The guy loving me and hated me, why? Recently loved him, and now hate? Psychology of relationship guy said that he hates me

Usually people speak: "From love to hate one step". But why a woman who recently considered a man's most beloved and welcome suddenly begins to experience a burning dislike for him? The reason for such a change in relationships is in disappointment, which inevitably lies between everyone passionately in love.

After all, in love female Idealizes the chosen one and does not notice any drawbacks. The stronger the love, the stronger the disappointment. A woman sees her beloved through pink glasses and considers it the only one that in the world no longer exists. Over time, pink glasses losing their magic "spraying" and the attitude of a woman to her beloved goes to another level. Whether love will turn into hatred or will continue to be strengthened, depends on the desire of each partner to preserve the excellent feeling that was between them.

Love to regret, Slepa, so it is not surprising that many women fall in love and "in the goat". In such cases, after some time, love turns around with his shameful insanity - hatred. Hate is the same strong feeling as love, but only crippled offended. Many believe that hatred is the opposite of love.

ReallyIf you consider the rules of Russian grammar, then love and hatred are antonyms. But in it is believed that love and hatred is human feelings, the same for strength and manifestation, the opposite of love is indifference. Love and hatred is considered two sides of one coin, which turns different faces, depending on how it is thrown. At each stage of close relations between a woman and a man, various problems inevitably arise. At best, over time, earth feelings come to the change of love, such as longing, habit, the fear of loneliness, economic interests and friendship, and in the worst case, hatred comes.

From character partners And their way to resolve disputes depends whether "from love to hatred is one step" or it will be a goal of life. The reason for changing the relationship of a man to a woman in many cases is the reincarnation of his beloved girl after the wedding from Vasilisa is beautiful in a frog or a grumpy pillars. A new bark is already not suitable for his wife, she wants life better than she has. At this soil, the clarification of relations and innocuous battles without rules begin.

Permanent reproaches And scandals sooner or later lead to the fact that a decent husband is looking for attention and affection on the side. And the wife for treason begins to hate him. And here instead of expressions: "I can't live without you, my beloved" from the female mouths will fly out terrible phrases: "Where did you hang? How do I hate you," where are you doing money? You can't eat, then you won't be! ". This is a sign that love has left, and jealousy remained due to the unwillingness to give someone "his property." It is in such cases that jealousy without love grows imperceptibly to hatred. Love causes the birth of jealousy and reincarnation of her in hatred.

Although love And hatred is similar, they are still different. Love is a positive feeling, it goes warm from her, and only bad things can be expected from hatred. This feeling is negative, from hatred blows cold. Love and hatred are different, but treacherously close feelings. They go there, can grow one of the other, but they never intersect. To love and hate simultaneously is impossible, as if there can be no continuation and end in the same moment.

According to psychologists, there are common to all eight stages of the transition of love for hatred:
1. Acquaintance. A man and a woman meet and find a lot in each other in common. The main thing at this stage is the contact of the eye into the eyes and touches.

2. Enthusiasm. A man falls in love and loses his head. Partners give themselves oaths: "You are mine, I'm yours for life." It seems to them that they are completely identical to each other.

3. Addictive. This usually happens after the first years of living together. A woman expects from a partner that he must make her happy. A man begins to feel rejected. Distance is formed between partners, they begin to understand that they are different.
4. Vague anxiety. A woman begins to doubt that he loves her. A man believes that he does not understand and show due attention.

5. Disappointment. The perception of partners is characterized by mutual accusations against each other, both are experiencing painful pain and stress because of words: "You are always like that", "you never loved me," "You think about yourself" and the like.

6. Cooling. Partners get tired to prove each other that they are actually better than he (she) thinks about him. Communication and mutual interest in each other at this stage comes down to a minimum.

7. Irritation. Partners agree that they are completely not suitable for each other. Each word or action of one partner causes irritation to another. At this stage, people do not diverge only if they have joint children.

8. Break. The rupture is inevitable between partners who become strangers to each other. Sometimes they can live under one roof and hate each other. But most often partners are bred.

May have outwardly opposite values.

Trace your emotions to decide what value is suitable for you.

Warning can be a symbol: release and get rid of problems and restrictions.

Save emotionally over the situation: may mean a way out of traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that, having received injury, they seem to be silent.

Warning may also testify: that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony inside yourself and get towards feelings and at the same time together with them.

Swear in water: means that you allowed emotions to float surface.

Fall in the air: Means to rise above all this.

Warning: It also means that you are aimlessly parcel over the ground.

Ground yourself.

Note potential goals and take steps.

Interpretation of dreams from American dreams

Dream Interpretation - Talk

Speaking in a dream with an invisible person - in reality, you can lose your close friend as a result of sustainable death. Speak with the dead - the danger lies, and your loved ones - the disease. Talking to a fool - to become a victim of mystification. Talk in a dream with God - you can be awarded the patronage of influential people if the conversation is benevolent; If God is angry, in reality can condemn you.

Sleep, in which you speak with a tree, foreshadow in the future wealth. Speaking with a whisper - suffer from gossip.

Interpretation of dreams

Full assembly of materials on the topic: The guy said that he hates me from the specialists of his business.

They say that from love to hate one step. But not every person can really change its feeling towards someone. However, such cases are, and most often among men. Why does it happen, why can a guy relax and immediately wave?

Photo Gallery: The guy sobbed me and hated, why?


As you know, each person makes a certain choose experiencing certain emotions, based on their experiences and views. But an important role is played by a psychological state and mental equilibrium. There are men who are very compacted. They are ready to love, nonon are ready to endure difficulties and receive refuses. In such men, hate breathing in cases of undivided love. They can love women to seek a very long time, but after the realization of the intoleration of their dreams come, love turns into hatred. In fact, such a person hates malfunction, and himself. That's just he cannot recognize this. He starts to bind a woman in his experiences and personal difficulties, cultivates in Cebenenvist to her, so that at least somehow justify his failures. Such people are very weak in spirit. They never try to change. It is easier for them to hate someone than finding cons and trying them in the pros. There are strange transformations of the post, as they understand that they do not achieve love. Gentle, cute, ready-made, they suddenly turn into cruel meno-naughters who are willing to tell you to tell that their former beloved fallen woman, the fool of the enviousness does not deserve attention from others. In particularly heavy lums, it is such men who are trying to anticipate women and revenge them. From such people you always need to stay away.


I got acquainted with the guy, I was charm to them. Fell in love with a very glance. He showed interest, made compliments, etc.

But then study / friends and I began to put on it a lack of attention to myself. As a result, quarrels and complex parting. I literally recalled to see ...

For me, it was depressed and pain. Stopped communicating completely.

Could not write herself. And did not know how his personal life was formed. I made a lot of nonsense. If briefly, I wanted to embroil him with the girls with whom he seemed to remember me. And I had a chance to fix everything.

But he learned everything and said that I was a fool, that I don't need it, finish @ I, to leave him and his life alone, that now lives with another city and there is a girl.

The panic began. I'm of course guilty. But hearing such words from your favorite person to me a strong blow.

I wrote, got an emergency. Continued to write in Vatsape.

I justified, etc. I was just important to leave a good opinion, but I just spoiled everything.

He offered to sleep. I thought it was a joke and revenge for what I did. The presence of his girl did not embarrass him. And I suggested that suddenly a quarrel or broke up ... And for me it is a chance to see him, another may not be. In addition, emotions were ruled ...

We slept. Sex without commitment. This is. In life would not agree if it were not for him.

Then he began to ignore. And I needed to say that this is a mistake. And we all forget, I do not fit such a role. I wonder to be together as a couple, and not so.

But he did not answer anywhere. I achieved answers from him. We led a dialogue, he insulted me and humiliated me, said that I had a mess in my head so that I was behind him.

But in fact, I did all of the good intentions, struggled for love, I wanted to give us a new chance. Although I chose and the wrong way ...

And he changed his girlfriend, she does not know. We agreed that I do not tell her, he does not lay out the "photo", which is possible and not.

But I do not know how to be. In truth, he is a very good guy, interesting, funny, fun. Secured very and beautiful. He has everything.

And here I am with my feelings, all spoiled obsession and stupidity. He is tired of me, hates me, shuting me away and directly says that he does not need him and confuse. What does not like either a person or a girl.

I understand his actions in response to my own. He wanted to teach me and did it. Although not right.

But I do not know if I get to forget him and let go. It seems to me that even if I start the relationship now, I will never forget it. What would I do ...

I just wanted one day. Let him fix everything in half a year or a year. I do not want him to disappear from my life. Let them be at least just familiar. But I need to sometimes communicate with him.

He is important to me very, and I don't need it completely. How to change everything. How to behave yourself what to do?

I can not change anything in the past. But at least it is possible to replace the future?