Christmas gift box decoration. Needlework as a gift. Garlands for decorating a gift box

New Year is a magical time for both children and adults, because everyone loves to receive gifts - regardless of age and profession. Someone prefers practical gifts, someone such that the soul rejoices, and someone likes the financial equivalent of attention. However, any New Year's gift requires colorful and vibrant packaging. Otherwise, what is the atmosphere of the holiday?

Modern styles in New Year's packaging

You can wrap a gift both in the store and at home. At the same time, it is not necessary to have special skills. This is especially true if there are a lot of presents: it is much more economical to purchase a roll of wrapping paper and tape in order to beautifully arrange them for all family members and friends.

At the same time, you can fully demonstrate your creativity and imagination.

Red, green, gold and silver colors remain relevant for New Year's gift wrapping. But do not dwell only on them. The color can be any, if the symbols of the New Year are present in the ornament.

Creative Eco-style packaging made of plain brown paper and even newspapers looks very interesting. The main element of such a composition is decoration. It can be an unusual bow, rough burlap, linen ribbon or natural materials.

Spruce or pine branches, cones, simple twine, branches with berries can be used as decorative elements.

A cage or strip is also relevant.

The decor in the Retro style looks very unusual; it gives the gift a touch of solidity.

And here are the ideas in the Shabby chic style. It uses pastel colors and soft shapes.

For decoration, you can use artificial materials, they can be purchased at the store for. These are artificial berries, Christmas trees, flowers and branches.

Scrapbooking materials are also useful - you can use paper cuttings and stamps with New Year's symbols.

You can decorate a gift and sign it by hanging such a tag on it.

New Year's traditions, together with a magical winter holiday - New Year, have come to us from time immemorial. According to long-established traditions, before New Year's Eve, we set up and decorate a Christmas tree, decorate the house, prepare a large number of festive dishes, and of course, prepare gifts for loved ones and friends. Giving each other New Year's gifts is the same old and kind tradition. And it is very important to guess with a gift, presenting exactly such a thing that will please, so that the person will also enjoy using it in the future. But no less important is the design of your gift, its packaging, on which the first impression that the present will make on the person being gifted largely depends. The importance of this aspect led to the emergence of special packaging stores, in which they will select the most successful design option for you, and pack the thing there. But in the pre-New Year's bustle, we often have no time to look for such services, and on the other hand, we want to decorate a gift on our own in order to convey through it the warmth of our relationship to a person. We have selected several options for how to pack a gift for the New Year 2019 with our own hands, which will transform the gift, making it a small masterpiece.

If you want to receive the desired gift, write!

How to pack the box

Most gifts are given in rectangular and square cardboard boxes of various sizes. The picture below shows step-by-step instructions for packing such a box in wrapping paper. For convenience and greater strength, it is recommended that each step be secured with a stapler or tape. It is very convenient in this case to use double-sided tape.

A small present, such as a vacation voucher, gym membership, gift certificate, or concert ticket, would be best presented in a gift envelope. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can buy an original copy with your own hands.

How to decorate a gift

One of the most traditional ways to decorate gifts is with ribbons and bows. Here are some simple and interesting ways to decorate a gift in this way.

How to wrap a candy-shaped gift

New Year is definitely a time to eat a wide variety of sweets. Do you remember your childhood? So why not associate the presentation design with this pleasant moment. We take beautiful wrapping paper and select two ribbons to match. Then everything is very simple: we wrap the gift like candy and tie it on both sides. Corrugated paper is also suitable for this method.

Original packaging: photo and video ideas

Depending on who this gift is intended for, you can arrange it in a special way. It can be a gift for a child, musician or needlewoman. Here you can dream up and experiment to your heart's content! Use your imagination and start fun creative process.

DIY gift wrapping workshop

An interesting idea for a festive presentation packaging

Video instruction for the original way of decorating a New Year's gift


It's so easy to wrap a gift with your own hands for the New Year 2019. Gift decoration is troublesome, but very pleasant. After all, you are doing this for your loved ones and relatives! And let it take a little time, but how will the process of presenting the presentation be transformed! Do it with love, and you will surely see the surprised and happy eyes of your dear person. Happy New Year!

With the onset of New Year's holidays, the city is immediately transformed. Decorated with garlands, shop windows invitingly attract to themselves, reminding that it is time to prepare gifts for the New Year and Christmas for your friends, loved ones, colleagues. Giving gifts, as well as receiving, is very pleasant. And if this gift is packed in its original packaging, it will be remembered even more. How nice it is to open a beautiful and unusual package, expecting what kind of surprise awaits inside. It is worth using your imagination when decorating a gift, or follow our advice to dress it in an original festive wrapper. Delight and joy from such a surprise will be provided!

The holiday is coming

Ahead of all, unforgettable winter days await, which are shrouded in magic. Everyone prepares gifts for friends in advance and, of course, dreams of receiving the coveted package or box as a gift. In order for the gift to be "in place", it is worth knowing in advance what this or that person would like to receive, but it is advisable to ask indirectly. It is much more pleasant to receive a present that was really needed, but so that it was unexpected.

Choosing a gift is not easy, but when the present has already been chosen, it should be beautifully wrapped. Of course, you can buy a regular package with New Year's paraphernalia, sign postcards or wrap a gift in beautiful paper. But such packaging is unlikely to be remembered by anyone. If it is non-standard, it will immediately draw attention to itself and make this present stand out among other gifts.

Gifts for children

New Year is a holiday shrouded in mystery, at this time most wishes come true. Children especially enjoy this holiday. For a child, you can think of an unusual handmade decoration. Nothing will delight the kid like a new toy, and if it is beautifully wrapped, it will be an additional surprise for the child. A little morning comes, parents will immediately hear children's steps - this is a kid looking for his present near the tree.

If there are several children in the family, it is worth packing gifts in bright boxes or bags., and for each package write an explanation of who the gift is intended for. You can do it in a very unusual and original way, for example, glue a photo of its future owner to the package. It is also advisable to attach explanatory tags to the box or other packaging.

A small quest with a gift search will also delight the kids. To do this, you can draw arrows on the leaves, indicating where to look for a gift and arrange them around the house. In the notes, you can also write special tasks, for example, read a poem about the New Year or sing a New Year's song. After all the notes are found, the child finds the coveted gift. He gets his first impression of how the present was packaged. Children's gifts should be wrapped in colorful paper and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia.

Making a New Year's gift is exciting. One has only to spend quite a bit of time choosing a gift and its packaging to provide a festive atmosphere and make your friends' eyes shine with happiness.

When packing gifts, you can ask the children for help. They will be happy to help in the design and packaging of a surprise for dad, mom, grandmother or grandfather. Children can draw pictures for the New Year, cut out snowflakes or make appliques. Such work will be interesting for both children and adults.

To create snow patterns or draw falling snow, you can use a regular, simple pencil with an eraser at the tip. To do this, the lower part of the pencil with an eraser is dipped in white paint, and then a drawing is applied to the paper. A white snowflake, snowman, or falling snow, drawn in this way, will decorate even the simplest packaging made of ordinary craft paper.

You can make a decoration out of colored paper and cut out three-dimensional shapes in the form of cones or snowflakes. You can complete the decor of the box by wrapping it with thick bright thread, ribbon or lace. A beautiful bow is tied on the packaging, any materials are used as a bow, you can even take a flap from an old shirt or dress. In addition, the packaging itself can be made not only of paper, but also of fabric. You can decorate such a gift with additional details. These can be small Christmas toys, dried flowers, acorns. Cinnamon sticks, as well as cones, spruce branches, will look very organic.

One has only to connect imagination, and in a couple of minutes the festive packaging set is ready. Satin ribbon handles and bright red bows are a great addition to the set.

Holiday presents

Even a small present, such as a box of chocolates or a chocolate bar, should be exquisitely wrapped. You can decorate the chocolate with New Year's tinsel, a mini-postcard with wishes, or wrap it in a serpentine. Such a sweet gift will be remembered, especially if you choose exquisite and expensive chocolate for your presentation, and not an ordinary bar.

Small gifts can be wrapped in plain letter paper. With the help of narrow adhesive tape, you can attach a spruce or pine branch, a rowan branch, or any other branch with an unusual decor to the package.

You can arrange a New Year's surprise using knitted mini-boots with wishes. You can tie one or more boots and put funny or unusual congratulation notes inside. The bright box in which the gift is wrapped is wrapped with woolen thread, on which mini boots are hung with paper clips or small clothespins.

A beautifully wrapped gift is usually liked even before it is unpacked.

Wrapping a gift in canvas bags would be a great idea. A present for friends is placed in such a bag, tied with a string, decorated with New Year's tinsel and placed under the Christmas tree.

For wrapping a New Year's gift, you can take either ordinary letter paper or a gift option. The surprise looks very original, wrapped in paper, on which notes are drawn, or geographical coordinates. Such packaging will be appropriate for musicians or travelers.

Original ideas for packaging

It is worth considering more ideas for wrapping gifts for the New Year. Just a few minutes spent cutting out the details and, as a result, the funny hedgehogs are ready for the holiday. This surprise will delight the little ones. But your colleagues or clients can be pleased with presents that are stylishly and unusually decorated. Such attention to friends or clients will be appreciated. If you give a gift to a man to the director, you can pack it in a gold-colored box and hang tinsel, cones, serpentine on it. This gift will not be ignored and will be properly appreciated. Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased to receive a gift in a package that will fit their favorite sweets or other pleasant little things.

From improvised means, you can build an interesting wrapper for a small presentation. To do this, you just need to take white paper, wrap the gift, paint it. You can draw a snowman on paper, and make a hat for him from an ordinary old sock in bright colors. You need to tie a small shred around your neck, and the funny snowman is ready. It's hard to imagine the New Year and Christmas holidays without champagne. A bottle of sparkling wine will be a good present. The bottle can be presented in a specially designed gift bag, or you can make your own packaging. You can pack expensive wine or a bottle of champagne in soft paper that will accentuate the contours of the bottle.

Knitted items are a good option for packing glass containers.

To make a bottle case:

  • you should take a knitted sweater that is no longer useful and cut off the sleeves;
  • further, you need to measure the length of the bottle, transfer its dimensions to the sleeve, mark and add another 7-8 cm;
  • then the sleeve is cut off from both sides according to the mark;
  • the lower, wider part is sewn up, a bottle is put inside;
  • from above tied with decorative threads or cord.

New Year is a holiday full of magic and joy. Each of us is looking forward to this celebration with impatience and bated breath, because in this period of time everything planned and desired comes true. We find real treasured gifts and small surprises under an elegant Christmas tree. We rejoice in them and give these positive emotions to our loved ones, friends and children in return in the form of souvenirs. One has only to find out what the close and loved ones want so unusual and original. And having scouted and found a gift, we stop before how to decorate it in a cool and effective manner, so to speak, to intrigue everyone with our gift on New Year's Eve. The first impression of you will be formed, of course, by the wrapper of the surprise you presented, and only then the souvenir itself. If you have never done anything like this, then our article will help you with this by submitting for your consideration 25 photos of ideas on how to pack a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in a stylish and cool way. A lot of creative approaches and ideas will open before you in an instant, dear friends, and our useful and irreplaceable videos with step-by-step instructions will push you to a gorgeous idea that you will reveal with great success in your personal creative work at home.

Best photo gift decor ideas 2019

Here we will present you some of the best photo ideas for gift wrapping for New Year 2019.

Method number 1

For this simple method, you need to take a plain gift or craft paper, carefully wrap the prepared surprise and tie it with a decorative ribbon. On top you can attach some kind of Christmas-themed decoration. For example: a snowflake, a spruce twig. Sprinkle the decoration with artificial snow, confetti or sparkles.

DIY gift wrapping video instruction

Method number 2

To pack a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in an unusual and original way without much effort, we recommend that you dwell on this idea. Decorating in the form of a candy, small or large, will amaze every girl or boy, if the present is meant for children.

This requires:

  • plain decorative paper,
  • scissors;
  • two bright ribbons.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Make a tube-like shape.
  2. Tie the ends of the paper with ribbons so that the surprise resembles candy. If you show creativity and a little imagination, you can decorate such a wrapper in the New Year's theme. For example: stick artificial snow, small snowflakes, Christmas toys, confetti; paint the wrapper with festive symbols.

Method number 3

A gift in such a wrapper looks really rich and stylish, especially for the New Year 2019. It is very easy and quick to do it with your own hands.

This package requires:

  • red gift paper,
  • wide golden ribbon,
  • translucent red braid.

Manufacturing process:

  1. It needs to be wrapped in red paper. Then a gold ribbon must be bound with a cross, and a transparent red braid must be put on top of it. Show originality in this business and create!

Method number 4

Such packaging will perfectly suit your girlfriend or mother. Watch and create!

For this design you will need:

  • round pattern,
  • pencil,
  • cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • ruler,
  • decorative tape.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To pack a souvenir, you first need to put a sheet of cardboard on the table and circle the template in such a way that the drawing looks like wedding rings.
  2. Use the template in a size that will be a holiday gift for the New Year 2019.
  3. After that, sequentially shifting the template, you need to divide the edges of the circles into 4 sectors. You should have a rhombus in the center of each ring. Cut out the resulting rings and bend inward.
  4. In the center of such a blank, you need to put a surprise and tie it with a beautiful ribbon with your own hands. You can apply a little imagination and decorate the surprise with sparkles, snowflakes or confetti.

Method number 5

This type of decoration, using kraft paper, requires some drawing skills.

To work you will need:

  • thick kraft paper,
  • scissors,
  • pencil.

Work process:

  1. On a piece of paper you need to draw a drawing of the future gift wrapping for the New Year 2019. The square center should correspond to the width, 4 petals - to its height.
  2. Elongated holes must be made at the edges of the opposite tulip petals.
  3. The ends of the other two petals need to be rounded and widened.
  4. It is necessary to put the souvenir in the center, bend the edges and stretch them into the holes made with your own hands.

Method number 6

For packaging, you can use not only paper material, but also textiles. A surprise looks very original if it is decorated in the Japanese furoshiki technique. For this method, only a piece of soft, lightweight square-shaped fabric is needed. The size depends on the size of the surprise. The gift must be carefully wrapped in a cloth and tied in a knot. New Year's gifts look unusual and creative if they are wrapped in felt, burlap or jeans.

Method number 7

The kid will really like it if the gift is placed in a New Year's boot. Such packaging can be purchased in the store, or you can do it yourself from fabric and decorate with festive-themed decor. Your child will really like the present, decorated in a bright bag. It can be sewn from fabric, decorated with snowflakes, beads, small Christmas toys. Or just make a red bag like Santa Claus and tie it with a decorative ribbon. Children always associate the New Year with sweets. You can also arrange them in an original way. You probably have a clear plastic box. If you decorate it in the New Year's theme, it will look very festive. You can dress up such a box with snowflakes, sparkles, artificial snow. You can cut out the symbol of 2019 - the Yellow Pig, decorate it with shiny decor and glue it onto a gift box. It's so easy and simple to wrap all your chosen gifts for a child, friend or girlfriend.

Method number 8

This photo idea is perfect for decorating a gift for the New Year 2019 for mom, boyfriend, or beloved husband.

For this you will need:

  • box,
  • bright decorative paper,
  • wide transparent braid,
  • small figurine of New Year's theme,
  • small stars or snowflakes,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The packing box must match the size of the gift. You need to take such a box and wrap it with decorative paper, the edges must be glued.
  2. After that, the box must be wrapped with a wide ribbon with your own hands only once.
  3. Tie the top with an elegant bow.
  4. Shiny stars and snowflakes can be glued to the free ends.
  5. On top of the bow you need to attach a small toy. It can be an angel, a Snow Maiden, or something that is supposed to please your family and friends.

Method number 9

This work will require:

  • box,
  • decorative paper of bright color,
  • small toy,
  • shiny ribbon,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To pack a gift with your own hands quickly and in an unusual way, you should choose a box that corresponds to the size of the present, you need to wrap it in bright paper.
  2. The edges of the wrapper must be glued.
  3. A decorative ribbon should be tied around the box.
  4. After that, you need to cut a small square or rectangle out of colorful cardboard.
  5. On the one hand, you can decorate it with shiny stars and snowflakes, and on the other, write the name of the boy to whom the present is intended.
  6. Reinforce a small toy on top of the box. It can be a Snow Maiden, an airplane, a Snowman, or whatever the kid loves. Whatever packaging for New Year 2019 is: simple or intricate, tasteful or the most ordinary, it will always bring a lot of joy and fun.

Method number 10

This is a very simple but extremely beautiful way of wrapping a New Year's gift at home.

For such packaging you need:

  • the most common paper for packaging,
  • bright decorative ribbons,
  • small Christmas balls, preferably in the color of the ribbon,
  • helium pens in different colors.

Work process:

  1. Wrap it in paper, tie it nicely with ribbons, the ends of which can be made in the form of spirals.
  2. Attach balls in the center.
  3. After that, we proceed to decorate the gift. With helium pens, you need to paint the paper in the New Year's theme. Listen to your imagination.

Method number 11

This photo idea is the most relevant for any New Year's holiday. If you decide to make a beautiful package in two colors with your own hands, then it is best to use shades of green or yellow. A gift decorated in this way for the New Year 2019 will emphasize your great taste and pleasantly impress a loved one. Especially, women will appreciate this design.

Method number 12

If you are in favor of wrapping your chosen New Year 2019 gift as brightly as possible with your own hands, then you should definitely like our photo idea provided. We recommend discarding all the usual boxes and starting to make a bag that will fit any gift, whether for children or adults.

To create you need:

  • dense fabric of any type,
  • scissors;
  • red or variegated fabric to decorate the bag;
  • needle;
  • thread, bright ribbon.

Process of creation:

  1. To make a cool bag for packing a presentation, you first need to sew it out of fabric. To do this, we take burlap or another kind of material and, having measured our present, we transfer the measurements to the fabric.
  2. We cut out rectangles of the required size, in the amount of two units, and sew them inside out using a sewing machine or a needle and thread.
  3. We form two hearts from red fabric, if the gift is intended for a loved one, and sew them to the front of the bag.
  4. Finally, you need to attach a bright satin ribbon with your own hands so that the souvenir in the bag can be neatly pulled off. It's that easy and pretty simple!

Method number 13

Do you want to make funny gift wrapping bags for New Year 2019 with your kids for kindergarten ?! This is a great idea, because with such a creative approach you will teach each child to create and show his “I”, which will have an amazing effect on children's self-development in principle.

To create you need:

  • kraft paper or something brighter;
  • variegated melange paper or any other;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • simple pencil;
  • stapler;
  • chenille brown wire.

Process of creation:

  1. Making a package in the form of a deer face with your own hands does not take you much time. Help the children only with the creation of the package itself. To do this, you need to take craft paper, and after measuring the gift, cut off the required size of the material at hand.
  2. Fold the paper almost in half, leaving a small edge free. Then we wrap it up and fasten it with a strip of tape.
  3. We bend the edges of the package in both directions, and then bend and bend them inward.
  4. After that, fold the bottom of the bag and fasten it with a strip of tape.
  5. Then, having cut out the details of the deer's face from colored paper, as in the photo, we glue them to a bag created by ourselves.
  6. We make horns for the animal from chenille wire, and then attach them to the base of the bag. A gift in such a miracle - the packaging will be a complete surprise for everyone.

Video: how to make a DIY craft paper bag

Method number 14

Now we will tell you how to beautifully pack a gift for 2019 with your own hands in the form of a pyramid, and it's quite easy.

To work you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • a pen;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard, first draw a diagram in the form of a square in the center and triangles adjacent to it on all sides.
  2. Draw convex arcs on the two lateral sides of the four triangles with a simple pencil. This will help us in the process of further work to fasten the sides of the pyramid.
  3. Cut out the diagram and squeeze out the contours of the figures with the sharp side of a pen or other object.
  4. Now we bend all four sides of the box.
  5. We put a gift in the center and close the pyramid, while bending the arcs along the lateral sides of the triangles into the package.
  6. We tie the finished pyramid with a satin ribbon. This can be done both completely and at the peak of the pyramid by making holes from all sides and stretching our rope through them. Once tied, form a cool bow!

Video: box "Pyramid" with your own hands


So our article has come to its end, which has provided you with many photos of ideas on how to pack a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in a beautiful and original way. To do this, you can use a fairly wide range of materials at hand. This is colored paper, and cardboard, and fabric and much more, to which your rich imagination will turn its attention. Take some time for this homemade art and your family and friends will simply be amazed at your creativity and talent. Please all people who are not indifferent to you, and the world will seem kinder, brighter and brighter to you. Happy New Year 2019! With new happiness!

Textile napkin

A couple of fresh crispy baguettes and a jar of marmalade wrapped in a party napkin and complemented by a wooden juicer. This is one of thousands of edible gift options for food lovers and true aesthetes. Try to fantasize a little on this topic: instead of marmalade, put a jar of pâté in a napkin, and homemade pancakes instead of baguettes.

You can make cute tags for original gift wrapping with your own hands by cutting out small squares from thick paper and processing their edges with curly scissors.

Kraft paper and thread

Agree, this is the best packaging for soft New Year's gifts: mittens, scarves and woolen socks. Fold two sheets of craft paper together and draw a star, sock, heart, or Christmas tree shape on them. Cut out the shape, put the gift between the layers and sew on a typewriter with a contrasting thread (red or gold), stepping back from the edge about 1-2 cm.

Paper scraps

Wrap the gift in white wrapping paper and slide a small strip of decorative paper over the center of the paper. Arrange the packaging with a cord and attach a small piece to complement the gift. On top, stick a sticker with congratulations. Great idea for wrapping New Year's gifts!

Potatoes and paints

Take a piece of fabric so that you can easily fit the gift into it. Cut a large potato in half and carefully cut the shape of the letter with a knife. Blot excess moisture with a paper towel, and apply acrylic paint on the cut out letter. Then press the "seal" against the fabric.

Old maps

Pages from the old atlas and roadmaps look very stylish as a DIY gift wrapping. And instead of tying a bow on top, add unusual details to the package: paint a leaf of a houseplant with gold spray, use a bright button and lace, or make a flower from rags of fabric.

Newspapers and twine

Food white paper is a great backdrop for silhouettes with Christmas symbols. Print and cut stencils, translate them into newspaper pages or brown kraft paper, and then cut out the silhouettes. Glue them to the box in several places and tie the gift with a simple string.

Hairpins and buckles

Another original idea for wrapping New Year's gifts. Beautiful belt buckles and hairpin details are perfect for decorating a gift box. The buckle will not only add a glamorous look to the gift, but will also fix the ribbon. So the next time you want to throw out your old belt, think about how a cute buckle can decorate your gift.

Graceful homemade products

Make your own wrapping paper using stamp seals and metallic ink available from hobby stores. Combine color and patterns.