Unequal marriage: Couples with a big difference in age. Unequal marriage: Couples with a big difference in the age of direct ether Difference aged 40 years

The difference in age - 22 years

By the time of the wedding in 2010, the couple was together for 8 years. The actors met at the presentation of the Golden Globe in 2002. In 2009 on Valentine's Day, Ford finally made Flockhart offer. Ford and Flockhart are growing a adopted Laama Son.

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming

The age difference is 23 years old

The 62-year-old Bruce Willis married the 35-year-old model of Emma Heming in March 2009. The couple already have two daughters: 2012 and 2014 birth. "Strong Oreshk" justified his image.


Donald Trump and Melania Trump

The difference in age - 24 years

The current president of the United States has never been deprived of female attention, and Marriage on Melanie Knauss was already the third in a row. By the time the businessman was already 58 years old, and his bride is 34 years old.

Duchess Alba and Alfonso Dies

The difference in age - 24 years

The most titled Woman of the world Maria del Rosario Caetan Alfons Victoria Evgenia Francis Fitz-James Stewart-I-Silva married the usual civil servant Alfonso Dies Karabanthes, who was henger for 24 years.

At the ceremony there were only a few dozen friends and relatives. Despite doubts and rumors, Caetan was the will, according to which he had distributed its condition between children, Alfonso refused to claim her inheritance.

Duchess died in 2014.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

The age difference is 25 years

Despite the statement of Douglas, that his cancer was provoked by oral sex, their marriage with actress Catherine Zeta-Jones remains unreasonable.

Emmanuel Macron and Brick Troneby

The age difference is 25 years

The French politician and the winner of the first round in the presidential race met his future wife, when he was only 15, and she taught at school where he studied. Her daughter studied in the same class as her future husband.

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin

The age difference is 26 years

Baldwin married his 29-year-old yoga in 2012, and the spouses managed to acquire three children.

Celine Dion and Rene Angelil

The age difference is 26 years

In 2016, Celine Dion experienced the hardest loss in his life - her husband Rene died of cancer.

"Time before his death was the most difficult in my life," said Celine. - Every day the man of my life died more and more. The person I love and loved, the only one I kissed. Yes, I never kissed anyone in my life, except for my husband. I love him. I'm still in love with him. "

Celine got acquainted with Rene Angelil in 1980, when she was only 12 years old, and he began 38. The couple began to meet in 8 years, and in 1991 announced the engagement. On December 17, 1994, they got married.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

The difference in age is 30 years

With his future wife, Tabakov met in 1986, when the Gitis graduate was taken to Oleg Tabakov theater studio troupe. Ten years later, Roman Pedagogue and the student played a wedding, and after became the parents of two children: Paul, who also began the acting career, and Mary, which Zudina gave birth to 41 years old.

Sara Poulson and Holland Taylor

The difference in age is 32 years old

On the question of their sexuality, Sarah usually replies that "the situation of change". She also met with women much older than himself, for example, with actress Cherry Jones - the difference in the age of them was 18 years old. As for Holland Taylor, the actress admits that she had previously preferred women.

Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

The difference in age is 32 years old

A 65-year-old composer and a 33-year-old actress together for 12 years, live in actual marriage, and in 2015 the young spouse gave birth from the Gradsky Son, called Alexander in honor of the Father.

Woody Allen and Song and Prevev

The age difference is 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow 12 years. They had a son of Ronan, as well as a couple raised two adoptive children. The reason for the rupture of Allen and Farrow became the novel of the director with the adopted daughter of the actress - 22-year-old Song and Prevev

"When I started to meet with her, I thought it would be just an intrigue. I did not apply to these relationships seriously, but life ordered differently. It so happened that we began to get into the world together, live together and receive pleasure from it. She liked that I show her many things that had already knew on my own experience, but I liked to be a mentor, "Allen shared in an interview for NPR radio companies.

Patrick Stuart and Sunnya Shella

The difference in age - 37 years

Ksevier from "People X" showed its super supporting when he was able to conquer the 36-year-old jazz singer Sunnya Peskel.

Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

The age difference is 40 years

Baria Alibasov was officially married, and in 2013, the showman married the actress Victoria Maximova in the sixth time, which, moreover, was his former assistant. In 2016, the Couple was born the son of Ivan.

Ivan Krasko and Natalia Shevel

The difference in age is 60 years

Ivan and Natalia got married in 2015. Suite-Troika Groom preferred uniform. The celebration took place in the actor's house. As it usually happens, they met at the institute, where the actor Krasko taught, and Natalia was his young student.

The society does not always blame - if a man is older, sometimes such unions seem to be quite organic. If the husband of his wife is twice and comes to her fathers, then such a marriage often turns out to be strong even contrary to the forecasts of skeptics.

For example, a large lover of young ladies Dmitry Dibrov at the beginning of the 00s seemed incredible ladies - every new girl turned out to be under the previous one. The difference with the current spouse is 30 years old - Dibrov began to take care of the girl when she was only 17. Today Polina Dibama 28, and the other day she gave birth to the third son who became the fifth child of Dmitry (he has two adult children from previous wives). By the way, the birth of a child occurred in the framework of the participation of a couple in one of the telenotes, and therefore there was a whole film crew in childbirth.

Another famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon is also famous for all his wives, as one, go to her daughter. A couple of years ago, Gordon shocked the public, married to an 18-year-old student Nina, being her teachers. At the time of the wedding she was 18, he was 48. In 2014, he became aware of the new marriage of Alexander Gordon with a 20-year-old student Vgika, Nosanin Abdulvasiyeva, - Valery Ahadov's granddaughter, a famous director, member of the Board of the Children's Guild of the Russian Federation.

The difference at the age of 31 did not interfere with the relationship of Alexander Gradsky with Marina Kotashenko - at the time of the meeting in 2003 she was 23, he was 54. Despite the fact that the beauty-blonde is also suspected of a spherical and predict a pair of divorce, In September 2014, Alexander and Marina had a son who was named Alexander.

September 25 - the birthday of the actors of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. True, they were born with a difference of 25 years. Douglas was about 60 when he was crazy in love with Catherine, for whom he left his wife, who lived for many years. Michael even went to pay the ex-spouse a record retired - so it was his desire to marry a woman of her dreams.

Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilleson often become an object of trolling on the Internet, but a single heterosexual designer does not care about public opinion - he does not hide his love for young and beautiful women! For 6 years, 74-year-old Roberto is happy with a 27-year-old Lina, which looks like a model from the cover of a male magazine.

They say, and you do not listen - the wedding of the leader of SEROV SERGEY MIRONOVA and the engagement of the actor Will Smith and the engagement of the actor Will Smith were loud-free news. They discussed and the grooms, and their elect - every more than 20 years younger than the narrowed. And the difference in age did not cause any questions.

But in the opposite case, when the wife is older than her husband, emotions are much brighter - and the conversations vary from "Why it is necessary" before "for a long time will not live." But, according to statistics, in Europe and America, in each third pair, his wife's older husband, in Russia - in every sixth.

In fact, before answering Alexander "Yes," Nonna Grishaeva perceived him only as a friend. Junior. For 12 years. Married was not going at all. She already had one unsuccessful marriage by the shoulders. But gradually the young man melted her heart.

"All friends and all relatives all somehow immediately accepted and everything somehow immediately: well, you finally have lucky," says Nonna Grishaeva.

Do you somehow feel the difference in age?

"No," Nonna Grishaeva answers.

But her husband feels this difference. With admiration. "She, probably, is not capable of such nonsense, who is capable of a man in his youth. Because when a person has some experience behind his shoulders, some understanding of life situations, it's easier to find a common language with him," said Alexander Nesterov.

They have been married for 7 years. Saves the son of Ilyusha. Collaborative projects grow. Now the second performance is rehearsed, where Alexander - Director, Nonna - Actress. Gracheyev describes his relationship with the phrase from the play: Even at home I even want to come with my homework at home, but on high heels, like a date.

"I had this standard answer for me: why do you look so young? Well, how, I say, I have a young husband," says Nonna Grishaeva.

Woman without complexes. Lolita does not hide his age - she turned 50, and a spouse - 37. Tennis player and a trainer on the game in Squash Dmitry Ivanov. For Lolita is the fifth marriage.

"I had a relationship with people who older than me. Older, and it seemed to me, it was stable. And then it was disgusting with them," says Lolita Milyavskaya.

Such marriages, according to psychologists, are useful for both sides. Women feel younger and welcome, men help the wisdom and experience of older girlfriends.

"You know, I gave him, I would not be afraid of this word, a good kick for development. Now there is a business that they are doing with a friend, and he went. And my husband tells me all the time that you know, it's your merit all the time," - tells Lolita Milyavskaya.

"Unequal marriage". This picture artist Pukirev wrote in the middle of the 19th century. The girl gets married. The groom is much older. Marriage is clearly calculated. Times have changed much. Now women choose men's satellites much younger younger. And in such relationships, the calculation most often does not matter.

In the West, they are called women cums, or predator women. Middle Ladies, with good earnings and career growth. They support their health and appearance in perfect condition. Their peers they are often simply not interesting. And they choose men younger than themselves. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher - 15 years of difference, Tina Turner and Erwin Bach - 17 years old, Mariah Keri and Nick Kency -11. Hollywood diva broke stereotypes. And now ordinary women come into relations, for which he would never have decided before.

After 6 years together, Sergey is still crazy about the spouse. Kisses, compliments and loving views. They met on the Internet, Alena at that time was married, the eldest daughter is already 20. But when he met with 32-year-old Sergey in real life, threw everything: her husband, an apartment, began to wander with a novice writer in the corners. Although before it never represented a relationship with a man younger than himself.

"My very stereotypes had such stereotypes, from which I somehow got rid of when Seryozha appeared for 8 years," says Alena Art.

But how durable such marriages, psychologists and sociologists diverge in opinion.

"Now the woman is 50 years old looks 25-30. And with the advent of substitution therapy, a woman has the opportunity to balance his hormones in such a way that for another 15-20 years to extend its ladies in the ladies," says psychologist Alexander Tescher.

"In a short distance, such relationships are useful, interesting for men and women. On a short distance - three or five years. The meter is included in the physiological and social and social," says Sociologist Larisa Pautov.

"It was our biggest problem. I talked every day that after 10 I will be sorry for 42, and you 32, you have everything in full swing and I just feel female competition," remembers Marina Adam.

The young man to the age of Marina treated much calmer. "I thought that about my age, a maximum of a year or two older. I was surprised, but did not prevent," says Vitaly Adam.

Now they are husband and wife, and in a couple of months they will have a child. Over time, Marina found much more advantages in such a non-standard marriage.

"For me, plus the biggest thing that I am very energetic, the energy is and rushing, so if the man had been my peevant or older than me, somewhere at some point, after 5-10 he did not reach me", - said Marina Adam.

In Mary Butyrskaya in her marriage, with a difference with her husband, two children were already born. It is recognized: Hockey player Vadim Khomitsky struck her with his adult attitude towards life.

"He struck me that a man is relatively young, but the man is wise, interesting, and how he did everything so that I turn my attention to him," says Maria Butyrskaya.

If you believe scientists, the ideal difference in the age of spouses, when a husband is older than for five years, and a woman for two or three years. But, according to the same scientists, the marriage that today is called unequal, in a few years it will be typical.

0 September 2, 2015, 17:50

The phrase "love All ages are submissive" always in trend, however, some believe that marriages with a big difference in age are the usual phenomenon in modern society, and others fiercely dispute it. We offer to look at star examples how much viable such relationships are.

(The difference in the age of 60)

Recently it became known that Russian actor Ivan Krasko, who will soon be 85 years old, gathered to marry his student 24-year-old Natalia Shevel, who, by the way, in his Instagram has already changed the surname to Krasko.

A couple plans to officially legalize its relationship in September, and play the wedding in the actor's house. Natalia studied at Krasko, when he led the course at the Faculty of Art at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education.

This marriage will be for the fourth actor. He has four children from previous relations. In 2001, Ivan married Natalia Vyazham, who was under Him for 47 years. But after 10 years of living together, a woman filed for a divorce.

By the way, the first blogger wrote about it

(The difference in the age of 60)

In December 2010, the engagement and 25-year-old Playboy model Crystal Harris were announced.

The wedding was supposed to take place on June 18, 2011. However, on June 14, Hefner in his microblog in Twitter reported that the wedding is canceled. According to him, "Crystal changed his mind." And on December 31, 2012, he still married his beloved. We will remind, now Hugh 89 years, and Crystal - 29.

Anna Nicole Smith and James Howard Marshall (the difference in the age of 62)

Probably one of the most famous couples with a huge difference in age - and James Howard Marshall. Future spouses got acquainted in the early 1990s in the Strip club, where, in difficult times, Anna Nicole worked as a stripper. They got married on June 27, 1994, and a year after their wedding, the 90-year-old Marshall died, and the next 11 years Smith was busy with the section of the inheritance.

As you know, the fate of Anna has developed extremely tragic: the celebrity died from the severe form of pneumonia on February 8, 2007.

(the difference at the age of 46)

The 26-year-old model and designer of clothing in the style of Burlesque Gabi Greco last June announced its pregnancy from the 72-year-old Australian millionaire Jeffrey Edelstein. By the way, for Jeffrey himself is not the first marriage with a young girl. So, in its 80 male a relationship with the 19-year-old model Lin Nesbitt, which wrapped in marriage, and then, naturally, divorce. The next wife of the billionaire was a 25-year-old fitness instructor Brinn Gordon.

(The difference in the age of 39)

Famous actor of Cuban origin Stephen Bauer, known for the role in the film "Face with Scar". Bauer married Melanie Griffith in September 1981. In 1985, they had a son Alexander Bauer, and in 1987 they divorced. After that, the actor had a few unsuccessful marriages while he did not meet ... 18-year-old Ladon Ludon. In 2014, a couple came out on the Red Track of the Magic In The Moonlight film. After that, lovers constantly photographed together on the street, dates in restaurants and walks.

(the difference at the age of 46)

Back in 2013, the famous American actor James Woods brought his young Passion Kristen Bognes. Thus, James changed his 26-year-old girlfriend Ashley Madison, who was with him at that time, on a 20-year-old.

Recall, with Ashley Madison, a daughter of one of his loved ones, a man began to meet when she was only 19 years old, and he was 59. Woods even presented to her the engagement ring on the 25th birthday, but before the wedding did not come to the wedding - Ashley fell in love In a 28-year-old guy and left the actor, who, however, did not live alone alone and is now happy with another young girl - 20-year-old Kristen Bognes, with whom posing on the red track of the premiere of his new film "White House". By the way, shortly before that, Kristen was arrested for storing drugs and other minor offenses.

Now the actor is 68 years old.

Usually we are accustomed to see that the elders in unequal relationships are, as a rule, a man. Often, but not always.

(the difference at the age of 24)

The unusual story of the love of two hearts - 85-year-old and 61-year-old simple civil servants Alfonso Diesa in 2011 became an exception to this rule.

Many thought it was a marriage for calculating, however, a huge legacy of one of the richest aristocrats in the world was divided between her children and grandchildren - the widower Alfonso Diesa did not have a cent.