New Year's carnival in kindergarten. Scenario. Preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday "New Year's Carnival" (preparatory group) New Year's party in the preparatory group

Evgenia Nechaeva
The scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the senior group of the kindergarten "Fairytale Carnival"

fairytale carnival

Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone!

May good luck and success come to you in the coming year.

May for all good people who are not afraid of worries,

It will be not just a new one, but a happy New Year!

A fairy tale is coming to visit us.

Everybody left. The cat purrs.

The dream comes again.

What is New Year?

Two magic words?

And the answer is ready.

1st child.

It's a pine scent.

2nd child.

Silver moonlight

On spruce legs.

3rd child.

weightless balls

With sugar sprinkles.

4th child.

And the shimmer of tinsel

In half-asleep unsteady.

5th child.

This is apple pie.

6th child.

And a pile of gifts.

7th child.

This is fabulous threshold,

Behind which is a miracle!


How many stars are in the sky

How bright they shine for us!

Let's call them

On a wonderful carnival.

In the twilight hall, the Christmas tree does not burn, the howl of a blizzard sounds. Three stars fly into the hall, scatter in different corners.

1 star - wow!

2 and 3 stars - Wow!

1 star - Are you here?

2 and 3 stars - We are here.

They fly towards each other. Looking around.

1 star - Oh, where did we get to?

2 star - We are in a large spacious hall.

Remember, we flew with you -

Past the pines, past the firs.

This is Santa Claus

He brought us here with you.

3 star - So it is Kindergarten?

Only there are no guys here ...

1 star - Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?

We'll call them here

Let's say that Santa Claus

Christmas tree in kindergarten brought.

2 asterisk - Everyone run here as soon as possible.

Gather in this room

If you want to see

New Year's carnival!

2 star - We invite only those

Who laughs the loudest

Who will dance and sing here

Round dances will lead.

All the stars - Play the music louder, Christmas tree, meet the guests!

The children are coming. New Year's flash mob.

(All: "Hello, hello, New Year!". The lights on the tree are on.

Child 1 -

New Year! About him and in the summer

It's so nice to dream!

Like a magical, bright light

The tree will shine...

Child 2 -

How do we hang balloons?

We will cover the branches with rain ...

Near the Christmas tree elegant

Let's dance and sing!

Child 3 - How good it is in this room

We meet again, friends!

We are this holiday long awaited,

Eyes sparkle with joy.

Child 4 - Oh, how beautiful our tree is,

Toys burn with gold!

And how many lights on the Christmas tree,

Probably more than guys!

Child 5 - Zimushka crystal - fairy tale round dance,

Only with winter comes the New Year!

Zimushka crystal - glorious time

The kids meet you with fun, jokes!

Child 6 - And the street is so clean, the sun is burning,

Sparkling snow creaks underfoot!

We were looking forward to this snowball,

Finally, with us again ... Zimushka-winter!

Song "The New Year has come to us!"

(Children sit down)

Leading. Only once, on New Year's Eve, miracles happen,

Near the Christmas tree elegant fairy tale begins!

(The Snow Queen appears)

The Snow Queen. I am the Snow Queen, beautiful and gentle.

I am ice beauty! I am the Queen of cold and ice.

I live in Northern Lapland

Where eternal winter rages

where I reign alone.

I am the queen of the country

Where there is neither summer nor spring.

Where the blizzard sweeps all year round,

Do you have a New Year here?

And you all forgot me

And you weren't invited here?

Oh, I will arrange fun and good mood for you!

I will freeze your dances, I am a sorceress from fairy tales!

So, where should I start…. (thinking)

…. You will not see gifts!

(Looks at the tree, looks at the lights)

What a beauty, the tree is too good!

Lights you all freeze, do not shine, do not burn!

I'll freeze the globe, you can't handle me!

A blizzard swirls, a blizzard.

Come cold.

To joy and fun

Never returned.

(The lights on the Christmas tree go out, a light is lit on the staff of the Snow Queen.

Under the whistle of the wind, she, laughing, flies away).

Leading. Just look what the Snow Queen has done!

She froze not only the lights on our Christmas tree,

But also the entire globe.

What should we do, how should we be?

Necessary holiday return.

What will help us to disenchant the icy land and return joy and warmth

New Year's Eve in our hearts?

The kids are in charge: kindness, friendship, love, fidelity ...


All this we can find in fairy tale. But how can we get into it? AT New Year's At night, something extraordinary always happens.

And then one day, climbing into my grandmother's chest, I found old recipe:

"How to Prepare Christmas Miracles» .

Let's create a miracle - let's make it so that we immediately find ourselves in fairy tale! Will you help me?. Then we start to conjure!

He rolls out a table, on it is a jug of water, a beautiful pot and a large wooden spoon.


So let's get started! Pour water into the pot and add a thousand smiles to it. Come on, everyone smile together!

Makes with hands "raking gesture" as if collecting smiles children.

One grimace for witticism! Amazing! Now pour laughter from "hee hee" before "haha"!

Children laugh.

And now - conspiracy words!

Music sounds.

Miracle, miracle show!

door to open up a fairy tale!

There is a roar, noise, crackling, Baba Yaga and Koschei fly in on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga.

Allow landing!

presenter: Oh, guys, I messed up something! Where did you come from here?

Baba Yaga.

Happy New Year to you guys!

Too late, sorry!

Are you bored without us?

Have you been waiting for a whole year at the Christmas tree?

And it seems that here without us

An unhappy dance.

Baba Yaga.

Here's Santa Claus! (points to Koshchei).

Don't look that without hair.

Here is the Snow Maiden with a nose,

Don't look that hunchback. (points to Baba Yaga).

Something, children, I do not understand

Who called Yaga here?

And I can't believe my eyes

Who invited Koshchei to the ball?

Baba Yaga.

And even though no one called us,

We can decorate any ball!

And do you have gifts?

Yes, the gifts are top notch!

Baba Yaga.

hooligan boys

On a spruce sticky cone,

Well, for sneaky girls

We'll give you a frog.

Oh thank you, oh no!

Oh, we are not happy with gifts!

You better sing for us

All the guys are asking you!

Children and guests applaud,

Baba Yaga and Koschey bow and perform ditties.

Koschei: Tara-bars, tara-bars, don't look what we are old,

We'll wink at each other, let's dance at the Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga: Come out, Koschey, in a circle!

You were a dance expert!

Remember, you and I, my friend, danced like this!

Sounds like "Kalinka" dancing in folk style.

Koschei: Time flew by quickly - fashion has changed.

We danced differently with all the people!

Sounds like "Letka - Enka". Dance movements are appropriate.

Baba Yaga: Time flew by again - the dances changed.

Koshchei and I danced better than foreigners!

Sounds like "Lambada". The movements of this dance.

4.Baba Yaga: There will be many new dances in fleeting life,

But, always ready to dance this eternal dance!

And again it sounds "Kalinka".

B. Ya. : They sang the song loudly,

They just didn't dance with you.

Let's be in a circle we call children,

We will dance with you.

Polka dance "Good beetle"

Koschei: You guys are great!

They danced from the heart.

And now, we invite you to play,

Our games are just class!

A game "Dress Up as a Snowman". A chair is placed in front of each team, on it lie a scarf, mittens, a hat, felt boots, a sign with an inscription. On command, the 1st runs to a chair, puts on a hat, mittens, a scarf, raises a sign and shouts "Happy New Year!", then runs to his team, then the next ....

A game "Who will be the first to ring the rattle". A chair is placed near the Christmas tree, on it is a rattle. You need to run around the Christmas tree on a broomstick and ring a rattle.

Leading: Baba Yaga, Koschey, the evil Snow Queen bewitched our Christmas tree. Can you tell us how to make the Christmas tree shine with lights again, and our New Year's Eve was saved?

Baba Yaga and Koschei consult.

Koschei: If you complete our tasks, then we will help you.

I am Koschey - a famous singer,

I would love to hear the song.

Song "Music of winter"

Baba Yaga:Now solve my difficult riddles:

1. In a dense forest, in a swamp

You will certainly find it.

She is not a fish, not a frog,

And my dear friend.

A slender figure, her name is ...

(no, not the Snow Maiden - Kikimora)

2. There is one more in the forest

A very important gentleman.

He is all overgrown with cones,

Only the nose is visible on the face.

Can be shy like a bunny

And his name is...

(no, not Dunno - Goblin)

3. He lives in the wilderness of the forest,

My heart is a hero.

He shakes his bones

And scares everyone around.

What is this old man?

Well, of course…

(no, not Piglet - Koschei the Deathless)

4. Inside it is water,

They don't want to hang out with him.

And all his girlfriends -

Leeches and frogs!

Algae all overgrown

Kind grandfather...

(no, not Frost - Water)

B. Yaga: Look how savvy, they guessed all the riddles ...

Koschei: save and return your Christmas tree New Year's mood can only be the greatest wizard - Santa Claus. But I forgot what it's called?

Baba Yaga: Right now ... How do they call him out? BUT! Here! I remembered:

Santa Claus, Red nose,

I have a question for you!

presenter: Don't do that!

B. I: What "not this way", what "not this way"? I personally have a couple of questions for him! Why does he drive around in a troika, but I don’t have a scooter in the garage! Mortar and broom! Last century!

But I can do it differently:

Santa Claus, run

And now we're all leaving!

presenter: Again, you're not saying that, B. Yaga! Come on, guys, tell B. Yaga what to call D. Moroz.

Children suggest what to call D. Moroz.

Koschei: It's time for us to go home,

and say goodbye to you guys.

Until Santa Claus came.

Us in did not find a kindergarten.

Baba Yaga: Earth, goodbye, goodbye.

Oh, flew on a broom,

To the forest edge

Until my hut.

(fly away).

presenter: Children, let's call Santa Claus together again: "Santa Claus come quickly, light our Christmas tree!"

(All call together)

Santa Claus comes out

D. Freezing: I went all over the country

And now I'm in Kotlas.

I found you, friends, with difficulty,

I almost passed by.

I am very happy to congratulate

Everyone - both adults and children.

Happy New Year to you, friends,

I wish everyone happiness.

So that you grow and get smarter

They had fun and sang songs.

I see a tree kids:

Both girls and boys.

Let's celebrate the New Year

And our holiday continue!

presenter: You look at the Christmas tree, the lights do not burn on it.

It can be seen that someone was conjuring, and the lights were stolen from us.

Father Frost: This grief is not a problem, I did not come here in vain.

Let's say together: One two Three!

Our tree is on fire! (Christmas tree lights up from the 3rd time)

Father Frost: Music calls us to the circle, become a round dance.

With song, dance and poetry we will meet the New Year with you!

round dance "Hello, Santa Claus"

(do not sit down)

Father Frost: What a wonderful song, you made me happy. And now I want to check how well you know snow words. I start, and you continue:

A game "Say the Snow Word"

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground.... snow.

To the villages, to the meadow

Came out white... snowball.

Here's some fun for the kids -

More and more…. snowfall.

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play ... snowballs.

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up. … snowman.

Leading. Santa Claus, the guys know a wonderful game "Santa Claus and felt boots". Come out in a circle and dance with us.

A game "Santa Claus and felt boots".

(After the game, the children go to their places).

Father Frost: Oh, I haven’t danced for a long time, but I confess to you, I’m tired!

Leading. Grandpa, you have a rest, our guys have prepared for you

present. And then in the New Year only you bring them gifts.


Child 1 The snow sparkles like sparks,

The lights on the tree are bright,

Santa Claus on a fast troika

The kids are bringing gifts.

Child 2. Let the bell ring loudly,

The sleigh is running at full speed!

All boys and girls

Happy New Year!

Child 3. You have to stand near the Christmas tree and make a wish.

The day will come, the hour will come, the New Year will fulfill everything!

Child 4. The New Year is already coming.

The Christmas tree came to visit us,

Everything sparkles with lights -

So fresh and green.

Santa Claus came to holiday,

He will dance and sing with us,

And the Snow Maiden at the Christmas tree will start her round dance.

Child 5:What is the New Year?.

This is a friendly dance

These are jokes, laughter and dances,

These are songs, games fairy tales.

This is Santa Claus

Freeze cheeks, nose!

It's skis and skates

These are hills and snowballs!

Child 6. We love winter very much,

We are not afraid of the cold!

We will run in a chain on skis through the forests.

Put on skates quickly

Let's stand on the clear ice.

Along the silver river

Let's rush forward.

(Ominous music sounds and the howling of the wind, the Snow Queen appears)

The Snow Queen. How dare you break my spell.

Father Frost. So, it was you who was outrageous, froze the entire globe and the lights on the Christmas tree.

The Snow Queen. Of course I am, because from the laughter, fun and warmth of your hearts, I begin to melt

I melt from your songs, dances, melt .... Gonna fly Now…. gonna fly Now…

Father Frost: Wait, don't fly away. Somewhere among your ice floes I lost a bag of gifts.

The Snow Queen. We'll have to do some last tinkering.

Connect Northern Lights.

"Sparkle with bright lights

Can you tell us where the gifts are?

(The lights go out, the audience illuminates the mirror ball with lanterns)

The Snow Queen flies away

presenters take out a bag with gifts.

Santa Claus distributes gifts

Father Frost: It's time, friends!

Need to forgive.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids.


That's New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish!

Lots of joy today

I wish you kids!

The Christmas tree is on fire, children enter the hall to the music (Minuet).They sit down in their seats.

Astrologer: Listen! And don't say

What have you not heard!

Look! And don't say

What you haven't seen!

Only today and only for you

New Year's ball in the palace of the King.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Exit of the King and Princess. Duet "I don't want anything"(sit down in their seats)

Astrologer: Listen to honest people, decree!

The king issued the following order:

I announce the ball today!

The ball is cheerful, New Year's.

fairy land people

You must be at the ball.

King: Ball today, ball! (rejoices, claps his hands)

Astrologer: Your Highness! Some strange guest asks you.

King: Tell me to let go!

Astrologer: Puss in Boots!

Cat's exit to the music.

Puss in Boots: Oh Great King!

The Marquis da Carabas ordered to present you with a gift in honor of the new year, these modest gifts.

Hares exit

1st hare: We are three brothers removed

We are three mischievous hares.

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

You catch - ka, us, my friend!

2nd hare: I am a hare,

I am a mischievous hare

With friends I jump

I'm in a hurry to the ball.

3rd hare: King Marquis sent me

Yes, he also gave with him,

me a magic snowflake

To quickly without a hitch

She brought us all together in a dance.

Rabbit dance.

A princess: Oh, what a charm - talking hares!

King: That's what, my dear bunnies, go to the royal kitchen and they will cook a great dish out of you. ( licks fingers)

A princess: Daddy! It's not fair!

King: I'm a king! We can do everything!

We are all fair!

A princess:(crying) But daddy! I don't want them to be fried.

King: OK OK! And why should I be punished? Let them stay! Are you satisfied?

A princess: I will be the first princess to have talking bunnies!

King: (refers to the cat)

And you tell your master that I am very pleased with his gift and thank him.

Cat: I obey and obey my King (leaves).

A princess: Well, the New Year is coming soon, and the guests have not yet gathered.

Astrologer: Your Majesty, ambassadors from Africa have arrived. Ask to be accepted.

King: Call!

The way out is low. General dance.

A princess: Hot!

King: Come outside, it will get cold. Here's how the blizzard played.

A princess: I don't want winter, I want summer!

King: Ugh, what a stupid, and also a princess! Yes, you know, if there were no winter, then there would be no snow!

A princess: That's it - I want summer!

King: Here it is! And about winter fun. Have you forgotten? So ask the guests, they will remind you.

Dance Russian winters.

Astrologer: O my King! You are our Majesty!

I don't know how to tell you

But we have strange guests:

Should I let them in?

Or drive them away?

King: No, no, I'm interested, let them in!

General dance "Pinocchio".

(children sit in their seats)

Exit Fox and Cat Basilio.

A fox: Our beloved Pinocchio,

We love you like a son!

Cat: You are so dear to us!

What are you hiding behind your back?

Pinocchio: I'm really weird

The little man is wooden.

If you're so interested

I carry the key from the forest

This is just my secret!

Cat: We won't tell anyone, no!

Pinocchio: I need this key!

Cat: We are very happy for you

But let's give you some advice:

There is only one key, there is no sense in it.

A fox: And hang it on the tree

And in the morning on all needles

You can easily see

One hundred keys - wow!

Pinocchio: One hundred keys? Blimey!

I'll hang the key here.

(Hangs the key on the tree)

A fox: Until then until the morning

It's time for you to rest!

(Pinocchio is taken away, they go back without him)

(Exit of the Red Hat).

Red Riding Hood: I am a little girl,

I'm walking through the forest.

In a basket for grandma

I'm bringing pies.

smart hat

Know here and there.

Cat and Fox say

What is my name?

Cat: Thumbelina?

Red Riding Hood: No.

A fox: And who are you girl

Red Riding Hood: I am Little Red Riding Hood! (Hides)

Cat: Who else is this?

(Exit Wolf)

Wolf: Where is she? Somewhere there should be.

My lunch will be delicious.

I'll deceive - I'm a girl,

Quietly I sit on the sidelines.

Astrologer: (Looks through a spyglass)

What a snowy ground

Is the snake flying through the fields?

This is our trio rushing

Snow pours from under the hooves.

Song: Oh Winter(They take their seats)

Astrologer: Your Majesty! Three horses brought a beautiful gypsy.

A princess: Oh, how interesting!

The gypsy addresses the king.

Gypsy: Give me your hand King

Yes, listen dear.

I will tell the whole truth

I will save you from trouble

I see, I see, oh-oh-oh.

The queen is not simple.

Dark and evil

I see the key is not simple

I see a golden key.

And the key will save, your guest.

Astrologer: And she will perform a gypsy dance in your honor.

gypsy dance

King: Oh, what an incendiary dance. And I want to dance and my courtiers.

Astrologer: There is nothing easier. Maestro, music!

General dance.

Astrologer: Your Majesty! An unknown queen is asking you!

King: Oh, how beautiful is she?

Astrologer: Her face is covered!

King: Call! (rejoices).

A princess: Here's more, not enough! We are fine without the queen!

King: Shut up! Shut up!

Astrologer: Queen of the castle of Darkness and Gloom!

Queen of the darkness: Oh, where did I go?!

What is this wonderful room?

And people sit around

Yes, he looks at the tree.

King: What is this miracle?

And where did she come from?

Queen: You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty.

Why don't you like my look?

You, grandfather, dear,

You better dance with me.

King: Am I a grandpa?! Well, the audacity!

Am I a grandpa?! Ugh, what an abomination.

Queen: Ha-ha-ha!

Queen of darkness and gloom

They wanted to win.

I am the mistress of the evil castle

In the century I can not be defeated!

(approaches the castle to the house - knocks):

Hey horse wake up

Get on the road!

(A foal runs into the hall)

Horse: Hear, hear, gentlemen!

Everything must be done slowly.

I will drive everyone in the world,

I never joke!

King: Get out of the hall

Kohl Tsar you did not recognize!

Queen: Fi, think, Tsarishka!

I know you from books.

I myself want to leave.

(takes the key and run away together, the tree is turned off)

Queen: Here is the golden key!

Well chest, now you're mine!

Eat all the gifts to the crumbs

And I'll give you some.

(runs behind the tree)

Puss in Boots: In debt to the owner

I can't stay.

I will help the king. I'll take the key.

(Puss in Boots fights the Queen of Darkness)

cat in sap: I conquered darkness and gloom

And the vile enemy is defeated!

Never again queen

Can't do evil.

The Christmas tree will light up again

And cheerful Santa Claus

He will distribute his gifts to everyone,

What will he bring with him.


A princess: Well! Remembered for a long time

Festive tree.

It's New Year's Eve and still no gifts!

King: Calm down, daughter. It’s bad for you to worry, it spoils your complexion.

(referring to stargazer)

What's the matter? Where are the gifts? I order you to be executed!

Astrologer: Have mercy, my king!

(New Year's Eve)

New Year: Hello Hello,

I am new year!

Everyone is looking forward to me!

Nothing is more interesting

What a wonderful day like this

Winter holiday season!

I didn't just come here

I didn't come here in vain

Happy new year to congratulate you

I really want friends!

Happy New Year everyone!

What are you guys up to?

Wonderful people!

Only quietly… what do I hear?


Someone else is coming to us!

(music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Santa Claus: Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

Early morning dawns

I went on a hike.

After all, Santa Claus

Lots of holiday stuff!

I rubbed the month to shine!

The stars shine brighter!

All forests, fields and rivers

I covered with ice and snow!

Icicles shine with silver

The bell is ringing...

And they shone with a blush

Faces of adults and children!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

With new happiness, you, friends!

Child: Hello Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

And we're in trouble...

The Christmas tree does not burn ...

Santa Claus: It's not scary

Now we'll fix everything.

Come on, tree 1, 2, 3

Burn with the light of joy.

(together with children and parents, the Christmas tree is lit)

Santa Claus: We have a happy holiday

Winter brought.

Green tree to us

Came to visit.

strewn with branches

Fluffy snow.

Around in a round dance we will go with a song.

Round dance "Snowflakes"

Children stay where they are

Santa Claus: Ay, what good fellows!

Oh oh oh! Forgotten again:

We dance and sing with you

But I didn't get to know you.

Need to fix urgently

With my gauntlet.

Santa Claus takes off his mitten, throws it to the guys in turn. Children throw a mitten to D. Moroz and give their names

Father Frost: No guys

So we'll say hello

The whole week.

I'd rather throw up my mitten now,

And you will say your names out loud.

(throws mitt)

Freeze game

Father Frost: Oh, how nimble! Didn't freeze anyone.

Snow Maiden: Probably tired from the road, sit down, rest.

Santa Claus sits on a chair.

The song "Spoon Interfering with Snow"

Santa Claus falls asleep

Educator: Guys, Santa Claus fell asleep. How can we wake him up?

Snow Maiden: And let's play snowballs, maybe Father Frost will wake up from sonorous laughter.

Game "Snowballs"

Santa Claus is waking up.

Snow Maiden: Sit down, grandpa, take a rest,
Look at the kids.
And the kids will rest
Poems will be read for you.

poetry reading

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, and Santa Claus!

Father Frost: What else is wrong with you?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, come here!

Father Frost: I'm just in trouble with you!

Snow Maiden: Brought you a package
And stuck at the gate
Don't move it back or forward!
And the package, you know,
Here is such a height!

Father Frost: Well, come on, I'll go and help move the box!
And you guys, go help Santa Claus.

Santa Claus and children move the box with gifts.

Father Frost:

Come on, let's go - one, two, three!

Our package is moving - look.

Well, more ... One more time!

And in the package - a bag!

Ah, thank you, dear ones.

You are so strong!

Get in place

I will give gifts to everyone.

Santa Claus takes out a bag with gifts, distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost: It's time to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

music director of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 297",

Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of senior preschool age "New Year's Carnival"

I bring to your attention the scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 6-8 years old. This material will be useful to music directors and kindergarten teachers. It can also be used as material for extracurricular activities in elementary school.

Characters: Musketeers, Robbers, Carnival Queen (adult), ladies-in-waiting, Gypsies and Gypsies, Russian hostess, American (girl), Brazilian (girl), Santa Claus.

Attributes: Big clocks, carnival masks, hero costumes

The course of the holiday
A large clock hangs in front of the Christmas tree, behind the Christmas tree there is a chest with costumes.
Music sounds, (illustration of magic), two girls run in.

1st: We got here from a fairy tale
2nd: We are animated carnival masks!
1st: Today there will be a carnival
2nd: Today is the New Year's ball!
1st: Magic awaits you today
2nd: Today everything is like in a fairy tale!
1st: You sit down comfortably!
2nd: And plunge into this fairy tale!
Together: We start the celebration,
Where the magic happens!
Children in carnival masks enter the hall, perform a dance to enter to the music of "New Year's counting rhyme". Become in a checkerboard pattern.
Child: The old year is leaving
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst cannot happen again.
Child: May the new year be generous
Let him not skimp on happiness
Let the stars light up on time
To make all wishes come true.
Child: Let the frost play more fun
Let it freeze your cheeks.
Happy New Year to you,
With a year of joy, happiness, love!
Child: Hours go by, days go by
Such is the law of nature.
And we want you today
To congratulate with new Year!
Child: We will sing, dance, have fun,
And in a round dance at the Christmas tree we will go,
Let our Christmas tree sparkle with lights
Let's light all the flames to the top.
Presenter: Let's say together: 1, 2, 3 -
Our Christmas tree - burn! (Christmas tree lights up)
The song "In the spacious bright hall" is performed. And muz. A. Stern
New Year is a magical holiday
So much laughter, so much noise!
He dressed us all, prankster,
In carnival costumes.
Flashing ears and tails
fancy masks,
Today we all - me and you -
Heroes of a wonderful fairy tale!

A song about the carnival is performed (at the choice of the music director, the recommended version is "New Year's Carnival" (from the movie "Peter Pan")
The girls go behind the Christmas tree to change clothes. The boys sit on chairs. The Carnival Queen with maids of honor goes around the Christmas tree and goes into the middle
The queen runs around the hall in front of the Christmas tree, depicting the fuss, the maids of honor behind her with notebooks and pens.

Queen: Ah, today is Carnival
The most important ball!
The biggest ball of the year!
Everyone has been waiting for this for so long!
(to the ladies-in-waiting) Is everything ready in the palace?
How is the ballroom decorated?
Ah, today is the carnival!
Are the dresses made?
Are the costumes ready?
Masks? Orchestra?
Candies? Biscuit?
Do we have enough food?
Ah, the carnival is an amazing ball!
Everything today without exception
Must be fabulous and magical!
They run away. (They go around the Christmas tree and sit on the chairs.
Robbers come out in front of the Christmas tree!

Rogue1: I heard that today is a ball
A real carnival!
Rogue: Yes, because today is the new year
And all the people have fun
Rogue: Today and our simple forest
Full of wonders
Look, we didn't see this
The tree is lit up!
Rogue: Look what a big clock
They must be made of gold!
Rogue1: Let's steal them
And then let's go to the party!
They take the watch and leave. Sound effect "break glass". Music sounds, musketeers come out in front of the Christmas tree
Musketeer: Strangely empty hall - today is a ball
Where are all the princesses?
Musketeer: Strange, we were invited
And where did everyone disappear to?
Musketeer: What happened here?
What happened in the palace?
Music sounds, girls dressed as hedgehogs come out from behind the Christmas tree. They perform a dance.
Musketeer: That's the thing - witchcraft!
This is evil magic!
Dear grandmothers, you tell us
Where are you taking our ladies?!
Queen: Dear Musketeers, you understand
Musketeers dear help!
There was a terrible misfortune
Stole time!
Musketeer: That's the way things are...
Lady: The magic clock is gone
It must have been stolen by thieves!
Lady: Musketeers, dear, help!
Return our magic clock!
Lady: These hours are difficult
Not only are they gold.
Without them, the new year will not come.
Without them, the new year will not come!
Queen: If this watch gets to the villain
That time they will turn everything upside down!
Musketeers get ready to go
Go find our watches!
The girls change clothes behind the Christmas tree back and sit on the chairs! Musketeers go around the Christmas tree.
Musketeer: What to do? How to be?
Which way to go?
Musketeer: Look, some strange object! (takes up a globe)
He will show us the way!
Music sounds. Spin the globe. The gypsies come out. A gypsy dance is being performed.
Gypsy: Hey, how did you get here?
How did you find the way?
Gypsy: Gild our hand
Or away you go!
Musketeer: You Gypsies are not angry!
You better help us!
Here, hold the gold!
And give us your answer:
Lost magic clock
Didn't you see them!
Gypsy: No, we didn't see the clock!
Nothing was stolen anywhere!
Ask the robbers
They are easy to find in the forest!
Musketeers, hurry!
Soon it will be completely dark!
Spin the globe. The robbers are out! They perform a dance.
Rogue: Why did you come to the forest?
You won't find anything!
Musketeer: You robbers don't get mad!
You better help us!
Here, hold the gold!
And give us your answer:
Lost magic clock
Didn't you see them!
Rogues: We didn't steal watches
We have taken them temporarily!
Divided equally
And let the world go!

Musketeer: You are dashing robbers
You have done this!
Time has changed
Everything turned upside down!
Where is the clock, answer us!
You return the clock to us!
Rogues:(In turn, frightened):
- I sold!
- I exchanged!
- I gave a million!
Musketeer: What are we to do now?
Do not collect all the parts for us!
Rogue: Musketeers, don't get mad
Come dance with us!
And then the magic globe
And show you the way!
A round dance is performed around the Christmas tree. Everyone sits on chairs, the musketeers spin the globe to the music. Dance "Sambarita" (Brazilian) is performed
Brazilian1: You are in Brazil!
Musketeer: That was not at all expected!
Brazilian: Did you come to us by chance?
You seem to be missing something!
Musketeer: Watch was stolen
Didn't you come across them?
Brazilian: No, we didn't see the clock!
But the other day they sent by mail
Clock hands! Yes exactly!
It can be seen that the arrows are not simple,
They are made of gold!
Look at them
Maybe you are looking for them?
Take arrows.
Musketeers: We will take these arrows
Let's go look for the rest!

Spin the globe.
Musketeer: It's very interesting here
What is this wonderful place?
To the music, everyone runs out from behind the Christmas tree.
(turning to the musketeers): Hello, friends!
Why are you standing like you're sleeping!
Well, get out quickly!
Let's dance with us!
Performing a rock and roll dance
American: Did you come here by chance?
Or an official visit?
Musketeer: We didn't just show up
We've come to you for help!
Didn't meet your eyes
Magic vintage clock?
American: We have not seen such hours!
We definitely don't have them here!
But we have one secret!
The other day a famous pirate
Gave us a dial!
The dial is not simple,
It's made of gold!
Musketeer: The dial is similar to ours!
Thank you! And on the road soon, we are in a hurry!
Spin the globe. Children run out to the music, girls take musketeers and line up on the polka. The polka is being performed.
Girl: Dear Musketeers,
We are glad to see you, gentlemen!
Why have you come here?
Musketeer: We didn't just come to you
Did you suddenly find an old clock?
They were shamelessly stolen
And scattered around the world!
Have you ever met
Parts of an old clock?
Girl: A parcel was sent to us
There is a semicircle, unusual, golden!
You take it with you
And fly farther!
They take part of the clock, spin the globe. Russian melody sounds. Performed Russian dance.
Mistress: Dear guests, come into the house!
We will treat you to tea and honey!
The loaf was baked this morning
So you arrived just in time!
Musketeer: Thanks for the invitation
But forced to refuse
We're in a hurry
We need to collect the clock on time!
Mistress: Then wait, don't rush!
I'll tell you what!
Overseas guests are visiting us the other day
Brought an unusual thing!
She glitters like gold!
And to what to apply and we do not know!
Musketeer: It looks like part of a clock face!
hostess: He is all shining with wealth and gold
Musketeer: Thanks for the meal
It's time to go, adventure awaits!
Spin the globe.
Musketeer: We have almost traveled the whole world!
And we never found the full clock
Musketeer: What are we to do? How to be?
How to release the queen?
Musketeer: There will be no ball without a clock!
How can we start the carnival?
Musketeer: How will the New Year
Who will give us time back?
Musketeer: We shouldn't give up
We need to collect the clock in parts!
Collect watches. Chiming clock. Santa Claus comes. Game program (at the choice of the music director and educators).

Asya Gats
"New Year's Carnival". Holiday script for the preparatory group

« New Year's carnival»

(preparatory group)

Hall festively decorated. To the music, the Host enters the center of the hall.

Leading. Happy New Year!

Begin carnival!

Everyone on holiday invite

In our cozy, warm room.

To the music, children run into the hall, dance around the Christmas tree.

Dance "Vyuzhenka".

At the end of the dance, the children stop around the Christmas tree.

1 child. New Year's carnival

I brought all my friends here.

Dancing masks here and there

Everyone laughs and sings.

3 child. Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

3 child. Let for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And Happy New Year!

4 child. Shining rain pours from the branches,

The thread sparkles like a diamond.

Laughs in every ball

Reflection of our eyes!

5 child. In the hall - a Christmas tree, happy laughter,

Winter New Year holiday!

Bright, colorful, beautiful

There is a round dance near the Christmas tree.

6 child. And sparkles through the needles

Multi-colored sparkle of lights.

About the beauty, about the Christmas tree

Flow, song, more fun!

7 child. Happy New Year everyone!

We wish you happiness, friends!

We celebrate the holiday with a round dance,

Fun, joy is not melting.

8 child. New Year! New Year!

Music calls to dance!

Let it circle around the Christmas tree

New Year's round dance!

Song "Crystal Winter", A. Filippenko - T. Boyko.

9 child. May this year be good for everyone

Let children's laughter not cease everywhere,

Let people be open minded

Let everyone come to us big holiday!

10 child. On fluffy soft paws

A Christmas tree comes to our house,

Slightly resinous, tart smell

Known to everyone since childhood.

11 child. Will stand modestly in a corner,

Waiting with gifts guys.

Bright light bulb chain

They blink, they sparkle.

12 child. And sweets, and crackers,

colorful serpentine,

Homemade toys -

Decorate how you want!

13 child. Christmas tree, hello, our beauty!

A year since we didn't see each other.

It seems that you are even taller and more beautiful

Has been since last winter.

14 child. New Year's is knocking on the door

With a song, a fairy tale, goodness.

Everyone now believes in a fairy tale,

Every house is waiting for gifts!

15 child. On this wonderful winter evening

The old year is gone.

New Year to meet him

Comes to us with gifts.

16 child. The one who wants to be cheerful

A new year has come -

Let today be with us

Singing a ringing song!

Song "The New Year is Coming", V. Gerchik - Z. Petrova.

Leading. Oh, carnival, amazing ball,

How many friends are you on holiday gathered!

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

Miracles are yet to come!

And what are miracles without Santa Claus? Let's all call him together!

Children. Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

The soundtrack of the song sounds "New Year" groups"Diskoteka Avaria".

Grandfather Frost enters and he is dressed in a very original way.: bandana on his head, headphones, talking on a cell phone.

Leading. Santa Claus! Is that you?

Father Frost. I! I! I keep up with the times! Moving in different circles, hanging out! I live modern, easy and fun! (Looking at the tree). Wow! What a shine!

Leading. Santa Claus! Do you know where you came from?

Father Frost. To a party!

Leading. What other party, what kind of words are these? It's a kindergarten! And our children are educated! What are you teaching them?

Father Frost. Kindergarten! Yes, what am I, the old one thought? Excuse me, children, forgive me old man!

Santa Claus puts on a hat behind the Christmas tree, turns into a real Santa Claus. Out to the music for the children.

Father Frost. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children and of course all the guests!

Let's get together in a round dance

And sing about the New Year!

Song "There was a cheerful Santa Claus", N. Veresokina.

After singing the song, the children sit on the chairs to the music.

Leading. Grandfather Frost, why isn't the Snow Maiden with you?

Father Frost. Wait a minute, let me remember (scratching my beard! Today we were at the Christmas tree at school. The Snow Maiden was with me. She was also at the Christmas tree in another garden. And then we were invited to a session of psychological loading, that is, unloading, or ... In a word, the psychic energetically nourished and us, and everything that is in my bag ... And then ... then I did not see the Snow Maiden!

Leading. Psychic? At the children's tree? Very strange…

Father Frost. Wait, wait! Something painfully similar was the psychic to my old friend. Thin as a top model, her nose is hooked, and her eyes are running and darting! Exactly, Baba Yaga! That's something I look, something familiar in appearance! Well, Grandma Yozhka, wanted to ruin the holiday!

What to do? What do i do? We must look for the Snow Maiden.

The staff will help me along the way! He will show me the way! And the road is covered with snow, it's white in the yard!

Leading. Well, we will help you with this! We make snowballs and collect them in baskets.

"Snowball Game".

Children are divided into 2 teams, stand in 2 lines facing the center of the hall.

Between the ranks lie snowballs scattered by Santa Claus.

Near the first children of each team put one empty basket (box).

The Snow Maiden chooses a leader from each team. After the signal, the leaders take 1 snowball each, run to the last child in their team, give him a snowball. Children quickly, from hand to hand, pass the snowball, and the child standing in front puts it in a basket.

The leaders continue to take snowballs and give them to the child at the end of the team. Whose team will collect more snowballs in a box.

Father Frost. Thank you guys! Now the path is clear. Well, I'm off!

He leaves the hall in search of the Snow Maiden.

At the same time, Kikimora and Baba Yaga run into the hall and sit down in front of the Christmas tree in Turkish and start playing cards (children's dominoes, they sing a song.

Kikimora. Which one of us will lose now, that Snegurka is guarding!

Whoever wins from us will go to kindergarten as the Snow Maiden!

Kikimora loses. Kikimora and Baba Yaga run away together and dress up Baba Yaga as a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus returns to the hall, he is sad.

Father Frost. I went around all the paths and paths,

But I could not find my granddaughter.

Where is she? Really got lost, or famously what happened?

Baba Yaga appears with a bag of snowballs, dressed as a Snow Maiden, hides behind a Christmas tree and throws snowballs at Santa Claus.

Father Frost. Snow Maiden, is that you? Ah, the joker, the spoiled girl, scared Santa Claus. (Looks behind the tree).

Baba Yaga comes out from behind the tree.

Father Frost. Oh, this is not my granddaughter, this is not the Snow Maiden! Stop, do not turn around, show yourself to Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. How not yours? Even very yours! There is something wrong with your vision. Glasses are said to help vision.

Baba Yaga looks at Santa's bag.

Father Frost. What other points? I see everything clearly: the children, the Christmas tree, and you.

Baba Yaga. Everyone sees it, but you look out the window, what do you see there?

Father Frost. Winter outside.

Baba Yaga. What kind of winter is this? this summer: leaves, flowers, birds.

Father Frost. It can't be, but I see winter, it's strange.

Baba Yaga. And you put on these glasses and you will also see the summer.

She puts on his glasses, and she herself takes the bag and covers it with a sheet, drags it to another place, and puts her own - with a handkerchief - under it.

Father Frost. You can't see anything with these glasses.: neither summer nor winter. (takes off glasses). Take your glasses and say where is my Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga. A. a. in a bag (points to bag).

Santa Claus takes out a handkerchief.

Father Frost. I decided to joke with me again, so I’ll cast a spell, and you will become ice forever!

Baba Yaga. Forgive me, old Yaga! And I didn’t want to do that, but I really wanted to holiday go to kindergarten! I will return the Snow Maiden to you, but can I start a dance? Can the kids help me?

Father Frost. Guys, can you help Baba Yaga? (Children answer). Well then, dance!

"Playing with a handkerchief".

Baba Yaga to music "lets" circle scarf. Whoever has a handkerchief with the end of the music in his hands will dance with Baba Yaga. to the song groups"Na-Na" "Grandma Yaga".

After the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Baba Yaga. Listen, Santa Claus!

Kikimora guards your granddaughter

And very there about holiday sad.

She wants to play and dance with the guys,

And of course to play winter games.

Forgive us, Santa Claus!

Invite her and that's it.

We promise to be good!

Father Frost. Well guys, let's forgive them!

Baba Yaga. Well, then I'll run and call them here!

Baba Yaga runs out of the hall. Returns with the Snow Maiden and Kikimora. Kikimora says hello.

Snow Maiden. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Hello kids, girls and boys!

How glad I am to meet you

Happy New Year everyone, friends!

And why is the Christmas tree sad?

And the lights are not bright?

Father Frost. To light the Christmas tree, I need to read my code!

Just something I was tired, apparently a year older became!

Snow Maiden. What are you, dear grandpa, don’t worry, now we will help you with the guys! You sit by the tree here until your legs rest.

A game "Create a cipher from numbers and letters".

Children are invited to collect from cards "2018". As the children line up the number of the year and the word, the Christmas tree lights up.

After the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Father Frost. That's nice, that's wonderful, the whole tree is burning in lights!

The Christmas tree invites all the guys to a wonderful dance!

"Dance around the tree".

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Kikimora. Grandpa, can I offer the guys a fun game?

Father Frost. Well, offer, offer!

Kikimora. I like to play snowballs very much, they say and they are sweet? Truth?

The children answer.

Leading. We do not allow snowballs in your mouth to take!

Kikimora. Then we will carry them with spoons! Oh, she didn’t say so, not to carry, but to wear and cook snow porridge from them.

Kikimora is playing the game.

A game "Snow porridge".

Children in spoons carry snowballs into a pan. Team game.

Father Frost. Oh what a great game! How much porridge they cooked and they cooled me down! And now it's time for you, kids, to read poetry!

17 child. The Christmas tree dressed in a wonderful outfit,

She really wanted to please the guys!

New toys shine on its branches,

Bright stars burn on her crown!

18 child. Snow is falling outside the window

fluffy snow, New Year,

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone

We congratulate you today!

19 child. There is a lot of light in every house,

The New Year is coming.

snow white carriage

Santa Claus will bring.

20 child. Exactly at midnight will flash brightly

In the sky garlands of stars.

Doesn't come without gifts

In that holiday Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden. Be honest people

In a friendly general round dance!

"Round dance", R. n. m.

Father Frost. I love someone who is cheerful.

I'm Santa Claus!

If someone hung his nose,

Let him raise his nose!

I want to wish you

So that everything goes smoothly in the year.

And now it's time

Give you all gifts!

Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, have you seen my staff?

Baba Yaga walks behind Santa Claus.

Santa Claus turns around, takes away the staff.

Father Frost. Again for the old took. Now I'll freeze you!

Knocks 3 times with a staff.

Baba Yaga (shouting). Oh, don't, oh, don't want, oh... (freezes in a funny pose).

kikimora (feels sorry for Baba Yaga). Oh, you, my Yagusenka, how can I be without you! Santa Claus, release Yaga! I'll be lost without her! With whom should I play cards, with whom should I spend the winter evening?

Father Frost. Okay, I'll unfreeze Baba Yaga and believe you. But look at me! One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga. Oh, oh, oh, what's wrong with me? I want to do something good

Kikimora. What is good?

Baba Yaga. Return gifts for children.

Kikimora and Baba Yaga bring a chest with gifts, distribute them to children.

Leading. Guys, let's say together "Thanks"!

Children. Thank you!

Father Frost. Have you received all the gifts? Congratulations too?

Now it's time for all of us! Bye bye kids!

Characters. Happy New Year, bye everyone!

To the music, everyone says goodbye and leaves.

The matinee ends.

Scenario of a merry New Year's holiday. Children are waiting for surprises, games, meeting with funny characters, and of course with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Scenario of the New Year's carnival for children of the senior group.

Children's costumes are free.



Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Clowns Fantik and Iriska are adults.

Children enter the hall to the music, stop around the Christmas tree.


Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree!


Hello tree, how happy we are

That you came to us again

And in green needles

The freshness of the forest has brought!


What a miracle our tree is!

Eyes pop up.

Tinsel glitter needles,

That's so beautiful Christmas tree!


Our Christmas tree

You can't live without lights today!

Do you hear? On our tree

Needles suddenly jingled.

Maybe they call

For us to light the fires?

(children answer)

Well then, what are we talking about?

In unison, all say:

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up

And light up the fire!

Children repeat, the lights do not light up.

Apparently, it's still not loud,

Our tree has not woken up.

Maybe someone was silent?

Let the whole room help!

Together: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up with lights!

The lights on the tree are lit


The tree smiled at the children,

The lights shone.

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise

Remember, I was very tiny,

At the edge of the forest, I grew up in the forest,

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden sang songs to me,

Ah, how good it was in the snowy cradle.

But the winds swirled, blew off the covers,

The Christmas tree in the meadow became cold to me,

Only you saved me, took me to kindergarten,

Gave a fabulous, festive outfit,

Isn't she a beauty?

Leading. We all love the tree!


We are a cheerful round dance

Let's go around the Christmas tree

And green beauty

Let's sing a song together!

Round dance "Yolka-Yolochka"

We invited the green Christmas tree to visit,

What an elegant Christmas tree in our hall!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, just a feast for the eyes!

And fluffy, and slender to everyone's surprise!

White blizzards are circling outside the windows,

And our Christmas tree has games and fun!

We have fun today, such a good day!

We dance near the Christmas tree, clap our hands!


Let's start, let's start

New Year's carnival.

Get together, get together

Hurry up to the hall!


We all dressed up in masks

We can't be recognized now.

Everyone turned into someone

And girlfriends and friends.


Light and elegant now in our hall

And even on the Christmas tree garlands are burning.

Today we came dressed with you

We open our masquerade ball.

Children dance around the Christmas tree gallop dance.

After the dance, the children go to the chairs.


They say New Year's Eve

All dreams come true

And today in our hall

The guests are gathering.

We have a little more to wait

The first guest is already on the doorstep.

To the music, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, she dances, circles around the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden.

Hello my friends!

I was in a hurry to see you.

Hello children,

welcome all guests.

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness, joy!

presenter. Hello, Snow Maiden! How glad we are to see you at our carnival! Have fun with us, look what a beautiful Christmas tree we have!

Snow Maiden. Happy to have fun with you! What children are smart, beautiful, funny, and the Christmas tree is just wonderful! The toys on it are so beautiful! And I also decorate my Christmas tree - with colored ice floes, I brought them with me (shows ice floes).

Leading. Dear Snow Maiden, can I dance with your ice cubes?

Snow Maiden. Of course you can!

girl friends,

Come out to the tree

Take colorful ice cubes

Winter dance, snowy

Get friendly.

Girls go out dance the dance "Ball of Ice".

Snow Maiden.

Well, I invite all the boys to the rink!

all boys come out, Skater dance is performed.

Snow Maiden.

And now he's calling us all

New Year's dance!

Children dance with the Snow Maiden round dance "Yolochka"


how beautiful in our room

The tree is lit up.

Only there is no Santa Claus ...

Where is he, who will answer?

Snow Maiden.

I know, children, we are all together

you need to make a wish.

You just have to wait

desire to think together.

Children. Let Santa Claus come to our hall for our fun carnival!

Snow Maiden. Shhhh! I hear someone's steps.

Music sounds, instead of Santa Claus, Clown 1 enters the hall with a beard tied somehow. The clown portrays Santa Claus. On the face of the presenter and the Snow Maiden, bewilderment. At this time, a second clown enters the hall with noise from the other side. They hug theatrically, the scene “Hello!”

  1. Hello… I see you, don't you?

1. What did you pour out? I didn't spill anything.

  1. Don't spill it. I say, are you, aren't you?
  2. Oh howl? (to children) who? Did they howl? And why did they howl?
  3. No, I'm talking about you. Are you not you?
  4. No, I didn't howl.
  5. Well, they didn't howl.
  6. I'm afraid you alone understand what you want to say.
  7. No, I'm not the only one, we are.
  8. Who are we?
  9. You, we, you, me...
  10. who washed up?
  11. No, I'm talking about everyone - you, we, you, me ...
  12. All washed up? (to children) are they washed? And who do you think is not washed? Who are you talking about? Isn't it about me?
  13. What has been changed?
  14. I'm talking about me, right?
  15. oh, did you change it? And what was changed?

Leading. Wait, wait! What's going on here? We, in fact, were waiting for Santa Claus, and then you came, arranged a dispute, and what kind of beard do you have? You don't look like Santa Claus anyway.

Clown 1. Why don't I look like Santa Claus at all?

Snow Maiden. It doesn't look like it at all, does it guys?

Clown2.We just wanted to joke with you, play pranks on you, we are funny buffoons - Bom and Iriska, we love jokes, fun!

presenter. We are very glad to all the guests, stay at our carnival, we will have fun together!

Clown1. Hooray! I love to have fun! Iriska, let's play a game with the guys!

clown2. Let's! Guys, stand in a circle!

To the music, the children stand up, join hands, start a round dance. Clowns spendround dance game "What kind of people are these"

after the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Snow Maiden. What good fellows you are, everyone was amused!

Clown1. And I can show tricks. Do you want me to show you one trick? (to the second Clown) Give me your handkerchief, I'll show the trick with it.

Shows focus.

Performs magician manipulations with a handkerchief. He shows everyone the handkerchief from both sides, folds it four times, takes out scissors from his pocket and asks the owner (clown2) of the handkerchief to cut off the corner of the handkerchief. He smiles happily, boldly cuts off the corner of the handkerchief. Clown1 unfolds the scarf, showing a hole inside the scarf. The clown2 starts hysterical. Clown 1 calms the crying friend, promises to fix everything, now he will show one more trick and fix the handkerchief. He again demonstrates a handkerchief with a hole, folds it four times, clamps it in his hand. Then he passes by the children with an outstretched hand, invites everyone to blow and walks around the Christmas tree to the music. Once behind the Christmas tree, he changes the handkerchief for a whole one, comes out from behind the Christmas tree, stops in the middle of the hall. He teaches magic words with children, pronounces them with children, unfolds a handkerchief and shows a whole handkerchief. Clown 2 rejoices, thanks his comrade.

Leading. Why is there no Santa Claus yet?

Snow Maiden. He should have come a long time ago, but he cannot find us. Santa Claus, ay, ay!

D. Frost (behind the door)

Santa Claus stuck in the snow!

presenter. Stuck in the snow! What to do?

Clown 2. No problem! We will save Santa Claus! We saw one thing with you ... (they pull a rope from under the tree, show it to the children and the presenter).

Leading. Yes, this is our magic belt!

Clown 2. So he will help us to pull Santa Claus out of the snowdrift. Come on, help boys, get up with us.

Clowns and boys pull out Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters the hall, shaking off, to the music.

Father Frost. Hello, here I am!

Hello everyone, friends!

May it bring joy to all

Good, glorious New Year!

Let laughter ring everywhere!

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone.

Oh, I'll clap my hands

I'll stomp my foot, one, two, three!

There will be a good holiday here

have fun from the heart!

Children get up in a round dance, a round dance is performed "There was a cheerful Santa Claus."

There was a cheerful Santa Claus

Santa Claus, Santa Claus

It is important to raise a red nose,

red nose, yes!

And along the forest path,

along the forest, along the forest

The mischievous bunny jumped.

naughty yes!

The bear was chasing the bunny

chasing, chasing

he walked along the path

he walked, yes!

and elegant, good,

good, good

the fox walked slowly

slow, yes!

Santa Claus has come

came to us, came to us

He went to dance merry

he went, yes!

D. Moroz- Oh, well done, they danced well, it was fun. But how can I get out of the circle?

Leading. Grandpa, we won't let you out of the circle!

Game "We won't let go"

(Grandfather Frost drops his mitten)

D. Frost - While I was playing with you

Lost my mitten.

Clown 1. Santa Claus, look!

We found the glove!

And now you try

Get the glove!

Game "Catch the mitten".

The mitten is passed in a circle, Santa Claus is trying to catch up with her. When the mitten hits the Clown again, Santa Claus catches up with the mitten.


Grandpa, don't be offended by us, we want to play with you.

Father Frost. Play and I love! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, let's play with the guys!

Snow Maiden. With joy! We will play my favorite game "New Year's Train".

Father Frost. Anyone who wants to play - the train must get up!

Heldround dance game "New Year's train"

D. Moroz. Something my parents are sitting quietly - not in order. Grandfather Frost will play with his parents now. I will read funny poems, and you end them with the words “Fun today,” are you ready? Be careful.

Held a game with parents "Fun today"

We are gathered for the holiday

weird, new year

everyone laugh and frolic...

(fun today)

our Christmas tree is standing

in tinsel, satisfied

To all the kids he says:

(fun today).

We will circle together

In a round dance.

Let's sing, play, joke...

(fun today)

Santa Claus has come

this hall is spacious

Much joy awaits us...

(fun today)

Father Frost.

Played and danced

Yes, a little tired.

Don't take it for work

Read me poetry!


D. Moroz. That's it, it's time to say goodbye!

Pack up on the way back!

Phew! You are hot today! (fans himself )

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, where are the gifts?

D. Moroz. BUT! Gifts! Yes Yes Yes!

Here is a gray beard!

Most importantly, I forgot to give gifts! Let's fix it now! ( thinks) Gifts must be in a bag. Where is the bag? ( looks around, then intently at clowns)

Clowns.(Together) I did not take! Honestly!

D. Moroz. Guys, look, is there a bag behind the Christmas tree? (No)

And under the tree? (No)

Don't the guys have chairs? (No)

Do moms and dads have no feet? (No)

D. Moroz. All clear! So I didn't bring the bag, I forgot to take it with me!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, what to do?!

Clown1. Just don't panic! Grandpa is a magician! Now he's up to something, right? D. Moroz. And I've already figured it out. Now I’ll just simply weld gifts for you!

Clown2.(laughs) Oh, grandpa, you must have overheated! (tries to touch his forehead)

D. Moroz. Don't believe? Well, then look...

Bring me a big cauldron

Put it right here on the table!

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water

A little snow, tinsel,

I'll add a snowflake

One minute, friends!

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words to say:

"Snow, snow, snow,

Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Staff, staff, help

Turn everything into gifts!

(magic music sounds, D. Moroz interferes with the contents of the boiler with a large ladle, the light flashes, he takes out gifts)

presenter. Oh look it worked

And there are presents!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts. Clowns and presenter serve gifts.

D. Moroz. At the furry Christmas tree the children sang,

Snow Maiden. But it's time to say goodbye to you!

Clown1. Goodbye, children, have fun!

Clown2. Goodbye, moms, dads!

D. Moroz, Snegurochka and Clowns (together)- Happy New Year to all! (waving hand, leaving the hall arm in arm)

Vedas.- Goodbye, Santa Claus!

Goodbye, tree!

We are a happy new year

Let's not forget for a long time!