Unequal marriages: She is older than her companion. Unequal marriage by age: pros and cons

This age difference is not such a rare occurrence, and yet it causes a lot of gossip from relatives, friends and barely familiar people.

In general, someone else's relationship should not interest you too much, but how should you treat an unequal marriage if fate presents you with such an opportunity? Will it be decent, as it will be perceived in society, and most importantly - are not fears of such an alliance in vain?

What are the different age marriages?

Of course, any. Starting from the classic difference of 7-10 years, and ending with the mind-boggling one - between a pensioner and a student. Nobody even notices a difference of 1-5 years, 5-10 is considered normal if a man is older. When the wife surpasses the husband by ten years, a situation of obvious inequality already arises.

If the husband is 30-40 years older, most often this causes a bad reaction from others - disgust, pity for the young woman, suspicion of her selfish goals and base nature. But how many have you seen such different age couples?

Only unequal marriages of celebrities come to mind, for example, director Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya (76 and 40), "playboy" Hugh Hefner and his wife Crystal (87 and 27), Boris Grachevsky and his young wife Anna (64 and 27) ...

And whenever there are those willing to discuss such alliances, voices of approval and attacks are heard with equal force. Basically, the attitude towards a couple depends on the attitude towards each of the partners separately. Recognition and respect for the personality itself makes you come to terms with her "trick" and think - maybe they found their happiness?

But celebrities in this matter are not the standard for ordinary people. In addition to their sex appeal, the stars charm their companions with charisma, talent and, of course, wealth. And what can be attractive to unequal marriage for mere mortals?

Pros of unequal marriages when a young husband

Let's not go to extremes and take an acceptable age difference as a subject of discussion. Canons, of course, do not exist, but most ladies who allow themselves the opportunity to marry a person younger, even in their wildest dreams, do not exceed the conditional line at 15 years old.

The stereotype of such a couple is a young man of 20-25 years old and his partner, respectively, a lady under forty. It is young men who find the prospect of close relationships and even marriage attractive to them. Less often, stories from life about unequal marriages are heard, when both have already stepped into the second half of their lives. Why is it like this?

Psychologists say, and their worldly wisdom supports them in this, that a man aged 20-30 is remarkably suitable for a woman about forty. Moreover, both sexually and in all others.

Such a pair can be good together for several reasons:

  • the flowering of female sexuality coincides with its peak in men;
  • a woman by her age has already "calmed down" in many respects and is not as demanding of a partner as her peers, less "nagging", does not suit hysterics, knows what she wants in life and in relationships - it is much easier for a man to be with her;
  • an older woman does not think about children - like her young husband;
  • he is not required to build a house, life and fully provide for his wife;
  • mutual condescension and the difference realized by both help to be more attentive to each other and to make compromises more often.

The last point is generally worth its weight in gold. The fact is that equal partners always have the illusion of "sameness", because of which it seems to everyone that the beloved / beloved should think, feel and want exactly the same.

Almost all conflicts on the topic “ you don't understand me (but you should)". What a disappointment that equal age does not mean equal needs!

And peers also lose love in the struggle for primacy. Who is in charge? Who knows better? Who, after all, has the final say? In unequal marriages, when she is older, some men are happy precisely because they realized that they a priori cannot be wiser and more experienced than their wife, and in time they gave up trying to prove the opposite. The atmosphere in the house from this, I must say, is just wonderful.

Benefits of an unequal marriage if a young wife

A man is proud of the youth of his life partner, and a woman gets a real guardian - often not only materially, but also psychologically. To compensate for their fading attractiveness, such husbands try more than usual - gifts, satisfaction of whims and, of course, fatherly care for everything in the world.

If the pair is really good, then the pros for both are obvious:

  • a young woman can give her husband children long-awaited for him;
  • the father is much more interested in raising the child than the twenty-year-olds;
  • with rare exceptions, men over 50 do not cheat on their young wives and do not threaten to leave for another;
  • she has the opportunity to rely on an adult husband and get an education, "sit out" long maternity leave or not work at all;
  • the sexual characteristics of the ages again coincide: the man's temperament has weakened, and the female potential has not yet been revealed.

By the way, it is a common misconception that in such a couple, the wife by the age of 35-40 will “get mad” because of the lack of sex. If married life is going smoothly, then women adjust remarkably and do not go crazy with age-related increase in libido, so there is nothing to prepare for a crisis in advance.

It's another matter if conflicts are frequent in the family, here it is really close to treason. After all, sexual dissatisfaction in bed with a legal spouse begins, as they say, in the head.

Unequal marriage is a test of your ability to love

The very first thing that comes to mind about partners of different ages is that someone will cheat. Such thoughts appear not only among those around them, but also among the spouses themselves. Despite the fact that the feelings are real, and the calculation is the most correct, yet the fear of losing the relationship obsessively dictates to the eldest of the spouses: the young love for their beauty, if I grow old, they will stop loving.

And if we compare the inevitable friction and quarrels in family life with pits and bumps on the path to happiness, then jealousy in an unequal marriage is a whole abyss where the older half of the couple hopelessly falls. For some reason, the fear of betrayal makes you forget the reasons why partners once got along, and remember the dry, obvious fact - the years go by and the attractiveness goes along with them.

Examples of successful families with a difference in age can refute the fear of betrayal. According to them, relationships are based on something more than physical attraction. Even the notorious habit on which many ordinary marriage of the same age is held is inappropriate in this matter.

Only the attractive personality of a senior partner will help keep your loved one close. Nobility, interest in life, a mobile mind and kindness - these qualities do not age over the years, but only manifest themselves more clearly and cause deep love, respect and gratitude.

Unequal marriages in which a man is 10 years or more older than his chosen one have existed at all times. In ancient summers in Russia, parents gladly gave in marriage to wealthy adult suitors. Thus, they provided a "well-fed" life for their beloved daughter. The question "loves-dislikes" did not matter here. The motivation for such marriages has always been obvious.

The natural reaction of people who witness such unequal marriages is condemnation and resentment. Most often, eyewitnesses suspect the bride's mercantile interest, and this most often justifies her unusual choice.

But suddenly it turns out that the groom has "the wind in his pocket", is no longer young, has a small permanent income, rented an apartment, travels exclusively by train. And then our previous thoughts about commercialism came to an impasse. This means that not only this is the reason for unequal marriages, there is something less obvious, but which takes place.

Here are some reasons for unequal marriages:

A girl who grew up without a dad, completely unconsciously seeks care and protection from her middle-aged chosen one.

The female mind. Very often a woman is not interested with her peers because of her development, she simply has nothing to talk about with them, there are no common interests and hobbies. Therefore, she chooses a man much older than herself.

There are situations when a young girl is uncomfortable for some reason to live with her parents at home. She doesn't care who to marry, just to move to her husband as soon as possible, away from the family. And an adult man, most likely, already has his own "corner" where she can move. In this case, the man acts as a hero-rescuer.

Stability. Most women dream of starting a family, being confident in the future. Mature men with experience in this can offer all this to a woman. In addition, they know how to look after beautifully. Chrysanthemum in cellophane is far from all we dream about, and it would not hurt to add gallantry, courtesy, gifts and courting, which young guys often do not know about.

For men, such marriages allow them to experience a second youth. Eyes shine, and butterflies start up in the heart, from a well-groomed uncle, he turns into a blooming gentleman.

His prestige in the eyes of friends increases, many even envy.

Well, the last, the most incredible, but at the same time wonderful and magical reason is love. Few believe in this, but it cannot be ruled out. Two people are soul mates at first sight, with the same thoughts, interests and goals, in this case the age limits are erased and the age difference is noticeable only outwardly.

Positive aspects (pluses) of unequal marriage:

1) One of the advantages is that girls like sex with an experienced man more than with less experienced peers.

2) An adult man is less hot and more judicious, this marriage can avoid many mistakes of young couples.

3) If the reason for the marriage was financial
interest, then the girl can live for her own pleasure, engage in education, children or any hobby, completely without thinking about material problems.

4) In such a marriage, everyone gets exactly what they wanted and what they aspired to. Even without love, such marriages can be quite durable.

Richard Hills is an American psychologist who investigated the problem of unequal marriages, in which a man is 10 years or more older than a woman. As it turned out, unequal marriages are more often than not happy and durable. In this case, there must be two prerequisites: love (big and light) and the coincidence of psychotypes. He says that mature men value the home more and try to protect their families from the troubles and petty quarrels that very often occur in young families.

Negative sides (cons) of unequal marriage:

1) First, for whom it is important, you cannot "live happily ever after and die in one day." Indeed, according to statistics, men already live 7 years less than women.

2) It is no longer possible to remake a mature man or adjust "for himself." All his habits will have to be reconciled.

3) Leisure and free time. If you do not have common interests and activities, then this can cause quarrels.

4) Your friends. For her husband's friends, a young wife will always be a stupid girl, and for his wife's friends, her chosen one will be a hopeless old man. It is unlikely that they will be able to take part in parties together, which are arranged by the wife's young friends.

5) Another disadvantage may not "emerge immediately" - this is his wife's betrayal. The man usually has a decline in sexual activity, while the woman is still young and needs a more intense relationship. All this will inevitably lead to jealousy, since an elderly man can no longer compete with young rivals.

In Rostock, Germany, scientists from the Institute for Demographic Research found that in a marriage where a man is much older than his spouse, a woman ages much faster and her life expectancy is shorter. Scientists explain this interesting phenomenon by the fact that emotionally, a young wife tries to “reach out” for a more experienced, mature husband, and therefore her withering occurs much faster than usual. After examining about 2 million unequal marriages, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is best for a woman to marry a peer. Scientists from many countries have become interested in this phenomenon, and new, more in-depth experiments will be carried out in the near future.

Obviously, people initially see in unequal marriages only meanness and calculation. Why do they see this world in this color? Maybe they just don't know how to love?

The tradition of marrying a man older than himself in age has remained from ancient times. A young lady was married off to an adult man. In such a marriage, the girl did not experience material difficulties and had a high position in society. Today, most girls enter into unequal marriages; a man may be 5 or 10 years older. There are pros and cons to such marriages.

The physiological aspect of unequal marriage

Before talking about the psychological aspects of unequal marriage, it is necessary to understand what changes occur in physiological terms in women and men. In men, the peak of sexual activity occurs at the age of 25, compared with his peers. And by the age of 35, both men and women are equally active sexually. Further, the sexual activity of women increases, while in men it decreases. At this time, as a rule, men have a desire to communicate with women younger than themselves in order to revive their former passion.

There are other reasons why a man chooses a young lady. A man wants to constantly admire a woman, and if she is constantly busy with household chores, then interest in her disappears. In such a relationship, a man eventually becomes bored, and what he lacks, he will look on the side.

Positive aspects of unequal marriage

Positive aspects can be found in everything, including unequal marriage:

  • A man, if he is more than 10 years older than a woman, attracts her with seriousness of intentions. Family coziness, home comfort, a great value for him. By his age, he had already studied female psychology quite well, and he knows what a woman needs.

  • Sometimes a woman chooses a man older than herself as her life partner, if he is successful in the profession. An example is young actresses who marry directors in years. If a man is held in high esteem by a large number of people, then he will certainly arouse interest and respect from a woman.

  • Entering into a relationship with such a man, a woman will feel that she is being cared for, cared for. In such a marriage, all decisions will be made by the man, and he will also be the leader in the family.

Disadvantages of unequal marriage

Unequal age-related marriages also have negative aspects:

Unequal marriage: causes of relationship breakdown

In an unequal marriage, a man and a woman are looking for what they lacked before. Girls in older men see both a caring father and a lover in one person, and the reason for such a choice may be a difficult relationship with a father. In fact, there may be more reasons why a woman chooses such a marriage. But there are reasons for the collapse of such relationships:

There can be many options for the development of relationships. But the point is that everyone seeks to satisfy their needs, and if this happens, then the conflict cannot be avoided.

Today unequal marriage became the norm, both for women and men.

Yes, in the 19th century, artists painted pictures that depicted the tragedy of girls who were forced to marry older men.

Today unequal marriage Is a conscious and voluntary choice. Many people are guided by simple calculation when they marry, but many are driven by feelings.

There are several types of unequal marriages, among them the age difference and the difference in material status. We will not consider the difference in financial situation, since everything is too individual there.

In our article, we will mainly consider the unequal union associated with the age difference between the spouses, and not only the option in which the man is older, but also the option when the woman is older.

Most studies suggest that unequal marriage has its own advantages and merits, and sometimes they are more successful and stronger than marriage between peers, but only sometimes.

One of the striking examples of a happy unequal marriage among Russian stars is the marriage of Sergei Makovetsky, who is 20 years younger than his wife. First of all, their marriage made the community of interests happy, this is what he himself says about it:

Inequality in marriage - when the man is younger

The reason why a man is looking for a wife older than himself

There are several reasons for this.

As a child, a man was brought up in a family in which his mother played a leading role, perhaps he grew up without a father. He is so accustomed to the fact that he can rely on the advice of his mother that, being alone, he is confused, does not understand where to go and subconsciously looks for a second mother, whom he finds in an unequal marriage in the person of an older wife.

Some men marry an older woman out of a subconscious desire to have sex with a more experienced partner. These are usually insecure people, but their quality as a husband does not fall from this, since such insecurity, which led him to an unequal marriage, rarely goes beyond the sexual sphere.

Another type of men are men who have not found their place among their peers. Very often these are very intelligent and romantic guys who are alien to the modern hobbies of young people and they value completely different things. So, the community of interests, as a reason for marriage with an unequal partner in terms of age, has the right to life.

The reason why a woman is looking for a younger husband

One of the reasons is a banal fashion, no matter how ugly it may sound. Unequal marriages, in which a husband is suitable for a woman as sons, is very fashionable and common among wealthy women.

Also, the reason for looking for a young partner may be overly strong or unrealized maternal feelings. Such women constantly feel the need to patronize someone, and a young husband is excellent for this role.

Another reason for unequal marriage can be the desire for good sex in large quantities. Too many women by the age of 30 only reach their peak of sexuality, and with a husband of the same age, it has already passed. A young and tireless husband in bed is also their choice.


A woman next to her young husband, as a rule, stays young herself longer.

Sexually, both partners are more often in an equal position.

A woman most often does not envy materially from a man, which means that one of the levers of pressure on her is missing.

Insecure men in such a marriage feel more confident and are more likely to be able to succeed.

The woman has become wiser, this trait is not enough for many young girls and as a result they themselves destroy their marriage.


Both spouses can be criticized and even ridiculed in society. Such phenomena are not uncommon and force the spouses to refuse to appear in society together, which leads to a general cooling in the relationship.

A man, not knowing young women, may believe that there is something special in them and subconsciously regret the missed opportunity, blaming his wife for it.

Dependent men can completely lose any initiative in life and completely switch to the role of a slave.

In such unequal marriages, spouses are less likely to decide to have children.

Advice to young husbands: often tell your woman how beautiful she is, compliment her. Even the most confident woman in an unequal marriage, when her younger husband feels insecure and doubts his own attractiveness. Also, lightly criticize other younger women, this will save you from bouts of jealousy from the other half of your marriage.

Advice to older wives: do not patronize the young husband too much. Even if you are able to cope with household “male” work on your own or call a foreman to fix problems, give the young husband the opportunity to do this and feel like a husband, not a boy or son.

It will also exclude completely dependent moods on the part of a man in unequal marriages. You should not help too much financially, especially to ensure his career growth. He must achieve everything himself. Well, of course, in the event that you need a real husband, and not a tame domestic animal.

Inequality in marriage - when a man is older than a woman

Reasons for a man's search for a young wife

One of the most common reasons for such unequal marriage is a man's return to self-confidence. Sexuality fades over the years and a man needs proof that he can still impress women. Marriage with a young wife is one of the best remedies in this case.

Another common reason for unequal marriages with young women is a banal and old, like the world, saying “gray hair in a beard, a devil in a rib”. The reason for marrying a younger partner can only be sex. Often, all sexual fantasies that have not been realized over the past years break through in men precisely at a mature or even quite old age.

This can be especially often observed after a man realized that he could die at any moment. For example, after a serious illness. At such moments, a man may decide that inequality in marriage is good for him, because with a young partner it is easier for him to fulfill his dreams, and his peers may simply not understand him.

Not the least role in the reasons for such an unequal marriage can play and romance. For a man at an age when sexual desire subsides somewhat, platonic love for a partner becomes the main one.

A commonality of interests can also cause unequal marriage, but in the case when a man is older, this happens much less often.

It's trendy. Yes, the fact that a husband can boast of a young wife, that he can prove to everyone his masculine worth is also a reason for marriage with a young partner.

Often, former husbands of very powerful wives are looking for a woman for whom they would be an authority. This is also a fairly common reason for unequal marriage.

Reasons for a woman's search for a man older than her

The first reason is that "daddy's daughter" is looking for a second father.

Often the reason for the search for a more mature husband becomes ... a woman's mind. Yes Yes. Very often, smart girls who are simply not interested in being around their peers, especially since a man intellectually "matures" later than women, choose a husband older than himself.

The most common reason for a young woman to marry unequally is, of course, the material side of the matter. Simply put, mediocrity, but beautiful mediocrity, is looking for a rich "daddy". But this already has little to do with unequal marriage - it is rather even a deal or a form of prostitution "on a permanent basis."

The pros and cons of such an unequal marriage


A man next to a young wife stays young himself longer.

Sex also has its advantages for a girl, a more experienced older partner in an unequal marriage can provide incomparably more pleasure than a young and energetic, but inexperienced lover.

An aged man will make a wonderful father. This is due to the fact that the birth of a child for a mature man is a deliberate step, and not the consequences of "carelessness."

Unequal marriages, when a man is older, is generally not stronger, but much more comfortable. A man is already experienced and reasonable enough, therefore, he will not repeat many of the mistakes that are made in his youth.

Another interesting plus of such an unequal marriage is that a woman in this case is always young, no matter how old she is, next to her husband she will feel like a young and inexperienced girl.


In an unequal marriage, the partner is older than you, therefore, it is better to forget about the fact that you want to remake or adjust it for yourself right away.

In marriages in which partners are unequal in age, it is very common for an older man to consider himself unable to compete with younger men, and this can lead to the fact that he becomes terribly jealous. By the way, according to statistics, jealous people are found in unequal marriages much more often than in ordinary ones.

Most often, an adult man already has children, so a woman will have to somehow establish relations with them, or simply step aside and not interfere with their communication with their father.

In almost all unequal marriages, in which the man is older, the woman will remain in the role of the "follower" until the end of her life.

Advice to middle-aged husbands: do not try to constantly repeat: "Here I will grow old soon, and you will leave me." We understand that you are saying this in order to get an answer that this will never happen, and to calm down a little. If she wants to leave you, then she will certainly do it, but you can turn her life into hell by constantly forcing her to make excuses for what she did not do and may not be going to do.

You shouldn't try to look younger, most often it's funny and absolutely unnecessary. Since she chose you and decided on an unequal (this is a serious step for a woman) marriage, then you suit her the way you are. Also, you should not take advantage of your age inequality and brush aside her opinion, especially telling her that you are more experienced and understand more of her in this. This can lead to the fact that she will look for a partner who will begin to treat her as an equal.

Advice to a young wife: Try not to involve your husband in the company of your young girlfriends. He will be uncomfortable. Never let him feel old, neither in word nor in deed. Another mistake young women make in such unequal marriages. Yes, jealousy is good for warming up a young partner who can correct his own mistakes.

But it is categorically impossible to apply this technique in an unequal marriage to a middle-aged husband. The fact is that a peer would look for reasons in his character, behavior, etc., a middle-aged man would immediately attribute this to his age, since for him this is the most vulnerable place in his opinion. With jealousy, you can drive him into the most severe depression and lead to suicide.

Taking stock of unequal marriages

What can I say. Any marriage, whether between peers, or unequal marriages, is a union between people. Age inequality does not mean that in this marriage everything will be different - everything will be like people have, but people have different ways.

So, you shouldn't be afraid of anything, put aside your prejudiced attitude, if any, spit on any ridicule and advice of people from the outside and try to consider just a person behind an unequal partner, and from here judge about marriage with him.

Today, the topic of unequal marriages is more relevant than ever. In society, it is considered normal for a woman to marry an older man. Such a marriage does not cause gossip and bewilderment, since it is believed that an adult man is more experienced and wealthy, moreover, he is ready to create a family and support it, and in this case the girl made a good choice. But if it turns out the other way around, and a woman marries a younger man, then there is no account of the condemnation of relatives and close friends. In such a situation, not every relationship withstands this test, and in most cases the marriage falls apart. Can an unequal marriage be happy?

The reasons for unequal marriages.
Women who decide to become the wife of a younger man, as a rule, have already taken place in life, they have excellent earnings and the housing issue has been resolved. Therefore, the material side of the future husband is not so important to them. Most often, such women clearly know what they want from this particular man. The main thing that attracts women in such an alliance that they put in the first place is sexual relations, which such couples have much more often, and sex is more diverse, because it is known that female sexuality flourishes at a more mature age (after 30 years) , and the male is on the decline. And since there are no men among her peers who could cope with her ardent temperament, a woman is looking for this in young people. A young partner is a kind of outlet in the life of a mature woman. In addition, a sense of confidence and security plays an important role for a woman when choosing a man who is younger than herself. Often, successful women, who do not need any support, in marriage with a younger man, try to take care of him, which is partly due to the hypertrophied maternal instinct.

Well, if the motives of women entering into an unequal marriage in which the man is younger are clear, then what are the motives of men who marry an older woman? Of course, material interests will come first. However, very often a man who chooses an older woman as his wife is not pursuing material benefits. He is subconsciously driven by the first sexual experience he had with a mature woman. Such a man may lack a beloved mother - a woman who will take care of him and take care of him.

When a woman marries a more mature man, she may see one of the following types in him: the first is a man enjoying great interest from women, who has had several marriages in the past; the second is an inveterate bachelor who does not want to face old age alone; and the third is a mature man in midlife crisis. Marriage with each type of such men has its positive and negative sides.

The first type of men has a wealth of experience with women. But this is the advantage of marrying such a man. His former chosen ones have already raised him, so he already knows how to behave with a woman in a given situation, so as not to cause a conflict. But there is also a drawback, such a man has someone to compare with. One was a wonderful hostess, the other was good in bed, etc. Such a man is spoiled, so he wants to see all the positive qualities of previous wives in a young wife, that is, she must be "superrr" in all respects.

The second type of men includes men who have never been married in their 40-45 years. And then suddenly, "bam", and an idea appeared in his head that it was urgent to get married and start a family so as not to be left alone in his old age. Such a man will readily take full responsibility. He takes the role of the head of the family: he has a house, material and financial security, for complete happiness there are not enough heirs that a healthy young wife will give him. The advantage of marriage with such a man is that a man is ripe for a family long ago, he will be a wonderful father and a good husband, since he is a wise man and he does not need to assert himself in family conflicts, he knows how to smooth out all the rough edges in relationships.

The third type is men who are going through a midlife crisis, when, having lived with their one-year-old spouse for more than twenty years, they meet a young woman and fall in love with her without memory. As a rule, such a marriage is preceded by a stormy romance, life in two families, a difficult divorce from his first wife. According to statistics, more than 80% of girls who married a man who was taken away from their family are very disappointed in such a marriage. It's one thing to see each other several times a week, and another thing is family life. It so happens that having achieved her goal, a young lover, getting married, does not get what she expected. As a rule, such women become housewives, become pregnant, and the result is the same relationship model that her husband and ex-wife had. A man is wiser and more knowledgeable, who takes care of a weak woman. In such a situation, a woman is comfortable and she feels protected.

As a rule, a woman in such a marriage is absolutely happy. A husband over 60 is attentive, caring and gentle, indulges his wife in everything, pampers. In addition, even at this age, men do not stop beautifully caring for a woman. They go to theaters with her, are a spiritual and emotional mentor, which men of the same age cannot always give. A woman will never betray such a man, even if she has a casual relationship on the side, a woman will never leave her elderly husband.

However, this marriage also has its drawbacks. In adulthood, men experience problems associated with deteriorating health. An elderly husband imposes certain obligations on a woman. She must have great patience, be tactful and be compassionate. In addition, she should be not only an excellent housewife, but also a doctor. Know when to measure blood pressure, give vitamins, as well as if the husband starts rheumatism or aggravated diabetes mellitus. In addition, the young wife should make sure that the elderly husband leads a healthy lifestyle, is more often in the fresh air, and rests. By marrying a mature man, a woman may look older than her age. An elderly husband can find fault with a young wife if she did something wrong, as he needs to. You should not remake such a man, because he has his own habits, orders, the way he is used to. All his oddities need to be ready to take for granted and not impose your opinion on him.

Naturally, in an unequal marriage, the elderly husband has a fear that the young wife will go to the young man, so he is very jealous. In addition, such a man is afraid that he is not loved, but was chosen because of material well-being. In addition, a man who has gone to a young wife feels guilty before his previous wife and children, if any. In general, such a marriage is also not without problems. A young wife in such a marriage is faced with the impotence of her husband, and with his jealousy, rheumatism and many other problems of a man. But, despite all this, young women more and more often marry a man older than themselves, looking for paternal support, romance, attention, spirituality in them, something that they cannot find in their peers.

First, a woman should always monitor her appearance and look like her young husband. In addition, a woman must retain her youth as long as possible in order to compete with young girls. After all, the appearance of a woman is not the last place in a relationship.

Secondly, you should not put a young man in the position of a child, because men by nature want to be leaders. If you suppress these aspirations in him and take everything into your own hands, then sooner or later such a man will go to another woman.

Third, you should never relax. The stamp in the passport is not a guarantee of a strong and long happy family life, and in cases of unequal marriage, the family may fall apart without even having existed for three years. In an unequal marriage, there should be no tantrums, suspicions, and even less accusations. The mature age of a woman imposes an obligation to be wiser.

And lastly, do not make a toy out of a man, loading him with gifts, but in return demanding a lot of sex. After all, sooner or later he will get tired of it. In such a relationship, the quality of sex becomes important, material well-being is also important, but if there is no trust, sincerity and understanding in the relationship, such a marriage is doomed to disintegration.

An unequal marriage can be both happy and unhappy. Couples in unequal marriage, most importantly, need to learn not to pay attention to public opinion and emerging gossip. After all, many couples who have a noticeable age difference are happy. They have children, common goals and plans, regardless of age. The most important thing in such a relationship is love and the desire to be together.

Happiness in unequal marriage is possible if there is no influence from relatives on both sides who interfere with the relationship between husband and wife. Such couples would like to wish that they take out “dirty linen in public” as little as possible, then they will have more chances to stay together. But an unequal marriage can also be destroyed from the inside because of the fears that haunt a woman who decides on this kind of relationship.