Needed for plucking eyebrows. How to pluck eyebrows at home? Detailed step by step instructions. The most effective ways to relieve pain

It is quite difficult to create an attractive eyebrow shape, the choice must be made based on the shape of the face... It is best to seek help from a specialist.

However, if this is not possible, then you can study the basic information on this issue - it will tell you how to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home.

Eyebrows and face shape: which ones are right for you

The bend of the eyebrows is selected based on the type of face. To carry out a visual analysis of the oval of the face, it is necessary to collect all the hair and mentally draw a contour.

The bend of the eyebrows is selected based on the type of face. To carry out a visual analysis of the oval of the face, it is necessary to collect all the hair and mentally draw a contour.

Round face

Carefully! The effect of the house should not be allowed. Otherwise, the expression on the face may turn out to be surprised or sad, which will give it some unnaturalness.

A round shape of the eyebrows is also not desirable; it can round the face even more.

Oval face

Straight and arched lines are great options for this type of face.

Important to remember! The line should not be drawn too low to the eye, otherwise the look will become frowned. The brow should be of medium thickness, the bend should not be very elongated.

Square face

For this type of face, the correct shape of the eyebrows is considered to be a rainbow. The lines must be made smooth, without sharp corners.

Rectangular face

In this case, the eyebrows must be presented in a straight line, with thinning towards the end. It is necessary to monitor the length of the eyebrow, it should not be tightened.

Triangular face

For this type of person the shape of the eyebrows in the form of straight lines is not suitable... The shape in the form of an arc will look beautiful, but its bend should be medium.

Diamond-shaped face

This type of face is rare, for him lines without bending are inadmissible. The tip of the eyebrow should aim towards the temple and be light enough.

Essential tools to create perfect brows

An attractive eyebrow shape can be created both by a professional craftsman and on your own at home.

To pluck eyebrows beautifully, it is advisable to choose a quality tool. In this case, both the process and the result obtained can bring pleasure.


The most common tool for the procedure.

However, it has several varieties:

It is necessary to choose the appropriate option based on your own feelings., while taking into account the structure of the hair.

Each of the presented tweezers has a number of advantages and disadvantages, you can identify them in the process of using the tool.

Eyebrow epilator

Often used at home. However, the main disadvantage of the epilator is the duration of the procedure and unpleasant painful sensations.

An eyebrow epilator is often used at home. However, the main disadvantage of the epilator is the duration of the procedure and unpleasant painful sensations.

Eyebrow trimmer

It has numerous functions and a range of attachments. Thanks to the trimmer, hairs can be removed, reduced, trimmed, and given the desired shape.

The procedure is completely painless, suitable for owners of sensitive skin. The device clearly shows how beautiful to pluck eyebrows at home.

Eyebrow thread

For work, you will need to prepare a cotton thread. This method of destroying hairs is quite popular and has been known for a long time.

For work, you will need to prepare a cotton thread. This method of destroying hairs is quite popular and has been known for a long time.

Preparatory procedures

Plucking eyebrows is considered a simple procedure. However, in order to carry it out painlessly, you should prepare in advance.

To pluck the eyebrows, you will need the following accessories:

  • mirror;
  • tweezers;
  • tonic.

The mirror must be chosen in a large size, in addition, it must be on a leg.

To pluck eyebrows, you will need a mirror, tweezers, and tonic.

You should choose a place for the implementation of the eyebrow correction. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in daylight. If this is not possible, you must use an additional light source.

Before you start working with eyebrows, you need to wash your face and treat your eyebrows with lotion.

It is important to remember that The tweezers also need to be treated with a disinfectant. All tools for work must be sterile.

It is important to remember that the tweezers also need to be treated with a disinfectant. All tools for work must be sterile.

Step-by-step instructions for correcting eyebrows with tweezers

After the shape of the eyebrows is selected, the tool is prepared for work, you can begin the correction process.

At home, tweezers are an indispensable tool for creating an attractive eyebrow shape. Thanks to him, you can both pluck eyebrows beautifully and easily create an amazing image.

To carry out this process, you should adhere to important rules:

  1. Plucking eyebrows should be done in turn. Despite the fact that the process is long, you need to treat it with special patience.
  2. Pulling out several hairs at once can create bald spots that will be difficult to mask in the future.
  3. It is recommended to pluck only the lower part of the hairs; touching the upper ones can cause overgrowth of the eyebrows.
  4. Eyebrow hairs must be destroyed without fail.
  5. Hair should be removed at 3 points: start, end, bend point.
  6. The plucking procedure starts from the bridge of the nose. A line should be drawn in the direction from the wing of the nose to the eyebrow. All hairs remaining beyond the line should be removed.
  7. Then you need to highlight the point of completion of the eyebrow. To do this, draw a line from the wing of the nose to the eyebrow through the corner of the eye from the outside. Excess hairs must be destroyed.
  8. After that, the bending point should be determined. For this, a line is drawn from the nose to the eyebrow, through the corner of the eyeball.
  9. After the correction, the skin near the eyebrows must be treated with an antiseptic and apply a cream.

Step-by-step instructions for correcting eyebrows with wax strips

Eyebrow shaping using wax strips is most often used in beauty salons. However, having studied the basic technique of work, it is possible to learn how to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home.

Eyebrow shaping using wax strips is most often used in beauty salons.

First, you need to prepare the necessary tools:

  • depilation kit;
  • mirror;
  • barrette;
  • wax remover;
  • tweezers;
  • eyebrow comb;
  • scissors;
  • skin cleanser;
  • powder;
  • lotion for the face.
After all the materials are prepared, it is possible to start working.

So, instruction:

  1. First you need to collect your hair, remove it with a hairpin or headband.
  2. Comb your eyebrows. If their length exceeds 6 mm, you need to trim the hairs slightly.
  3. Then you need to outline the contour of the eyebrows, treat the skin and hairs with a degreasing agent.
  4. Talc should be applied to the area around the eyebrows.
  5. Wax can be applied. The procedure must be done with extreme caution, while not affecting the hairs that do not need to be removed.
  6. After the wax has been applied, the strip must be applied.
  7. The strip must be torn off with a sharp jerk, this is done against hair growth.
  8. The remaining hairs are removed with tweezers.
  9. It remains only to remove the rest of the wax. This is done with a special tool.
  10. After the procedure, a lotion is applied to the skin.

Step-by-step instructions for correcting eyebrows with a thread

It is possible to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home using a thread. This method is painless and fast enough.

It is possible to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home using a thread. This method is painless and fast enough.

The first time, eyebrow correction may not work, but over time, the thread will become an indispensable assistant in creating the perfect image.

For work, you need a thread of 60 cm in size. Connecting its ends, you need to tie a knot. Then the thread needs to be wrapped around the fingers, so you get a rectangle.

Twist the thread in the middle 8 times. Then you need to narrow the fingers of the right hand, and expand the fingers of the left. After that, on the contrary, so the twisted thread will move easily.

To work, you need a thread 60 cm in size.Connecting its ends, you need to tie a knot. Then the thread needs to be wrapped around the fingers, so you get a rectangle.

The twisted part of the thread will be near the hairs. When the hair enters the thread, pull it with a sharp movement. This should be done with all unnecessary hairs.

How to pluck eyebrows without pain

Plucking eyebrows is often unpleasant and painful.

Knowing some of the features of this process, it can be done painlessly.

There are the following methods to help achieve this effect:

Plucking eyebrows using anesthetics

How to pluck eyebrows beautifully at home and completely anesthetize the process will be prompted by special preparations containing lidocaine.

They can be purchased at a pharmacy or a cosmetic store, they act very quickly and efficiently.

Plucking eyebrows using steaming

For this should wet a towel with boiling water and apply to the eyebrows. The procedure will take no more than 5 minutes, and the pores will open well.

One of the simplest ways to get rid of pain when correcting eyebrows is to steam them first.

Eyebrow plucking using ice

With this procedure, the pores are narrowed and the sensitivity is reduced.

Plucking eyebrows using cream

Thanks to the cream, the skin becomes soft and the hairs slip out easily.

The cream is applied to the eyebrows and kept for 10 minutes for complete absorption. Then the cream must be removed with a napkin, after which you can start working.

The cream is applied to the eyebrows and allowed to stand for 10 minutes to fully absorb. Then the cream must be removed with a napkin, after which you can start working.

Rules for correcting eyebrows at home

To give eyebrows an attractive look at home it will take a few steps:

  • plucking;
  • staining;
  • underline the contour with a pencil.


You can pluck your eyebrows beautifully with tweezers. Before carrying out the procedure, hairs need to be combed and contoured... For convenience, you can use stencils.

You can pluck your eyebrows beautifully with tweezers. Before carrying out the procedure, the hairs need to be combed and contoured.

The outline can be drawn with a pencil. For this, it is necessary to designate the boundaries along which the contour will be drawn in the future.

Use tweezers to get rid of all unnecessary hairs. After completing the procedure, the skin should be treated with lotion without fail.


Dyeing your eyebrows on your own requires special attention. First, you should choose a paint and a suitable shade.

Dyeing your eyebrows on your own requires special attention. First, you should choose a paint and a suitable shade.

Then you need to prepare your eyebrows. They need to be greased with burdock oil, which is desirable to stand for 30 minutes. Then the oil should be removed with a makeup remover.

Apply a degreasing agent to your eyebrows. Then you can start the staining process. The paint can be washed off after 15 minutes.

After dyeing, the eyebrows will acquire a beautiful color. but the paint is washed off very quickly, the procedure will have to be repeated once a month.

Underline the outline

Underlining the contour with a pencil is the final touch to create an attractive look.

The color of the pencil should be the same as the color of the eyebrows.

Underlining the contour with a pencil is the final touch to create an attractive look.

Cool the pencil before use. To do this, it is recommended to place it in the freezer for a few minutes.

The first step is to draw the boundaries of the eyebrows. The lines should be as close to the hair growth as possible. After that, strokes should be applied, as if creating new hairs.

Then the eyebrows need to be combed and tinted with shadows. With a comb, it is recommended to give the eyebrows an attractive shape. It remains only to admire the eyebrows, which can be easily plucked at home.

Eyebrow care after correction

Eyebrow shaping procedures make the hairs weakened. To make them look beautiful, you need to provide subsequent eyebrow care. Various oils, such as castor and burdock, are excellent helpers in this matter.

Eyebrow shaping procedures make the hairs weakened. To make them look beautiful, you need to provide subsequent eyebrow care.

So, the benefits of oils are as follows:

  1. Castor oil strengthens the hairs, leaving the skin soft. It is enough to rub in a few drops of oil before going to bed in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Burdock oil gives the hairs shine. It must be applied in a heated state for 10 minutes.

Well-groomed eyebrows are always in fashion. The most important thing is to monitor their condition and carry out timely correction. This will create an attractive and natural look.

This video will show you how to remove unwanted eyebrow hairs with a thread.

In this video, the girl shares her tips for plucking and correcting eyebrows.

This video will introduce you to the correct technique for eyebrow plucking.

How to quickly, budget-wise and effectively change a woman's appearance for the better?

It is enough to pluck the eyebrows correctly, giving them a neat, well-groomed look and perfect shape. The look will immediately become fresh and expressive, and the image will be perfect.

Eyebrow shaping: at home or in the salon?

Agree, plucking eyebrows according to a personal pattern set by a beautician is much easier than reinventing the wheel on your own? Therefore, it is important that once a professional with education looks at you and gives adequate advice on the type of face and shape of the eyebrows.

In large cities, you can find studios called Brow Bar and specializing exclusively in eyebrow shaping. This is where the real magic happens! However, for a start, you can enroll in any beauty salon with a good reputation.

If you are a brave and reckless person, then you can use our tips on how to pluck your eyebrows correctly - and start experimenting right away!

Eyebrow shaping: choose the shape

Take a look at the surrounding faces and see how diverse the eyebrow lines are: thin and thick, graphic and natural, enthusiastically raised and angrily lowered, curved or smooth, thick and with gaps ...

When choosing the shape in which you will pluck your eyebrows at home, be guided by three whales: face type, fashion trends and proportions.

Today the trend is full, thick, natural eyebrows like Keira Knightley or Emma Watson. "Strings", like those of Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo, plucked almost completely, remained in the cinematic past.

Which eyebrow shape to choose?

Round face... An arc with a bend in the shape of a "house", a rise of 2/3 of the length and a short tail will suit you. Do not lift the top point too high, otherwise you will look at the world in amazement. But arched, rounded, even eyebrows are contraindicated - with them you will turn into a Kolobok.

L it is "square"... The graceful lines of the eyebrows with a slight, smooth bend are good - they give tenderness, softness and delicacy to a strict appearance. The tails may be slightly raised.

Oval face... Almost straight, thick eyebrows or curved, pointed at the edges can suit you.

Face - "triangle" friendly with short rounded eyebrows.

Long narrow face with a massive chin can be balanced with straight, "full" eyebrows.

Face "heart" will decorate long and smooth arcs with a rounded bend.

You can also choose an eyebrow line for your face type with the help of special stencils: they are applied to the eyebrows and outlined with a pencil along the inner edge.

Everything that is left outside is mercilessly plucked out, and the inner area is harmoniously shaded.

How to pluck eyebrows without pain

"Painless" - this is the main dream of everyone who is faced with eyebrow correction at home. Here are the most important tips on how to pluck your eyebrows beautifully without bursting into tears:

- Alternate eyebrows to give your skin a break from the unpleasant procedure.

- Use a "red herring" - a little harder than required, press on the skin with your fingers (you can pinch, pull, rub).

- Grab the hairs as close to the growth point (at the base) as possible. But be careful not to snag your skin.

- Pull sharply and only according to hair growth.

- If the procedure still brings hellish pain, first walk over the skin with ice or a local anesthetic gel (for children, for teething).

Remember: it is undesirable to pluck eyebrows during illness, in a terrible mood or during menstruation.

How to make beautiful eyebrows yourself?

To pluck your eyebrows beautifully, correctly and comfortably for yourself, try to recreate a salon procedure at home.

You will need:
1. Tweezers (many have got used to plucking eyebrows with a thread, but this takes practice).
2. Antiseptic (perfume, vodka)
3. White cosmetic pencil.
4. Mirror.
5. Cotton pads.
6. Brush.
7. Lotion.
8. Means for washing (foam).
9. Well-lit place (daylight, window area).

First of all, prepare for the procedure: treat the tools with an antiseptic, wash your hands with soap, wash your face with foam and wipe with oil-free lotion.

Outline the brows with a white outline based on the chosen shape. Use a ruler or fork to draw a straight line. Comb in the direction of hair growth.

Press the skin of the eyelid with your fingers, pulling slightly. Start plucking eyebrows one hair at a time with tweezers. Try to make sudden movements without preparing mentally before each jerk.

For eyebrow shaping, start with distant, definitely unnecessary hairs that grow all over the area above the eyes, at the temples and between the eyebrows.

In the final, come closer to the contour, carefully assessing where you need and where the extra hair. Work on two eyebrows at once, getting rid of excess vegetation gradually. This will help you achieve symmetry.

After making sure in the mirror that you were able to pluck your eyebrows correctly and evenly, wipe off the pencil with lotion. Treat your skin with an antiseptic and a soothing anti-redness oil or ice.

In the movie "Office Romance" it was not in vain that the phrase "Eyebrows are acquiring colossal significance in these times" sounded. Agree, this is the truth. The profession of an eyebrow artist has gained particular popularity in the 21st century, where newly minted masters learn sophisticated techniques. Eyebrows emphasize the eyes of their owner, make the look expressive, complete a harmonious image. Let us examine the important aspects of self-correction of eyebrows.

Required tools

For the basic procedure, the option with pointed teeth is suitable; for final adjustments, give preference to an instrument with a flat end.

When choosing tweezers, pay attention to possible gaps that are formed as a result of edge converging. If any, do not buy.

Disinfectants must be purchased without fail to avoid inflammation and irritation. Disinfection procedure: instrument, hands, pinching area.

A mirror is also needed. Moreover, it must be large so that the entire face fits. It is important to maintain symmetry when pinching your eyebrows.

The lighting should not be artificial, try to choose the time to carry out the procedure in daylight.

In addition to tools, remove all makeup from your face before correcting. Also, don't schedule makeup right after your procedure.

Choosing the right shape

Eyebrows are a purely individual part of the face, you do not need to be equal to famous actresses. Choose what is right for you, then the face will look harmonious and emphasize advantages, not disadvantages.

The following face types are distinguished:

  • Triangular (heart-shaped)
  • Round
  • Oval
  • Square
  • Elongated

Triangular face. You need to focus on smooth and soft lines, making the end and beginning of the eyebrows at the same level. Otherwise, the imbalance of the upper and lower parts of the face will accentuate more.

The ideal option is a round or rounded shape that will distract attention from a pointed chin. No need to create straight eyebrows.

Round face. A configuration with an open kink and a short tip but high rise is a great option for you. This will make the face appear longer and narrower. Chubby young ladies will suit an ascending shape, as well as a curved one. Eliminate unnaturally round, arched, and pointed eyebrows.

Oval face. Any configuration will work for you, so don't be afraid to experiment. In order to avoid mistakes, cover the eyebrows with a tonal foundation, then draw one shape or another with a cosmetic pencil, look, erase and draw the next one. Choose the most suitable one for yourself and stop at it.

By and large, such experiments are suitable for owners of all face types, but practice shows that ladies with an oval shape often resort to such experiments.

Be wary of high lift eyebrows, which give the face an angry and unnatural expression.

Square face. Choosing a uniform for you is similar in terms of criteria to chubby girls. Do not sharpen the curve and keep the tip of the eyebrow short. It is also important to move the curve towards the middle of the eye. Due to the smooth bend, angular facial features will be visually smoothed out. Don't make your eyebrows look flat and narrow.

Eyebrow configuration according to facial features

Common features. The owners of a graceful and small face are advised to make thin eyebrows, and ladies with large features should choose thick ones.

Professionals advise making the thickness based on age. Width and density are suitable for young girls, while women 30+ should choose narrow and neat lines.

Forehead size. Girls with a low forehead need to make rounded or straight eyebrows. With a wide one - curved with a break in the middle (the higher the break, the narrower the face will look). Young ladies with a high forehead should avoid flat (straight) configurations, stop at arched or curved eyebrows.

Size and fit of the eyes. Big-eyed beauties look perfect with thick and wide eyebrows. Owners of small eyes are advised to opt for medium thickness.

If your eyes are set close, add the distance between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose and this problem will disappear.

If the eyes are wide apart, close the distance, but don't overdo it.

When you have decided on the shape, you can start a full-scale operation. Each of the fair sex hairs grow in their own way. Before proceeding to the pinching procedure, it is important to determine for yourself the beginning of the bend, its place, and the end.

Actually from these three points you will build on throughout the entire process. Such a simple technique will make the form correct and suitable for you.

Start with a pencil or other long object.

Point # 1: Beginning. To determine it, place the pencil on the inner corner of the eye and the wing of the nose at the same time. The subject should have reached the start of hair growth. The place where the eyebrow and pencil intersect should be considered the beginning of the bend.

Point # 2: Bend point. Aim straight ahead, then position the pencil so that it intersects the outer edge of the pupil and wing of the nose at the same time. Move it to the eyebrow line, identify the place where they intersect, this point will be the highest.

A common mistake women make when trying to locate the bend is to run a pencil in the middle, not along the edge of the pupil. This method was relevant in the distant eighties, when people walked in colorful outfits and organized discos in the style of rock and roll and country.

Point # 3: The End. Place the pencil again on the wing of the nose and point across the outer corner of the eye. Mark the point of intersection with the eyebrow. The hairs on top can be plucked out safely.

You have three points marked on each eyebrow, and you need to build on from them. Check the points for symmetry by placing the pencil from one eyebrow to the other, they should be evenly horizontal. You have already chosen the shape in advance, now you need to draw it using a pencil of a different color.

Pluck one hair at a time where they are above and below the intended shape. When finished, wipe the pinched area with an antibacterial agent, and then apply ice.

Eyebrow shaping is considered a painful procedure. In order to reduce such sensations, smear the pinching site with a nourishing cream at the very beginning of the procedure, only then proceed to drawing. Also, the pain will be removed by cosmetic ice, which is made from a decoction of St. John's wort and mint. Follow the recommendations and you will become the happy owner of a symmetrical shape to the envy of all your friends!

Video: how to pluck eyebrows correctly

Eyebrows are an important part of a woman's face. They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Then the eyebrows are a frame that makes the look more expressive and the face open. Therefore, it costs a little more to pay attention to the shape of the eyebrows than the rest.

But not all women suit the same eyebrow shape. For example, someone wants eyebrows in the form of a thin thread, but they do not fit the shape of the face. Then you should look for other options. Of course, in beauty salons, specialists will help to give the eyebrows the desired shape, and they will tell you how to keep them in excellent condition.

But not all women have the opportunity to visit a master in a salon. Therefore, this procedure can be done independently. How to pluck eyebrows correctly will be discussed further. How to pluck eyebrows correctly, how to choose a suitable eyebrow shape, what methods are there?

Perfect eyebrow shape

Calculating your eyebrow shape yourself is not difficult, but requires patience. The ideal eyebrow line is these three points: the beginning of the arch, the place of the highest rise of the eyebrow and its end. A regular pencil and mirror will help you calculate these points. A pencil will help you determine the exact location of all three points, fix them and draw a line so that the shape is perfect.

To find the beginning of the eyebrow, the pencil is applied to the edge of the nostril and a straight line is drawn through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow. The first point - the beginning of the eyebrow - will be there, the pencil touches the eyebrow. Gently fix the point with a pencil. Hair that extends beyond this point should be removed.

The second step is to set the end point of the eyebrow line. Also, from the edge of the nostril, a pencil is applied to the outer corner of the eye. The place where the tip of the pencil meets the eyebrow is fixed. If the eyebrow continues behind the line, then it is better to pluck the hairs towards the temple. If the eyebrow ends before the marked place, then the arc should be completed with a special pencil of the desired color.

Finally, the highest point of the eyebrow is determined last. The line should go from the nose through the center of the eye. The point where the pencil touches the brow is considered a bend.

In addition to the ability to create perfect outlines of the eyebrows, you need to be able to determine their shape depending on the type.

For girls with a round face, it is important to make it visually more elongated, so the eyebrows should be given a broken shape with a pointed end. This form is also called "house".

For girls with a square face, you can use a curved eyebrow shape, but the bend point should be closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Girls with a triangular face should pay attention to the slightly rounded eyebrows. It is important not to overdo it and not make the eyebrows completely round.

For owners of an elongated face, the best solution would be straight eyebrows, which will make the lines smooth, and the face a little wider.

For girls with an oval face, pointed eyebrows will look graceful, but with a smooth soft line.

How to pluck eyebrows at home

To make the perfect arch of your eyebrow yourself, follow these tips:

  1. The procedure should be carried out during the day when there is a lot of sunlight. With artificial lighting, this procedure cannot be performed qualitatively, since excess thin hairs may remain.
  2. Before starting the procedure, you must prepare all the instruments. The tweezers should be comfortable to use, grip the hair tightly. A mirror is best used with a large and magnifying glass. To avoid skin irritation, you should choose a special lotion.
  3. It is recommended to rinse the tweezers with an alcohol-based product before starting the procedure.
  4. It is better to wash your face with cold water, moisten your eyebrows with a special lotion. Before starting, it is better to cool the skin around the eyebrows with a piece of ice so that it does not hurt.
  5. In addition, the eyebrows are combed according to hair growth in order to smooth them out and not remove excess ones.
  6. Eyebrows are plucked only from below, the upper part is left as it is.
  7. When removing excess hairs, grab them closer to the skin to pull them out by the roots. This will avoid the painful procedure and remove the hairs completely.

A way to pluck eyebrows with a thread

In addition to traditional methods of eyebrow plucking, there are also unusual methods to give the desired look to the eyebrows. One of them is a method of hair removal using a thread. This method came from India and is becoming more and more popular with women today. You can remove hair with a thread not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. This method is more effective because it allows you to remove hair from the root, plus exfoliate the skin. Of course, threading hair removal is not a painless procedure. It will depend on how sensitive your skin and how thick your hair is.

Before starting to pluck eyebrows with a thread, the skin should be treated with alcohol to disinfect.

The advantage of this method of hair removal is that several are removed at once with a regular thread. When the thread is twisted, extra hairs are captured and removed by the root.

Correctly plucked eyebrows can correct the shape of the eyes and at the same time give grace to the face. Even the most attractive appearance can be ruined by unkempt or improperly plucked eyebrows. Therefore, it is better to monitor their condition constantly.

Choice of length, width and shape

The choice of the shape of the eyebrows directly depends on the shape of the face, which are various.

And yet there are 5 main forms:

  1. Round face. For girls with this type of face, raised, pointed eyebrows with a kink near the outer edge are suitable.
  2. The face is square. They should be slightly raised and shaped like a rainbow. The head should be wide with a smooth transition to a straight line near the center of the eye. The pointed corners will complement the border of the cheekbones of the square face.
  3. Triangular face type. The best option is considered to be a rounded and slightly raised eyebrow arch.
  4. Long face. Straight eyebrows will help to visually expand the shape of the face. Their width should be medium, since thin eyebrows will not be able to emphasize the look. It is better to lift the tail up a little.
  5. Oval face decorate with a curved shape, which should be slightly raised.

Tool and eyebrow preparation

Before proceeding with the plucking procedure, you should prepare the tools and the working area. Tweezers or tweezers can be used, in either case the tool should be of good quality. Before using the tweezers, it must be disinfected, for this you can use alcohol.

The next step is to choose a mirror. It should be large so that you can see the whole face, and of course both eyebrows at the same time to give them the same shape. The mirror must be fixed so that both hands are free to work.

Before starting the procedure, the working area must be wiped with lotion or any other liquid that contains alcohol. Working areas are processed, if the skin is inflamed, then it is better not to apply alcohol to it.

For overly sensitive skin, hot compresses can be applied to enlarge the pores. For anesthesia, you can use ice cubes, which must be smeared in the plucking zone.

Step-by-step instructions for plucking

  1. Sit in front of a well-lit mirror. Comb eyebrows with a small comb or brush. The movements are performed in such a way that the hairs remain in their natural position.
  2. The pencil or pen must be applied parallel to the nose. The beginning of the brow line will begin where the pencil touches it. With a cosmetic pencil, you can draw a vertical line along the beginning of the eyebrow. The same manipulation should be done with the second half.
  3. All hairs are removed with tweezers that stand for the drawn line. The hair must be held at its very base and pulled out with a sharp movement.
  4. Next, the pencil is placed along the line of the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. In the place where the pencil crosses the eyebrow line, a point should be put - this is its end.
  5. All hairs protruding beyond the point are removed. These manipulations are carried out simultaneously with two parties.
  6. With a white pencil, you need to trace each eyebrow from above and below. The line should follow the border to be processed.
  7. All hairs that extend beyond the white line are removed. There is no need to rush here so that the shape is the same.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you must remove the lines of the white pencil. Places where hairs have been plucked can be treated with a soothing lotion.

How to minimize painful sensations?

The plucking procedure is very unpleasant, since pulling out the hairs brings pain.

In order to minimize them, the following recommendations should be applied:

  1. 20 minutes before the procedure it is necessary to make a warming compress. To do this, you can use soaked pieces of gauze in hot water or herbal decoction, for example, you can use chamomile.
  2. Also, the skin can be frozen, using ice cubes made from plain water or decoction of herbs for this.
  3. 20 minutes before plucking Apply a softening eye cream to the skin. Before the procedure, it will need to be wiped off with lotion so that the tweezers do not slip.
  4. For 10-15 minutes, the face can be held over the steam.
  5. Gel can be used, used for rubbing into the gums of children who have teething. After the effect occurs, it should also be removed from the skin with lotion.
  6. If you pull the skin on your eyebrows then the pain will be felt less.
  7. It is better to pluck hairs from both sides at once., that is, a couple of hairs on one side, then on the other. So the pain will decrease, and the uniformity will be the same.
  8. It is best not to pluck hairs during your period. as the sensitivity increases during this period.

What to do after the procedure?

After the procedure, you should not forget about the eyebrows until the next hair plucking. They must be monitored every day and adhere to the following rules:

  1. To make the hairs more manageable, and their growth has improved, you should comb your eyebrows daily with a brush. As a comb, you can use a mascara brush, which must first be washed.
  2. The correction should be carried out once a week with tweezers.
  3. Long hairs that do not fit well into the eyebrow can be trimmed.
  4. Choose the right pencil or shadow colors. It is better for blondes to use one or two tones darker than hair, for brunettes, on the contrary, lighter by half a tone or tone.

Plucking with a thread

Even in ancient times, women looked after their beauty and eyebrows were also corrected. But there were no special devices, and an ordinary thread was used for this.

This ancient method is now gaining widespread use. Although the suture is more painful, the removal rate is increased. You can pull out several hairs at once with one movement.


  1. Hair becomes thin and soft with each removal procedure.
  2. Reduces the risk of infection.
  3. Soreness, irritation and redness of the skin is minimized.
  4. Thanks to the thread, you can get rid of even the lightest hairs.
  5. The ingrowth of hairs into the skin is excluded.
  6. This method is suitable for both women and men who can correct a mustache or beard.
  7. The hair follicle is completely removed, so the time between corrections increases to a month.
  8. No need to buy expensive quality tweezers or hair removal wax.
  9. This method leads to, which is very difficult to achieve from the use of tweezers.


  1. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, it will be very painful.
  2. For those who cannot tolerate pain, such a cosmetic procedure is contraindicated.
  3. Threading is hard enough.
  4. The thread can catch a piece of skin, and this will lead to pain.
  5. If there are moles or moles on the skin in the eyebrow area, the procedure is contraindicated.
  6. During menstruation or pregnancy, the pain threshold increases, so the thread should be discarded.

From the first time, few people get the plucking of hairs with a thread. Do not be upset about this. After just a few workouts, the correction will take place much faster.

Before the procedure, preparatory work is performed:

  1. Contrast washing, which ends with hot water. Opened pores will not hold the hair follicle so tightly.
  2. Also, you can use the freezing method using ice cubes.
  3. The work area should be disinfected.
  4. After these procedures, the hairs should dry out, since in a wet state they will not adhere well to the thread.
  5. The shape can be drawn with a pencil.
  6. Brushing to the forehead against the growth of eyebrows will help to provide access to all hairs.
  7. Next, you should prepare the thread.
  8. It needs to be knitted to make a circle.
  9. The thread is pulled over both hands, so that the thumbs are free.
  10. In the middle, it twists, forming 7-10 turns. To do this, just twist your palms in the "X" similar position.
  11. After that, the thread must be slung over the thumb and forefinger of both hands.
  12. Then, alternately spreading your fingers apart, direct the twist to the hair, which will pluck the hair.
  13. The loop must be free from hairs within the defined outline.
  14. Hair is removed by growth, and not vice versa.
  15. At the end of the procedure, treat the work area with an antiseptic.

In order not to create a new shape every time, it should be maintained after a successful correction.