What determines the sex of the child and whether it is possible to "program" it. Ovulatory method of planning the sex of the child. Calculating the sex of the unborn child

Dear readers of the Malyshata website, hello! Let's discuss an interesting topic How to program the gender of the baby?

  • We all want to believe that marriages are made in heaven. And here on earth, in a huge crowd, we just recognize our soul mate. God sends toddlers to loving couples.

And if they are destined to have a boy, the couple will have a boy, and if they are a girl, they will have a girl. But the parents-to-be, even before the baby is born, would like to know who the son or daughter will be. But can we know How to program the sex of the baby and how to do it?

There are a wide variety of Traditional methods of determining the sex of the child... If you want, you can try, they will not give a 100% result, but they may raise your mood if you treat them with humor.


  • On the table lay a key with a long leg and a round top. A pregnant woman should take this key. If she lifts the key by the leg - there will be a boy, if by the round - a girl. But this is only if the woman does not know about this method.


  • The wedding ring of a pregnant woman is caught on a string and held over her palm. If the ring moves in a circle, there will be a girl; if across, there will be a boy.

But many married couples do not want to rely on chance, they want to find out the gender of the unborn child themselves. Is it possible and how to program the sex of the child?

In all ages and times, they tried to give an answer to this question. Traditional methods of determining the sex of the child.

  • In the old days, women were advised: at the time of conception, lie down with their heads to the south, if the family wanted to have a girl and to the north, if she wanted a boy. In Germany, there was such a sign: if it rains during conception, there will be a girl, there is no rain - a boy.

Each nation had its own signs and observations, whether to believe or not is a personal matter for everyone. For married couples who do not want to rely on rain or cardinal directions, scientists have come up with special techniques for programming the sex of the child.

Counting method

The ubiquitous Chinese have come up with a numerological method of gender planning.

  • It turns out that after a certain period of time, a restructuring of the human body takes place. At the same time, blood, mucous membranes and tissues are renewed. For women this period is three years, for men it is four years. Therefore, you need to divide the age of the mother by three, and the age of the father by four. Then compare the residues obtained: whose body was renewed last, that is, whose remainder is less - this is the gender the child will have.
  • For example: the father is 27 years old, the mother is 18. As a result of dividing 27/4, we get 6.75, and when dividing 18/3, we get 6. If you conceive a baby now, then there is a high probability that a girl will be born. And if the remainders are approximately equal, twins are possible.

Seasonal method

All people are subject to changes in nature. We are influenced by many factors: the phases of the moon and the activity of the sun, electromagnetic radiation, fluctuations in geomagnetic zones ... ..

  • Many studies have shown that girls are more likely to be born in the month of April. Mid-summer: June, July, early and late autumn: September, November, early winter: December. This is facilitated by constant, uniform solar activity at this time of the year.
  • More boys are born in months such as January, February, March, May, August and October, when solar energy increases.

Using this method, one should not forget about the whims of Mother Nature, which cannot be foreseen.

French diet

A French scientist conducted an experiment in which 260 married couples took part. As a result, 212 couples had babies of the desired sex - more than 80 percent.

But not all scientists recognized this method, many still criticize it. Whether to stick to a diet or not, each married couple decides for themselves.

  • The dietary method is based on the fact that boys and girls "prefer" different foods. It is believed that for the birth of girls, the diet must contain magnesium and calcium ions. After all, an acidic environment is more favorable for them.
  • And for the birth of a boy - sodium and potassium ions. because the created alkaline environment is prone to the birth of a boy. Scientists recommend starting a diet a few weeks before conception and stopping it after pregnancy.

Want a boy? Eat:

  • Any kind of meat, meat and sausages, ham, liver, boiled pork, jellied meat.
  • Fish of various varieties, seafood.
  • Semolina, rice porridge on the water.
  • Any vegetables: potatoes, corn, cabbage, beets, mushrooms, parsley, tomatoes, olives.
  • Various fruits and berries: watermelon, apricots, cherries, oranges, peaches, bananas, feijoa, quince.
  • Canned food and salted foods.

Want a girl? Then put on a plate:

  • Dairy products: unsalted cheese, milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream.
  • Boiled meat: veal, beef, chicken. About 150 grams per day and with a minimum of salt.
  • Sea and river boiled fish.
  • Any kind of bread and flour products. Baking must be free of yeast and salt.
  • Vegetables: bell peppers, carrots, mushrooms, cucumbers, eggplants, peas ..
  • Berries and Fruits: grapes, apples, strawberries, raspberries, pears, lemons, mangoes.
  • Nuts, dried fruits: walnuts, unsalted peanuts, raisins, almonds.
  • Jam, honey, chocolate, sweets.

But even the most effective diet is a limitation. And no scientist can give a 100% guarantee. ...

  • Therefore, I want to warn you: it is not recommended to follow a diet for a long time, since the sex of the child is programmed already at the time of conception. And at an early stage of pregnancy, all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are laid. And the lack of certain substances can have a serious impact on the formation of the embryo.
  • It is best to follow the diet for about a month before conception, after conception it is necessary to stop.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if you adhere to all the recommendations of scientists, then the chances of having a child of the desired sex increase many times over.
The method of in vitro fertilization can give a full guarantee. When from several embryos from a test tube, parents can choose a daughter or a son.

  • Dear Parents, I would like to hear your opinion, is it possible to program the sex of the unborn child or is it still a will of chance?

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The article will be useful for parents who want to set the gender of the child.

It is quite natural to want to have a child of one gender or another. However, the question: is it possible to program the sex of the child before birth is still relevant.

The gender of the child depends on the man... Indeed, any egg contains only X chromosomes and never contains Y chromosomes. The male reproductive cell, on the contrary, contains different chromosomes: X and Y. When dividing chromosomes during preparation for fertilization, one part of the spermatozoa will receive 22 ordinary chromosomes + one Y chromosome. Thus, spermatozoa are not the same: in addition to 22 ordinary chromosomes, each of them has either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. If an egg (22 + X) is fertilized with a sperm containing an X chromosome (22 + X), the embryo with a chromosome set will be 44+ XX; this means that a girl will be born. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm carrying the Y chromosome, then a child with a chromosome set of 44 + XY will be born, that is, a boy.

This is why it is the sex chromosome of the fertilizing sperm that determines the sex of the baby. If an egg was fertilized by the same egg (which is absolutely impossible), only girls would be born. Although there are families where only boys or only girls are born, about as many boys are born annually as girls, with a slight preponderance towards boys.

Immediately after the penetration of the sperm into the egg, the nuclei begin to converge. First, they increase in size, and chromosomes are formed from chromatin, which serves as a kind of raw material. The thin membrane surrounding a set of chromosomes bursts in both cells. The nuclei of the cells come close to each other and merge into one nucleus: this moment is impossible to catch. As a result of the fusion of nuclei, the egg cell turns into a human egg (embryo), with enormous potential and new genetic baggage.

In antiquity, it was believed that boys came from the left testicle, and girls from the right. Therefore, for the conception of the desired offspring, various acrobatic poses were recommended and even advised to donate one testicle. According to popular belief, the sex of the unborn child can be predicted by the sky and the stars. In ancient times, for example, it was believed that if the moon changes in the first 3 days after childbirth, then the next child will be of the opposite sex. They also tried to determine the sex of the child based on the position of the moon in a particular sign of the zodiac at the time of fertilization. In ancient China, they used - coincidence or not, but quite accurate.

Other times, different techniques. Now, some believe that it is possible to determine the sex of a child based on how much time separates the moment of sexual intimacy and the moment of ovulation. Others offer a special diet for the birth of a baby of a certain gender. But let's be clear from the outset: none of these methods are backed by solid scientific evidence.

The first hypothesis: the moment of ovulation

It is known that spermatozoa containing the Y chromosome move at a higher speed along the female genital tract than spermatozoa with the X chromosome. Some conclude from this that when the moment of sexual intimacy coincides with ovulation, the first to reach the egg and fertilize its sperm with the Y-chromosome, that is, a male embryo is formed. Conversely, if ovulation occurred 2 days after intercourse, sperm with a Y chromosome will arrive at the meeting place with the egg, in which case a girl will be born.

Second hypothesis: intensity of sexual relations

There is an opinion that the more often sexual intercourse occurs, the more chances are to give birth to a boy. This is allegedly facilitated by the intensity of the woman's orgasm, since the contractions of the uterus accelerate the movement of the sperm carrying the Y-chromosome. Finally, high acidity of the vaginal contents is favorable for sperm with an X chromosome, and low acidity for sperm with a Y chromosome. The best recipe for a boy to be born is the following: the moment of sexual contact should be as close as possible to ovulation, and immediately before it, it is recommended to take a sitz bath and, using douching, irrigate the vagina with warm water with sodium bicarbonate dissolved in it, that is, baking soda.

If you want a girl, do the opposite. Recommended sexual intercourse 3 - 4 days before ovulation, relatively frequent intercourse in the previous days, lack of orgasm in a woman, vaginal douching with warm water with the addition of ordinary table vinegar! All these recommendations are depressing and depriving the charm of the act of love. Also, they are not scientifically proven. There is always one chance out of two, because no matter what, nature creates as many boys as girls!

Third hypothesis: special diet

It turned out that in some experimental animals there is a relationship between the acidity of the nutrient medium in which the gametes swim and the sex of the unborn child. It was theoretically established that sodium in potassium favors the sperm carrying the Y chromosome, while calcium and magnesium, on the contrary, stimulate the formation of the female embryo. A special diet was developed for a person, with the help of which you can plan the sex of the child. Adherents of this technique recommend that a woman strictly adhere to the prescribed diet for 3 months before conception. If you break the ban once, all efforts will be wasted! This regime is very embarrassing. In addition, pregnancy does not always occur at the end of the special feeding period and may need to be extended. It should also be taken into account that such a diet is absolutely unbalanced and therefore categorically contraindicated for the expectant mother. Judge for yourself: milk, eggs, cheese, fresh fruit are not allowed if you want a boy! The effectiveness of the method is low, it often does not meet the expectations of married couples who decide to do so.

Fourth hypothesis: sperm selection

The most promising of the areas that provide the possibility of choosing the sex of a child even before conception is sperm selection. By creating a certain environment for their migration, it is possible to isolate fractions containing a chromosome break. But the effectiveness of this widely publicized technique has not yet been proven. Nevertheless, it is quite possible that soon we will learn how to use genetic probes, and the choice can be made unmistakably.

But we cannot close our eyes to the aesthetic side of the question: is it permissible to use these techniques simply at the request of the parents, or is medical permission necessary? Scientists around the world are pondering this question today.

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Is it possible to program the sex of the unborn child? Feng Shui answers unequivocally: yes, you can. A person has the power to cure a fatal disease solely by the power of self-hypnosis, and programming the sex of a baby is much easier than it seems in reality.

First of all, you need to pay special attention to your home. While you still have time, rearrange so as to attract qi to your home and remove the "poisoned arrows" sha, because after that you cannot rearrange furniture and household items: this can disrupt the smooth movement of qi, and any violations are extremely harmful in your state ... We will not tell you about how you can change the space, guided by the principles of feng shui; you can easily learn it yourself with the help of any feng shui encyclopedia.

Let's go back to programming the sex of the baby. Feng Shui masters advise to dream of a child of a certain gender long before the intended conception. Thinking about the baby, imagine him, for example, playing with dolls (if you want a girl), endow him with certain features.

From a scientific point of view, it is believed that excessive work of thought leads to the fact that the father's body will develop exactly those chromosomes that will lead to the birth of a child of a certain sex. Also, we do not advise you to determine the sex of the baby using an ultrasound scan. Let it be a surprise for you!

You can program the sex of the child by making certain adjustments to your diet. So, feng shui experts advise to include in food more meat and fish dishes, steamed or boiled. Have you noticed that many boys are born in fishermen families? Conversely, if you want to have a girl, then a few months before conception, begin to get used to vegetarian food. Of course, this does not mean that you should completely exclude meat from your diet if you really love it. Just cut the amount of meat or fish in half.

Also for floor planning child, you can use a special calendar compiled in accordance with the principles of feng shui. Horizontally - the month of conception, and vertically - the number of full years of the woman. For example: you are 26 years old, the estimated month of conception is October, which means that you will most likely have a girl.

Child planning calendar based on the gender of the child

For the birth of a boy For the birth of a girl
The day after your period The character of the baby The day after your period The character of the baby
Fourth Soft, fragile body structure Fifth Likes animals
Sixth Cheerful, cheerful, healthy Seventh Luck accompanies everything
Eighth Lazy, pleasure-loving Ninth Artistic nature
Tenth Smart healthy Eleventh Should be strictly educated, naughty
Twelfth Beautiful, excellent health Thirteenth Lucky, good health
Fourteenth Smart, handsome, healthy Fifteenth Will be a politician, take good
position in society
Sixteenth Good character traits prevail

In ancient China, a woman who dreamed of giving birth to a girl was recommended to sleep with her head to the south, and to give birth to a boy - to the north. In any case, start a special diet a few weeks before conception, and your husband should eat with you. You need to follow this diet for three to four weeks after conception.

For the birth of a girl you should include the following foods in your diet:

From drinks: cocoa, tea with milk, calcium mineral waters, herbal teas.

From flour: all types of baked goods without yeast.

Meat: This should be avoided.

Fish: fresh seafood.

From fruits: except for bananas, oranges, cherries, plums and apricots, all others can be eaten.

From vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, beets, green vegetables, beans, peas, tomatoes, watercress, eggplant.

From sweets: honey, jam, sugar. Avoid sweets, cookies and muffins.

From dairy products: all without exception.

Eggs: only if the woman loves them.

Let's clarify the last point. The fact is that, according to the principles of feng shui, only food that is eaten with pleasure can benefit a pregnant woman. It’s not worse when you forcefully push beets into you just because they are healthy. In this case, the harmonious balance of yin-yang will be disturbed, and food, at best, will not bring any benefit, at worst, only harm.

For the birth of a boy you need to include the following foods in your diet:

From drinks: juices, green tea, soda mineral waters.

From flour: none. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of bread to a minimum.

Dairy: none.

From fruits: everything.

Meat: all types.

Fish: all kinds. Avoid any seafood (shrimp, squid, caviar).

From vegetables: avoid green vegetables, fresh cabbage.

In conclusion, we recall once again that in order to give birth to a boy, you need to give up any flour dishes.

Feng Shui experts remind: the character traits of a child begin to be laid even before birth. Just imagine: the kid is very tiny, the size of a pea, and he is destined to become an artist, a famous musician or an opera singer ... Try to develop all those qualities that nature has bestowed on him. You are pregnant? This means that you need to visit the theater much more often, listen to good music, while carefully monitoring the feelings of your baby.


The problem of planning the sex of the child was solved back in 1970! ! The solution is based on GENETICS. It was found that the main PROPERTIES of the future child (GENDER. Health status, abilities, character ...) depend on the QUALITY of the parents' sex GENES at the moment of conception (from the DAY of conception). You can conceive any child by selecting the DAY of conception. There are my articles!

From all of the above, it is clear that it’s worthless for a boy not to crack buns :))

This is what it turns out - so as not to frighten this (or this) "qi", you cannot remove the broom from the toilet into the pantry !!! and even more so (furniture, again) ...
And the "Child planning calendar, taking into account the sex of the child" ... I ovulate only on the 18th day from the beginning of menstruation - it turns out that in the best case (according to the theory of "girl" sperm, which lives up to 48 hours, and "boyish" during this time "bends"), I am only destined to become a mother-in-law (if not a barren fig tree at all) ...: - ((And what does it mean, excuse me, "day after menstruation"? !!! This is the first day after the BEGINNING or after the END of this physiological phenomenon ???
Something I screwed up with signs, but I hope that girls (and boys, if they read such discussions) will still understand me - it's all out of emotion or outrage .. :-))

08/29/2008 04:54:58, me & my family

I can still agree to keep my dad on a diet, maybe more x or chromosomes will ripen on sperm .. But I’m on a diet myself! Rave..

24.07.2008 00:08:54

: (A little like the truth.

07/04/2008 03:21:19, Ksenia

06/27/2008 17:03:30, Angelique

prosto bred kakoito

Not interested.

Comment on the article "Programming the sex of the future baby"

Child gender: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Child development calendar. Planning and gender determination - diagnosis Section: Sex planning (a valid way to calculate the sex of a child). A friend calculated for herself and her two girlfriends on ...


Complete bullshit. Day X, of course, you can try to calculate to match all tables (year, month, combination of blood groups, ovulation), but where is the guarantee that you will get pregnant right from the first attempt? And then wait a year or 5 when all the stars will converge again.

A friend calculated for herself and for her two girlfriends on the plate the age of the mother - the month of birth of the child, I can't find the link now, maybe someone will throw it).

about the sex of the child is it true? pulled from the gatherings: So, take your youngest child and look behind the back of the head the hairline at the border with the neck. Sex programming of the future baby. How to determine the sex of the unborn child?


like, Anton is growing straight, and the next girl) And Aliska's tips curled a little for a long time, but Anton was born ... Garbage, in my opinion)

And we say - if they grow up in a pigtail - then a girl, if in a different way, then a boy. mine converges. Although I had spirals between them, so not an indicator ...

Planning of the floor is by-piece :). - get-togethers. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child under one year old: nutrition, illness It also seems to me that the approach to wait for a child of a certain gender is fundamentally wrong. You just have to want a child, and who is there ...


you go to the conference Planning pregnancy. and ask about IVF. there are girls sitting, who have gone through this more than once. And then let your husband read what they write to you: both about moral sensations, and about material ones, and about the fact that it does not always work out the first time. This is not really a joke, several people have already written to you - they go to IVF when there are NO other chances of getting pregnant. Very often lie on maintaining the entire pregnancy, and at the end - cesarean.
and so it turns out, for the sake of the sex of the child, your husband is ready to expose your health to jeopardy - and in fact it belongs not only to you, since you already have children.
sorry if abruptly.

Sex programming of the future baby. Time of conception and sex of the unborn child. Does early child development begin with conception? This schedule depends on a lot, it should converge, if neither you nor your husband have had a lifetime ... Do you want a boy or a girl?

Tables for determining the sex of the baby .... Determining the sex of the child. Pregnancy and childbirth. I would like to know who will have no strength! Calculate the sex of the child .. Determining the sex of the child. Pregnancy and childbirth. This is the Chinese calendar. The table is based on the mother's year of birth ...

Section: Floor Planning. How to plan the sex of your unborn child in advance. My little son is now two and a half years old. This method allows both planning the sex of the unborn child and determining the gender of the one already conceived when the gestation is more than one month.

Boy or girl: choose the gender of the unborn child. Is it possible to plan the conception of a child of the desired gender: the most common theories. Is it possible to program the sex of the unborn child? Pregnancy Calendar.

Methods for planning the sex of the child. Sex programming of the future baby. Have you noticed that many boys are born in fishermen families? Demidkov's method for the birth of a healthy child of the desired sex .. Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations ...

The appearance of a child in the family is an important event for every married couple. Therefore, more and more families are planning pregnancy: they undergo a medical examination, take vitamin complexes, and also plan the gender of the child, especially if the planned pregnancy is not the first and the married couple especially wants to have a child of a certain gender. As medicine and the result of many married couples prove, there are certain ways to plan a child of a certain gender.Several basic methods of planning the sex of the child are now popular, we will consider each of the available options and find out how you can plan the gender of the child in advance.

Method of calculating ovulation in planning the sex of the child

Scientists have proven that the spermatozoa that carry male gametes are more mobile and faster. However, they live in a woman's genitals for a short time, on average it is 2-3 days. The same cells that have female chromosomes can move much more slowly. However, their survival in such an environment is up to one week. Accordingly, if you want to give birth to a boy, then you should have sexual intercourse as close as possible to the day of ovulation or on the day of ovulation. Conception of a girl involves intimacy about a week before the expected date of egg release. To plan this way, it is necessary.

The use of the ancient Chinese table for planning the sex of the child

In order to plan the sex of the unborn child in this way, you need the age of the expectant mother and the month in which the pregnancy is planned. Next, use the table to determine the months in which you should conceive a child of the desired sex. This is when you need to have unprotected sex.

However, some doctors are suspicious of this technique.

All due to the fact that the sex of the unborn child depends exclusively on the man. However, this method, in most cases, has positive reviews. Couples note that, thanks to the counting, they managed to give birth to the desired son or daughter.

Planning a baby's gender using the Japanese method

In order to plan the sex of the unborn child, you can also use the Japanese method, which is also presented in a two-part table. One of them presents data on the month of birth of the future dad and the future mother. To calculate, you need to find cells with months of birth and draw straight lines from them. At the intersection of the values, you can see the number.

The found number is decisive and calculated for the second table.
Find the resulting number in the upper range. Then go downstairs and determine in which months you are more likely to conceive a boy or girl. The probability of having a baby of the correct gender is indicated by ***** Now find the resulting number in the following table, and look at the month in which the probability of having a baby of the correct gender is greatest.

The more *****, the higher the chance of conceiving a girl or a boy, respectively. Based on this, plan your baby in a specific month. However, this method is not 100% reliable.

How to schedule a baby's gender for a blood type update

There is also a way to plan the sex of the child by the blood group of the future parents. So, according to this method, it is known that male blood is renewed every four years. Whereas in women, blood renewal occurs every three years. European doctors claim that whose blood is "fresher" than a man or a woman, a child will be born of that sex. In order to plan a certain gender, the age of the future dad must be divided by 4, the same must be done with the age of the future mother, but the age must be divided by 3. Having received the result, it is necessary to compare the numbers. Those who have less residue after division, that blood will be considered fresher. Accordingly, a male or female baby will be born. Let's give an example, so the future dad is 30 years old, the future mother is 28 years old, let's make the calculation:
Man - 30 ÷ 4 = 7.5
Woman - 28 ÷ 3 = 9.3
In the specific example given, the couple must have a boy. With this calculation method, it is necessary to take into account such facts as: blood transfusion, donation, major surgery or childbirth.

However, any blood loss leads to the fact that the process of blood renewal is shifted and the results may not be reliable.

There is another example of planning a child of a certain gender according to the group of parents and their Rh factor.The essence of this method is that a certain combination of blood groups affects the sex of the unborn child. Depending on the combinations of parental blood groups, there is a certain probability of a girl or boy appearing. There are various combinations of blood groups, so if the mother has the first blood group, and the dad has the first or third, there is a high probability that a female child will be born. In the other two cases, you are more likely to have a boy. If the expectant mother has a second blood group, then she needs to find a partner with the same or fourth group in order to give birth to a girl. Women with the third blood group can give birth to a girl if the child's father has the first blood group, etc.
The same can be said about the expectant mother with the fourth blood group, who can become the mother of the girl - if the father of the child has the second blood group.
It is necessary to take into account the Rh factors of future parents, which can also affect the likelihood of planning a child of a certain gender. So, if both parents are Rh positive or negative, a female child is likely to be born. If the Rh factors are not the same, it is worth waiting for the appearance of the boy.

It is worth considering that most of the reviews of young parents indicate the unreliability of the described method, although they are justified from a scientific point of view, there is always a high probability of getting a completely different result.

In addition, it can be noted that, regardless of the blood group, there are children of different sexes in many families, this is due to other factors that also affect the sex of the child, for example, the day of conception of the child, how close it is to the day of ovulation.

Thus, this method somewhat allows you to plan the sex of the child, how much to find out what gender your child is most likely to be born with.

Compliance with the "French diet"

Scientists from France have found that the nutrition of future parents plays an important role in the planning and birth of a child of a certain gender. Experiments conducted by scientists have confirmed that in about 80% of cases, adherence to a diet can help parents conceive a child of the correct sex. In the course of the experiments, two special diets were developed that contain a special set of products necessary for the conception of a child of a certain gender.

So, in order for the family to appear girl , the expectant mother needs to follow a milk diet, i.e. consume a lot of cheese, kefir and sour cream, i.e. consume foods high in calcium and magnesium ions. Instead of meat dishes, it is better to give preference to vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, eggplant and cabbage.

Detailed meals for planning girls, as follows:

  1. Milk and dairy products: milk, kefir, fresh sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, curd mass, glazed curds, cream curds, unsalted cheese.
  2. Meat products: boiled meat with a minimum salt content: beef, veal, pork, chicken.
  3. Fish and seafood: river and sea boiled fish, shrimps, crabs.
  4. Eggs: All meals are egg based (yolks).
  5. Cereals: rice, semolina millet.
  6. Bread and flour products: all types of bread, crackers, pasta, all types of baked goods without salt and yeast.
  7. Vegetables: eggplants, cucumbers, lettuce, garlic, beans, bell peppers, onions, peas, asparagus, radishes, carrots, champignons, lettuce, green onions, boiled tomatoes, fresh and canned vegetables.
  8. Fruits and berries: apples, pears, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, citrus juice, grapefruits, lemons, mangoes, quince.
  9. Drinks: very weak coffee or cocoa, tea, chocolate, calcium mineral waters.
  10. Dried fruits and nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, unsalted peanuts, raisins.
  11. Miscellaneous: honey, jam, jelly, sugar, spices, herbs, herbs, gelatin, mustard, porcini mushrooms, butter or margarine without salt.

A couple wishing to conceive a girl should not abuse strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, beer, canned fruit juices. Limit your intake of salted dried fruits, smoked, dried or salted fish, and marinated canned fish. The consumption of dark and milk chocolate, salt, garlic, gherkins, olives, pickles, pickles, chips, yeast, soda, ketchup, spicy sauces and any canned food, it is also better to cut or completely exclude during planning.

In order for a couple to plan the birth of a boy, you need to eat food with a large amount of potassium and sodium ions, and as little as possible calcium and magnesium ions, which is contained in potatoes, mushrooms and lean meat, several months before attempting to conceive. For fruits, bananas, oranges, apricots and cherries are perfect, since they contain the necessary elements in sufficient quantities.

Detailed nutrition for planning a boy is as follows:

In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of dairy products, dried fruits and nuts, fresh vegetables and herbs, seafood, egg yolk, rice, millet, flour and confectionery products.

It is worth saying that modern doctors tend not to recognize the French diet, as they argue, a certain diet does not in any way affect the secretion of certain chromosomes in male sperm. However, French scientists explain the influence of nutrition on the sex of the child by the fact that the micronutrients included in the diet affect the biochemical structure of the egg, which facilitates the penetration of spermatozoa with an XX or XY pair into it. In addition, as a result of adherence to the diet, the hormonal balance does not significantly change, which affects the germ cells.

One way or another, temporary adherence to the "French diet" will not harm either the expectant mother or the future child, because after pregnancy, the expectant mother can use whatever she wants.

Prayer to conceive a boy

Believers in the old days, having no idea about modern methods of planning the sex of a child, often prayed to the Saints to get pregnant with a son or daughter. Knowing about effective ways of planning the sex of a child, prayer can become very necessary for conceiving a healthy child. So, in order to become pregnant with a boy, it is necessary to pray to the Monk Alexander of Svirsky.

« Oh, sacred earthly angel, God-bearing and venerable Father Alexander, obedient saint of the Most Holy, many who live in Your mercy turn to You with faith and love. Ask for us, God's servants (names of spouses), for a long-awaited miracle, a new life for Your sex. Contribute with your intercession, God's saint, the ruler of our world. May the holy church of God be in peace. Be a merciful miracle worker for us, a helper in all circumstances and sorrow. Do not be ashamed of our prayer, do not despise our humble prayers, but intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, so that we will be honored in the villages of Royal majesty, and grace and God's forgiveness will come. Amen".

Prayer to conceive a girl

Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday needs to pray in order to conceive a girl.

Paraskeva's prayer for the birth of a girl does not include the request for a child itself; it should be added at the end, wording in your own words. The prayer test is as follows:

“Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskevo, virgin beauty, praise of martyrs, purity of the image, magnanimous mirror, wise wonder, Christian guardian faith, idol flattering denouncer, the Gospel of the Divine champion, the commandments of the Lord to a jealous woman who deserves to be cherished forever Thy bridegroom Christ God, joyful with light, adorned with the augmented crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to thee, holy martyr, wake the sorrowful woman for us to Christ God, with His most blessed sight always have fun. Pray to the All-Merciful, with His word that blind eyes will open, may our scabs, both bodily and spiritual, save us from the disease; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that came from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace in our soul and body; enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God's grace, so that yours for the sake of holy prayers will be given uncombed sweet eyesight. Oh, great saint of God!

O courageous virgin! O strong martyr Saint Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, wake us a sinner helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and utterly negligent sinner, speed up to help us, for I am very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, but with your prayers assisting, the darkness of sinfulness is gone, in the light of true faith and divine deeds, let us enter into the eternal light of the day of the night, into the city of joy Even now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all heavenly powers the Trisaggiving One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

In vitro fertilization as a method of planning the sex of a child

The main recognized medical method for planning the sex of the unborn child even before the moment of conception is in vitro fertilization. Currently, this is the most effective, albeit expensive (for example, one in vitro fertilization procedure will cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles) method for calculating the sex of the unborn child. Most often, it is resorted to by married couples who cannot conceive a child on their own, and also if there is a high probability of having a child with pathology and developmental disabilities. During in vitro fertilization, doctors extract several eggs, while the man supplies his genetic material (sperm). Fertilization takes place in a special favorable environment, after which doctors grow the resulting cells for several days and determine their sexual predisposition. Further, specialists select only boys or exclusively girls and perform a transplant. Embryos are placed in a woman's uterine cavity, after which she is ready to bear and give birth to one or two babies. Often, such manipulation requires taking many medications, and this also requires certain equipment and professional laboratory assistants.

Slavic method of counting for conceiving a child with a certain gender

According to the methodology, if a couple wants the birth of a girl, then she needs to wait for an even number of years and conceive a child only on even days of the month. In addition, you can plan the gender in another way, so the number of the month of conception must be added to the mother's age, if the result is an even number, a girl will be born, if an odd one - a boy. Also, for the conception of a child of each sex, according to the Slavic calendar, alternate: 11 day boy, 12 girl, 13 girl, 14 boy, 15 girl, 16 boy, 17 - girl. From 18 to 21 days, abstinence from intimacy is advised so that the offspring will be born healthy. After 21 days of the cycle, it is time for safe love. Another method of planning a child is the age of the mother. If the age is odd, for example, 27 years old, then it is best to plan a boy in even months: February, April, June, August, October, December. If the mother's age is even, then on the contrary, it is most likely to conceive a boy in January, March, May, July, September, November, that is, on odd ones.
It is also important at what time of day the child's planning should happen, so Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are considered favorable for the birth of a girl. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday guarantees the conception of a boy. As for Sunday, on this day fate decides on its own, it will not be possible to guess what gender the child will be.

Planning sex using the lunar or zodiac method

Astrologers and some scientists note that the effectiveness of this method is at the level of 80%. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the moon passes through the necessary female sign every 2.5 days, respectively, according to it, you can choose the most optimal days for the birth of a girl. First, find out which zodiac sign the moon is in at the moment in which you are going to conceive a baby. When a star passes through the signs of water and earth, then, the probability of the birth of a girl is high. These signs include Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus. If the moon is in the zone of fire and air signs, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. These values ​​include Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Libra, as well as Aries and Sagittarius.

So, folk signs: in order to conceive a child with a female gender, it is recommended to put a comb, mirror, thread, spinning wheel under the pillow. These items should be in bed not only at the time of conception, but throughout the entire menstrual cycle. To conceive a boy, you can put your husband's pants and hat, nails or any other male tool. Now, all this does not seem a lot strange, but in the old days such methods were trusted and resorted to.

There are other, less reliable and often unreliable methods of planning a child, such as visiting healers and fortune-tellers who promise to determine the sex of the unborn baby and help give birth to the desired son or daughter. However, there is no guarantee that everything will go as planned and your expectations may not be met.

There are also quite effective positions for planning the sex of the baby. They were discussed in detail on another site in the article: “ Poses for conceiving a child and how easy it is to get pregnant with a boy or a girl. "

Thus, each of the listed methods of planning the sex of the child can be used by prospective parents both separately and all at the same time. In this case, the likelihood of the birth of the desired boy or girl will increase. Despite the positive reviews, many methods are simply ineffective, so you should be ready for any outcome and not be upset if the planned failed.

In this one, we talked about how to come to terms with the fact that you are expecting a child of the unwanted gender.

The question "boy or girl?" interested in humanity at all times. And if now it's just out of curiosity, then before it was practically a matter of life and death for a newborn, since it was preferable to give birth to boys. A very sad fate could be prepared for the girls. Ancient astrologers argued that Monday and Friday, the days of Venus, would be optimal for conceiving a girl, and Thursday and Sunday for conceiving a boy, because they are in the power of Jupiter. In Ancient Russia, there was a rule: if you want a boy, put an ax under the pillow, and for the girl, do not forget the ribbon.

They tried to predict the gender of the child already pregnant by the shape of the abdomen: a sharp and low belly indicates a boy, and a rounded high tummy said that a girl lives there. And the belief “the girl takes the beauty from her mother” is still relevant. Just like fortune telling on a wedding ring: if you hang the ring on a string in front of your belly and it goes back and forth, it’s to the girl, and if it writes circles, it’s to the boy.

When calculating the sex of the unborn child, modern parents often resort to the following methods:

Conception by diet

This method is very popular, because its essence is that what you eat affects the sex of the child. If you want a boy, lean on "male" foods rich in animal protein: meat, eggs, fish, baked goods. Foods high in caffeine (especially green tea) and salt also help conceive a boy - pickled cucumbers come in handy! Those wishing to braid their braids need to enrich their diet with dairy products, fish, you can eat sweets: honey, chocolate, jam, yeast-free baked goods and, if possible, refuse to use salt or reduce it to a minimum.

By renewing blood

This method was used even in Ancient China, since it was believed there that all organs and systems are renewed like a clock. Male blood is renewed every four years, female blood - every three years. There is a possibility that the child will have the sex of the parent whose blood was "fresh" at the time of conception. It is easy to calculate the age of the blood: you need to divide the age of the future dad by three, and the age of the mother by four. However, if you have had a blood transfusion, surgery for blood loss, childbirth or abortion, the method may not be reliable. The countdown will have to start exactly from the age when it happened.

By ovulation

I personally consider the method of calculating the sex of the fetus by ovulation to be the most reliable and most scientific. Using this method, I calculated the gender of my daughter (they didn't plan my daughter, it just so happened that I knew the date of her conception with a difference of plus or minus two days, and this helped to calculate the gender) and the second time I suggested that I might have a boy (I was intimate at the height of ovulation ).

As you know, the sex of the child depends on the man, because sperm carry XY chromosomes, and women only carry XX. Everything is explained by the peculiarities of the "female" spermatozoa: they are small sloths - they do not actively make their way to the egg cell, in contrast to the agile boy sperm, but they have a higher vitality. If intercourse takes place 3-4 days before the expected ovulation and abstinence on the day of ovulation, there is a high probability of conceiving a girl, because mobile and agile sperm with a Y chromosome are very sensitive to the vaginal environment and do not live long. If you are planning to become the parents of a boy, plan an intimate evening on the day of the expected ovulation - nimble male sperm will quickly reach their goal!

Gender scheduling is a lottery game, so get ready to love your miracle, whether it's a tiny girl or a precious boy!