The name of the family day event in the library. Family Day in Rural Libraries

May 16 at the Dokhnovichi rural library the event "Family Treasure Island", dedicated to the International Day of the Family, was held. The large Petrovsky family was invited to the event. Marina Alexandrovna spoke about her family, introduced her to her children, and there are four of them in the family. The eldest is Kristina, a student of the 4th grade of the Dokhnovichi secondary school, her brother Artem is in the 3rd grade, Victoria attends a kindergarten, and the youngest Evgeny is only one year old. Those present learned a lot of interesting things about this family: about the traditions of the family, about specialties, about the talents of children, about leisure and much more.

May 12, 2017 as a librarian of the Novoselskaya rural library for students of the Novoselskaya secondary school, a competitive program “Family is what is always with you”, dedicated to the International Day of the Family, was held. During the event, there was a story about what a family is, about family traditions and values. There were poems, proverbs and sayings on this topic. The children actively participated in competitions and quizzes.

In the Pyatovskaya rural library the event "My family, my wealth" was held, dedicated to the International Day of the Family. Librarian Avdeenko T.N. told the children about the family as the greatest universal value, drew attention to the fact that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members. The event was fun and interesting. Children actively participated in the quiz, answered questions and guessed riddles about the family. The festive event ended with a tea party.

In MBOU "Azarovskaya secondary school" on the initiative of the ataman of the Azarovskaya fifty Prokhorets Georgy Yegorovich, a meeting was held with remarkable people of our region: the chief of staff of the Starodubsky Cossack regiment Pyotr Fyodorovich Lyakun and the ataman of the Starodubskaya hundred Pyotr Fomich Debolsky. For the children and all those present, a presentation of the book "From that countryside ..." by the author, which is Petr Fyodorovich Lyakun, took place. During the event, with great excitement, everyone listened to the poems performed by the author.

Pyotr Fedorovich presented his poetry collection to the school director and teachers of the Russian language and literature.

Pyotr Fomich Debolsky introduced the children to one of the types of Cossack weapons - a saber.

Every year, in the libraries of the MBU "Intersettlement Library" of the Promyshlennovsky District, events are held dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. In the libraries of the district, 17 events were held, which were attended by about 500 people.

July 6, on the eve of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity Children's Library. P.A. Mazikina organized the action "Daisy of Happiness".

A book exhibition “Everything starts with a family” was prepared for the event, where books and magazines about the holiday, the role of the family, building family relationships and raising children were presented. Those present learned about the history of the holiday, got acquainted with its symbol - chamomile, which has been a sign of love since ancient times. The children easily guessed the riddles and puzzles that the library workers asked them. All participants of the action were given small gifts - booklets with the history of the holiday and wishes!

July 8, on the Day of family, love and fidelity, Ufimtsevo library organized jointly with KFOR competition program "Mom, dad, me", where the Zaitsev and Lapitsky families went on a journey along the "sea". But before embarking on a sea voyage, one must thoroughly prepare for it, so each team had to come up with a name for themselves and draw the flag of their ship under which they would travel.

On the way, the teams met with the "Strait of Family Happiness", the "Bermuda Triangle"; with a storm; "caught fish"; cooked dinner and, of course, sang family songs.

But then came the solemn moment, the teams arrived in their native land, to their native shores; the spectators joyfully greet the crews, the jury announces the results. With a margin of just two points, the Zaitsev family won, with the Lapitsky family in second place. To the applause of the audience, the participants were awarded diplomas and memorable prizes.

July 8 at Krasnin Library passed literary hour "Family is happiness, love and luck ..." dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity. The conversation began with memories of Peter and Fevronia, about the story of their love, about the uniqueness of this story. The librarian told why we celebrate this holiday on July 8, why the camomile was chosen as the symbol of this Day, and many, many more interesting things. There were many beautiful words about love, family and fidelity.

On July 6, the Zarinsky Library hosted conversation "Peter and Fevronia: love is stronger than death", dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity. The librarian told the audience about the roots of the holiday and about the Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia, who have become indestructible Orthodox symbols of family love and fidelity. Introduced to the symbol of the holiday - chamomile. The children also remembered proverbs, sayings and poems about chamomile and family. A book exhibition “Love is like a dream” was prepared for the holiday, where books and magazines about the holiday, the role of the family, building family relationships and raising children were presented. At the end of the event, the children made a symbol of the holiday from paper - a camomile, wished each other happiness and love.

July 6 Por-Iskitim Library spent competition program "From the family archive". The librarian paid special attention to the history of the holiday, the participants talked about relationships in the family. After all, it is with the family that a person’s life begins, it is here that the knowledge of love and respect, joy and kindness takes place. It is in the family that we are taught to communicate with the outside world, it is here that traditions are formed and passed on from generation to generation. Then there was a competitive - game part of the program, which took place in the form of a game through the stations, at which everyone who wished to perform certain tasks. For each completed task, the players received a petal of a chamomile flower (a symbol of the family) with wishes.

July 6 workers Padunskaya model rural library held a street action "When love melts the earthly world." By that day, the library arranged the exhibition “Love is like a dream”, where magazines about the holiday were presented, in which one could read about the family, about raising children and much more.

July 6 Titov Library jointly organized by KFOR festive program "Family - the great kingdom of love." The event began with a hymn about the family. The librarian introduced everyone to the existing legend about the young prince Peter and the poor girl Fevronya. Further, the participants of the event were waiting for a game about flowers and a song quiz. And how fast and dexterous the guests were, the game “Loves - does not love” showed. With great pleasure, those who wished to take part in a staged family skit. In honor of the holiday, the most beautiful songs and poems of famous poets were performed. At the end of the event families with long family history were honored.

July 8 librarian Golubevskaya libraries with their young assistants organized information street - the action "I give you a camomile, along with it my love!". In the course of the action, information leaflets and a chamomile, a charm, a symbol of the holiday, with wishes of love and mutual understanding were handed out. Daisies were made the day before by young readers of the library.

July 8 at Vaskov library passed game program "My family is my joy!". Families took an active part in the program: Pozdnyakovs - Natalia and Oleg; Tsomakh - Nadezhda and Artem; Predko - Irina, Victoria and Semyon; Vorobyovs - Nadezhda and Nazar; Morozov - Tatyana and Katya. The participants were divided into two teams: mothers "Butterflies" and children "Smileys". The teams had to show dexterity, dexterity and friendly work in competitions. Children and mothers performed each task with special diligence and the desire to win. And regardless of how the places were distributed, all participants and spectators of the competition received a lot of positive emotions and pleasant impressions.

Bobova E.S., head of methodological department

Family is the most important thing in every person's life. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. The conversation “Mom, Dad, I am Family” was devoted to this important topic.

May 15 At the initiative of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of the Family is celebrated all over the world.

On this day, in library No. 16 for students of the 4th grade of the Lyceum "Politek", their parents, grandparents, literary hour "Being together is such happiness."

From the story of the librarian, the students and guests of the library learned about the history of the holiday, and its social significance throughout the world.

The main attention was paid to literary works that embodied scenes of family life. Thus, a loud reading of Boris Minaev's story "Far - Close" from the book "Leva's Childhood" was organized for the children, which was accompanied by elements of theatricalization. Reading excerpts from the works of Russian classic writers alternated with brief excursions through the pages of the books in the series "Children's project of Ludmila Ulitskaya". Those present learned about how families are organized among different peoples, what systems of raising children exist in different countries.

With the active participation of the guests, competitions were held for the best expert on the family hierarchy, the best performance of a poem, song, ditties about the family. The children, together with their parents, recalled folk proverbs, sayings and solved riddles.

The meeting ended with a review of books for children of the series "Cherished Dream".

On the Day of the Family, the library also organized a book exhibition-council "Warmly friendly family." The exposition offers readers a selection of books on family issues and its role in raising a child. The guests of the library also got acquainted with interest with the book and illustrative exhibition “What keeps the family on”.

On the same day, students of class 3 "A" of school No. 15 became guests libraries for children No. 8 , which hosted media hour "Russian Saints - Peter and Fevronia".

A cozy, homely warm atmosphere was created by librarians. A small exhibition "Mom, dad, I am a happy family", a bouquet of flowers, an electronic presentation - all this was conducive to a sincere conversation.

In her opening speech, Lyudmila Viktorova Ivanova, using an electronic presentation, told the children about the history of the holiday, the values ​​of the family and the observance of good traditions that unite relatives and friends. The children learned that joint work, family holidays, hospitality, care for each other, organization of joint recreation, and there are family traditions.

The children read poetry, parsed proverbs about the family, and took part in the quiz “Through the mouth of a baby”. Then the children were offered a psychological moment of silence, which was accompanied by beautiful instrumental music, while beautiful flowers bloomed on the monitor screen. In a quiet voice, the presenter narrated that if all people had such beautiful flowers in their hearts, then everyone's soul would become cleaner, kinder. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the "flowers", that is, about your soul and your thoughts.

At the end of the meeting, the children received a memo in the form of a camomile, which in Russia is a symbol of the family. The main words about family values ​​are written on the petals of the flower, they will remind children about the holiday and about the family!

May 19 on the holiday "Family refuge of the soul" in Central Children's Library young readers were invited with their parents, grandparents. At the beginning of the holiday, the guests were asked to recall folk tales, proverbs and sayings that talk about the family, the host began the proverb, and the guests all finished it together:

  • family in a heap - (not a terrible cloud)
  • Children are not a burden , (and in joy)
  • When the family is together - (so the soul is in place)
  • What is the treasure - (if the family is okay)
  • Away well , (and home is better)
  • Alone in the field - (not a warrior)

The housekeeper Nathanael, the keeper of the library, came to the children for the holiday, and she prepared many different and interesting competitions for the participants of the holiday. Nathaniel told a fairy tale in which there were a lot of mistakes, at the mention of which the guys had to clap their hands. And in the game "Explainers" by several signs, the children had to guess what subject they were talking about.

After the test came for mothers - the children were put with their backs to their mothers and mothers had to call their child not by name, but by the affectionate nickname they used to call their baby. Blindfolded children fed semolina to their mothers for affectionate words, and mothers for their princesses made outfits with paper clips and scissors from newspapers, and each tried to make her daughter the most beautiful. And in conclusion, all the guests of the holiday sang a song about Antoshka for the brownie, and not just like that, but like a choir of dogs and cats. The holiday was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, all children received a sweet prize.

July 8 - Day of family, love and fidelity
(Day of Peter and Fevronia)

Dear colleagues!

On July 8, Russia will celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday appeared thanks to the prince of Murom Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the XIII century. Orthodox Christians revere this married couple as patrons of the family and marriage. The holiday personifies devotion and fidelity to one's relatives and true strong love that withstands all trials.

I propose compilation of information to help the librarian by 8 July. This included:

3) A selection of materials about the celebration of the Day of family, love and fidelity in 2016

5) Family Day in verse

Prostev Alexander Evgenievich. Holy spouses. 2007

1) A poem about the Day of Peter and Fevronia

What are you, Russians, fooling around with?

And do you habitually equalize with the West?

You celebrate Valentine's day

But you don’t know Peter and Fevronia!

Do you prefer overseas holidays?

Or do we not remember our "Saints"?

Happy Valentine's Day congratulations,

Wanting to be loved by loved ones

You do not equate love with love,

Your recklessness with inspiration.

In Russia, not putting up with hypocrisy,

Congratulated with love and fidelity.

So, during the Sacrament of the Wedding

They promised to love until the end.

And thinking is one, whole

It grew into a spiritual, mature.

There was nothing to catch the saints.

Nothing could separate them.

They carried their burden together.

Even death came to them at the same time,

When life is defeated in wrinkles.

Their relics after a glorious death

They were buried in a common tomb.

So they sleep together - the Prince and the maiden.

Peter and Fevronia

2) Conversation "Day of family, love and fidelity": The life story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

All-Russian holiday July 8 - Day of family, love and fidelity- appeared thanks to the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived at the beginning of the 13th century. Orthodox Christians revere this married couple as patrons of the family and marriage.

Peter and Fevronia became examples of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness during their lifetime. According to legend, about they died on the same day - June 25 (according to the new style - July 8), 1228. Their bodies, placed in different places, miraculously ended up in the same coffin, which was considered a miracle. Peter and Fevronia were canonized at a church council in 1547. Their relics are kept in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

July again - the crown of summer

Fog over the pond in the morning

And yellow-eyed, in spills of light

Chamomile blooms in the fields.

A simple flower, it is a symbol of happiness

Christian devoted love.

Through all the troubles, and all the bad weather

Carry love for chamomile.

The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among the residents of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of Christian marriage, are buried, whose memory is celebrated on July 8.

The story of their romantic love and exemplary life has come down to us in the descriptions of the ancient Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", which was written in the 16th century by Yermolai Erasmus. She tells about the prince's illness, his meeting with Fevronia, miraculous healing, trials and their life together.

This holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 2008 thanks to the efforts of the wife of our Prime Minister Svetlana Medvedeva. A beautiful summer day was not chosen by chance for the holiday - already For more than 780 years, the Orthodox have been honoring the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom on July 8 - patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity. Among the people, July 8, the Day of Peter and Fevronia, has long been considered happy for love, engagements are concluded on this day (weddings cannot be played, because Peter's fast is on).

In Russia there is a tale about

Like Fevronia with Peter

Were an exemplary couple

Friendly, loving and faithful.

endured many troubles,

But we couldn't part

Faithfully kept the marriage

And respect each other!

That time has flown by

No Fevronya, no Peter.

But they are an example of a family

Honest, sincere love.

Artist Prostev A. E. Peter and Fevronia

Remarkable lines were written about the family by the famous poet Ilya Reznik:

Family is a great kingdom of love.

The family is the backbone of the state,

My country, my Russia.

Protected by a heavenly angel,

One for all, inseparable!

Let it be repeated in generations

Blessed life days.

Protect your loved ones!

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

"They lived happily ever after and died on the same day"- a phrase well known to us from children's fairy tales. Do you know that there is not a drop of fiction in it? The story of the life and love of a pious married couple who lived in Murom almost eight centuries ago, not only did not get lost in the centuries, but also laid the foundation for a bright holiday, which has been celebrated since 2008 in Russia as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Peter and Fevronia of Murom (monastic David and Euphrosyne) - faithful spouses, who reflected the spiritual values ​​​​and ideals of Holy Russia with their lives. The history of their life for many centuries existed in the legends of the Murom land, where they lived and where their honest relics were preserved. Over time, the true events acquired fabulous features, merging in the people's memory with the legends and parables of this region. In 1547, the canonization of Saints Peter and Fevronia took place at the Moscow Church Council. After canonization, Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow instructed Yermolai the Sinful, a famous Russian writer of the 16th century, to make a literary adaptation of the oral legend. Ermolai the Sinful, better known as Yermolai-Erasmus, a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible, created the story "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia", which is a monument of ancient Russian literature of the 16th century. The story is written in Old Slavonic and has several literary translations. But this amazing story inspires more and more authors, writers and poets to create literary works based on this story.

Blessed Prince Peter was the second son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom and the younger brother of Blessed Prince Pavel, who reigned in the city of Murom.

Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. Already sick, he ascended the throne of Murom in 1203. Enduring torment with humility, the prince surrendered to God in everything. But in a sleepy vision, it was revealed to the prince that a pious woman could heal him. a maiden from the village of Laskovaya, Ryazan province. Saint Peter sent his people to that village. One of the young men sent in search of a doctor accidentally went into the house, where he found him at work. a lonely girl named Fevronia, who had the gift of insight and healing. After all the questions, Fevronia asked to bring the prince to her.

The prince, who himself could no longer walk, was brought to the house, and he sent to ask who wants to cure him. And he promised that, if cured, a big reward. "I want to cure him, - answered Fevronia, - but I do not demand any reward from him. Here is my word to him: if I do not become his wife, then it is not fitting for me to treat him. . Peter promised to marry, but in his heart he was cunning: the pride of the princely family prevented him from agreeing to such a marriage. Fevronia scooped up some bread leaven, blew on it, and handing it over to the servants, ordered the prince to be washed in a bathhouse and to grease all the scabs, except for one. Fevronia guessed about Peter's cunning and pride, and therefore ordered him to leave one scab unoiled. Soon, from this scab, the whole disease resumed, and the prince had to return to Fevronia.

Arriving for the second time, the prince saw Fevronia and fell in love with her for piety, wisdom and kindness so much that he vowed to marry her after healing and kept his word. Saint Fevronia healed the prince and married him. They arrived in the city of Murom and began to live piously, in no way transgressing God's commandments.. The holy spouses carried love for each other through all trials.

The proud boyars did not want to have a princess from a simple title and demanded that the prince let her go. Saint Peter refused, and the couple were expelled. They sailed on a boat along the Oka from their native city. Saint Fevronia supported and consoled Saint Peter.

And then the city of Murom suffered the wrath of God. Soon ambassadors arrived from Murom, begging Peter to return to reign. The boyars quarreled over power, shed blood, and now again they were looking for peace and tranquility, and the people demanded that the prince return with Fevronia. Peter and Fevronia with humility returned to their city and ruled happily ever after, doing alms with prayer in their hearts.

When old age came, they became monks with the names David and Euphrosyne and begged God to die at the same time. They bequeathed to bury themselves together in a specially prepared coffin with a thin partition in the middle. They died on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228, each in his own cell. People considered it impious to bury monks in one coffin and dared to violate the will of the deceased. Twice their bodies were carried to different temples, but twice they miraculously ended up nearby. So they buried the holy spouses together near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and every believer found generous healing here.

The Day of Peter and Fevronia is an Orthodox holiday, since 2008 it has been restored in Russia at the official level as the “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”.

Peter and Fevronia are Orthodox patrons of the family and marriage, whose marital union is considered a model of Christian marriage.

The saints were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. Soon after the canonization, the famous "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" was compiled. Until 1917, the day of Peter and Fevronia was widely celebrated as a family day and a day of love.

Currently, on this day, July 8, various actions and festive celebrations are held in the cities and villages of Russia.

3) Selection materials about the celebration of the Day of family, love and fidelity in 2016.

Day of family, love and fidelity in the libraries of Tomsk

On July 8, one of the youngest holidays is celebrated - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Municipal libraries of the city offer Tomsk citizens book exhibitions, slide presentations and an action of family drawing on asphalt.

At book exhibitions in libraries, articles from periodicals devoted to the upbringing and development of children, scenarios for family holidays, works of art for joint reading of children and adults will be presented. Throughout the day, the venues in front of the municipal libraries will host an action of a family drawing on asphalt, the theme of which is “We read, and you?”.


The action "Day without divorce", timed to coincide with the day of family, love and fidelity, is already taking place in a number of regions of the country. On this day, registry office workers, together with qualified psychologists, ask married couples to postpone the resolution of the issue related to state registration of divorce. In addition, as part of the campaign, there are special hotline telephones, on which specialists are ready to advise those who doubt the strength of their marriage. The action is designed to reduce the number of divorces.

Action "The main thing in life"

Until July 8 (inclusive), residents of Moscow must publish on their social media accounts (Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram) a photo of the family and a short history of its origin with the hashtag #mainlifefamily. We will publish the best of them on the pages of our online publications. And the authors of the three stories that get the most likes will receive gifts from the United Editorial Board of Internet Publications of the Southern District of Moscow.


From 4 to 8 July in the Lipetsk region will be held annual volunteer action "Home". The action is aimed at attracting the attention of young people to the institution of the family, its role in modern society. Volunteers will distribute paraphernalia with the symbol of the holiday of Family Day, love and fidelity, post family photos on the VKontakte social network, thereby informing residents about the celebration of family, love and fidelity Day in the Russian Federation on July 8.

Young families, young people aged 14 to 30, socially active residents of Lippi are invited to participate in the action. Participants need to make a symbol of the Day of family, love and fidelity - chamomile - and post a family photo on the social network "Vkontakte" with the hashtag #home, #dayoffamilyloveandfidelity.

As part of the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on July 8, the action "White Flower" will be held in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and a concert and entertainment program at the site near the fountain at 6 km.

“The symbol of the holiday is chamomile - the flower of love and fidelity. During promotions "White flower Volunteers will distribute white origami daisies on the streets of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Elizov with kind words of wishes for a happy family life. Purpose of the action- drawing public attention to family problems, preserving family traditions and strengthening family values. The action was initiated by the Unified Volunteer Center "Kamchatka" and the Family Development Center "Rainbow of Life" under Kamchatka Regional Scientific Library. S.P. Krasheninnikov- said the Ministry of Culture.

On the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in the Ulyanovsk Region, the results of the action "Birth a Patriot on the Day of Russia" will be summed up

July 8 at 10.00 in the assembly hall of the Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov will host the General Assembly of the families of the region. Within its framework, it is planned to sign a declaration of rights to the well-being of the family and childhood in the Ulyanovsk region, the solemn presentation of birth certificates, and the adoption of the oath of a responsible parent.

From 11.00 at the building of the Lenin Memorial will work thematic sites "Territory of happy childhood", including an interactive kindergarten and school, a family library, a demonstration of robotics exhibits.

At 11.30 in the foyer of the Memcenter, a festive event dedicated to summing up the results will begin action "Give birth to a patriot on the Day of Russia". By tradition, the winners will be awarded the keys to the UAZ Patriot car. Also, two families will receive certificates for improving their living conditions.

Kurgan Regional Library. A. K. Yugova

Cognitive game program. The action program includes: exhibition-dialogue "Magic Pages of Love", telling about the history of the holiday and family traditions; quiz "Let's tell fortunes on a camomile", where participants will be able to choose a task for themselves by tearing off a petal with a question from a chamomile - a symbol of the family; as well as puzzles, proverbs and sayings about the family. Each participant will be able to choose a good wish as a keepsake.

Day of family, love and fidelity will be celebrated at Moscow railway stations

The Moscow Railway will join the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - on July 8, Yaroslavsky and Kazansky railway stations in Moscow, as well as railway stations in such large cities as Tula, Smolensk, Orel, Kursk and Bryansk, will become the venues for the celebration. This was reported in the management of the capital's highway.

"During the action, railway passengers will be given thematic materials telling about the history of the holiday, as well as symbolic postcards," - clarified in the management.

Each owner of a postcard will be able to write warm and kind words on it with his own hand, and send it to relatives and friends, congratulating them on the holiday, symbolizing the most precious values ​​- family.

Day of family, love and fidelity will be celebrated in Volgograd for the 12th time

"Day of Love in Russian"- so it will be called holiday, which will be held in Volgograd in honor of the Day of family, love and fidelity.

July 8 at the fountain "Art" on the embankment at 18:00 will start working again "Comic registry office" and a romantic area for photo shoots. As part of the celebration, anniversary couples, large families and a parade of newlyweds will be honored.

At the same time, on July 9, on the upper terrace of the Central Embankment, a parade of strollers and costumes, a body art show and a flash mob with a concert.

From 18.00 to 19.00 on the Alley of Heroes will be held youth action "Romashkin Day". A master class will be organized where participants can make their own chamomile, as well as leave wishes and advice to young couples on creating and maintaining a family on site "Romashkovoe field".

In addition, interactive playgrounds, a large children's game program, an evening disco for young people and a light show will operate for residents of Volgograd.

will work and "Family creative workshop".

Fans of moving will be offered to show their abilities on site "Mom, dad, I am a sports family."

On July 8, a number of events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity are planned on the East Siberian Railway

On this day, at major stations of the highway, action "Chamomile as a gift". All those who purchase tickets at the ticket offices of suburban and long-distance routes will receive postcards and calendars with the image of a flower - a symbol of the holiday.

Greetings from the East Siberian Railway will be broadcast in the premises of stations and commuter trains. Cultural and entertainment programs will be held in the centers of creativity.

Congratulatory addresses with good wishes of love and happiness will be sent to the wedding palaces of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia, where weddings of railway workers are planned on the eve of the holiday and the day of the holiday.

On July 8, festivities will be held in Naryan-Mar and other settlements of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the main characters of which will be young couples and families who have lived happily together for decades, the press service of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug reports.

On the eve of the holiday, on July 7, the Pichkov Nenets Central Library will host loud readings for children about the family patrons Peter and Fevronia. On July 8, at 17:00, the Arktika Palace of Culture will host a festive concert, at which couples with more than 45 years of experience of living together will be awarded medals “For Love and Loyalty”.

The Ethnocultural Center will work photo exhibition "The warmth of the family hearth". Young families of Great Temple, Shoyna, Indigi, Karatayka will compete in competitions "Ideal couple", "Mom, dad, I am a friendly family", "Love and fidelity - two wings". An exhibition of children's drawings and photo exhibition “My family, my joy”, in Krasnoye there will be an evening “Peace and kindness in every family”.

On the square of the village of Iskateley everyone will be able to take part in promotions "Chamomile for lovers".

The action "Tell about your love in verses" will be held in the Central District Library named after. F.M. Dostoevsky July 8, on the Day of family, love and fidelity. It is reported by the MKUK CBS of the Kanavinsky district.

From 10.00 to 16.00 in the library, any Nizhny Novgorod citizen will be able to read a love poem for his soulmate on camera and give her a ready-made video clip about his feelings on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Participation in the action is free.

Also, according to the message, on this day near the library from 11.00 to 13.00 there will be a photo zone designed specifically for the holiday.

4) Headings and forms of events

Conversation-cognition"Family in the pages of literary works"

Literary and Musical Lounge"Family - the great kingdom of love"

Exhibition-action dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity "Know how to cherish love ..."

Spiritual and enlightening conversation"Saints Peter and Fevronia - patrons of the family"

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"Love and faith images"

Conversation-dialogue"Everything starts with family"

Holiday program"Chamomile Russia"

Master class on making a symbol of the holiday"Chamomile".

Master Class"Chamomile mood" for the manufacture of a symbol of the holiday of chamomile

Stock " Day of Family, Love and Fidelity".

City family holiday“Daisy Day is our holiday”, dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity

information tent"School of Successful Parenting"

Holiday"Day of Love in Russian"

youth action"Daisy Day"

Game kaleidoscope"Family Treasure Chest"

Thematic evening-thinking"The crown of all values ​​is the family"

Review of Spiritual Literature"Peter and Fevronia: Holy matrimony"

"Love and loyalty are the foundation of a family"

Hour of Spiritual Enlightenment"Peter and Fevronia. The story of eternal love "

Street action "Day of marital love and family happiness" (in a programme: express survey "Your family holidays", information minute "Heavenly patrons of the family", poetic mosaic "Let's honor family values" and distribution of flyers "Magic Daisy").

Exhibition presentation"Peter and Fevronia: love in Russian"

Dialogue at the exhibition"Russia will be reborn as a family"

Literary Review“The wisdom of books will help unite the family”

Video collage"In great joy with each other"

Family cinema"For family reasons"

Festive evening"Family hearth"

Stock"My happiness is family"

A lesson in kindness and love"The Miracle of Loyalty"

holiday event“Give your loved ones a chamomile and your love”

Evening"Family - the unity of thoughts and deeds", dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity

Exhibition-view"Love. A family. Loyalty"

Literary and musical evening"And long is the way of love"

Hour of useful information"In the name of life and love"

Folklore gatherings"Glorious family Russian meal"

kindness lesson"Faith Hope Love"

family gatherings"Oh, dear samovar, my family hearth"

Conversation“Family means we are together”

Stock"Daisy delicate petal"

Stock"Give daisies to your loved ones" (participants will learn the history of the origin of this wonderful holiday, which symbol was chosen and why, answer quiz questions and solve many interesting riddles. All participants in the action will receive colorful booklets and, of course, the symbol of this holiday - a camomile)

Book exhibition "Family - a source of inspiration"(the exhibition consists of 3 sections: 1) "Saints Peter and Fevronia"; 2) "Family is the basis of life"; 3) “The wisdom of books will help to unite the family”)

Campaign "Happiness to be together" (readers were asked to complete the phrase “Family is ...” on the petals of a paper chamomile (symbol of the holiday).


5) Family Day in poems and songs

Peter and Fevronia

Pray for family happiness

All over Orthodox Russia

Murom wonderworkers,

To ask the Lord -

Hope, Love and Faith

And loyalty to each other to the grave

And behind the coffin too. An example

They both shine on us.

Life is always the same

The same requirements for every age.

The same grief and the same happiness

Man's temptations.

So that the darkness does not cover the sun,

So that iniquity does not multiply

They are praying hard for you and me

Peter and Fevronia.

Lighting candles today

And light your hearts with love.

For you to be together forever

Ask for intercession.

And give daisies to your loved ones.

A sign of loyalty and purity

Let them become forever from now on

Russian field flowers.

Ekaterina Avdeeva Moscow 2008


Wonderful childish laughter rings,

And the mother sits by the cradle,

A child caressing with a quiet song.

And the house, consecrated by prayer,

Stands open to all winds.

And the grandmother teaches her granddaughter

Words: Fatherland, Mom, Temple!


Keep each other at all times.

Live in peace and harmony.

And let your life be sanctified

Love of Peter and Fevronia!

2. Family is a great kingdom of love.

It has faith, righteousness and power.

The family is the backbone of the state,

My country, my Russia.

The family is the original source

Protected by a heavenly angel,

And sadness, and joy, and sorrow

One for all, inseparable!

Let it be repeated in generations

Blessed life days.

Save, Lord, the hearth of the family,

Protect your loved ones!



In the family circle, we are growing.

In the family circle, all your roots

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Where did the word "family" come from?

Once upon a time the earth did not hear of him,

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions:

Who will raise children for me, my goddess?

And Eve answered quietly: I.

Who will sew the dress

Washes clothes?

Caress me, decorate the house?

Answer the question for me, my friend!

I, I, I, I

Eva said: I.

She said the famous 7 "I"

And so the word "family" appeared.

Family for me is dad and me,

Sister and mother, grandmother, grandfather,

And uncle, and aunt, and all, all relatives.

And the adults

You just have to look at them

And you will immediately see

How much childhood they have!

Both in dad and in mom,

And in a strict passerby,

And in the old grandfather

With my grandmother too.

This is especially noticeable

When they suddenly break something.

When they buy a new thing from payday,

When they receive a gift from their granddaughter.

They also know how to laugh like children.

But they are all adults - these adults.

And so they differ from the children,

They don't have much time to play.

On our unusual

And the solar planet

Two different worlds live:

On May 15, Russia celebrates the International Day of the Family, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. For this event, illustrated book exhibitions were arranged in the CLS libraries: “Family, Love and Fidelity” (Afoninsk Rural Library Branch No. 16), “Island of Family Treasures” (Chernyshikhinsky Rural Library Branch No. 30), “Holy Protectors of the Family” ( Sloboda rural library-branch No. 23). Literature reviews were conducted for readers and electronic presentations were shown.

May 14, 2015 in MBOU secondary school with. Works for junior schoolchildren The Rabotkinskaya children's rural library - branch No. 6 held an educational and game program "Family - the root of life." The children did not get bored at the event. The game part of the holiday was filled with competitions: “Collect a proverb”, “Who is the most economic?” and "Nimble little tailor". They took an active part in family riddle contests and recalled the books they had read.

On May 15, in the Bolshemokrinskaya rural library - branch No. 31, together with the rural house of culture, a competitive and game program "Family in a heap - not a cloud is terrible" was held. The purpose of the event: to expand children's ideas about the family as the greatest universal value, to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. In the program, the children had to participate in cognitive and game competitions: “Draw a house blindly”, “A house where a large and friendly family will live”, “Let's help Cinderella”, “When mom is not at home”, “Tie a scarf”, “My light, mirror , tell". Employees of the rural House of Culture held a fun relay race "Sport is a family affair." Book exhibitions “The Image of the Family in Fiction” and “We and Our Family” were prepared for the event, at which literature about family education and hobbies was provided, where you can relax with your family, how to spend your leisure time. The children were happy to get acquainted with the drawings presented at the My Family stand.