Communication with a male calf. How to behave with a calf man

In our society, it is accepted that the conqueror is the man. But a woman has to invent all the time how and with what to keep this man near her. Today we will talk about male Taurus.

We are conquering

Before you figure it out, you should understand how to attract a representative of this zodiac sign to yourself. Here it is worth remembering that Taurus love women who are bright, extravagant, but not vulgar. This is where you need to be able to maintain the desired style. However, only the appearance of such men cannot be conquered. We also need spiritual beauty. Mind, prudence, the presence of certain talents - this is what the Taurus man will appreciate. But do not think that from the first days you conquered this representative of the zodiac sign. He will weigh the decision for a long time and carefully, it will take him a lot of time.

We hold

Having won such a guy, a woman should also know. First of all, it is worth remembering that these are very stubborn people, who will be quite difficult to convince. Taurus can also endure his beloved for a very long time, but if you bring him to a white heat, there is no doubt that Taurus will quietly leave and will never return. So how to make sure that the Taurus man does not disappear from the radar? What is worth remembering: although Taurus love bright women, at home they want to see a gentle, soft, classic submissive wife. She must be able to cook well, tk. Taurus loves to eat deliciously, she must maintain order at home and raise children. Taurus will not evade work and household duties, they help their soul mate to the maximum, however, a woman must remember that although the Taurus husband will consider herself the head of the family, she will have to lead everything. As for the financial side of the issue, Taurus men do not like extravagance,5 and a shopaholic wife will not suit them. Their woman should accumulate and increase wealth, modestly spending family funds only on the most necessary things. A few more tips on how to behave with a Taurus man. When he works, there is no need to prevent Taurus from thinking. The process of the flow of his affairs will be slower, but fully thought out, and the result of the work will always please with the accuracy and accuracy of all tasks. As for the friends of the Taurus man, he appreciates them very much, and he will never consider the time spent with his comrades to be wasted. A woman should not be forbidden to see her beloved with friends, this will only make it worse, because in this Taurus will never submit.

We return

It is also worth knowing how to behave with a Taurus man if there is a quarrel or he intends to leave. As already mentioned, it will be quite difficult to convince Taurus to change his mind, but it's worth a try. So, after a quarrel with Taurus, the lady should find out exactly what she was wrong about, although this may be a far-fetched reason. If Taurus himself does not go to reconciliation, then he is sure that he is right. If a person is dear, it is worth giving in to him in this. If so, how to behave in such a situation? You can try to play on appearance, remembering that Taurus love with their eyes. Having dressed and done makeup the way a man of such a zodiac sign likes it, consider half the battle already perfect. And of course, deeds, deeds and more deeds. You can't break a man like that with words. He must see what the woman is talking to him about. And no matter what year the male Taurus is born (2013, 2000 or even 1960), he will always remain true to his principles.

If you met a pragmatic and serious Taurus man and realized that you would like to see him as your husband, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this economic "Earth" sign. The Taurus man has a special charm and ability to attract women. With his courtesy and delicacy, he is able to fall in love with any woman. But remember, this man does not tolerate vulgarity, rudeness and slovenliness in women. He is not interested in the winners of beauty contests and unnatural beauties. He appreciates in women virtue, good manners, good manners, decency, accuracy and femininity.

An elegant and sensual woman can capture his attention. Short skirts, deep cleavage, translucent blouses and bright make-up cause him only disgust and a sympathetic smile. He is a supporter of everything natural and natural. The beauty of a woman should be innate, her health should be strong. After all, a man is essentially a male who is looking for a healthy female for procreation. So Taurus is looking for a suitable candidate not for an open relationship, but to create a reliable family union. This woman should honor her husband and consider him the head of the family.

What else you need to know in order to build a strong relationship with Taurus is that he does not like female tricks. If he does not show initiative and is in no hurry to take your relationship to a higher level, then he is just thinking. In making serious decisions, he is guided by the expression "measure seven times and cut once." Therefore, you should not rush him, if you are the woman he needs, he will never let you go. You just need to be patient and wait a bit. And if you try to push him to action with the help of jealousy and all sorts of provocations, then you will never see this person again. You will never be able to lure him into your networks with the help of deceptions and intrigues. Taurus is very stubborn, he will never do what he considers wrong.

If you are in a quarrel with a Taurus or cannot understand his reaction to your actions, it would be nice to first decide: how to behave with a Taurus man? It is also worthwhile to study in advance the characteristics of the zodiac sign of your man.

How to properly behave with a Taurus man

On the love front, Taurus often behaves modestly and restrainedly, especially at the very beginning of a relationship. He looks for the perfect match, waits for the best moment and is in no hurry to go anywhere, but smart women do not wait for the initiative from him and grab their happiness in their own hands. Having met a good girl, such a man will not lose his head, common sense will always be with him. Unfortunately, for a Taurus man, love is often a game, he often starts relationships with several women at the same time, but this does not last long and with age he becomes more serious and selective.

Often the reason for breaking off relations is the topic of marriage - he cannot come to such a decision for a long time. However, a woman who can instill in him a desire to marry will be worthy of a reward. It only remains to congratulate, and sometimes even envy.

If Taurus is finally independently ripe for marriage and family, then he chooses his wife carefully and for a very long time. The chosen one of such a man should, first of all, please his mother, be the ideal guardian of the family hearth and meet his personal ideal of the future mother of his family. Namely, to be devoted, homely, faithful, loving, calm and patient. In addition, Taurus is very fond of when a woman knows how to feed hearty and tasty.

How to behave with a Taurus man so that he is pleased with you

If you really want to hook a Taurus man you like, you should impress his mother or sister. This is what will be the right answer to the question of how to behave with a Taurus man. After all, they love it when a woman takes the initiative into her own hands and does it the way he likes.

It is also a great way to leave a good impression of yourself - to show attention and interest in his family, send a gift to his parents on their anniversary, one way or another to show how important family and children are for the most important. This can be done as follows: taking on a date a younger brother or nephew, to whom constant attention and care will be shown. This is how you should behave with a Taurus man.

If your soulmate was born between April 21 and May 20, then you have a typical Taurus in front of you. Individuals of this sign are distinguished by practicality and the desire for home comfort. Moreover, the young lady will create comfort herself, but the man in everyday life is quite lazy, and will demand household exploits from you, while lying on the couch himself. Another characteristic sign of Taurus is boundless sensuality. He will try to wake her up in you too, but not immediately, but only when he gains complete confidence in your feelings. When it will be? Hard to tell! It is strongly not recommended to rush it and even more so to find out something.

How to communicate with a Taurus - a man?

Guys - Taurus are insanely jealous. You should not try to intrigue him with stories about previous novels - this can only push him away. It is better to demonstrate an economic streak, show that you are ready to listen to his plans indefinitely, while supporting him in all endeavors, and, most importantly!, Prove that you are frugal. This is wrong? You have to change your habits. Or make money on them yourself.

Think in advance how to communicate with Taurus - a man in bed. Your task is to make him believe that before meeting him, so wonderful, you have not experienced anything like this. Be gentle, feminine and romantic - for games in the style of BDSM, it is better to look for Scorpio, in this regard, the melancholic Taurus is not an option. But he will prove to you that you are interesting to him as a person: the potency of this guy directly depends on the feelings that his partner awakens in him.

How to communicate with a woman - Taurus?

Young ladies - Calves know how to present themselves, they always look spectacular and know what they want from this life in general and from you - in particular. It is better for economical men to pass by: only a Lioness can outdo a Taurus girl in pursuit of luxury. She loves beauty, is very sensitive to smells - if you are not sure if she will like your cologne, it is better to limit yourself to a quality deodorant. A stormy onslaught can only push such a lady away, so before you communicate with a woman - Taurus, keep in mind: she, like no one else, knows a lot about exquisite flirting and dialogues with delightful half-hints. A romantic knight, caring and generous - this is the type of an ideal man who will make her forget her usual prudence. In return, she will give you divinely sensual caresses and an amazing cherry pie.

Both representatives of this sign are extremely stubborn, so in dealing with them it is better not to bring matters to an open confrontation - they will argue purely on principle. But they are able to appreciate calm and logical arguments. Arm yourself with them!


Taurus can not stand to be on the sidelines. Keep this in mind when you start making long-term plans to conquer it. Once you have a Taurus, be prepared to play the role of second fiddle yourself. According to Taurus, either he looks like a real male, or it's a rag. Let the Taurus know that you need help. He must feel that next to him is a fragile woman who needs, if not protection, then constant guardianship. Taurus is ready to take off his last shirt for relatives or friends, and a beautiful woman will become even more interesting for him if he “invests” his participation in her. Just don't overdo it: you don't have to look like a completely helpless doll. Gently hint that you could use a little help in some area of ​​your life. This may be writing a report, preparing for a difficult exam (as a humanist, higher mathematics is bad for you, and vice versa). Gifted versatile, Taurus will be happy to once again demonstrate their erudition. Then the Taurus man himself will not be able to figure out whether it is pleasant for him to be near you because he appeared in a favorable light, or whether it is your personal vibes.

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. This is the planet that is responsible for the sensitive perception of beauty and beautiful things. Therefore, the Taurus man reacts with increased interest to typically feminine qualities. Softness, sophistication, underlined forms - all this excites his imagination. Do not experiment with makeup, hairstyles and manicures. For Taurus, proven means of seduction are enough. He has long well-groomed hair, best of all -. Makeup should focus on your most attractive features: eyelashes, lips, a gentle blush on your cheeks. The absence of colors will not be a plus in the eyes of Taurus. Avoid monotony, solid pastel colors. You should not go to extremes either - do not overdo it with bright lipstick, too deep necklines, too short skirts. This can be regarded by Taurus as pretentiousness, vulgarity. Cheap effects are not for him. Please also note that Taurus will prefer an inexpensive, but high-quality and stylish “no-name” thing to fakes of famous designer brands. The same applies to gifts, if you want to please him with a sign of attention.

The Taurus man appreciates not only physical attraction, but also spiritual closeness between partners. In communication with him, do not limit yourself to flirting and flirtatious tone. Have intimate conversations with Taurus - his views on life, relationships, leisure, films, music will do. It is important for Taurus that his companion not only look brilliant, but also be an interesting companion. Even better, if you become his main listener - understanding, sensitive, in a word, irreplaceable. Conservative by nature, Taurus needs a like-minded person. It is important for him that the closest person supports him in everything, converges with him in his views. Even if you disagree with a lot, don't get into a confrontation with Taurus. This is one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. He will remain with his opinion even when the whole world tells him that Taurus is wrong. But if it settles in Taurus's memory that you supported him at the moment when everyone turned away from him, this will make him invariably devoted to you.

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Taurus men are often very hard-working, responsible and honest. They are easy to communicate and are looking for a girl who also does not feel superior to others in some way. They prefer quiet domestic cats to liberated panthers.

Taurus Man

Taurus man, character traits

To understand how to please a Taurus man, you need to know his psychology. And she's pretty simple. Representatives of this sign value home comfort and honesty of a partner most of all. They need the girl to completely trust them, to be determined to build a happy and calm family life, not to seek adventure and not try to remake her man. For such an ideal woman, Taurus is ready for anything. They will bring home a salary, stop meeting with friends after work, and take care of home improvement. Taurus men are the most "homely" of the entire zodiac circle, they do not need to be forced to be near the chosen one, they themselves crave just that.

Taurus men are ready for a lot for the sake of the family. But even for the closest they will not be able to lie and dodge. Sometimes this interferes with their career, where high positions are occupied not only by hardworking, but also quite dexterous.

Taurus men are incredibly hardworking, which sometimes harms them. They load themselves with work in the office, repair everything on their own at home, and even acquire a summer cottage, which they dig up and sow with their own hands. Moreover, due to natural modesty, they do not ask for help from the chosen one or spouse. If you offer them your services, they will not refuse, but they will not force you to do something. Therefore, very often Taurus are forgotten in the distribution of leadership positions. They perform their duties too well, without refusing overtime, for the authorities to agree to lose such an honest worker.

How to Win a Taurus Man

To interest the representative of this earth sign, you need to become the embodiment of a woman-mother. That is, with all their appearance to show that the most important thing is the family, husband, children, home. And fashionable clothes, modern gadgets, a career are unnecessary and transient. Only Taurus will pay attention to such a girl, who is looking for warmth and affection in the opposite field.

You need to charm Taurus with your skills - baking pies, playing the piano, handling children. They appreciate these qualities of real women. In addition, you need to be kind and gentle, a little compliant, but at the same time strict. The Taurus man considers the chosen one as the mother of his future children, and she should not be too soft-bodied, otherwise the offspring will simply sit on the neck. And this Taurus can not allow in any way. After all, a strong life is in the first place for them, nothing should spoil the atmosphere of a real home. In this sense, Taurus men adhere to the principles of home building, although not in their extreme manifestations.

Taurus love women dressed in modest clothes. They remind them of a mother, a teacher, a strict teacher. This is the kind of woman they want to be their wife and mother of numerous offspring.

Marry a Taurus

The Taurus man is not interested in extreme dates on the roof, going to restaurants or entertainment centers. Representatives of this sign are hard workers, and the best rest for them is a change in the type of activity. They will be happy to invite the chosen one to the forest for mushrooms or to the dacha, to remove last year's foliage. And therefore, whether the partner agrees to such an original date or not, they will judge her readiness to create a strong couple and family. Taurus can not stand loafers who are only interested in spectacle. For a permanent relationship, they are looking only for those who are not lazy and hardworking.

How to keep a Taurus man

If a Taurus man has met the right girl, he will not delay getting married. He will do anything to conquer her. Most often, Taurus is not very dexterous in conversation, but in business they have no equal. They will in every possible way begin to show their beloved what is behind them - like behind a stone wall. They will assure her that they can provide for a family, build a house, plant a tree, and so on. And in fact, they will achieve everything for the chosen one. Indeed, in addition to diligence, Taurus is also very stubborn. They go to the goal even when everyone around has abandoned futile attempts. They prefer not to take risks, but to achieve everything with constant work. This is what attracts women in Taurus men, who put the creation of a family in the first place. With such a husband, you can be sure of a stable future.

The frivolity and excessive windiness of the chosen one can scare away the Taurus man. They do not tolerate the usual female indecision, it is difficult for them with those who do not have a clear goal, cannot understand what is really needed. Some especially pronounced Taurus do not even like coquetry. They see in him a tendency to deceit, and they do not accept it in the chosen ones. Therefore, in order not to lose the trust of the representative of this sign, you need to be extremely sincere and honest in emotions and words. In response to a kind attitude, the modest and a little shy Taurus will open up and become a real brave and sincere man, the support of the whole family.