Why may smell urine. Why smells urine. Classification of diseases. Unpleasant smell of urin after sexual intercourse or childbirth

Normal human urine is transparent and has straw-yellow color. Fresh urine almost does not smell, but after a while, as a result of alkaline fermentation in air, a rescued ammonium smell acquires. A sudden change in urine smell should become an alarm: in most cases it signals health problems.

Material prepared by Elena Orlova

Output mechanism

There is a group of products, after the use of which an obvious change in urine smell can be marked. As a rule, these are sharp smelling seasonings, such as garlic and horseradish. Seafood in large quantities can also give a "fragrant reaction", especially fresh or marinated mussels. But unconditional champion in this plan - asparagus. After eating asparagus, in any form, urine consistently acquires a bad smell. Fortunately, this lack of useful in all respects of the plant is easy to eliminate: enough during cooking add to asparagus sea salt.

The liquid with which the waste of the vital activity of our organism is derived through the kidneys, ureters, urinary and urethra. The blade is a muscular bag of 300-600 milliliters, intended for periodic dropping of urine as it accumulates. From the bladder, the liquid is derived from the urethra - the urethra. The organs involved in the output of urine can give it an unusual smell. If you feel the changes, most likely, any malfunctions happened in the body.

System disorders ...

Urinary tract infections (IMP) - Because of the proximity of the genitals and organs of the distinguishing of the disease of this sphere, in most cases are interrelated. In case of sexual tract infections (chlamydia, vaginosis, garardnellosis and others) urine, as a rule, it purves and acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.

And other troubles

- Serious disorders of the liver function arising from acute viral hepatitis, as well as medicinal, alcoholic and other toxic lesions of the liver. The efficiency of the liver work is reflected in the state of urine. With jaundice, urine acquires greenish-brown color or dark beer color, as well as a thick unusual smell.

Leucine ("Maple syrup disease") is a hereditary disease associated with violation of exchange (leucine, isoleucine, valine). Due to the characteristic smell of urine, resembling the fragrance of maple syrup, the disease received its second well-known name. This smell is due to the presence of a substance generated from leucine.

Be careful: if you celebrate a change in urine smell for more than three days, better show vigilance and make an analysis, and then consult your doctor.

Urine from a healthy woman is distinguished by transparency and light yellow shade without a caustic fragrance. But sometimes there are pathologies of the excretory system, which are often accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Inflammatory diseases in various organs can provoke it. Do not underestimate this symptom, and if the smell is saved for a long time, you must consult a doctor.

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    Disease of the urogenital sphere

    Most often, the sharp smell of urine in a woman appears under the influence of infectious pathologies of the excretory system. These include pyelonephritis, urinary bubble diseases - urethritis, cystitis. The occurrence of the disease is associated with the hit in the body of the pathogenic bacteria and their products.

    An unpleasant urine smell may indicate a serious illness. It is sometimes joined by pain in the lumbar region and the abdomen, a feeling of burning in urination. The released fluid becomes muddy.

    Cystitis does not always have an infectious nature. Sometimes it is formed as the result of a long taking of drugs that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the bladder. When passing the analysis of bacteria is not detected. In this case, urine can appear pharmacy.

    If inflammation is accompanied by suppuration, as in the formation of rectal fistula, immediate treatment is necessary. Recognize the disease is not difficult, as the smell of urin becomes rotten.

    If a woman has an unpleasant urine fragrance after sexual intercourse, this indicates the presence of venereal diseases or violation of the vaginal microflora. Similar reasons occur when a sharp smell of urine appears after childbirth.

    Sometimes genital diseases lead to the fact that the urine stinks and gives fish. This is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor.


    Sometimes urine appears the smell of acetone, which indicates the presence in its composition of ketone bodies. In some cases, this symptom indicates diabetes mellitus. Recognize the disease can be according to the following features:

    • feeling thirst;
    • reducing body weight;
    • dry skin;
    • polyuria, i.e. increased urine release;
    • spasm of calf muscles.

    If the specified symptoms are present in a pregnant woman, it indicates gestational diabetes mellitus.

    Sometimes the smell of acetone signals the dehydration of the organism, lack of nutrients and some infectious diseases.

    Pathology of metabolism

    If the woman's urine has acquired a strong fish smell, it can sometimes indicate a rare disease called trimethylamination. It is accompanied by the accumulation of trimethylamine substance. If urine smells mice, it says about the presence of phenylketonuria. This is a genetic disease accompanied by violation of phenylalanine exchange.

    Leucine is indicated by the presence of smell of burnt sugar or maple syrup. This pathology is hereditary. It is accompanied by failures in the work of the enzyme system responsible for the oxidation of some amino acids. The disease can be diagnosed from the first days of human life. It requires immediate treatment.

    External factors

    Not always the appearance of a strange smell of urine indicates serious pathologies. Sometimes healthy people face this phenomenon. There are, for example, food, giving the released fluid uncharacteristic properties for it. These include sharp and salty dishes, asparagus and alcohol. 48 hours after their use, an unpleasant symptom disappears.

    The repellent fragrance gives the urine and a number of drugs, such as antibiotics, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, as well as vitamins of B. After the cancellation of these funds, the symptom disappears.

    Other pathological reasons

    The absence of pathological forms indicates a specific smell of urine, which appeared as a result of various changes in the body:

    1. 1. Pregnancy. The hormonal background of the woman is changing, but as soon as the child is born, the problem goes away.
    2. 2. Monthly. Wine all hormones.
    3. 3. Excess protein in nutrition. Promotes the formation of the caustic smell of acetone. Also plays the role of the disturbed work of the liver, for this reason it makes sense to revise and diversify its diet.
    4. 4. Incompute moqaization or lack of water in the body. It is the reason for the poor smell of urin in the morning. Even if the urge to visit the restroom arose in the middle of the night, it is impossible to ignore this signal, otherwise bacterial complications are possible.
    5. 5. Insufficient hygiene.

    Some foods provoke a change in urine smell - garlic, coffee, fried seeds.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    It is possible to determine the causes of the poor smell of urine after consulting a doctor who will send a patient to instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods.

    The main of them is OAM. If there are inflammations, elevated levels of leukocytes, erythrocytes and protein are found. Auxiliary methods are ultrasound examination, MRI and CT kidney, urography.

    Features of therapy

    If a woman urine smells like acetone, she should abandon sharp and sweet. Instead of purchased sweets, you can use honey. It is advisable to exclude fats from the diet and drink more alkaline fluid. If the condition does not improve, you need to re-access a specialist for appointing a more detailed study.

    Tactics of treatment of diseases, against the background of which the smell of urine changed, in women there are somewhat different from the similar process in men. Systemic pathologies such as diabetes, metabolic diseases may be excluded. In this case, the approach to the patients of both sexes is the same.

    Antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs are prescribed if the disease has a bacterial nature. These funds will allow you to get rid of symptoms in a short time and remove inflammation. For the entire treatment period you need to drink more liquid (at least 1, 5 l per day). Ideal for this suitable decoction of rose hips. If there is a smell of rotten eggs in Urin, in addition to antibacterial tablets, special enemas are prescribed with chamomile decoction. Recipe: poured glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Dry flowers of plants. The enema is put 2 times a day.

    The acidic smell usually indicates the attachment of fungal infection. Treatment is based on the use of fluconazole tablets. The mouse smell indicating phenylketonuria requires a special approach. For the period of therapy exclude animal protein. The diet consists only of vegetable food. Occasionally urine can give ruling oil. This speaks about raising the level of methionine. Such a state requires the reception of a dill infusion. For its cooking poured a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of grass. Insist such a means for 30 minutes and drink before eating throughout the day.

    The evil smell of urin, appearing after sexual intercourse, requires the use of tablets and candles with antibacterial components. At home, it is possible to add treatment with special enema based on ragger chamomile.

    In the pathology of the kidney, it is necessary to connect diuretics (diuretics). Such drugs accelerate the development of urine, together with which the body leaves the infectious agent. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus requires more complex therapy consisting of a whole complex of medicines. In some cases, hospitalization is required.

The unpleasant smell of urine, which appeared in a healthy person should be a reason for concern. There are several reasons for its change on a sharp and repulsive. The smell emanating from urine can signal the beginning of the disease, incorrect power or drink mode. Normally, he must be light, special. If affected, it is necessary to find out the causes of an unfavorable phenomenon. To this end, doctors conduct a full-fledged body examination.

Watering healthy people exudes barely audible ammonium smell. Interesting is the fact that when placing a female urin in the open air, its fragrance is noticeably intensified. Urine also stinks with the active flow of pathological processes inside the body. True, a strange fragrance appears already when urine. To find out why the smell of urine has changed and what to do in such a situation will help appeal to a medical specialist.

Physical indicators of urins vary under the influence of various factors. These include:
  • venereal diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the organs of a small pelvis;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • consumption of some products in large quantities (alcohol, garlic, ascent crops);
  • broken metabolism;
  • deviations developed at the genetic level;
  • liver and digestive organs;
  • incorrect use of individual groups of drugs (among which there are antibiotics).

An unpleasant urine smell often occurs due to the accumulation of acetone compounds in the urine. They are present in Urine of healthy people, but in a lesser concentration. If urine is very strong and specifically smelling, probably the amount of acetone exceeds the permissible norms. And here it is important to know, because of what it happens.

The smell resembling acetone is often an alarming bell that announces such deviations and pathologies:
  • stomach cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • the broken diet (when food prevails with a large number of fats and proteins);
  • the exhaustion of the body due to a long, unbalanced diet, large physical exertion, long starvation;
  • increased body temperature, which does not fall asleep for a long time;
  • poisoning of different nature (and alcohol including);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • long vomiting arising against the background of toxicosis of pregnant or intestinal poisoning.

The strong smell of acetone from urine is often accompanied by additional symptoms indicating one or another disease. But even if they are absent, and the urine the smell of acetone is manifested onely, a person must still go to the doctor. Acetone dryers - a sign of the presence of ketone bodies in Urin. If you do not take timely therapeutic measures, the patient falls into someone or get serious problems with its health. This is especially true for women who are preparing to become mothers.

In general, urine with acetone is with a sharp church or aroma of rotten apples. Therapy helps to eliminate the reasons that have changed urine physical indicators, as well as adjust the dietary power plan.

Another type of compounds that are always in Urin is ammonia. If it has accumulated in large quantities, urine begins to foul amazing. With the development of adverse physiological states in the body of naughty, the ammonia is enhanced.

The emergence of such states depends on the following factors:
  • application in large quantities of drugs containing a lot of iron and calcium;
  • eating a large number of proteins (ammonia is formed during the decay of protein amino acids);
  • inflammation in urinary organs, against the background of which the smell of ammonia arises (such states are rarely developed, for example, as a result of pyelonephritis or cystitis);
  • dehydration (in Urin, the concentration of components increases, among which there are ammonia);
  • urine stagnation (the level of ammonia in the urine is often increasing in the morning, after a long abstinence, in pregnant women and people suffering from stones in the kidneys, the bladder, squeeze the ureter);
  • liver diseases (released ammonia molecules falling into urine from the inflamed organ become a source of sharp smell).

If some physical factors (incorrect power, lack of fluid, long-term urin delay in the bubble) become the determining reason for changing the smell of urine, then it is possible to make it normal again, adhering to the right drinking mode and the emptying bubble timely.

It happens that the steps are not brought by the expected result, and the urine with an unpleasant smell appears even after 3 days after the start of therapy. This situation indicates that the internal organs work with interruptions. The doctor conducts additional diagnostics that allows it to develop the correct treatment scheme.

The sour smell emanating from urine can resemble the aroma of the black milk or sauerkraut. Its appearance is caused by the activities of infectious fungus in the urinary organs (candidalous urethritis or candidiasis).

Such a specific smell of urine is complemented by the following symptoms:
  • turbidity of the liquid;
  • not undergoing itching in the vagina;
  • the appearance of selections of whitish color from the genital organs (by its consistency they resemble flakes);
  • the formation of white bell on vaginal mucous membranes.

If you have urine muddy and smell like a sour, the doctor for effective therapy will advise local action drugs represented by ointments, vaginal candles and suppositories. The medicines that have a systemic effect are well helped (they include pills that need to be used orally).

The sour smell of urin sometimes appears against the background of problems with the functioning of the digestive organs. The high acidity of juice in the stomach or intestinal dysbiosis becomes the main factor provoking the development of the situation. Another explanation for why urine has a sharp unpleasant smell, the vaginal dysbacteriosis or vaginitis serves. The pathologies of female genital organs cause an acidic aroma of urin, complemented by the discharge. Sucms, capsules or vaginal pills, the action of which are aimed at restoring intestinal microflora, will be successfully cope with dysbacteriosis. When pathogenic bacteria is found, a medical specialist appoints antibacterial drugs.

It rarely happens that urine has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Its appearance is caused by the presence of pathological discharges into the vagina, which, mixing with urine, give it the corresponding souls. For example, a yellow urine, mixed with the discharge of the same color and specifically smelling fish, arises due to active vital activity of trichomonad (they are the causative agent of the venereal disease of trichomoniasis).

Together with poor urine scent, other signs appear:
  • pain at the moment of urination;
  • outlet or redness of vaginal and urethral mucous membranes;
  • vaginal discharges that have a yellowish brown tone.

The broken balance of vaginal microflora explains why the fish strongly smells urine. In the composition of the liquid, pathogenic microorganisms, Gardnerella become predominant. Unpleasant sutures are accompanied by an abundance of greenish discharges, an inflammatory process of mucous membranes, painful sensations, increasing during the emptying of the bladder (provided that in the background of the inflammatory process, urethritis developed).

Water can smell the spoiled fish due to the genetic disease - trimethylamining. In people suffering from this pathology, a sharp aroma, resembling the flicker, begins to appear when the organism is washed offering any liquids (urine, blood, sweat, saliva). This is because the liver due to genetic disorders cannot fully regulate the production of individual enzymes responsible for the transformation of the active connecting component of trimethylamine (it is released when digesting food with stomach). Trimetilaminoria is diagnosed predominantly in children when they take them from the mother's chest. But there are cases of detecting this genetic violation in adults. Therapeutic course provides for continuous compliance with a low protein diet and the use of adsorbing medicines with a sick person.

Sweetish urine smell, resembling the fragrance of maple syrup, is most often part of the hereditary disease of the leucino. The body disrupts the production of some enzymes involved in the splitting of amino acids. As a result, they gradually accumulate inside the tissues and poison the body. Diagnosis "Leucine" is made predominantly newborn children. However, the first manifestations of the disease occur at a later period of development.

Sweet smell Urin is not the only symptom of hereditary pathology. The disease is exacerbated during stress, reduced immunity, serious physical overvoltage, and is accompanied by the following pronounced features:
  • convulsions;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • rasordinity of movements.

Leucinosis therapy implies compliance with diet throughout life, without inclusion in the diet of some types of amino acids. It is also important to constantly monitor the results of clinical analyzes. The forecast is favorable under the condition of timely treatment.

The bad smell is at urine, if a person is sick of phenylketonuria, and in his liver, the fermentation system works incorrectly. The component of the phenylalanine is not split, and accumulates in the tissues. The consequence of this becomes the release of liquids from the body (urine, sweat, saliva) with an unpleasant lurch, by smell of reminiscent mice or mold.

The disease is found in babies, and it is often accompanied by additional symptoms:
  • lethargy;
  • convulsions;
  • mental and physical underdevelopment.

Treatment of pathology provides for compliance with a strict dietary diet. Limitations in nutrition are introduced for life, contributing to the slowdown in the course of the disease. If the patient does not comply with the developed diet, then the brain and CNS will be awaited. The consequences of such a state are very sad, up to the development of imbecylness and idiotia.

The presence of a pendant smell may indicate an oncological tumor of the rectum or pyelonephritis. If the aroma of rotten eggs exudes the female urine, there is a high probability of having an infection in the kidneys or bladder. The presence of turbidity and diverse inclusions in the urine (suspension or purulent particles) indicates the pathologies of the urinary organs.

In general, the reasons for the sharp smell of urine can have a completely different nature that is not associated with internal illness. Sometimes with a similar problem, you have to face a person with good health. For example, the caustic smell of urin, similar to the swollen eggs, appears after eating a large number of asparagus. He passes independently, without any treatment, after 6 hours after the use of plants in food. If a person uses a lot of alcoholic beverages, salty, sharp or smoked dishes, then its urine can change its fragrance for about 1-2 days.

There is a separate category of urine smells that appear after eating those or other foods. For example, it can become a source of flavor of garlic, beer, sulfur, rubber, fierce fried seeds or sausage, exhibit smoked smoked, rotten cabbage or ampicillin. If a person uses antibiotics or other potent medicines, his Urina will smell with medicines. But this fragrance disappears after the completion of the reception of drugs.

The color and smell of urine change when multi-colored seasonings are turned on in the food diet. The presented list of reasons, because of which urine has a resistant bad shrimp, is only approximate. Urin is called the final product of metabolism in the human body, therefore its physical indicators change when the slightest internal problems in the functioning of organs and systems.

Human urine in the norm should not be any smell. If it has become extraneous flavors, this means that the urinary system was attacked by some disease.

For example:
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • ureterite.

Finding in urine pathogenic bacteria determine the occurrence of the caustic smell of urine. For example, the reason for the development of cystitis can be meditous or infectious. Sometimes this disease is developing against the background of prolonged therapy with medicines. The cause of rotten and sharp smell of urine becomes progressive inflammation, accompanied by accumulation of pus.

When determining the source of an unpleasant fragrance of urinas, the patient's sex is and sex. For example, in men, a change in urine smell often indicates a prostate failure or the beginning of the prostatitis (in which urination is difficult, and pain occurs in the crotch).

In addition, representatives of the male enhancement of the smell of urin is determined by a number of factors:
  • progressive spread of urinary infections;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • acute liver failure;
  • prolonged reception of the vitamins of the group in 6;
  • infection of the kidneys.

Women's urine often changes its smell after sexual contacts, due to the change of the vagina microflora. Such a situation occurs more often from representatives of the beautiful gender, with thrush, trichomoniasis, gonoronia or other venereal diseases.

Bad souls from urine often becomes the only symptom of diseases affecting the urinary or excretory system. It appears already at an early stage of development of pathology and makes it possible to identify it before the emergence of other signs.

Normal excrement in childhood do not possess any odor. Only in a few years of life, the water of the child begins to "foul down" as well as in an adult. Many parents who had to face a change in the physical parameters of Urin's kid, are interested in what he says a sharp smell of urine in children, is it worth visiting a pediatrician when discovering such a symptom?

The causes of the caustic fragrance of urine in childhood are similar to those in an adult:
  1. If the kid suffers from any hereditary disease, his Urina has already has an unpleasant fragrance at the beginning of life. Hereditary pathologies of newborns are diagnosed in the maternity hospital, and therapeutic therapy is carried out there.
  2. Yellow, concentrated urine at the child testifies to the lack of fluid in the small body. Such symptoms may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature indicators. Such states arise against the background of the development of infectious pathologies. To help the child, parents should give him to drink as much liquid as possible.
  3. The unpleasant stall from the urine of a newborn baby sometimes comes from the action of factors having an external localization. For example, if a nursing mother changes its diet, uses acid cabbage, seeds or drinking alcohol, this affects the change of physical characteristics of urine. Urin should change its souls to change the baby to other artificial blends or adding the supplies.

Often the urine of the child changes its smell due to the action of banal factors. Parents can not be bypass this fact. They should consult with a pediatrician relative to the variable urine color, even if the baby has no complaints.

During the fetal period, the female urine smells badly as a result of various factors. If pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, Urina practically does not change his smell. True, healthy women have this fluid with a barely audible ammonia.

Sharp odors from urin signalize the flow of pathologies in the body of the patient:
  1. If the aroma of ammonia in the urine immediately becomes caustic, probably the future mother drinks too little fluid. Because of this, urine becomes less, and its concentration increases, which leads to the appearance of ammonia odor. To restore the natural souls urin, a pregnant woman should reconsider its drinking mode.
  2. In the early periods of pregnancy, many women develop strong toxicosis, and during the day there is up to 8-10 vomit. Because of this, a failure in the exchange of substances is developing, and a bad smell comes from urine. The acetoacetic acid and acetone accumulated in it deteriorates the overall condition of the body of the woman, lead to a strong reduction in weight and pressure.
  3. Decompensated diabetes mellitus causes the accumulation of ketone bodies, and on this background urine acquires the smell of rotting apples.
  4. The smell of acetone in the urine of pregnant women is explained too strict diet or uncontrolled fasting.
  5. Ammonia fragrance appears in the urine in many pregnant women. The accumulation of pus, pathological microorganisms or leukocytes leads to a bad smell of Urin.
  6. Midget urine in pregnant women indicates the activation of inflammatory processes associated with cystitis or pyelonephritis.
  7. If a pregnant woman eats a lot of onions, hell, asparagus or garlic, the smell of her urine can become bad.

If the urine in pregnant has changed its smell, this symptom should be regarded as dangerous. Probably, serious pathologies are developing in the body. The future mother needs to ask for help from a presenter of the urologist to diagnose and identify the causes of disease development.

To find out why the state has developed that caused the appearance of a sharp smell of urine, the patient must visit the medical institution and pass a number of analyzes, among which there are instrumental and laboratory activities. In the laboratory, the patient's urine is investigated, the level of leukocytes, protein and erythrocytes in it is determined. For greater detail of the study, MRI, ultrasound procedures, ultrasound, computed kidney tomography are carried out. The exact diagnosis allows the doctor to develop the right diagram of treatment and pick up effective medicines.

If man urine has changed its smell, it means that pathological processes requiring treatment occur in the body.

The therapeutic course is being developed taking into account the physical characteristics of Urin:
  1. Sweet urine with a bowl of acetone requires the revision of the diet. Remove sweet and sharp food from your menu, replacing it with natural honey. Do not eat oily food, give preference to alkaline water. If the measures taken does not lead to an improvement in the condition, contact a specialized medical center. There you can pass the necessary analyzes and get high-quality treatment according to the scheme that the doctor will individually develop.
  2. If urine publishes unpleasant sutures in the morning, it is necessary to choose diuretic drugs or antibiotics. They will help restore the full functioning of urination organs and remove the inflammatory process. Also, the patient needs to drink more liquid.
  3. Urine will smell ammonia if a bacterial inflammatory process developed in the urinary organs. To cure the patient, a medical specialist selects the therapeutic complex that includes antibacterial and auxiliary drugs. Home can be added to medication treatment of folk remedies (for example, decoction of rosehip).
  4. The smell of rot from urine is eliminated by antibacterial tablets. Weather wash with a decoction of pharmacy chamomile. For its preparation take 1 tbsp. l. Flowers, poured 200 ml of hot water, insist and get cold before use. Washing is carried out using enema, 2 times a day.
  5. Outgoing from the urine soul mold may indicate that a person suffers from the hereditary disease of phenylketonuria. The course of drug treatment in this case is developed by a doctor, and at home the patient must take care of the change of diet. From the menu it is worth eliminating products that contain animal protein. Preference is better to give food vegetable origin.
  6. The urine with sour aroma appears more often in women with a disturbed microflora vagina or when in the urinary paths of fungal infection. Therapeutic therapy involves the use of drugs containing fluconazole (tablets or candles).
  7. Sometimes Urina publishes a foul smell after sex. This means that a fungal infection has penetrated into the vagina or the lactic acid balance is disturbed. At home, it is possible to solve such a problem with the help of enema with a chamomile decoction. Help in this case and drugs in the form of tablets and vaginal candles.
  8. The smell of vocal oil from urine testifies to the high level of methionine. Eliminate the problem will help infusion from fresh dill. To prepare the tool, you need to take 2 tbsp. Plants, pour it 250 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Infusion you need to drink before each meal during the day.
  9. If the stenchable urine fragrance occurs against the background of prostatitis and is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the patient must, first of all, receive advice and the treatment regimen from his doctor. Additionally, it can be used at home decoction of seeds and parsley leaves. To prepare it, take 0.5 cup of raw materials, poured 300 ml of hot water and insist. Drinks are recommended before meals.

Therapeutic measures with an unpleasant smell of urine are aimed at eliminating the root cause of its occurrence. If you take care of your health, pass a full examination in a hospital who will help find out why Urina has changed its souls.

It was probably due to the hidden infection in the urinary tract or the use of poor-quality food. In any case, the medical examination will help to quickly understand and undergo a course of treatment.

The fragrance of urine is perhaps the last thing that a person pays attention to his body. But when Urina begins to strangely smell, the emerging excitement is quite explained. For what reasons may be the fragrance of urine? Is it permissible to ignore a similar symptom?

Why did the smell of urine changed? Question habit

Fresh urine practically does not smell. But the longer it insists, the more pronounced the characteristic ammonia fragrance becomes.

It is him that people feel, in the habit of which the urine urination has been tolerated. Ignoring the body's need to empty the bubble, thereby provoking the stagnation of urine: because it has already accumulated and just "waiting." The longer the flowing period will last, the smell will be expressed and unpleasant.

The overcrowded bladder provokes not only the deterioration of the characteristics of Urin. It also causes inflammatory processes in the bladder, urethra, kidneys. The stagnant urine turns into a suitable platform for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and constantly stretched and stressful walls of the bubble lead to a weakening of the organ and gradually losing their functionality.

There is another danger. The filled bladder increases in size, and its top exits the protected zone of pelvic bones. In this case, the body becomes extremely vulnerable: drop or push - and a break will occur.

Why did the smell of urine changed? Features of the ration

In the same way as food is capable of changing the smell of mouth, they can provoke and unusual fragrance of urin. From this point of view, the most "dangerous" food can be attributed:

  1. Green vegetables. Especially "succeeded" in this asparagus. It gives the urine "unique" smell of rotten eggs, ammonia or rotting cabbage. Experts advise to add sea salt into dishes with asparagus, which will not allow the stench in Urin.
  2. Garlic and horseradish. "Act" by analogy with green vegetables. Water acquires a very strong and unpleasant fragrance.
  3. Sweets. In the risk area - marmalade, carbonated water with the addition of dyes, candy. Favorite delicacies can easily provoke the emergence of the opposite smell resembling the aroma of mold.

As soon as a person stops eating the above products, the smell disappears. It's not worried about that, although a little correct your diet will be odd.

Sometimes Urin acquires the fragrance inconspicuous to it due to insufficient admission to the body:

  • liquid is a small amount of water consumed, especially in summer or with significant loads, provokes an increased concentration of urine. Hence, a very clear ammonium smell;
  • eating in principle - malnutrition causes an increased content of ketone bodies in the urine. As a result, a noticeable acetone fragrance.

And insufficient use of water, and an overly strict diet is harmful to health. It is better to quickly lead your lifestyle to normal, otherwise the likelihood that the change in urine smell will be aggravated by other symptoms - more serious.

Why did Urina change the smell? Reception of drugs

In some cases, medication therapy gives side effects. The following drugs influence the fragrance of urine:

  1. Tired. It is used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia. It is often assigned to reduce the probability of myocardial infarction, stroke, angina.
  2. Ampicillin. It is shown in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases - pneumonia, sepsis, peritonitis, bronchitis, angina, gonorrhea, pyelonephritis, etc.
  3. Ciprofloxacin. Recommended to combat respiratory diseases, abdominal cavity, bones, skin, joints and small pelvis organs. It is often prescribed for the treatment of postoperative infections.
  4. Vitamin B6. Prescribed for hypo- and avitaminosis.

It is enough to complete the treatment so that the state of Urin returned to normal. You can report a doctor that manifested the symptom, although this feature does not indicate any additional danger.

Urine began to smell differently - why? Possible pathology

As a rule, the smell is not the main evaluation criterion during urin analysis. Specialists are much more interested in its density, color, enclosures, etc. But sometimes the characteristic fragrance can become a reason to suspect the health problem. Especially if the patient suffers from other symptoms - pain in groin or in the lower back, the overall weakness, rapid urination, etc.

Different odors point to various ahns:

  1. Fish. Associated with problems of gynecological and urological nature. It is also possible for tumors. Sometimes it is found trimethylamining syndrome, the main sign of which is a very unpleasant fragrance, emanating from both urine and the whole body of the patient.
  2. Ammonia The smell is correlated with cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, pyelitis. The likelihood of vaginosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis is not excluded.
  3. Acetone The main "applicant" - diabetes mellitus.
  4. Merrate meat. Indicates bladder cancer.

Finding the changed smell of urine in the absence of safe "reasons" for this, you need to immediately seek advice from the doctor. Do not hope for luck: pathology can develop from any person regardless of gender and age. And the sooner the diagnosis will be carried out, the greater the chance of a positive outcome.