Volumetric numbers of paper with their own hands. How to make bulk figures for birthday how to draw a number 6 big

Recently, large and small cardboard numbers are popular, created specifically for kids: they are used for birthdays and other thematic holidays. We have collected for you the best options for volumetric numbers from paper with your own hands: Schemes and templates will help you quickly make the desired combination of numerical series and use it in a conceived idea.

What do you need numbers

Typically, the numbers are manufactured for. They are unusually look And they cause delight of all guests at home: Grandparents and grandparents are died, because the figure not only decorates the room, but also eloquently says that the crouch has become older. Figures serve excellent background For thematic photos: the baby can pose along with numerous relatives or independently.

Numeric figures do in any event agencyHowever, parents will significantly save, makes such crafts with their own hands. Their manufacturing is extremely easy and does not take much time: a good fantasy and creative skills will help create numbers from paper that will look no worse than purchased. About how to do it and what is needed for this tell me in the article.

Materials for manufacture

If the house is quite a small baby, and you have not yet dressed with stationery, we advise you to immediately go to the store for needlewomen. Create a note In the phone, not to forget the tools that need to be purchased for future crafts:

  • Cardboard
    The size depends on the size of the digit you are going to make it easily. For a large number of tsifers, planned to be used as props for a photo shoot, it is better to prefer fat cardboard A4. If the plans are huge crafts, you will have to show ingenuity and find large boxes from large household appliances. The easiest way to do this, asking in the store: usually sellers are happy to give unnecessary packages from the goods.
  • Scissors
    Take comfortable scissors: when cutting cardboard, they should not rub the places of contact with the skin.

  • If there is no clear idea in your head, it should look like your digit, take the colors that most like in the store. Otherwise, select the material according to the idea.
  • Twine
    Purchase a pair of bemp motors if the planned event will be held in the style of Rustic.
  • Construction stapler
    The stapler is needed when working with a dense cardboard. Without it, the creation of bulk figures will become almost impossible.
  • Adhesive Pistol
    Need for fastening parts
  • Rulers, pencils, erasers
    Materials are needed for designing and markup numbers on cardboard sheets.
  • Additional materials
    Purchase additional materials if necessary. These include: textiles, beads (beads), napkins and colored paper, threads for knitting, tinsel.

Making a frame of bulk digits

In bulk figures there is a big advantage: a child can play with them and rearrange in any place in the apartment. In this case, a qualitatively made figure will last not one year.

Follow the instructionsIf you want to make the volumetric number:

  1. Decide. Depending on this, select Material: Normal A4 Cardboard or Big Box From Refrigerator.
  2. On the selected piece of cardboard draw Digit from hand or with template. Templates are given below.
  3. Cut the digit. Use for this scissors or stationery knife. If you can't cut one figure, then the craft is flat: it can be hung on the wall or make festive skewers with a child's age.
  4. For bulk figures, prepare two identical numbers. In addition, cut the strips from cardboard, which will serve as a layer between templates. Width of stripes define Depending on the size of the digit.
  5. Build two templates and internal strips with a construction stapler, paper tape or adhesive gun.
  6. Decorate The resulting framework, depending on the idea and materials available at your disposal.

Variants of volumetric figures from girlfriend

We made extensive selection Volumetric figures created by the craftsmen especially for their kids. Some options are given with a description, so you have there will be no difficulty With the performance of particularly complex figures.

Gorgeous figures from colored paper are made very easyHowever, for their creation often leaves for several days of painstaking work. If you want to make a neat craft, take the creation of decorative elements into your hands. Child can render Minimal help: Serve sheets, select colors or glue decor elements to the specified location. detailed instructions For decorating letters paper colors are indicated in the photoerok.

Figures from buttons

Such a figure will be released in a round sum, if you are not a craftswoman having a button of buttons. Print buttons On cardboard or paper, drunk in the middle of a little superclone. If a thin cardboard is used and the figure does not exceed the size of the A4 sheet, the buttons can be sewed with contrasting threads. This will give the craft special charm.

The figure with the images of the baby or the family is performed in the bulk and flat version. To secure photos on a paper basis need glue PVA or small scotch trimming.

Fluffy talker

Looking for such creations it is difficult to restrain the smile: they are soft, fluffy, They want to touch them. Imagine how nice baby is pressed against the bulk figure?

Make her lighter: Pick up the threads for knitting the desired colors. Further S. gold instructions:

  1. Get out the threads on the subject need size. It can be a conventional mug or porridge.
  2. Carefully remove the winding, fold it in half. Tie the core.
  3. Cut the threads around the edges, flip. Soft Pompon is ready.

Nutritional care

Another version of crafts using threads for knitting. Simply wrap a frame as it shown on the picture. You can arrange the composition One color or mix a few contrasts. For a rustic party, use the twine.

Corrugated paper numbers

In this performance fantasy There is where to raise. Many colors and technician decorations will help create a figure for your taste and under your needs. Here are the simplest ruffles, flowers, and the usual salary: look carefully in the photo And draw ideas from the finished works of young mammies.

From napkins

Do not think that the numbers made from the girlfriend will look ugly, because master's business is afraid. Explore photos below: All volumetric figures are made by conventional women. In the process of work, they used only patterns of numbers and napkins, found at home. Try and you: The result will be expecting!

The easiest option that requires minimum forces and costs. Purchase wrapping paper Suitable in style for the event, and wrap the frame of the numbers. Despite the simplicityThe result is very cute. Examples in the photo.

Purchased elements

If there is no time to cut flowers and think out the items, purchase In the shop ready decor elements. It can be flowers, beads or wrapping paper for colors.

the cloth

Such an option is suitable for amateurs of needlework. With the help of modern fabrics can be created amazing drawings and compositions on numbers from ordinary cardboard and paper.

Make crafts with your own hands easy. It takes only a little time, patience and a couple of fresh thoughts. You can learn them from the Internet, including from the article "Complete figures from paper with their own hands: schemes and patterns."

The process of creating a surround figure for a festive photo session can be divided into two stages: the manufacture of the base and decor of the finished design.

Step 1 - Fundamental Production

To create a surround figure for a birthday, you must first make the basis of cardboard, and then decorate it with corrugated paper, paper napkins, pompoms or woolen threads. If you plan to make a digit of large sizes, then you need to be in advance in boxes from under large household appliances (refrigerator, gas stove, TV, etc.). The box must be divided into sheets and decompose them on the floor. On a cardboard sheet, you need to draw the silhouette of the necessary number and cut it along the contour. The size of the digit depends on your desire and sizes of the cardboard sheet.

The carved pattern apply to another sheet of cardboard and outline it along the contour, then also cut out. As a result, we will get two identical numbers to each other. In addition to these two blanks, we will need cardboard strips (the width of the bandwidth will determine the thickness of the product), from which the side walls are made of the numbers. After all the blanks from the cardboard are made, you can start assembling the bulk digit, gluing parts by painting tape.

Also, the basis for the bulk digit can be made of foam. You can purchase foam sheets in any construction store. If you want to make the digit thoroughly, the two panels from the foam can be glued together with glue for ceiling tiles. True, this material is quite capricious in operation: when cutting, the foam crumbs, and the granules stick to the tools and hand.

Step 2 - Decoration Numbers

Digit decoration with paper flowers

From papyrus or corrugated paper, you can make beautiful and lush flowers. For this, a stack of 6 sheets of paper is folded with fine harmonic and cut into three equal parts. Each harmonic tower in the middle in the middle, rounded the ends and turn the paper so that it is petals. When a sufficient number of colors are made, we glue them to a digit of cardboard or foam.

No less lush and festive numbers look, decorated with paper napkins with flowers. To create such a decor, it will take 100-150 packages of monochrome napkins depending on the number of numbers. Each napkin fold in half twice and fix the design in the stapler in the middle. From the resulting square cut the circle. Then all the layers of the circle alternately raise up, slightly stuck with his fingers. The bottom layer of the mug should be left straightened, since with its help the flower will be attached to the basis of cardboard.

Figures decorated with robes from corrugated paper look gentle and air. Creating such a decor is a rather laborious process, but the result is worth it. For this, corrugated paper cut into long strips. From the width of the strip will depend on the size of the future flower. The paper ribbon is slightly fermented, after which we start twist, slightly flexing the edges to get petals. Ribbon residue twist at the base of the resulting flower. In the same way, we make the right number of roses, after which we glue their cardboard with hot glue.

Decoration of the Figure Paper in Traveling Technique

The numbers decorated in the technique of a carriage look lush and elegant. To make such a decor, corrugated paper must be cut into squares of the same value. In the middle of the square insert a pencil and turn the paper around it. After that, do the tip of the pencil in the PVA Clee and attach the paper to the blank from the cardboard. Fill in this way the entire surface of the volumetric digit and gently spread the decoration with their hands. No less effectively looks like a decor made of fate name or organza. The material is also cut into squares and is attached to the base with hot glue.

If a billet from foam is used as a basis, the glue is not used at all. In this case, we wind up the toothpick, which easily pierces the foam and leaves the ending. In the technique of transporting, it is very convenient to create different patterns inside the figure, for this, it is enough to outline the drawing based on and use different colors of paper by its contour.

Figure jewelry fringe

Corrugated paper fringe is perhaps the easiest and fast way to decorate the bulk digit. Paper cut into long and wide stripes. Each strip is folded into a rectangle and cut it with a fringe, then we can weaken and glue to the base for double-sided tape.

Figure decoration pomponami

First you need to make a lot of pumps from woolen threads. For their manufacture, you will need two identical rings cut from dense cardboard. Rings put on each other and wind their woolen threads until the ring opening closes. Then cut the thread with scissors around the edge, slightly push the rings and tie the threads. Remove the blanks from the cardboard and shake the pompon. By the same principle we make the required number of pompons. Finished decor glit to a cardboard digit on hot glue.

Digit decoration

For work it will be necessary for a large yarn motility and PVA glue. On the sides, the numbers from the cardboard are applied a small amount of glue and begin to firmly wrap the workpiece with woolen threads. First we wind yarn across, and then along.

Volumetric numbers are suitable for both small and adult birthday. The size of the digit depends only on your desire and design idea. Large sizes are used for photo shoot, and small numbers are for the design of the dining area and the candy bar. To decorate a children's holiday, it is better to make a digit size with a child or slightly above it.

The decor of the bulk digit can be monophonic or multi-colored. So that the figure looks more voluminous, the front part should be decorated in bright colors, and the sides are in dark. For the birthday of the girl, the figure can be made by flowers from paper pink, red, orange, lilac and purple color. When creating a figure for a boy's birthday, it is better to use blue, blue, white and green color, and instead of flowers from paper it is better to apply a decor in the form of fringe or pumps.

Video on the topic

Making time: 1 week 4-5 hours per night.

Materials: Tight cardboard (large), good large scissors, double-sided adhesive tape, PVA glue (or super-glue), simple pencil, circus, vehicle, long line - 50 cm, thin colored office paper, decorative ornaments as desired.

1. Draw a beautiful digit 2 . For a start, the cardboard box lay out, measure and blacks on it the necessary boundaries of the numbers (width: height). Next, we take the circuit and in the upper part of the workpiece we draw 2 circles in this way - first small, then set the distance between them (it will be the thickness of the number) and draw a greater circle. Next, the direct line from the center of a small circle, which divides the angle 90 in half. Next, everything is clear in the picture.

I needed a figure with the vensels and therefore I had to draw an outline on the basis of the figures drawn by the circulation and the lineups of the numbers. It turned out like that

Here are visible gaps on the bends of the box, after cutting them, they need to make the remnants of the cardboard.

2. Cutting out . Cut need small chairs, gradually flexing the number up.

3. Pluging the workpiece with paper and adhesive tape . Before moving to the decoration of the front of the front, it is necessary to puncture the paper of the desired color rear part.

The front side fully needs to be placed by double-sided adhesive tape. As you move, it will be necessary to turn off the nelipe paper (mustard colors, I do not know how to explain;)).

in the previous photo, it can be seen as first I experimented with paper for colors - tried corrugation, papyrius, but in the end I stopped at the office. She walked best.

4. Decoration of flowers .

Color billets are best done in the course of action, and not in advance, the TC their dimensions are different, and in some places very small flowers are needed.

So, make a flower: we take a leaf of office paper and cut out an arbitrary circle.

Then we twist this helix from the outer edge to the base (in the photo marked it with a cross), we lubricate the base with glue, press the rolled part and glue to the digit (on the tape).

The size of the flower depends on how to lift the spiral and from the width of the spiral. More tight - a small flower, wider and relaxed - big. Thus, decorate the entire digit.

Our finished option