New interesting finger games for children. Video "Finger games for one-year-olds"

Parents of young children should firmly remember that the development of a child's speech is directly related to movement, namely fine motor skills. There are many finger games for children. Mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, playing with the child, reading nursery rhymes and singing songs, can carry out finger gymnastics with the kids.

The following games and game tasks will help the development of small movements of the child's hand, mobility of the fingers, accuracy of finger movements.

Finger game "FORTY"

Reading the nursery rhyme, bend and unbend the child's fingers alternately:

Thief magpie,
I cooked porridge,
I fed the children
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
I gave it to this,
And this, big, - did not give.
Why didn't you saw wood,
Why didn't I carry water,
Why didn't I cook porridge?

There is one more similar counting rhyme about a magpie. It is from Bulgarian folk songs and is called "The Magpie and the Magpie"

The long-tailed magpie flew in from afar,
She chopped the firewood, melted the stove,
I cooked the porridge very sweet.
I called all the children, gave them porridge for all,
Only my mother drove one from the table -
Baby chemise.
Was he the most naughty one?
He did not carry water, he did not chop wood either,
I didn't even sweep the floor!

Finger game "Little Finger"

When pronouncing the nursery rhyme, each called finger of the child is massaged. In such a finger game, not only massage is performed, but also the memorization of the names of the fingers on the hands is actively going on.

My Littlefinger, where have you been?
I cooked cabbage soup with Nameless,
And with the Average I ate porridge,
I finished eating with the index,
And the Big one met me
And he treated me to candy.
Pointer on the right
He led them on a campaign with the whole crowd.
The middle brother carries a backpack
The nameless walks like this
And Littlefinger began to play:
Brothers listen to invite.
The right Bolshoi danced
And he invited me to dance!

Finger gymnastics "WHAT DOES A FINGER DO?"

As in the previous nursery rhyme-game, when pronouncing the nursery rhyme, each finger of the child is massaged.

Ivan Bolshak - chop wood,
Vaska-pointer - carry water,
To the middle bear - to heat the stove,
Orphan Grishka - cook porridge,
And little Timoshka - to sing songs.

Finger gymnastics "FINGERS ARE SLEEPING"

This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jumped into bed,
This finger nipped,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
Fingers stood up - "Hurray!"
It's time to go to kindergarten!

Finger game "FINGER ON FINGER"

A series of movements is added to finger gymnastics in this exercise. During the game, the child needs to be shown what movements should be performed in the course of the rhyme.

Finger on finger, thump and thump. (2 times.)
Clap, clap, clap. (Claps with handles.)
Stomp your feet, stomp. (stomping 2 times.)
Hid, hid. (Cover your face with your hands.)
Finger on finger, thump and thump. (2 times.)


Hold the child's left hand in front of you with the palm facing you.

One, two, three, four, five!
Get out your fingers for a walk!
This finger found a mushroom. (Bend your little finger.)
This finger cleans the table. (Bend the nameless one.)
This one - cut. (Bend your middle finger.)
This one ate. (Bend your index finger.)
Well, this one just looked! (Bend your thumb, tickle your palms.)


Put the fingers of both hands together.

Who has arrived? (Quickly clap the horse-thumbs.)
- We, we, we! (The tips of the thumbs are pressed together, and the tips of the other fingers quickly clap at the same time.)
- Mom, mom, is it us? (Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)
- Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of your index fingers.)
- Dad, dad, is that you? (Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)
- Yes Yes Yes! (Clap with your middle fingertips.)
- Brother, brother, is that you? (Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)
- Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of your ring fingers.)
- Oh, sister, is that you? (Clap with the tips of your thumbs.)
- Yes Yes Yes! (Clap little fingers.)
- We are all together, yes, yes, yes! (Clap all fingers.)

Finger game "ROUND THE PALM"

Prepare a sheet of thick white paper and a felt-tip pen. Ask your baby to put his palm on the paper and trace the outline of the hand. Have the child take turns raising their fingers slightly above the outline, and then raising their entire palm. After that, without moving your hands, ask the baby to collect his fingers in his palm and again straighten them along the outlined contour.

Finger gymnastics "MOVE THE CIRCLES"

Prepare 10 multi-colored circles of colored cardboard with a diameter of 1-2 cm. Ask your baby to put his palm on the table so that his fingertips lie on the circles. Offer to move the circles in turn with each finger, then all together. Then the baby raises his hand and lowers it again so that the tips of his fingers fall on the circles.

Playing with fingers "RINGS"

Ask the child to alternately connect all the fingers with the thumb into a ring, doing this in strict order.

This finger gymnastics game is very popular with kids. Let your child's fingers be nimble!

Simple and fun finger games for motor development Your baby. It is known that there is a direct link between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child's thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. A finger games crumbs help in the development of fine motor skills as well as possible. Have finger games there is another advantage - they help to establish closer contact between parent and child. After all, for a kid there is nothing better than a game, and finger games are very exciting, and children like them. But if the kid does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.



Finger games

Simple and fun finger games for motor developmentYour baby. It is known that there is a direct link between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child's thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. Afinger gamescrumbs help in the development of fine motor skills as well as possible. Have finger games there is another advantage - they help to establish closer contact between parent and child. After all, for a kid there is nothing better than a game, and finger games are very exciting, and children like them. But if the kid does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.

The text of finger games for an adult should be pronounced as clearly and expressively as possible, and the movements are performed parallel to the text. Finger games develop not only fine motor skills of the child's hands, most finger games also carry a learning load. Some finger games are aimed at learning counting, others introduce the baby to the names of body parts and the fingers themselves. In some finger games, the baby must act with two hands - this helps him to better navigate in space, master such concepts as high - low, right - left.


We shared an orange
(left hand in a fist, right grasping it)
There are many of us - and he is one
This slice is for a hedgehog
(with the right hand, alternately unclench the fingers on the left hand)
This slice is for the siskin
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for beaver
And for the wolf - the peel!
(shake both brushes)


The guests came running to Katya,
(we run our fingers on the table or on the floor)
All shook hands with each other.
Hello Zhora,
(we connect the thumb and forefingers)
Hello Jeanne, (large and medium)
Glad Seryozha, (large and unnamed)
Rad Snezhana (big and pinky)
Would you like a pie? (put palms together)
Maybe a biscuit (show 2 open palms)
Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)
Here are the pills for your track
(with a finger poking into an open palm)
Take a little
(we bend our palms into fists several times)
Everybody shook off the crumbs quickly
And they clapped their hands!


Lived - were in a house (clench and unclench fists)
Little gnomes:
Toki, Biki, Leakey, Chiki, Mickey.
(bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)
One, two, three, four, five (unbend fingers)
The gnomes began to wash (rub their fists against each other)
Taki - shirts, (bend your fingers, starting with the big one)
Tiki - handkerchiefs
Leakey are panties
Cheeky - socks
Mickey was smart
Everybody wore some water.


Knock-knock-knock, there is a knock somewhere.
Hammers are knocking, building a house for bunnies -
Here with such a roof, (palms above your head)
Here with such walls, (palms near the cheeks)
Here with such windows, (palms in front of the face)
Here with such a door, (one palm in front of the face)
And with such a lock! (handles linked)

Small house

I walk in the yard (clapping hands on my knees alternately with each hand)
I see a house on the mountain (rhythmic clapping)
I will climb the ladder (open your palms in front of you and, touching alternately with your fingertips, fold the ladder, starting with the thumbs)
And I'll knock on the window.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! (alternately knock with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)

Hedgehog (the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?
(the kid rolls the hedgehog with his palms)
Squirrel needs to sew a vest
(the baby rolls the hedgehog on the tummy)
Fix the trousers for the naughty hare (we roll on the legs)
The hedgehog snorted - move away and do not cry, do not ask
(roll on the floor)
If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me !!!
(the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)


There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)
Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)
Pulled, (pulled)
Twisted, (twisted hands)
Knocked (knock with the base of the palms)
And - they opened it! (hands open)


We chop cabbage, chop (chop with palms)
We are cabbage three, three (fists rub each other)
We salt the cabbage, salt (salt with a pinch)
We crumple and crumple cabbage (we squeeze and unclench our fingers)
We put it in a jar and taste it.


A fly flies around the ear, lzhzh (we run our finger around the ear)
Wasps fly around the nose, ssss (we run our finger around the nose)
A mosquito flies, on the forehead - op (we touch our forehead with our finger)
And we clap it (palm to forehead)
And to the ear, zzzz (we clamp the cam, bring it to the ear)
Let's release the mosquito? Let's let go!
(we bring the fist to our mouth and blow on it, unclenching our palm)

Cat (perform actions within the meaning)

The cat washes his paw
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.


I walked alone along the path (show one finger)
My two legs walked with me, (shows two fingers)
Suddenly there are three mice to meet, (showing three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (Claps his cheeks with his palms and, as it were, shakes his head with his palms)
He has four legs, (showing four fingers)
On the paws - sharp scratches, (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)
One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
You need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run away along the surface)


The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass
(clap hands on the knees)
And behind her, the guys are yellow chickens (let's go with our fingers)
Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (shaking a finger)
Row with your paws (we rake with handles),
Look for grains (pecking grains with our fingers)
Ate a fat beetle, earthworm
(showing with pens what a fat beetle)
We drank a full trough of water
(showing how we draw water and drink).


Palms up
Hands down
And now them on the side
And squeezed into a fist.


(hands go down from top to bottom, palms turn, depicting falling leaves)
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik
(shuffle palm on palm)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under the legs
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik. (we shuffle our feet)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under the legs
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik.
(index fingers shuffle together).


Bunnies came to the meadow,
Bear cubs, badgers,
Froglets and raccoon.
To the green to the meadow
Come and you, my friend! (bend your fingers into a fist in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme, when listing animals, bend the fingers on both hands alternately, wave your palms on the last line)

My family

This finger is a grandfather (we unclench our fingers alternately from the cam, starting with the thumb)
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family! (rotate with an unclenched palm)


Dressed up the legs (alternately stroking with one hand with the other)
New boots.
You step, legs, (step your fingers on the table)
Straight along the path.
You step - stomp, (tap your fingers)
Do not splash in puddles, (shake your finger)
Don't go into the mud
Don't tear your boots.


One, two, three, four, five (bend our fingers)
We went for a walk in the yard
(with index and middle fingers we "walk" on the table)
The snow woman was blinded (we roll the "lump" with the handles)
We fed the birds with crumbs ("feed the birds")
Then we rode down the hill
(we move the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And also lay in the snow
(we put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)
Everyone came home in the snow (we shake off our palms)
We ate soup ("eat soup"),
went to bed (palms under the cheek).


Here is a beehive (showing fists)
Bees live here.
So they showed up from the house,
(bend fingers alternately)
One, two, three, four, five!
Z-z-z-z-z-z ..... "(tickling the child)

Small fish

The fish lives in the lake
The fish swims in the lake
(palms are connected and make smooth movements)
Suddenly hit with his tail
(separate palms and hit the knees)
And we will hear - splash, splash!
(put your palms together at the base and clap like that)


Simulate the movements of a shoemaker hammering in nails: the fingers of one hand are holding nails, the other is holding a hammer.

Master, master,
Help -
Hammer it hard
Nails -
We will go today
Visit us!


One, two, three, four, (bend your fingers)
You and I made a snowball
(sculpt, changing the position of the palms)
Round, strong, very smooth.
(show a circle, stroke palms together)
Once - toss, ("toss", look up)
Two - we'll catch. ("catch", squat)
Three - drop (get up, "drop")
And ... let's break it! (stomp)


In the morning, the sun rises higher, higher, (hands high up).
At night, the sun will set lower, lower. (hands down).
The sun lives well, well,
(we make flashlights with pens)
And we have fun with the sun
(clap our hands)


One two three four five -
(alternately unclench the fingers from the cam)
Fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five -
(we clamp our fingers into a fist)
They hid in the house again!


We kneaded the dough (squeeze the hands)
We sculpted a cake (our palms sculpt)
Slap, slap,
Slap, slap
We're making a big pie! (spread our hands)


I will cook porridge with a doll: (stir the porridge)
Pour milk into a bowl (pour milk)
I'll put the cereal there (pour the cereal)
And put it on the stove. (Put it on the stove)
The porridge will be good! (clap)
Eat, doll, slowly. (threaten with your finger)


One, two, three, four, five,
The worms went for a walk (the handles are on the table, palms down, we bend and unbend our fingers)
Suddenly, a crow runs out (fingers "run" on the table)
Croaks: "Here's lunch."
(forefinger and thumb "croak".)
Lo and behold (we spread with handles),
but there are no worms (we squeeze our fingers into fists).


A turtle walked across the field (walk with your fingers)
And all trembled with fear (hands in fists, fists tremble)
Bite, bite, bite! Bite, bite, bite!
(thumb and forefinger "bite")
I'm not afraid of anyone! (negation with index finger)

The main motor achievement of the baby by this age is walking. The child began to walk independently. The freed hands allow you to experiment with the surrounding objects, the skill of the predominant use of the right or left hand is formed, and the coordination of movements is improved. It is physical activity that contributes to the development of the cognitive abilities of the baby.

Influence of fine motor skills on child development

Numerous studies of scientists have confirmed the connection between intellectual development and digital motor skills. It was found that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Therefore, in order to teach a child to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory (speech) apparatus, but also to develop finger movements. Systematic exercises for training the fingers are also a means of stimulating the activity of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the development of thinking and attention.

One of the important features of finger games is their accessibility. To play with your baby, no special tools or toys are required. All play material - pens, fingers of a child. It is only important for mom to know a few special exercises and learn the texts of verses for them. You can play these games at any time and anywhere: on a walk, in a queue at a clinic - where you need to occupy the baby, distract him or interest him.

Finger games for a child are selected taking into account his capabilities and gradually become more complicated. These games provide good training for the fingers, contribute to the development of listening skills and understanding the content of the verses, and teach them to catch the rhythm of speech. When the baby recites poetry and simultaneously moves the fingers of his hands, his speech obeys the rhythm, is accompanied by movements, becomes louder, clearer, emotional.

Popular nursery rhymes provide a good workout. Mom first reads the nursery rhyme rhythmically, highlighting the semantic parts intonationally, accompanying the reading with playful movements. Then the baby is invited to repeat the movements, and at an older age - and the words of the nursery rhyme.

When it is difficult for a child to perform a particular exercise, an adult should help by taking his handle in his own, helping to move his fingers, bend them and unbend them. This is how the necessary movements are taught, the fine motor skills of the fingers are trained and, accordingly, speech development is stimulated.

Finger games for a child up to one year old

Exploring our capabilities

Finger training can be started as early as two months of age. During this period, massage plays an important role. Stroke the baby's hands in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist, take each finger separately, bend and unbend it.

Game "To each his own name"

If you have never played finger games with your baby before, start with the elementary - just look at the fingers, name each finger, stroke it affectionately. You can simply list the names of the fingers (thumb, forefinger, middle, etc.), or you can give each finger its own name.

Calling the "name", bend and unbend each finger in turn:
Finger Antoshka - A little mischievous. (Bend and unbend your thumb.)
Vlad's finger - Loves outfits. (Bend and unbend the index finger, etc.)
Kolya Finger Studying at school.
Timosha's finger - The boy is good.
Finger Irishka - Quite a baby.

You can come up with your own names and poetic lines to them or pronounce the baby's name in different ways: first the full name, then the diminutive, special, as one of the family members affectionately calls the baby, etc. Thus, the baby gets used to the sound of his own name, learns to distinguish it from the speech of adults.

Game "Pencil - helper"

Take a ribbed pencil and roll it over the palms and fingers of the crumbs. Another exercise option is to place a pencil between the baby's palms and, pressing the palms tightly, make rubbing movements with them. The convex edges of the pencil massage the surface of the palms well, forcing the skin receptors to work.

You can massage your palms and fingers with a small ball (such as a ping-pong ball) or any other rounded object. The massage effect will be more noticeable if you use a special hedgehog ball with rubber "thorns". Roll it in the palms of the crumbs, pressing them to the ball.

Master the famous folk games with little fingers - "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki", "Koza-dereza".

By the age of 9-10 months, it is recommended to train the circular movements with the baby's thumbs. The period when the thumb is opposed to the rest is of particular importance. From this moment on, the child becomes accessible to the delicate movements of the fingers, the baby masters the tweezers grip (the ability to take objects with the thumb and forefinger).

Game "Boy-with-finger"

Ask the child to unclench his palm and, helping him to make movements, begin to pronounce the nursery rhyme:
Thumb-boy, where have you been? (Make circular motions with your thumb.)
With these brother - I went to the forest, (We bend the little finger in turn first,)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother (then the ring finger, etc.)
I sang songs with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
That's why he got fat. (Circular motion with your thumb.)

Crane game

To play you will need a plastic bucket and 6-7 small toys or objects (toys from "Kinder Surprise", large beads, walnuts, construction kit parts).

The baby's handle represents a crane: the thumb and forefinger of the right hand pick up the object and direct it straight into the bucket. First, slowly show the baby the sequence of actions, commenting on your movements along the way. Then ask the baby to repeat first with the right hand, then with the left.

Show the child the gestures that are substitutes for the words: "Goodbye, bye, bye!" - the baby unclenches his fingers and waves his palm, "Give me!" - the little one squeezes and unclenches the cam several times, "You can't do this!" - the child straightens the index finger, and presses the rest to the palm and shakes the handle. Teach your toddler to clap when he likes something. The baby quickly memorizes these movements, and over time will learn to repeat.

Finger games for children from 1 to 2 years old

We play and talk

At this time, the child's independence in many actions increases. The manifestation of independence of the baby also brings to the exercise with fingers. At this age, he can repeat some simple movements without the help of an adult, focusing on showing and copying actions. Independence is also manifested in speech. The kid tries in his own manner, loudly and clearly to pronounce sounds, words or phrases when performing any part of the exercise.

Finger game "Spider"

The spider crawls, crawls, (Fingers are clenched and unclenched, "walking" on the surface - on the table, hand, leg.)
He weaves a cobweb.
The cobweb is even thin
Holds the moth tightly. (Rounded palms are folded one on top of the other.)
The moth sat and sat,
Suddenly he fluttered - and flew away! (We wave our arms in the air.)
Ask the baby to pronounce the ending words: "crawling", "sitting", "flew away".

Finger game "Family"

Ask your baby to straighten his palm. We begin to bend the little finger, ring finger and then towards the thumb:
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.
All my family.

After saying the nursery rhyme several times, encourage the baby to repeat after you, or complete the sentence you have begun. For example, you say: "This finger", and the baby complements - "grandmother", etc. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Finger game "Piano"

Simulate playing the piano by tapping each finger in turn, then with your entire palm with fingers spread out on the table surface:
We bought a piano
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.
We play together with grandmother
And the whole family is dancing.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

Game "Fingers say hello"

Sit down with the baby at the table opposite each other, "say hello" with your fingers - with each finger touch the child's fingers in turn, saying: "Hello, little finger", "Glad to see you, ring finger", "Good afternoon, middle finger", " Greetings index finger "," Have a nice day, thumb! "

Make sure that the baby sticks out one finger for greeting, and not the whole palm. Help him separate his fingers if he has difficulty. Simultaneously with the training of the fingers, the baby learns a variety of greeting phrases.

Games without speech can also be used to train the fingers:

The game "Man". The index and middle fingers of the right hand "run" on the table ("little man"). The same movements must be performed with the fingers of the left hand, both hands at the same time.

Game "Trees". Raise both hands with palms towards you, fingers spread wide. Shake your arms left and right. At the beginning of each game, tell the baby how to place the fingers correctly, show the options for the movements of the fingers and hands.

Pull the rope game. Explain to the little one that now you will check who is the strongest of you. Explain the rules of the game: you need to pull the string to your side, taking it with your fingers or clenching it in a fist. Place the string, string or handkerchief on the table. Give one end of the rope to the child, take the other yourself. Start pulling on command. Of course, the child must win this competition, but you should not give up right away - let the kid train his fingers, develop their strength, trying to hold and pull the rope. Be sure to praise the baby for being the strongest and most agile.

Finger games for children from 2 to 3 years old

Obedient fingers

During this period, the fingers and hands of the child acquire good mobility and flexibility, the stiffness of movements gradually disappears.

If you notice that the child copes with the task easily, complicate it: add new movements, change their sequence, learn other, more intricate finger games. In the game, ask the baby to repeat whole sentences, quatrains after you. Encourage and praise him for doing the right job.

Finger game "Snail"

Say the nursery rhyme, showing the child all the actions. Ask him to repeat the movements after you:

Snail, snail! (A hand clenched into a fist "crawls" on the table.)
Pull out your horns! (We straighten the index and middle fingers - "horns" and quickly remove.)
I'll give you a delicious pie! (Show open palms.)
I don’t need a pie
Freedom is dear to me.
I'm crawling, crawling along the path
If I want to - I'll stick out my horns (We straighten the index and middle fingers.)
And you touch it lightly ...
Horns are removed! (The fingers hide again - clenched into a fist.)

Finger game "Sheep and bagels"

Teach your baby to collect fingers into rings, alternately closing the thumb with the small, ring, middle, index and thumb:
Early in the morning, early in the morning
A ram bought a bagel. (We close the rings, starting with the little finger.)
And then into rubles
He bought bagels. (We close the rings with our fingers in the reverse order.)
One, two, three, four, five - (Bend fingers alternately.)
He began to count the bagels.
One, two, three, four, five - (In the reverse order, alternately unbend the fingers.)
He began to chew the bagels.
And he ate everything ... (We show our palms.)

Magic Web game

You will need a thin colored lace for this game. Ask the baby to show the handle, spreading his fingers. We braid the lace with rings around each finger of the baby, and let him try to remove it from his fingers without using his free hand. You can play with this exercise together with a crumb: for example, tell that a spider has woven its magic web around his fingers, and he needs to free himself. When the kid manages to remove the lace, accompany his success with a surprise moment, for example: “Hurray! You are a magician! I was able to free myself from the magic web! Well done!"

Finger theater for children

Finger theater is a great invention: lightweight, comfortable, mobile. You can buy ready-made figurines that dress on your fingers, you can make characters for the finger theater yourself - for example, from felt, paper, knit from yarn, or you can purchase them in a store. This toy will delight the kid for a long time, training his fingers, improving speech, fantasy and imagination.

Arrange joint performances, and the audience can be family and friends, peers of the child.
The simplest option is to make the "actors" out of paper.

Wrap a sheet of paper 3-5 cm wide around your finger and glue it into a roll. If the puppeteer is a child - accordingly, the roll should be thinner.

Next, we make out the doll: we paint, draw the face, pens, details of clothing. Be sure to make the distinctive features of the character: the king - the crown, the grandfather - the beard and mustache, the grandmother - the headscarf.
Such artists are convenient for fairy tales with a large number of characters. Each finger is a separate hero. So you can put Russian folk tales: "The Turnip", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Teremok", "Winter Animals".

Shadow theater for children

Fingers folded in a certain way under special lighting can turn into fairy-tale characters. For lighting, use a small table lamp, night light.
Install the night light so that the light from it hits the wall. The hands need to be positioned from the light source so that the shadow from them is reflected on the wall.

Before showing a fabulous action, together you will have to practice and master the techniques of correctly showing the character's movements: how he wiggles his ears, opens and closes his mouth, etc.

We offer several games for the shadow theater:

Game "Bunny". The elbows are resting on the table. Extend up the index and middle fingers of the right hand, and connect the tips of the ring and little fingers to the tip of the thumb. Make smooth rotational movements with a brush (the bunny is moving). Perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand, with both hands at the same time.

Game "Chicken Drinks Water". The elbows are resting on the table, the fingers are folded in the form of a beak. To make rhythmic bends of the hands forward and return to the starting position - "peck the grains." The kid can be fascinated by the shadow projection on the wall, and later he himself will be happy to take part in the performance.

Finger game "Animals at work". Read a rhyme to the kid, along the way showing all the actions that the animals perform in it. Let the baby repeat the movements behind you. You need to perform movements with both hands at the same time:

Today is the whole day
All the animals are at work:
The little fox-sister sews a fur coat, (We collect our fingers into a pinch and unclench.)
Gray bear, old grandfather, knocking his boot, (Knocking fists against each other.)
And the white-sided magpie drives away the flies. (Wave your hands.)
The bear Masha cooks porridge for children. (We make circular movements with the hands.)
A hare sweeping under a tree. (We hit each other with our palms tangentially - "shake off" our palms)

Baby finger trainer

Put a small tight elastic band (for example, for hair) on your thumb and forefinger and ask to stretch it several times. Let the baby try to stretch the elastic with only two fingers, without the help of the second hand. Then slide the elastic over your thumb and middle fingers, and so on down to your little finger. This game allows you to strengthen the muscles of the fingers, improves the coordination of small movements. To make the baby more interesting, we can say that we hang a lock on his fingers and he needs to stretch it in order to free himself.

Finger games for preschool children

Mikhalenok Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Position: educator
Place of work: NDOU kindergarten No. 68 JSC "Russian Railways", Bryansk
Material description: I present to your attention a selection of finger games for preschool children. This material will be useful for educators, speech therapists as well as parents.
Target: Development of children's logo-rhythmic abilities.

What are finger games for?

The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." Today, all mothers and fathers, without exception, know that finger games develop the child's brain, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, and the baby's imagination. Simple movements help to remove tension not only from the arms themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. In general, the better the fingers and the whole hand work, the better the child will speak. To determine the level of speech development, speech therapists have long developed the following method: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers and three. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and unbend only together and cannot move separately from each other, then these are children with problems in the development of speech.

The fact is that the hand has the largest "representation" in the cerebral cortex, therefore it is the development of the hand that plays an important role in the formation of the brain and the development of speech. And that is why the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The hands of the child, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. In addition, the purpose of the dexterity and accuracy training in the fingers is to develop the relationship between the cerebral hemispheres and synchronize their work. The fact is that in the right hemisphere of the brain we have various images of objects and phenomena, and in the left they are verbalized, that is, they find a verbal expression, and this process takes place thanks to the "bridge" between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, the faster and more often nerve impulses go along it, the more active the thought processes, more precisely the attention, the higher the ability.

If you want your child to speak well, learn quickly and easily, deftly perform any, the most delicate work, - from an early age, start developing his hands: fingers and hands.

Exercises with stone and metal balls are common in China. Regular exercises with them improve memory, the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, eliminate emotional stress, develop coordination of movements, strength and manual dexterity, maintain vitality. And in Japan, exercises for the palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between the palms has an excellent effect.

Finger games have been widespread among various peoples for a long time. So, from an early age, children were taught to play "Ladushki", "White-sided Magpie", "Horned Goat". Today experts are reviving old games and inventing new ones.
I present to your attention the finger games I use in practice.

Autumn leaves.
Silence in the forest stands
Smooth hand movements.
Barely audible the forest rustles
Bring your finger to your lips.
Sh-Sh-Sh ...
The wind will blow harder
Hand movements left-right
The leaf will rustle more boldly Sh-Sh-Sh ... Louder.
The wind will blow again, The leaf will fly off the branch:
Raise your arms above your head and gently lower downward, rotating your hands
Will dance, sing
And fall to the ground.
Put your hands on the table.


Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Alternately touch each other with your fingertips, starting with your thumb.
Hello, free breeze! Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same land, I greet you all.
Close your fingers in the lock, unclench and squeeze your fingers.


The tap was opened: chik-chik,
Rotational movements with a brush.
Hands washed: chic-chic.
Rub your palms together.

Let the water run
Smooth movements of the palms.
We will wash our face.
, Wash your face ''.
Soap we rub our palms,
Simulate hand washing.
Let's get wet with a towel.

Lightly patting each other's palms.

Here are clean palms,
Show palms.
We'll clap a little!


The mice came out once
, Walking 'fingers across the table.
See what time it is.
Tapping index
with the finger of your right hand on the back of the palm of your left hand.
One two three four
Bend the fingers on the right hand alternately.
The mice pulled the weights.
Clench both hands into a fist, and lower.
Then there was a terrible ringing -

Run your mouse out!
Fingers run away ''.


If only we want
Compress and unclench the cams.
We will make everything from the snow! Kolya sculpts a bun, , Sculpt 'cakes.
Tanya sculpts teremok,
Fold your palms into a house.
Sculpts the Light of different fish,
Press your palms together
make undulating movements.

Sasha sculpts a porcini mushroom.
Squeeze one hand into a fist, cover it with the palm of the other hand.


The first drops fell
Tap one fingers on the palm of the other.
The spiders were scared.
Fingers run away ''.
The rain pounded harder
Light claps.
The birds disappeared among the branches.
Wave your hands.
The rain poured, as if from a bucket,
Loud claps.
The kids scattered.
Lightning flashes in the sky
NS lend a lightning bolt with your hand.
Thunder breaks the sky
Knock your fists on the table.
And then from a cloud the sun
Raise your hands up, lower and wiggle your fingers at the same time.
Looks at us in the window again.

Magic palms.

Raise your palms higher
Raise your hands up and close
a house above your head.

And close it over your head.
What happened? The roof came out
And under it we are with you. Raise your palms higher
Put your hands in front of your chest,
squeeze your fingers.

And close them with an arc.
What happened? Geese came out:
Here's one, and here's the other.
Squeeze and unclench your fingers.
Raise your palms higher
Put your hands in front of your chest, Touch each other with the tips of straight fingers.
And close in front of you.
What happened? The bridge came out, the bridge is strong and large.


Here's what a cat
Put your hands in front of your chest,
lowering the brushes down, shake your head.

Round face.
And on each foot
Draw your palm around your face.
Scratching claws.
Compress and unclench the cams.
The cat sharpens its claws
Scratch your fingers across the table.
They are very sharp.
And then he plays -
Fingers running '' on the table.
The ball is catching up.

My family.

I know that I have
Compress and unclench the cams.
A friendly family at home:
This is mom, this is me
Bend your fingers alternately.
This is my grandmother,
This is dad, this is grandfather,
And we have no discord.
Close your hands in the lock.


Under the fungus is a hut-house,
Fold your palms with a house in front of you.
A cheerful gnome lives there.
We will knock softly
Tap the palm of the other with the fist of one hand.
We'll ring the bell.
Shake with a clenched fist.
The gnome will open the door for us,
Will invite a house to the hut.
Hand gripping movements.
There is a plank floor in the house,
Press your palms together.
And on it is an oak table,
Squeeze one hand into a fist, cover with the palm of the other hand.
Next to a high-backed chair
Make a fist with your other hand
put your palm to it.

On the table is a plate with a fork
Show the palm of one hand,
push your fingers apart on the second.

And the pancakes are like a mountain -
Show the mountain.
Treats for the guys.
Put your hands in front of you
palms up.


Needle, needle
Children turn the index finger left and right.
You are sharp and thin.
Don't stick a finger on me
Threaten your finger.
Shay sarafan.
Simulate sewing movements
Needle, needle, Shay, don't be lazy! Masha, Masha,
Threaten your finger.
Look, do not prick!

We decorate the Christmas tree.

We hung toys
From stand to crown!
Raise your arms from the bottom up.
Colored balls,
Rotate with cams.
Gold fish,
Wave-like movements of the hands.
Golden cockerels
Put your hands to your head like a comb.
Multi-colored flags.
Squeeze four fingers together, put your thumb perpendicular.
The firecracker banged loudly -
Clap your hands. Bang! All the toys rang:
Rotation of brushes.


I chop wood with an ax,
Movements of the palms from top to bottom.
And then I saw a saw
Movement of the palms back and forth.
I'll take them to grandma
Fingers running '' on the table.
To bake pancakes.
, Bake '' pancakes.


Softly cat look
Squeeze and unclench your hands into fists.
Opens claws
And squeezes them lightly
She scares the mouse so much.
Fingers running across the table.


Can you count your fingers?
Bend the fingers on the right hand alternately.
On the other hand again -

One, two, three, four, five.
Ten fingers is a pair of hands
Squeeze and unclench your hands into the lock.
Here is your wealth, friend!

We are building a house.

All day long - tuk-da-tuk
Banging your fists against each other.
There is a loud knock.
Building a house, a big house
Fold your arms in a house, raise them above your head.
And with a porch and a chimney.
Put your palms in front of you
horizontally, close, return to vertical position

We will decorate the house
Simulate brush movements.
We'll nail the flag upstairs,
Pound your fist on your palm.
We will bring flowers
Spread your arms to the sides.
New house, welcome the tenants!
Place your hands on your chest, lightly
lean forward.

They will live in the house:
Bunny, with a bear and an elephant.
Alternately: put your hands to the head, spread apart, make the ears of the elephant.

Helping mom.

One two three four,
Alternately bend your fingers on
right hand.

We washed the dishes: kettle, cup, ladle, spoon
Bend the fingers on the left hand alternately.
And a big ladle.
We washed the dishes
Simulate washing movements.
We only broke the cup.
Alternately touch each other with your fingertips.
The ladle fell apart too,
The teapot's nose broke off, we broke the spoon too -
This is how we helped mom.
Compress and unclench the cams.


Woodpeckers are knocking louder,
Pounding with one hand on
another palm.

The titmouses began to sing.
Pinch your fingers, squeeze and unclench.
The sun rises early
Raise your hands up, put your hands down
across the sides.

To warm our earth,
Streams run downhill
Perform wave-like movements with your hands.
All the snow has melted
And from under the old weed
Fold your palms into a cup
The flower is already looking. The bell opened
Open slowly, cup ''.
In the shade, where the pine is,
Ding-ding, ringing softly,
Move your fingers.
Ding ding, spring has come.

The hostess.

I will cook porridge with a doll,
Simulate the stirring movements of porridge.
Pour milk into a bowl
I'll put cereals there,
Rub your fingers together.
And I'll put it on the stove.
Expand your hands, palms up,
stretch forward.

The porridge will be good
Eat, doll, slowly!
Threaten your finger.


In children, with a number of speech disorders, general motor impairment expressed in varying degrees is noted, as well as deviations in the development of finger movements, since finger movements are closely related to speech function. In this regard, the system for their training and education provides for educational and correctional measures in this direction.

Scientists who study the activity of the child's brain, the psyche of children, note the great stimulating value of the hand function. Employees of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences found that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.

So, on the basis of the experiments and examination of a large number of children, the following pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is also within the normal range. If the development of finger movements is lagging behind. Then speech development is also delayed, although the general motor skills can be normal and even higher than normal.

Therefore, it is recommended to stimulate the speech development of children.
by training the movements of the fingers. Finger training can already be started at the age of 6-7 months: this includes massage of the hand and each finger, each of its phalanxes. Kneading and stroking is carried out daily for 2-3 minutes.

Already from the age of ten months, active exercises for the fingers are carried out, involving in the movement more fingers with a good, sufficient amplitude. Exercises are selected taking into account age characteristics. So, kids can be given wooden balls of various diameters to roll with their fingers. You need to involve all your fingers in the movement. For this exercise, you can use plasticine balls, beads. You can design from cubes, collect various pyramids, transfer pencils, buttons, matches from one pile to another.

At the age of six months, children are given more difficult tasks:
button fastening, tying and untying knots, lacing.
Folk nursery rhymes provide a very good training for finger movements.

In this case, with the index finger of the right hand, circular movements are performed along the palm of the left hand. Then the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb are folded in turn.
Another variation on this nursery rhyme:

In this case, the thumb does not bend.
It is proposed for children to bend and unbend the fingers of both the left and right hands into a fist.
You can use the following rhymes:

If exercise causes some difficulty in children, then the parents help the child to keep the rest of the fingers from involuntary movements.

In these rhymes, you can bend your fingers, starting with the thumb, then with the little finger, then on the right, then on the left hand.
To train the fingers, exercises can be used without speech support. The child is explained the performance of this or that task. Parents demonstrate everything on themselves. "Fingers greet" - the tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers.
"Little man" - the index and middle fingers of the right hand "run" on the table.
"Baby elephant" - the middle finger is put forward (trunk), and the index and ring fingers are on the legs. The baby elephant "walks" on the table.
“Roots of trees” - hands are intertwined, fingers spread out downward.
Performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively occurs in the centers of speech), but also prepares the child for drawing and writing.
The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, this will further facilitate the acquisition of writing skills.
We present two blocks of tasks: the first is working with fingers; the second is work with counting sticks, matches.
In the first block, figures are selected that depict objects, animals, birds. All figurines with a small poetic accompaniment and drawings. When performing each exercise, you need to try to involve all the fingers, perform the exercises with both the right and left hand.
When the child has mastered the free execution of figures, the exercises can be complicated: acting out small scenes, retelling short stories accompanied by the construction of figures from the hand and fingers.
For example, such a story.
Vaska the cat saw a nest on a tree. Chicks lived in the nest (we represent a figurine of a cat, a tree, a nest with chicks). Vaska the cat wanted to eat the chicks and climbed a tree. But then a mother bird flew in, which began to protect her chicks (to portray a bird). The cat got scared and ran away (to portray a cat). With a good imagination of parents, you can come up with and
tell fairy tales, which can also be accompanied by the image of various figurines from the fingers. It is necessary to ensure that all the exercises are performed by the child easily, without difficulty, so that the classes bring him joy. In the second block, with a poetic accompaniment, figures are presented that are made from counting sticks or matches. First, they get acquainted with the geometric figures, on the basis of which all the others are built. Figures accompany rhymes so that the child has not only a visual image of the object, but also an auditory one.
These exercises can be carried out with all children, and especially with those who have a general underdevelopment of speech or any violations of it (stuttering, etc.).

Download and print pictures with finger games


When making stick figures, you can do the following activities:
1. Count the sticks from which the figure is made.
2. If the figure is made of multi-colored sticks, then
count the sticks of each color.
3. Count the geometric shapes that represent the subject
(how many triangles, squares).
4. Count the corners (sharp and obtuse) included in the figure.
5. Design and fold the figurine yourself.


Small house
The house stands with a chimney and
I walk to the balcony
came out.

The palms are directed at an angle, the fingertips touch; the middle finger of the right hand is raised up, the tips of the little fingers touch each other, performing a straight line (pipe, balcony).

Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw.

The thumb of the right and left hand together with the rest form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes

I'm holding a flag in my hand
And I wave to the guys.

Four fingers (index, middle, ring and little fingers) together with the thumb down. The back of the hand is facing you.

A boat

The boat is sailing along the river
Leaving rings on the water.

Both palms are on the edge, thumbs are pressed to the palms (like a dipper)

The steamer sails along the river,
And he puffs like a stove

Both palms are on the edge, the little fingers are pressed (like a dipper), and the thumbs are raised up.

Legs, back and seat -
Here's a chair to surprise you.

Left palm straight up. A cam is attached to its lower part (with the thumb to itself).
If the child easily performs this exercise, you can change the position of the hands alternately for a count of times.

The table has four legs
Top cover, like a palm.

Left hand in the cam. A palm rests on top of the cam.
If the child can easily perform this exercise, you can change the position of the hands: the right hand in the cam, the left palm on top of the cam. You can do it alternately for the count of times.

Leaves fall in the garden
I'll rake them down.

Palms towards yourself, fingers intertwined, straightened and also directed towards themselves

We touch our fingers
And we get the chain.

Thumb and forefinger of the left hand in a ring. Rings are alternately passed through itfrom the fingers of the right hand: big - index, large middle, etc. This exercise can be varied by changing the position of the fingers. All fingers are involved in this exercise.

The starling lives in the birdhouse
And sings a resounding song.

The palms are set vertically to each other, the little fingers are pressed (like a boat), and the thumbs are bent inward.

We inflate the balloon quickly.
It gets big.
Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out -
He became thin and thin.

All fingers of both hands are in a "pinch" and touch the tips. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the shape of a ball. The air "comes out" and the fingers return to their original position.

Christmas tree
The Christmas tree turns out quickly
If the fingers are locked.
Raise your elbows
Spread your fingers.

Palms away from you, fingers are passed between themselves (palms at an angle to each other). Fingers are put forward. The elbows are not pressed against the body.

I take a basket to the forest
And I put mushrooms in it.

Palms facing you, fingers intertwining
and the elbows are spread apart. The palms seem to part, and gaps are formed between the fingers. Thumbs
form a handle.

The bell is ringing
He moves his tongue.

The backs of the hands are turned up, the fingers of both hands are crossed, the middle finger of the right hand is down, and the child rotates freely with it.

The dog has a sharp nose,
There is a neck and a tail.

Right palm on the edge, towards yourself. Thumb up. Index, middle and unnamed - together. The little finger goes up and down alternately.

And the cat has ears on the top of its head,
To hear better
mouse in her hole.

The middle and ring fingers rest on the thumb. Pointing
and the little finger are raised up.

A gray lump sits
And everything rustles with a piece of paper.

Middle and ring fingers
run into big. Index and pinky
bent into arcs and pressed to the middle and ring fingers.

Bunny and ears
The bunny has long ears,
They stick out of the bushes.
He jumps and jumps,
Cheers his bunnies.

Fingers in the fist. Put your index fingers up. Move them to the sides

Bunny in a mink
By the tree on the hillock
A bunny hid in a mink.

The left palm is almost horizontal, the right one too. The index and little fingers of the right hand rest on the index and little fingers of the left. The middle and ring fingers of the right hand are raised and spread apart (ears). Thumb pressed.

Bunny and drum.
Bunny took his drum
And hit the tram - tram - tram.

Fingers in the fist. The index and middle fingers are up, they are pressed.
His nameless and little finger taps on the thumb.

The horse has a curly mane
Beats with hooves playfully.

Right palm on the edge away from you.

Thumb up. From above, the left palm is superimposed on it at an angle, forming a mane with your fingers. Big
finger up. The two thumbs form the ears.

Bunny and mirror
The bunny looks in the mirror
And wiggles his ears.

Left palm up, make a "goat". We put our right hand on top of it, which also
depicts a "goat" (back side up). We put up and down the middle and ring fingers of both hands and move them in opposite directions.

The horns stick out of the goat
She can gore.

The inner side of the palm is down. The index and little fingers are pointing forward. The middle and the unnamed one are pressed to the palm and surrounded by a large one.


The goose stands and everything cries,
He wants to pinch you.

The forearm is vertical. The palm is at a right angle. The index finger rests on the thumb. All fingers are pressed together.

The cockerel is all bright,
He cleans the comb with his foot.

Palm upwards with the index finger rests on the thumb. The rest of the fingers are spread out to the sides and raised up.


Chicken jump on the porch:
I laid an egg for you.

The palm is horizontal. The thumb and forefinger form the eye. The following fingers are laid on top of each other in a bent position.

Wasps love sweets, they fly to sweets.
And the wasps will bite if they want to.

Extend the middle finger, clamp it between the index and ring finger, rotate it in different directions.

The beetle flies, buzzes, buzzes
And he moves his mustache.

Fingers in the fist. The index and little fingers are spread apart, the child moves them.

Chicks in the nest
The bird flaps its wings
and flies to her nest.
He will tell his chicks
where she got the grain.

Grasp all the fingers of your right hand with your left palm and wiggle them.

The crab crawls along the bottom
Extending his claw.

Palms down, fingers crossed and down. Thumbs to yourself. We move on the fingers of the palm
first one way, then the other.

Weave fingers and lock
we'll get.
Let's repeat again, and
it will turn out better.

The palms are pressed together. The fingers are intertwined. Iterable.

There is an elephant in the zoo.
Ears, trunk, gray he.
He nods his head,
As if inviting to visit.

Palm on yourself. The middle finger is in.
On one side he is gripped by the little finger and the nameless,
and on the other - with a forefinger and a big one. Wiggle middle
finger. Swing the whole brush.

The tree has a trunk, there are many branches on the trunk,
And the leaves on the branches are green.

Press the back of your hands
to each other. Fingers spread out
and raised up. Wiggle brushes
and fingers.

Little bird
Fingers are the head
The wings are the palm.

The palms are turned towards themselves, the thumbs are extended away from themselves and intertwined (as if
cling to each other), the thumbs are the head, the rest of the closed fingers are the wings. Wave them.

An owl sits on a bitch
And screams boo - boo - boo - boo.

Hands in a fist, pressed, thumbs up (ears), index fingers together; they are exposed to you, (nose).

Wolf and fox
The gray wolf runs through the forest
And the fox is running after him.
They rose like a trumpet
Two fluffy tails.

Wolf. We make a "steamer", spread the thumbs to the sides. The index fingers are bent inward of the palms and form the forehead, and the rest in the form of a "boat" - the upper and lower jaws.

Fox. We do the same, but bend the little fingers inside the palm, so that the fox's muzzle is sharper. Bend the thumbs slightly. One figurine flows out of the other.


The crocodile floats on the river
Bulging your eyes.
He is green all over, like mud,
From crown to tail.

The palm is set forward horizontally (parallel to the floor). Big
finger under the palm. The index and little fingers are bent (eyes) and pressed, respectively, to the middle and ring fingers.


Four sticks folded
And now I got a square.

The triangle has three
And they can be
different lengths

The cube has many equal sides.
You can build a house out of cubes.

The trapezoid looks more like a roof.
The skirt is also drawn with a trapezoid.
Take the triangle and remove the top
The trapezoid can be obtained anyway.

The mill flaps its wings in the distance.
There will be flour to bake the cake.

Butterfly flaps its wings, flies
Nectar collects from flower to flower.

The rectangle of the square is longer.
The figure is simpler, we draw more boldly.

The stars from heaven shine for us
At night they light our way

Small fish
The fish swims in the water
Splashes, plays.

I'll take the flag in my hands
And I'll go to the holiday with him.

Beetle on green grass
Will reach the end and fall.

A boat
The boat is standing by the river bank,
A fisherman is fishing from a boat.

Let's build a bridge across the river
For machines and humans.

I made a face in the mirror for myself
The face seemed funny to me.

A car
The car rushes through the streets
Dust swirls from under the wheels.

There is a large window in our room,
I can see the lawn from it.

The rocket took off like an arrow into the sky,
The astronaut sits in it, strong and brave.

The big steamer is sailing
The captain is leading him.

Tank at war, fighting vehicle,
Strong, courageous, indestructible.

How high the swing takes off
And the kids are funny.

I dig sand with a shovel,
I load the car with sand.

I went to the forest with a basket,
Found a fungus on a hemp.

Herringbone green
grew up in the forest.
Christmas tree for the holiday
I'm taking it home.

Boat with sail
A boat with a sail is sailing
Calls to travel.

We will put a crib in the bedroom
And we will sleep on it sweetly.


It's boring without TV, friends,
And you can't watch TV for a long time.


They sit on a stool at the table,
And our house is uncomfortable without her.

I saw the plane in the clear sky.
It's a pity that I have never flown in it.

We will build a high tower.
The windows and loopholes in the tower are visible

The well is deep, there is water in the well
It's nice to drink from the well in the heat.

The garden was fenced in
So that the trees live longer.

Sleds fly downhill in winter.
In the sled, the guys laugh and squeal.

The most common poems, nursery rhymes for the smallest children:

There is a horned goat,
there is a butted goat.
legs top top,
eyes clap clap.
Who does not eat porridge,
does not drink milk -
butts, butts, butts!

Our chickens in the window -
to ko ko, ko ko
Our ducks sutra -
quack quack quack, quack quack quack.
Our geese by the pond -
ha ha ha, ha ha ha.

Geese, geese-ha ha ha,
do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes
Well fly! No no no
gray wolf under the mountain,
sharpens teeth
wants to eat us!

Oh you rainbow-arc
you are tall and tight!
Don't let it rain
give us a bucket.
To take the kids for a walk
to gallop the calves,
need the sun

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
grandfather Egor is coming:
on horseback,
wife on a cow,
children on calves,
grandchildren on kids.

Like our neighbor
the conversation was fun:
geese - goose,
ducks - to pipes,
sheep - in the bottom,
cockroaches - drums.

Cat on the window
sews a shirt.
Hen in boots
The hut is sweeping.

There are two chickens on the street
they are fighting with a rooster.
Two beautiful girls
look and laugh:
ha ha ha, ha ha ha,
how sorry we are for the rooster!

Nenila Pig
son praised:
something pretty
so cute,
walks sideways
ears upright,
crochet ponytail,
snout nose!

ate a bear
fell into a hole, shouted to my mother:

Like a goat with us,
what a smart one was:
I walked on the water myself,
I cooked porridge myself,
he fed the grandfather with the woman.

Baiu-baiu, bainki,
bought boots for my son.
Let's put it on the legs
let's start up the path.
Our son will walk
new boots to wear.

Poems used in the child development school curriculum:

Developing poems with movements for children from one to three years

We chop the cabbage, chop it, (you wave your hands up and down like knives. The palms are straightened at the same time)
We cut cabbage, we cut (hands are straightened in palms, depict the movement of the knife - back and forth)
We salt cabbage, salt, (imitate salting - wiggle your fingers in a pinch)
We mash cabbage, mash, (clench and unclench fists)
And three carrots, three. (Three palms together)

The geese sang a song - eider, eider. (you close your thumb with the rest of the fingers on your hand - as if you depict the mouth of a goose)
We sat down (fists clenched and laid on our knees)
Pecked (fingers with a pinch and knock (poke) them on the knees)
Mom and Borya were pinched (pinching the legs) - hahaha, hahaha.
But we ran away from them (fingers run along the legs). [
This is done while sitting. I don’t know how much you understood my explanation about the geese.

Ay, fret, fret. frets (clap)
We are not afraid of water (shake our head negatively)
We wash our face cleanly (imitation of washing)
and we smile at mom (we smile)

Fly the birds to us, to us, to us (we wave our hands as if we were calling)
Seeds for birds for ladies, ladies, ladies (showing open palms - giving seeds)
With the beaks of the bird, beak-beak-beak (knock on the palm of the hand with the fingers of the other hand - like a magpie-white-sided, i.e. birds peck)
I look at the birds and sing (we make "flashlights" with our hands)

Dariki-dariki (clap our hands)
Mosquitoes flew (put your fingers into a pinch)
z-z-z, z-z-z - twirled, circled (both hands make circular movements)
grabbed onto the handle (leg, ear, cheek, nose, etc.)! Kus! the first three lines are read slowly, in a half-whisper, and the line: "grabbed your ear!" - quickly, with passion

Wall, wall (showing cheeks)
Two steps (showing sponges)
Ceiling (showing forehead)
Two windows (showing eyes)
Zyyn call! (push the nose)

They sat down - got up, sat down - got up, (sit down, get up)
We stomped our feet (we stomp)
We knocked with heels (we stomp with our heels)
And then they clapped. (clap our hands)
The pens were dancing (we make flashlights with pens)
Spun, spun, (spinning around ourselves)
We landed on the porch! (Sat down)

(we jump around the room and wave our arms)
The birds have arrived
Small birds.
Everything flew, everything flew
They flapped their wings.
They flew to the track
The grains were pecking.
(on the last 2 lines we squat and
knocking our fingers on the floor)

Early in the morning in a clearing
This is how the monkeys frolic:
Right foot top, top!
Left foot top, top!
Handles up, handles up!
Who will raise the highest?
(we stand on our toes and reach up)

Charging for toddlers

we are kicking top, top
we clap, clap with our hands
we eyes a moment, a moment
we shoulder chick, chick

one here, two here (turns the torso to the right and left)
turn around you
once they sat down, two stood up
sat down, got up, sat down, got up
like a vanka-vstanka steel
and then they set off at a gallop (running in a circle)
like my bouncy ball
one, two, one, two (exercise to restore breathing)
the game is over.

Exercise: "The cubs lived in more often ..."

cubs lived more often
twisted their head
like this, like this, (circular movements of the head)
twisted their head

the cubs were looking for honey
together the tree swayed (raise your hands up and do
like this, like this, tilts to the right and left)
together the tree swayed

and then they walked (walking bearish)
and they drank water from the river
like this, like this,
and they drank water from the river (body bends forward)

and then they danced (a spring with a turn of the body to the left and to the right)
raised paws higher (jumping, clapping hands at the top)
like this, like this,
raised paws higher

Charger for toddlers "Magic Plane"

We clap our hands - clap-clap-clap,
We stomp our feet - Top-top-top,
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And they all got on a magic plane. (arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest)
They started the engine - W-w-w, w-w-w-w-w-f (we turn slowly with our hands in front of the chest, increasing the pace)
The plane is flying, and the engine is humming - Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo (arms to the sides, alternate tilts left and right)
We flew ... (you can make a few circles around the room, and then fly to wash, eat or do any other usual things for you in the morning)

Finger games for toddlers from 2 to 5 years old

One of the handles (or the hand of an adult) is a twig. We pull it forward, fingers are spread out. The second handle is a spider that walks along the branch.

A spider walked along a branch, ("Spider" runs along the forearm, and then along the shoulder)
And the kids followed him.
Rain suddenly poured from the sky, (Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking off movement (rain).)
I washed the spiders to the ground. (We clap our hands on our knees)
The sun began to warm up, (The palms are pressed against each other with their sides, fingers are spread out, we swing our hands (the sun is shining))
The spider is crawling again, ("Spider" runs along the forearm, and then along the shoulder)
And all the kids crawl after him ("Spiders" crawl on the head)
To walk on a branch.

Show the children the fish - how they swim, dive and the crocodile - how it opens its mouth. Invite the children to "play fish." The palms are closed, slightly rounded.
Five small fish were playing in the river, (We perform wave-like movements in the air)
A large log was lying on the sand, (Hands are pressed to each other. We turn them from side to side (log))
And the fish said: "It's easy to dive here!" (The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We carry out a "diving" movement with them.)
The second said: "It's deep here." (We swing with closed palms (negative gesture))
And the third said: "I want to sleep!" (We put our palms under the cheek (the fish is sleeping).)
The fourth began to freeze a little. (We shake our palms quickly (shivering).)
And the fifth shouted: “Here is a crocodile! (The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect (mouth))
Swim quickly so you don't swallow! " (We hide our hands behind our backs, the teacher tries to catch them)


Before playing, show the children all the objects in the song. You will need: an umbrella, a book, a ball, a kitten. Ask the children: When do we open the umbrella? What do they see in the pictures in the book? What can we do with the ball? How can we play ball? How does the kitten speak? Show the gestures required for the game.

This is my umbrella, I walk with it in the rain (We raise our right hand above our head, bend it (umbrella))
Let the rain drum - stay dry. ("Drum" with the fingers of the left hand on the right (umbrella))
And here is my book, I can read it, (We open our palms with a "little book" (little fingers are closed))
I can show you pictures in it. (We stretch our arms, palms open (thumbs closed))
This is my ball, very dexterous, funny (Compress the fist, rotate with the hand)
I throw it over my head. ("The ball jumps" overhead, hitting the palm of the other hand)
And here is my kitten, I stroke him, (We bend our left hand at the elbow, clench our fist, press our hand to the body. The right hand strokes the left - the kitten.)
He meows for me alone! (Encouraging children to meow)

Finger games for children in poetry

One, two, three, four, five,
Let's count our fingers
All so necessary
Strong and friendly.
- Count your fingers and squeeze them into a fist. Change hands.

We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
Shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again.
- Raise your hands in front of you, shake your hands and stomp

Take a child's hand and tickle:
There's a stump (wrist)
Here is the deck (elbow),
And here is the key water (armpits).

Ivan Bolshak - to chop wood.
Vaska-Pointe - carry water.
Mishka Sredny - to heat the stove.
Grishka Sirotka - to cook porridge.
Little Timoshka - sing songs,
Songs to sing and dance.
- With the right hand, massage each finger of the left hand, then vice versa.

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Nobody makes noise anymore.
- Take the child's palm in the hand and bend the fingers in turn, starting with the little finger.

Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw.
- The thumb of the right and left hand together with the rest form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes.

Bunny found a book
And opened and read,
And I closed it, I forgot everything.
And opened it again
And I repeated everything,
I closed it, forgot it again.
- The palms are pressed together, the fingers are placed horizontally. On the word "opened" - open your palms, little fingers are pressed to each other. On the word "closed" - palms are pressed against each other.

This finger is small
Little finger is remote.
Nameless - wears a ring,
He would never leave him.
Well, this one is medium, long.
He's right in the middle.
This index,
The finger is wonderful.
The thumb, though not long,
The strongest among the fingers.
Fingers do not quarrel
Together, the matter is arguing.
- For every two lines, the finger referred to should first be pulled towards you, then stroked. At the end, squeeze your fingers into a fist, unclench and turn with your brushes.

Four brothers are tall and thin
Stick together, and the fifth aside.
But you just have to get down to work,
Four call the fifth brother.
- The palm is upright, the index, middle, ring and little fingers are pressed together, the thumb is looking to the side. On the last line, four fingers folded together begin to bend (call to you).

The house stands with a chimney and a roof.
I went out to the balcony for a walk.
- On the first line, the palms are straight, touching each other with fingers, depicting the roof of the house. Bend the index finger up (pipe). On the second line, bend the little fingers, depicting a balcony.

By the stove, stove, stove
We will bake pies.
- Use palms to imitate the movements of sculpting pies.

Leaves fall in the garden
I'll rake them down.
- Palms towards yourself, fingers intertwined, straighten and direct towards yourself.

The dog has a sharp nose
There is a neck and a tail.
- Right palm on the edge, thumb up, index, middle and ring fingers - together. The little finger goes up and down alternately. Repeat with the left palm.

The tree turns out quickly
If the fingers are locked.
Raise your elbows
Spread your fingers.
- Palms away from you at an angle to each other, fingers intertwined and put forward. Elbows slightly apart.

Here are my assistants,
Turn them as you like.
On a white, smooth road
Fingers gallop like horses.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chock
A frisky herd gallops.
-Hands on the table, palms down. Alternate forward movement with either the left or the right hand with simultaneous flexion and extension of the fingers.


We wrote, we wrote, Our fingers are tired. clench and unclench your fists rhythmically.
You jump, fingers, fingers "jump" on the table
Like sunbeams. Pull the index and middle fingers up, straighten and connect the rest.
Jump, jump, Galloped onto the meadow. fingers "jump" on the table.
The wind shakes the grass, tilts left and right. - light movements of the hands to the right to the left
Do not be afraid of the wind, bunnies, shake your finger.
Have fun on the lawn. To the last wave with the fingers of both hands

There is a lock on the door. Fingers in a lock, wiggle slightly
Who could open it? padlock back to front
We turned the lock, Turn the “lock”
We twisted the lock. The fingers remain closed, and the palms rub against each other.
We knocked with a lock, Fingers are closed, and palms are knocking against each other.
They knocked and opened! Show palms.


We washed the handles with soap.
We washed the legs with soap.
These are the goodies
Okay, palms!

Cooked porridge
Interfered with a spoon.
These are the goodies
Okay, palms!

Built their palms
House for nesting dolls.
These are the goodies
Okay, palms!

Chicken Pestrushka
We crumbled crumbs.
These are the goodies
Okay, palms!

Clapping hands
Legs were dancing.
These are the goodies
Okay, palms!

Put your palms down
Relax a little.
These are the goodies
Okay, palms!

Exercise for kids in verse.

Movements are performed in accordance with the text, as your fantasy tells you.

Exercise for babies "Butterfly" (after sleep)

In the morning the butterfly woke up
Smiled, stretched
Once - she washed with dew
Two - gracefully circled
Three - bent down and sat down
Four - flew away

Exercise for babies "Top-top"
We're kicking top, top!
We clap, clap our hands!
We eyes a moment, a moment!
We shoulder chick, chick!

Exercise for kids "Vanka-vstanka"
One here, two here (body turns to the right and left)
Turn around you!
Once they sat down, two stood up,
They sat down, got up, sat down, got up!
Like a vanka-stand up steel,
And then they set off at a gallop (running in a circle)
Like my bouncy ball!
One, two, one, two (exercise to restore breathing)
So the game is over.

Exercise for babies "Bear"
Raise your paws,
Lower your paws on the bear
Bear, Bear spin,
And then touch the ground!
And rub your tummy
One, two, three - one, two, three!

Clap! One more time
We'll clap now.
And then soon, soon
Clap-clap more fun!
Clap, clap, clap!
Finger on finger, thump and thump,
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

We walk along the path
Top-top, legs, top!
And we clap our hands.
Clap-clap, handles, clap!
Oh yes kids!
Ah yes, strong guys!

Hands to the sides, into a fist,
Unclench and flank.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock knock knock knock knock! (banging fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle. ("Drew" a circle with our hands)

We stomp our feet, Top-top-top!
We clap our hands, clap-clap-clap!
Shaking our head
And we turn our heads.
We raise our hands
We put our hands down
We shake hands
And we run around.

Hey! Jumped in place. (Jumping)
Eh! Wave hands together. (Movement of the "scissors" hands)
Ehe-he! Bent the backs, (bend forward, hands on the belt, bend your back)
We looked at the pictures. (bend over, raise your head as high as possible)
Hey-ge! Bent down below. (deep forward bend, hands on the belt)
Leaned closer to the floor. (Touch the floor with your hands)
Uh-uh! What a bummer you are! (Straighten up, shake your finger at each other)
Stretch, but don't yawn! (reach up with your hands, rising on your toes)
Turn in place deftly. (spinning around)
We need a knack for this.
What did you like, my friend? (Stopped, arms out to the sides, raised their shoulders)
Tomorrow there will be a lesson again! (Hands on the belt, turned the torso to the right, right
arm to the side, then to the left and left arm to the side)

Now all the children get up,
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and stand like that.
We all rested a little (bend forward and shake your hands)
And went to the track. (steps in place or in a circle)

Show all your palms (raising your hands above your head, rotate with your brushes, "flashlights")
And clap a little
Clap - clap - clap, Clap - clap - clap.
Now look at me (make any move)
You will repeat exactly everything.
One-two-three, one-two-three.
Now let's show the legs
And we'll drown a little.
Top-top-top, Top-top-top.
Show me arms, legs,
Play with them a little (arbitrary movements with arms and legs)
One-two-three, one-two-three.

There is a lock on the door. (hands are clasped in the lock)
Who could open it? (trying to sever hands)
Twisted, twisted,
They knocked and opened.

We have a nice posture
We brought the shoulder blades together.
We walk on our socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go softly like foxes
Well, if you get bored.
Then let's go all clubfoot
Like bears go to the forest.

Exercises for the hands

When working with junior schoolchildren, special attention should be paid to exercises for the development of finely coordinated movements of the hands. In children of primary school age, the hands are still being formed and excessive motor loads (continuous writing) are undesirable for them. The writing process is mainly carried out by the small worm-like muscles of the right hand, these muscles in the child are not yet sufficiently developed at the beginning of schooling. It is known that the formation of the hand does not end by the age of 7. Ossification of the bones of the wrist and phalanges of the fingers is completed only at the age of 10-13. Hygienic research confirmed the need to limit written work in the 1st grade to 7-10 minutes (V.M. Zubkova). The optimal duration of continuous writing for children of the 1st grade was also established - from 3 minutes to 5 minutes 20 seconds (N.N. Kuindzhi). In the 4th grade, continuous writing can be carried out within 17-20 minutes.

Little bird

Option 1
This exercise serves to develop the muscles of the hand. Children connect their thumb and middle finger, and put their index finger on top, as if holding a pen. During the exercise, only the brush works. Children with movements of the brush up and down, left and right answer questions.
- The bird wants to eat?

- Is the bird thirsty?
By moving the brush up and down, the children answer: "Yes."
- The bird wants to sleep?

- The bird wants to play?
With a left-right movement of the brush, the children answer: "No".
Option 2
The teacher invites the children to show how the chicken pecks the seeds.
Option 3
The exercise is aimed at developing free movement of the index finger. The pads of the thumb and middle toe are pressed together. Children raise their middle finger up several times. The ring finger and little finger are pressed to the palm of the hand. The teacher invites children to show how "a bird's beak opens."


Children alternately touch the thumb of the same hand with the fingertips of each hand.
With the pads of one hand, the children alternately touch the pads of the fingers of the other hand.

Teddy bear, Snowflakes, Bunny

All these exercises are carried out according to the same principle. Children alternately with varying strengths press on the pad of the thumb with the rest of their fingers.
"Bear" - with strength.
"Snowflakes" - lightly touching.
"Bunny" - abruptly.

Forest history

The teacher tells a story that happened in the forest, and the children show it with hand movements.
- Bunnies ran out into the clearing. Jump-jump, jump-jump.
With abrupt movements, children drum with their fingertips on the desk, depicting bunnies.
- The fox came. She walked very quietly and carefully.
Children gently press on the pads of their fingers, touching the desk.
- The fox walked not only quietly, but also imperceptibly. She covered her tracks with her tail.
Children imitate the movements of the tail, swinging the brush in one direction or the other.
- The hares saw her and rushed scatteringly.
By striking all fingers of both hands at once, children imitate bunny jumps.


How does the sun shine in summer?
Children spread their fingers wide, stretching all the muscles of the palm well.
- How does the sun shine in autumn?
The muscles of the palm are tense, the fingers are bent.
- How does the sun shine in winter?
Fingers gather in a pinch.
Each exercise is repeated several times.

My pens

Children repeat familiar hand-washing movements.

The fingers are locked into a lock. The palm opens and closes in turn, children imitate the movement of a wave.

Rib, palm, fist

Children work with both hands at the same time. The edge of the palm, open palm and fist are alternately placed on the desk.

The fingers of both hands are clenched into a fist. Elbows are on the table. Starting with the little finger, children simultaneously open both fists, lifting one finger at a time.
This finger is a grandmother.
This finger is a grandfather.
This finger is dad.
This finger is mom.
This finger is me.
That's my whole family.


We were sharing an orange.
Children show an orange - their fingers are bent, as if holding a ball.
- There are many of us, but he is one.
The palm is first open, then the fingers are clenched into a fist, only the thumb of each hand remains straight. - This slice is for a hedgehog,
- This slice is for a swift,
- This slice is for ducklings,
- This slice is for kittens,
- This slice is for the beaver.
The palms are clenched into a fist. Starting with the thumb, children begin to open their fists, one finger at each phrase.
- And for the wolf ... the peel.
- He is angry with us - trouble!
- Run in all directions.
Children open and close their palms, clenching their fingers into a fist for each word of the last two phrases.

Masha went out once
See what time it is.
Children use their fingers to depict how mice come out.
One two three four.
The mice pulled the weights.
The fingers are clenched into a fist. The thumb is always pressed against the palm. The rest of the fingers are alternately unbend for each word. Then they return to their original position again. The "pulled" movement is simulated.
Then there was a terrible ringing.
Children touch their heads with their hands, shaking it slightly.
Run up, mice, get out.
By moving their fingers over the desks, children imitate the running of mice.

We touch our fingers
And we collect it in a chain.
With their fingertips, children alternately touch the thumb. Then, on both hands, a ring is made from the index and thumb and the rings are interlocked so that a chain is obtained.

The Christmas tree turns out quickly
If the fingers are locked.
Raise your elbows
Spread your fingers.
Fingers interlock. Then the fingers move up and down. It turns out a Christmas tree.

Compilation of ovals from the fingers.
The teacher tells the children that binoculars are different. Alternately, each finger on the hand touches the thumb with the pad - an oval is obtained. Children look through the formed binoculars.

Magic fingers

Here are my assistants,
Turn them as you like.
One, two, three, four, five.
It does not sit with them again.
Knocked, turned
And they didn't want to work.
Children separately massage each finger of the hand with which they write, while pronouncing the words.
This finger wants to sleep.
This finger jumped into bed.
This one took a nap next to him.
This finger has already fallen asleep.
And the other has been sleeping a long time ago.
Who else is making noise with us?
Further, each line corresponds to the movement that it refers to.
Hush, hush, don't make noise.
Don't wake up your fingers.
A clear morning will come
The sun will rise red.
The birds will sing
Fingers will get up.
Wake up kids!
It's time to go to school!

One, two, three, four, five.
Unclench the fingers from the fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.
Fingers went out for a walk.
Rhythmically unclench all fingers together.
One, two, three, four, five.
Alternately squeeze the wide-spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.
They hid in the house again.
We return to the starting position.

Hello finger

Saying each line, the children massage the finger of the hand with which they write, bending it into a fist.
Finger-finger, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

This finger went to the forest.
This finger found a mushroom.
I began to clean this finger.
I fried this finger myself.
This finger ate everything himself,
That's why he got fat.

Making snowflakes

Children show how they make snowballs and throw them right on target.

Your fingers all wake up,
Your lips smile.
Even your fingers are dancing.
And what is there to hide
With every finger
You can dance to dance.
Children show the movements corresponding to each line.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children show what their fingers can do.
Thread a thread - for a finger
Backbreaking work
But then two fingers
The dress will be sewn.
Three in our notebook
They write wherever they go.
Ten fields are plowed,
They build cities.

Where are the palms - here? Here.
Children show open palms.
Is there a pond on your palms? Pond.
Clap their hands. Then, for each line of the poem, each finger is massaged.
Thumb - a young goose.
Index finger - caught.
Middle finger - pinched.
This finger stoked the stove.
This finger was cooking soup.
The goose flew right into the mouth. Here.

Children depict trees with their hands up. First, the leaves "drooped" - they put their fingers down. Then "branches" - brushes, "branches" - forearms; "The trees have fallen asleep" - hands down.

Children clench their fingers tightly into a fist. Count to ten. The relaxed hand is easily lifted and dropped.
Hands on your knees
The fists are clenched
Strongly, with tension,
Fingers pressed.
The fists fell.
They unclenched their fingers.