or describe TV programs on this topic, he will decide that you yourself really want to wear a white dress. In an extreme case, you can say this directly, for example, "I dream of becoming your wife as soon as possible." Bulls take everything literally, they have no desire to solve ladies' riddles.

Typical mistakes of girls

Many women in relationships with men put their interests and whims first. They require constant attention and are offended by little things. But the Ox man likes restrained and prudent girls. If the chosen one behaves selfishly and demonstratively, he will conclude that this is not his person and will break off a difficult relationship. Although representatives of this sign are very attached to their beloved, they will not tolerate constant reproaches and performances.

The most important thing!

A girl who is dating a Bull boyfriend will need patience and endurance. He is sometimes stingy with beautiful words, but you need to look at actions. Did he help when you got into a difficult situation? Did you visit when you were sick? Did he give you his jacket when you were cold? If the answers to these questions are yes, then you can be sure of your choice. There is a person next to you you can rely on.

Ox man personality traits in marriage

He demands little from his wife - to be a good housewife, respect his parents, take care of the children and be faithful to him. He quickly gets used to his beloved woman and it is not so important for him whether she does a gorgeous hairstyle every day. The Ox husband wants the house to always have delicious hot food, cleanliness and order. He adheres to stability in everything. The spouse becomes for him a dear and dear person, and such a marriage is doomed to be reliable.

The Bull Man is quite temperamental in bed, but he is conservative and does not require something unusual from his partner. He rarely goes to treason, especially spiritual. For him, marriage is sacred. It is difficult to conquer such a man, but it is quite easy to keep such a man, but on condition that the spouse is decent and wise. If she does not correspond to his ideal of a woman, the Ox can make a worthy mistress and even leave his wife for her.

Ox Man is the master

A person born under this sign is endowed with enterprise and perseverance. His wife will be behind him, like a stone wall, and the family will never starve. The bull values ​​quality in everything. He prefers expensive but healthy purchases. He wants to see his wife economical and calculating. Checks for bread will not be required, but he can be scolded for unnecessary and unnecessary spending. Usually he devotes his wife to his affairs and financial matters, but only if she can be trusted.

He does not take care of children too much, but brings them up traditionally and strictly. Such a father will not allow them to need the bare essentials, but will not allow them to spend money thoughtlessly. The bull tries to give the child a good education, and then find a stable job. Wary of their choice of friends, warns against bad habits and bad companies. Due to the rejection of free-thinking and rebelliousness, he may have serious conflicts with children. In general, the Ox man does an excellent job with his duties as a husband and father. He will provide stability and prosperity, and his household should thank him with obedience and respect.

The Ox man is the very personification of stability and conservatism, he knows this and is never ashamed to show it. Never expect him to change his mind at the last moment or act impulsively. This man is well known for his strong principles, deep convictions and his outstanding willpower. He knows where to go and he has an answer for every situation that can happen. The Ox man decides in the course of action, nothing can distract him from the direction he has chosen. If there are obstacles in his path, he will do everything in his power to overcome them, and he does not care how much time and sacrifice it may require. But if resilience is one of his best qualities, it can also be one of his main flaws when it degenerates into stubbornness, blind prejudice and unreasonable actions. It is sometimes difficult for the Ox man to take into account someone else's point of view or consider an alternative to his cherished goal, although such a step plays a rather irreplaceable role.

Prudence is another characteristic of this type of character. The Ox man carefully moves forward through life, does not want to move away from the beaten path and looks around warily. It is not in his habits to take risks, even after calculating it, only proven and reliable methods seem to him reliable. And, of course, he hates intellectual or philosophical speculation of any kind, limiting himself to specific commitments. As a rule, the Ox man loses his composure only in the most extreme situations. But when he is angry, he can cause significant damage and fright by acting like an elephant in a china shop. Better to be careful not to confront or contradict him at such moments, because his violence carries some possible dangers.

The Ox man has an amazing memory. He will never forget what injustice he was subjected to, although he can sometimes forgive the one who offended him. There is all the evidence that his feelings of anger will outlive him, so to speak. As a traditionalist, this person stubbornly clings to ideas, habits, practices that were introduced into him in childhood. If he was born into a middle-class family, for example, he will seek the comfort and luxury that he needs, like food and drink, all his life. If he grew up outside the city, he will constantly feel a strong attachment to the soil and the simple joys that country life offers. For the Ox man, the past is much more charming than the present or even the future. He is often nostalgic for him, and one of his favorite hobbies is the memories of his years and experiences. He is also suspicious of everything newfangled, but of course he is not the kind of person who will impede modernization of any kind. In the same spirit, the Ox man respects his elders and loves to accompany conversations with proverbs and quotes of ancient sages. This person displays an unusually strong sense of ownership and is sometimes ridiculously jealous. His work, home, hobbies, family, money, club, village, city, country - everything is sacred for the Bull man and he will not tolerate an attack on all this. His chauvinism is well known and can, in some cases, reach grotesque proportions.

The Ox man is a good citizen in many ways. He tends to be law abiding and shows an unwavering sense of duty.

His country or his entourage can always count on him. His good behavior is probably due to a deep desire to be recognized and respected in society in general and his loved ones in particular. The Ox man also loves to organize the lives of other people, and this can be another of his ways for everyone to love him. One of his greatest passions in life is his work. He behaves as if he was born to work or his work was the meaning of his whole life. He receives from his activities not only great satisfaction, but also physical and mental balance. The Ox man is a very tough and conscientious worker, he does not tolerate half-measures. There is no job that disgusts him, but he doesn’t enjoy the tedious and routine work. He also acts accurately and methodically, firmly believing in his obligations. Unfortunately, the Ox man is not ready to accept refusal, and when such a dilemma inevitably arises, he can become the most unpleasant person. Possession of wealth and power gives him a wonderful sense of security and satisfaction. But he doesn't like it when wealth comes easily, which is why he never gambles. If the easy life is beyond his reach, he can put up with the most minimal needs without bitterness or self-pity.

A bull man is a voluptuous and does not complex about this. He wants to enjoy to the fullest all the good things that life gives him. He is happy to exist and is never bothered by metaphysical problems. He does not honor those who are difficult to please, and whose moral well-being requires many conditions. The Ox man does not need much to feel happy. Contemplating a moonlit night or a beautiful flower, listening to cicadas hidden among the leaves, receiving a phone call from an old friend - all such ordinary events can fill him with indescribable delight. Despite its cold and dispassionate facade, it is basically a loving person. Although it is true that he is an outright egoist who will not allow himself to be easily involved in the problems and troubles of others. But the Ox man is ready to make any sacrifices for those he loves. He has no attachments, but is waiting for any events to manifest himself. His loyalty by habit stands the test of time. But this gentle man is awkward in expressing his emotions and sincerely believes that the best and deepest feelings should not be expressed. It is always difficult to give advice to a Bull man. He trusts only his own discretion, is secretive, suspicious of all those who disagree with him. His intolerance is one of the reasons why he has few friends, but relative loneliness does not bother him in the least.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Ox-man takes life seriously. Sometimes it's even too serious to deal with such trifles as flirting, romance, or dating. More often than not, this is a charming workaholic, so if you make an appointment, it is already a success. Among the Bull population, the number of romantic and sentimental individuals is minimal. You should hardly count on exquisite compliments, bouquets of flowers or the magic of dating under the moon. A bull man perceives and expresses love in a different way.

Bull man in love

If a lady is interested in a Bull man, how to understand that he is in love? This is quite difficult because such a person has a lot of trouble showing the feelings they are experiencing. At least when it comes to calling them in words. It is much better and more convenient for him to demonstrate his sympathy, and even more so - love after some time, when he overcomes the first awkwardness.

The characteristic of a male bull is such that he is a secretive, shy person, and only after a closer acquaintance can you see and be convinced of how many virtues he has, how the Ox loves and how much he can offer a woman and everyone who walks with him through life. A Bull Man in love is sincere, loyal and hardworking. In his opinion, security and a stable financial situation are the basis of a lasting union, so he takes care of meeting all the needs of his beloved.

Those who wish well to this wonderful representative of the Chinese Zodiac need to be patient and constantly show that the complexes that practically paralyze him at the first contacts are actually far-fetched, and no one except him sees them. Seduction, conquest, gaining sympathy are not his strong side of the Ox, therefore people interested in him should take the initiative into their own hands. But most likely, they will not have to regret it, because when the Bull finally opens up, he will show that he can afford a lot and is able to give an unforgettable experience.

How to conquer the Male Ox:

  • Take care of the mood. Whether you are in a restaurant or in your bedroom, the atmosphere is very important to him. Candles in a room or a dim light will surely have a magical effect on him.
  • Take care of your appearance. You have to be groomed if you want to win the Bull guy. Somewhere in the back of the closet you will have to throw used blouses or old favorite sweatpants. He hopes that you will always look neat, elegant and sexy at the same time.
  • Buy yourself a nice expensive perfume. If you are hatching plans on how to attract a Male Ox, be aware that such representatives of the eastern horoscope love high-quality fragrances. It can be both floral and oriental scents. The main thing is that they are not too intense, and even more so - vulgar.
  • Make him comfortable during sex. Any erotic fun and toys immediately disappear, unless the partner offers them himself. He loves calmness and harmony, which, however, does not mean that an intimate relationship with him will be boring.
  • The male bull treats love as a serious investment. He needs time to get to know his partner, so in no case should you rush him. His choice is well thought out, and as soon as his heart beats faster, he will immediately try to find out and evaluate the positive and weak sides of the new union. When you finally hear the quiet "Love", you can be sure that he actually feels it. The Ox man in a relationship values ​​calmness, a peaceful atmosphere and a sense of security. He hates drastic change and destruction.

At the beginning of the acquaintance, even being greatly intrigued by a new passion, he will not demonstrate this, so do not be discouraged by his coldness, and even more so do not force you to abandon the idea of ​​conquest. Paradoxically, the more self-indifference you see, the more you can be sure that deep down he wants to communicate and longs for you. Therefore, patience and slow progress towards the goal are the best ways to win the Ox man, his big heart.

Ox man in a permanent relationship

The characteristic of the Male Bull is such that in personal relationships he is traditionally monogamous and is looking for a partner for life. Nevertheless, if his wife does not meet his requirements and he does not feel a friend in her, then sooner or later he will look for all this somewhere else, although he will try to hide his searches. Being loyal by nature, Bull men can indulge in fleeting adventures also because they often separate sex from love and perceive it rather mechanically.

Male bulls are very sensual, with age they acquire more confidence, but they never allow passionate impulses and desires to complicate their stable daily existence. For them, family is the most important thing, and they are unlikely to ever divorce in order to finally unite with their mistress.

The bull-husband in a relationship is uncompromising, if it is in the fidelity of the second half. The eastern horoscope warns that he can forgive a lot, but in the case of betrayal, betrayal is inexorable. Moreover, he will never allow his wife to even innocently flirt with other men, because nothing hurts his pride like that.

The male bull is very attached to his loved ones, and sometimes it seems to him that he has the right to consider them as his property and therefore hide from the rest of the world. The Ox husband often treats his wife exactly as property, longs for undivided power. This is a kind of hypocrisy when you consider his problems with being faithful to his spouse.

According to the horoscope, the Ox-man in family life can have many problems, because it is very difficult for him to demonstrate romantic impulses to his wife and try to diversify their life together. On the contrary, he can be rather boring, even boring, he is reluctant to let novelty into his life, so a demanding woman quickly gets tired of living with him.