What causes a newborn baby to cry. Why is a one month old crying

Parents of young children are often faced with the problem of crying babies. Often they cannot figure out the reasons and understand why the baby is crying. This may be due to different situations, because the baby is not yet able to express his emotions and needs. His only means of communication is crying. In this way, babies can show that they are hurt, scared, lonely. Babies cry for a variety of reasons, some of which require the attention of a doctor.

Why is the baby crying

In the first months of a child's life, it is very difficult to determine why the baby is crying: either he is just being naughty, or he wants attention, or something hurts him. Over time, most mothers learn by the type of crying to identify the problem that caused it:

  1. Normal crying, gradually getting louder. He can say that the baby is hungry. You can check this by lightly touching the corner of the child's lips, if the baby opens his mouth and turns his head to his finger, then he wants to eat.
  2. A low whimpering cry accompanied by restlessness usually indicates discomfort. In this case, it is worth checking the child’s clothes and diaper, perhaps something is pressing or rubbing on him.
  3. Prolonged whimpering may indicate that the baby is cold or hot.
  4. With sharp loud cries, the child expresses pain. Such crying can occur with intestinal colic.
  5. Constant crying that prevents the baby from eating and sleeping can be associated with teething, which is accompanied by pain and itching in the gums. Special gels and teethers can help the baby reduce discomfort.
  6. Continuous crying with varying volume in the evening indicates that the child is overexcited and unable to fall asleep on its own. In such cases, you need to try to calm him down, vilify him in your arms, shake him.
  7. A soft squeak that is periodically replaced by a loud cry may mean that the baby needs attention. At the same time, at first the baby does not cry too loudly, but gradually his cries intensify.

Why do babies cry in their sleep

If a baby often cries in a dream, then it is necessary to check his sleeping place. Maybe something is keeping him from sleeping properly. In addition, crying during sleep can be a sign of colic or teething (the first teeth may begin to erupt after 3-4 months). By screaming and crying, a child can show his fear. Often children cry simply because their mother is not around. If the baby cries constantly, then you should consult a doctor. In cases where there are no pathological causes of crying, and it is caused by the absence of the mother, it may be worth considering co-sleeping.

Why does a baby cry before going to bed

The reason that the baby cries before going to bed may be overexcitation or overwork. Since the baby's body is still too weak, and the nervous system is not fully formed, he gets tired and tired very quickly. If the baby is tired or overexcited, then he cannot fall asleep, even if he really wants to. To cope with this problem, first of all, you need to organize a sleep schedule for the baby, which should be performed daily. In order for the child to fall asleep faster and better, it is worth preparing a room for him, after ventilating it and hanging the window. A quiet, calm song or reading a book will help calm the baby before going to bed.

Why does a baby cry while feeding

During feeding, the baby may cry due to discomfort and pain. This may be due to inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, such as thrush, stomatitis and others, infectious pathologies of the ears, throat, nose. Also, the cause of crying when eating can be erupting teeth or colic. In some cases, crying and rejection of the breast is caused by a change in the taste of milk. This usually occurs with improper breast hygiene and the use of strong pungent foods by the nursing mother, such as onions, garlic, hot spices, and others.

Why does a baby cry after feeding

The most common cause of crying in infants after feeding is colic. Especially often their attacks torment the baby in the evening. Colic occurs when gas builds up in the baby's tummy. They are accompanied by arching the child's body, pressing the legs to the stomach, strong hysterical screaming and crying. You can help the baby cope with colic with a light massage of the abdomen, gymnastics, special children's preparations, fennel teas and other means.

Why does a baby wake up crying

A small child may wake up crying for a variety of reasons. The most common of these are: hunger, pain, lack of attention, a wet diaper or diaper, an uncomfortable bed. If the child has eaten too little or slept longer than usual, he may wake up hungry. In this case, he first begins to whimper, then the cry intensifies and turns into a cry. It is also common for children to wake up with discomfort after peeing or pooping. Toddlers, accustomed to increased attention to themselves, often immediately begin to cry after waking up.

Why does a baby cry when he wants to pee

Many babies cry before peeing. This shouldn't cause concern, but it shouldn't go unnoticed either. Most often, the cause of such crying is physiological. However, infectious diseases of the genital organs and urinary tract are also possible, especially with a lack of hygiene. Therefore, if the child constantly and strongly screams when he wants to write, or his temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why does a baby cry all the time

The constant crying of a baby can be caused by infantile colic or teething. In the first case, to help the baby, you can use the vent tube (but not too often), give him a massage, do gymnastics with him. To prevent colic after feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position for some time. When teething, to alleviate the condition of the crumbs, he can lubricate the gums with special ointments.

Why does a baby cry when pooping

Cracks in the anus can become the reason for crying babies during bowel movements. They lead to pain and discomfort when the baby poops. The problem develops, as a rule, against the background of frequent constipation. With cracks in the anus during defecation, the child groans, frowns, pushes hard and cries.

Why does a baby cry while bathing

There can be several reasons why a baby cries when bathing. The main ones are:

  • incorrect water temperature - too hot or too cold (ideally, the water should be around 37 degrees);
  • fright - young children are often afraid of the bathing procedure itself, so all actions must be carried out smoothly and calmly;
  • parental insecurity;
  • the presence of wounds, scratches, diaper rash, insect bites and other skin lesions in the crumbs.

Baby crying is very annoying to others and leads to anxiety of the baby's relatives.

A loving mother will first of all think about the reasons for a child's crying.

Having identified them, he will look for opportunities to solve the problem in the best way.

What to do if the child is crying? What to do if the child cries for no reason? What to do if the child cries a lot? We determine the causes of the situation

Why are children crying? Babies have a lot of reasons to cry. They cannot yet verbally express their feelings and emotions and simply express all the negative experience through crying. Scientists have even identified several types of baby crying and determined what each of them means.

For example, a sharp squeal and twitching of the legs may indicate colic. An infrequent howl, as mothers also call it, can be the first sign that the child is smoothly moving into the sleep phase. Of course, each baby is individual, and each baby can have a hundred reasons for crying. But what is a mother to do in such a situation? It is necessary to exclude possible catalysts for children's crying.

It can be quarrels and scandals in the family. When the house is constantly tense, the child is regularly in a state of stress. What can cause such a condition? Nothing but crying, perhaps strong and for no reason.

This crying is for no reason - this is what adults think, there can be many reasons for a child. Psychologists do not recommend scolding and punishing children under two years old. Their children's psyche is not yet ready to distinguish between truth and fiction, good and evil, so there can be many reasons for children of this age to get upset.

Much more difficult is the situation with teenagers who cry for no reason and children aged five to six years. At this age, such breakdowns may indicate a mental disorder. What to do in this case? How to determine why babies cry? What to do if the child is crying? What to do if the child cries for no reason? What to do if the child cries a lot? First of all, eliminate all physical and psychological stimuli, exclude the variant of the disease, the variant of hunger and craving for sleep.

There are cases when a child just starts crying and this condition begins for no apparent reason. If such a situation has occurred, adults just need to try to distract the child, change the situation, try to calm them down on their own. If no reasonable self-help methods help, it is worth choosing other options.

What to do if the child is crying? What to do if the child cries for no reason? What to do if the child cries a lot - traditional methods of help

If a baby and a preschool child behaves quite nervously, mothers are advised to show the baby to a pediatrician and he can decide on an examination by a neurologist. And the neurologist will already try to exclude the presence of a nervous deviation.

If crying is caused precisely by the specifics of the child's reaction to the world around him or by deviations in the work of the nervous system, then the neurologist will prescribe adequate treatment. The most important thing is to identify the causes of this situation. They can be trivial - age-related features of the nervous system, excessive excitability, stress. Anything can become stressful for a child, even a failure in training or competitions, and he cannot express his feelings, goes deep into the problem and simply roars. Adults roar too and don't always know why.

If a neurologist has identified the cause of the child’s crying and offered adequate treatment, then parents should remove the catalyst for the disease and support the child in every possible way. Also, a neurologist may not identify specific causes of this phenomenon. Then the child should be examined. It so happens that such behavior was greatly influenced by the environment of the baby.

The child simply could not cope with the amount of information that entered his brain, he did not have time to process all the information and therefore experienced stress and today does not know why he is sad, scared. Psychologists in this case recommend using the substitution technique, when the negative experience of the child is replaced by positive emotions. The child is simply distracted by something bright and interesting.

Older children are given gifts that compensate for their lack of attention and positive emotions. But you can use this technique only in exceptional cases, otherwise the child will simply become a crybaby for no reason. This, too, could be a problem. With the help of crying, even infants manipulate adults. What to say about school-age children - they are much smarter than babies.

What to do if the child is crying? What to do if the child cries for no reason? What to do if the child cries a lot? Non-traditional methods of assistance

Sometimes such situations arise that parents and doctors simply shrug, because they themselves cannot diagnose the child. All tests are normal, all doctors write the diagnosis “healthy”, but the child is crying for no reason.

What could be the reasons for such a phenomenon? There can be many reasons. One of the most common is children's fear. School-age children, just like babies, can be frightened by sharp knocks, sudden movements and loud sounds. What to do with fear?

Our ancestors rolled out a fright from a child with an egg. It was believed that this is the most suitable way for the baby to get rid of the negative. How it's done? You need to take a fresh homemade egg at room temperature. Place the child on a chair in front of you and roll the egg clockwise over his body from top to bottom, saying:

“I’m jumping on an egg, and I’ll bring damage from the egg, frights, writhing, shaking, demons and insomnia.

Daytime business, nightly business, take the egg upon yourself, free (Name) from fear and evil! Truly!”

Rolling an egg is worth at least nine times. This is a universal cleansing that can remove illnesses and other negative things from a child. Parents should be warned that every child reacts differently to treatment. Some fall asleep and sleep sweetly, some sob and sob for a long time, and then just, as if taken away.

If the fear is long-standing, then you will have to repeat the procedure several times. The main thing is the condition of the child. As a rule, after the sixth egg rollout, healing occurs. If this method did not work either, this may mean that the evil eye also needs to be removed from the child. You can also roll out an egg, but indicate that the evil eye should come out. This is directional cleaning. It can be performed on a child of any age and even often.

What to do if the child is crying? What to do if the child cries for no reason? What to do if the child cries a lot? It is necessary to establish the cause and apply a set of recreational measures. The most important thing is the health and well-being of the child. And how the negative will be removed is up to the parents. Sometimes, to solve the problem, it is enough for parents to stop screaming and communicate in raised tones. Every child is different and should not be generalized. In any case, the support of parents can be a decisive factor in the healing of a child, an infant from causeless crying.

The baby was just born, and now he is constantly crying. And mothers, especially those who gave birth for the first time, go crazy, because they still do not know why the baby is crying and cannot recognize the “signals” of their baby. How to determine why a newborn is constantly crying, how can you help and is it necessary to actually help him?

Why does a newborn cry: the main reasons

When adults start crying, then, most likely, they are really bad, that is, some kind of trouble has occurred, and at the same time quite serious. As for babies, they are not so clear cut. First of all, this is their nature: the baby begins to cry, because he cannot express his emotions and feelings in another way. Therefore, defining the crying of children, and why this is happening, no need to panic. We must remain optimistic!

However, there are more serious reasons why a baby cries. We need to systematize them. Among the most common causes of crying, it is necessary to highlight the following.


This is exactly the crying that stops immediately after the mother takes the baby in her arms. The kid is scared, he cannot “live” while alone in this world, so he starts calling for help. Instinctively, the child needs to feel the warmth and smell of mommy. No need to worry that the child will become "tame" and spoiled. Tactile contact with mom - it is like a way to calm the baby, as well as stimulate his mental and physical development.

Thirst and hunger

The first thing adults should think about why a baby is crying is that he is hungry. Food is a very important need for a baby, and in the first years of his life, he “talks” by crying about hunger. Fortunately, determining whether the baby wants to eat is quite simple. You need to offer him a mixture or breast. By the way, in the first 4-5 months, especially when the baby is breastfeeding, he has not yet developed a diet. Most mothers feed the child not according to the regimen, but when he requires it. Therefore, it is quite logical that adults have not yet been able to adapt to the nutritional needs of their child.

If the baby begins to cry nervously and loudly, taking short breaks, then most likely the baby is hungry. You can offer your baby formula or breasts.

The crying of a hungry child has certain characteristics, it can be distinguished from them.

After eating, the baby immediately calms down.

Sleep, overexcitation and overwork

A very common cause of crying and sometimes hysteria in a child is overexcitation of the nervous system. The baby's body is still quite weak, it is difficult for him even to control his body. Therefore, he begins to tire quickly. And when with this child overloaded with impressions and overexcited, then the load on his body increases. As a result, the child wants to sleep badly, but at the same time cannot fall asleep. The consequence is a hysteria with "choking" before going to bed, which can very much frighten inexperienced mothers.

In order to prevent this problem, it is necessary not to forget that the baby certainly needs a sleep regimen, while it must be organized so that the child can easily relax, and that nothing interferes with the baby. Measured noise, well-ventilated and semi-dark room - these are the main nuances.

When the child is overexcited, overworked - expect tears! Children relieve stress by crying. Often, this is precisely what causes children's tantrums before a night's sleep. Try not to play pranks an hour or two before bedtime.

It is for this reason that pediatricians do not advise taking a baby up to a month old (and indeed babies up to one year old) with them to noisy and crowded places, to football matches, concerts, etc. Do not invite a crowd of relatives and guests. This is harmful both in terms of overexcitability, and in terms of the health of the crumbs (the baby does not need to receive extra viruses and bacteria from strangers).

What can be done when the child began to scream and cry? You need to pick him up, shake him, give him a breast. Certain babies can be soothed by being tightly swaddled.


The baby may start crying before urinating. It’s just that certain children still can’t understand what kind of process it is, and they can get scared if they start writing. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

But here you need to be quite careful.. Crying is sometimes caused by an infectious disease of the urinary tract. Also, fusion of the foreskin is often noted in boys, it can be diagnosed by the narrowing of the urethra and the stream of urine "sideways", and in girls - the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. The crying of the baby in these cases at first looks like a whimper, but before starting to write, the child begins to scream and cry a lot. In this case, an increased temperature is an indicator that inflammation occurs in the genitourinary system. An urgent need to contact a pediatrician and follow his instructions.


When a child has small cracks in the anus, defecation causes him pain and discomfort. You need to pay attention to such symptoms: the child is pushing, grunting, crying, grimacing. As a rule, this problem appears due to frequent constipation. In the case when the baby regularly experiences constipation, then you need to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.


Colic is one of the most common causes of crying. in children. Most often, they begin to torment babies after feeding at bedtime. In the intestines, gases cause quite a lot of pain, so the child suddenly begins to cry, shuddering, as if he had been pricked, arches and pushes hard. In certain babies, the cry begins to turn into a tantrum "excitedly." The crying continues until the colic attack is over.

In order to alleviate the baby’s condition, he needs to do a “clockwise” abdominal massage, as well as very simple gymnastics: bend the legs and press firmly against the stomach, raising the ass, then unbend and align to the stop. When straightening, the child farts, and this indicates that the gases are coming out and he will soon be better.

When colic is your "headache" every day, and the baby cries often, then you need to tell your doctor about it. In addition to gymnastics and massage, he will recommend other means.

Cold and heat

Babies don't like being very cold or very hot. In both cases, they begin to feel discomfort. Therefore, the question arises, how to determine that the child is hot or cold?

When the baby is overheated, then he will scatter his arms and legs to the sides, whine listlessly. Touch the baby: the skin will be hot. In infants 5-6 months and older, increased sweating is already likely, because the skin cover may be moist. The most important indicative are the folds on his body. Sweat gathered in them.

When the baby is wrapped up all the time, then a disease such as prickly heat may appear. Red pimples itch and itch, which sometimes cover the entire body of the child. This will be another reason why the newborn cries.

When the child is cold, his crying resembles screams, at the end they turn into whimpers and groans. Moreover, the baby actively pulls the arms and legs. Often a sign of severe cooling is hiccups. In this case, it should be noted that hiccups are not always a symptom of hypothermia, but if the child begins to hiccup, then you must first make sure that he is not cold. It's very easy to find out. Touch his legs and arms. When they are cold, put mittens or socks on them. To determine exactly whether the child is freezing, the tummy, chest and back can help. When they are cool, you need to warm your child.

Crying in a dream

Almost all mothers noticed that a newborn baby cries in a dream. There may be several reasons for this:

No need to wait until the baby wakes up completely. Take a crying baby in your arms and shake it, attach it to your chest. Most of the time, that's exactly what he needs.

Other reasons

When all the needs of the baby are satisfied, but at the same time he continues to constantly cry, then you need to pay attention to such reasons.


Probably, he is already small for the baby and begins to pinch his legs. We need to check if the diaper leaves red stripes on his skin. When it leaves, it is necessary to think about purchasing diapers that correspond to the weight of the baby.

A child may cry if, when he emptied into a diaper, or he is full of urine, and the parents will never guess to replace him. It is quite uncomfortable for a child to lie in this diaper, and he will naturally fiddle and worry.


It is necessary to regularly and carefully examine the baby's body for the presence of allergic reactions. Redness and rashes may itch and make your little one anxious.


Most children begin to erupt teeth no earlier than six months. When your baby is about 6 months old, you can slowly check his gums. Crying may well be caused by this very reason. It is easy to determine “teeth”: the baby will scratch his gums, put his fists in his mouth, get nervous, drool. Some babies have a fever.

You can calm the baby in the following ways:

  • To begin with, purchase a special freezing gel for gums, it can eliminate unpleasant symptoms;
  • He also needs to purchase a special "tooth comb" with water inside. It must be put in the refrigerator, the water cools and directly cools pleasantly on the baby's gums, creating relief.

Is it good to cry?

On the Internet (and many of our grandmothers also think so), you can find statements that crying for a baby is useful: this is how the lungs develop and open. However, this is not true. In fact, it is harmful to cry for a baby, this negatively affects his character and health.

Nikolai Pavlovich Shabalov, well-known Russian neonatologist and pediatrician, MD talks in his book "Children's Diseases" about the dangers of crying. In addition, he claims that crying (especially with “rolling up”) is dangerous for health, causing this to happen by the fact that during a prolonged cry, the child begins to breathe superficially, because of this, the ventilation of the lower parts of the lungs is disturbed, and the function of the diaphragm is reduced. From the respiratory process, certain areas can even “turn off” lightly.

When the baby is constantly crying, and even with rolling, the consequence is the appearance of bronchospasm, and then atelectasis will appear - this is a condition of the lungs, which is characterized by a partial or complete absence of air in them. The main complications of atelectasis are bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis and pneumonia.

Attention: Healthy babies don't cry for no reason! When a baby cries all the time, this is not normal, it is necessary to understand what is bothering him and get rid of the discomfort.

Don't leave a crying newborn baby unattended! In addition to the reasons listed above, the baby can hit, get tangled, fall, the handle or leg get stuck in the bars of the bed, the child can hit himself with a toy, etc. . When you hear crying, then you need to come up and check why the baby is crying.

The crying of a baby is perhaps the most powerful test that awaits young parents. Not everyone can boast of iron nerves, and seeing her crumbs screaming desperately, a mother may panic, especially if this is her first baby. What can cause a baby to cry?

Tiny arms and legs, weak muscles, underdeveloped senses... and loud crying. Nature has provided the child with the only key to survival in infancy - crying. This is how the baby can tell others about his discomfort (hunger, cold or heat) or mood (fear, discontent, boredom).

There are two main opinions about the causes of children's crying:

  • crying always means discomfort and implies the presence of certain causes that must be identified and eliminated;
  • there is nothing wrong with crying a newborn, he just wants to be held. No need to accustom to this, let him scream, then he will calm down.

The second approach is now considered obsolete; fortunately, there are fewer and fewer supporters of leaving a child to scream in their crib for fear of being taught to be held and spoiled.

But how to understand why the baby is screaming? What to look for when looking for reasons? The main criteria for determining the reason for crying are:

  • facial expressions of the baby;
  • loudness and intensity of crying;
  • muscle tone;
  • crying time: in a dream, during wakefulness, at a certain time of the day;
  • face color: it turned red or, conversely, turned pale.

Over time, the young mother will learn to better understand and interpret the signals sent by the baby in the form of crying and screaming. However, until this moment has come, you will have to show maximum observation, and sometimes act by the “poke method”.

Why does the baby cry: the main reasons for crying

Normally, newborns sleep a lot, eat often and stay awake a little. Ideally, a baby who is not disturbed by anything does not cry at all. But even the calmest baby can sometimes scream and frighten the calmest parents, not to mention those whose baby is constantly crying.
What are the most likely causes of baby crying?


Does the baby scream demandingly, turn his head to the side, smack his lips and pull his hands? Most likely he is hungry. You can check this in another way. Gently touch the baby's cheek or corner of the mouth with your fingertip. If the baby immediately turns his head in this direction and opens his mouth, he is definitely hungry!


Sleep for a newborn is a vital necessity. The younger the baby, the more time he spends in a dream. Deprivation (lack) of sleep leads to nervous overload and, as a result, to crying. At the same time, crying, in turn, provokes even more tension and a vicious circle is obtained.

If the baby is dry, not hungry, cries monotonously and does not respond to your attempts to distract him, try to put him down. Soon, you and your baby will develop a certain sleep and wakefulness pattern, and it will become much easier to deal with such a situation.

sensory overload

The sense organs of a newborn are imperfect and develop especially rapidly during the first year of life. Visual, auditory, tactile sensations become brighter every week. With excessive stimulation of the sensory channels, the baby can quickly overwork, which will lead to overexcitation, sleep disturbance and, as a result, crying. It is with this that the recommendation to avoid noisy crowded places is connected until the baby grows up a little.

Cold or heat

The child may cry because of the uncomfortable ambient temperature for him. If the baby is flushed, sweating has appeared on the body, the movements are sluggish - most likely he is hot. With hypothermia, the child's skin is pale, the limbs, neck and shoulders are cold.

Many mothers focus solely on the baby's nose, and if it is cool, they begin to wrap the baby vigorously. A much more reliable indicator in this case is the neck and shoulders of the baby. If these parts of the body are cool, then the baby is really cold.

Remember that the metabolism in children is very fast, and thermoregulation is not yet developed properly. In an effort to protect the baby from diseases by wrapping in several layers of clothes, we can easily overheat him. If you are in doubt whether the child is really cold, it is better not to wrap him up.

Uncomfortable clothes

Sometimes a crying baby tries to tell us about uncomfortable clothes: seams can rub on delicate skin, buttons can dig into the body, ties can provoke itching. Check your baby's clothes or change them if the baby sleeps in swaddling clothes. Perhaps somewhere an insidious hall of fabric has formed, which irritates the child.

Wet diaper or overfilled diaper

Children are very sensitive to the discomfort that moisture causes them. Agree, it is unpleasant to lie on the wet. Reusable gauze diapers can be of particular concern, as they do not provide dryness even during the first minutes after the child descends into them “in a small way”. Feelings from a full disposable diaper also do not cause anything pleasant.

Regularly check diapers (clothes, diapers) for moisture, this will help to avoid unnecessary dissatisfaction from the crumbs.

Pain and discomfort

Such a reason for crying, like pain, scares parents the most. What hurts? How strong? How long ago? The child cannot answer any of these questions, and we can only hope that nothing worse than colic is happening at the moment.

By the behavior of the crumbs, it is almost impossible to determine the source of pain. The nervous system of the child is only developing and is not yet capable of a clear localization of the source of pain.

With pain, the crying of the child is loud, piercing and constant. Periodically there are bursts of screaming, apparently caused by an increase in unpleasant sensations. Often with moderate pain, the baby cries in a dream, the dream itself is intermittent, restless.

The main reasons for children crying from pain include:

  • colic caused by accumulation of gases in the tummy and intestinal motility. A characteristic feature of colic may be that they recur at the same time, most often in the evenings;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary tract (the main symptom is that the child cries before urinating);
  • irritation of the anus as a result of careless or, conversely, excessive hygiene or abuse of a gas outlet tube, enema, rectal suppositories;
  • teething also often causes much distress to babies, especially at night. In the supine position, blood rushes to the gums, intensifying the already unpleasant sensations, as a result, the child may cry in his sleep;
  • diaper rash, dermatitis;
  • neurological disorders.

Sometimes the baby cries during feeding: makes several sucking movements and turns away from the breast with a cry, despite the hunger. In such cases, it can be assumed that the baby has diseases of the ear, throat or nose (stomatitis, otitis media, thrush, pharyngitis).

If you suspect that your crying baby is in pain, be sure to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will be able to make a diagnosis and select the appropriate drugs or refer you and your child for an additional examination.

weather sensitivity

The well-being of some children may depend on various weather phenomena: magnetic storms, temperature changes, sudden changes in pressure, strong winds, etc.

Lack of attention

Yes, yes, your baby needs communication and interaction almost from the first weeks. Crying in such cases is a call. It subsides as soon as the mother takes the baby in her arms, and resumes with renewed vigor if the child is put in the crib.

It is not always easy to determine why a baby is crying, because there may be several reasons or one entails another (for example, the child first cried from the heat, and then from overwork). In any case, try not to fall into despair, because the kids very subtly feel the mood of their mother. Your calmness and confidence will surely give the crumbs strength and help to calm down.

Dear parents, let's first understand what baby crying is and what it can be caused by, because only knowing this can change the child's behavior. Why is the baby crying?
Believe me, crying is not unreasonable. In infants, crying reflexively occurs due to hunger, thirst, the urge to natural functions, and the desire to sleep. In older children, crying signals any unpleasant, unbearable feeling, reaching the state of affect: acute anxiety, fear, irritation, sadness, longing.
The various functions of crying - whim, protest, request, demand, complaint (offense), cry-signal, cry-detente - make up a complex psychological structure, a kind of language.
For extraneous hearing, children's crying is an unpleasant irritant. But mom will always be able to catch notes in him that indicate what her baby wants. If adults use any means to stop crying, they risk not only increasing the distance between themselves and the child, but also erecting real walls)7 of indifference and misunderstanding.
However, there crying children who shed tears for every reason: hearing screams and loud voices, experiencing physical pain or coming into conflict with someone, sympathizing with favorite characters in a fairy tale or seeing a dead butterfly.
Crying is a strong mental experience, an emotional shake-up that occurs against the background of previous excitement or inhibition. It can be the result of a discharge of tension, like rain falling from an overflowing thundercloud. The relief experienced after crying, to some extent, improves mood, serves as a means of regulating emotional tone.
Often crying occurs as a way to attract the attention of parents, as a kind of request for help, to intervene, to resolve a particular problem. The child thus complains about the one who offended him, about feeling unwell, pain, inability to realize his desires. In the first years of life, a crying child shows that he wants to eat, drink, relieve himself, or that he is uncomfortable in wet clothes. He still does not know how to speak, so he expresses all his desires through crying, attracting the attention of his parents. But now the baby has learned to pronounce individual words and, it would seem, they should already express their desires with them, but he still cries and is naughty when he wants something. This happens reflexively, because in his subconsciousness there is information about this way of fulfilling desires. It happens that a child is accustomed to be calm and cheerful only in the presence of adults. He feels comfortable only when someone is nearby, they pay attention to him. If the baby does not find something to do and feels the need for direct contact with the parents, he may begin to attract the attention of adults with tears, whimpers and complaints. Of course, communication means a lot to a child, and those parents who pay enough attention to it do the right thing. Psychologists have proven that the need for love is a fundamental human need. Her satisfaction is a necessary condition for the normal development of the child. Feeling your care and attention, the child acquires the so-called "basic trust in the world." He grows more calm, is not afraid to be alone, knows how to find something to do. If basic trust is not formed, then the child is forced to seek the attention of adults with tears, screams, whims, disobedience, etc.
Around the sixth week of life, in the evenings, the baby begins to cry, writhe, and show signs of illness. At the same time, he is clean, he has drunk enough water, he is not hot... This state is called evening restlessness. The child thus discharges the tension accumulated during the day. It is believed that this is a consequence of the adaptation of the newborn to the rhythms of day and night, which disappears by about the third month of life.

Irritability and tearfulness may be due to the fact that the baby begins to cut teeth. This is a very painful process: the gums swell, itch and hurt, saliva runs strongly, the temperature rises.

crying baby may be caused by a fear of strangers, which he is unable to express in words. Often on the street or in transport we hear such expressions: “Stop squealing, otherwise I’ll give you to my uncle!” or “If you kick your aunt, she will take you with her!” For children with a sensitive and vulnerable psyche, such warnings make a very strong impression, cause fear, and the words of a stranger “Come on, let me take him / her to me!” - Panic horror from the prospect of spending your whole life in the company of strangers. After all, the baby takes everything said at face value. Such threats can develop in children a persistent rejection of strangers, and in the future they will feel free and at ease only in a familiar environment, in the circle of relatives and friends.
Tears and whims are sometimes the result of overloading the baby with impressions. When you go with him to the store, to the zoo, to visit, walk in the park or ride the merry-go-round, remember that both large crowds and noise can adversely affect the child's condition.
It happens that the baby, when he does not want to go to bed, is naughty and cries. Such crying is something like a bad habit, from which it is necessary to gradually wean.
It happens that the baby is crying due to the fact that I was faced with something unfamiliar and incomprehensible. He is not yet able to find explanations for many phenomena, so they cause him fear and - as a result - tears. A baby can see something unfamiliar and terrible not only in life, but also in a dream: a nightmare that a child had a dream can also become reason for crying.

When a child falls ill and cannot explain what hurts him, he begins to cry from pain, act up, refuse to eat, and sleep restlessly.

Crying is a natural reaction if the baby falls or hits. Children generally take their failures very seriously. Even if it doesn’t hurt him very much, he will still make a whole tragedy out of this, because it is important for him to be paid attention to, sympathize with and regret.
There are frequent cases when children cry during a doctor's visit. Usually, kids associate a white coat with pain, injections, unpleasant sensations when they are listened to or looked at the neck, and they begin to act up, up to hysteria, resist, fight, push the doctor’s hands away, preventing him from doing an examination.
Sometimes crying children they do not want to wear what their parents offer them - and again whims and tears.
Not all children quickly get used to the kindergarten. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and patience to adapt a baby to a new environment. After all, the child considers it natural that his mother should always be with him. Getting into an unfamiliar environment and losing sight of his parents, he gets scared and therefore cries.
The baby may cry if he is offended by other children. For example, they pushed or took away a toy, a book ...
crying children complain when something doesn't work out for them. For example, a child tried to put on socks on his own. But he didn't succeed. Then he starts to get nervous and cry, urging adults to help him.
Not all children love water procedures. Those who do not like swimming express their dissatisfaction with screams and crying, arrange “concerts”, attracting the attention of not only relatives and friends, but even neighbors who listen in bewilderment to loud screams behind the wall and painfully wonder what is happening to child, if he cries so hysterically.
Tears can be the result of punishment. Often the child does not see the connection between his act and the reaction of adults. In this case, he perceives the punishment as violence from the parents.
Punishment for no reason seems especially offensive to the baby, when he knows that he really is not to blame. For example, on a walk someone pushed him into the mud, naturally, he got dirty, got scared and burst into tears. Arriving home, he seeks sympathy from his mother, and she starts yelling at him, because she will again have to wash his clothes. She did not even try to understand the situation, did not ask him about how everything happened. As a result, the child, crying and offended, stands in the corner, serving his sentence.

Crying baby, being in a state of passion, he does not perceive remarks, orders, advices well, therefore it is useless to educate him. It is also unacceptable to punish the baby when he cries, as he can easily forget what he was punished for, and the very state of crying is inherently already a punishment for him.

There is a popular belief that children's tears are easy to dry. Indeed, in children under five years of age, the duration of emotional arousal is relatively short, but the strength of emotions is not inferior, and sometimes even exceeds a similar state in adults. The grief of a child over the loss of a beloved kitten is no less great than the grief of an adult who has lost a loved one. And the fear of being abandoned in the locker room of the kindergarten? For adults, it seems that 15 minutes will not change anything, but for a baby, they can seem like an eternity.
Experiences and emotions require high energy costs, so do not oversaturate your baby's day with events, even if they are pleasant ones. This can lead to moodiness, tearfulness, sleep disturbance and even vomiting.

What should parents do?

You can’t ignore the crying of a son or daughter at all. This can undermine their trust in adults. But when the crying turned into a tantrum, the best thing is not to pay increased attention to the child, but to give him the opportunity to throw out nervous tension. In other cases, you should understand the causes of crying, which is possible only with a trusting relationship between you and your baby.
If a the baby is crying, expressing natural needs, it is easy to find out by offering him food or drink. If he cries that his diaper or clothes are wet, check and change them. An older child crying may ask for a potty. Acting in such a situation is as easy as shelling pears: put him on the potty and stay with him, distract him with a conversation or show him a toy.
If the baby is crying because he is hot or, conversely, cold, you can determine this by the condition of his skin: the skin will be wet, sweaty if he is hot, and cool, pimples (goose bumps) if the baby is cold. Finding out the cause, try to eliminate it.

In general, it is undesirable for a child to overheat, it is more terrible for him than the cold. Do not make a sissy out of it, do not wrap it up, turning it into cabbage, this will quickly lead to diseases.

If tearfulness and whims are the result of the fact that the baby has a tummy ache, give him a light abdominal massage to eliminate discomfort. Massage is performed clockwise, with stroking movements. Keep your hands warm, use baby cream to better glide your hands. If there is no effect, remove the gases. To do this, put the baby on the left side and bend his legs, pressing them to the tummy. You can use other methods - insert a gas outlet tube or, putting the baby on his left side, make him an enema with warm boiled water.
In case of a serious illness, in no case do not self-medicate, because you do not know what the child is sick with. Call the local doctor at home. The first symptoms of the disease, as a rule, are lethargy, drowsiness, refusal to eat. Pay attention to the condition of the skin, look at the neck, check the stool. Be sure to measure your body temperature.

When a child is sick, his appetite decreases, so do not force feed him. Another important point: if the baby is not very seriously ill, do not keep him in bed. Due to the unwillingness to lie down, the baby may burst into tears, while he will spend no less energy on tears than on walking.

Do not dress him too warm - overheating is very dangerous for children, especially when they are sick.
It often happens that even after recovery, the nervous and tearful state of the child persists. Be patient. Take care of strict observance of the daily regimen in accordance with the condition and age of the child: put him to bed on time, feed him properly and often be with him in the fresh air. Surround the child with care and affection, because even an adult, when sick, requires increased attention to himself, try to distract him from the consequences that the disease has led to (weakness, imbalance).
The baby is crying - he does not want to go to the doctor's office. The relationship between the child and the doctor is formed through the parents (it is they who bring the baby to the appointment, explain the reason for the visit, the symptoms of the disease). It is the parents who should prepare the child for communication with the doctor, explain why it is necessary to go to the clinic and how this visit will go.
In no case should you scare the child with injections and the hospital. By doing this, you can instill fear and dislike for people in white coats in the baby for life.
The child is naughty because he does not want to go to bed. From the first days of his life, he got used to your constant presence, does not want to part with you and go to bed. He needs you to be around for a while. Sit on the edge of the bed, tell him some kind story, fairy tale, read a book or just look at pictures with him. You can quietly sing a song or talk about the past day.
Ask him about what interesting happened to him, tell him about your affairs in a form that is accessible to him. The child's favorite toy should be nearby so that he can reach it, because children love to sleep with toys. All this will allow the baby to calmly end his day and, moreover, will help strengthen your relationship.
Over time, the child will understand that when he sleeps, loving parents do not leave him, they are always there. He will calm down, get used to it and fall asleep without whims.

Sometimes the baby, on the contrary, is naughty because he wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. Lull him, caress him, give him a relaxing massage. Stay with him, try to set him up for sleep.

If the child refuses to eat, do not force-feed him, do not yell at him. Stock up on patience. Say what you need to eat to grow up big and healthy, like dad; put a toy on the table and “feed” it with the child, alternating - one spoon for the doll, the other for the baby; ask the child to eat a spoonful for each of the family members: for dad, for mom, for grandma ...
Your baby does not like and does not want to bathe. What to do in such a situation? Try to explain to him why this is done. Explain the importance of cleanliness of the body. Remember the fairy tale "My Dodyr" about a boy from whom all his clothes ran away because he was dirty.
When bathing, place washable toys in the shroud. Clockwork waterfowl toys are especially interesting for the child.
Blow bubbles with your baby. The most important thing is that you should be nearby, in no case should you leave the baby alone in the bathroom, because he can not only be afraid of water, but also choke.
Sometimes the reluctance to bathe is due to the fact that the child once experienced discomfort from getting soap or shampoo in his eyes. He retains a memory of this event, so he begins to cry when he is taken to the bathroom. Use special detergents for children that will not cause irritation if it gets into your eyes.
The kid is stubborn and does not want to get dressed, starts to get nervous, cry, scatter clothes. Find out why he protests. Maybe he wants to wear his favorite thing, let him, if possible, make his choice. Or, showing a thing, interest in some pattern, say that the blouse or pants are beautiful, warm and comfortable.

Sometimes the baby does not like the clothes because they are uncomfortable for him, but he cannot put it into words. If you go for a walk, and the child objects to a warm jacket, explain that it is cold outside, show that you dress warmly too. But in no case go on screaming, do not dress the child by force. This will negatively affect your future relationship.

The kid grows, develops, learns, acquires some skills. When something does not work out for him, he can burst into tears, scatter objects, toys. Crying in this case, he calls you for help, since he himself cannot cope. Find out what he wants. Do not shout at the child, help him, but not silently, but saying: “Let me help you. I'll show you how to do it and you'll do it again" or "Let's do it together." This way you will establish closer contact with the baby. When helping a child, do only what he cannot do on his own.
The child does not want to go to a nursery or kindergarten. Explain to him why this is necessary. Try to suggest that you are giving him to the kindergarten not to get rid of him, not because you are tired of him, you are tired or you have more important things to do, but to help him spend his time more interesting and richer.

To make the baby adapt faster, you need effort and patience. In no case should you drag the child to the kindergarten by force, yell at him and scare him that you will not take him home if he does not stop crying. Try to ensure that being in kindergarten does not become a psychological trauma for him, but, on the contrary, turns out to be a joyful event. For this baby should be prepared for kindergarten.

Arriving in the kindergarten, he should already be able to wash, dress, sit on the potty. Therefore, instill in him the necessary household skills in advance so that he does not have offensive problems associated with the inability to do something on his own.
Tell us more about the kindergarten, about what he will do there. Be sure to say that he is already big and you are proud of him, because now he can go to kindergarten, just like you can go to work. Try to convince the child that they will not offend him in the kindergarten. Let him take his favorite toy with him so that he is calmer, since a piece of the house and everything that he is used to is with him. Don't leave as soon as you bring your baby. Slowly undress him and lead him into the group by the hand, interest him in something so that he wants to stay.
There are children who cannot get used to the kindergarten for a very long time, they are afraid to go there, they resist, they cry. In a group, they hide in a corner, do not play with anyone, and avoid educators. Talk to the child to establish the reasons) - what is happening: maybe the teachers treat him badly or offend other children?
As you know, children love outdoor games, so they often fall and get dirty. They cannot be punished for this, because physical activities are necessary for the full development of children. Imagine what will happen from a child if he sits quietly on a chair, having lost his usual mobility? He may develop muscle weakness, he will get sick more often, fall behind his peers.

If the baby fell, hit hard, tore off his knees, do not yell at him, he is already scared. Try to calm him down, distract him, carefully treat the wounds. Explain that all this is not so scary and will heal soon.

It is difficult for a child to absorb a large amount of information. Therefore, when impressions overwhelm him, he begins to act up, cry. In such a situation, it is advisable to talk with the child about what he learned or saw, to find out what he did not like and what interested him. If something remains incomprehensible to the baby, explain it to him in an accessible, intelligible form.
In no case should you scare the child. The shock caused by fright can have a detrimental effect on his psyche, he may begin to stutter, twitch, be afraid of the dark, loud noises, a room in which there is no one. If the baby is naughty, crying, in no case frighten him with wolves, witches and other scary characters, this can lead to the development of mental illness.
Sometimes the baby may cry because he is bored. Try to cheer him up. Offer him something to do, do something with him, look at a picture book, play, in the end, just talk. Do not dismiss the child, citing your fatigue or busyness, otherwise you risk losing his trust. He can withdraw into himself, hold a grudge.
As noted above, there is crying children who cry clearly more than others and, as it seems at first glance, for no reason at all. Parents are constantly worried about them. How can you help these children?
There is no universal recipe, of course. However, it can be said with certainty that sensitivity and vulnerability are signs of the child's mental make-up, the properties of his nervous system. You cannot change these innate features at will. They will not help, but rather bring a negative result and such means of educational influence as persuasion, reproaches, punishments, screams, ridicule. Any violent measures will cause an increase in tension and excitement, further weaken the baby's nervous system, deprive him of strength and self-confidence.

Even the most loving parents will not be able to protect their child from life's troubles, you can't keep a child under a glass cap all the time. Therefore, the simplest tactic in dealing with such a baby is not to get annoyed by hearing his cry. And the best way to calm him down is to be with him. Let him feel that you are always ready to help him.

Tell your child more often that he is dear to you, needed, important. You can convey this not only with words, but also with a gentle look, gesture, touch. Renowned psychologist Virginia Satir recommended hugging a child several times a day. In her opinion, four hugs are absolutely necessary for everyone to survive.
In a word, the most important thing that is required of parents is patience. Do not forget that high emotional sensitivity is closely related to responsiveness, kindness, cordiality, readiness to help, stand up for the weak, and these are very valuable human qualities! Therefore, no matter how strange it sounds, listen to the children's crying, delve into its meaning, and do not try to interrupt it as quickly as possible, dry the children's tears. Crying and tears are the language of children's communication, so do not be deaf to it just because you have forgotten how to speak it yourself.
If a child is afraid of strangers, he expresses it with the help of tears. The world of a child is mainly limited by the walls of the house, courtyard or kindergarten, so the appearance of an unfamiliar face causes the baby to be wary. If a stranger behaves harmlessly from his point of view, for example, does not touch his toys, lacks his parents in an armful, alertness gradually disappears. Otherwise, it can develop into a panic fear and even a persistent phobia. If the baby is afraid of strangers, he especially urgently needs your support, understanding, protection. A calm, friendly family atmosphere will help the child cope with his fear.
If your the baby is crying, do not rush to call a doctor or stuff him with pills and potions. Just pat him on the head. The warm soft hands of the mother do wonders: here they stroked the back, tummy, breast, lingered a little longer on the forehead, and the baby calmed down. Amazing effect, right? But there is nothing unusual about this. It has long been known that massage has a calming effect, especially if it is done by the mother. She, as it were, conveys her warmth, calmness to the baby, and he stops crying and being capricious. By showing maximum patience and attention, in the future you will be rewarded for this with the health and well-being of your child.