The original toast is newlyweds. Wedding toast to newlyweds. Short wedding toasts in verse

Everyone knows that no wedding celebration takes place without a funny, noisy and long-term feast. Each guest is supposed to raise a glass for the health of the young, and pronounce congratulation. But words invented on the go are not always successful. But so I want a wedding toast to be funny, ridiculous and remembered to newlyweds. advises to prepare his congratulatory speech in advance. This will help our selection of cool wedding toasts.

Toasts for the wedding about sages and wisdom

It is said that only a sage is able to recognize the mistake, to ask for forgiveness only strong, but forgive - only loving. Let you always grab love, strength and wisdom.

Professor of Philosophy asks students at lectures:
- Who is always inferior, realizing her wrong?
- Sage. - Students answer.
- And who is inferior even knowing that exactly right?
His answer:
- married.
And this is a long-known wisdom, which you should not forget our dear bridegroom!

The wise men say, the more expensive and more often the husband buys his wife's present, the more valuable it becomes for him. We want to wish that the bride becomes a real jewel for the groom.

Cool and at the same time instructive toasts are popular at the wedding. This is a great way to originally congratulate the newlyweds.

Wedding toasts for the bride

Let's drink for the bride. Let for her young husband she will be like an alarm clock correctly, and will not allow to fall asleep.

Somehow my wife had to go on a business trip. In the house she left a lot of different notes for her husband: on the Sugar "I love you," on the computer "Pay for the Internet", in the closet "where are you in a white shirt without me going going to go?" So my toast for wise wives who are all able to predict.

We raise the glass for the bride and arithmetic. After all, in a married life, it will be necessary to master arithmetic actions: to share a married bed and multiply the genus, add beauty and take away age.

The proverb states that the wife is the main wealth of a man. Next to good wife, happiness is multiplied, and the grief is halucing. I want to have a drink for the bride to make this proverb to realize this proverb.

Cool wedding toasts for the bride will be perfectly suitable not only for her girlfriends, but also for friends of the groom. Raising a glass of newlyweds, you can praise not only her own, but also the great taste of her spouse.

Toasts for the wedding for the groom

One guy asked each other:
- Do you swear with your wife?
- Not. - answered a friend. - When the wife begins to shout at me, I immediately say "pick up", and silent.
Let us drink for the dedication of my husbands that you can not only keep yourself in your hands, but also in the hands of your favorite wives.

One gangster had a dream to make a grand robbery of the bank and leave the prints of their mother-in-law there! Such thoughts about the future may appear only in poor son-in-law. I suggest a drink for the groom, which will be a good son-in-law for wonderful mother-in-law.

They say that persistent husband always seeks what the wife wants. I raise the glass for ensuring that the aspirations of our expensive groom always coincide with the desires of the bride, and there was an opportunity to realize them.

Original short wishes to newlyweds

Dear bride and groom, never forget - one drop of understanding is able to replace the liter of Valerians.

Let everything in your family life will be in their places: the keys to Mercedes in the pocket of her husband, a mink coat on his wife's shoulders, and dirty socks in the laundry basket.

Let your marriage life be like a good champagne, bright, playful to always wanted also and never sick head.

We wish you an amazing and magnificent love that is able to forgive male stupidity, understand women's logic and cope with children's cereals.

I propose to raise glasses for the severity and ease. Let you always have pockets heavy from money, and the soul will be easily and joyful from love.

Let your life look like a fairy tale in which you will be king and queen. And for no evil spells, let them become an obstacle on your way.

Short and funny toasts will help cool to congratulate newlyweds at the wedding, to show humor and wit, while not tightening their speech. After all, in congratulations, the main content, and not the number of words said.

Funny wedding toasts

You all know that our country is fighting for four more serious problems from year to year. These problems are winter, spring, summer and autumn. I want to wish our newlyweds so that there are no other problems in their long and happy family life, except for changing the seasons.

Let's drink for the evidence! After all, this wonderful couple is a real evidence of the existence of bright and pure love. Guys, always stay the same in love and faithful to each other.

I believe that the chance is completely non-random. And our newlyweds met because fate pushed them to each other. Let's drink for young! Let fate be further favorably.

It is said that the kisses made up a man, because he could not find another occasion to close her mouth to a woman. And we wish newlyweds to kiss as often as possible and completely without reason! Bitterly!

Funny wedding toasts in verse

We wish to burn from love,
Resting on the island of Bali,
Booring welded and red
And passionate relations.

I give a carrot, so as the problems cope with the problems.
Take a bow as a gift, so that there is no tears and separation.
I will give you a mug, so that my friend respected and loved.
Soap so that in the house is always cozy and clean.
Paves and pants, for your sins, handkerchiefs and socks - for beautiful daughter.
I give chocolate, so that you always have been sweet
And red pepper for passion.
A jar of jam so that in the family reigned respect.
Take the cabbage so that the pockets are not empty.

Do not hide, husband, under the heel,
Wife admire like a flower.
And you, my wife, coming home,
Do not marry him.
Live together together
Another one hundred and two hundred.

Cheerful wedding toasts can be not only in prose, but also in short verses. Such a poem can be recorded on a postcard, but it is better to learn by heart.

On the wedding portal, the site you can find a lot of cool and funny toasts to the wedding, which will help you to originally congratulate expensive people with your marriage day.

On the wedding day, you want to constantly suck wishes. But even the most beautiful and warm words in large quantities are able to turn the most wonderful wedding in a banal reading of kilometer congratulations. Want to say speech from the soul and briefly? Wedding offers you short toast congratulations on the wedding. You will make sure that some successfully said words are able to remember more than the learned and beautifully told wedding poem.

Cool short wedding toasts

Humor occupies a leading position in the pronouncement of toast. Funny toasts are always original. Agree, congratulations about happiness and health have already heard hundreds of times. We make focus on fun and offer you the following options for short toasts in verses and prose:

Congratulations, dear, wish different:
Very quiet mother-in-law, mother-in-law - just cool,
The test of the good one that you sponsored money,
And the mother-in-law so that invested in you too.

To the mother-in-law
So that the husband did not beat, did not drink.
And the wife to love
Let the world come to the family!

Let the honeymoon be on Bali,
Guests give money, just not rubles!
Wedding to dance long, before dawn,
We wish the Sun, Peace and Love!

So that the family quarrels are infrequent
And passionate after walked reconciliation,
So that vanechki redheads, dashy's eyes
You sat on each knee.

An exemplary spouse does not make a remark to her beloved for the saved egg, and the exemplary spouse would pretend every time that he does not see how his wife scores a nail. Let's drink for an approximate marriage and complete mutual understanding of our newlyweds!

It is saying that in the perfect family, the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where they go. Let you have a truly perfect family.

What is the difference in fairy tales from was? The fairy tale is when he married the snake, and she became a princess. And being - if on the contrary. Let the life of our newlyweds look like a fairy tale!

Eve was too jealous. And let them be in paradise only two, when Adam came home too late, she, for any fire, recalculated his ribs. We wish our bride not to be such a jealous, and her spouse - not to give a reason to consider the ribs!

When a man is persistent, he will certainly achieve what a woman wants. Let's drink for the purpose of the man and the women's whims and whims.

Toasts for the wedding in your own words: short and clear

Wedding wish for young people can be pronounced in your own words from the soul, without learning the long text. For this, it is worth only to inspire a little and the necessary words will come themselves. We are pleased to present you a wedding selection of short toasts in your own words.

They say that in a good marriage, the husband is head, and the wife is a heart. Let's raise glasses for ensuring that our newlyweds do not know either head or heart pains!

Friends! We suggest filling the glass for a kiss! After all, it was he who came up with a man as a way to close a woman's mouth.

We wish all the difficulties to be on shoulder, so that only pleasant troubles fell on your shoulders, so that your shoulders wore literate heads and that you were always shoulder to shoulder!

Honeymoon is the happiest period of spouses: it's time for carelessness, passion, hill feelings, ease, gentle trembling in love. We wish the young to make their honeymoon to life.

We wish that today's start of family life brings you only to victories, a bright future and to conquer gold medals of joy!

From the whole soul, we welcome you in a legitimate marriage. The most important thing in life is a big human friendship and faithful love. So that your love was the same long as your life!

We wish that all the step of living life be progressive, only up and uphill! We wish you rapid growth and progress in all aspects!

Many men fantasize about the harem to surround it every day many women bringing a variety of family life. Let our groom never arise to have a harem, because his wife can replace him with a thousand women!

The secret of a successful marriage lies in some folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but as long as possible! We drink for the leisure of newlyweds!

We wish you that daily little things and trifles in no way drank the necessary in your life - loyalty and love!

If the husband is a ship, respectively, the wife - steering wheel. We wish your homemade ship without sank in the ocean of everyday problems, drink from any whirlpool and get to the quiet harbor.

Wedding toasts: Short in verse

Surely, among us there are those guests who always wish all the benefits of young verses. Pay attention to our interesting examples of short toasts to the wedding in verse.

Like a bowl of the best wine,
Let life always be full!
Do not spill this bowl,
Feat all her, to the bottom!

What advice to give you, instruction?
At the wedding, everyone is known for a long time ...
You just love. And with strong wave
Years so in a thirty kiss in the movies!

Under the sounds of Mendelssoh
Newlyweds to congratulate them on the holiday!
Let all obstacles like smoke,
Always love in life will rule!

Demolished a glass of hopic
For five decades
Meet your wedding gold together
Live the whole century without grief, tears and trouble.

We wish you happiness through the edge,
Smiles, sun, joy.
Let be happy family
Now and straight to old age.

Good day to everyone! Which class solemn event you are preparing! I will gladly help you prepare toasts for a wedding, offering you many options from them - short, original, touching, funny, long and short, from parents and friends in their own words.

In my opinion, the poetic congratulations are beautiful, but for the feast, the most naturally and mentally, those in prose are heard. Wishes in verses can add your words, but most importantly prepare something personal from the bottom of my heart, and then your congratulations will respond in the hearts of the newlyweds, and perhaps will remember for a long time.

I picked up for you a lot of options for toasting, drinking wedding speeches in your own words. Among them are touching, original, interesting and soulful. Naturally, it is better to take them as a basis and add a couple of personal phrases, and you can also mix them, taking the most you like words.

To close people of young, such as sister, brother, a close friend or friend, relatives can be included in speech an interesting case from the life of someone from the newlyweds, if it is suitable on the topic and does not put the newlyweds in an awkward position! For example, a girlfriend can remember how in childhood with the bride they fantasized what their husbands will have, and how many children will be. Surely, these ideas will now be funny - for example, so that there are 10 children and a husband creating a Barbie dolls on an industrial scale.

Even if the then dreams looked quite adequate, you can always say that a friend eventually found a smart, caring, the best thing for myself, which once dreamed of. Add a little personal and your imagination, take as a basis something from the below proposed, and this toast can be boldly to pronounce even at the wedding of the royal persons. He will be delightful!

Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry your warm feelings after one years, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you to even for kilometers from each other, you heard what your second half thinks about.

Today for you, our newlyweds, beautiful and unforgettable day. Now you are a spouse and spouse. Valine such titles and each other! Know: This happiness go through life, holding a hand of a loved one in her hand. Take care of this happiness, transfer it to your children and grandchildren. Live in prosperity, love and flourish!

On this great day, when our young people invited us all the joy of a wonderful wedding with them, I want to say the next toast: let your life become similar to a good fairy tale: solar and joyful, bringing fun and executing dreams. Let the main place in your house will be credited and love, reliability and common vital tasks. Let your home be your fortress - the fortress of faithful love and unpretentious happiness, which never goes out the fire that brings warmth and comfort!

Dear newlyweds! Let there be storms and storms on your way. We wish all your desires to come into life. Today, on this beautiful day, love has connected you by legitimate marriage. Today, the start of your family life, honeymoon and wedding travel. We wish that this year become for you the most honey, so that his sweetness you could feel all the next years with a married life. Love and be loved! Bitterly!

Love is an excellent phenomenon that connects two people with different fate into a single integer. Always well and comfortable next to your loved one, with whom I want to spend every minute of life. Today in this so exciting and a momentous day in your hands is the book of life of your family. Today is her birthday, the first page of the book is devoted to her. Let each follow-up page of your husband will be the same bright, joyful as today. From the bottom of my heart we congratulate you, we wish you joy, wealth, mutual understanding and strong eternal love. Bitterly!

On the day of the wedding, I want to tirelessly congratulate the young, but when almost all the words are told, you think that this pair can be viewed forever, both on the fire and water. Very soon, your life of family people begins, it will be different, but let a good one will be the lion's share! I wish you to live so that on every anniversary to take a thousand congratulations and feel that you deserve them!

On this day, you received a huge number of gifts, but none of them compare with the one you give today to each other - family hearth and the warmth of your love. I wish you to be decent keepers of this focus. And let his fire burn brighter day day, warming and lighting your family.

One ruler asked:
- How do you manage to always save peace and calm in your state?
And the ruler answered:
"When I'm in anger, when I enjoy or a terrible mood, then my people are calm, understand my condition and try to calm down." When my people are angry and bubble - then I am calm and act so as to return all calm and happiness.
Well, as we know, the family is a state in miniature. And my toast is in a similar way the world and calm in this beautiful new family will be preserved. Let her husband understand and forgives his wife, and his wife closes his eyes into small misses of her husband. No in the light of ideal people, but there are perfect couples. We wish our young couple to try to become the most ideal in the world!

Of course, today exactly the day when all the warmest words are directed to you. We would really like to say something non-bank, original. But this is unreal! Because the real happiness is really in three things: love, health and children. And we, as parents, madly wanting these three components of happiness in your house. Wishes will be fulfilled, the joy will come, friendship will not lose. But only mutual feelings will warm you up to the end of life. Be happy!

There is a wonderful parable about the husband and wife. Every day, a married couple ate for breakfast a bun. They divided it into two parts: lower and top. The wife always got the upper part, and her husband is lower. A few years of living together, namely on the wedding anniversary, the wife took himself the lower part, saying that she always wanted it. To which the husband answered her that he was, on the contrary, I wanted the upper part, but he left her for his beloved, as I thought she would like her more. Let your family always reign mutual understanding and a reverent attitude to the second half!

Congratulations from parents

Blessing from parents for marriage has long been very important for a young family. Wise facilities, good wishes and beautiful congratulations can remain in the memory of the bride and groom for many years, and maintain in difficult moments. You yourself will feel that you need to wish for your children, and I will just show a few options.

Today you are so beautiful! I want to believe that it is not a dream, because you are already so adults to marry. Your wedding is the most significant event in the life of us, your parents, and we will try to help you with all the forces to help you live very long and very happy! Know, nothing should break your union, and it is in your hands. Let the bright sun of happiness illuminates your joint life, and the stormy wind of change if it changes something, then only for the better. We wish you to give you wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, because it does not wait to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, smooth living, well-being, mutual understanding and great love.

Newlyweds, probably almost everyone said to you how important today is. We would like to wish you to be not just a couple, but family with a capital letter. So that in a completely vital situation you do not forget about it for a minute. Share with each other with painful, learn how to keep good in your heart. Rejoice, having fun, decide the questions, most importantly - together! We are immensely happy for you and want you to live long and happy life, side by side with each other. Let's drink it!

Dear children! Take the most heartfelt congratulations on your marriage day. Let you always accompany happiness. And we bless you to the far route and the long year of marriage. Let every day of your travel life bears joy, love and bright feelings. Let your life bowl always be complete. Do not know the sorrow and troubles and go to your dream step by step in harmony. If you keep each other, you will not be scary either life storms, no wind, no rain. And we can always share with you all your problems and joy. Be happy!

Favorite and dear kids, we have a parting to you! Today you have the most long-awaited, the most important and happiest and good day in your life - the wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember when it becomes sad. We wish that your family was the happiest and most friendly all over the world, be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring keeper of a homely hearth, the best friend and a happy mom. God want to wish to become a strong "wall" and the support of your family! For you, our dear, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will come true! This is what every parent dreams. Bitterly!

Short wedding toasts

Let's be frank, it is not always possible to proclaim the stream of adorable wishes to newlyweds. Especially at large weddings, otherwise they will drag on for a few days. Therefore, for those who anticipate in advance how torture them, a tamada, a taking microphone (kidding) I give short capacious toasts. A beautiful and cool wish can be expressed by even several words.

Newlyweds, accept my wishes: love, wealth, swan loyalty. Let the family be strengthened every day. Have each other support and joy in life. Harmony and mutual respect!

Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day - the day of your wedding. We wish your family to always be strong and friendly, and happiness with great immense so that it is enough for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Our dear young! I want to wish you joy in your, which began just that family life! Let your marriage be strong! Let your love be beautiful! Live in full consent - and let your family life be the happiest!

I wish you good weather in your distant swimming! Let there be no underwater reefs and rocks on your way! And let you always accompany the passing wind and good luck! Happy you swim on your family ship!

Take congratulations on this important two day for you! Happiness to you! Let the smiles live in your home that you give each other, and there is a laughter of your children, and harmony and consent in your family reign!

Young spouses on their wedding day I wish to live in peace and harmony, mutual respect, loyalty and tenderness! Let every day begins with you from the words of love, but ends - a kiss! Let your life be boring, and the executing wishes please you both!

Today on the day of marriage, we congratulate the young and want not only to wish them happiness, but also contact the long and interesting family life! Let you, dove, everything will always be fine! Let the world always reign between you and consent, and the house will be a full bowl!

I wish that only notes of well-being and joy sounded in your family life, which you would be spinning in the rhythmic waltz of positive.

It is said that in a good married husband - head, and the wife is a heart. So let's drink for the fact that our young people do not know either head or heart pains in life!

Funny toasts for the wedding

There will always be fun guests who want to retreat from touching perfect congratulations and say a cool toast. And it's great, choose only those that suit the sense of humor of newlyweds so that there is no offense.

I will say the words of Rogers: "Live, young, so that you are not ashamed to sell your homely speaking parrot of the main gossip of the city!"

Bernard Shaw claimed: "Marrying stupid, not marry - even more stupid." Our young of two nonsense chose less. And correctly done! Raise the glasses for you and your happiness!

A legitimate wife is a real pearl in the hands of a spouse that shines with its beauty and illuminates the path. Let's raise the glasses for the husband carefully kept this priceless pearl donated to him by fate!

Friends! Our bridegroom was able to open such an asterisk - smart, beautiful, caring. So let him always support her shine. A sprawler-bride picks up and illuminates your life path. Warm family focus!

Give you a cabbage,
That was not empty in the house.
Give you onions,
So as not to know grave flour.
Give you carrots,
So that the house is in the house.
Give you a tomato,
So that my house is rebuilding.
Let you give you a cucumber
So that the fiance is the Father.
Darim grapes,
So that your house was always rich.
Here were presented how much.
Well, now "bitter!"

Mendelssohn Brass Marsh.
Let it sound so sweet now!
And then - pans, minced,
Garden, with a parsley bed,
Curlers, socks, panties,
Under the bed a bunch of hlama,
Cellulite, Handra, mustache
And rummed pajamas.
Be happy, friends,
Steel you are now spouses!
You are now - one family,
All take in your hands!

So they say: "Male-unit".
And "zero-wife," - so they say.
Everything from how to stand in a row
Two digits may change.
When his wife comes to the house
Daughter-in-law with a tact and guess
She, - after her husband becoming zero,
The spouse will make a dozen.
And a stupid wife before my husband
Zero becomes ahead
And the account is on the contrary,
And the result, of course, worse.
I drink with good sense
Wife, with his wife's life sharing,
Led it to high numbers
And did not reduce to zero.

I wish your tandem to circle all the laws of physics around the finger and you have become not twice as soon as possible, and just could turn the mountains on your way! I congratulate you newlyweds!

Today you came to the threshold of the new world - the world of the family, and it depends on you how you go on it. Keep tightly, each other, and then none of you fall.

Take a look at this winemaker filled with champagne - let your house will be like a full bowl! Champagne in this glass is sweet and sparkling - let the place in your relationship there will be fun, let all your days and nights will be sweet and unforgettable! Take a look, how many glasses are filled for you today! I wish you to increase your family capital in the same way! For your happiness! Bitterly!

I wish you to give birth to kids -
Different glorious children.
We are waiting for you warriors
And beautiful daughters.
To replenished the country
Population in full.
I want a glass i lift my
And I wish again:
Until the wedding is gold
Advice to you yes love!
For young people we have for
Live together, in good time!

That's all - they scared!
Shout late
Previously, it was "trailing-valley",
And now - seriously!
In half and laughter, and tears,
Beds, kisses and lunch,
And such, let's say, prose,
How to share the budget.
Be happy guys!
What else to tell you here?
And on the golden wedding
Do not forget to call us!

Dear newlyweds! I sincerely, I wish you to celebrate in your life at least ten more weddings in your life: a paper-in a year, a glass - in two years, weathered - after three years, the sitseva - in five years, bronze - in ten years, porcelain - after fifteen, crystal - Twenty, silver - twenty-five, gold - after fifty, diamond - after seventy five years. And I also wish all the guests to be attended by all these weddings. Let's drink to execute this desire and the happiness of young!

Let's drink for the mathematics of family life: for addition, thanks to which a married couple has developed; for the subtraction of both bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all the sorrows and difficulties in half; For multiplication of your kind by birth of children! For young!

I was when I was small, everything thought, how to kiss this noses do not interfere? Now I see that they do not interfere. So let's drink for our newlyweds, whatever in their family life, would not bother them to kiss them! Bitterly!

Scientists argue that love is a chemical reaction. Therefore, it will not be superfluous that our newlyweds are alchemists. They have to survive a lot of important discoveries in life, to learn the countless number of love formulas with the most important ingredients: tenderness, loyalty, mutual understanding, prosperity and health. We wish them patience, happiness and good luck! Gorky newlyweds!

In ancient Russia, they said that there, where the way, there is treasure. I wish you young to always be laid among themselves, and then they will definitely find treasure in the form of love and consent.

Bachelor boasts a friend: - I will have a beautiful wife, smart, faithful and economic. - All this is good. But how do you cope with all four? Our groom was lucky, his (name) and beautiful, and intelligent, and faithful, and economic. It remains only to cope. However, I am sure that young this task is forces. For young. Bitterly!

Beautiful toasts

Beautiful speeches at the wedding sound especially penetrated thanks to the magic atmosphere of celebration. In this selection you will probably find the option for yourself, or combine a few of them. Some may seem too well and mooring. But they are suitable for a young couple if they love romantics.

Newlyweds, accept my wishes: love, wealth, loyalty. Let the family be strengthened every day. Have each other support and joy in life. Harmony and mutual respect! Remember, to go together in life much more fascinating than alone. Glad for you, dear! Huge family happiness!

Our groom is a real astronomer. He opened an incredible beauty star, his charming bride. Raise the same glasses so that she always had the strength to illuminate her husband the light of care, loyalty, love!

On the day of the wedding, I wish the newly-made husband and wife, living in harmony and let every one step, easily and without inflatable consistent with your mutual love! Let with time, when the hot passion is going on, that special love will come to her place, which gives the soul of warmth and peace, which burns smoothly and brightly for many years!

Do you hear music? Not? Listen. This music is quiet, like grass rustle, easy, as a breeze blow, gentle, like a kiss of the mother. This music is pouring out of two hearts that have grown together today. I wish you so that this music sounds louder, everything is confident that the voices of your children joined it. Let it be a hymn - a hymn family, love, happiness. Bitterly!
I wish you that your gold carriage brought you through a happy, easy life, cleverly by living all the difficulties, obstacles. So that the road led on the unprecedented beauty of the garden, and there were all those who are dear to you. For well-being, the happiness of young!

One philosopher said: looking for a lot of people who are finding hard to find. There is no doubt that our newlyweds are the happiest favorites who found each other. Let your family focus always burn with a bright and negascique flame. Let his fire always illuminates your life with warmth of relationships, love and devotion!

The wedding ring is an ancient emblem, visiting the ancestors to us. This is a symbol of loyalty: the heart of the husband belongs to his wife and vice versa. The wedding ring has no beginning, no end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold: it means that no dirt will not stick to it. Ring - a symbol of love and eternal loyalty. Dear newlyweds! Let your love be clean, gentle and eternal! We will refresh our wish to a friendly ringing of glasses!

Dear (name), dear (name) I wish that in your family cabin are always full of provisions and wealth stocks. So that the waves and reefs of difficulties accounted to the side ... and the sail was filled with luck and carried your ship to immense latitudes of well-being!

Test and the mother-in-law: in this significant day I want to proclaim the toast for the parents of the bride - a mother-in-law and tests. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - to see anyone. No wonder our well done so hunted her. Smart mother-in-law as a second mother son. We wish her kindness, support and affection to her daughter, and with the rest of the young will understand themselves. For your health, dear eyelid and mother-in-law.

Dear our lovers! We wish you to save your trembling feelings before the golden wedding. And by that time you will be there will be a house - a complete gold bowl, strong, like a gold ingot, health. Let your gold character persist. And we advise you to have an aquarium in your home, and in it - a goldfish, performing all your desires!

I congratulate you on your significant day! It is a big joy for all those present that two such wonderful people decided to unite two lives, two destinies in one. Let the happiness that you experience today fill your hearts and bring you great joy to your holiday. Long and happy years, family well-being, understanding and warm relationships.

Toast from the lead (Tamada): Today you have, young, many relatives have appeared both with one and on the other hand. But in this solemn moment I want to turn to the moms of our young. It's no secret to anyone, which means for each of us Mom. We appeal to her joy and in the mountain. Our pain is her pain, our joy is her joy. And how many of your moms appeared, while they brought up such beautiful children! It is said that small children are small worries, big children - big care. Cute and wonderful moms! Even now, when your children come into an independent life, your hearts are alarming anyway. Cute, good, beautiful moms! I raise the toast for your good deeds, for your tender hearts, for raising such beautiful children. Low Bow!

From the groom

Young, too, traditionally speak their toast. After all the wishes of the guests, the word is given to them. An excellent opportunity to thank all the guests who came to you and parents who gave you life. Well, what to hide, why not express admiration or respect for the mother and the Father of his second half.

Dear guests! This day is very important to me. I am happy to marry today on the best girl in the world. And today we had twice as much relatives with her. Now me and my young wife will take care of two families, and not alone. And we, in turn, will also be with double attention and care to treat them. I suggest a drink for the union and rapprochement of our families, for mutual support and love. And for our expensive parents!

I suggest a toast for my beautiful bride. Thanks to her she was born, thanks to her she looked and matured. We wish her health and long-year-old life!

Dear guests! Today, in this joyful and memorable day for us, in my address and address of my chosen one wishes, both serious and humorous, but most importantly - sincere. If all these wishes come true, neither envy nor jealousy, no quarrel nor anger, and will reign peace, consent, confidence in it will never be fed into our family life. Thank you so much for good wishes to us, young spouses, for having come today to our first family holiday, you divided our joy. Raise the same glasses for health, happiness and longevity expensive guests!

From the bride

Dear friends! I do not hide: I was very afraid of acquaintances with my husband's parents, but ... it turned out that my fears are in vain. I was lucky, I found the second parents. From the heart I raise the glass for the health of my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law and our mutual love!

Dear friends! I will not hide from you, I am very glad that now I have another mom and dad. I was incredibly lucky, and I found the second parents. From the whole soul I raise the glass for the health and longevity of my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law and our mutual love!

Let's drink for the health of my husband's parents - for my mother-in-law and mother-in-law. I am grateful to you for growing such a wonderful son - smart, strong, kind. I want to become for you not just a good daughter-in-law, but also loving and beloved daughter. For you, our mom and dad!

That's all, friends. I tried to find the most interesting and beautiful toasts for you so that you can shine at the wedding. Well, okay, someone can scare it. Just so that you tell young the main words and wished them a further fairy tale started on the day of the wedding and in everyday life!

Hugging, Anastasia Smolnets

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Wedding toast

None of the scientists can still
Give a response to the question: What is love?
Everyone converge on the fact that love is a mystery,
which remained unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live all their lives
With this secret in the heart and will not be able to solve it!

Toast on the wedding

I want to drink for you, dear newlyweds, and pronounce a wedding toast:
Each of us has a path that can be different. Someone has a winding path, full obstacles and obstacles. Someone has a wide road at which you can move freely and easily. Someone loves to move quickly and rapidly, and someone appreciates caution and calm. Today you have connected two absolutely different ways into one common. I want to wish you, no matter what to meet you, you moved necessarily together, hand in hand, supported each other and protected. Smooth road to you !!!

Wedding toast in your own words

Bride and groom!
I ask you to climb.
Guests to bow.
From now on, your fate has been solved,
Awarded to you "Husband" and "Wife"!
We wish you a big and heartfelt love
So that there was your union is the most durable and eternal.
Let the day from the day everything becomes more
And your house will be the full bowl!

Wedding toast in prose

Dear young! I have a clear and short toast. I wish you to always have four sainted names in your life, four guardian angel: faith, hope, love and Sophia-Wisdom. Follow them, and God for you happiness in family life.

Funny wedding toast

As they spoke in ancient Babylon: I took the chest - say something. He took up a glass - Tosset. Here is my wish: "Let two loving hearts do not part forever, they will grow up in sweet loyalty, as the Creator wanted." With legal marriage you!

Wedding toast newlyweds

I suggest a drink for the young, let today the very wonderful part of their lives begin. Let the clock arrows forever be frozen, fixing the moment of the beginning of their family life, and Kurats would only be in happy dates that you should remember! For young and their family!

Beautiful wedding toast

Wedding toast in verse

The life of a modern person is a garland of multicolored days: light and cloudy. And only from you, dear newlyweds depends on what days you will have more! So let the daily trifles and troubles, do not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love that makes you the most happy in the world. Gorky, newlyweds!

Toast on the wedding in your own words

In this joyful day I would like to wish you family happiness.
As you know, happiness can not exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Imagine for a second, what would happen if he were cloudy? Would it ruin you a holiday? Not. Do you know why? According to the fact that you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink for young and their family happiness. Bitterly!

Short toast on the wedding

I want to congratulate our newlyweds with this extraordinary event in their life, wish them mutual understanding and enormous love. Today is your day, and we drink for your happiness!

Funny toast on the wedding

Dear newlyweds!
I sincerely wish you to celebrate in your life
At least ten more weddings: paper - a year,
Glass - in two years, weathered - three years later,
Sitseva - in five years, bronze - ten years old,
Porcelain - Fifteen,
crystal - twenty
Silver - in twenty five,
Golden - fifty,
Diamond - after seventy five years.
And I also wish you all today's guests
certainly attended all these weddings.
Let's drink to execute this desire and the happiness of young!

Cool short wedding toast

Mark Aurelius believed that "people exist for each other."
So let's drink for
In order for this newly minted family.
Young, live together!

Funny wedding toast

I will say the words of Rogers: "Live, young, so that you are not ashamed to sell your homely speaking parrot of the main gossip of the city!"

Toast on a wedding in prose

Newlyweds, please tell me how children appear? Do not know? I will remind you three ways, how and where they can be found. First, order them from Aist. Secondly, look in the cabbage. And, thirdly, go to the store. But I want to drink for the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven! For young and their future children!

Toast on a wedding in verse

Friends! Today in early hour
I was suddenly a muse!
She came to ask about you
And the toast gave the toast!
What gentle words
She dictated me, brothers!
And ... He turned his head!
You have to admit now ...
Look for eternal words
Draw a full spoon tenderness!
And let it burn like firewood,
Love passion inevitability!
And the toast from the muse was simple:
"Love each other you need persistently!"
And I, a boy, idle,
Raising the glass, you cry: "Gorky!"

Funny toast on the wedding

Grew up a slender poplar in the forest,
A slight birch grew nearby.
And they loved each other, and stretched to each other,
So far, finally did not connect their twigs and did not burst together.
What are our newlyweds and birch?
Let's wish them to branches
Their love has never broken and tightly kept each other.

Wedding toast

We lived on a distant island a variety of feelings: both joy, boredom, and pride, and happiness, and, of course, love. One day they noticed that the island was slowly immersed in the water, and decided not to move late to another. Only one love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was one water around, she began to call for help. Nobody wanted to save her, only one old man on her boat swam to her and transported to the island. She tried to learn his name for a long time, and when she was told that it was time, she was very surprised. Only one time can understand how important love is in life.
Let's drink for that in your life it is a light feeling never Mercles and covered your long and happy way.

Short toast on the wedding in your own words

They say that marriages are to heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish your union to store heaven, and all the life difficulties and everyday problems will be nicking. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Toast on a wedding from friends

We want to wish that the way of life you go, holding hands, flew through a beautiful blooming garden with sweet-haired paradise birds. To bright Sunny Love and Good Sungwear and illuminated your way. Let the fate favors you in all endeavors, barriers and sorrow will not be able to break you, but only make it stronger and rushing! Be happy!

Toast for a wedding from parents

Dear our children
You are most expensive in the world,
We wish you happiness from the soul
Your Union is blessed.

You take care of each other,
And always live together
And appreciate each time
What brought fate suddenly you.

Wedding is an excellent reason to show your oratory talents. If such qualities are not observed for you and you cannot express a beautiful and connected speech, we suggest you take advantage of ready-made toasts and wedding congratulations. You can choose memorable and solemn wishes to newlyweds who will be remembered for many years.

Successfully spoken words have a special force, so you need to carefully treat the selection of congratulations. On our site you will find wedding toasts and congratulations for every taste:

  • short;
  • funny;
  • in verse;
  • beautiful;
  • cool.
  1. Short wedding greetings.
  2. Funny wedding congratulations.
  3. Funny toasts for the wedding.
  4. Beautiful toasts for a wedding and poems newlyweds.

Short wedding greetings

If you are not a lover of long speech and think that the most successful is short toasts for the wedding, then this selection for you.

As everyone knows, from childhood, good fairy tales always end with a happy ending when lovers are not worried. And I wish you this wedding day so that your fairy tale just started from the wedding. Gorky young!

Today is the most important day in your family life - this is the birthday of a new cell of societywhich you must remember all my life and appreciate as a day of my own birth. Let your family, every year, becomes stronger every year, and love is stronger. For young!

All you know that only a wise person can admit his mistakes and only strongly able to ask for forgiveness for them. And the loving heart forgives and lets all the insults. I want to wish our newlyweds on this wedding day so that love always reigned in the family, and the spouses were wise and strong people.

Loving hearts look in one direction. Therefore, see always in one direction.

I want to pronounce this wedding toast for the young. I don't know how to talk verses, so I will say my own words. Real happy marriages are not on earth, but in heaven. So let your union store Heavenly Angels and all earthly trials and difficulties will be the hope of your strong and loving family.

Now the spouse is responsible not only for himself, but also for his soul mate, the young spouse became. You are two parts of one whole, remember this and keep each other always!

Husband and wife, one of Satan. Therefore, all adversity and joy to share you together and make agreed decisions, given the opinion of your half.

Where the Council is yes love, there is no grief, so I wish you in your family there were these two essential components of happiness.

Spouse is a family head, and the spouse is a neck. Do not confuse your roles, because it is very important. The husband must be the main one in the family, and the wife will be experienced by the adopted male decisions.

Funny wedding congratulations

Humor prolongs life and creates a favorable atmosphere, so a funny toast or fun greeting will always be appropriate.

In order for your family, there were more pleasant banalities and smaller banal troubles.

Let in your family life will be only three black stripes: Presentable car, delicious caviar and sea shore with a color name of the same name.

Life in marriage is similar to the ship, which sails calmly and measured in the calm, it is trying to keep afloat in a ten-blind storm. Let your ship be a skillful navigator that will withstand any storms and will not lose course.

Drink now for a kiss! After all, he was invented a man to close his mouth to a woman. Bitterly!

I wish you, dear newlyweds, toast to the wedding in your own words. So that your family life is not bitter or sweet, but with a highlight, a peppercin and sour.

Funny toasts for the wedding

My good, my favorite,

My dear man!

Chose you woven beautiful

Love her forever.

On others, do not look around and the rotch do not spoil,

After all, with one and only his wife on Earth it is arranged!

I want to raise this toast for a simple arithmetic in the life of young spouses: addition, by means of which two halves of the whole integer; for subtraction from lonely and free hearts; For dividing equally all the adversity and joys of family life; And finally, for multiplying the family by playing on the light of themselves. Let's drink for such a mathematics!

Let you be bitterly only on the day of the weddingAnd your further family life will be similar to the sweet, big cake with raisins.

Let in your garden will take a big harvest. After all, children are flowers of life, so I wish you more kids! Girls and boys!

Did you know that our newly new spouse is a real astronomer and, and he is a professional professional? Let's explain why: A young husband managed to find a new, unusually dazzling star, which is distinguished by its beauty and uniqueness. So let's drink for the talents of our astronomer and a new star, which will always light the path and point the way to its opener.

Beautiful toasts for the wedding and poems to newlyweds

I wish you, newlyweds, love is like in heaven.

So that you were forever overwhelmed you with your feeling

On the clock it's time for love and frank,

No place in life regret.

Nothing can be wonderful that song,

Which sounds when two hearts beat together

In unison and forever!

I wish your life looks like a fairy tale.

The husband fenced his wife from adversity, and the spouse gave her affection.

Love unearthly to you, steel health,

Good children and smaller bad.

Love, keep each other forever,

Do not feel about the feelings carelessly!

After all, you need to work in the family all year round

And then happiness will certainly come.

Lights in the heart, the severity in your pocket

Clear road and live not in deception.

Appreciate each other, love each other

And in happiness, and in distress, when it's very tight.

Today is a significant date!

Two hearts merged together.

Now you are my friend married

And for my wife is the only man.

Let God keep you

And the angels family protect

Adversity and sadness away

Let the grief be running by!

Only happiness here reigns

And eternal love,

And in the heart light and sincere feelings.

Love each other tomorrow and always

Here is the present art!

Advice yes love your family,

To live in peace and consent always,

After all, only sincere feelings

Perhaps to carry through many years.

We wish you to live to a golden wedding

Overcoming the whole path that is difficult.

Live in prosperity and happiness always,

Love each other to have a need.

Health, good luck to your home,

And Lada in the family, because it is impossible differently!

ATTENTION, only today!