Musical development of children under one year old: the most effective ways. Development of musical abilities in children

The article will describe the benefits of musical development for a child.

  • Musical education of a child should begin at preschool age. Moreover, many researchers point to the benefits of exposure to music from the very first days of life.
  • Understanding art is one of the conditions for the development of a harmonious personality
  • Music education is given attention in schools and kindergartens. But parents, demonstrating their own example, must show the role of music in life.
  • Musical perception has a positive effect on many areas of life: it develops a sense of beauty, develops personal taste, makes it possible to better understand oneself

The role of music education in child development

  • The development of love for music introduces the little person to the treasures of world culture. Such a child becomes more erudite, aesthetically oriented.
  • Music has a positive effect on personality development and on the nervous system. Scientists have long established that classical instrumental music can slow the heart rate and relieve stress.
  • By means of music, the child learns the world around him. She leads him to new thoughts and feelings
  • Researchers argue that musically developed children are more diligent in areas of life, they find it easier to study in school.
  • Musical development stimulates mental development. Those children who regularly play music have a better memory.
  • Music education should start at preschool age and be regular

Features of the musical development of children by age

  • Children under 4 years old. This is the period of early child development, when children still have a visual-effective way of thinking. At this time, a desire to actively participate in the processes is just emerging in the kids. They are interested in music, they can sing a children's song together with adults. Also, they are happy to repeat some of the movements.
  • Children 4-6 years old. Preschool age, which is very important in musical education. At this time, the child's vocal apparatus and the ability to move well are formed. It is necessary to practice singing, develop rhythmic perception. Physical activity accompanied by music, as the basis of dance, is useful. By the age of 6, children are able to memorize movements and relate them to music.
  • Children 6-7 years old. At this age, kids can already reflect on the role of music. They already determine its emotional impact (sad or cheerful). This is the optimal time to start music education.

Musically rhythmic development of children

  • Musical and rhythmic education is closely related to the introduction of the baby to music. These are two complementary aspects.
  • Rhythmic literacy is the ability to listen to and hear music. be attentive and correlate rhythm with movement
  • Musical and rhythmic education is carried out through dances, games and music lessons
  • Elements of such upbringing are permissible from a very early age (such as rhythmic clapping of hands). But most importantly it is at the age of 5-7 years.
  • Rhythmic movements bring up a sense of music in the child, develop physical skills, teach to coordinate the music heard with the movements of the dance
  • Musical rhythmic education develops creative abilities. The kid learns to independently come up with movements and musical accompaniment in his imagination

Development of ear for music in children

  • An ear for music is usually a congenital condition. But, in any case, it needs to be developed.
  • There are several ways to find out if your baby has an ear for music. Do a simple home test
  • If you have a musical instrument in the house, play a simple game with your baby. Let him close his eyes, and you press a few keys (2). The child must say how many sounds were heard. You can change the number of sounds to find out how clearly the child identifies them.
  • Another exercise, but more difficult. Sing a simple melody. Try to keep it within the range of your child's voice. Ask him to repeat
  • An ear for music can be developed even if it is absent. This requires regular practice and a toddler's love of music.

Musically aesthetic development of children

  • By means of art, a person learns the world. He learns to distinguish good from bad, to give clear boundaries to his emotions, to justify and put feelings in words. Music is one of the most important branches of art
  • The first thing that affects the musical preferences of the baby is the example of the parents. From childhood, hearing certain music, he builds ideas about the world on the basis of it
  • Many teachers, including the famous Sukhomlinsky, noted that full development of personality is impossible without musical perception.
  • It is necessary to allow the baby to develop his own taste, including a variety of music. It is useful to discuss musical compositions from early school age. The child should be able to identify and express the emotions that the melody conveys.

Musical game a means of child development

  • In a playful way, the child comprehends information more easily. For him, playing activity has little to do with boring activities and therefore a pleasure
  • So that the kid does not get tired, the games should be made more diverse.
  • You cannot get hung up on one type of games. It will quickly get bored and stop having an effect.
  • Combine music activities with other activities. Play music during your baby's leisure time. It will also be an important element in musical development.

Exercises for the development of musical ear and rhythm in children

  • Listening to music together is already a kind of exercise. Concentrate your baby's attention on the tempo and mood of the music. If this is a song then try to sing it together
  • Find a melody with a clear beat. Invite your toddler to tap the table with his fingers in time. You can start together, and then give the child the opportunity to enter the rhythm himself.
  • At 5 - 6 years old, you can begin to memorize poetry and songs. It promotes rhythmic perception
  • Choose a sound range in which the baby will not injure his voice. Play a note, hum it, and have your child repeat it. So sing an octave up and down
  • Play a clap game. Tap a simple rhythm and have your baby repeat it. As rhythmic perception develops, rhythms can be complicated.
  • Buy a baby drum for your child. Play with him to create your own rhythms
  • At 6 - 7 years old, the baby can be sent to a music school, where special classes will be held to develop creative abilities

Musical development of young children 2-3 years old

  • At such an early age, the baby is just beginning to recognize the world around him. Music for him is something new. And therefore, musical development must be individual.
  • You definitely need to periodically turn on music for your child. At the same time, the mother herself can hum and express interest.
  • Children have different attitudes towards music. For some, she is not an irritant, they can listen to her on duty. Then you can turn on music quite often.
  • One of the elements of musical development at this age is the singing of the mother. Lullabies and other children's songs have a positive effect on development
  • Children's toys, such as the clavisin, can also be considered an element of musical development. Let it be chaotic, but the baby is already trying to extract sounds from him. The main thing is not to interfere with his work.

Musical development of children 4 - 5 - 6 years old

  • Preschool age is one of the most important periods in the musical education of a child.
  • At 4 years old, the baby is already beginning to understand music as something separate. He may be interested in different melodies. In a playful way, you can already begin to discuss what you heard. Associate tunes with interesting children's stories
  • At the age of 5, the baby already has a fairly developed perception. He can convey emotions. The coordination of movements is already normal, you can associate dance exercises with music. Play music while your baby is exercising and playing
  • At the age of 6, the kid can already start musical education. At this time, even creative abilities are outlined. Those children who have a real talent for music can come up with simple melodies.

Musical development of children in primary school

  • In elementary school, music education has two goals: to familiarize children with the basics of the art of music and to develop talents.
  • In the first grade, children listen to the teacher, together they perform exercises to develop rhythm and hearing
  • In the second and third grade, they already begin to study singing, master musical works, get acquainted with the first composers
  • If a kid has an interest in music, then his creativity should not be limited to secondary school. In fact, it does not devote much time to musical education.
  • But it is at school that the child will get acquainted with the tools and will be able to choose the most suitable

Video: Musical education of a child

Christina Kuzmina
Musical education of young children

Influence music for children graciously, and the earlier they begin to experience it for themselves, the better for them. /V. G. Belinsky /

Can't tolerate the loss of a single child for music.

Musical any child's abilities can develop if brought up from a very early age in a suitable way.

/ Gyulane Mihai. /

In our preschool institution, work on musical education starts at the age of 2.

Main goals musical education of children 2-3 years is to create a supportive, joyful atmosphere and encourage children to be active - to be able to express oneself in singing along, to associate with music of movement, games and dancing, as well as instill interest and love for music, to distinguish the contrasting features of its sound (loud-quiet, high-low registers, develop emotional responsiveness to music, musical memory, hearing.

Consider the level indicators musical development of children of the second year of life.

Hearing musical the work, children approach an adult, calm down, listen carefully for 10-15 seconds to play the instrument, then listen carefully music sitting on chairs for 40-45 seconds;

Watching with interest musically- motor shows of plot toys, singing along with the simplest words of songs, listening to familiar melodies;

As shown by the teacher, they perform movements regulated by words; partially reproduce these movements without showing;

Seeing music director, begin to sing without words, remember the scenes of the games and musically-motor impressions, reproduce them on their own initiative;

Memorize and perform two alternating movements associated with the words of the song; sing along in various episodes music games;

When playing a dance music begin to dance on their own; invite to dance an adult, each other; according to the show of an adult, they perform a variety of dance movements;

Carrying out musical occupation is not a monopoly music director, but is part of the pedagogical work that is carried out in the group. Interaction musical the head is aimed at updating his musical experience, stimulating its capabilities, set the vector of motion along musical development of children. Musical the leader introduces the practical material that is given to children. Outside of classes with children in the group, individual elements are repeated musical educational activities: songs or dances, music games and exercises.

Musical the leader has 24 years of work experience and, based on his rich pedagogical experience, helps us young teachers and parents in matters musical development and musical education of children: Consulting on the use musical material in the educational process; assistance in organizing musical living rooms and evenings with music; drawing up musically-professional music library.

Working with parents musical the leader is trying to expand their musical horizons... Consultations are systematically held for parents whose children are not emotionally developed and the emotional sphere is corrected with the help of musical compositions... Parents are offered articles, booklets. Practical seminars are especially appreciated by parents, since a lot of practical material is provided here, joint singing, learning nursery rhymes, games, exercises.

To musical and rhythmic education of children 2 years old was successful, the series conditions:

In your work, use the maximum number of various manuals and toys, actions with which are interesting for children. These are handkerchiefs, ribbons, flags, autumn leaves, snowballs, bells, rattles, etc., as well as bibabo dolls, soft toys,

Each activity with children contains something new so that interest does not dry out children, their attention did not get tired,

Repetition of tasks, exercise children in the learning process... The frequent repetition of a familiar repertoire does not bother the kids, the more freely they perform any known actions, the more joy it gives them.

The group is organized music corner, which the contains:

Noise (rattles, bells, bells, toys - tweeters)

Drums (drum, tambourine, hammers).

Wind instruments (various pipes, whistles).

Singing, dancing and playing instruments.

Music library.

Songs, dances for holidays, leisure.

Folk songs, children's songs, lullabies.

GAMES AIMED AT MUSICAL DEVELOPMENT which are used in the second group early development:

"Collect toys"... Scatter small toys on the floor, give the children a bucket and ask them to collect toys under music... When the music will die down, you need to stop.

"Loud quiet"... Put on your favorite song and adjust the volume level, gradually and adding sound. You can hum the song yourself more and more quietly, then completely go to a whisper. Speak: "I sing loudly, quietly, very quietly".

"Guess the Sound"... Give your children the opportunity "Play" on different instruments, let them get to know them in practice with their sound. Then ask to close your eyes and play on one of them. Ask: "What sounded like?"... If your child has a hard time guessing, play the instrument so that he can see it, then place it next to others and ask what you just played.

"Their" and "Strangers" melodies. Observe the emotional state children when they listen to new songs and tunes. What does he particularly like? What rhythms are unpleasant to him, what are he afraid of?

In the process of games, arbitrary behavior is formed. In the game, mental processes develop faster and more successfully, sensory development, personal qualities are formed, intelligence develops, communication skills are taught, interest in music, sometimes this is expressed by emotional reactions such how: joy, desire to sing along, desire to move in tempo music.

The group is held musical escort of regime moments: during reception children turn on the solar major classical music or kind children's songs with good lyrics. Dynamic, active music during morning exercises activates children, significantly improves the quality of the exercises performed. Before going to bed, to relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in a daytime sleep, we use the beneficial influence of the melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature.

In addition, discs with the sounds of nature are used. children listen to small pieces of music, making a difference musical the mood of the work, children clearly define quietly loudly cheerfully sad, even by the end of the year they can point to their musical preferences.

On early stage of a child's life, the foundations are laid musical culture... During this period, it is still difficult to isolate the components musically-aesthetic consciousness. However, it is precisely in this age, up to 3 years old, it is important to create conditions for perception children of artistically valuable samples musical heritage and feasible musical activities.

Babies are very susceptible to various harmonious sounds. They can easily memorize a simple melody and even play it back. Regular music lessons with the help of a simple game significantly accelerate the overall development of the baby, help to form a creative perception of the world.

Musical education of the kid

For children under three years old, music lessons, like any others, are carried out in a playful way, when the child is in a good mood and has a desire to "play" a little. In order for the training to be as effective as possible, you should choose exercises suitable for the crumbs.

To begin with, when the child is still very young, you can turn on him classics which is adapted for children's perception or folk songs and simple melodies. When the baby is one year old, you can start more serious activities.

For example, a "musical warm-up" can begin with fun, rhythmic music or a playful children's song, under which you can easily stomp your feet, raise your hands up, stretch your fingers.

From available tools - pots, spoons, various jars, metal bowls, you can assemble a small ensemble of "percussion instruments".

You can play in this way always, almost at any time, except for sleep. So you and your baby will not only have fun in your free time, but also teach your child to distinguish sounds by their tonality, pitch, duration of sound.

In order for the baby to learn to distinguish a low sound from a high one, you should play or sing one note and ask the child to do the same. Then, when the baby copes with this task, you can complicate it by singing several sounds in different keys in ascending or descending order, with different intervals between them.

To develop a sense of rhythm, you can do a number of simple exercise. To do this, invite your child to clap their hands loudly. Then mom or dad should "clap" a simple melody that the baby can repeat. Once the child has completed this simple task, it can be made a little more difficult.

To begin with, you should invite the baby to stomp loudly. And then an adult, with the help of tapping, can "play" a simple melody to the child, which the child must repeat. If completed successfully, the task becomes more difficult.

Next, you show the baby a melody that is played by tapping and clapping at the same time and invite him to repeat after you. After successful completion, you can go to the "percussion instruments" or the children's xylophone, piano.

You need to start a musical game when the child is in a good mood, he is full, healthy and is in the mood for play.... You can do simple music lessons outdoors or at home. The main thing - regularity of training. Remember that a baby under three years old is not able to control his attention; he can keep it for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Even if you do not have a special musical education, there is no need to despair. You can easily find simple children's ringtones on the internet, for example. In order to make a simple percussion instrument for a kid, special materials are not needed. It is enough to take an ordinary saucepan or jar.

With cheerful music, you can do exercises, carry out hygiene procedures. Especially kids like musical finger gymnastics and various children's dances.

A baby should be taught music from birth. Then the child will easily understand a special "musical" language and use it correctly. He will learn to feel the rhythm, understand the structure of melodies. Teaching music can develop not only creative thinking, but also reveal other talents of the child.

Have you already started teaching your kid music? Share in the comments to this article what games you play with your child to develop his musical abilities.

Psychologists in perinatal, that is, prenatal education children claim that: children in the womb hear well; they recognize the voices of their parents and respond to them with a burst of joy; distinguish intonation: with nervous and anxious, their heartbeat increases, with calm and measured - it returns to normal; react to music. Disturbing music - and on the face of the unborn baby tension appears; calm causes pacification; and cheerful - revitalization. But how do we parents develop this gift? Usually, not enough. As a result, time was wasted, opportunities for the development of musical abilities began to fade away. So let's not waste time and immediately start by listening to music - one of the main sections of musical education.

What to do before a year?

Up to one year old, babies can actively listen to continuously sounding music for 20-30 seconds; then a pause should be made - a break of 1-3 seconds. - and continue listening for another 20-30 seconds. In general, in one lesson, you can listen to music for 2-3 minutes. For example, for the smallest - 1-3 months. - leaning over the baby, sing one sweet song to folk music: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc. Sing without lyrics "la-la". Pause and repeat this song again or sing "Yes, yes, yes, I am singing." Russian folk melody "Where are you zainka?" Part 1 of the song is performed without words in "la-la". 2 times 2 part (2 times) Yes, yes, yes, I sing to Tanya (Vova) my song. Yes Yes Yes! (in a gentle way). Recommendations for parents of toddlers: sing to your baby even without musical accompaniment, and from 4-5 months you can sing and play along with yourself on musical instruments: xylophone or metallophone, pipe, children's harp, tambourine, you can also use bells, bells, sticks, etc. From classical music recommend listening miniature pieces by W. Mozart for clavier, for example, "minuets" of early opuses.

In the second and third year of life

Children of the second year of life can actively listen to continuously sounding music for 40 seconds, then a break (1-2 seconds) and again 40 seconds, a pause, etc. In general, one lesson lasts 2-3 minutes. Children of the third year of life can perceive continuously sounding music for 1-1.5 minutes, then a pause and another one and a half minutes, etc. One lesson - 4-5 minutes. The numbers - seconds and minutes - are given here so that you do not overestimate the capabilities of a small baby and at the same time they knew that listening to music is quite within the power of a child. It all depends on its state at the moment that you have chosen to listen to music: child he listens to music worse if he just cried - for example, his beloved grandmother left, or they just finished feeding him with unloved porridge, or maybe he is simply unwell. When you see that the baby is distracted, expresses displeasure, shorten the class time or move it to another time of the day. If attention baby steadily, he is able to perceive music with interest - you can slightly increase the duration of the lesson.

Musical repertoire for children 2-3 years of life

We recommend listening to musical pieces with a pronounced pictorial character. The kids saw a bird, a cat, and a dog; toy and drawn bunny and bear, car and rain. And now their "acquaintances" will be represented by music. Recommended pieces: "Birds", music. T. Lomova or muses. G. Fried; "Sparrow" by A. Rubbach or E. Tilicheyeva; “Cat” by E. Tilicheeva, “Big Dog” by M. Rauchverger; "The Bear" by D. Shostakovich or E. Tilicheyeva or V. Rebikov; "Bear" by M. Rauchverger or G. Fried; “Rain” by G. Lobachev or V. Fere, “Machine” (“Driving in a car”) by G. Fried; M. Rauchverger's "Car". This list is far from complete. If you play the piano, you will find a number of other pieces in the kindergarten scores (junior group). Those who do not own the instrument can use the music in audio recordings by purchasing cassettes or CDs. Or contact your playing friends and the music director of the nearest kindergarten with a personal request to record on a cassette at least a number of plays and songs. Already in the second year of life baby we include in the hearing the play by S. Maikapar "In the Garden", "Shepherd", "Moth", "Little Commander". In the third year of life, we add A. Grechaninov's plays "Riding a Horse", "Dance"; P. Tchaikovsky, "March of Wooden Soldiers", "Polka"; play by E. Grieg "Bird"; music by W. Mozart. You yourself choose from all of the above 10-12 pieces per year for children second year of life and 12-15 plays for children third year of life. Music directors of nursery groups in kindergartens conduct 2 music lessons per week with toddlers. Now, working on the program "Kid" V. Petrova with the kids is held one more lesson, the third. On it, children listen only to classical music by composers A. Lyadov, S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, D. Kabalevsky, G. Sviridov, as well as music by I. S. Vakh, K. Daken, I. Haydn, V. Mozart, L. . Beethoven, E. Grieg, D. Dvořák.

How do I listen to music?

An indispensable condition is silence in the room. Nothing should distract your baby. Mom sits next to the baby, or the baby is in her arms, or both are sitting on the sofa. Mom also listens. Her face is interested, attentive, benevolent. Mom likes music - child sees it. Her mood, condition is transmitted to the baby. If mom plays the piano herself, then grandmother or dad sits with the baby. We recommend listening to music once or twice a day. It can be one piece repeated twice, or two pieces. For example, "Bunny" and "Bear". By the end of the third year, three plays can also be heard. You have already noticed that you were offered to play different musical instruments even for a six-month baby? But what if you don't have these skills?

A little about musical instruments

For children's musical instruments: metallophone, xylophone - an annotation is attached explaining how and what to play. Sometimes parents independently write the name of the notes on the keys: do, re, mi ... - this way it is easier for them to pick up and memorize the proposed music. For songs performed on the children's harp, a "string guide" is included. You put a "cheat sheet" - a guide with an arrow drawn on the strings - and follow its movement as you play a song. The sounds of the harp are very pleasing children... But child should listen to the music you have already learned, easily and freely performed by you. Therefore, learn for yourself when the baby does not hear. Ok if you play the piano, but for baby This is not enough. Do not exclude listening to music played on other musical instruments - harp, pipe, xylophone, tambourine.

A little about tools

Tambourine It is best to use a small tambourine, with a wooden, rather than metal or plastic, hoop, with leather stretched over it. With a loud and harsh sound, remove (remove) a pair of metal plates from the hoop. So, even at 6 months. kids happily listen to mom's cheerful singing, accompanied by rhythmic tapping on a tambourine or ringing bells, bells, triangles. You delight your baby with the sound of different instruments, different timbres, and at the same time enrich the auditory experience baby. Metallophone, harp, pipe , on which you played, do not give into the hands of the baby. Rattles, small tambourine can be freely used by baby 2-3 years old. Bells, bells the baby can only play in the presence of adults - to avoid injury.

How to teach a kid to sing along?

Sing more often, try not to miss a single day. Learn songs with your voice. Alternate between singing with accompaniment and singing without musical accompaniment. Use children's musical instruments. Children love to listen to and recognize familiar melodies in a new sound. Try not to distort the melody. Sing it softly. Avoid exaggerated articulation. Otherwise, the baby, imitating you, will begin to depict the movement of your mouth without sound, and at the same time will grimace and grimace. Try to emphasize the content of the song with intonation. Sing lullabies calmly, gently, quietly; funny songs - lively. Remember: small child begins to join the singing of an adult at moments that are convenient for him in terms of speech, therefore it is so important that the text of the song contains simple, easily pronounced and repeated words. For example, the song "Birds". Fly, birds, to us, to us, to us. I will give grains to the birds, I will give them, I will give them. The bird's beaks are a bite, a bite, a bite. I look at the birds and sing: La-la-la-la, la-la, la-la-la; La-la-la-la, la-la, la-la-la. The kid is very small, does not speak yet, but hears how they sing for him. He likes it, and this is his first response, his first participation in singing: this is the admonition "Yes" - what, in fact, he can do. For example, "Ladushki". Mom plays with the child and sings: 1. Ladies, palms, Ringing claps, Clapping their palms, After each verse, you chant "Yes" drawl and slap your knees with both hands in an emphatic, fixed motion. They clapped a little. Yes! 2. They cooked the porridge, they interfered with the spoon, fed the doll, gave the cat. Yes! 3. They folded their fists, They beat them with their fists: Knock-knock, knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock. Yes! 4. Ladies danced, Children were amused, La-la-la-la, La-la-la. Yes! 5. Ladies are tired, Ladies are asleep. Bayu-bayu, bayushki, Putting their palms together, they are applied to the cheek. Bayu-bayu, okay. Yes! Like the first verse. This "Yes" baby only suggests, but together with an adult and in the right place in the text. We will be glad that our kid took part not only in the joint game and performed the movements, but also in the “singing”. "Yes!" - one of the first steps. Gradually, you will be able to sing, slowing down the demonstration of movements, and then completely exclude yourself. The kid will do them on his own, listening to your singing, which is very, very important. Conversation is followed by onomatopoeia. In the lyrics of songs about a cat, a dog, etc. there are words that reproduce the sounds of animals: aw, meow, etc. Kids love such songs, and together with an adult they willingly mimic onomatopoeia in the right place in the text. Here's another step towards singing together. You sing the song "Bird": The bird sat on the window. Sit with us a little. Wait, don't fly away! Flew away. Ay! The child not only listens to the song, but his "Ay!" - feasible participation in singing is already very close to the intonation that mom conveys in her voice. One more step forward. There are many songs in which there is syllabic singing: "la-la", "bayu-bayu". For example: "My Tanechka sings, sings" (or my Little Johnny). Sings, sings my Tanechka, Sings, sings good, Good, good-looking. Sings, sings his own song: La-la, la-la, la-la-la, la-la! (2 times). Mom sits next to or holds the baby on her lap and sings. First time child he sings "la-la" together with his mother, then, if he wants, "sings" "la-la" alone. If he doesn’t want one - sing with him. Sometimes, entering the room where he plays child, you will hear how he "lalyaka", "teaches" to sing a teddy bear, etc. That is, "la-la" enters his game and slowly enters his life. Song "Bayu-Bayu!" Show the "Tanya" doll to the kid before singing. Consider how smart Tanya is - a beautiful dress, a bow. Show, by controlling the doll, how Tanya walks, how she dances; tell that Tanya is tired, she will sleep, she needs to sing a song. Sing and put the doll down. 1. Baiu-baiu-baiu, I undress the Doll. The doll is tired, played all day. 2. Put, Tanya, Cheek on the pillow. Stretch your legs, Sleep, rather baby. 3. Bayu-bayu-bayu, Bayu-bayu-bayu! Tanya falls asleep, closes her eyes. The kid begins to sing along with "bayu-bayu" both with you and without you, playing with a bear or a doll, a bunny, etc. One more step forward! Then you include songs with simple repeating words into your repertoire, for example, the song "Birds" to a folk melody, to lyrics. I. Plakids. The baby is already beginning to sing individual words, and in the third year of life - whole phrases. But very few children sing the whole song, the whole verse or two with you, and even with musical support (accompaniment). If you know that another kid can do it, and yours cannot cope, this does not mean that your child is lagging behind or lacking in musical abilities. baby... Musical development is different for everyone; health, speech, overall development of your baby and how you raise him / her play a big role. You can find songs for listening, singing along and singing in music collections for kindergarten (Junior group) and in two collections: “We dance and sing”, “We have fun today”, author V. Petrov. In books, notes are attached to the texts.

Musical movement. Dances.

First year of life At 6 months, mom can dance with the baby, holding him in her arms. Movement: walk around the room, tapping cheerfully; do a half-squat (spring), i.e. bend your legs slightly and at the same time make small turns to the right and left; go forward, towards someone from your family, and step back; dance slowly, spin. Perform movements rhythmically. Try to change the movements in each verse - i.e. at the beginning of each verse. Music: you can just hum la-la or turn on dance recording (quietly). Then we complicate the task: singing or turning on music by recording, dancing with the baby to two-part music. The two-part form is a musical form characterized by the union of two parts into a single whole (AB scheme). The parts are contrasting, differ in new musical material (melody), may differ in tempo (slow-fast), dynamic shades (quieter-louder), etc. For example: "Where are you, zainka?" 1 piece of music: child is sitting. Mom and baby clap their hands. Mom sings: Clap, clap, clap, clap (4 claps) Clap clap, clap, clap. (4 claps) Part 2 of the music: La-la, la-la-la-la. (Turning the hands). La la la la la la. (Turning the hands). Certain music is assigned to this dance. It shouldn't sound in other dances. The movements of the first and second parts are unchanged all the time: The first part - claps; the second part - the pens are dancing. Then, at the beginning of the second year of life, the baby and without the participation of the mother, having heard the familiar dance dance, will independently repeat the movements, even without singing, only to the music. So, we teach the kid to listen to the music, memorize and hear its changes. For this dance, we highly recommend the Belarusian folk dance "Yurochka". Second year of life Kids in the second year are very fond of the dance "Ayda!" Mom takes baby for both hands, sings and dances. Part 1 (A) Ayda, Ayda, Ayda, Ayda, Ayda 2 part (B) The legs stomped quickly. And Tanechka and I danced . (2 lines are repeated 2 times) Ai The first part (A): mami's baby stand holding each other by both hands, swaying to the right to the left, waddling from foot to foot, singing along with Aida. Part 2 (B) Quickly stomp with the feet, holding both hands. At the word AI, they stop and hide their hands behind their backs. Third year of life Note that by the end of the third year, children can easily hear three-part music, change movements in each part. The three-part form is a common structure of musical works, consisting of three sections, of which the third is a repetition of the first. The second differs from the first and the third and often contrasts with them. Scheme: (ABA). If in the poetic text of the dance in each separate verse the action is clearly defined (clap, drown, squat, circle, bow), and the mother only sings, then the baby dances himself, without her participation. By the third year of life child masters a lot of dance movements. Knows how not only to clap his hands or knees, but to clap his palms while tapping one foot; knows how to knock with a heel; alternately put forward then the right, then the left leg; spinning on tiptoes. Likes to dance with a doll (bear, bunny), holding it in front of him, spinning, stepping from foot to foot, sitting down and tapping the doll's feet on the floor. She willingly dances with a handkerchief and a rattle. We, adults, love to watch the kids dance. And we ask, we persuade baby to make him dance; we promise ice cream cake, "live dog", "ride a big bike" - child does not agree. And then we explain to everyone: “He knows how, he is simply afraid! Do not be afraid, Little Johnny, good aunt, good aunt, dance! " Little Johnny didn't even think to be afraid. He does not want. At this time, he may be interested in other things: a bird is singing outside the window, dad is drawing with his brother in another room, grandmother is preparing something tasty in the kitchen - this is interesting! The child does not want to dance or sing now. But you said the words "Do not be afraid!" and the next time the baby may be afraid, because you yourself told him about it. Do we adults always want to sing and dance? AND child has the right not to want. Attention! The music cannot be loud. Fun, lively - but not loudly. Do not offer your child to dance to music that is not intended for dancing.

The game

Play is the leading activity children... In it, the baby is active, joyful, completely absorbed in what is happening. Movement and music delights him. There are a lot of games, they are different - both in terms of tasks and age capabilities. Hide-and-seek and "catch-up" form the basis of almost all games in the first and third year of life. For example, to kid 4 months. Mom, standing by the bed, "hides" behind a transparent handkerchief. "Ku-ku! Found! " 6 months. The kid hides himself or hides a toy behind a transparent handkerchief. "We hid and were found!" Everyone is happy, clap their hands. Year and 8 months. The game "Bear". The bear lies on a bench or chair - "asleep". Mom and child go to the bear. Mom sings: Bear, bear, why are you sleeping for a long time? Bear, bear, why are you snoring like that? Bear, bear, bear, get up. Bear, bear, play with us! The bear “growls”, gets angry; mom and baby run away, hide. The bear walks, looking for them. An adult is driving the teddy bear. The bear “didn’t find”, went to bed. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Finally, the bear "found" the hiding, agrees to dance, and then everyone dances. The game is good because child begins to sing along the word "bear", repeated many times, i.e. play and song stimulate singing along. The game has catch-up and hide-and-seek, so beloved by young children. By the end of the third year of life child can participate in a game where 3-5 pieces of music. The kid himself, focusing only on the sounding music, without a mother and without prompting singing, depicts a bird. A separate piece is played for each action of the bird. The baby bird sometimes "sleeps", then "flies", then "pecks grains", then quickly "flies into the nest", as the play "Car" or "Big Dog" is played. To your question: "Why did the bird fly away so quickly?" child answers: "Car" or "Dog", that is, the baby recognizes the music. You can choose games by age in music collections for kindergarten. Let your child grows healthy, cheerful, and music accompanies him all his life. If you want your kid to continue his musical education outside of his nursery, keep in mind that some Moscow music schools accept preparatory classes. children starting at four or even three years old.

Hello dear readers! Today I want to tell you about how you can develop musical abilities in a child from birth to one year, since musical development will greatly help to achieve success in other areas of life.

One of the most important periods in a child's development is the age from birth to one year. At this time, the baby learns to coordinate movements, utters the first sounds, learns to think logically and express his emotions and needs. In addition, the baby takes the first steps, and this is also the most favorable time for the development of hearing organs and musical abilities.

At this time, you should continue singing the melodies and songs that the mother sang before the baby appeared. Gradually, you can include new songs in the repertoire, moreover, the baby may not perceive the melody as such, but the emotions coming from the character and rhythm of the song, he is already able to catch.

The child, who is often hummed, distinguishes between lullaby, dance and marching melody. It is very good if various manipulations with the child, be it changing clothes or swaddling, will be accompanied by singing. The melodies performed should be simple, and at the initial stage based on one or two sounds, and be contrasting in character.

In addition to the melodies hummed by adults, the baby should have other musical impressions, for example, from playing with sounding rattles. From 1.5 - 2 months, the child reacts not only to the color and shape of the rattle, but also to different sounds: loud or quiet, sharp or muffled. At first, only an adult plays with a rattle, and the baby is watching. An adult's hand movements should be free and rhythmic.

It can be interesting to play two rattles with two hands, and it is better if not only the color of the rattle, but also the timbre and pitch are different. In this case, one rattle reproduces short sounds, the other long ones, or the whole rhythmic figure is repeated with each rattle; you can alternate their separate and joint sound.

As soon as the child learns to take and hold the rattles, you can take him by the hands and reproduce separate even strokes with him, at first - no more than two or three. In this case, it is better to keep the baby in a semi-sitting position with his back to himself, on his knees, then the movements of the rattle "from oneself" will be natural for the baby.

The same movements can be performed with one hand of the child on his knee or on the palm of an adult, and then on the palm of the other hand of the child, so that he feels this rhythm in different manifestations and gets used to it.

As the child grows, it is good to accompany these rhythmic exercises by pronouncing words in a chant, even on one sound. This can be the chanting of any syllables: ma-ma-ma, la-la-la, ta-ta-ta, etc. Playing the rattles is also possible in alternation with chanting or recitative.

In these exercises, the child actively forms and develops not only a sense of rhythm, but also timbre hearing and coordination skills. It has a developing effect on the baby and the singing of a melody with the simultaneous allocation of strong and weak beats with a rattle or a tambourine.

A positive effect can also be given by slapping the rhythm of the song being learned with the palms of the baby, taking him by the hands. If the child's hands do not obey, and he does not have time to slap short durations, it is enough to be content with flapping long durations or strong beats, without demanding the impossible from the baby.

And, of course, when working with a child, you must always remember that between the sensation of rhythmic pulsation, its transmission in motion, a two-way and more complex system of connections is formed, which requires lengthy trial and training.

In the same period, as the coordination of the baby's movement develops, the same exercises can be tapped with a stick on a suspended bell. One should get acquainted with the sound of the bell and rattles at the same time and pay attention to the beautiful timbre, sing the song: "Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, we are ringing the bell."

Musical development of crumbs: what will help us

Tumbler dolls have a beautiful timbre. Their sound resembles a gentle sound, some "sing" for a long time, others - shortly. The main thing is to draw the baby's attention to a beautiful timbre, to cause him, at least for a short time, to closely listen to the sounds of a swinging doll until they become silent.

If the baby wants to listen more - very good, but if he starts to throw the doll just to get it up again, it is necessary to stop him and explain that the doll can get sick and lose a beautiful voice.

Kids enthusiastically perceive and listen to the sound of a tambourine and a triangle, especially if it is still accompanied by cheerful singing of mom or dad. However, it should be borne in mind that loud sound quickly tires, interferes with the correct, natural hearing. When working with a child, you need to monitor his attention, activity and lead classes during hours of prolonged wakefulness, but not before bedtime.

All of these instruments are percussion, but they are no less important in the development of a child's musical abilities than those with a pitch, since they primarily contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, memory, and timbre hearing.

In addition, it is necessary to continue listening (as in the prenatal period) to classical music, which further enriches and develops auditory representations. At the initial stage, it can be a series of miniature plays, for example, Minuets by W.A. Mozart from early opuses, which the child is able to perceive fully and with interest.

Pieces with a pronounced pictorial character are also good. The lyrics of such songs about a cat, a bear, a dog, etc. contain words that reproduce the sounds of animals: "aw", "meow", etc. Children love songs with this theme, and together with adults they can "meow" "Or" poke "in the right place in the text.

When learning new songs, it should be remembered that the child learns the melody within a few days or months. It is impossible to rush and regret that he slowly memorizes the melody, since the musical development of each child is different. Health, general development and upbringing play an important role in this process.

In addition, all kinds of games and movements to music have a huge impact on the development of musical abilities. While the child is small, you can pick him up and walk with him through the rooms, tapping cheerfully, making small turns to the right and left, spinning and stepping back. Naturally, this action should take place with music. Movements must be performed rhythmically and, if possible, changed when the nature of the music changes.

So, today I told you about very simple and effective ways to develop musical abilities in a child. If you follow these tips and tricks, with regular practice, your child's musical ability will develop at a rapid pace, and your child will get smarter and smarter every day!

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